Title: The Monkey King

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Title : The Monkey King

Author: Timothy Mo
Publication date: 1978
Level : Education, History
Genre: Historical fiction
Summary of plot (at least 100words)
In this story show about historical in China country.In addition this book show about ability of
monkey king.
Chapter 1: The monkey king is not good king he want a heaven and a king that have the most
power on the all in china. Eventually people are so boring with him .also they are prayed to
Emperor of Heaven. Sunddenly Emperor know and He has a job for the monkey king.But Emperor
follow look at to monkey king .And then emperor send message to tell the monkey you have one
work is in granden peach. When arrived the grander told monkey king if you got the purple peach
you’re long life . Not on hold the monkey king climb to the peach tree and eat and find the purple
Chapter 2: As summer on the Heaven have peach Banquet.So emperor must have finest food and
all peach. The fairies go to picked peach on the tree but they picked it not too much and fairies
saw broken twings and torn leaves after long serch,they spotted a single purple peach.but they
heard the sound “it is mine”and the fairies told the monkey king about peach banquet. The
monkey king doesn’t care. So the fairies put the monkey king to the place.When arrived the
monkey king saw food and smell around himself and he look around himself don’t have person he
into and ate. In addition he drunk alots of wine after he fainted in room where keep wine. The
party start but didn’t have wine and queen was furious.
Chapter 3: People in heaven prayed to buddaha for helped.Also buddha had challenged for the
monkey king if the monkey king could leap Buddha’s friger the monkey king could be a emperor
of heaven.Not on hold the monkey king completed this challenged but didn’t complete.The
monkey king was clever so he wrote his name on buddha’s friger.Buddha was furious with
monkey king.In addition buddha had war with the monkey king but monkey king was strong.but
the monkey king couldn’t move so he stay there until he find the true way for him
Setting: In China and on Heaven
Main character
1. The monkey king is clever and has big ability
2. He isn’t good character he always has trick
Connection to my real life experience
1 . Don’t want to be good or famous people if you can’t do best in their eye.
2. Live with ourselves don’t compare with the emperor
3. Don’t think you’re the best than anyone .
What I like/disliked about this book
I like this book because this book show about
1. Historical fiction like peach banquet .
2. Don’t want you get overwhelmed yourself.
New Vocabulary
1 . Emperor (n) /ˈɛmp(ǝ)rǝ/ |Em|per|or|
Collocation: Emperor on the Heaven
2. Twigs (n) /twɪɡ/ |Tw|
Collocation: broke a twig off
3. Fairies (n) /ˈfɛːri/ |Fai|
Collocation: a kingdom of fairies
4. Finest (adj) /fʌɪn/ |Fi|
Collocation: I feel absolutely fine.
5. Tugged (v) /tʌɡ/ |Tug|
Collocation: just give it a good tug
6. Banquet (v) /ˈbaŋkwɪt/ |Ban|
Collocation: prepare for banquet.

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