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Interview Question What Are Your Weaknesses And You Say

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- What are your weaknesses?

One of the most common

questions you'll get

during an interview when

you're applying for a job.

Now, over the years,

I have asked this question

to so many applicants

and I am shocked by the answers.

So today I'm gonna teach you how

to answer that question properly.

First, let's talk about what you don't do.

So when your employer, your

interviewer is asking you,

so what are your weaknesses?

Oh, I have none.

Don't ever say that.

It is a lie.

You know it's a lie, I know it's a lie.

When people say that, I

just say get out of here,

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don't let the door hit you on the way out

when you say I have none.

And don't say, well, I

never thought about it

or no one ever asked me that.

Seriously, no one ever asked you that?

Maybe you think you're

being smart with the ply.

Don't do that.

It just shows you are dishonest

and also it shows you

you lack self awareness.

Those are not good answers.

Also, here are the ones

I hear all the time

that are also it's a big no-no.

I'm kind of a workaholic

and a bit too much of a perfectionist.

Give me a break.

Don't try to turn it and

put a positive spin on it

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when you're being asked
what are your weaknesses.

Another one I hear all

the time, oh I love people,

I love working with people.

Really, I don't like

you that much right now.

Okay, that's not good.

That's not what you do.

So here's how you answer,

what are your weaknesses?

The key is don't make that

about your personality.

If you're gonna share something,

make that about your skill

set that you could work on.

Here's what I mean by that.

When you share something

about your personality,

to an employer it could feel like,

well, I don't know if you could fix that,

that maybe it's who you are.

But if you make it about a skill set,

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then it's something
that you could work on.

So I'll give you an example,

what are your weaknesses?

Well, you know, I'm more of an introvert

and sometimes I notice that

I am shy to share my ideas

when there's a room of people.

Now, see that's a good reply

if you are an introvert

because here's what's

going through my mind.

My mind is thinking,
okay, this person is shy

and introverted and that's okay.

So it means that in certain scenario,

maybe I need to ask this

person more to speak up.

I could say, hey, you know what?

What do you think of this?

Or in my mind I'm also thinking,

well, maybe through time

once this person becomes more comfortable

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with everybody else within a company,

she could share more ideas.

See, that's what's going through my mind.

That is fixable.

Or maybe this person

could go take Toastmasters

and develop more confidence

and work on her public

speaking skills a bit.

See, in my mind, all that's fixable.

That's fine, that's perfectly fine.

Here's another scenario.

If you share something about

your weaknesses not in terms

of your personality, but your

skill, but also your plan.

What have you been doing to work on it

or what are you planning to fix this?

So let me give an example, okay.

So what are your weaknesses?

Well, you know what, I'm

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a very creative person.

I tend to come up with all

kinds of ideas and when I get

these ideas, I'm very excited

and I wanna share that

with everybody, all my

managers, my coworkers

and I love to just to share.

And what I realized over the years

is sometimes these ideas,

sometimes they're good

and sometimes they're not so good.

So it is something that I
know I need to work on how

to prioritize some of these

ideas and work on filtering.

And in fact, recently, I have

been reading a few books.

One it's called by Richard

Koch, 80/20 Principle

and also Getting Things

Done by David Allen.

And through the book,

I've picked up a lot of techniques and tools.

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Now they are helping me to
filter out some of these ideas

and how do I prioritize

if there's something

that I'm working on all the time.

And of course, I'm always

open to any coaching from you

that can help me to channel my creativity

into higher productions for the company.

Boom, you see how that sounds?

You are not bragging, you're not lying.

You're saying, hey, I know

that I've got this problem,

I know it's something

that I need to work on it,

it's something that I am

working on and here's my plan

and at the end you're asking for coaching.

From my perspective as
a CEO, as an employer,

I know, okay, first of

all, you're reading books.

Damn, that's a big plus right there.

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And you're learning, you're self aware

and you know what you need to

work on and you're coachable.

To me, those are all like

plus, plus, plus, plus

from that simply reply.

So what are your weaknesses?

Next time when you get this

question, what are gonna do,

how are you gonna answer it?

Comment below.

Share with me if someone was

to ask you this question,

what are your weaknesses,

how would you reply

to the best of your ability.

And also let's collaborate.

Maybe my other fans they

could see in the comment

and see who can come up

with the best response.

Go ahead and do that.

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