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Paper 2 Comprehension


Name: _________________________________( ) Class: Sec 2N___

Candidates answer on the Question Booklet.

Additional Materials: Insert


Write your name, index number and class on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black ink on both sides of the paper.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions.

Write your answers in the spaces provided in the Question Booklet.
The Insert contains the texts for all the sections.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This Question Booklet consists of 9 printed pages, including this page.

[Turn over
Section B [20 marks]

Refer to Text 2 on pages 2 and 3 of the Insert for Questions 1 – 11.

1 From paragraph 1, give two pieces of evidence which show us that Ming is afraid
of going home.

2 From paragraph 2, give two descriptions of the house which suggest that Ming’s
family is not well off.

3 In paragraph 3, ‘His mother has stopped sewing.’ (line 10).
How did the mother feel and suggest a reason why she felt this way.


4 ‘A look of displeasure crosses his father’s face. The man growls and pushes
himself up into a sitting position.’ (lines 12-13). Identify the phrases from the
sentence given above that correspond to the father’s reactions.

Father’s reaction Matching descriptions from the given sentence



5 In paragraph 4, Ming’s mother says ‘ “Maybe you can look at the Classified
Advertisements, see if there are any good jobs for you.” ’ (lines 16-17).

(a) What does this sentence tell us about the father’s current situation?


(b) How do we know that the father is not taking up his wife’s advice?


6 From paragraph 4, Ming’s mother says ‘ “I don’t mind starving, but our little boy
needs to eat.” ’ (lines 19-20).
What does this show about the mother?


7 In Paragraph 5, ‘ “So that you can flirt with other men?” he snarls. “That’s what you
want to do, right?” ’ (lines 24-25).
What does this sentence tell us about the father’s character?

8 In paragraph 6, ‘Ming’s mother rises from her seat. Her brown eyes glisten like
shells under water.’ (lines 33-34).
What do the words in italics suggest about the mother’s attitude?


9 In paragraph 7, Ming’s mother behaves differently towards the father compared to

in the earlier paragraphs. How is she different?

(a) In paragraph 7, Ming’s mother


(b) In the earlier paragraphs, she


10 Which two of the following words and phrases from paragraph 8 show us the
father’s violent temper? (Tick two boxes only.)
‘…hurtled forward…’

‘…punched his mother across the face..’


‘…screams in pain…’


The writer I disagree. He

was afraid of was not afraid
his father. to stand up to
his father.

Student A Student B

Which student do you agree with? Give three pieces of evidence from the text to
support your opinion.

I agree with Student …………………. because …………………………………..















Section C [25 marks] For
Refer to Text 3 on pages 4 and 5 of the Insert for Questions 12 – 17.

1 Read the text and match the paragraph or paragraphs with the headings.
2 Write the correct letter (A – G). The first one has been done for you. There is one
other letter you will not need to use.


Paragraph 1 D

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4

Paragraph 5

Paragraph 6

A Removal of tattoos

B Evidence of ancient tattoos

C Harmful effects of getting a tattoo

D Possible origins of tattoos

E Making a decision on getting a tattoo

F Contracting illnesses from tattoos

G How tattoos should be done


1 According to paragraph 3, why should one think carefully before getting a tattoo?


1 In Paragraph 3, why do you think getting a tattoo might be considered harmful?



1 In paragraph 4, what are two factors that reduce the risk of complications when
5 getting a tattoo? Answer in your own words.

1 According to paragraph 7, what evidence is there that removing tattoos may cause
6 damage to one’s skin?

17 Using your own words as far as possible, summarise why people had tattoos in For
the past and the risks associated with getting a tattoo today. Use

Use only the material from Paragraphs 1 to 2 and 5 to 6 of Text 3.

Your summary must be in continuous writing (not note form). It must not be longer
than 80 words, not counting the words given to help you begin.

Tattoos have always played an important part in

No of words: [15]

End of Paper

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