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AS Vn Ul \s) & WW N Nos NY oa) Bricks Introduction Bricks Phonics is a five-level program that provides a systematic approach to teaching phonics to students. This series takes a gradual, step by step approach to enhancing students’ phonemic awareness, sound-symbol correspondences, and decoding skills. These enable the learning process to learn to read both enjoyable and meaningful Student Book Students learn long vowel sounds and their respective relationships to letters through the level 3. They develop their skills in decoding and reading long vowel words. oe CS Ew ss Each unit internalizes and repeats the target letters and sounds through constant exposure with captivating illustrations. oo = les Explicit and effective activities strengthen students’ letter-sound recognition and production skills. Students recognize and decode the words that they learn in each unit. This develops their usage and range of vocabulary reading Through stories, students develop their reading skills. Fun writing activities help students review the phonics words that they learn in each unit. Workbook Bricks Phonics supplies workbooks that provide s ‘students with additional activities and writing = practice to help reinforce what they learn in the a ‘Student Books. a ae >. E-Book & MP3 Files Students can download the free E-Books that can be used on smartphones, tablets, and PCs. In addition, through QR codes on the Student Book covers, students can listen to the MP3 files for the Student Book contents. ake ate ave «..-------.--- ame ane ape ase _..:---- ‘inle We WO cece tecericcerrs ike ime ine ipe ----------- ole ope ote ------+----+--- ome one ose =.::::::::::::: @ ube uge ule une ...------- 60 uke ume use ute .-------- 68 Roeviow Q GHEE ..-----..- eee. 76 Final Story 83 Final Test 88 Board Game 92 Picture Words 94 Stickers & Flashcards Chie () Listen and repeat. © Qe TS lake & K+ate = ™ cave QD listen, point, and repeat. © ™ oe CS Ee Ss lake bake cake £ ate ‘ee cs 14 18 46 17 Ga) 10 20| Kate date gate ave e_ cave wave () listen and chant. ©x> ~ake -ate -ave & ) listen and match. © -ate -ake -ave -ate -ave cA! ee — an = Check and write. _jate ave ) ake _jate ~ake -ate -ave & ER yy Find, circle, and write. 2 ilakea 3 Kadate 4 cakewa 5 agatek 6 2 unit? Ny Read, unscramble, and write. © I bake some cookies. ep 0. Bkeib) A bat is ina veae I see a big, red A duck is on a big wv as¢6 Dave and I eat a CG) thom | ~ake -ate -ave & eer \L) listen and read along. A Gave Gala Jake sees the date. It is Kate's birthday. Kate likes yummy cakes. Jake bakes a cave cake. Kate likes big waves. Jake makes waves on the lake. Happy birthday, Kate! Cy 2 ® listen and repeat. © y : & g+ame» a> game cane QD v- - *% ape | & vtase » é vase ) 2 unit 2 D listen, point, and repeat. 1D My name is rN ame Sam game name << ane & cane mane ope i ape cape ae © &®> vase case } listen and chant. © -ame -ane -ape -ase & Q) listen and circle. 1D -ane 1 -ase -ame -ane -ase My name is Sam -ame -ape -ase -ane -ape > fF) Se Qe 2 Unit 2 \) Match and write. 1 3 or 3 4 Xk en Sam Vv. Cc. mo n ame ape ane ase c (we ey ~ame -ane -ape ase & SNS &) Color and write. 2 e 1 & >» ¥j_in [Sam]. a) 0 & 2 unit 2 & Read, circle, and write. © 1 A cane is ina vase. Tam ona big ape / cape A case is on a board mane / game The lion has a cane / mane An ape has a big cape / name -ame -one-ope-one GE OTE eds \.) Listen and read along. GI Do you want this vase or this cane? Hello! My name is Kim. Do you want this case? Do you want this game or this ape? Oh! Do you want [U/L that cape? i} do this want Find and write. a (©) listen and repeat. ©mD & @& hide » eel hide Listen, point, and repeat. ©ED * a ide hide ride wide hive dive five () listen and chant. => -ide -ite -ive & ae Q Listen and check. @ED = & Match and write. cc $5 ide ite ive ‘ : i bite h f ive ite ide Ww. h k -ide -ite -ive & a ro) Circle and write. ole tt ay “he mole hole vile sole rope ote note vote {) listen and chant. @xD -ole -ope -ote & | N wv o o a o o ry o oo a. = = Q = = | 9 2 9, 9 7 ? | | Unit 5 oO Listen and match. @ZD RY) Check and write. 1 ™) ope (J ote ro pe h___ -le ope oe GE ® Find, circle, and write. atmole nihope rsolet honote lropen &) Read, unscramble, and write. ©ZD 1 , Kate makes a I want a pole and a OpOREpy: f is in a wide hole. There is an ant under my os le -ole -ope -ote & \_J Listen and read along. @Z=ZD Bob puts in the poles. Kim ties the rope. They make a note. MAey CEE | Sea i Connect, stick, and write. rod boa | mk =—@& ae wef ole ope 4 = & -ote” Qo Listen and repeat. oe Bem & | dome L | & b + one of | bone Qe | rose oO Listen, point, and repeat. ©ID - Oo Listen and chant. @ED -ome -one ose & NN ae 2) listen and circle. © 1 eornt ‘-ose} -one -ose -ome -one -ome -one -ose -ome -ose -ome -one &) Match and write. 1 2 3 4 a ~ se = b h d z ome ose one SS a 4) Color and write. 1 2 h c m ae oe & m &) Read, circle, and write. ©E Look atthe come _! ? ome/ home The man has a red nose / hose A mole hides under the bone / cone I puta in the vase. nose / rose We are in a school Zone / cone ~ome -one -ose & Read & Check! \) Listen and read along. @EZED 4402030 J ’ A, Lookandwrite. = c > +s > bi apn z oin;je o Listen and repeat. @EZED 5 : Qo Listen, point, and repeat. ©ED e ube - ey tube cube dy uge : huge 2 ule mule une see 2 tune dune June @ Listen and chant. @ED -ube -uge -ule -une & () listen and check. @ED 1 2 -ube -uge 2 we 24 4} 3 4 -une -ule : -ube i -une -une -ube ty poo Be &) Match and write. ' aia 24 ube . uge une / J J h June arene ube une ule) - J -ube -uge -ule -une & & Circle and write. 1 : , ~ ‘mule : June huge 24 mule cube dune mule huge tube tube bne tune a tune @ unit 7 &) Read, find, and write. xD My birthday is in Juneds There is a in a cube. gtubem We see a dune on TV. mhugeu Iplaya on a bike. tunedu A goes up the dune. imulen -ube -uge -ule -une & \_| Listen and read along. am The Hage Guo It is hot in June. ; Sue goes up the dune. A Sue sees a huge cube. She hears a tune from the cube. A mule is in the cube. “Wow!” “Come and join me!” f r Sight Words Ee un) Stick, find, and connect. Then write. qbhugeon une eedneh t fete re) Listen, point, and repeat. ©ZD \.) " uke we Duke ume gh lig fume fz use ~ fuse @ — @ ute wd Ww cute mute () listen and chant. x9 ~uke -ume -use -ute & {) listen and match. © ad or -use -ute -ume -uke -use -ute @ Unit 8 ay) Circle and write. 1 2 ¥ , ume uke ~ use ute see Di 6 ‘i i At ute ume uke [ use Cae f. -uke -ume -use -ute a &) Unscramble and write. 1 2 2 Unit 8 ~~ —_~_- Sy) Read and check. ©ZD Duke has a cute mole. r Duke has a cute mule. There is a fume on a cube. There is a fuse on a cube. I smell fumes in my house. I smell roses in my house. Luke presses a mute button. Luke presses a cute button. I cut a pen to write a note. I use a pen to write a note. -uke -ume -use -ute & Super Dulss & Duke has a super nose. : A He smells fumes by the home. : \ oi: Com ¥ Yikes! It's a huge pipe! ena Duke bites to cut the fuse. ‘~ Se \..) Listen and read along. a ) y) c \ 7 He saves the cute dog. “Thanks, Super Duke!” 9 Listen, check, and match. 1 -uke 4) * ote * sane * -ome a 5 a 6 -ote 7 ule ‘ -ose a -une -one -ube -ose -ume | -ose -ute -ope Then write. © {_ & Circle and write. 1 h m a%e 24 dp s s | ei So < s r s . v n c k ° e u e z t D t units 5-8 we TMT ean Story Y ME OUNITS 5-8 \) Listen and read along. ©Z=D F Wellp Kim and Bob are in their house. They want to go outside. There is a huge hole. § There are bad fumes. 2 Review Story 2 Boe re Oly and Sally make a huge list. We need poles, cones, a rope, and a hose. ~_ Oly uses the cones and the hose. Sally ties the poles and the rope. can help out their Units 5-8 Ee Review Test 2 () listen and check. © , CD) © cole 7 CD} © Luke E » ©.ome 4 CD) © -ube D listen and circle. “ff °° 6 z © « le ° 8 : es eo Py) @ Review Test 2 oD ® # 4) Check and write. 5 fume 10 Ye fuse mute w vote nN 12 zone tube - home pole 4) Read, circle, and write. 13 I to get a cute pup. hope vote 4 Duke sits ona cube. tune huge 15 A mule has a on its back. rose fuse 16 A dog has a bone in a hole. mute cute Units 5-8 & Let’s read astory! Kate is Duke's sister. Kate is five and very cute. “It is time to sleep.” Kate says, “No!” Duke reads about a mule. 4 The mule has a huge cone. a “Tt is time to sleep.” u Kate says, “No!” | Duke gives Kate an ape. The ape has a cape and a cane. “It is time to sleep.” Kate says, “No!” Duke makes a ‘Mute Zone. He uses poles and a rope. Duke and Kate sleep. ee Good-night, Duke and Kate! Leve Sy - mm) g=— () listen and circle. a os: Gay -ake © -ave © -ute 1 CD) © -ide © -ole © -ule a CD) © -uke © -ute © -ate 3 CD) © -ole © -ane © -ine 4 CD) © -ope © -ape © -ave Q Listen and check. ED eg. oO a 5 oO ~ @ [ 8 5 + el 7 () listen and circle. om eg. 8 9 10 -ite -ole -uge -ate eo o@) od o 4 Oo Listen and write. ED eg. hide # o@ oo oO ed o® ed eo Final Test & A) Look, circle, and write. eg. E yp |bone sy Look and check. eg. oOo. case © 20 an | time & 21 oO dome & 22 o June #n824 © -ake © -ape ©-ime © -ide ©-ule ©-ite © -ube © -ube @©-one © -ute © -ute © -ose @-ole & Look and circle. eg. 24 23 . agree @ hide Thani, © vote @phike ¢ | @ note 25 © lake ‘ e. © fuse © bake < © fume ®& Read and write. eg. 26 27 28 29 30 I love my sweet SFL home 7 Isee a huge 4 The mule has a cute & An ape hopes to Ga. a lime. Kate likes to play a board ea 5 There are huge i? s near a cave. game bite dune hole mane home Final Test & HOW TO PLAY 1. Spread out the flashcards with the pictures up. 2. Roll the die and move your marker. 3. If you land on letters, pick up a matching flashcard and say the word. Ifyou land on a picture, just say the word. 4. Correct: Stay on the space. Wrong: Move back one space. 5. The player to finish first wins the game! Picture Words game hide bake name & ride _ cake cane SS wide Sad Kate & mane Ro kite date ‘ ape eS bite gate R cape < _ hive cave § vase dive f wave case five \enncennesenail "ieee

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