Research Proposal

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Research Proposal: Effect of Russian Economic and Political Decisions on the Global Economy

Date: 29/08/2023
To: Fyruz Khan (FyKn)
From: Mohammad Shafin Al Abdullah, #2311310630, ENG105.15
Subject: Proposal to conduct a research project to analyze the effects of Russian economic and
political decisions on the global economy

Ever since the end of the cold war and the collapse of the Soviet Union, one of the major powers
and prime movers of global foreign policy has been the Russian Federation. Countries with
major influence like Russia can easily shift the dynamics of world politics, and their every
decision can affect the economies of countries long and far away. The recent war in Ukraine is
but one of the many actions that Russia has taken in the past that have severely impacted global
trade, with examples such as the annexation of Crimea and the war in Chechnya.
The primary objective of my research is to understand what effects (if any) the foreign policy
decisions of the Russian Federation have had on the global economy recently. Usually, least
developed countries receive massive repercussions and are impacted the most by decisions of
bigger countries. Due to most of this research being of an academic nature; mostly through my
secondary research, I would like to find out the impacts of the foreign policy decisions of the
Russian Federation on the global economy.

Research Questions:
In my research, I would like to determine the reasons why countries affect each other
economically and politically, and how Russian decisions create those effects. The following
questions are to be addressed in the research:
 Are economies of countries linked together?
 How can one country influence the politics of another?
 What is the global economy and the world market?
 What kind of bilateral trade and political actions affect the global field?
 What kind of international/multilateral trade and political actions affect the global field?
 How is Russia affecting the Global economy and the international political sphere?
 How can smaller countries be affected greatly by Russian foreign policy decisions?

Anyone living in Bangladesh has felt the effects of inflation in recent times and many people
blame the Russo-Ukraine war for this economic depreciation unknowingly. I believe my research
will discover that in fact, there is quite a lot of truth behind these sentiments, and that the actions
of countries very far away from us can indeed affect us in ways we can’t fully comprehend. I
believe that I will discover and be able to thoroughly explore how economies of countries are
tied together and how their political decisions affect one another.

Research Methodology:
Due to the academic and theoretical nature of this research project, most of the data is going to
come from secondary research. A vast portion of the data searching for this project is going to be
reading news articles, political articles, and watching interviews of relevant policy makers and
economists. A thorough understanding of political and economic theorem is going to provide a
complete understanding of the research.
For any primary research, the maximum that can be done is consulting economics and political
science experts. It is usually a difficult task to arrange meetings with these specific individuals
but if at possible, I shall do my best to include their verbatim in the final document.

My research paper is going to be arranged into various sections. For an easier depiction refer to
the list below:
1. Cover Page
2. Foreword
3. Introduction
4. Background of Russian Foreign Policy
5. Research Questions and Explanation
6. Understanding how Politics of Nations are Connected
7. Understanding how Economies are Connected
8. Hypothesis
9. Data Presentation and Analysis
10. Summary of Findings
11. Future Predictions
12. Conclusions
13. References
14. Appendix
This entire list in tentative and is subject to slight alterations during the working period of the

Time Table:
Research Proposal 31/8/23
Title/Cover Page – Introduction 4/9/23
Background - Understandings 14/9/23
Hypothesis, Secondary Research 28/9/23
Data Analysis – Summary 6/10/23
Completion, Final Draft, Submission 24/10/23
Request for Approval:
I hereby request you for your approval of this research proposal. Suggestions and support are
welcome at any given moment throughout the timespan of this project. I would be grateful for
any advice regarding the improvement of this project. Thank you.

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