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May 6, 2021


SUBJECT : Amended Implementing Rules and Regulations on

the Accreditation of Private Agriculture and Fisheries
Extension Service Providers (PAF-ESPs)
Pursuant to Republic Act (RA) 8435 known as the Agriculture and
Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA), R.A. 10068 known as the Organic
Agriculture Act of 2010 supplemented with National Organic Agriculture
Board Resolution No. 008, Series of 2021, and Administrative Order (AO) No.
1, Series of 2018, the following Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR)
are hereby promulgated to govern the accreditation of Private Agriculture
and Fisheries ESPs.
Title, Objectives, and Definition of Terms
SECTION 1. Â Title. — This Administrative Circular shall be known as
the "Implementing Rules and Regulations on the Accreditation of
Private Agriculture and Fisheries Extension Service Providers."
SECTION 2. Â Objectives. — The following Rules and Regulations are
hereby adopted, promulgated, and issued to carry out the provisions in the
IRRs of R.A. 8435, section 91, R.A. 10068, section 9, and Administrative
Order (A.O.) No. 1, Series of 2018. Specifically, the objectives are as follows:
a. Â To hasten and enhance the delivery of extension services to the
Department of Agriculture's stakeholders and clients;
b. Â To increase the public-private partnership and participation of
private ESPs in the conduct of agricultural and fisheries extension
c. Â To recognize the efforts and capabilities of private
institutions/service providers dedicated to the delivery of
agriculture and fisheries extension services including organic
agriculture extension services; and
d. Â To provide a variety of extension activities for agriculture and
fisheries extension workers, farmers, fisherfolk, indigenous
peoples, agrarian reform beneficiaries, and other stakeholders in
support of the thrusts of AFMA and the Organic Agriculture Act.
e. Â To provide funding support in the form of extension grants to
the accredited PAF-ESPs.
SECTION 3. Â Definitions of Terms. —
When used in these Rules, the following terms shall mean:
1. Â Accreditation — the process by which the DA-Agricultural
Training Institute (ATI) officially recognizes and authorizes an
institution/organization as eligible to be an implementing
organization or beneficiary provided therein of a Private ESP,
which will undertake on behalf of DA-ATI extension services to the
target clientele.
2. Â Agrarian Reform Beneficiary (ARB) — farmers who were
granted lands under Presidential Decree No. 27, the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988 (R.A. 6657), and
the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program Extension with
Reforms (R.A. 9700); and regular farmworkers who are landless,
irrespective of tenurial arrangement and who benefited from the
redistribution of lands.
3. Â Agrarian Reform Beneficiary Cooperative (ARB Coop) 1 —
a community-based organization, duly registered with the
Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), in which ARBs
comprise the majority (at least 50% + 1) of the total number of
4. Â Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Organization (ARBO) — a
group organized by marginal farmers, majority of which are
ARBs, duly registered with the CDA, Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC), or Department of Labor and Employment
(DOLE), to develop an appropriate system of land tenure, land
development, land consolidation, or land management in areas
covered by agrarian reform.
5. Â Business Entities — Business organizations engaged in
agriculture and fisheries.
6. Â Competency Matrix — a summary table of the minimum
expertise and skills of the PAF-ESP's trainers, training support
staff, and faculty-on-call.
7. Â Compliance — the fulfillment of the requirements for
8. Â Cooperatives — Farmers', fisher folks' and rural women, rural
youth cooperatives including ARB Coop.
9. Â Extension — means managing knowledge to empower farmers
and organizations so that they can manage problems and
resources in meeting their own objectives. Under the Philippine
Agriculture and Modernization Act of 1997, extension covers
training services, farm or business advisory services,
demonstration services and information, education and
communication support services through tri-media.
10. Â Extension Grants — funds or subsidy provided to an
accredited PAF-ESP for Agriculture and fisheries for an approved
extension project.
11. Â Private Agriculture and Fisheries Extension Service
Provider (PAF-ESP) — a private organization/institution that
undertakes training and other complementary extension activities
for target clientele along the value chain in agriculture and
fisheries accredited by the ATI ( e.g., input suppliers, producers,
traders, processors, and consumers).
12. Â Faith-Based Organizations — refers to the organizations
that are involved in assisting their church outreach engagements
and in addressing the religious, socio-economic, and welfare
needs of its constituency.
13. Â Field Validation — on-site confirmation through the
provision of objective evidence that the requirements have been
14. Â Learning Site for Agriculture — a field laboratory or a
demonstration area, wherein trainees and the public at large
could practice agriculture and fisheries systems to become
effective practitioners or as trainers for some.
15. Â National Private Agriculture and Fisheries Extension
Service Provider — a private entity providing training and
extension services on agriculture and fisheries with more than
one (1) regional coverage.
16. Â Non-compliance — the failure to fulfill the requirements for
17. Â Non-Government Organization — A non-profit organization
providing welfare and development services in the agriculture
and fisheries sector.
18. Â Organic Agriculture — includes all agricultural systems that
promote ecologically sound, socially acceptable, economically
viable, and technically feasible production of food and fibers.
Organic agriculture dramatically reduces external inputs by
refraining from the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and
pharmaceuticals. It also covers areas such as, but not limited to,
soil fertility management, varietal breeding and selection under
chemical and pesticide-free conditions, the use of biotechnology
and other cultural practices that are consistent with the policies
and principles of this Act, and enhance productivity without
destroying the soil and harming the farmers, consumers, and the
environment as defined by the International Federation of
Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM), provided that the
biotechnology herein referred to shall not include genetically
modified organisms or GMOs.
19. Â Extension Service Provider for Organic Agriculture and
Fisheries — is a private certified Organic Agriculture
institutions/organizations that undertake training and other
complementary extension activities on organic agriculture and
fisheries, for target clientele along the value chain (e.g., input
suppliers, producers, traders, processors, and consumers)
accredited by the ATI.
20. Â Participatory Guarantee System 2 — refers to a locally-
focused quality assurance system that is developed and practiced
by people actually engaged in organic agriculture. It is built on a
foundation of trust, social network, and knowledge exchange. It is
used to certify producers, farmers, and fisherfolk as actual and
active practitioners of organic agriculture.
21. Â People's Organization (PO) — are community-based, mass
membership organizations, that are either Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC), or any Government Agency
empowered by law or policy to register and/or accredit POs and
other similar aggrupation, registered or existing but not
registered, with a set of by-laws adopted through a membership
assembly and duly elected officials. POs are either sectoral or
multi-sectoral alliances pursuing a common goal and established
to secure benefits for their membership and articulate aims and
objectives in the general development discourse.
22. Â Private Sector — comprises private corporations,
enterprises, individual businesses, among others.
23. Â Regional Private Agriculture and Fisheries Extension
Service Provider — a private entity providing training and
extension services operating in a regional or sub-regional level
such as a municipal/city or provincial area accredited by the ATI.
24. Â Regional Extension Service Provider for Organic
Agriculture and Fisheries — a private entity providing training
and extension services on organic agriculture and fisheries,
operating in a regional or sub-regional level such as a
municipal/city or provincial area accredited by the ATI.
25. Â Rural-Based Organizations — DA-assisted organizations
that promote agriculture and fisheries extension in the rural
areas. They are the informal organizations that play a vital role in
sustaining agricultural and rural development through various
significant services. They can serve as channels to route useful
and relevant information and other resources required in
improving the living conditions in rural communities (4H Cub of
the Philippines, Rural Improvement Club (RIC), Pambansang
Mannalon-Mag-uuma-Magbabaul-Magsasaka ng Pilipinas (4MP),
Magsasakang Siyentista (MS), 4-H Volunteer Leaders Association
of the Philippines (VLAP), and (IP's).
26. Â Table Evaluation — the preliminary documentary evaluation
of PAF-ESP applicants.
27. Â Third-Party Organic Certification 3 — is defined as when
the firm requires that its supplies meet a certain standard and
requests an independent organization that is not involved in the
business relationship to control the compliance of the suppliers.
28. Â Trainer — an individual who is capable of preparing training
designs and training modules; executing training programs;
delivering modules, and facilitating and/or evaluating training
activities on agriculture and fisheries.
29. Â Training Management Staff — individuals who provide
administrative and technical assistance in the
conduct/management of training.
30. Â Training Proposal — a concept note describing a planned
undertaking/intervention to address a training need, submitted
for approval and allocation of appropriate resources for
SECTION 4. Â Coverage. — Accreditation shall apply to any of the
following institutions/organizations that offer agriculture and fisheries
extension programs:
a. Â Farmers' and fisherfolk's Cooperatives and Associations
including ARB Coop.;
b. Â Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) including Faith-based
Organizations and other related Foundations;
c. Â People's Organizations (PO) including RBOs, LSA/SPA
Associations, ARBOs, and IPOs; and
d. Â Private/Business Sector including Multinational Companies and
e-Learning Institution.
Conflict of Interest
SECTION 5. Â Conflict of Interest. — ESPs shall not be eligible for
accreditation under any of the circumstances set forth below:
a. Â If an ESP combines the functions of conducting extension
services as part of consultancy services for the DA;
b. Â If an ESP is associated with or affiliated to a consultancy firm
providing services to the DA;
c. Â If any officer/staff of the ESP is related to the following by
affinity or consanguinity up to the third degree:
1) Â Management Committee of the ATI and its network of
training centers, or any staff involved in standard-setting
and accreditation activities, and
2) Â National and Regional ESP Council.
d. Â If an ESP has officers and staff- or faculty-on-call currently
employed in the government particularly with the DA or any
agency under its supervision.
The existence of any of the above-mentioned instances shall
automatically disqualify the PAF-ESP applicant or result in the revocation of
the accreditation if already granted.
Agriculture and Fisheries Extension Service Provider (AF-ESP) Council and
SECTION 6. Â Composition and Term of Office of National and
Regional AF-ESP Council and Secretariat. —
6.1. Â Creation of the National AF-ESP Council
The ATI shall create a NAF-ESP Council for Organic Agriculture and
Regular-ESP chaired by the ATI Director as the National Executive Officer
(NEO) of the AF ESP Council. As such, he/she shall be responsible for the
execution of policies and directions of the NAF-ESP Council.
6.1.1. Â Membership of the National AF ESP Council
The following shall be the members of the NAF-ESP council who
shall be designated by the ATI Director and endorsed by the
respective sector: Â For Regular NAF-ESP Council
a. Â One representative from the National
Agriculture and Fisheries Extension Network
(AFEN) with the following considerations:
i. Â Agency must be elected by the
representatives of AFEN members;
ii. Â He/She could be reappointed by the
National Executive Officer of the National
ESP Council.
b. Â One representative from the state universities
and colleges (SUCs) with the following
i. Â Should be appointed by the head of the
Philippine Association of State Universities
and Colleges (PASUCs) and/or Association of
Colleges of Agriculture in the Philippines
ii. Â The representative can be a holder of
Ph.D. and an expert of his/her area of
iii. Â He/She must have credible and vast
experience in extension services;
iv. Â He/She could be reappointed by the
National Executive Officer of the National
ESP Council; and
v. Â He/She may appoint an alternate
representative in case of his non-attendance
to meetings.
c. Â One representative from the local government
unit (LGU) with the following considerations:
i. Â Should be selected from the League of
Provinces or Municipalities or other LGU
ii. Â He/She must be an incumbent elected
official or appointed official from the
Provincial Agriculturist Office/Municipal
Agriculturist Office/Agriculture and Fisheries
Committee Chairperson from the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan/Bayan (SP/SB). In
case of SP/SB representation, a
representative shall be endorsed through
iii. Â He/She must be familiar and supportive of
the extension programs of the DA;
iv. Â He/She may appoint an alternate
representative in case of non-attendance to
meetings; and
d. Â Two representatives from the private sector:
one (1) from a Farmers' Organization (FOs) and
one (1) from the fishery sector with the following
i. Â He/She must be a proactive member/officer
of any farmer-organization of the agriculture
and fishery sector; and
ii. Â Must at least have a farm or manages a
farm that is an LSA/SPA of the ATI or is
familiar with ATI's extension programs and
services. Â For NAF-ESP Council for Organic Agriculture
a. Â One representative from the National
Agriculture and Fisheries Extension Network
(AFEN) with the following considerations:
i. Â Agency must be elected by the
representative of AFEN members;
ii. Â He/She could be reappointed by the
National Executive Officer of the National
ESP Council;
iii. Â He/She should have a background in
organic agriculture extension services.
b. Â One representative from the state universities
and colleges (SUCs) with the following
i. Â Should be appointed by the head of the
Philippine Association of State Universities
and Colleges (PASUC) and/or Association of
Colleges of Agriculture in the Philippines
ii. Â The representative can be a holder of
Ph.D. and an expert of his/her area of
iii. Â He/She must have credible and vast
experience in extension services;
iv. Â He/She could be reappointed by the
National Executive Officer of the National
ESP Council; and
v. Â He/She should have expertise in organic
agriculture extension services.
vi. Â He/She may appoint an alternate
representative in case of his non-attendance
to meetings.
c. Â One representative from the local government
unit (LGU) with the following considerations:
i. Â Should be selected from the LGU's who is a
member of OA-LGU Technical
ii. Â He/She must be an incumbent elected
official/appointed Official from the Provincial
Agriculturist Office/Municipal Agriculturist
Office/Agriculture and Fisheries Committee
Chair from the Sangguniang
Panlalawigan/Bayan (SP/SB). In case of
SP/SB representation, a representative shall
be endorsed through resolution;
iii. Â He/She must be familiar and supportive of
the extension programs of the DA;
iv. Â He/She must be active and familiar with
Organic Agriculture Program; and
v. Â He/She may appoint an alternate
representative in case of non-attendance to
meetings; and
d. Â Two representatives from the private sector;
one (1) from a Farmer's Organization (FOs) and
one (1) from the fishery sector with the following
i. Â He/She must be a proactive
member/officer of any farmer-organization
of the agriculture and fishery sector; and
ii. Â Must at least have a farm or manages a
farm that is an LSA/SPA of the ATI or is
familiar with ATI's extension programs and
iii. Â For National ESP for OA, he/she must be a
member of any organic agriculture
organization, an advocate of organic
agriculture and its extension activities, and
must at least manage an OA LSA/SPA or
familiar with ATI's extension programs and
e. Â One (1) representative from the National
Organic Agriculture Board (NOAB) nominated and
endorsed by the Board;
f. Â One representative from the Bureau of
Agriculture and Fisheries Standards (BAFS).
The permanent representative of the councils can designate an
alternate, but there will only be one (1) vote when the two
representatives are present.
6.1.2. Â Functions of the NAF-ESP Council
The following shall be the functions of the National Council:
a. Â Provide the overall policy guidelines and directions of the
program. In the case of the NAF-ESP for OA, it must be
approved by the NOAB;
b. Â Conduct field validation, evaluation, recommendation, and
c. Â Issue Accreditation Certificate through the Council's
Executive Officer; and
d. Â Continuously undertake appraisal and evaluation of the
capability and competence of the accredited PAF-ESPs.
6.2. Â National Secretariat
A National Secretariat whose members shall be designated by the ATI
Director shall perform the following functions:
6.2.1. Â For accreditation and renewal of PAF-ESP
a. Â Provides application forms to National PAF-ESP applicants;
b. Â Receives all applications of National PAF-ESPs for
accreditation and conducts preliminary evaluation;
c. Â Facilitates the conduct of field validation and performance
audit when deemed necessary;
d. Â Renders report of its findings and recommendations to the
Council through the Executive Officer;
e. Â Issues notice of approval/disapproval to PAF-ESP
f. Â Issues notice of renewal to accredited National PAF-ESPs;
g. Â Performs other related duties as may be directed by the
6.2.2. Â For the provision of PAF-ESP grants
a. Â Conduct completeness and compliance assessment of
activity proposal;
b. Â Endorse the submitted activity proposal to the ATI
Clearinghouse Committee for review and evaluation;
c. Â Consolidate the evaluation results conducted by the ATI
Clearinghouse Committee;
d. Â Facilitate and coordinate activity proposal's proponent on
the requirements needed in the release of appropriate
e. Â Conduct on-the-spot monitoring to the ATI-funded activity
f. Â Keep records of all grants funded by ATI-Central Office;
g. Â Provide other related administrative support to the ATI
Clearinghouse Committee.
SECTION 7. Â Regional Extension Service Provider (RAF-ESP)
Council. —
7.1. Â The Regional Executive Officer
The Center Director of the ATI-RTC shall serve as the Regional
Executive Officer (REO). As such, he/she shall be responsible for the
execution of policies and directions of the RAF-ESP Council.
7.2. Â Membership
7.2.1 Â For Regular RAF-ESP Council
a. Â One representative from the Regional Agriculture and
Fisheries Extension Network (RAFEN) with the following
i. Â Agency must be elected by the representative of
RAFEN members;
ii. Â He/She could be reappointed by the Regional
Executive Officer of the RAF-ESP Council.
b. Â One representative from the State Universities and
Colleges (SUCs) with the following considerations:
i. Â The representative can be a holder a Ph.D. and
an expert of his/her area of specialization;
ii. Â He/She must have credible and vast experience
in extension services;
iii. Â He/She could be reappointed by the Regional
Executive Officer of the Regional ESP Council; and
iv. Â He/She may appoint an alternate representative
in case of his non-attendance to meetings.
c. Â One representative from the local government unit (LGU)
with the following considerations:
i. Â He/She must be an incumbent elected official or
appointed official from the Provincial Agriculturist
Office/Municipal Agriculturist Office/Agriculture
and Fisheries Committee Chair from the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan/Bayan (SP/SB). In case
of SP/SB representation, a representative shall be
endorsed through resolution;
ii. Â He/She must be familiar and supportive of the
extension programs of the DA;
iii. Â He/She may appoint an alternate representative
in case of non-attendance to meetings; and
d. Â Two representatives from the private sector: one (1) from
a Farmers' Organization (FOs) and one (1) from the fishery
sector with the following considerations:
i. Â He/She must be a proactive member/officer of
any farmer-organization of the agriculture and
fishery sector; and
ii. Â Must at least have a farm or manages a farm
that is an LSA/SPA of the ATI or is familiar with
ATI's extension programs and services.
7.2.2 Â For RAF-ESP Council for Organic Agriculture
a. Â One representative from the Regional Agriculture and
Fisheries Extension Network (RAFEN) with the following
i. Â Agency must be elected by the representatives
of RAFEN members;
ii. Â He/She could be reappointed by the Regional
Executive Officer of the Regional ESP Council;
iii. Â He/She should have a background in organic
agriculture extension services.
b. Â One representative from the state universities and
colleges (SUCs) with the following considerations:
i. Â The representative can be a holder of Ph.D. and
an expert of his/her area of specialization;
ii. Â He/She must have credible and vast experience
in extension services;
iii. Â He/She could be reappointed by the Regional
Executive Officer of the Regional ESP Council; and
iv. Â He/She should have expertise in organic
agriculture extension services.
v. Â He/She may appoint an alternate representative
in case of his non-attendance to meetings.
c. Â One representative from the local government unit (LGU)
with the following considerations:
i. Â Should be selected preferably from the LGU's
who is a member of OA-LGU Technical
ii. Â He/She must be an incumbent elected official or
appointed official from the Provincial Agriculturist
Office/Municipal Agriculturist Office/Agriculture
and Fisheries Committee Chair from the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan/Bayan (SP/SB). In case
of SP/SB representation, a representative shall be
endorsed through resolution;
iii. Â He/She must be familiar and supportive of the
extension programs of the DA;
iv. Â He/She must be active and familiar with Organic
Agriculture Program; and
v. Â He/She may appoint an alternate representative
in case of non-attendance to meetings; and
d. Â Two representatives from the private sector: one (1) from
a Farmer's Organization (FOs) and one (1) from the fishery
sector with the following considerations:
i. Â He/She must be a proactive member/officer of
any farmer-organization of the agriculture and
fishery sector; and
ii. Â Must at least have a farm or manages a farm
that is an LSA/SPA of the ATI or is familiar with
ATI's extension programs and services.
iii. Â He/She must be a member of any organic
agriculture organization, an advocate of organic
agriculture and its extension activities, and must
at least manage an OA LSA/SPA or familiar with
ATI's extension programs and services.
e. Â One (1) representative from the DA-Regional Field Office
OA Focal Person;
f. Â One (1) representative from the DA-Bureau of Fisheries
and Aquatic Resources OA Focal Person.
The permanent representative of the councils can designate an
alternate, but there will only be one (1) vote when the two
representatives are present.
7.3. Â Functions of the RAF-ESP Council
The following shall be the functions of the RAF-ESP Council:
a. Â Provide the regional policy guidelines and directions aligned
with the national program;
b. Â Evaluates the PAF-ESP applicant's eligibility for accreditation;
c. Â Endorses all approved applications with complete documents to
the NAF-ESP Council's Executive Officer, through the National
Secretariat, for issuance of Certification of Accreditation; and
d. Â Continuously undertakes appraisal and evaluation of the
capability and competence of accredited RAF-ESPs.
7.4. Â Regional Secretariat
The ATI-RTC Center Director shall designate a Regional Secretariat
whose membership comes from the Partnerships and Accreditation Services
Section and shall have the following functions:
7.4.1. Â For accreditation and renewal of PAF-ESP
a. Â Provides application forms to regional PAF-ESP applicants;
b. Â Receives all applications of regional PAF-ESPs for
accreditation and conducts preliminary evaluation;
c. Â Facilitates the conducts of field validation for regional PAF-
ESP and preliminary evaluation for inter-regional PAF-ESPs
when deemed necessary;
d. Â Renders report of its findings and recommendations to the
Regional and National Council through the National
e. Â Issues notices of expiration and renewal to accredited
regional PAF-ESPs; and
f. Â Performs other related duties as may be directed by the
7.4.2. Â For accreditation and renewal of PAF-ESP
a. Â Conduct completeness and compliance assessment of
activity proposal;
b. Â Endorse the submitted activity proposal to the ATI-RTC
Clearinghouse Committee for review and evaluation;
c. Â Consolidate the evaluation results conducted by the ATI-
RTC Clearinghouse Committee;
d. Â Facilitate and coordinate activity proposal's proponent on
the requirements needed in the release of appropriate
e. Â Conduct on-the-spot monitoring to the ATI-funded activity
f. Â Keep records of all grants funded by ATI-RTC's; and
g. Â Provide other related administrative support to the ATI-
RTC Clearinghouse Committee.
SECTION 8. Â Election and Terms of Office. —
The members shall elect the vice-chairperson from among themselves.
Each member shall have a three (3) years term of office without prejudice to
being reappointed for another term. In case of vacancy due to retirement,
resignation, transfer, incapacitation, or death, the Council may nominate
replacement/s to serve the unexpired portion of the term subject to the
approval of the NEO and REO for National and Regional council respectively.
Elected official representative particularly from the LGU, in case of end
of term/unluckily elected in their respective locality within the term as a
member of the council, the SP/SB of the concerned LGU may endorse
replacement/s to serve the unexpired portion of the term still subject to the
approval of the NEO.
For NAF-ESP Council for OA, the appointed Council member from the
NOAB shall have a three (3) years term of office without being reappointed
for another term.
The Council Members shall be issued a National Identification Card.
SECTION 9. Â Attendance to Meetings and Quorums. — Appointment
to the Council carries an expectation of regular attendance to meetings. The
Council shall have a regular semestral meeting. Decisions by a majority of
the Council shall be valid and binding. A special meeting may be called by
the Chair and/or a majority of the Council, whenever necessary.
Criteria for Accreditation
SECTION 10. Â Eligible PAF-ESP Applicants. — The following
eligibility requirements shall be considered for accreditation:
a. Â Business entities;
b. Â POs/RBOs and other farmer associations and cooperatives duly
registered with the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA);
c. Â e-Learning Institution and/or Academic Institution;
d. Â Faith-based organizations duly organized under the existing
laws and registered with SEC/DOLE;
e. Â Multinational corporations can apply for accreditation, provided,
relevant laws allow multinationals to engage in extension
services. Provided further, that all those who perform the services
shall be Filipino citizens and registered professionals authorized
by the appropriate regulatory body to practice their professions;
f. Â Joint ventures among Filipino PAF-ESPs and foreign
multinationals may be allowed if it will result in better extension
services, subject to SEC laws and the provisions of this IRR.
SECTION 11. Â Technical Capability. —
a. Â The PAF-ESP must be able to administer training as well as
other training-based and extension services including community organizing;
use participatory approaches; popularize training materials; regenerate
agricultural technologies, agribusiness, and management skills; and is
operating at the municipal/provincial/region-wide areas for local level PAF-
ESPs, and in two (2) or more regions for national level PAF-ESPs.
b. Â The PAF-ESP must have training/activity designs, training
overall completion report including the methodology, list of participants with
signature, a summary of evaluation results, and photo documentation of at
least five (5) trainings conducted for the last three (3) years.
c. Â For PAF-ESP for OA, the applicant must have a third party OA
certification/Participatory Guarantee System or at least has applied for third
party certification/Participatory Guarantee System.
SECTION 12. Â Resource Capability. —
12.1. Â Manpower
A. Â Trainers
For National PAF-ESP, must have at least two (2) trainers and
three (3) faculty-on-call or resource persons; for Regional PAF-
ESP, must have at least one (1) trainer and four (4) faculty-on-call
or resource persons who meet the following requirements:
Education and Work Experience
a. Â Must possess appropriate education with relevant work
experience of at least three (3) years on the subject matter
he/she is handling.
b. Â For PAF-ESP for OA, must possess at least an OA
practitioner/undergraduate degree/Trainer's Methodology
Level 1 and holder of National Certification II (NC II) on
organic agriculture production.
Must have undergone at least 40 hours of training in trainers'
skills/presentation skills and related areas.
a. Â Preferably professional in the field of extension services
he/she wishes to engage in.
b. Â Capable of developing training/activity designs, training
modules, and visual aids, and training evaluation tools.
c. Â Must have effective communication skills, as well as
presentation/facilitating skills.
B. Â On-call Lecturer
a. Â Must possess at least an OA Practitioner/undergraduate
degree (BS Degree)/Trainer's Methodology Level 1
b. Â Certification from Municipal/City Agriculture Office that
they are practitioner, a farmer awardee (e.g., Gawad Saka,
Rice Achievers Awards, etc.), Magsasaka Siyentista and
holder of agriculture-related NC II (organic agriculture NC II
for OA ESP); and
c. Â Must have good extension communication skills.
C. Â Training Management Staff
Must have at least two (2) support staff that have thorough
experience and adequate competence to deliver training support
services (visual aids preparation, training process documentation,
administration and processing of training evaluation, etc.).
12.2. Â Facilities and Equipment
a. Â Compliance with the National Building Code and the Fire Code
of the Philippines. This provision shall ensure the safety of the
welfare of the participants, trainers, guests, etc. Further, this
shall serve as a basis on the preparedness of the PAF-ESP during
emergency cases.
b. Â Size of the training room and dormitory. The training room and
dormitory shall be able to accommodate a minimum of thirty (30)
participants including the blended learning platform. If the PAF-
ESP does not own such facilities, it should have the capacity to
source out alternative training venues in the locality that have
the same facilities (except ATI facilities).
c. Â Lighting and ventilation. Lighting fixtures shall be designed to
ensure an atmosphere conducive to training. The training room
shall also be well ventilated.
d. Â Restrooms. There shall be separate male and female restrooms
with enough supply of water.
e. Â Support facilities, and equipment. The training room must have
basic facilities such as chairs and tables, blackboard/whiteboard,
sound system, information, and communications technology (ICT)
equipment, electric fans, and electric generator available at any
f. Â Workshop/On-the-Job training facilities and equipment.
Depending on the training program/s being offered, there should
be an adequate provision for a technology demonstration area
with a minimum of 1,000 square meters, appropriate facilities,
and equipment either owned or rented.
g. Â Information Resource Center/Library. An area/corner adequately
provided with relevant reference materials, books, journals,
magazines, kits, and other materials related to the programs
being conducted.
h. Â Transportation and Communication Facilities. There should be a
standby utility vehicle, available telephone or mobile phone unit,
and internet services during the conduct of the training if
i. Â Waste-processing facility (recycling, composting, etc.)
12.3. Â Demonstration Services
The technologies promoted should be diversified in nature and should
cover the priority commodity needs of the region, province, municipality/city,
and barangays.
The Demonstration/Learning Site of the PAF-ESP
a. Â Must be accessible to any means of transportation;
b. Â Must have a good source of water and dependable power
c. Â Must have a minimum area of 1,000 square meters, either
owned or rented by the PAF-ESP applicant;
d. Â Relatively peaceful and orderly; and
e. Â Must be contiguous or compact depending on the commodity
(crop-livestock-fishery) combination of their own choice.
12.4. Â Other Facilities
The presence of the following shall be an added advantage:
a. Â Refreshment/Dining Area — a refreshment/dining area
accessible to the trainees
b. Â Kiosks or similar facilities with a capacity of eight (8) to ten (10)
participants for small group discussions
c. Â Designated prayer area
d. Â Product Display Area
SECTION 13. Â Training Program to be Conducted by the PAF-ESP. —
Regular and Organic Agriculture-related training activities must be
conducted by accredited regular and OA Private Agriculture and Fisheries
Extension Service Provider respectively.
A. Â The existing offerings of the PAF-ESP applicant shall be
evaluated based on the following criteria:
1. Â Relevance. The training program shall respond to the
needs of the agriculture and fishery sector as identified in
the National Extension Agenda and Programs.
2. Â Objectives. Its objectives shall be clearly defined and are
realistic and attainable.
3. Â Content. The content/curriculum of the training program
shall align with its objectives. Topics shall be logical with
due consideration to the effectiveness of presentation in
terms of the trainees comprehension.
4. Â Methodology. There shall be an effective, sample, and
comprehensive presentation of topics, clear description of
participatory learning interventions, examination scheme,
and test instruments related to the course objectives. There
shall, likewise, be a relevant and practical application of
theories and concepts.
5. Â Qualifications of Participants. The minimum qualifications
of the participants shall be set for proper identification of a
specific training course.
6. Â Evaluation Procedures. The training program shall carry
out effective evaluation instruments during and after
B. Â During the training, pre-test and post-test shall be prepared to
measure the knowledge and skills increment of the participants.
C. Â The trainers and the value of program content and other
aspects of the training shall be measured immediately after the
training. An evaluation shall also be done one (1) to three (3)
years after the training to assess the action plan implementation
and the effectiveness of the training in achieving its goals and
The Accreditation Process
SECTION 14. Â The PAF-ESP Accreditation Process. —
The accreditation process shall consist of five (5) phases.
Phase 1 — Filing of Application
The PAF-ESP applicant shall accomplish the prescribed application form
in duplicate and file together with the required documentary requirements to
ATI Central Office for national PAF-ESPs and at the ATI RTCs for the regional
Supporting Documents to be submitted with the Application Form
Legal Documents
a. Â Registration with the SEC and, in the case of cooperatives, at
the CDA or DOLE for associations;
b. Â DTI Business Name;
c. Â Tax Identification Number (TIN) of the PAF-ESP applicant; and
d. Â Business/Mayor's Permit or the official receipt as proof of
renewal in case application for accreditation was submitted at the
first month of the calendar year.
Technical Documents
a. Â List of PAF-ESP applicant's completed trainings/seminars
conducted within the last three (3) years a minimum of five (5)
and shall include the following details: title, topics covered,
duration, venue of the training, number of participants, and
activity evaluation results.
b. Â Competency matrix of all trainers, training support staff, and
c. Â List of all officials and employees and their respective
designations, nationalities, and home addresses.
d. Â List of identified training venues and demonstration/learning
sites that the PAF-ESP applicant owns, engaged under a lease
agreement, and/or a purchase agreement.
e. Â Type and number of equipment that the PAF-ESP applicant
owns, has under a lease agreement, and/or has under a purchase
Financial Documents
a. Â The PAF-ESP applicant's audited Financial Statement, stamped
"Received" by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) of its duly
authorized and accredited institutions, for the immediate
preceding calendar year, showing, among others, the total and
current assets and liabilities or Certificate of Tax Exemption, in
the case of cooperatives.
b. Â Certification from the PAF-ESP applicant's depository bank.
Phase 2 — Documentary Evaluation
The initial screening shall be done by the National/Regional Secretariat
through an evaluation of the documents submitted to determine whether
these documents meet the eligibility requirements set by the AF-ESP Council.
A report outlining the results of the review shall be prepared. The
documentary evaluation shall be completed within ten (10) working days
from receipt of the application and required supporting documents.
Phase 3 — Ocular Inspection/Validation
a. Â Upon completion of the documentary evaluation, an ocular
inspection and field validation shall be conducted using the
combined onsite and virtual platform to confirm the PAF-ESP
applicant's compliance with the qualification requirements.
b. Â The initial findings shall be provided/discussed with the PAF-ESP
applicants during the exit conference.
c. Â A report of its findings and/or recommendations shall be
submitted within five (5) working days to the Council from the
date of the completion of the ocular inspection and field
Phase 4 — Approval/Disapproval
a. Â For the accreditation of National PAF-ESP's, the National
Executive Officer (NEO) shall approve/disapprove the PAF-ESP
both national and regional application.
In case of national PAF-ESP application, the NAF-ESP Council shall
recommend for the approval/disapproval of PAF-ESP applicants to
the NEO while in the case of Regional PAF-ESP application, the
RAF-ESP Council shall recommend for the approval/disapproval of
applications to the NEO endorsed by the Regional Executive
Office within ten (10) working days upon submission of the
Inspection Report.
b. Â In case of pending approval due to lacking/unfulfilled
requirements, the ATI will notify the PAF-ESP applicant/s
regarding the finding and provide a maximum of ninety (90) days
to comply or submit the needed requirement/s. Failure to comply
within the prescribed period shall be subjected to re-application.
Phase 5 — Award of the Certificate
a. Â Upon approval of the application, the National Executive Office
shall sign and issue the Certificate of Accreditation for regional
and national PAF-ESP application within ten (10) working days.
b. Â The Regional Executive Officer shall endorse all approved
regional applications to the National Executive Officer who is
vested with the sole authority to issue such document for
issuance of Certificate of Accreditation.
Considering the completeness of documentary requirements
submitted upon application of PAF-ESP, the whole process from
application to issuance of a certificate of accreditation may only
take 30 working days. This period will only vary depending on the
PAF-ESP applicant's duration of compliance and submission of
lacking requirements and availability of the members of the AF-
ESP Council especially in the conduct of field validation.
SECTION 15. Â Validity of Certificate of Accreditation. —
The Certificate of Accreditation shall be valid for a period of five (5)
years from the date of issuance unless sooner canceled by the Council.
Performance Audit
SECTION 16. Â Audit. —
During the effectivity period of the accreditation, the National/Regional
AF-ESP Council and Secretariat shall conduct an Annual
Performance/surveillance Audits/Remote Audit to verify/ensure continued
compliance to its responsibilities.
Renewal of Accreditation
SECTION 17. Â Renewal of Accreditation. —
Six (6) months prior to the expiration of the accreditation, Secretariat
will notify the accredited PAF-ESP. The concerned PAF-ESP may apply for
renewal, otherwise, the accreditation shall be deemed terminated at the end
of the five (5) years period.
Renewal of accreditation shall be based on the assessment of the
performance of the accredited PAF-ESP. The accreditation process shall
consist of five (5) phases.
Phase 1 — Filing of Application
The PAF-ESP applicant for renewal shall submit a letter of intent for
renewal as accredited PAF-ESP together with an accomplished prescribed
form in duplicate and file together with the required documentary
requirements to ATI Central Office for national PAF-ESPs and at the ATI RTCs
for the regional PAF-ESPs.
Supporting Documents to be submitted with the Application Form
Legal Documents
•  Updated Business/Mayor's Permit or the official receipt as
proof of renewal in case application for accreditation was
submitted at the first month of the calendar year.
Technical Documents
•  Summary of PAF-ESP applicant's completed
trainings/seminars conducted within the last five (5) years with a
minimum of five (5) batches funded by the DA and other funding
•  Updated competency matrix of all trainers, training support
staff, and lecturer-on-call.
•  Updated list of all officials and employees and their respective
designations, nationalities, and home addresses.
•  Updated list of identified training venues and
demonstration/learning sites that the PAF-ESP applicant owns,
engaged under a lease agreement, and/or a purchase agreement.
•  Updated list of facilities and equipment that the PAF-ESP
applicant owns, engaged under a lease agreement, and/or a
purchase agreement.
•  List of other training courses/services offered.
Financial Documents
•  The PAF-ESP applicant's audited Financial Statement,
stamped "Received" by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) of
its duly authorized and accredited institutions, for the immediate
preceding calendar year, showing, among others, the total and
current assets and liabilities or Certificate of Tax Exemption, in
the case of cooperatives.
•  Updated certification from the PAF-ESP applicant's depository
Phase 2 — Documentary Evaluation for Renewal
Upon submission of the application for renewal, an initial screening
shall be done by the National/Regional Secretariat through an evaluation of
the documents submitted to determine whether these documents meet the
eligibility and completeness of requirements. A report outlining the results of
the review shall be prepared. The documentary evaluation shall be
completed within ten (10) working days from receipt of the application.
Phase 3 — Field and Documentary Validation
•  Upon completion of the documentary valuation, a field and
documentary validation shall be conducted through an onsite or
virtual platform depending on the prevailing situation to confirm
the PAF-ESP applicant's compliance with the qualification
•  The initial findings shall be provided/discussed with the PAF-
ESP applicants during the exit conference.
•  A report of its findings and/or recommendations shall be
submitted within five (5) working days to the Council from the
date of the completion of the field and documentary validation.
Phase 4 — Approval/Disapproval
•  For the accreditation of National PAF-ESP's, the National
Executive Officer (NEO) shall approve/disapprove the PAF-ESP
both national and regional application for renewal.
In case of national PAF-ESP application, the NAF-ESP Council shall
recommend for the approval/disapproval of PAF-ESP applicants to
the NEO while in the case of Regional PAF-ESP application, the
Regional RAF-ESP Council shall recommend for the
approval/disapproval of applications to the NEO endorsed by the
Regional Executive Office within ten (10) working days upon
submission of the Request for Action Form and other
documentary evidence.
•  In case of pending approval due to lacking/unfulfilled
requirements, the ATI will notify the PAF-ESP applicant/s
regarding the finding and provide a maximum of thirty (30) days
to comply or submit the needed requirement/s. Failure to comply
within the prescribed period shall be subjected to re-application
for renewal.
Phase 5 — Award of the Certificate
c. n  Upon approval of the application, the National Executive
Office shall sign and issue the renewed Certificate of
Accreditation for regional and national PAF-ESP application within
ten (10) working days.
d. Â The Regional Executive Officer shall endorse all approved
regional applications to the National Executive Officer who is
vested with the sole authority to issue such document for
issuance of Certificate of Accreditation.
Grounds for Disapproval, Suspension or Cancellation of Accreditation and
SECTION 18. Â Disapproval of Application for Accreditation. —
Any false declaration, statement, or use of any such declaration or
statement on any document submitted, committing fraud, or any act of
misrepresentation for obtaining the issuance of accreditation shall be
sufficient grounds for disapproval or disqualification.
In case of non-adherence on non-conformance to any requirements and
obligations, the ATI and the PAF-ESP shall endeavor to settle the matter
amicably in the following manner:
•  A notice in writing shall be sent by the concerned party to the
other party stating therein the basis for the non-adherence or
•  The parties thereafter set a meeting for discussing and
settling the matter amicably.
•  All agreements shall be reduced in writing and signed by the
parties or their duly appointed representatives.
If no agreement is reached, it shall be the right of the ATI through
ESP Council to terminate the accreditation of the PAF-ESP.
Further, the ATI, if deemed necessary, shall file a complaint to
any applicable courts, depending on the nature of the
controversy, following the rules of procedure for the said offices
for dispute settlement.
SECTION 19. Â Suspension of Accreditation. —
Any of the following acts, omissions, or offenses shall be sufficient
grounds for the suspension of accreditation:
a. Â Failure to comply with or violate any of the conditions set forth
in the certificate of accreditation;
b. Â Refusal of the accredited PAF-ESP to be audited to determine
continued compliance to approved standards;
c. Â Failure to install corrective measures within an agreed period
for the nonconformities found during the audit;
d. Â Allowing the organization and its facilities to be used for illegal
or immortal activities;
e. Â Misuse of extension grants; and
f. Â Failure to submit required reports on time.
SECTION 20. Â Length of Suspension. —
An accredited ESP shall be suspended for a period of not less than six
(6) months or suspension of not more than one (1) year depending on the
gravity of the offense/s in violation of this IRR after due notice and hearing
by the Council.
SECTION 21. Â Cancellation of Accreditation. —
Any of the following acts, omissions, or offenses shall be sufficient
grounds for the cancellation of accreditation:
a. Â Two (2) consecutive suspensions during the validity period of
the certificate of accreditation, however, three (3) or more
suspensions shall be ground for blacklisting of accredited PAF-
b. Â Contract or other agreements with the ATI have been breached;
c. Â Failure to provide the extension services called for without valid
d. Â Existence of any of the instances enumerated under Section 5
of these Rules; and
e. Â Two (2) consecutive satisfactory results on the conducted
annual performance audit shall be grounds for cancellation of
SECTION 22. Â Appeal. —
1. Â The following procedures shall apply for any appeal on
suspension decision:
b. n  The accredited PAF-ESP may file an appeal with the ATI within
fifteen (15) working days from receipt of notice of suspension.
c. Â The appeal must be accompanied by a report specifying the
major documented errors and how such errors contributed to the
suspension, together with other relevant substantiating
d. Â The ATI, through the AF-ESP Council, shall grant or deny the
accredited PAF-ESP's appeal of the suspension based on the
statement of reason/s and submitted documented facts within
thirty (30) working days from receipt of the appeal. The action
shall be based solely on the report and the supporting
documentation submitted by the accredited PAF-ESP in
accordance with the nature of the non-compliance that led to the
e. Â If the ATI, through AF-ESP Council, decides that the appeal is
not meritorious, the appeal shall be denied and such decision
shall be final and executory.
f. Â In case the appeal on the suspension is meritorious, the ATI shall
lift the suspension based on the recommendations of the AF-ESP
Council, and grant accreditation.
g. Â The decision for the appeal of suspension shall be unanimously
decided by the AF-ESP Council.
2. Â On the other hand, cancellation or revocation of accreditation is
Obligations of Accredited PAF-ESPs
SECTION 23. Â Obligations of the Accredited PAF-ESP. —
The accredited PAF-ESP agrees to do the following:
a. Â Concurred to the standards of the ATI in the delivery of
trainings and other extension services;
b. Â Display the Vision, Mission, and Objectives, and Goals of the
organization in a conspicuous place within the PAF-ESP's office;
c. Â Display the certificate of accreditation in a conspicuous place
within the ESP's office;
d. Â Maintain Personnel's Portfolio such as Curriculum Vitae,
Contract of Service/MOA, Training Certificates for the past three
(3) years, TOR/Diploma and other related documents;
e. Â Inform the ATI of all changes significantly affecting its
activities/operations (such as a change in ownership, address,
personnel, and by-laws) as this may require additional audit;
f. Â Not to use its accreditation in such a manner as to bring the ATI
into disrepute and does not make any statement regarding its
accreditation which the ATI may consider misleading or
g. Â Must conduct a minimum of ten (10) training activities within
the period of accreditation; and
h. Â Maintain their database based on the provided template of the
i. Â Submit relevant reports to the ATI regarding their conduct of
trainings and other extension services.
ATI Obligations
SECTION 24. Â Obligation of the ATI in the PAF-ESP Accreditation. —
In the accredited PAF-ESP, following are the obligation of the ATI:
a. Â Maintain the documents of the accredited PAF-ESPs for a
retention period of three (3) years after the validity of the
accreditation has expired;
b. Â Maintain a database of accredited PAF-ESPs that shall be
available to the public upon request;
c. Â Notify the PAF-ESPs of relevant changes in its accreditation
d. Â Allocate appropriate funds to the submitted training proposal/s
of the accredited PAF-ESPs in a form of grants;
e. Â Organized related activities to encourage active engagement of
accredited PAF-ESPs; and
f. Â Coordinate the PAF-ESPs on the delivery of extension services
aligned with the thrust and priorities of the DA and the ATI.
SECTION 25. Â Incentives. —
Once accredited, the PAF-ESP shall be eligible for the following
a. Â Automatically considered as a member of the National/Regional
Agriculture and Fisheries Extension Network;
b. Â Availment of extension funds from the ATI subject to approved
training proposals and/or as programmed in the work and
financial plan of the ATI in support to its mandate;
c. Â Access to the support services from the DA through its farm
clustering program wherein PAF-ESP can be tapped as those who
will lead in the organization and strengthening of farmer groups
within their localities/communities;
d. Â Technical assistance in the availment of DA-Agribusiness and
Marketing Assistance Services/Division;
e. Â Access to financial assistance through Government Financial
Institutions (GFIs) (e.g., Land Bank of the Philippines,
Development Bank of the Philippines);
f. Â Access to ATI's Capability Building Program;
g. Â Access to multi-media knowledge products produced by ATI;
h. Â Inclusion in the nomination list for both local and international
scholarship/fellowship opportunities;
i. Â Assistance to the promotion and development of products;
j. Â Tax exemption incentives; and
k. Â Recommendation for Certification as Farm Tourism Site
following the requirements.
Provision of PAF-ESP Grants
SECTION 26. Â Categories of PAF-ESP Extension Proposal for Grants.

The provision of extension grants are aligned with the processes and
procedures of the ATI grants systems. The proposals to be submitted shall
be in-lined with the enhanced Thematic Areas of ATI, to wit:
a. Â Learn: Strengthening Competency and Competitiveness
through Capability Building. This thematic area is focused on the
provision of training services. This aims to capacitate the AEWs,
farmers, fisherfolk, rural women, youth, and other stakeholders
along the value chain to adopt innovative, sustainable,
productive, and new techniques in social and production
technologies of farming and fishing. It encourages the holistic
approach in delivering training services through the
enhancement of training services from the development of the
curriculum and agents of extension, effective modalities,
techniques, and strategies to the sustainability of interventions.
b. Â Exhibit: Modeling Technologies, Best Agriculture and Fisheries
Extension Practices and Innovations. This thematic area is
focused on the provision of technology demonstration services.
This is the most effective way to introduce and showcase the
success of new and innovative technology or practice, its
processes, techniques, and desired results to individuals and
communities. It encourages innovations to thrive as new farming
systems are applied and integrated as a result of exhibited
demonstrations. Further, this serves as a platform for farmers
and fisherfolk to feedback on-farm problems to extension workers
and researchers as different technologies and practices are being
demonstrated and tested on their farms.
c. Â Advise: Empowering Farmers and Fisherfolk through Advisory
Services. This thematic area involves the provision of farm or
business advisory services. It includes on-demand knowledge
sharing and advisory on production and post-production
technologies, linking producers to the market, investments, and
other strategic resources and support services with various
stakeholders in agriculture and fisheries. It also covers the
provision of financial and management advice especially for
framers, fisherfolk, and their organizations. These are technical
services on rural-based organization development, marketing-
related assistance, feasibility study preparation, project proposal
development, technology-based knowledge sharing, and farm
d. Â Disseminate: Enhancing Agriculture Fisheries Extension
Knowledge Products and Services. This thematic area deals with
different extension clients/stakeholders' need for fast access to
up-to-date agriculture, livestock, and fisheries-related information
and knowledge. It includes the development, translation,
packaging, and distribution of knowledge products through
multimedia (print, broadcast, TV, and internet) and all other
modes of communication that fit specific client systems.
SECTION 26. n  Criteria for Evaluation. — Extension Service
proposals must meet the following conditions to qualify for extension grants:
a. Â Consistency with the DA thrust and priorities & NEAP/AFE
strategic plan (15%)
b. Â Clarity of Objectives (10%)
c. Â Packaging (5%)
d. Â Conceptual Adequacy of the Proposal (30%)
e. Â Justifiability of the Proposed Budget (10%)
f. Â Eligibility of the proponent (10%)
g. Â Impact of the Proposed Project (20%)
SECTION 27. Â Availment Process. — The submitted proposals will
undergo the following processes:
27.1 Â Availment Process for the National PAF-ESP
a. Â Submission of Activity Proposal. PAF-ESPs shall submit
their project proposal to ATI together with a training needs
assessment and monitoring report from the previous
activity/ies funded by the DA through ATI for possible
funding. The National PAF-ESPs may submit the extension
grants proposal online through the online AFE grants
system. The link on the submission can be accessed
through the ATI website.
For commodity-based funds, the prospective PAF-ESPs shall
be selected by the secretariat according to their category
(OA or Regular), specialization, and location as specified in
the PAF-ESPs respective fact sheets.
b. Â Acknowledgment of Project Proposal. Preparation of
official communication to acknowledge the receipt of
proposal and subject for evaluation of the review
committee. Upon acknowledgment, the ABGMS shall screen
the completeness and relevance of the proposal before
forwarding it to the review committee.
c. Â Evaluation of Project Proposal. The ATI through the
National Secretariat will coordinate with the Review
Committee on the evaluation of the proposal based on the
d. Â Consolidation of Evaluation Results. Upon evaluation of
the Review Committee, the National Secretariat will
consolidate the results and will prepare the following:
•  Endorsement letter for signature by the ATI
Director on the approval/disapproval of the
submitted Activity Proposals; and
•  Feedback letter to PAF-ESP if the
proposals/submitted needs to be improved base
on the comments provided by the Review
e. Â Submission of Documentary Requirements. Memorandum
of Agreement (MOA) shall be signed by the PAF-ESP and
submit to the ATI for the signature of the Director together
with other lacking document/s based on the Checklist of
f. Â Signing of MOA and Proposal. The submitted MOA by the
PAF-ESP and the endorsed proposal shall be signed and
approve respectively.
g. Â Review of Documentary Requirements. The National
Secretariat shall review the submitted documentary
requirements based on the checklist for the release of 70%
from the approved budgetary requirement.
h. Â Processing of Release of Grants (70%). The release of
approved grants is 70%-30% as per requirements based on
COA Circular. The release of 70% fund shall process
following the completion of requirements.
i. Â Conduct of Activity. The proponent PAF-ESP of the
approved proposal shall conduct the funded activity and
submit training completion reports.
j. Â Monitoring and Evaluation. The national secretariat shall
conduct on-the-spot monitoring and evaluate the conduct of
approved and funded training activity using the on-the-spot-
monitoring tool.
k. Â Submission of documentary requirements and processing
of release of remaining 30% fund. Required documents set
for the release of the remaining 30% fund shall be
submitted by the PAF-ESP to the ATI.
l. Â Submission of Liquidation Report by tranches. Liquidation
report by tranches shall be complied with and submitted by
the proponent PAF-ESP to the ATI.
27.2 Â Availment Process for the Regional PAF-ESP
a. Â Endorsement of Project Proposal of Regional ESP. the ATI-
RTCs shall endorse the project proposal of the Regional PAF-
ESP to the Central Office for possible funding. Endorsement
Letter of ATI-RTC shall include the status of the Regional
ESP (no due and unliquidated transactions to ATI).
b. Â Acknowledgment of Project Proposal. The national
secretariat shall prepare official communication to
acknowledge the receipt of the proposal, which will be
subjected to evaluation of the review committee. Upon
acknowledgment, the national secretariat shall review the
completeness and relevance of the proposal before
forwarding it to the review committee.
c. Â Evaluation of Project Proposal. The national secretariat
shall coordinate with the Review Committee on the
evaluation of the proposal based on the criteria.
d. Â Consolidation of Evaluation Results. Upon evaluation of
the Review Committee, the national secretariat shall
consolidate the results and prepare the following:
a. Â Endorsement letter for signature by the ATI
Director on the approval/disapproval of the
submitted Activity Proposals; and
b. Â Feedback letter to PAF-ESP through the ATI-RTC
Center Director if the proposal/s submitted needs
to be improved base on the comments provided
by the Review Committee.
e. Â Preparation of Letter of Advice Allotment (LAD). The
national secretariat shall prepare LAD for the approved
activity proposal to the respective ATI-RTC of the Regional
PAF-ESP with a 10% M&E fund.
f. Â Conduct of Activity. The proponent Regional PAF-ESP of
the approved proposal shall conduct the funded activity and
submit training completion reports.
g. Â Monitoring and Evaluation. The ATI-RTC shall monitor and
evaluate the conduct of approved and funded training
activity using the on-the-spot-monitoring tool. A copy of the
monitoring report shall also be submitted to ATI-CO.
h. Â Processing of Payment. The ATI-RTC shall process the
payment of the Regional PAF-ESP's activity based on
existing auditing and accounting rules and regulations. The
ATI-RTCs may modify requirements on the processing of
payment in accordance with existing auditing and
accounting rules and regulations.
i. Â Submission of Report. ATI-RTC shall furnish the ATI-CO
through PAD on the complete report of the Regional ESP's
conducted activity.
SECTION 28. Â Project Proposal Review and Awards Committee. — A
Project Proposal Review and Awards Committee shall be created by the ATI
Director to evaluate to proposal submitted.
SECTION 29. Â Release of Grants. — A MOA shall be executed upon
approval to define specific terms and conditions. The grants shall be
released in tranches in accordance with the agreed conditions as follows:
•  First Tranche: 70% upon signing of MOA
•  Second Tranche: 30% upon submission of the activity/training
completion report and compliance with other MOA post-activity

Funding Requirements
SECTION 30. Â Fund Source and Expenditures. —
30.1 Â Fund Source
Funds for operational and administrative costs for this purpose shall be
included in the regular budget of the ATI.
Aside from the ATI-regular fund allocation to fund the PAF-ESP's
project/activity/program proposals, the related banner program of the ATI
shall allocate yearly funds for at least 3 trainings/activities per region. This
will eventually boost the interest of the accredited ESPs as a partner in the
delivery of agriculture and fisheries extension services.
30.2 Â Expenditure Items
All members of the Council shall be entitled to an honorarium in the
amount of One Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (PhP1,500.00) per meeting on
a daily basis. Likewise, All Council members shall be entitled to travel
expenses during field validation/performance audit, subject to existing
government accounting rules and regulations.
Miscellaneous Provisions
SECTION 31. Â Separability Clause. —
The provisions of these Rules are hereby declared separable, and if
anyone or more of such provisions are declared invalid, the other provisions
not affected thereby shall remain valid and subsisting.
SECTION 32. Â Amendments. —
As the need arises, the rules and regulations may be recommended for
amendment by the Council through the Executive Officer, subject to the
provisions of the National Organic Agriculture Act (R.A. 10068) amended as
R.A. 11511 and Section 91 of Administrative Order No. 2, otherwise known
as the IRR of AFMA (R.A. 8435) for approval by the DA Secretary.
SECTION 33. Â Effectivity. —
These Rules and Regulations shall take effect after fifteen (15) days
following the completion of its publication in the Official Gazette or in a
newspaper of general circulation, and its filing with the National
Administrative Register of the University of the Philippines Law Center.
Done this 18th day of May 2021.



1. DAR Administrative Order 05-09.

2. Republic Act No. 11511: An Act Amending Republic Act No. 10068 or the Organic
Agriculture Act of 2010.

3. Republic Act No. 10068: An Act Providing for the Development and Promotion of
Organic Agriculture in the Philippines and Other Purposes.

n Note from the Publisher: Copied verbatim from the official document. Irregular
alphabetical sequence.

n Note from the Publisher: Copied verbatim from the official document. Irregular
alphabetical sequence.

n Note from the Publisher: Copied verbatim from the official document. Irregular
numerical sequence.

n Note from the Publisher: Copied verbatim from the official document. Irregular
numerical sequence.

Published in the Manila Bulletin on August 27, 2021.


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