ISSAC 4EN5N ELP1 Prelims

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Name of Candidate: ___________________________ ( ) Class: ______

Preliminary Examination

ENGLISH LANGUAGE Syllabus 1128/01

Date: 2 August, 2016
Paper 1 Duration: 1 hr 50 mins
Time: 0745 to 0935

Additional Materials: Writing Paper

Read these instructions first.

Write your name, index number and class on the cover page.
Write in dark blue pen on both sides of the paper.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.

Answer Section A, Section B and one question from Section C.

For Section A, write your answers in the spaces provided.
For Section B and Section C, write your answers on the writing paper provided.

At the end of the examination, hand in the three sections separately.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

: Click here to enter text. [Turn over]
This paper consists of 5 printed pages.
Section A [10 marks]

Carefully read the text below, consisting of 12 lines. The first and last lines are correct. For eight of the
lines, there is one grammatical error in each line. There are two more lines with no error.
If there is NO error in a line, put a tick (√) in the space provided.
If the line is incorrect, circle the incorrect word and write the correct word in the space provided.
The correct word you provide must not change the original meaning of the sentence.
Examples :
I arrived to my destination at 2pm. at
My mother always wears sensible clothes. √

William Shakespeare was an English playwright and poet. He is generally

considered to be the greatest dramatist the world had ever known and the 1 _______________
finer poet who has written in the English language. Shakespeare has also 2 _______________
been the world’s more popular author. No other writer’s plays have been 3 _______________
produced so much times or read so widely in so many countries. 4 _______________
Many reasons can be given for Shakespeare’s broad appeal. But his fame 5 _________________
basically rest on his understanding of human nature. Shakespeare 6 _______________
understood people for few other artists have. He could see in a specific 7 _______________
dramatic situation the qualities that relate to all human beings. He could 8 _________________
thus create characters that have meaning beyond the time as place of his 9 _______________
plays. Yet their characters are not symbolic figures. They are remarkably 10 _______________
individual human beings.

Page 2
Section B [30 marks]

You are advised to write between 250 and 350 words for this section.
You should look at the shortlisted suggestions on page 4, study the information carefully and plan your
answer before beginning to write.

The R.O.D. [Run-Out-Date] marks the end of the student’s time in his or her co-curricular activity ( CCA).
The teacher-in-charge of your CCA wants to organise an R.O.D. event for the Secondary 4 and 5
students to thank them for their contributions.
As the President of your CCA, you have been tasked to suggest ways of making this event a successful
and memorable one. After much discussion, you and your team shortlisted three suggestions from those
collected from the CCA members.
You have been asked to choose the best idea for the purpose and present the details to the teacher-in-
charge and her team of teachers.
Write a speech to be presented to the teachers manning the CCA to
 justify your choice
 explain in detail why you think this will be the best way to make the event a meaningful one.
 give details on how the event can be organised.
Write your speech in clear, accurate English and in a persuasive tone to convince the teachers that your
choice is the most suitable.

Page 3
Your committee shortlisted three ideas :

Hakim’s Idea
“We could organize a barbecue with the theme
Memories Under the Stars. Teenagers like
barbecues as the atmosphere is relaxed and
informal. It also brings people closer together
as there will be opportunity for them to interact
and mingle for the last time as schoolmates.
Besides the booking fees for the barbecue pits
and the cost of the food, there is no need for
other expenses; so it is a low-cost affair. The
only concern is the weather.”

Chi Hang’s Idea

“Why don’t we make use of the school hall for
this event to make it a more memorable one ?
Our school hall is not only air-conditioned, it is
also spacious enough to accommodate all our
CCA members and even some guests. We will
set up round tables where students can enjoy a
five-course dinner from a reputable catering
company. After that, there could be a dance
contest for those who wish to participate.”

Kailing’s Idea
“It will be an experience for many students if we
hold the event at a chalet where we stay over
for the night. We will also get an opportunity to
learn to work together, make choices, take
responsibility, develop creative skills, build
independence and self-reliance, and gain

Page 4
Section C (30 marks)

Begin your answer on a fresh page.

You are advised to write between 350 and 500 words on one of the following topics.
At the head of your composition, write the number of the topic you have chosen.

1. Describe some experiences you had with people who behaved in an unacceptable way. What
effect/s did these have on you ?

2. “People waste food and measures put in place to address this are not effective.” Examine the truth
of this statement. Suggest one other way to reduce food wastage in Singapore.

3. Write about the ways in which your school promotes healthy living. How do you incorporate some
of these ways in your life ?

4. “Repetitive play in violent video games can lead to the perception that violent behaviour is
acceptable.” What are your views ?


Page 5

Section A [10 marks]

Carefully read the text below, consisting of 12 lines. The first and last lines are correct. For eight of the
lines, there is one grammatical error in each line. There are two more lines with no error.
If there is NO error in a line, put a tick (√) in the space provided.
If the line is incorrect, circle the incorrect word and write the correct word in the space provided.
The correct word you provide must not change the original meaning of the sentence.
Examples :
I arrived to my destination at 2pm. at
My mother always wears sensible clothes. √

William Shakespeare was an English playwright and poet. He is generally

considered to be the greatest dramatist the world had ever known and the 1 has [tense verb]
fine poet who has written in the English language. Shakespeare has also 2 finest [adjective superlative]
been the world’s more popular author. No other writer’s plays have been 3 most [adjective superlative]
produced so much times or read so widely in so many countries. 4 many [determiner-quantity]
Many reasons can be given for Shakespeare’s broad appeal. But his fame 5 √
basically rest on his understanding of human nature. Shakespeare 6 rests [SVA]
understood people for few other artists have. He could see in a specific 7 as / like [prep]
dramatic situation the qualities that relate to all human beings. He could 8 √
thus create characters that have meaning beyond the time as place of his 9 and [prep]
plays. Yet their characters are not symbolic figures. They are remarkably 10 his [pronoun]
individual human beings.

***** The End *****

Page 6

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