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Xavier School, Doranda, Ranchi

KG 2020-21
Answers of third assignment
1- English rhymes
1-Thank you God
Thank you God for the world so sweet
Thank you God for the food we eat
Thank you God for the birds that sing
Thank you God for everything.
2- Hickory Dickory Dock
Hickory Dickory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck one
The mouse ran down
Hickory Dickory Dock.
3 - Teddy bear
Teddy bear Teddy bear
Turn around
Teddy bear Teddy bear
Touch the ground
Teddy bear teddy bear
Polish your shoes
Teddy bear Teddy bear
off to school.
4- I am a teapot
I am a little teapot
Short and stout
This is my handle
and this is my spout
when the water is boiling
hear me shout
“Just lift me up and pour me out”.
2- English conversation
1- I am four years old.
2- I like to eat apple.
3- I am a boy.

3- English story
The Hare and the Tortoise

Once there was a hare ,

He wants to run a race with the tortoise.
The tortoise agreed they both ran the race,
On the way the hare fell asleep under a tree
the tortoise kept moving on, till the finishing
line and won the race.

4-Good manners –
1- We must always obey and respect our
parents, teachers,girls and elders.
2- We must great our elders “Good morning”,
“Good afternoon”, “Good evening” and
“Good night”.
3-We must always speak the truth.
5-Science (orals)-
1- Names of fruits- 1-apple 2-orange
3-banana 4-guava 5-cherry.
2-Names of vegetables- 1-potato 2-tomato
3-beans 4-carrot 5-peas.
6- English writing-
1- A B C D 2- abcd
EFGH efgh
IJKL ijkl
MNOP mnop
QRST qrst
UVWX uvwx
Y Z. y z.
3- Aa Bb Cc Dd
Ee Ff Gg Hh
Ii Jj Kk Ll
Mm Nn Oo Pp
Qq Rr Ss Tt
Uu Vv Ww Xx
Yy Zz.
7 - Maths - 1-10( spellings),1-20(numbers)

1- Spellings (Oral). 2-
0- Zero 1 11
1-One 2 12
2-Two 3 13
3-Three 4 14
4- Four 5 15
5- Five 6 16
6-Six 7 17
7-Seven 8 18
8-Eight 9 19
9-Nine 10 20
8– Drawing-

9- Craft
Make a square with a newspaper.

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