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1) Units
a) Fundamental units
i) Independent
ii) Basic building blocks
iii) Cannot be derived from other units
b) Derived units
i) Obtained from fundamental units
2) Dimensional Analysis
a) Conversion from one system of units to another
b) To check the correctness of the equation
c) To derive a relation among the physical quantities
3) Measurement
a) Of length
i) By parallax method

ii) Triangular Method
iii) Spectroscopic method
b) Of Mass
c) Of Time
4) System of units
a) M.K.S. System (S.I. System)
b) C.G.S. System
c) F.P.S. System

The comparison of any physical quantity with its standard unit is called measurement.
Physical Quantities
All the quantities in terms of which laws of physics are described, and whose measurement is necessary
are called physical quantities.

• A definite amount of a physical quantity is taken as its standard unit.

• The standard unit should be easily reproducible, internationally accepted.
Fundamental Units
Those physical quantities which are independent to each other are called fundamental quantities and
their units are called fundamental units.
S.No. Fundamental Quantities Fundamental Units Symbol

1. Length metre m

2. Mass kilogram kg
3. Time second S

4. Temperature kelvin kg 5 Electric current ampere A

6 Luminous intensity candela cd

7 Amount of substance mole mol

Supplementary Fundamental Units

Radian and steradian are two supplementary fundamental units. It measures plane angle and solid angle
S.No. Supplementary Fundamental Quantities Supplementary Unit Symbol

1 Plane angle radian rad 2 Solid angle steradian Sr

Derived Units
Those physical quantities which are derived from fundamental quantities are called derived
quantities and their units are called derived units. e.g., velocity, acceleration, force, work etc.
Definitions of Fundamental Units
The seven fundamental units of SI have been defined as under.
1. 1-kilogramA cylindrical prototype mass made of platinum and iridium alloys of height 39 mmand
diameter 39 mm. It is mass of 5.0188 x 1025 atoms of carbon-12.
2. 1 metre 1 metre is the distance that contains 1650763.73 wavelength of orange-red light of Kr-

3. 1 second 1 second is the time in which cesium atom vibrates 9192631770 times in an

4. 1 kelvin 1 kelvin is the (1/273.16) part of the thermodynamics temperature of the triple point

5. 1 candela 1 candela is (1/60) luminous intensity of an ideal source by an area of cm‘

whensource is at melting point of platinum (1760°C).

6. 1 ampere 1 ampere is the electric current which it maintained in two straight parallel conductorof
infinite length and of negligible cross-section area placed one metre apart in vacuum will produce
between them a force 2 x 10-7 N per metre length.
7. 1 mole 1 mole is the amount of substance of a system which contains a many
elementaryentities (may be atoms, molecules, ions, electrons or group of particles, as this and
atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon isotope 6C 12.

Systems of Units
A system of units is the complete set of units, both fundamental and derived, for all kinds of physical
quantities. The common system of units which is used in mechanics are given below:
1. CGS System In this system, the unit of length is centimetre, the unit of mass is gram and
theunit of time is second.
2. FPS System In this system, the unit of length is foot, the unit of mass is pound and the unit
oftime is second.

3. MKS System In this system, the unit of length is metre, the unit of mass is kilogram and
theunit of time is second.

4. SI System This system contains seven fundamental units and two supplementary

Relationship between Some Mechanical SI Unit and Commonly Used Units

S.No. Physical Quantity Unit

(a) 1 micrometre = 10-6 m

1 Length (b) 1 angstrom =10-10 m

2 Mass (a) 1 metric ton = 103 kg

(b) 1 pound = 0.4537 kg

(c) 1 amu = 1.66 x10-23 kg

3Volume 1 litre = 10-32 m3

( ) 1 dyne
= 10-5 N a
4. Force
(b) 1 kgf = 9.81 N

(a) 1 kgfm2 = 9.81Nm-2

(b) 1 mm of Hg = 133 Nm-2
5. Pressure (c) 1 pascal = 1 Nm-2
(d) 1 atmosphere pressure = 76 cm of Hg = 1.01 x 105 pascal
(a) 1 erg =10-7J
(b) 1 kgf-m = 9.81 J
6. Work and energy (c) 1 kWh = 3.6 x 106 J

(d) 1 eV = 1.6 x 10-19 J

(d) 1 kgf- ms-1 = 9.81W

7. Power
1 horse power = 746 W

Some Practical Units

1. 1 fermi =10-15 m
2. 1 X-ray unit = 10-13 m
3. 1 astronomical unit = 1.49 x 1011 m (average distance between sun and earth)
4. 1 light year = 9.46 x 1015 m
5. 1 parsec = 3.08 x 1016 m = 3.26 light year

Some Approximate Masses

Object Kilogram

Our galaxy 2 x 1041

Sun 2 x 1030

Moon 7 x 1022
Asteroid Eros 5 x 1015


Dimensions of any physical quantity are those powers which are raised on fundamental units to express
its unit. The expression which shows how and which of the base quantities represent the dimensions of a
physical quantity, is called the dimensional formula.

Dimensional Formula of Some Physical Quantities

Physical Dimensional MKS

Quantity Formula Unit

1 Area [L2] metre2

2 Volume [L3] metre3
3 Velocity [LT-1] ms-1
4 Acceleration [LT-2] ms-2
5 Force [MLT-2] newton (N)
6 Work or energy [ML2T-2] joule (J)
7 Power [ML2T-3] J s-1 or watt
8 Pressure or stress [ML-1T-2] Nm-2

9 Linear momentum or Impulse [MLT-1] kg ms-1

10 Density [ML-3] kg m-3
11 Strain Dimensionless Unitless
12 Modulus of elasticity [ML-1T-2] Nm-2

13 Surface tension [MT -2] Nm-1

14 Velocity gradient T-1 second-1

15 Coefficient of velocity [ML-1T-1] kg m-1s-1

16 Gravitational constant [M-1L3T-2] Nm2/kg2

17 Moment of inertia [ML2] kg m2

18 Angular velocity [T-1] rad/s
19 Angular acceleration [T-2] rad/S2

20 Angular momentum [ML2T-1] kg m2S-1

21 Specific heat L2T-2θ-1 kcal kg-1K-1

22 Latent heat [L2T-2] kcal/kg

23 Planck‘s constant ML2T-1 J-s

24 Universal gas constant [ML2T-2θ-1] J/mol-K

Homogeneity Principle

If the dimensions of left-hand side of an equation are equal to the dimensions of right-hand side of the
equation, then the equation is dimensionally correct. This is known as homogeneity principle.

Mathematically [LHS] = [RHS]

Applications of Dimensions

1. To check the accuracy of physical equations.

2. To change a physical quantity from one system of units to another system of units.
3. To obtain a relation between different physical quantities.

Significant Figures

In the measured value of a physical quantity, the number of digits about the correctness of which we are
sure plus the next doubtful digit, are called the significant figures.

Rules for Finding Significant Figures

1. All non-zeros digits are significant figures, e.g., 4362 m has 4 significant figures.

2. All zeros occuring between non-zero digits are significant figures, e.g., 1005 has 4 significant

3. All zeros to the right of the last non-zero digit are not significant, e.g., 6250 has only 3 significant

10 | P a g e
4. In a digit less than one, all zeros to the right of the decimal point and to the left of a nonzero
digit are not significant, e.g., 0.00325 has only 3 significant figures.

5. All zeros to the right of a non-zero digit in the decimal part are significant, e.g., 1.4750 has 5
significant figures.

Significant Figures in Algebraic Operations

(i) In Addition, or Subtraction In addition or subtraction of the numerical values the final result
should retain the least decimal place as in the various numerical values. e.g.,

If l1= 4.326 m and l2 = 1.50 m

Then, l1 + l2 = (4.326 + 1.50) m = 5.826 m

11 | P a g e
As l2 has measured up to two decimal places, therefore l1

+ l2 = 5.83 m

(ii) In Multiplication or Division In multiplication or division of the numerical values, the final result should retain the
least significant figures as the various numerical values. e.g., If length 1= 12.5 m and breadth b = 4.125 m.

Then, area A = l x b = 12.5 x 4.125 = 51.5625 m2

As l has only 3 significant figures, therefore

A= 51.6 m2

Rules of Rounding Off Significant Figures

1. If the digit to be dropped is less than 5, then the preceding digit is left unchanged. e.g., 1.54 is rounded
off to 1.5.

2. If the digit to be dropped is greater than 5, then the preceding digit is raised by one. e.g., 2.49 is rounded
off to 2.5.

3. If the digit to be dropped is 5 followed by digit other than zero, then the preceding digit is raised by one. e.g., 3.55 is
rounded off to 3.6.

4. If the digit to be dropped is 5 or 5 followed by zeros, then the preceding digit is raised by one, if it is odd and left
unchanged if it is even. e.g., 3.750 is rounded off to 3.8 and 4.650 is rounded off to 4.6.


The lack in accuracy in the measurement due to the limit of accuracy of the instrument or due to any other cause is
called an error.

1. Absolute Error

The difference between the true value and the measured value of a quantity is called absolute error.

If a1 , a2, a3 ,…, an are the measured values of any quantity a in an experiment performed n times, then the arithmetic
mean of these values is called the true value (am) of the quantity.

12 | P a g e
The absolute error in measured values is given by

Δa1 = am – a1

Δa2 = am – a1
Δam = Δam – Δan
2. Mean Absolute Error

The arithmetic mean of the magnitude of absolute errors in all the measurement is called mean absolute error.

3. Relative Error The ratio of mean absolute error to the true value is called relative

4. Percentage Error The relative error expressed in percentage is called percentage error.

Propagation of Error

(i) Error in Addition or Subtraction Let x = a + b or x = a – b

If the measured values of two quantities a and b are (a ± Δa and (b ± Δb), then maximum absolute error in their addition
or subtraction.
Δx = ±(Δa + Δb)

(ii) Error in Multiplication or Division Let x = a x b or x = (a/b).

If the measured values of a and b are (a ± Δa) and (b ± Δb), then maximum relative error
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MCQ (Q1 to Q10 One mark each)
Q1. Which of the following pairs has the same dimensions?
(a) specific heat and latent heat (b) impulse and momentum
(c) surface tension and force (d) moment of inertia and torque
Q2. A force F is given by F = at + bt², where t is time. What are the dimensions of a and b?
(a) MLT-1 and MLT0 (b) MLT-3 and ML2T4
(c) MLT-4 and MLT (d) MLT-3 and MLT-4
Q3. The dimensions of kinetic energy is same as that of
(a) force (b) pressure
(c) work (d) momentum
Q4. Light year is a unit of
(a) time (b) distance
(c) sunlight intensity (d) mass
Q5. Find the odd term from the following
(a) Newton (b) mole
(c) Candela (d) kilogram

Q6. The sum of the numbers 436.32, 227.2 and 0.301 in appropriate significant figures is
(a) 663.821 (b) 664
(c) 663.8 (d) 663.82

Q7. The mean length of an object is 5 cm. Which of the following measurements is most accurate?
(a) 4.9 cm (b) 4.805 cm
(c) 5.25 cm (d) 5.4 cm

Q8. On the basis of dimensions, decide which of the following relations for the displacement of a particle undergoing simple
harmonic motion is not correct:

Q9. What is the percentage error in the measurement of the kinetic energy of a body, if there is a positive error of 50% in
the speed of the body
(a) 125% (b) 30%
14 | P a g e
(c) 50% (d) 100%

Q10. Which the following is a dimensionless quantity

(a) Refractive index (b) Gravitational constant
(c) Velocity (d) Planck‘s constant

VERY SHORT ANSWER QUESTION (Q11 to Q20 One mark each)

Q11.What is the difference between Ao and A.U.?
Q12. Define S.I. unit of solid angle.
Q13. If velocity, time and force were chosen the basic quantities, find the dimensions
of mass?
Q14. Give two methods for measuring time intervals?
Q15. If x = at + bt2 where x is in meters and t is in seconds. What are the units of a and b?
Q16. Two specific heat capacities of a gas are measured as C p=(12.28±0.2) units and CV=(3.97±0.3) units. Find the value
of gas constant R.
Q17. Justify that L + L = L and L – L = L.
Q18. State difference between 2 and 2.0.
Q19. Multiply 8.32 and 1.4 with due regard to Significant Figures.
Q20. Are there more microseconds in seconds than number of seconds in a year?

SHORT ANSWER QUESTION (Q21 to Q30 Two mark each)

Q21. Explain this common observation clearly: If you look out of the window of a fast-moving train, the nearby trees, houses
etc. seem to move rapidly in a direction opposite to the train's motion, but the distant objects (hill tops, the Moon, the stars
etc.) seem to be stationary. (In fact, since you are aware that you are moving, these distant objects seem to move with you).
Q22. Differentiate between accuracy and precision.
Q23. If the size of the nucleus (10-15 m) is scaled into the tip of sharp pin(10-5 m), what roughly is the size of the atom?

Q24. Find the dimensions of a / b in the equation p = a – t2 / bx, where P is pressure, x is distance and t is time.

Q25. Which of the following measurements is most accurate and which of the which is most precise
a. 4.00 mm b. 4.00 cm c. 40.00 m

15 | P a g e
Q26. A gas bubble from an explosion underwater oscillates with period t proportional to P raise to power a d raise to power
bi e raise to power see where p is static pressure P is the density of water and it is Total energy of the explosion find the
values of a b and c.

Q27. If error in the measurement of the radius of the sphere is 3%. What is the error in the measurement of volume?

Q28. Taking velocity, time and force as the fundamental quantities, find the dimensions of mass.

Q29. In the expression P = El2m-5G-2, where E, l, m and G denote Energy, angular momentum, mass and gravitational
constant show that P is dimensionless.

Q30. Surface tension of water is 72 dynes cm-1. Convert it into SI unit by application of dimensional analysis.

Answers (MCQ)
Q1. d Q2. d Q3. c Q4. b Q5. a
Q6. b Q7. a Q8. b&c Q9. d Q10. a


Ans 11. Ao and A.U. both are the units of distances but 1Ao = 10-10m and 1A.U. = 1.496 1011m.
Ans 12. One steradian is defined as the angle made by a spherical plane of area 1 square meter at the centre of a sphere of
radius 1m.
Ans 13. force = mass  acceleration
Force = mass x V/t
Mass = (F x t)/V
Mass = [FTV-1]
Ans 14. (1) Radioactive dating – to know age of fossil fuels, rocks etc.
(2) Atomic clocks – used to note periodic vibrations taking place within two atoms.
Ans 15. a = x/t, a = m/s
b = x/t2, b = m/s2
Ans 16. Given Cp=(12.28 ± 0.2) units and CV=(3.97 ± 0.3) units.
R=CP – CV = (12.28 ± 0.2) − (3.97 ± 0.3)
= (8.31 ± 0.5) units
Ans 17. When we add or subtract two lengths the resultant is length only.
Ans 18. 2 has 1 SF and 2.0 has 2 SF.

16 | P a g e
Ans 19. 8.32 x 1.4 = 11.648, as per rules of multiplication of SF results should have two SF, 11.648 is rounded
to 12.
Ans 20. No As 1 microsecond = 10 -6 s
Ie. 1 second = 106microsecond,
also, number of seconds in a year = 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 = 31.536 x 10 6


Ans 21. Ans. Line of sight is defined as an imaginary line joining an object and an observer's eye. When we observe nearby
stationary objects such as trees, houses, etc. while sitting in a moving train, they appear to move rapidly in the opposite
direction because the line of sight changes very rapidly. On the other hand, distant objects such as trees, stars, etc. appear
stationary because of the large distance. As a result, the line of sight does not change its direction rapidly.
Ans 22. The accuracy of a measurement is a measure of how close the measured value is to the true value of the quantity.
Precision tells us to what resolution or limit the quantity is measured.

Ans 23. Magnification in size = size of the tip of sharp pin / size of nucleus
= 10-5 / 10 -15 , = 1010

Ans 24. a = t2 = T 2
b = t2 / Px = M-1 T4
a/b = T2 / M-1 T4
= M T-2

Ans 25.
Length Least count Relative error
4.00 mm 0.01 mm 2.5 x 10 -3
4.00 cm 0.01 cm 2.5 x 10 -3
40.00 m 0.01 m 2.5 x 10 -4

Since relative error in 40.00 m is minimum it is more accurate. Measurement 4.00 mm is more precise as it is measured by
an instrument with minimum least count.

Ans 26. Let T = k pa db Ec

Putting dimensions in LHS and RHS
T = [ML-1T-2]a [ML-3]b [ML2T-2]c
a + b + c = 0, -a – 3b +2c = 0, -2a – 2c = 0
solving a = -5/6, b = 1/2, c = 1/3
Ans 27. V of Sphere = πr3

17 | P a g e
Percentage error in the volume = 3 𝑟 x 100
= 3 x 3 = 9%

Ans 28. Force = Mass x acceleration

= Mass x V/t
Mass = 𝑉
Mass = [FTV-1]

Ans 29. Given P = El2m-5G-2

[𝑀𝐿2𝑇−2] [𝑀𝐿2𝑇−1]2
= 𝑀5 𝑀−1𝐿3𝑇−2 2
= [M0L0T0], hence P is dimensionless.
Ans 30.
Dimension of Surface Tension = MT-2
1𝑔 1𝑠
N2 = 72[1 𝑘𝑔 ] 1 𝑠 − 2
= 1000

= 0.072 Nm-1

Challenging questions

1). The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is T = 2π ✓l/g. the measured value of L is 20.0 cm known to 1
mm accuracy and time for 100 oscillations of the pendulum is found to be 90 s using a watch of 1s resolution. Find accuracy
in % error.
Answer- percentage error in g is 100 x ∆ g/g= 100 x 0.027 = 2.7%
2). What are the dimensions of a and b in the relation F = a√x + bt^2 where F is force , x is distance
and t is time.
Answer- By principle of homogeneity, dimensions of every term on RHS should be same as that on LHS i.e.
[a] =[M L^1/2 T^-2]
[b] = [ M L T^-4]

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Motion in a straight line


Statics:Deals with the study of objects in equilibrium under the action of forces.
Kinematics:Deals with the study of motion of objects without considering the forces causing the motion.
Dynamics:Deals with the study of motion of the objects by considering the forces causing the motion.

Frame of reference:Fixed point or place w. r. t. which the position, velocity, acceleration etc. is measured.
Types of frames of reference:

19 | P a g e
i. Cartesian co - ordinate system
ii. Spherical polar co - ordinate system
iii. Cylindrical co - ordinate system

Rest:Position does not change w. r. t. to reference point.

Motion Position changes w. r. t. reference point.

Point object:Dimensions are negligible.


i. Translation motion:A line joining any two points on the body remains parallel to itself throughout motion.

ii. Rotational motion:It moves around axis of rotation such that all the particles constituting the body move simultaneously
along concentric circles having their centers on the axis of rotation.

iii. Vibrational motion:It moves to and fro after regular intervals of time about a fixed point.

Motion in one dimension: Moving on straight path.

Motion in one dimension:Moving in a plane.
Motion in one dimension:Moving in space.

Distance:actual path length. Always positive. Scalar quantity having only magnitude. Measured with a device named as

Distance ≥ Displacement.

Displacement:The shortest path in in a particular direction. May be zero, negative or positive. Vector quantity due to its
magnitude and direction.

Speed:Distance per unit time. Speed always positive and a scalar quantity.

Average speed:The ratio of total distance travelled to the total time taken.

Uniform speed:Equal distance travelled in equal intervals of time.

Non – uniform speed:Unequal distance travelled in equal intervals of time.

Velocity:Displacement per unit time. Velocity may be zero, positive or negative and a vector quantity.

Uniform velocity:Equal displacement in equal intervals of time.

Non – uniform velocity/variable velocity:Equal displacement in unequal intervals of time, unequal displacement in equal
intervals of time or unequal displacement in unequal intervals of time.

Average velocity:Ratio of net displacement travelled in total time taken.

20 | P a g e
Instantaneous velocity:At any instantaneous of time.
Magnitude of average velocity may or may not be equal to the average speed.
Body moves in a straight line in a particular direction, the distance travelled is equal to the magnitude of the displacement.
So, instantaneous speed and instantaneous velocity are same.
Acceleration:Rate of change of velocity.

Positive acceleration:Final velocity is greater than initial velocity.

Negative acceleration/Retardation:Final velocity is smaller than initial velocity.

Uniform acceleration:Equal velocity in equal intervals of time.

Non – uniform acceleration:Equal velocity covered in unequal intervals of time, unequal velocity covered in equal intervals
of time or unequal velocity covered in unequal intervals of time.

Relative velocity:Relative velocities of an object A w. r. t. other object B is the time rate at which the object A changes its
position w. r. t. object B.

FREE FALL: The motion of an object falling under the effect of gravity alone with a constant acceleration.
The free – fall acceleration near the surface of the earth is equal to the acceleration due to gravity, 𝑔 = 9.8𝑚𝑠 −2 .


𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑠
𝑖. 𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 = ∴𝑢=
𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑡𝑦𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑

𝑖𝑖. 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 = .
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑛

𝑖𝑖𝑖. Average speed of an object travelling distances 𝑠1 and 𝑠2 with different speeds 𝑣1 and 𝑣2 is

𝑠1 + 𝑠2
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑣𝑎𝑣 = 𝑠1 𝑠 .
+ 𝑣2

𝑖𝑣. 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑣𝑎𝑣 = .
2𝑣1 𝑣2
𝑣. 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑣𝑎𝑣 =
𝑣1 + 𝑣2

𝑣𝑖. Average speed of an object travelling equal distances with different speeds 𝑣1 , 𝑣2 and 𝑣3
3𝑣1 𝑣2 𝑣3
respectively given by, 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑣𝑎𝑣 = 𝑣 .
1 𝑣2 + 𝑣2 𝑣3 + 𝑣3 𝑣1

21 | P a g e
𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑠 𝑑𝑥
𝑣𝑖𝑖. 𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 = ∴𝑣= , 𝑣=
𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡 𝑑𝑡

𝑣𝑖𝑖𝑖. 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 =

𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑣−𝑢 𝑑𝑣

𝑖𝑥. 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑞𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ∴𝑎= 𝑎=
𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑛 𝑡 𝑑𝑡

𝑑2 𝑥
𝑥. 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑞𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 =
𝑑𝑡 2

𝑥𝑖. Both bodies A and B move along parallel straight lines in same direction then,

relative velocity A w. r. t. B 𝑣𝐴𝐵 = 𝑣𝐴 − 𝑣𝐵

And relative velocity of B w. r. t. A 𝑣𝐵𝐴 = 𝑣𝐵 − 𝑣𝐴

𝑥𝑖. Both bodies A and B move along parallel straight lines in opposite direction then,

relative velocity A w. r. t. B 𝑣𝐴𝐵 = 𝑣𝐴 − −𝑣𝐵 ∴ 𝑣𝐴𝐵 = 𝑣𝐴 + 𝑣𝐵

And relative velocity of B w. r. t. A 𝑣𝐵𝐴 = −𝑣𝐵 − 𝑣𝐴


Kinematics equations of uniformly accelerated motion:

𝑖. 𝑣 = 𝑢 + 𝑎𝑡

𝑖𝑖. 𝑠 = 𝑢𝑡 + 𝑎𝑡 2

𝑖𝑖𝑖. 𝑣 2 = 𝑢2 + 2𝑎𝑠
𝑖𝑣. 𝑠𝑛𝑡 ℎ = 𝑢 + 2 (2𝑛 − 1).

Equations of motion of a freely fall body:

𝑖. 𝑣 = 𝑢 − 𝑔𝑡

𝑖𝑖. ℎ = 𝑢𝑡 − 𝑔𝑡 2

𝑖𝑖𝑖. 𝑣 2 = 𝑢2 − 2𝑔𝑠

22 | P a g e
𝑖𝑣. ℎ𝑛𝑡 ℎ = 𝑢 − 2 (2𝑛 − 1).



Distance m Cm
Displacement m cm
Speed m/s Cm/s
Velocity m/s Cm/s
Acceleration m/s2 cm/s2
Retardation m/s2 cm/s2



Stationary or rest Position Uniform speed or constant speed Non - uniform speed

Displacement - Time graph

Uniform – motion or constant velocity Variable velocity Negative velocity

Velocity-time graph

23 | P a g e
Uniform velocity Motion with Uniform acceleration Variable acceleration

Position-time for motion Position-time for motion Position-time for motion

with positive acceleration negative acceleration with zero acceleration

24 | P a g e
1) Mechanics deals with the conditions of rest or motion

2) Kinematics deals with the study of motion

3) Dynamics deals with the study of motion taking into consideration the cause of their motion

4) Statics deals with the study of object at rest

5) Distance/path length between two points

6) Displacement i.e shortest path length in a particular direction in total time taken

7) Speed i,e the object moves faster or slower

8) Uniform speed i. e. Speed = Distance/time

9) Non - uniform speed/Variable speed

10) Average speed

11) Velocity = displacement /time

12) Uniform velocity

13) Non - form velocity / Variable velocity

14) Average Velocity

15) Instantaneous velocity v = dx / dt

16) Acceleration i.e. rate of change of velocity

17) Uniform acceleration

18) Non - uniform acceleration

19) Average acceleration

20) Graphical method

21) Distance - Time graph

22) Displacement - time graph

23) Velocity - Time graph

24) Equations of Motion

25 | P a g e
25) Free Fall

26) Motion under gravity

27) Relative velocity

Section A (1-mark questions)

1. Can displacement be greater than distance?

2. Is it possible that the displacement may be zero but not the distance?
3. Can a body have a constant velocity but a varying speed?
4. Name a device in vehicle which measures the distance covered?
5. A particle covers two complete revolution on a circular path of radius r. Calculate the distance and displacement of
the particle.
6. A graph is plotted just parallel to time axis in velocity - time graph. Is it possible?
7. In every case the magnitude of instantaneous velocity is always equal to instantaneous speed. Why?
8. Can a body have zero velocity and finite acceleration?
9. What is represented by the area of a v-t graph of a particle?
10. Two straight lines drawn on distance – time graph make angles 45 degree and 75 degree with time axis. Which line
represents greater speed?

Section B (2-marks questions)
1. A ball is released from height 100m and another ball is from 200 m. Find the ratio of time taken by these two balls to
reach the ground.
2. A ball is thrown above with velocity 9.8 m/s. How much time after, it will come back?
3. The motion of a particle is given by v= a.t Then what distance will be covered by particle in 4 seconds?
4. A particle is starting from rest with a constant acceleration. It travels a distance x in the first 2 seconds and a
distance y in next 2 seconds. What is relation between ‗x‘ and ‗y‘?
5. Draw the position – time graph for two particles in one dimensional motion when their relative velocity is: i) zero ii)
6. A train travels from one station to another with speed of 40 km/h and returns with speed 60 km/h. Calculate the
average speed and average velocity of the whole trip.
7. A man can swim in a river with and against the water current at 15 km/h and 5 km/h speed respectively. Find the
speed of person in still water and the speed of water current.
8. A ball is thrown vertically upward with a velocity 10 m/sec. It takes 4 sec. to return. Draw a velocity time graph for
the motion of ball.
9. The acceleration ‗a‘ of a particle starting from rest varies with time according to relation: a = αt + β. Calculate its
velocity after 2 seconds.
10. A train 500 m long crosses a bridge of 1000 m in 10 sec. Find the average speed of the train when it just crosses
the bridge.

Section C (Multiple choice questions)
1. A car has to cover the distance 60km.If half of the total time it travels with speed 80 km/h and rest half time its
speed becomes 40 km/h, the average speed of the car will be:
a) 60 km/h
b) 80 km/h

26 | P a g e
c) 120 km/h
d) 180 km/h
2. A particle starts from the origin, goes along X-axis to the point(20 m,0) and then returns along the same line to
the point(-20 m, 0). The distance and displacement of the particle during this trip will be
a) 40 m, 0
b) 40 m, 20 m
c) 40 m, -20 m
d) 60 m, -20 m
3. A person throws ball into the air after every second. The next ball is thrown when the velocity of first ball is zero.
How high do the ball rise above his hand?
a) 2 m
b) 5 m
c) 8 m
d) 10 m
4. A particle initially at rest moves along x-axis. Its acceleration varies with time as a=4t. If it starts from the origin,
the distance covered by it in 3 s is:
a) 12 m
b) 18 m
c) 24 m
d) 36 m
5. A ball is dropped from the top of a building 100 m high. At the same instant another ball is thrown upwards with
a velocity of 40 m/s from the bottom of the building. The two balls will meet after
a) 5 s
b) 25 s
c) 2 s
d) 3 s
6. A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly to a speed of 180 km/h in 10 s. The distance covered by the car
in this time interval is
a) 500 m
b) 250 m
c) 100 m
d) 200 m
7. Area under the velocity- time curve over a given interval of time represents?
a) Acceleration
b) Momentum
c) Velocity
d) Displacement
8. During the first 18 mins of a 60 min trip, a car has an average speed of 11 m/s . What should be the average
speed for remaining 42 mins so that the car is having an average speed of 21 m/s for the entire trip?
a) 25.3 m/s
b) 29.2 m/s
c) 31 m/s
d) 35.6 m/s
9. A ball thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 1.4 m/s returns in 2 s. The total displacement of the
ball is:
a) 22.4 cm
b) Zero
c) 44.8 m
d) 33.6 m
27 | P a g e
10. The velocity – time graph is shown in the figure for a particle. The acceleration of the particle is



1 2 3 4

a) 22.5 m/s2
b) 5 m/s2
c) -5 m/s2
d) -3 m/s2

28 | P a g e
Section A (1-mark question answers)
1. No, it may be equal or less than distance.
2. Yes, when a body revolves. In 1 complete rotation, distance is circumference, but displacement is zero.
3. A body can‘t possess a constant velocity.
4. Odometer
5. Distance = 4πr and Displacement = zero
6. No
7. For a small interval of time, the magnitude of displacement is equal to the distance. So, it will be equal.
8. Yes, a body projected vertically upwards has zero velocity at the highest point but still accelerated.
9. This graph represents the distance covered by the particle.
10. The line which has larger slope has greater velocity. Thus the line which makes an angle of 75 degree with time
axis has greater velocity.
Section B (2-marks question answers)
1. For 1 ball:

 100 = ½ g t12 => t12 = 200/g
For 2 ball: 200 = = ½ g t2 => t22 = 2*200/g
nd 2

 t1/t2 = 1/√2 Ans

2. Here, u = 9.8 , Let at height h, v=0 and t= t sec
0= 9.8 – gt => t= 9.8/9.8 = 1 sec
So, total time = 2t= 2 sec Ans
3. Since, v=at u=0
S= ut + ½ at2
= 0 + 1/2a.42 = 8a Ans
4. u=0 : t=2 sec t= 2 sec
A x B y C
x = ½ a.2 => x = 2a -----------------1)

For whole journey: S = x+y

T= 2+2= 4sec
 x+ y= ½ a42 = 8a= 4. 2a = 4x
 y = 4x-x
 y= 3x Ans
5. i) When Va=Vb  Vab = 0
ii) When VaVb Then Vab = Nonzero

(x) (x) B

29 | P a g e
O t O t
i) ii)

6. Average Speed = (2.v1.v2)/ (v1+v2) = 48 km/h

Average Velocity =0 Ans
7. Let |Vm| = speed of man
|Vw| = speed of water current
Given , |Vm|+ |Vw|= 15 km/h
|Vm| - |Vw|= 5 km/h
Clearly Vm = 10 km/h and Vw = 5 km/h Ans
8. Graph


O t
2 sec 4 sec


9. a= dv/dt = αt + β
 dv= αtdt + βdt
 v= αt2/2 + βt
So velocity after t =2 sec will be: v= 2α + 2β = 2(α+ β) Ans
10. Distance travelled by train to cross the bridge S = 500+ 1000= 1500 m
t = 10 sec
 Average velocity = S/t = 1500/10 = 150 m/s

Section C (Multiple Choice question answers)
1. a)
2. d)
3. b)
4. b)
5. b)
6. b)
7. d)

30 | P a g e
8. a)
9. b)
10. c)

1) Preeti reached the metro station and found that the escalator was not working. She walked up the stationary
escalator in time t1. On other days, if she remains stationary on the moving escalator, then the escalator takes her
up in time t2. The time taken by her to walk up on the moving escalator will be:
𝑡 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡 +𝑡
a. 𝑡 1− 2𝑡 b.𝑡 1+2𝑡 c. 𝑡2 − 𝑡1 d. 1 2 2
2 1 2 1

𝒕𝟏 𝒕𝟐
Ans:- b.𝒕
𝟐 + 𝒕𝟏
2) A particle moves a distance x in time t according to equation x = (𝑡 + 5)−1 . The acceleration of particle is
proportional to:
3 2
a.(𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦)2 b. (𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒)2 c. (𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒)−2 d. (𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦)3
Ans: - a. (𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚)𝟐

Motion in a plane

31 | P a g e

Those physical quantities which require only magnitude but no direction for their complete representation are called scalars.

Distance, speed, work, mass, density, etc are the examples of scalars. Scalars can be added, subtracted, multiplied or
divided by simple algebraic laws


Those physical quantities which require magnitude as well as direction for their complete representation and follow vector
laws are called vectors.

Two categories of vectors

1. Polar Vectors
These are those vectors which have a starting point or a point of application eg: displacement, force etc.

2. Axial Vectors

32 | P a g e
These are those vectors which represent rotational effect and act along the axis of rotation in accordance with right hand
screw rule eg: angular velocity, torque, angular momentum etc.

Tensors are those physical quantities which have different values in different directions at the same point.

Moment of inertia, radius of gyration, modulus of elasticity, pressure, stress, conductivity, resistivity, refractive index, wave
velocity and density, etc are the examples of tensors. Magnitude of tensor is not unique.


(i) Equal Vectors Two vectors of equal magnitude, in same direction are called equal vectors.

(ii) Negative Vectors Two vectors of equal magnitude but in opposite directions are called negative vectors.

(iii) Zero Vector or Null Vector A vector whose magnitude is zero is known as a zero or null vector. Its direction is not
defined. It is denoted by 0.
Velocity of a stationary object, acceleration of an object moving with uniform velocity and resultant of two equal and
opposite vectors are the examples of null vector.

(iv) Unit Vector A vector having unit magnitude is called a unit vector.
A unit vector in the direction of vector A is given by

A unit vector is unit less and dimensionless vector and represents direction only.

(v) Orthogonal Unit Vectors The unit vectors along the direction of orthogonal axis, i.e., X – axis, Y – axis and Z – axis are
called orthogonal unit vectors. They are represented by

(vi) Co-initial Vectors Vectors having a common initial point, are called co-initial vectors.

33 | P a g e
(vii) Collinear Vectors Vectors having equal or unequal magnitudes but acting along the same direction or parallel lines
are called collinear vectors.

(viii) Coplanar Vectors Vectors acting in the same plane are called coplanar vectors.
(ix) Localized Vector A vector whose initial point is fixed, is called a localized vector.
(x) Non-localized or Free Vector A vector whose initial point is not fixed is called a non-localized or a free vector.
(xi) Position Vector A vector representing the straight-line distance and the direction of any point or object with respect to
the origin, is called position vector.


1. Triangle Law of Vectors

If two vectors acting at a point are represented in magnitude and direction by the two sides of a triangle taken in one order,
then their resultant is represented by the third side of the triangle taken in the opposite order.

If two vectors A and B acting at a point are inclined at an angle θ, then their resultant

R = √A2 + B2 + 2AB cos θ

If the resultant vector R subtends an angle β with vector A, then

tan β = B sin θ / A + B cos θ

2. Parallelogram Law of Vectors

If two vectors acting at a point are represented in magnitude and direction by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram draw
from a point, then their resultant is represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram drawn from
the same point.

Resultant of vectors A and B is given by

R = √A2 + B2 + 2AB cos θ
34 | P a g e
If the resultant vector R subtends an angle β with vector A, then

tan β = B sin θ / A + B cos θ

Polygon Law of Vectors

It states that if number of vectors acting on a particle at a time are represented in magnitude and direction by the various
sides of an open polygon taken in same order, their resultant vector E is represented in magnitude and direction by the
closing side of polygon taken in opposite order. In fact, polygon law of vectors is the outcome of triangle law of vectors.


OE = OA + AB + BC + CD + DE

Properties of Vector Addition

(i) Vector addition is commutative, i.e., A + B = B + A
(ii) Vector addition is associative, i.e.,A +(B + C)= B + (C + A)= C + (A + B)

(iii) Vector addition is distributive, i.e., m (A + B) = m A + m B


If any vector A subtends an angle θ with x-axis, then its

Horizontal component Ax = A cos θ

Vertical component Ay = A sin θ
Magnitude of vector A = √Ax2 + Ay2
tan θ = Ay / Ax

Direction Cosines of a Vector

If any vector A subtend angles α, β and γ with x – axis, y – axis and z – axis respectively and its components along these
axes are Ax, Ay and Az, then
cos α= Ax / A, cos β = Ay / A, cos γ = Az / A
and cos2 α + cos2 β + cos2 γ = 1

35 | P a g e

Subtraction of a vector B from a vector A is defined as the addition of vector -B (negative of vector B) to vector A

Thus, A – B = A + (-B)


1. By a Real Number
When a vector A is multiplied by a real number n, then its magnitude becomes n times but direction and unit remains

2. By a Scalar
When a vector A is multiplied by a scalar S, then its magnitude becomes S times, and unit is the product of units of A and S
but direction remains same as that of vector A.


The scalar product of two vectors is equal to the product of their magnitudes and the cosine of the smaller angle between
them. It is denoted by. (dot).

A . B = AB cos θ

The scalar or dot product of two vectors is a scalar.

Properties of Scalar Product

(i) Scalar product is commutative, i.e., A . B= B . A
(ii) Scalar product is distributive, i.e., A . (B + C) = A . B + A . C
(iii) Scalar product of two perpendicular vectors is zero.

A . B = AB cos 90° = O
(iv) Scalar product of two parallel vectors is equal to the product of their magnitudes,
i.e., A .B = AB cos 0° = AB
(v) Scalar product of a vector with itself is equal to the square of its magnitude, i.e.,

A .A = AA cos 0° = A2
(vi) Scalar product of orthogonal unit vectors


36 | P a g e
(vii) Scalar product in Cartesian coordinates

= AxBx + AyBy + AzBz


The vector product of two vectors is equal to the product of their magnitudes and the sine of the smaller angle between
them. It is denoted by x(cross).

A x B = AB sin θ𝑛

The direction of unit vector 𝑛 can be obtained from right hand thumb rule.

If fingers of right hand are curled from A to B through smaller angle between them, then thumb will represent the direction of
vector (A x B).

The vector or cross product of two vectors is also a vector.

Properties of Vector Product

(i) Vector product is not commutative, i.e.,

A x B ≠ B xA [∴ (A x B) = — (B x A)]
(ii) Vector product is distributive, i.e.,

A x (B + C) = A x B + A x C
(iii) Vector product of two parallel vectors is zero, i.e.,

A x B = AB sin O° = 0
(iv) Vector product of any vector with itself is zero.

A x A = AA sin O° = 0
(v) Vector product of orthogonal unit vectors

37 | P a g e
(vi) Vector product in Cartesian coordinates

Direction of Vector Cross Product

When C = A x B, the direction of C is at right angles to the plane containing the vectors A and B. The direction is determined
by the right hand screw rule and right hand thumb rule.

(i) Right Hand Screw Rule Rotate a right handed screw from first vector (A) towards second vector (B). The direction in
which the right handed screw moves gives the direction of vector (C).
(ii) Right Hand Thumb Rule Curl the fingers of your right hand from A to B. Then, the direction of the erect thumb will point
in the direction of A x B.

 Unit vector of a vector A. 𝐴

 Resultant of two vectors A and B R = 𝐴2 + 𝐵2 + 2𝐴𝐵 cos Ɵ
inclined at angle Ɵ with each other

 Relative velocity of body A w.r.t.

body B, when both are moving in 𝜐𝐴𝐵 = 𝜐𝐴2 + 𝜐𝐵2 − 2𝜐𝐴 𝜐𝐵 cos Ɵ
directions making an angle Ɵ with
38 | P a g e
each other.

 Condition for two vectors A and B 𝐴. 𝐵 = 0

perpendicular to each other.

 Dot products of two vectors A and B 𝐴. 𝐵 = 𝐴𝑥 𝐵𝑥 + 𝐴𝑦 𝐵𝑦 + 𝐴𝑧 𝐵𝑧

in terms of their components.

 Dot products of two equal vectors. 𝐴. 𝐴 = 𝐴

= 𝐴2

 Angle between two vectors A and 𝐴. 𝐵

B. cos Ɵ =
 Cross products of two vectors A
and B in terms of their components

 Condition for two vectors A and B 𝐴×𝐵 =0

parallel to each other.


 Scalars of same kind are added, subtracted or divided algebraically
 Vectors are added and subtracted geometrically
 Division of vectors is not allowed as directions cannot be divided
 Unit vector gives the direction of a vector
 Maximum resultant of two vectors A and B is
ǀ R max ǀ = ǀ A ǀ + ǀ B ǀ
 Minimum resultant of two vectors A and B is
ǀ R min ǀ = ǀ A ǀ - ǀ B ǀ
 Minimum number coplanar vectors whose resultant is zero is three (3).
 Minimum number of non-coplanar vectors whose resultant is zero is four (4)
 If vectors A, B and C are represented by three sides ab, bc, and ca respectively taken in a order, then
Ab bc ca
 Displacement, velocity, linear momentum and force are polar vectors.
 Angular velocity, angular acceleration, torque, and angular momentum are axial vectors
 Three vectors not lying in a plane can never add up to give a null vector.


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40 | P a g e

41 | P a g e
Scalar & Vector quantities

The third type of physical quantity is Tensor.

Tensor is neither a scalar nor a vector.
The properties of Tensor depend on direction.


Have magnitude & direction

Complete specification requires both magnitude & direction

Sum,difference and multiplication of vectors is done by vector algebra

Few examples:Velocity,force,momentum

Types of vectors
(i) Equal Vectors Two vectors of equal magnitude, in same direction are called equal vectors.
(ii) Negative Vectors Two vectors of equal magnitude but in opposite directions are called negative vectors.
(iii) Zero Vector or Null Vector A vector whose magnitude is zero is known as a zero or null vector. Its direction is not
defined. It is denoted by 0. Velocity of a stationary object, acceleration of an object moving with uniform velocity
and resultant of two equal and opposite vectors are the examples of null vector.

42 | P a g e
(iv) Unit Vector A vector having unit magnitude is called a unit vector. A unit vector in the direction of vector A is
given by Â=A/A A unit vector is unit less and dimensionless vector and represents direction only.
(v) Co-initial Vectors Vectors having a common initial point, are called co-initial vectors.
(vi) Collinear Vectors Vectors having equal or unequal magnitudes but acting along the same direction or parallel lines are
called collinear vectors. (vii) Coplanar Vectors Vectors acting in the same plane
are called coplanar vectors. (viii) Localised Vector A vector whose initial point is fixed, is called a localised vector.
(ix) Non-localised or Free Vector A vector whose initial point is not fixed is called a non-localised or a free vector.

Position Vector

Displacement Vector

Unit Vectors

Resolution of Vector & Rectangular components in a plane

Vector product of two vectors

Gives a Vector quantity

Formula: AxB =AB SinƟn ̂


Hve only magnitude but no direction

Specification needs only numerical value

Sum,difference,multiplication and division of scalars is done by ordinary algebra

Few examples:Mass, Temperature, Pressure

Addition & Subtraction of vectors

angle law of vector addition

If two vectors A and B acting at a point are inclined at an angle θ, then their resultant
R = √A2 + B2 + 2AB cos θ
If the resultant vector R subtends an angle β with vector A, then tan β = B sin θ / A + B cos θ

Parallelogram law of vector addition

If two vectors acting at a point are represented in magnitude and direction by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram draw
from a point, then their resultant is represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram drawn from
the same point. Resultant of vectors A and B is given by
R = √A2 + B2 + 2AB cos θ If the resultant vector R subtends an angle β with vector A, then tan β = B sin
θ / A + B cos θ

43 | P a g e
Polygon law
It states that if number of vectors acting on a particle at a time are represented in magnitude and direction by the various
sides of an open polygon taken in same order, their resultant vector E is represented in magnitude and direction by the
closing side of polygon taken in opposite order. In fact, polygon law of vectors is the outcome of triangle law of vectors.
R=A+B+C+D+E OE = OA + AB + BC + CD + DE

Relative velocity

x-t graph when Velocities of both bodies are same

x-t graph when Velocity of object A is greater than that of object B

x-t graph when Velocity of object B is greater than that of object A

Scalar product of two vectors

Gives a scalar quantity

Formula: A.B =AB CosƟ

Very Short Answers each of 1 Marks
Q1. How many types of vector are there?
Q2. Starting point of vector is known as.
Q3. End point of vector is known as.
Q4. What is the magnitude of unit vector?
Q5. How unit vector is represented?
Q6. When two vectors are equal?
Q7. Which law is shown by equation + = +
𝑎 𝑏 𝑏 𝑎

Q8. What is zero vector?

Q9. What are the directions of 𝑖, 𝑗, 𝑘 ?

Q10. Under what conditions the three vectors can give zero resultant?
Short Answers

Q1. Explain position vector and displacement vector.

Q2. Give two importance‘s of vectors.
Q3. State triangle law of vector addition also write formula for magnitude of resultant vector?
Q4. State triangle law of vector addition also write formula for magnitude of resultant vector?

44 | P a g e
Q5. Write properties of zero vector.
Q6. What do you understand by resolution of vectors?
Q7. Two equal forces have their resultant equal to either. At what angle are they inclined?
Q8. Given = − + and = − − . Find unit vector of + ?
𝐴 2𝑖 𝑗 3𝑘 𝐵 3𝑖 2𝑗 2𝑘 𝐴 𝐵

Q9. Given That + = and A2+B2= R2 find the angle between 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ?

Q10. Given = + − and = + . Find the vector such that + − =0

𝐴 2𝑖 5𝑗 2𝑘 𝐵 −3𝑗 6𝑘 2𝐴 7𝐵 4𝐶

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Q1.Which of the following is not a vector quantity?
(a) torque (b) angular momentum (c) frequency (d) angular velocity
Q2. Which statement is correct according to importance of vectors?
(a) laws of physics cannot be expressed in compact form
(b) derivations of laws of physics are not simple in vectors
(c) laws of physics remain invariant for translation and rotation of the coordinate system
(d) none
Q3. Which statement is correct for equal vectors?
(a) only they are equal in magnitude (b) they are equal in magnitude and direction
(c) only they have sane direction (d) none
Q4. The forces 20 N and 5 N are acting at an angle of 120 degree between them. The resultant force in magnitude is
(a) 15 N (b) 18.03 N (c) 20.12 N (d) 16.23 N
Q5. The position of a particle is given by r = 3ti+2t2j+5k. Where r is in meters and t is in seconds than velocity of particle at
t=2 sec will be in m/s2
(a) 10.4 (b) 11.4 (c) 12.4 (d) 13.4
Q6. What is the essential condition for the addition of two vectors?
(a) they must have same direction (b) they must have same direction and same nature (c) they must have only
same nature (d) none
Q7. Does it make a sense to call a physical quantity a vector when its magnitude is zero?
(a) yes (b) no (c) cannot be said (d) none
Q8. What is result when a vector multiplied by real number m?

45 | P a g e
(a) (b) m ( ) (c) cannot be multiplied (d) none
𝑚𝐴 𝐴

Q9. What is the angle made by vector A = 2i+2j with x axis?

(a) 30 (b) 45 (c) 60 (d) none
Q10. What are the minimum number of unequal forces whose vector sum is zero?
(a) 2 vectors in opposite direction (b) 3 forces represented by 3 sides of triangle
(c) 4 forces represented by 4 sides of quadrilateral (d) none

Answers of Very Short Answers each of 1 Marks

A1. Two types polar and axial vectors.
A2. Tail or origin
A3. Head or tip
A4. Magnitude is 1

A5. 𝑖 , 𝑗 , 𝑘
A6. When two vectors having same magnitude and same direction.
A7. Vector addition is commutative.
A8. The vector whose magnitude is zero and any arbitrary direction.
A9. Directions along x, y and z axis.
A10. When three vectors are not lying in one plane.
Answers of Short Answers

A1. Position vector – It is a vector which shows the position and direction of given object or particle from origin.
Displacement vector – It is a vector which shows the change in position of an object or particle in given time interval.
A2. (a) Many laws of physics can be expressed in compact form.
(b) Derivations of physics can be very much simplified.
A3. If two vectors acting on a particle represented by two sides of triangle in magnitude and direction in same order than its
third side represents resultant in magnitude and direction.
Magnitude R = (A2+B2+2AB Cosθ) 1/2
A4. If two vectors acting on a particle represented by two adjacent sides of parallelogram in magnitude and direction than
its diagonal represents resultant in magnitude and direction.
R = (A2+B2+2AB Cosθ) 1/2

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A5. (a) When zero vector added or subtracted to vector it not affects the identity of vector.
(b) When zero vector multiplied by another vector we get null or zero vector.
A6. It is the process of splitting a single vector into two or more vectors in different directions which together produce the
same effect as is produced by the single vector alone.
A7. A=B=F and R=F by using formula R = (A2+B2+2AB Cosθ) 1/2
We get θ= 120°
A8. We find let = + = − + and
𝐶 𝐴 𝐵 5𝑖 3𝑗 𝑘

=[ − + ]/ 35
𝐶 5𝑖 3𝑗 𝑘

A9. As Cos θ = (R2 – A2 -B2 )/2AB = (R2 – R2)/2AB = 0/2AB =0

Θ = 90°
A10. Putting values of and in given equation + − = 0 and on solving we get
𝐴 𝐵 2𝐴 7𝐵 4𝐶

=− + −
𝐶 1.5𝑖 2.75𝑗 9.5𝑘

Multiple Choice Questions

A1. (C)
A2. (C)
A3. (B)
A4. (B)
A5. (C)
A6. (C)
A7. (A)
A8. (B)
A9. (B)
A10. (B)
1. Which is correct relation for angle of projection from the surface of the earth the maximum height attained by a
projectile is equal to its horizontal range
(A) sin θ = 4
(B) cos θ = 4
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(C) tan θ = 4
(D) cot θ = 4
2. Circular motion is not an example of
(A) motion in a plane
(B) accelerated motion
(C) constant kinetic energy
(D) non-accelerated motion
3. The range of a projectile is maximum if it is projected at an angle of
(A) 90° with the horizontal
(B) 90° with the vertical
(C) 45° with the horizontal
(D) 30° with the horizontal
4. The ratio of angular velocities (in rad s-1) of hour hand and minute hand of a twelve-hour clock is
(A) 12
(B) 6
(C) 7
(D) 3
5. A cricketer can throw a ball to a maximum horizontal distance of 200 m. The maximum vertical height he can throw
the same ball above the ground is
(A) 200 m
(B) 400 m
(C) 100 m
(D) 50 m
6. The x and y coordinate s of a particle at any time t are given by x = 2t + 4t 2 and y = 5t , where x and y are in
metres and tin seconds, The acceleration of the particle at t = 5 s is
(A) zero
(B) 20 ms-1
(C) 40 ms-1
(D) 8 ms-1
7. A body is whirled in a horizontal circle of radius 20 cm. It has an angular velocity of
10 rad s-1. The linear velocity at any point on its circular path is
(A) 2 ms-1
(B) 20 ms-1
(C) 2 ms-1
(D) 10 ms-1
8. The range of a projectile is maximum if it is projected at an angle of
(A) 90° with the horizontal
(B) 90° with the vertical
(C) 45° with the horizontal
(D) 30° with the horizontal
9. The ratio angular velocity of two particles of a rigid body at distances r and 2r from the axis of rotation passing
through the centre of the body is

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(A) 1:2
(B) 1:1
(C) 2:1
(D) 1:4
10. The linear velocity of an electron in an atom is
(A) Directly proportional to principal quantum number
(B) Inversely proportional to principal quantum number
(C) Do not depend on the principal quantum number
(D) Directly proportional to square of the principal quantum number


1. What happens to the bodies /objects lying on the surface of the earth if gravitational pull of earth disappears
2. A body is projected at an oblique angle 30° with the horizontal with an initial velocity of 400 ms -1. Calculate its (i)
Time of flight (ii) Maximum height attained (iii) Horizontal range.
3. If an object moving in a circular path and possess a uniform velocity also in a direction perpendicular to the circular
plane. What type of motion is shown by the object?
4. A n object is moving in X-Y plane with its position vector given by
r= 4.0 t 𝑖 + 3.0 t2𝑗 + 7 𝑘where t is in seconds and the coefficients have the proper units for r to be in metres. Find
v(t) and a(t). Find the magnitude and direction of v(t) at t = 2 s.
5. Rain is falling vertically with a speed of 20 ms-1 . What is the relative velocity of rain with respect to a
(i) Stationary person.
(ii) Person moving towards east with a uniform velocity of 5 kms -1 ?
6. Manoj throws a ball at an oblique angle 25° and have a horizontal range of 50 m. Shyam ask him to throw the ball
with same speed but at a different angle of projection to have same range. What is that different angle?
7. Name some athletic events in which projectile motion is observed.
8. Why do a fighter pilot must study projectile motion?
9. At the highest point of the path of a projectile, what is the velocity of the projectile.
10. When a person rides a bicycle, what is the ratio of angular velocity of two wheels of it ?


1. What are the horizontal and vertical components of acceleration of a body projected horizontally from a height with
uniform speed? neglect air resistance.
2. An aircraft flying horizontally at a height of 490m above the earth surface with a uniform speed of 200ms -1. At what
distance(horizontal) from the target a packet is to be dropped from the aircraft so that it can hit the target?
3. Is it always true that an athlete having more muscle strength will throw javelin farther? Explain.
4. Raju 15 years of age and his sister Ragini 8 years of age have similar water guns(Pichkari) to play holi. But Ragini
observed that her brother can throw colour water from his Pichkari to larger distance than her. She thought she is
younger and might not be able to put as much force as her brother can.

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Do you think Ragini was thinking right? Explain.
5. A body is thrown horizontally with an initial velocity of 9.8 ms-1 from a height 200m. Calculate the resultant velocity
of the body after one second.
6. A gymnastmakes seven somersaults by curling his body in 5 seconds in an attempt during a competition. Calculate
his angular velocity.
7. Two wheels of diameters 0.5 m and 1 m are allowed move on road with angular speed 30 revolutions and per
minute and 12 revolutions per minute respectively. Calculate the ratio of linear distances covered by them in 2
8. Two balls at a height of 980 m from the surface of the earth. One ball is dropped and the other is thrown
horizontally with an initial velocity of 49ms -1. What is the ratio of their net velocity when they strike the ground?
9. From the surface of the earth two balls A and B are kicked at an angle 30° and 45° respectively with the horizontal
with same initial speed v. What is the ratio of the (i) maximum height attained?
10. Why stagger aremarked in curved tracks in athletic events?

1. C
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. B


1. The objects will fly off tangentially in absence of any centripetal force.
2𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 2𝑥 400𝑥𝑠𝑖𝑛 30°
2. Time of flight T= = s
𝑔 9..8

= 40.8 s
3. Object will move in helical path.
4. Given r= 4.0 t 𝑖 + 3.0 t2𝑗 + 7 𝑘

𝑑𝑟 𝑑 (4.0 t 𝑖 + 3.0 t2𝑗 + 7 𝑘 )

V = 𝑑𝑡 = 𝑑𝑡

v = 4.0𝑖 + 6.0 t𝑗 + 0
and acceleration a = = 𝑑𝑡 = 6 𝑗

5. (i) 20ms-1downwards (ii) vB= 𝑣𝑥 2 + 𝑣𝑦 2

50 | P a g e
= 202 + (5)2 = 425 = 20.6 ms-1 and tan θ= 4
θ being angle with vertical.

𝑢 2 sin 2𝜃
6. As horizontal range R = so other angle is (90°-θ) or 90°- 25°= 65°
7. (i) Long jump (ii) Javelin throw (iii) Shot put (iv) Discuss
8. So that he can hit the target with bomb or missile accurately.
9. At the highest point of the path of projectile, projectile will have only horizontal velocity.
10. The ratio of angular velocity of two wheels will be 1:1 as both covers same angular displacements in same time.


1. ax = 0, ay = g
2. Given H= 490 m , g = ux = 200m
For vertical motion s=ut +1/2 gt2 we get
490 = 0 +( ½) 9.8 t2
or t2 = 100 0r t = 10 s
thus, horizontal distance covered in 10 s,
x= 200 x 10 = 2000m.
Hence a packet should be dropped 2000m before the target.
3. No, it is not always true. A javelin can be thrown to maximum horizontal distance if it is thrown at an angle of 45°
with the horizontal.
4. No. I don‘t think Ragini is thinking correctly. In fact, she can also throw water through her water gun to larger
distance if put at angle of 45° with the horizontal as horizontal range is maximum at that angle.
5. After 1 second horizontalvelocity vx = 200 ms-1 and
1 1
vertical velocity vx = 2gt2 = 2x 9.8 x 12 = 4.9 ms-1
Resultant Velocity v = 𝑣𝑥 2 + 𝑣𝑦 2
V = 2002 + 4.92
6. Angular displacement θ = 7 x 2π rad
Time t = 5 s
θ 14π 44
Angular velocity = 𝑡 = rad s-1 = rad s-1 = 8.8 rad s-1
5 5
7. rA = 0.5 m, rB = 1 m

ωA = 30 X 2π /60 rad s-1 = π rad s-1 , ωB = 12 X 2π /60 rad s-1 = rad s-1

vA = rA x ωA = 0.5 π rad s-1 and vB = rB x ωB = rad s-1

Linear distance sA = vAt = 0.5 π x 2 and sB= vBt = X2
𝑠𝐴 5
8. Given H= 980 m , g = ux = 200m

51 | P a g e
For vertical motion s= ut +1/2 gt2 we get
980= 0 +( ½) 9.8 t2

or t2 = 200 0r t = 10 2 s

final vertical velocity vy = gt = 9.8x10 2 ms-1 =98 2 ms-1

For ball A vA= vy = 98 2 ms-1
For ball B vB= 𝑣𝑥 2 + 𝑣𝑦 2

= 2002 + (98 2)2 = 59208 = 243.33 ms-1

vA 98 2
RATIO =243 .33
𝑢 2 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃
9. Maximum height H = 𝑔
𝑢 2 𝑠𝑖𝑛 30 1
𝐻𝐴 𝑔 1
= 2 = 41 =2 243.33
𝐻𝐵 𝑢 2 𝑠𝑖𝑛 45 2

10. As in track there are several lanes and thus have different linear distance of these lanes. So to cover equal
distances by each of the athlete in different lanes stagger are marked in a lane ahead of its just inner lane.

3) Find the component of vector A =2i+ 3j along the vector i + j.

4) A ray of light travelling in the direction1/2 (i + √3 j) is incident on a plane mirror. After reflection, it travels along the
direction 1/2 (i - √3 j). Find the angle of incidence.

5) 2 kg ball on a string is rotated about a circle of radius 10 m. The maximum tension allowed in the string is 50 N.
What is the maximum speed of the ball?

6) A satellite is said to be in geosynchronous orbit if it rotates around the earth once every day. For the earth, all
satellites in geosynchronous orbit must rotate at a distance of 4.23×107 meters from the earth's center. What is the
magnitude of the acceleration felt by a geosynchronous satellite?

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Inertia: Tendency to resist any change in the state of motion  Law of Inertia ---Newton’s 1st law(when net external
force is zero / balanced => momentum is constant = no change in speed/direction)
Momentum: p= mv. - Changes when external unbalanced force acts. Newton’s 2nd law F=m(v-u)/t = m.a = dp/dt,
Component of force perpendicular to the direction of motion (velocity) changes the direction. Parallel component of force to
the direction of motion (velocity) changes speed.
Forces are always produced in pairs. FAB = - FBA =>Newton’s 3rd law of motion  leads to law of conservation of
momentum (Total momentum of an isolated system remains conserved)
Impulsive force: Large force acting for small time. Impulse = F x t = Total change in momentum
Concurrent forces in equilibrium Vector sum of all forces = 0 ,

Frictional force: Static (fs<µs N), Maximum static friction = limiting friction (fs = µs N), Sliding/kinetic (fk = µk N), Rolling
(fk = µk N)
Angle of friction(θ): The angle made by the resultant of force of limiting friction and normal reaction with the normal
Angle of repose (α): The angle of an inclined plane for which the body kept on it just begin to slide.

Circular motion: Uniform circular motionRadial acceleration = v2/R  tangential acceleration = 0

Non-uniform circular motion radial acceleration = v2/R  tangential acceleration = dv/dt
Uniform circular motion: (Derive centripetal acceleration)
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1) Force

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a) Responsible for
i) Translational motion
ii) Inertia due to mass
2) Newton's 1st law F=0 => v = constant
3) Momentum, p = m v
a) Is conserved if Net external force is zero
4) Newton's first law, If F = 0, v = constant
5) changes if net external force is not zero (unbalanced force)
6) Newton's 2nd law, F=dp/dt = m.a
7) Newton's 3rd law Fab = - Fba
8) Impulse = F. t = change in momentum
9) Cricket ball hit by bat
10) Football kicked
11) Circular motion (Centripetal force)
a) Bending of cyclist
b) angle of bending
c) Motion of car along circular track
d) Motion along a Banked track
e) No wear & tear of tyres
f) maximum speed before skidding

12) types
a) contact force
b) frictional force
13) causes
1. intermolecular force of attraction
2. interlocking of surfaces in contact
14) types
a) Static friction
i) friction at rest
b) Frictional force
c) dynamic friction
d) sliding friction
15) Frictional force
16) rolling friction
17) frictional force
18) Method to reduce
a) lubrication
b) polishing
19) push/pull
20) tension in a string
21) Normal reaction
22) non-contact force
a) Gravitational force
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b) electromagnetic force
c) strong nuclear force
d) weak nuclear force
23) effects
a) can start motion
b) can start motion
c) can stop motion
d) can change speed
e) can change direction
f) can change shape
g) can stop motion
h) can change speed
i) can change direction
j) can change shape
24) Concurrent forces
a) Vector sum of forces acting at a point is zero
25) law of sines/ Lamis theorem

uniform circular motion concept

• Scalar quantities. The physical quantities which are completely specified by their magnitude or size alone are called
scalar quantities.

Examples. Length, mass, density, speed, work, etc.

Vector Quantities. Vector quantities are those physical quantities which are characterised by both magnitude and direction.

Examples. Velocity, displacement, acceleration, force, momentum, torque etc.

• Characteristics of Vectors

Following are the characteristics of vectors:

(i) These possess both magnitude and direction.

(ii) These do not obey the ordinary laws of Algebra.

(iii) These change if either magnitude or direction or both changes.

(iv) These are represented by bold-faced letters or letters having arrow over them.

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• Unit Vector

A unit vector is a vector of unit magnitude and points in a particular direction. It is used to specify the direction only. Unit
vectors are represented by putting a cap (^) over the quantity.

• Equal Vectors

• Zero Vector

• Negative of a Vector

• Parallel Vectors

• Coplanar Vectors

Vectors are said to be coplanar if they lie in the same plane or they are parallel to the same plane, otherwise they are said
to be non-coplanar vectors.

• Displacement Vector

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The displacement vector is a vector which gives the position of a point with reference to a point other than the origin of the
co-ordinate system.

• Parallelogram Law of Vector Addition

If two vectors, acting simultaneously at a point, can be represented both in magnitude and direction by the two adjacent
sides of a parallelogram drawn from a point, then the resultant is represented completely both in magnitude and direction by
the diagonal of the parallelogram passing through that point.

• Triangle Law of Vector Addition

If two vectors are represented both in magnitude and direction by the two sides of a triangle taken in the same order, then
the resultant of these vectors is represented both in magnitude and direction by the third side of the triangle taken in the
opposite order.

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• Polygon Law of Vector Addition
If a number of vectors are represented both in magnitude and direction by the sides of a polygon taken in the same order,
then the resultant vector is represented both in magnitude and direction by the closing side of the polygon taken in the
opposite order.

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• Properties of Vector Addition

Vector addition has following properties:

• Resolution of Vectors

It is a process of splitting a single vector into two or more vectors in different directions which together produce the same
effect as is produced by the single vector alone.

The vectors into which the given single vector is splitted are called components of vectors. In fact, the resolution of a vector
is just opposite to the composition of vectors.

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If the components of a given vector are perpendicular to each other, then they are called rectangular components.

• Position Vector

• Multiplication of Vectors

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i) Scalar product (Dot product). Scalar product of two vectors is defined as the product

of the
magnitude of two vectors with cosine of smaller angle between them.

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• Properties of Scalar Product

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• Properties of Cross Product

• Lami’s Theorem

Lami‘s theorem states, ―If a particle under the simultaneous action of three forces is in equilibrium, then each force has a
constant ratio with the sine of the angle between the other two forces.‖

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• Projectile Motion

The projectile is a general name given to an object that is given an initial inclined velocity and which subsequently follows a
path determined by the gravitational force acting on it and by the frictional resistance of the air. The path followed by a
projectile is called its trajectory.

Equation of projectile motion. The general case of projectile motion corresponds to that of an object that has been given an
initial velocity u at some angle 8 above (or below) the horizontal. The horizontal and vertical displacements x and y are
given by

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• Angular Displacement

Angular displacement of the object moving around a circular path is defined as the angle traced out by the radius vector at
the centre of the circular path in a given time.

θ (angle) = arc/radius

θ —> the magnitude of angular displacement. It is expressed in radians (rad).

• Angular Velocity

Angular velocity of an object in circular motion is defined as the time rate of change of its angular displacement.

• Angular Acceleration

Angular acceleration of an object in circular motion is defined as the time rate of change of its angular velocity.

• Uniform Circular Motion

When a body moves in a circular path with a constant speed, then the motion of the body is known as uniform circular

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The time taken by the object to complete one revolution on its circular path is called time period. For circular motion, the
number of revolutions completed per unit time is known as the frequency (v). Unit of frequency is 1 Hertz (1 Hz). It is found

• Centripetal Acceleration

To maintain a particle in its uniform circular motion a radially inward acceleration should be continuously maintained. It is
known as the centripetal acceleration.

. An object that is in flight after being projected is called a projectile. If an object is projected with initial velocity making an
angle with x-axis and if we assume its initial position to coincide with the origin of the coordinate system, then the
position and velocity of the projectile at time t are given by:

The path of a projectile is parabolic and is given by:

The maximum height that a projectile attains is

The time taken to reach this height is:

The horizontal distance travelled by a projectile from its initial position to the position it passes y = 0 during its fall is called

the range, R of the projectile. It is:

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mcq motion in a plane and uniform circular motion
Q1: The angular velocity of a body moving with a constant speed v in a circle of radius r is given by
a. v2/r
b. vr
c. v/r
d. r/v

Answer: (c) v/r

Q2: A cyclist turns around a curve at 15 miles/hour. If he turns at double the speed, the tendency to overturn is

71 | P a g e
a. Doubled
b. Quadrupled
c. Halved
d. Unchanged

Answer: (b) Quadrupled

Q3: What will be the velocity vector of a particle moving in a circle describing equal angles in equal times
a. Changes in direction
b. Remains constant
c. Changes in magnitude
d. Changes both in direction and magnitude

Answer: (a) Changes in direction

Q4: A body moves with a constant speed in a circular path is moving in a circular path with a constant speed. It has
a. Acceleration of constant magnitude
b. Constant velocity
c. Constant acceleration
d. An acceleration which varies with time

Answer: (a) Acceleration of constant magnitude

Q5: A motorcyclist going with a constant speed in a circular track has
a. Linear velocity is constant
b. Constant acceleration
c. Angular velocity is constant
d. Constant force

Answer: (c) Angular velocity is constant

Q6: What could be the reason a car moving on a horizontal road gets thrown out of the road while taking a turn
a. Due to the reaction of the ground
b. Due to rolling frictional force between tyre and road
c. By the gravitational force
d. Due to lack of sufficient centripetal force

Answer: (d) Due to lack of sufficient centripetal force

Q7: If a particle moves with constant angular velocity in a circle then during the motion its
a. Momentum is conserved
b. Energy is conserved
c. Both energy and momentum is conserved
d. None of the above is conserved

Answer: (b) Energy is conserved

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Q8: A stone tied to a string is rotated in a circle. If the string is cut, the stone flies away from the circle because
a. A centrifugal force acts on the stone
b. Of its inertia
c. A centripetal force acts on the stone
d. The reaction of the centripetal force

Answer: (b) Of its inertia

Q9: A body moves with a constant speed along a circle. Then,
a. No work is done on it
b. There is no acceleration produced in the body
c. No force acts on the body
d. The body has constant velocity

Answer: (a) No work is done on it

Q10: A tachometer is a device to measure
a. Gravitational pull
b. Speed of rotation
c. Surface tension
d. Tension in a spring

Answer: (b) Speed of rotation

For practice
1. A particle is revolving in a circle with increasing its speed uniformly. Which of the following is constant?

(a) Centripetal acceleration

(b) Tangential acceleration

(c) Angular acceleration

(d) None of these.

2. An insect of mass m = 3 kg is inside a vertical drum of radius 2 m that is rotation with an angular velocity of 5
rad s–1. The insect doesn’t fall. Then the minimum coefficient of friction required is

73 | P a g e
(a) 0.5

(b) 0.4

(c) 0.2

(d) None of these.

3. A particle is moving on a circular path of 10 m radius. At any instant of time its speed is 5 m/s and the speed
is increasing at a rate of 2 m/s2. At this instant magnitude of the net acceleration will be:

(a) 3.2 m/s2

(b) 2 m/s2

(c) 2.5 m/s2

(d) 4.3 m/s2

4. A coin, placed on a rotation turn-table slips, when it is placed at a distance of 9 cm from the centre. If the
angular velocity of the turn table is tripled, it will just slip, if its distance from the centre is:

(a) 27 cm

(b) 9 cm

(c) 3 cm

(d) 1 cm

5. A particle moves in a uniform circular motion. Choose the wrong statement:

(a) The particle moves with constant speed

(b) The acceleration is always normal to the velocity

(c) The particle moves with uniform acceleration

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(d) The particle moves with variable velocity.

6. A bob of mass m, suspended by a string of length l1 is given a minimum velocity required to complete a full
circle in the vertical plane. At the highest point, it collides elastically with another bob of mass ‘2m’ suspended
by a string of length l2, which is initially at rest. Both the strings are mass-less and in extensible if the second
bob, after collision acquires the minimum speed required to complete a full circle in the vertical plane, the ratio

the value of ‘n’ is

(a) 3

(b) 6

(c) 9

(d) 5

7. The direction of the angular velocity vector is along:

(a) The tangent to the circular path

(b) The inward radius

(c) The outward radius

(d) The axis of rotation

8. A stone is tied with a string and is rotated in a circle horizontally. When the string suddenly breaks , the
stone will move:

(a) Tangential to the motion

(b) Away from the centre

(c) Towards the centre

(d) None of the above

9. The maximum tension that an inextensible ring of radius 1 m and mass density 0.1 kg m–1 can bear is 40 N.
The maximum angular velocity with which it can be rotated in a circular path is:

(a) 20 rad/s

(b) 18 rad/s

(c) 16 rad/s

75 | P a g e
(d) 15 rad/s

10. Two particles of equal masses are revolving in circular paths of radii r1 and r2 respectively with the same
speed. The ratio of their centripetal forces is:





Answer Keys:

1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. c

6. c 7. d 8. a 9. a 10. a

Assignment No. 2
Multiple choice questions
Ques.1. A cricketer catches a ball of mass 150 g in 0.1 sec moving with a speed 20m/sec he experiences a force of
(a) 300N
(b) 30N
76 | P a g e
(c) 3N
(d) 0.3N

Ques.2.The mass of a lift is 2000kg when the tension in the supporting cable is 28000 N then its acceleration is
(a) 4m/sec2 upwards
(b) 4m/sec2 downwards
(c) 14m/sec2 upwards
(d) 30m/sec2downward

Ques.3. If a ladder is not in equilibrium against a smooth vertical wall then it can be made in equilibrium by
(a) Increasing the angle of inclination
(b) Decreasing the angle of inclination
(c) Increasing the length of the ladder
(d) Decreasing the length of the ladder

Ques.4.A stone of mass 1 kg tied to the end of 1m long string is whirled in a horizontal circle with a uniform
angular velocity of 2radian/sec tension in the string is
(a) 0.5N
(b) 1N
(c) 2N
(d) 4N

Ques.5. When two surfaces are coated with a lubricant then they
(a) Roll upon each other
(b) Slide upon each other
(c) Stick to each other
(d) None of the above

Ques.6. if the normal force is doubled then coefficient of friction is

(a) Halved
(b) Tripled
(c) Doubled
(d) Not changed

Ques.7.A particle revolves round a circular path the acceleration of the particle is inversely proportional to
(a) Radius
(b) Velocity
(c) Mass of the particle
(d) Both velocity and mass of the particles

Ques.8.The acceleration of a body in a non-uniform circular motion is 5m/sec2 which one of the following is correct
(a) The radial acceleration and tangential acceleration are 3m/sec 2 and 4m/sec2
77 | P a g e
(b) The radial acceleration and tangential acceleration are 2m /sec 2 and 3m/sec2
(c) The radial acceleration and tangential acceleration both are 5m/sec 2
(d) The radial acceleration and tangential acceleration are 5m /sec 2 and 3m/sec2

Ques.9. A zet engine works on the principle of conservation of

(a) Mass
(b) Energy
(c) Linear momentum
(d) Angular momentum

Ques.10. A cyclist moving at a speed of 20m/sec takes a turn if he doubles his speed then the chance of over turn
(a) Becomes four times
(b) Become ¼ times
(c) Is doubled
(d) Is halved

Very Short Answer Type Question

Ques.1.What are the advantages of banking?
Ques.2.A train moves on an unbanked circular band of rails which rail will wear out faster?
Ques.3. why does a child in a merry go round press the side of his seat radially outward?
Ques.4.A horizontal force of 490N is required to slide a sledge weighing 600kgf over a flat surface. Calculate the
coefficient of friction?
Ques.5.An artificial satellite of mass 2500kg is orbiting around the earth with a speed of 4km/sec at a distance of
104km from earth. Calculate the centripetal force acting on it?
Ques.6. Given the magnitude and direction of the net force acting on
(1) A drop of rain falling down with a constant speed
(2) A kite skilfully held stationary in the sky

Ques.7.A helicopter of mass 1000kg rises with a vertical acceleration of 15m/sec 2 the crew and the passengers
weigh 300kg give the magnitude and direction of
(1) Force on the floor by the crew and the passenger
(2) Action of the rotor of the helicopter on the surrounding air
(3) Force on the helicopter due to surrounding air take g= 10m/sec2

Ques.8.What provides the centripetal force to satellite revolving round the earth?

Ques.9.A cyclist riding at a speed of 14 𝟑 m/sec takes a turn around a circular road of radius 20 𝟑 m what is the
inclination to the vertical?
Ques.10. Why polishing decreases the friction between two surfaces in contact?
Short Answer Type Questions
78 | P a g e
Ques.1. Two masses M1 and M2 are connected at the two ends of a light inextensible string that passes over a
frictionless pulley (fig). Find the acceleration of the masses and the tension in the string when the masses are

Ques.2.The motion of a body of mass M is described by equation?
S = ut + ½ at2
Find the force acting on the body.
Ques.3.A block of mass 8 kg is pulled along a horizontal frictionless surface by a rope of mass 2 kg. A force of 100
N is applied at the free end of the rope. Find the force exerted by the rope on the block?
Ques.4.An elevator weighs 4000 kg. when the upward tension in the supporting cable is 48000N, what is the
upward acceleration ? starting from rest, how far does it rise in 3 sec?
Ques.5.A heavy load of mass 600 kg is placed on the weighing machine lying in a lift. What will be reading of the
weighing machine when the lift is (a)at rest (b)moving upward with an acceleration of 2.2ms -2, (c) moving
downwards with an acceleration of 2.8 ms-2 and (d) falling freely due to the rupture of the cable?
Ques.6.A spring weighing machine inside a stationary lift reads 50kgf, when a man’s stands on it. What would
happen to the scale reading, if the lift is moving upward with (i) constant velocity and (ii) constant acceleration?
Ques.7. Bodies of larger mass needs greater initial efforts to put them in motion. Why?
Ques.8.The force F1 ,F2 and F3 are acting on a particle of mass m such that f and f3 are mutually perpendicular and
under there effect, the particle remains stationary. What will be the acceleration of the particle if the force f1 is
Ques.9. Why do we fall forward when a moving bus suddenly stops? Explain stating the law required.
Ques.10. according to Newton’s third law every force is accompanied by an equal and opposite force how can a
movement ever take place?

Multiple choice questions answer

79 | P a g e
Ans.1. (b)
Ans.2. (a)
Ans.3. (a)
Ans.4. (d)
Ans.5. (b)
Ans.6. (d)
Ans.7. (a)
Ans.8. (a)
Ans.9. (c)
Ans.10. (b)
Answers of Very short type questions
Ans.1.The vehicle can be moved along a circular track at a reasonable speed without the fear of skidding. Further
while taking a turn one may not need to decrease the speed of the vehicle.
Ans.2. Inner rail because the inward pressure on the inner rail is more than that on the outer rail.
Ans.3. When the child presses the side of his seat radically outward in a marry go round the side of the seat
presses the child radically inwards in accordance with Newton’s third law of motion this force which comes as a
reaction provides the child the necessary centripetal force to move along the circular path.
Ans.4. Here F=490N R= 600 X 9.8 N
So coefficient of friction µ = F/R = 0.083
Ans.5. Here R = 104km = 107m
M = 2500kg V= 4km/sec= 4 X 10 3m/sec
Centripetal force F = MV2/R
By putting the values result comes to be 4000N
Ans.6. (1) As the drop of rain is falling down with a constant speed in accordance with first law of motion the net
force on the drop of rain is zero.
(2)Since kite is held stationary in accordance with first law of motion the net force on the kite is zero.
Ans.7. (1) Force on the floor by the crew and the passenger will be equal to their apparent weight if the helicopter is
rising up with acceleration a then F = m (g + a) by putting values F = 7500N (vertically downwards)
(2) Action of the rotor of the helicopter on the surrounding air F = (M + m) (g + a) by putting the values it is 32500N
(vertically downwards)
(3) Force on the helicopter due to surrounding air will be equal and opposite to the action of the rotor of the
helicopter on the surrounding air so the required force is 32500N (vertically upwards)

80 | P a g e
Ans.8. Gravitational force of attraction on the satellite due to the earth.

Ans.9. Here v = 14 𝟑 m/sec r = 20 𝟑 m

So, if θ be the inclination of the cyclist with vertical then
Tan θ = v2/r X g , by putting values θ = 600.
Ans.10. Polishing a surface means depositing a fine layer of a suitable material on the surface of a body this
material fills up the space between the projections on the surface and make ikt smooth as a result the friction
Answer to short type questions
Ans.1.The tension T in the string acts as shown in the figure
Suppose that the system moves with an acceleration a as shown in the figure

fig1 and fig 2

For mass M1 fig 1 is a free body diagram for the mass M1. It follows that
M1a = T – M1g ……… (i)
For mass M2 fig 2 is a free body diagram for mass M 2 it follows that
M2a = M2g – T ………(ii)
Adding the equations (i) and (ii) we get
(M1 + M2) a = (M2 – M1)g
a = (M2 – M1)g/ (M1 + M2)
Dividing the equation (i) by (ii) we get
M1 a/M2a = T – M1g/ M2g – T
or M1/M2 = T – M1g/ M2g – T
or M1M2g –M1T = M2T – M1M2g
or (M1 + M2) T = 2 M1M2g
𝟐 𝐌𝟏𝐌𝟐
T = (𝐌𝟏 + 𝐌𝟐) g

Ans.2. Here, S = ut + ½ at2

The velocity of the body is given by

81 | P a g e
V = ds/dt = d/dt (ut + ½ at2)
= u X 1 + ½ a X 2t
V = u + at
Now, the acceleration of the body is given by
a = dv/dt = d/dt (u + at) = 0 + a X 1 = a
Therefore, force acting on the body,
F = M X a = Ma
Ans.3. Here, mass of the block, M = 8 kg
Mass of the rope, m = 2kg
Force applied on the block through the rope, F = 100N
Let a be acceleration produced, then
F = (M + m) a
a = F/ M + m = 100/8+2 = 10ms-2
Therefore, force exerted by the rope on the block
F = Ma = 8 X 10 = 80 N
Ans.4. Here weight of the elevator,
Mg = 4000 kgf = 4000 X 9.8 = 39,200N
Mass of the elevator, M = 4000kg
Force on the elevator in upward direction, F = 48000 N
Therefore, net force on the elevator in upward direction,
F’ = F – Mg = 48000 – 39200 = 8,800 N
If a is the upward acceleration then
F’ = Ma
a = F’/M = 8,800/4000 = 2.2 ms-2
for upward motion, we have
u = 0, a = 2.2 ms-2, t = 3s
if S is the distance covered by the elevator in 3s, then
S= ut + ½ at2
= 0 X 3 + ½ X 2.2 X (3)2 = 9.9 m

82 | P a g e
Ans.5. When a mass M moves with an acceleration a its apparent weight is given by,
R = M (g +- a)
The positive sign is taken, when the lift moves upwards and the negative sign, when the lift moves downwards
(a) Here, M= 600 kg , g = 9.8 ms-2 , a=0
R = M (g +-a) = 600 X (9.8+-0) = 5,880N
(b) Here M = 600kg g = 9.8ms-2 a = 2.2 ms-2
R = M (g + a) = 600 X (9.8 + 2.2) = 7,200N
(c) Here, M = 600 kg g= 9.8 ms-2 a= 2.8 ms-2
R = M (g - a) = 600 X (9.8 -2.8) = 4,200 N
(d) Here, M = 600 kg , a = g = 9.8 ms -2
R = M (g-a) = 600 X (9.8 – 9.8) = 0
Ans.6. The apparent weight , w’= m (g + a)
Where a is the acceleration with which the lift moves upward
(i) When lift moves with the constant velocity, a = 0

therefore , w’ = m (g + 0) =mg= 10 kgf (No change)

(ii) When lift with the acceleration a in upward direction
W’= m(g + a) =mg (1 +a/g) >_ 10kgf (apparent weight will increase)
Ans.7. According to Newton’s second law of motion
For given acceleration a; if M is large ,F should be more greater force will be required to put a larger mass in
Ans.8. The particle is stationary under the action of forces f1, f2 and f3 it implies that the force f1 is equal and
opposite to the resultant of the force f2 and f3 therefore if force f1 is removed the particle will move under the
action of force f1. Hence acceleration of the particle
a = -F1/m
Ans.9. It is because of inertia of uniform motion when the speeding bus stops suddenly the lower part of body in
contact with seat of the bus comes to rest, whereas the upper part of the body still tends to remain in motion. Due
to this the bus passenger are thrown forward from their seats.
Ans.10. Since action and reaction do not act on same body they do not cancel each other therefore a body may
move either under the effect of the action of force or the other body may move under the effect of reaction on it.


83 | P a g e
1 Which of following in not true for the force?
a. Force can change the speed of an object.
b. Force can change direction of the motion.
c. Force cannot change the shape of an object.
d. All the facts given are true.

2 According to Aristotelian law of motion, what is necessary to keep a body moving with uniform
a. External force
b. Frictional force
c. Both
d. none

3 An astronaut accidentally gets separated out of his small spaceship accelerating in inter stellar space
at a constant rate of 100 m s -2. What is the acceleration of the astronaut the instant after he is outside
the spaceship? (Assume that there are no nearby stars to exert gravitational force on him.)
a. 100 m s-2
b. – 100 m s-2
c. 0 m s-2
d. Data insufficient

4 Consider these two cases: -

Case 1-If two stones, one light and the other heavy, are dropped from the top of a building; a person
on the ground will find it easier to catch the light stone than the heavy stone.
Case2-A bullet fired by a gun can easily pierce human tissue before it stops, resulting in casualty.
The same bullet thrown with hand will not cause much damage. Choose correct option.
a. Force depends on mass of object only,
b. Force depends on velocity of object only,
c. Force does not depend on mass and velocity of the object,
d. Force depends on mass and velocity of the object.
5 S.I. unit of the linear momentum is
a. kg m s-1
b. g cm2 s-1
c. kg m s-2
d. kg m s

6 A bullet of mass 0.04 kg moving with a speed of 90 m s -1 enters a heavy wooden block and is
stopped after a distance of 60 cm. What is the average resistive force exerted by the block on the
a. 6750 N
b. -6750 N
c. 270 N
d. -270 N
7 Read the statement carefully
―Forces always occur in pairs. Force on a body A by B is equal and opposite to the force on the body
B by A‖. The statement is equivalent to-
84 | P a g e
a. Fourth law of motion
b. Second law of motion
c. First law of motion
d. Third law of motion
8 ―Equilibrium of a particle in mechanics refers to the situation when the net external force on the
particle is zero‖.
Choose the correct option which is according the above statement.
a. A tree on road side
b. An airplane travelling between Delhi and Mumbai with fixed speed of 900 km/h.
c. A train leaving a railway station
d. A sprinter reaching to the finish line.
9 A bus is running at a speed of 75 km/h. He hits the break to save an animal who was trying to cross
the busy road. All the passengers fell down in forward direction due to sudden halt of the bus. The
cause of fall is
a. Inertia of direction
b. Inertia of rest
c. Inertia of motion
d. undetermined
10 A car is moving on a straight road whose distance-time graph is attached. Choose the correct option

a. The car is in equilibrium.

b. The car is not in equilibrium.
c. The car is in equilibrium for time up to 3 minutes.
d. More information is required.


1 C 6 C
2 A 7 D
3 C 8 A
4 D 9 B
5 A 10 A


1 Why uniformly moving body comes to rest?
2 What is the measure of inertia?
3 What is the acceleration of a body having uniform linear motion?
4 Is linear momentum of a body is scalar or a vector?
5 The rate of change of momentum of a body is 5 Kgms-2. What is the force acting on the body?

85 | P a g e
6 Compare the linear momentum of two bodies one of mass 5 g moving with a speed of 50 ms -1 and another
body of mass 0.5 Kg moving with a speed of 5 ms -1 .
7 What is the change in momentum of a particle in uniform circular motion at diametrically opposite points?
8 When do we say that the particle is in equilibrium under the action of ‗n‘ number of forces say F1, F2, F3 -------
9 Which law explains why when you bump into something you fall backwards?
10 What is the mass of an object that requires a force of 30 N to accelerate at a rate of 5 m/sec 2?
11 See the picture carefully

Which of picture shows more inertia of the wagon?

12 Can Newton‘s 1st Law be described by a formula?
13 What‘s the relationship between mass and weight?
14 What is impulse?
15 The motion of a particle of mass m is described by y = ut +½gt2. Find the force acting on the particle.


1 Due to opposing frictional force on moving object in direction opposite to the uniform motion.
2 Mass of the body
Reason-from the experience and experimentations it is clear that large mass requires more effort (force) to
change the state of rest to motion or vice versa.
3 Zero
Reason- in uniformly accelerated motion velocity is constant hence zero acceleration.
4 Vector
Reason- p=m v, velocity is a vector. Mass is scalar. Scalar times of a vector are again a vector.
5 F = 5N
Reason- rate of change of linear momentum is force.

86 | P a g e

9 Third law of motion.

10 𝐹 30
Mass, m = 𝑎 = 5 = 6 kg
11 Picture on right side with two children in the wagon has more inertia.
12 This law does not have any formula or expression to describe itself.
13 Mass is amount of matter while weight is gravitational force on the object due to earth.
14 Impulse- When a large force acts on an object for very short interval of time to change its linear momentum
then product of large force and short interval of time is called impulse.
15 Here a= g
So force is F = m a = m g


1 A block of mass 0.1 kg is held against a wall by applying a horizontal force of 5 N on the block. If the coefficient of
friction between the block and the wall is 0.5, what is the magnitude of the frictional force acting on the block?
2 While driving down the road, a firefly strikes the windshield of a bus and makes a quite obvious mess in front of the
face of the driver. This is a clear case of Newton's third law of motion. The firefly hit the bus and the bus hits the
firefly. Which of the two forces is greater: the force on the firefly or the force on the bus? Explain.
3 Many people are familiar with the fact that a rifle recoils when fired. This recoil is the result of action-reaction force
pairs. A gunpowder explosion creates hot gases which expand outward allowing the rifle to push forward on the bullet.
Consistent with Newton's third law of motion, the bullet pushes backwards upon the rifle. The acceleration of the
recoiling rifle is ...
a. Greater than the acceleration of the bullet.
b. Smaller than the acceleration of the bullet.
c. The same size as the acceleration of the bullet. Explain your answer.
4 Prove the law of conservation of momentum.
5 State Newton‘s second law of motion and hence derive F=ma.
6 Why athletes run a few steps before taking a jump?
7 A 30 kg shell is flying at 48 ms-1. When it explodes, its one part of 18 kg stops, while the remaining part flies on. Find
the velocity of the later.
8 A body of mass m is suspended by two strings making angles θ and υ with the horizontal as shown in the figure. Find
the equations of tensions in the strings.

9 Can a single isolated force exist in nature? Give reason.

10 Derive the Newton‘s first law of motion from the second law.

87 | P a g e

In equilibrium
R =5 N
fs = m g = 0.1 x9.8 = 0.98 N
2 According to the third law of motion the force on bus and fire-fly are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.
But impact of force on fire-fly is more due to very less mass of the fire-fly in respect of the bus.
3 Force on rifle is equal as on bullet but in opposite direction. As the mass of rifle is much more than bullet the
acceleration of the recoiling rifle is always less than bullet.
4 Let us consider two bodies A & B with initial momentum p A& pB collide, get apart with final momentum pA1& pB1
From Newton‘s second law of motion FAB Δt = pA1 –pA& FBA Δt = pB1 -pB Where Δt = time for which the bodies are
in contact.
From Newton‘s III law of motion FAB = -FBA
→ pA1 –pA = -( pB1 -pB )⟹ pA1 +pB1= pA+pB
Total final momentum = total initial momentum

5 The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the applied force and takes place in the
direction in which the force acts.
Let us consider a body of mass ‗m‘ moving with velocity ‗v‘ under the action of force ‗F‘ changes to v+Δv in a time

6 To gain the linear momentum, this enables the athlete to jump a longer distance.
7 By conservation of linear momentum
M V = m1v1 + m2v2
⟹velocity of the second fragment v 2=(M V-m1v1)/m2
⟹ =(30x48-18x0)/(30-18)
⟹= 1440/12
⟹ = 120 ms-1

88 | P a g e

9 According to Newton‘s third law of motion the forces always appears in pair as action and reaction. So it is
impossible to exist an isolated single force.
10 The second law states
Rate of change of linear momentum = net force
When net force = 0
Then rate of change of linear momentum = 0
Change in linear momentum = 0
⟹Initial momentum = Final momentum
⟹initial velocity = final velocity
⟹no change in velocity.
Hence an object in rest remains in rest and an object in uniform motion remains in uniform motion till external force
is not applied.

5 SANTOSH KUMAR PADHI (Force and laws of motion)

3) You are holding a uniform chain of mass 2 kg at one end such that its lower end touches the surface of a table. Now
you release the chain. Determine the total force exerted on the surface by the falling chain when half of the chain is
still in air.
Y dy

4) The rear side of a truck is open and a box of 50 kg mass is placed 5 m away from the open end as shown in figure
below. The coefficient of friction between the box and the surface below it is 0.15. On a straight road, the truck

89 | P a g e
starts from rest and accelerates with 2 m/s 2. At what distance from the starting point does the box fall off the truck?
Ignore the length of the box.

90 | P a g e

91 | P a g e
92 | P a g e
93 | P a g e

94 | P a g e
Definition- Collision in which there is no loss of KE. Definition- Collision in which some KE is lost. Eg-
striking of vehicles, coins of carom.

Eg- Sub-atomic particles

95 | P a g e
Coefficient of Restitution (e) :-

 The ratio of relative velocity of the separation after the collision to the relative velocity of approach before thecollision.

e = relative velocity after collision / relative velocity before collision



after collision are same.

Case(ii)Forinelasticcollision,e<1,thevalueofeshalldependupontheextentoflossof kineticenergyduringcollision.
Case (iii) For perfectly inelastic collision, e = 0, the two bodies shall move together with same velocity. Therefore, there shall be no separation between them.

96 | P a g e

• v1= (m1-m2/ m1+m2)u1+ (2m2/m1+m2)u2


• v2= (m2-m1/ m1+m2)u2+ (2m1/m1+m2)u1

Alsotonote,velocityofapproachisequal tovelocityofseparation,e=1.


97 | P a g e

98 | P a g e

99 | P a g e
100 | P a g e
Inelastic Collision

• In an inelastic collision, only the quantity momentum is conserved but not kineticenergy


• Loss in kinetic energy, or KEi - KEfKE = ½ m1u12+ ½ m u2- ½ (m + m)v2

22 1 2

2 2


101 | P a g e
NOTE- Maximum energy loss is when M1=M2


 Workistheproduct of thecomponent oftheforce inthe directionof the displacementandthemagnitudeofthis displacement.
 W=(Fcosθ)d=F.d
(W istheworkdone bytheforce.)
(F istheforce, disthedisplacement causedbythe force) (θ istheangle betweentheforce vectorand
the displacement vector)

102 | P a g e

 The SIunit ofworkisjoule(J), whichisdefined asthework doneby aforce of1 Newtoninmoving anobject through a distance of 1meterinthedirectionof the force.

2 –2
 Thedimensionofworkisgivenas,[ML T ].

103 | P a g e
 Positivework-When theforceandthedisplacementare in the samedirection(angle less than 90 degrees)
 Negativework-Whentheforce andthedisplacementarein the opposite direction (anglemore than 90degrees)
 Zerowork-Whentheapplied forcedoesnotcause displacement (angle=90 degrees)

104 | P a g e

 The areaenclosedby the rectangle of lengthequaltothemagnitudeof forceF(x)andwidth equal to the displacementΔx,givesthework done by the force duringthat duration.
 Mathematically, ΔW=F(x) Δx
 Adding successiverectangles, the total work donecan be writtenas,

105 | P a g e
 The kineticenergy of anobject is the energythatit possessesdueto its motion.
 Kineticenergydefinitionisgivenas:
The energyofan objectbecauseof its motionorthe energy gainedbyan objectfrom its state of rest tomotion.

2 -2
 The SIunit ofkinetic energyisJoule which is equal to 1 kg.m .s .
2 –2
 The CGS unit ofkineticenergy iserg.
Dimension=[ML T ].

106 | P a g e
 The work-energytheorem statesthat thenetwork done by the forcesonan objectequals the changeinitskinetic energy.

107 | P a g e
 Potential energyisdefined as theenergystored inanobject. Potentialenergy can bedividedintomanytypes; Gravitational P.E.,ElectricP.E., ElasticP.E., etc.
 The gravitational potential energyis defined astheenergy possessedby an objectby virtueofits position relative to others.
 The formulaforgravitationalpotentialenergy is given below. PE=mgh
2 –2
 The dimensionalformula of Potential Energyisgivenby, [ML T ].
 SI unit ofPotentialenergy is Joule(J).

 The springforce isanexample of avariableforcewhich is conservative.
 In an ideal spring,thespring forceFs is proportional
to xwhere xis the displacementoftheblockfromtheequilibrium position.
 The springforce isconservativeforce.
 The displacement could be eitherpositiveor negative.  This forcelawforthespring iscalled Hook‘slaw
and is mathematically statedas Fs =-kx(k is springconstant)
 Unit of kisNm

108 | P a g e

109 | P a g e
Imp. UnitConversions

• 5 2 7
1 Joule = 1Newton * 1 m = 10 dyne * 10 Cm = 10 erg

• 7
1WAtt = 1 Joule/ sec = 10 erg/sec.

• 3
1kwh =10 watt ´1hr.
= 10 watt * 3600 sec = 3.6 *10


• 1HorsePower = 746Watt.

• 6
1MW = 10 Watt.

• 1Cal = 1Calorie = 4.2Joule

• 1eV = "e"Joule = 1.6 * 10



110 | P a g e



c) ZERO WORK(Ɵ=90=0)











12) CONSERVATION OF MECHANICAL ENERGY (In a conservative field, mechanical energy remains


1. By how much does kinetic energy increase if the momentum is increased by 20%
(a) 55% (b) 66% (c) 44% (d) 77%
2. Calculate the energy loss in a perfectly inelastic collision if the mass of the object is 40kg with velocity 4m/s hits
the object of mass 60kg with velocity 2m/s.
(a) 440J (b) 110J (c) 392J (d) 48J
3. A ball is thrown from a height of 20 m vertically downward and has an initial velocity of v20. As the stone
collides with the ground 50% of its energy is lost and bounce back to the same height. What is the initial
(a) 28m/s (b) 20m/s (c) 10m/s (d) 14m/s
4. When can one say that work is done on the body
(a) When the body experiences force
(b) When there is an increase in energy because of mechanical influence
111 | P a g e
(c) When the body moves a certain distance
(d) None of the above
5. What is the relation between E, P, and E if E is kinetic energy, P is momentum, and V is the velocity of the
(a) P=dV/dt (b) P=dE/dt (c) P=(dE/dV)×(dE/dt) (d) P=dE/dV
6. A uniform chain of length 2 m is kept on a table such that a length of 60 cm hangs freely from the edge of the
table. The total mass of the chain is 4 kg. What is the work done in pulling the entire chain on the table?
(a) 7.2 J (b) 3.6 J (c) 120 J (d) 1200 J
7. When the linear momentum of a particle is increased by 1% its kinetic energy increases by x%. When the
kinetic energy of the particle is increased by 300%, its linear momentum increases by y%. The ratio of y to x is
(a) 300 (b) 150 (c) 100 (d) 50
8. A man of 60 kg weight is standing at rest on a platform. He jumps up vertically a distance of 1 m and the
platform at the same instant moves horizontally forward with the result that the man lands 1 meter behind the
point on the platfrom from where the took the jump the total work done by the man at the instant he lands is
(a) 300 J (b) 150 J (c) 600 J (d) zero
9. A body of mass 10 kg is travelling with uniform speed of 5 m/s. Its kinetic energy is
(a) 25 J (b) 125 J (c) 1250 J (d) 1000 J
10. A solid cylinder of length 1 m and diameter of cross section y 100 cms is first placed with its axis vertical its then
slowly inclined till its axis is horizontal. The loss in its potential energy if the mass of the cylinder is 10 kg is
(a) 5g J (b) 10g J (c) Zero (d) g J


1. Whenanairbubblerisesinwater,whathappenstoitspotentialenergy?
2. A charged particle moves towards another charged particle. Under what conditions the total momentum and the
total energy of the system conserved?
3. Springs A and B are identical except that A is stiffer than B, i.e., force constant kA>kBIn which spring
is more work expended if they are stretched by the same amount?
4. (a). If a force acts perpendicular to the Action of motion of a body, what is the amount of work done?
(b). A body is moving at constant speed over a frictionless surface. What is the work done by the
5. A particle moves under the effect of a force F =Cx from x = 0 to x=x1 . The work done in the process is
6. If the momentum of a body is increased n times, its kinetic energy increases by
7. Define one joule and Define one Watt.
8. What is the work done by the tension in the string of simple pendulum?
9. Find the odd one out and find the relation connecting the remaining quantities. Joule, Calorie, Kilowatt, electron
10. Does potential energy of a spring decrease/increase when it is compressed or stretched


1. Stateandproveworkenergytheoremanalytically?
2. Choose the correct alternative:
(i) When a conservative force does positive work on a body, the potential energy of the body increases/

112 | P a g e
decreases/remains unaltered.
(ii) Work done by a body against friction always results in a loss of its kinetic/potential energy.
(iii) The rate of change of total momentum of a many particle system is proportional to the external
force/sum of the internal forces on the system.
(iv) In an inelastic collision of two bodies, the quantities which do not change after the collision are the total
kinetic energy/total linear momentum/ total energy of the system of two bodies.
3. Define Conservative & Non-Conservative Forces and write its properties
4. WhichofthefollowingpotentialenergycurvesinFig.cannotpossiblydescribe
theelasticcollisionoftwobilliardballs?Hereristhedistancebetweencentresofthe balls.

5. The bob A of a pendulum released from horizontal to the vertical hits another bob B of the same mass at rest on
a table as shown in Fig. 6.13. If the length of the pendulum is 1m, calculate (a) the height to which bob A will
rise after collision. (b) the speed with which bob B starts moving. Neglect the size of the bobs and assume the
collision to be elastic.

6. Consider a one-dimensional motion of a particle with total energy E. There are four regions. A,B,C and D which the relation
between potential energy V, kinetic energy (K) and total energy E is as given below:
Region A:V>E
7. consider a rain drop of rain water having mass 1g falling from a height of 1km. it hits the ground
with a speed of 50m/s . take 'g' constant with a value 10m/s2. The work done by the [a] gravitational
force and the [b] resistive force of air is ?
8. An engine is attached to a wagon through a shock absorber of length 1.5 m. The system with a total mass of 50,000 kg is
moving with a speed of 36 km/h when the brakes are applied to bring it to rest. In the process of the system being brought
to rest, the spring of the shock absorber gets compressed by 1.0 m. If 90% of energy of the wagon is lost due to friction,
calculate the spring constant.
9. A bullet of mass 0.012 kg and horizontal speed 70 ms−1 strikes a block of wood of mass 0.4 kg and instantly comes to rest
with respect to the block. The block is suspended from the ceiling by means of thin wires. Calculate the height to which the
block rises. Also, estimate the amount of heat produced in the block.
10. The sign of work done by a force on a body is important to understand. State carefully if the following quantities
are positive or negative:
(i) work done by a man in lifting a bucket out of a well by means of a rope tied to the bucket.
(ii) work done by gravitational force in the above case.
(iii) work done by friction on a body sliding down an inclined plane.
(iv) work done by an applied force on a body moving on a rough horizontal plane with uniform velocity.
(v) work done by the resistive force of air on vibrating pendulum in bringing it to rest.

113 | P a g e


1. (c) 44%
2. (d) 48J
3. (b) 20m/s
4. (b) When there is an increase in energy because of mechanical influence
5. (d) P=dE/dV
6. (b) 3.6 J
7. (d) 50
8. (c) 600 J
9. (b) 125 J
10. (c) Zero


1. Potentialenergyofanairbubbledecreasesbecauseworkisdonebyupthrustonthe bubble.
2. (i) Both charged particles shall be dissimilar charge, (i.e. positive and negative)
(ii) After collision the charged particles; stick together permanent.
(iii) They should move with common velocity
3. Work done in stretching a spring of force constant k through a distance x is, W=1/2kx2

𝑊𝐴 (1/2)𝑘𝐴𝑥2
∴W B = (1/2)kBx2 = kA/kB

As kA>kB, therefore, WA>WB.

4. (a). The work done is zero because there is no Placement in the direction of force. (b). Work done by
the weight is zero, since the force and the displacement are at right angles to each other.
W = 0 F. dx =1/2Cx21

6. E=P2/2m E∝P2

7. 1 Joule of work is said to be done when a body is displaced by 1m due to a force of 1N.
1 watt is the power of an object which does work at the rate of 1 Joule per second
8. Zero
9. kilowatt, unit of power
1 calorie = 4.2 joule
1 electron volt = 1.6 × 10-19J
10. When a spring is compressed or stretched, potential energy of the spring increases in both the cases. This is
because work is done by us in compression as well as stretching.

114 | P a g e

1. Work energy theorem states that the change in kinetic energy of an object is equal to the net work done on it by
the net force. Let us suppose that a body is initially at rest and a force is applied on the body to displace it
through along the direction of the force. Then, small amount of work done is given by

Also, according to Newton‘s second law of motion, we have

where a is acceleration produced (in the direction of force) on applying the force. Therefore,

Now, work done by the force in order to increase its velocity from u (initial velocity) to
v (final velocity) is given by

Hence, work done on a body by a force is equal to the change in its kinetic energy.

2. (i) decreases (ii) kinetic energy (iii) external force (iv)total linear momentum and also total energy (if the system of
two bodies is isolated).
3. Conservative forces are those for which work done depends only on initial and final points.
Example- Gravitational force, Electrostatic force.
Non-Conservative forces are those where the work done or the kinetic energy did depend on other factors such
as the velocity or the particular path taken by the object.
Example- Frictional force.
Conservative forces

 When the force only dependent on the initial and final position irrespective of the path taken.
 In any closed path, the work done by a conservative force is zero.
 The work done by a conservative is reversible.

Non-Conservative forces

 It is path dependent therefore it also depends on the initial and final velocity.
 In any closed path, the total work done by a non-conservative force is not zero.
 The work done by a non-conservative is irreversible.

4. Ans. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), and (vi)

115 | P a g e
The potential energy of a system of two masses is inversely proportional to the separation between them. In
the given case, the potential energy of the system of the two balls will
energycurvesgiveninfigures(i),(ii),(iii),(iv),and(vi)donotsatisfythesetwoconditions. Hence, they do not describe
the elastic collisions between them.

5. (a) Ball A transfers its entire momentum to the ball on the table and does not rise at all.
(b) v = √2gh = 4.42m/s

6. For region A:V>E

∴ V>E. So, K<0 or KE is negative. Which is not possible.
7. Work done by gravitational force is loss of potential energy = mgh = 1×10 -3×10×1000 = 10 J
loss of potential energy = gain in kinetic energy + work done by resistive force
gain in kinetic energy = (1/2)mv2 = (1/2)×10-3×50×50 = 1.25 J

work done by resistive force = 10-1.25 = 8.75 J

8. Kinetic energy is equal to

m = 50,000 kg, v = 10m/s

now, as we know that 90% of the kinetic energy is lost as a result of friction brakes. Hence, only 10% of KE is
transferred to spring. So, the kinetic energy of spring would be

Here, x = 1m Hence, K = 500000 J

9. Mass of the bullet, m = 0.012 kg Initial speed of the bullet, ub=70m/s

Mass of the wooden block, M=0.4 kg Initial speed of the wooden block, uB =0

Final speed of the system of the bullet and the block = v m/s
Applying the law of conservation of momentum:
mub+MuB=(m+M)v 0.012×70+0.4×0=(0.012+0.4)v v=0.84/0.412 =2.04 m/s
For the system of the bullet and the wooden block:
Mass of the system, m′=0.412 kg Velocity of the system =2.04m/s
Height up to which the system rises = h
Applying the law of conservation of energy to this system:
Potential energy at the highest point = Kinetic energy at the lowest point
m′gh=(1/2)m′v2 h=2gv2 =2×9.8(2.04)2 =0.2123m
The wooden block will rise to a height of 0.2123m.
The heat produced = Kinetic energy of the bullet - Kinetic energy of the system
=(1/2)mu2−(1/2)m′v2 =(1/2)×0.012×(70)2−(1/2)×0.412×(2.04)2 =29.4−0.857=28.54J

116 | P a g e
10. (i) +ve (ii) -ve (iii) -ve (iv) +ve (v) -ve



6.10.1 Heat
6.10.2 Chemical Energy
6.10.3 Electrical Energy
6.10.4 The Equivalence of Mass and Energy
6.10.5 Nuclear Energy
6.10.6 The Principle of Conservation of Energy
6.11 POWER
6.12.1 Elastic and Inelastic Collisions
6.12.2 Collisions in One Dimension
6.12.3 Collisions in Two Dimensions
Section A -MCQ

Question 1.
Two army persons A and B each of weight of 500 N climb up a rope through a height of 10 m. A takes 20 s while B
takes 40 s to achieve this task. What is ratio of the powers of person A and B?
(a) 1 : 2
(b) 1 : 4
(c) 2 : 1
(d) 14 : 1

Question 2.
Which of the following graphs best represents graphical relation between momentum P and kinetic energy K for a body
in motion?

117 | P a g e
Question 3.
If speed of a car becomes 2 times, its kinetic energy becomes
(a) 4 times
(b) 8 times
(c) 16 times
(d) 12 times

Question 4.
Work done by friction
(a) increases kinetic energy of body
(b) decreases kinetic energy of body
(c) increases potential energy of body
(d) decreases potential energy of body.

Question 5.
When a coil spring is compressed, the work is done on the spring. The elastic potential energy
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) disappears
(d) remains unchanged

Question 6.
One joule work is said to be done when
(a) a force of 1 N displaces a body by 1 cm
(b) a force of 1 N displaces a body by 1 m
(c) a force of 1 dyne displaces a body by 1 m
(d) a force of 1 dyne displaces a body by 1 cm.

Question 7.
SI unit of power is
(a) watt
(b) joule
(c) newton
(d) metre

Question 8.
Mechanical energy of a body includes
(a) kinetic energy only
(b) potential energy only
(c) kinetic energy and potential energy
(d) none of these

Question 9.
Commercial unit of energy is
(a) joule
(b) kWh
(c) watt
(d) newton

118 | P a g e
Question 10.
Potential energy of a body depends on its
(a) position
(b) configuration
(c) position and configuration
(d) mass and velocity

Section-B very short Answer type one mark questions

1. Conservation of momentum in a collision between particles can be understood which law.
2. During inelastic collision between two bodies, which quantities always remain conserved?
3. Write the expression for the potential energy of a spring.
4. State the law of conservation of Energy
5. What is the different form of energy?
6. Write the equ. of the Equivalence of mass and Energy
7. Define power and write its unit..
8. Show that Power = Force x Velocity
9. Define completely inelastic collisions
10. State the principle of conservation of mechanical energy.

Short Answer type (2 marks)

1.Why is electrical power required at all when the elevator is descending? Why should there be a limit on the
number of passengers in this case?
2.A body falls towards earth in air. Will its total mechanical energy be conserved during the fall? Justify.
3. A body of mass m moving with speed v collides elastically head-on with another body of mass m initially at rest.
Show that the moving body will come to a stop as a result of this collision.
4.Show that the coefficient of restitution for one dimensional elastic collision is equal to one.
5. Derive the law of conservation of linear momentum from Newton‘s third law of motion.
6.A large mass M moving with a velocity v collides head-on with a very small mass m at rest. If the collision is
elastic, obtain an expression for the energy lost by the large mass M (Take M+m =M).

7.. A spring which in initially in un-stretched condition, is first stretched by a length x and again by a further length x.
The work done in the first case W1 is one third of the work done in second case W2. True or false?

8. Which is conserved in inelastic collision? Total energy (or) Kinetic energy?

9. Is there any net work done by external forces on a car moving with a constant speed along a straight road?
10. A car starts from rest and moves on a surface with uniform acceleration.

Draw the graph of kinetic energy versus displacement. What information you can get from that graph?

119 | P a g e
1 Answer: (c) 2 : 1 1

2 Answer: (d) 1

3 Answer: (a) 4 times 1

4 1
Answer: (b) decreases kinetic energy of body

5 1
Answer: (a) increases

Answer: (b) a force of 1 N displaces a body by 1 m

7 1
Answer: (a) watt

8 1
Answer: (c) kinetic energy and potential energy.

9 1
Answer: (b) kWh

10 Answer. (a) 1
1 Answer: Both Newton‘s second and third law. 1

2 Answer: Total linear momentum 1

3 Answer: -kx2 / 2 1

4 Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but it can be 1

transformed one form to another form.
5 1.Heat energy 2. PotentialEnergy 3. Mechanical energy 1
4.Nuclear Energy
6 Answer: E=mc2 1
7 Ans. Time rate at which work is done. unit is Watt 1
8 P=dw/dt 1
P=d(Fx S)/dt
P= F x (dS/dt)
120 | P a g e
P= F x v =Force x velocity
9 Answer: A collision in which the two particles move together after the collision 1
is called a completely inelastic collision.
10 Answer: The principle of conservation of mechanical energy states 1
that the total mechanical energy of a body remains constant if the
only forces that act on the body are conservative
SA-II 2-marks
1 Answer: When an elevator is descending, electrical power is 2
required to control its motion and to prevent it from falling freely
under gravity. The cable of the prevent it from falling freely under
gravity. The cable of the elevator is able to sustain some limiting
value of tension developed in it. Due to this reason, it is needed to
limit the number of passengers (weight) in the elevator
2 Answer: Since, initial mechanical energy of the body. 2
Ei= Ui + Ki …………………(i)
Final mechanical energy of the body
Ef = Uf + Kf -Wf …………………(ii)
Wf= Work done by resistive force of air
From (i) and (ii)
Hence, total mechanical energy of the body will not be conserved.

3 Answer: By conservation of momentum, 2

m x v + m x 0 = mv1 + mv2
(Or) v = v1 + v2 (Or) v-v1 =v2 …………………(i)
By conversation of kinetic energy,
½ mv2 + 0 = ½ mv12 + ½ mv22
(Or) v2 = v12 + v22 (Or) (v+v1) (v-v1) = v22 ……………(ii)
Dividing (ii) by (i), we get
v+v1 = v2 ……………………(iii)
Solving (i) and (iii), v1 = 0 and v2 = v
Therefore, after collision, the moving body comes to a stop and the stationary
body begins to move with the speed of the first body.

4 As momentum is conserved in any collision, so 2

m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1+ m2+v2
(or) m1(u1-v1) = m2(v2-u2) ………………………………….(i)
Also, kinetic energy is conserved in an elastic collision,
½ m1u12 + ½ m2u22 = ½ m1v12+ ½ m2v22
(or)m1(u12- v12)=m2(v22-u22) ………………………….(ii)
On dividing (ii) by (i), we get
u1+v1 = v2+u2 (or) v2-v1 = u1-u2
Hence, the coefficient of restitution for one dimensional elastic collision will be
e = v2 -v1 / u1-u2 =1.

5 A neutron is moving with speed 106m s-1 collides with a deutron at rest 2
and sticks to it.
Find the speed of the combination if masses of neutron and deutron are
1.67 x 10 -27kg and 3.34 x 10 -27kg respectively.
Answer: Here, m1 =1.67 x 10-27 kg,
U1=106 m s-1, m2= 3.34 x 10 -27 kg, u2=0
121 | P a g e
Using conservation of momentum,
m1u1 + m2u2= (m1 +m2)v
 v= m1u1 + m2u2 / (m1 +m2)
= 1.67 x 10-27 x 106 / 5.01 x 10 -27
= 33.3 x 104 ms-1

6 Answer: Here m1=M, u1=v, m2=m, u2 =0 2

Velocity of M after collision,
V1= (m1 – m2 /m1 + m2)u1 + (2m2/m1 + m2).u2
= (M-m /M+m).v+(2m /M+m).0
Kinetic energy lost by mass M,
= ½ Mv2 -1/2 M ((M-m/M+m)v)2
= ½ Mv2[1-(M-m/M+m)2]
= ½ Mv2. 4Mm/(M+m)2
= ½ Mv2. 4Mm/M2 [M+m=M]
= 2mv 2

7 2

8 Answer 2

Total energy is always conserved.

But K.E. is not conserved
9 Answer 2

If a car is moving at a constant speed, then external force will be zero.
Because a = [v - u] / t

For constant speed v = u, then a=0. (a-acceleration)

F = ma .'. F = zero. i.e.. no external force.

122 | P a g e
W = F.S. = 0. So net work done is zero.

10 2

Challenging questions
5) Torques of equal magnitude are applied to hollow cylinder and a solid sphere, both having same mass and
radius. The cylinder is free to rotate about its standard axis of symmetry, and the sphere is free to rotate about
an axis passing through its centre. Which of the two will acquire a greater angular speed after a given time?
6) A solid cylinder rolls up an inclined plane of angle of inclination 30 0. At the bottom of the inclined plane the
centre of mass of the cylinder has a speed of 5m/s.
a. How far will the cylinder go up the plane?
b. How long will it take to return to the bottom?


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130 | P a g e
131 | P a g e
132 | P a g e
1) CM- Defined as that point which moves as though all mass were concentrated there and all external forces were
applied there
2) COM is different from center of gravity as value of acceleration due to gravity 'g' is different for different parts of
3) center of gavity is a point where total gravitational torque on a body is zero
a) place where g=0, COG does not exist but COM exists
b) For small objects COM and COG generally coincide
4) COM 2 particle system
a) Formula
b) Formula in vector form
c) COM n-particle systen
5) Formula
a) Formula in vector form
b) Formula for continuous mass distribution
6) Position of COM is independent of choice of co-ordinate system
7) COM changes its position in translatory motion but in rotational motion is unaffected
8) Position of COM depends on the shape and size of the body and the distribution of its mass
9) COM may lie within or outside the body of object
10) For symmetric bodies with uniform distribution of mass the COM coincides with geometric centre
a) uniform rod- at mid point
b) circular disc- at center of disc
c) solid and hollow cylinder- mid point of axis
d) hollow and solid sphere- at center of sphere
e) circular ring- at center of ring
f) cuboidal or cubical block- point where all the four diagonals connecting opposite corners meet
g) plane lamina
h) Square- point where diagonal meets
i) Triangle- at centroid
j) Rectangle- point where the diagnols meets
k) parallelogram- point where the diagnols meet
11) Velocity of center of mass
a) COM of an isolated system moves with constant velocity.
b) velocity of center of mass is not affected by internal forces.
12) Moment of Inertia
a) Defn & General expression
13) K=Radius of Gyration
14) Moment of Inertia of Regular Bodies
a) Circular Disc about axis passing thru it's centre & perpendicular to it's plane
b) Circular disc about it's diameter
c) Ring about axis passing thru it's centre & perpendicular to it's plane
d) Ring about Diameter
e) Thin rod about axis passing thru centre & perpendicular to it's length
f) Hollow cylinder about it's axis
g) Solid cylinder about it's axis
h) Solid sphere about it's diameter
i) Finding M.O.I. of rigid bodies
15) Thm of perpendicular Axes Iz = Ix+ Iy
16) Thm of Parellel Axes

133 | P a g e
17) Factors affecting M.O.I. of body
a) Mass of body
b) Mass distribution about axis of rotation
c) Posn of axis of rotation
18) Physical Significance
a) Rotational Inertia
b) Equations of Rotational Motions

c) In conservation of Angular momentum

d) Expressing Physical quantities in Rotational Motion in terms of M.O.I.
19) Torque τ = Iα
20) Angular momentum L= I ω
21) Conservation of L with examples
a) Action of diver
b) Action of ballet dancer
22) Motion of planets in orbit
23) Structure of wheels
24) K.E. of rotating body
25) K,.E. of Rolling Body
27) Object with a perfectly definite unchanging shape. The distance between different pairs of such object do not
28) A body is taken as rigid, when change in inter particle distances uder the effect of external force can be ignored.
29) Particles has same velocity at any instant of time in translational motion
30) diagram -pure translatory motion
31) diag 2
32) combined translatory and rotational motion
33) Particle s moves in a circle whose centre lie on axis of rotation and angular speed is constant for all particles.
34) Rotation in a plane perpendicular to axis of rotation.
35) formula /diagram- pure rotational motion
36) angular velocity/angularspeed(ω) =dθ/dt
37) Smae for all particles for rigid body
38) angular acceleration= dω/dt
39) Same for all particles for rigid body
40) speed in angular motion
41) Moment of force (Torque)
42) SI unit: Nm
43) When external force acting on a body tends to rotate the body about a fixed point or about a fixed axis, it is said to
exert a torque on the body, it gives the turning effect of force about a fixed point measured by quantity torque.
44) Power (P) = P = τω
angular momentum
Geometrical meaning of angular momentum

equation of rotational motion

134 | P a g e
ω = ωo+ αt

θ = ωot +αt2

ω2 = ωo2 +2αθ
line along which the body is fixed is axis of rotation

MCQ (of 1 mark each)

Q1. When a mass is rotating in a plane about a fixed point, its angular momentum is directed along the
(a) radius of orbit
(b) tangent to the orbit
(c) line parallel to plane of rotation
(d) line perpendicular to plane of rotation
Q2. During summersault, a swimmer bends his body to
(a) increase moment of Inertia
(b) decrease moment of Inertia
(c) decrease the angular momentum
(d) reduce the angular velocity

Q3. Choose the wrong statement from the following.

(a) The centre of mass of a uniform circular ring is at its geometric centre
(b) Moment of inertia is a scalar quantity
(c) Radius of gyration is a vector quantity
(d) For same mass and radius, the moment of inertia of a ring is twice that of a uniform disc

Q4. The moment of inertia of the rectangular plate ABCD, (AB = 2 BC) is minimum along the axis
(a) G H
(b) E F
(c) B C
(d) A C

Q5. A wheel having moment of inertia 2 kg-m2 about its vertical axis, rotates at the rate of 60 rpm about this axis, The
torque which can stop the wheel‘s rotation in one minute would be
(a) π/18 Nm
(b)2 π/15 Nm
(c) π/12 Nm
(d) π/15 Nm

Q6. Two bodies have their moments of inertia I and 2I respectively about their axis of rotation. If their kinetic energies of
rotation are equal, their angular momenta will be in the ratio
(a) 2 : 1

(b) 1 : 2
135 | P a g e
(c) 1
(d) 2

Q7. Consider the following statements and select the correct statement(s).
I. Angular velocity is a scalar quantity
II. Linear velocity is a vector quantity
III. About a fixed axis, angular velocity has fixed direction
IV. Every point on a rigid rotating body has different angular velocity
(a) I only (b) II only (c) II and III (d) III and IV

Q8. Moment of inertia does not depend upon

(a) distribution of mass
(b) axis of rotation
(c) point of application of force
(d) None of these

Q9. A boy comes and sits suddenly on a circular rotating table.

What will remain conserved for the table-boy system?
(a) Angular velocity (b) Angular momentum
(c) Linear momentum (d) Angular acceleration

Q10. A dancer on ice spins faster when she folds her hand. This is due to
a)increase in energy and increase in angular momentum
b) decrease in friction at the skates
c)constant angular momentum and increase in kinetic energy
d)increase in energy and decrease in angular momentum


136 | P a g e

VSA (Very Short Answer) type questions - (1 mark each)
Q1. Is moment of inertia a scalar or a vector?
Q2. A disc of metal is melted and recast in the form of a solid sphere. What will happen to the moment of inertia
about a vertical axis passing through its centre?
Q3. What are the units and dimensions of Moment of Inertia?
Q4. What is the rotational analogue of mass of a body?
Q5. What is the moment of inertia of a solid sphere about its diameter?
Q6. There are two spheres of same mass and radius, one is solid and other is hollow. Which of them has larger
moment of inertia about its diameter?
Q7. How are the torque and angular momentum related?
Q8. Complete the statement => Angular momentum of a particle is equal to twice _________________ .
Q9. Rolling motion can be treated as a combination of __________________ .
Q10. Can a body in translatory motion have angular momentum?

nswers of VSA - (1 mark each)

Q1. Scalar quantity.
Q2. Decreases.
Q3. kg-m2 , M1L2T0
Q4. Moment of Inertia.
Q5. 𝐼 = 𝑀𝑅2
Q6. Hollow sphere.
Q7. 𝜏 = 𝑑𝑡
Q8. The product of its mass and areal velocity.
Q9. Pure rotation and pure translation.
Q10. Yes.

Q1. About which axis would a uniform cube have minimum rotational inertia?
Q2. Speed of rotation of a body affects the radius of gyration of the body. Comment.
Q3. Two satellites of equal masses are orbiting the earth at different heights. Will there moment of inertia be same?
Q4. Two circular discs A and B of same mass and same thickness are made of two different metals whose densities
are dA and dB (dA> dB). Their moment of inertia about the axes passing through their centers of gravity and
perpendicular to their planes are IA and IB. Which is greater IA or IB?
Q5. Why there are two propellers in a helicopter?
Q6. Is angular momentum of a system always conserved?

137 | P a g e
Q7. A flywheel is revolving with a constant angular velocity. A chip of its rim breaks and flies away. How is its angular
velocity affected?
Q8. Why are we not able to rotate a wheel by pulling or pushing along its radius?
Q9. If earth were to shrink suddenly, what would happen to the length of the day?
Q10. If the ice on the polar caps of the earth melts, how will it affect the duration of the day?


Q1. The uniform cube will have minimum rotational inertia about a diagonal.
Q2. NO, it depends on position and orientation of the axis of rotation of the body.
Q3. NO, as Moment of Inertia = M(R + h)2. As heights are different, moment of inertia of the two satellites will also be
Q4. As (𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠)𝐴 = (𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠)𝐵
𝜋𝑟𝐴2 . 𝑡 . 𝑑𝐴 = 𝜋𝑟𝐵2 . 𝑡 . 𝑑𝐵 ['t' is thickness]
𝑟𝐴 𝑑𝐵
=> 2 =
𝑟𝐵 𝑑𝐴
𝐼 𝑚 𝑟𝐴2 𝑟𝐴2 𝑑𝐵
Now, 𝐼𝐴 = 2
1 = =
𝐵 𝑚 𝑟𝐵2 𝑟𝐵2 𝑑𝐴
Since, dA> dB ==> IB> IA.
Q5. If the helicopter had only one propeller, then due to conservation of angular momentum, the helicopter itself
would turn in the opposite direction.
Q6. NO, angular momentum of a system is conserved only when no external torque acts on the system.
Q7. As a chip breaks off, mass and hence moment of inertia of flywheel decreases. As I.ω = constant, therefore 'ω'
Q8. Because radial component of force cannot produce torque.
Q9. If earth were to shrink suddenly, its radius decreases.
Moment of inertia which is 5 𝑀𝑅2 also decreases. As no torque is applied on the earth so,

I.ω = constant
or, 𝐼 = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡

as I decrease, so T must also decrease, i.e., length of day will decrease.

Q10. When ice of polar caps of earth melts, mass concentrated near the axis of rotation spreads out. So,
Moment of inertia increases,
since I.ω = constant
so, ω decreases
or decreases,
or 'T' increases.
Hence length of day will increase.

1. A Constant torque acting on a uniform circular wheel changes its angular momentum from L to 4L in 4 second.
The magnitude of the torque is

138 | P a g e
a) 4
b) 4L
c) L
d) 12L.
2. The angular momentum of system of particle is not conserved when
a) Net external force acts on the system
b) Net external torque acts on the system
c) Net external impulse acts on the system
d) None of above
3. A couple produces
a) Pure linear motion
b) Pure rotational motion
c) Both linear and rotational motion
d) No motion
4. A man is sitting with folded hands on a revolving table suddenly he stretches his arm, angular speed of table
would be
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remain same
d) None
5. In an orbital motion the angular momentum vector is
a) A long radius vectors
b) Parallel to the linear momentum
c) In the orbital plane
d) Perpendicular to the orbital plane
6. Angular momentum is
a) Axial vector
b) Polar vector
c) Scalar
d) Due of above
7. A wheel has angular acceleration of 3 rad/sec 2 and as initial angular speed of 2rad/sec. in a time of 2sec. it has
rotated through an angle of (radian) of
a) 10
b) 12
c) 4
d) 6
8. The instantaneous angular position of a point on a rotating wheel is given by equation ϴ(t) =2t3-6t2. The torque
on wheel become zero at
a) t=1sec
b) t=0.5sec
c) t=0.25se
d) t=2sec
9. An automobile engine develops 100 kw when rotating at a speed of 1800 rev/min. what torque does it derive?
a) 350Nm
b) 531Nm
139 | P a g e
c) 440Nm
d) 628 N
10. When a torque acting upon s system is zero, which of following will be constant?
a) Force
b) Angular momentum
c) Linear impulse
d) None of these
VSA (1mark question)
1. A particle moves in a circular path with decreasing speed. What happens to its angular momentum?
2. What is the cause and outcomes in rotational motion?
3. Give the geometrical meaning of angular momentum.
4. Why do we place handles at maximum possible distance from the hinge in a door?
5. What is torque provided by force acting through the center of mass of a sphere?
6. Which component of linear momentum does not contribute to angular momentum?
7. If the ice on the polar caps of earth melts, how will it affect the duration of day?
8. Why are we not able to rotate a wheel by pulling or pushing along its radius?
9. A planet revolves around a massive star in a highly elliptical orbit. Is the angular momentum conserved
over the entire orbit?
10. What rule is used to determine direction of torque?
1. If no external force is acting on two body system what will happen to
a) Velocity of centre of mass
b) Angular momentum
2. Establish the relation between angular momentum and rotational kinetic energy
3. Can a body in translatory motion have angular momentum?
4. Derive the relation i) L=Iω, ii) τ=Iα Name the
physical quantity corresponding to force in rotational motion. How is it related to force and give its unit?
5. Name the physical quantity corresponding to force in rotational motion. How is it related to force and
give its unit?
6. The moment of inertia of two rotating bodies A and B are IA and IB(IA> IB) and their angular momentum
are equal which of them has greater kinetic energy?
7. Prove the kepler‘s law that the – joining the sun and plant sweeps equal area in equal interval of time
using angular momentum conservation with planet
8. Briefly explain motion of centre of mass of earth- moon system.
9. What is the dimensional formula of angular momentum what are its unit?
10. A person is sitting in the compartment of a train moving with uniform velocity on a smooth track. How
will the velocity of center of mass of compartment change it the person begins to run in the

1. (a)
2. (b)
3. (b)
4. (b)
140 | P a g e
5. (d)
6. (a)
7. (a)
8. (a)
9. (b)
10. (b)
1. Ans – decrease in magnitude and remains same in direction.
2. Cause- torque
Outcome- angular momentum
3. Angular momentum is geometrically the product of twice mass and aerial velocity
4. To develop torque with less force being applied
5. Zero
6. Radial component
7. Duration of day decreases
8. Torque to rotate is not created by pushing or pulling along its radius
9. Yes, since no external torque acts on the planet.
10. Its direction is determined by right handed screw rule or right handed thumb rule and perpendicular to the
distance of line of action from axis of rotation and force.


1. I)Velocity of centre of mass will be same
ii) angular momentum is conserved and will be zero if no rotational motion exists
1 Iω 2
2. Angular momentum L=Iω rotational kinetic energy Ek=2 = 𝐿 2/2I

3. Yes a body in translatory motion shall have angular momentum unless the fixed point about which
angular momentum is taken lies on the line of motion of body.

L=rp sinØ where Ø=00 or 1800

4. I) L= product of distance and linear momentum = r x mv =rm x rω=mr 2ω=Iω
ii) τ= r x F =mr2α=Iα
5. Torque
Torque = product of perpendicular distance and magnitude of force therefore unit of torque is Nm.
6. K=KE of rotation=(1/2) Iω2=L2/2I
When L is constant then K proportional to 1/I
Since, IA > IB therefor KA<KB so KB>KA thus body B has greater K.E. of rotation
7. When the planet moves along the line joining the sun and planet, it sweeps same area given by
A=(1/2)r2ϴ where ϴ is angular displacement
𝑑𝐴 1
therefore 𝑑𝑡 = (2𝑚 )mr2ω=L/2m
8. The center of mass of earth-moon system moves in elliptical path around the sun. the system of earth-
moon moves due to external force provided by sun, and part of system under motion about center of
mass is due to internal force between them.
9. Ans- dimensional formula of angular momentum is [ML 2T -1] and unit is Kgm2s-1

141 | P a g e
10. Ans – we know that velocity of center of mass of system changes only when an external force acts on
it. The person and compartment form one system on which no external force is applied when person
begins to run. Therefor there will be no changes in velocity of center of mass of compartment

1. Ideally a rigid body is a body with a

A) Perfectly definite and unchanging shape.
B) The distances between all pairs of particles of such a body do not change.
C) No real body is truly rigid.
D) All the above. Ans
2. Assertion (A) and the other labelledReason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes
(a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below:
A) Both A and R are true, and R is correct explanation of the assertion.
B) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
C) A is true, but R is false.
D) A is false, but R is true
Assertion: - The most common way to constrain a rigid body so that it does not have translational motion is to
fix it along a straight line.
Reason: - The only possible motion of such a rigid body is rotation.
3. The word precession in the rotation of a top is
A) Rotation of top about its axis of rotation.
B) Spinning of top around about an axis.
C) Spinning top moves around the vertical through its point of contact with the ground, sweeping out a
D) The movement of the axis of the top around the vertical plane.
4. The centre of mass of three particles at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. The masses of the particles are
100g, 150g, and 200g respectively. Each side of the equilateral triangle is 0.5m long.
A) 5/8 m, 1/3 3 m
B) 8/5 m, 3/8m
C) 0, 1/1/3 3 m
D) 1/8m, 1/3 3 m

5. On account of the internal forces, i.e. the forces exerted by the particles on one another, the individual particles
may have complicated trajectories. Yet, if the total external force acting on the system is zero,
A) The centre of mass moves with constant velocity but moves in parabolic path.
B) The centre of mass moves with a constant velocity, i.e., moves uniformly in a straight line like a free
C) The centre of mass moves with a constant velocity, i.e moves in the rotational motion.
D) The centre of mass does not move.
6. The centre of mass of body
A) Lies always outsides the body.
B) May lie within, outside on the surface of the body.
C) Lies always inside the body.
D) Lies always on the surface of the body.
7. The direction of angular velocity vector is along
A) The tangent to the circular path.

142 | P a g e
B) The inward radius.
C) The outward radius.
D) The axis of rotation.
8. A body of mass M while falling vertically downwards under gravity breaks into two parts, a body B of mass 1/3
M and body C of mass 2/3 M. The centre of mass of bodies B and C taken together shifts compared to that of
body A towards
A) Body C.
B) Body B.
C) Depends on the height of braking.
D) Does not shift.
9. Two racing cars of masses m1 and m2 are moving in circles of radii r1 and r2 respectively. Their speeds are such
that each makes a complete circle in the same time t. The ratio of the angular speeds of the first two to the
second car will be
A) 1:1
B) r1:r2
C) m1:m2
D) m1 m2:r1 r2

10. A sphere moving at some instant with horizontal velocity v c in right and angular velocity ω in anti clockwise
sense. If = | vc | = | ω R | . The instantaneous centre of rotation is

A) at the bottom of the sphere.

B) at the top of the sphere.

C) at the centre of the sphere.

D) anywhere inside the sphere.


1. Define rigid body.

2. A rectangular block sliding down an inclined plane without any sidewise movement. If the block is taken to be
rigid. What will be the condition of the motion of being rigid?

3. Write on characteristic of rotational motion.

4. Define centre of mass of a body.

143 | P a g e
5. Where does the centre of mass of a body depend upon?

6. Define angular acceleration of a system of particles.

7. Define vector product of any two vectors.

8. State the law of conservation of linear momentum.

9. Give dimensional formula of angular acceleration.

10. How is the angular momentum related to linear momentum?


1. Prove the law of conservation of linear momentum of a system of particles.

2. Find the scalar and vector product of two vectors; a= (3𝑖̂ -4𝑗̂ + 5𝑘̂ ) and b=(−2𝑖̂+𝑗̂ −3𝑘̂).

3. Find the relationship between the linear velocity and angular velocity of a system of particles.

4. Find the centre of mass of a triangular lamina.

5. Find the centre of mass of a uniform L-shaped lamina (a thin flat plate) with dimensions as shown. The mass of
the lamina is 3 kg.

6. A system consisting of two objects A and B has a total momentum of (18 kgm/sec) i and its center of mass has
the velocity of (3 m/s)i. A has the mass 4 kg and velocity (1.5 m/s) i. Calculate the mass and velocity of B.

7. A stationary body of mass 3 kg explodes into three equal parts. Two of the pieces fly off at right angles to each
other with the velocities 2i m/s and 3j m/s. If the explosion takes place in 10 -3 sec. find out the average force
action on the third piece in N.

144 | P a g e
8. A straight rod of length L has one of its ends at origin and other at (L, 0). If the mass per unit length of rod is Ax +
B. Find the centre of mass.

9. Find the displacement of block relative to ground if the displacement of the man with respect to block is xi

10. A system is composed of two particles having mass m 1 and m2 respectively. They are connected by a light
spring of spring constant K. At time t=0, the system is thrown in the air such that m 1 has initial velocity v1 and
m2 has initial velocity v2. Neglect any air drag in the motion. Find the total momentum of the system at time t.


1. Ans: D) All the above.

2. Ans: A) Both A and R are true, and R is correct explanation of the assertion
3. Ans: C) Spinning top moves around the vertical through its point of contact with the ground, sweeping out a
4. Ans:A) 5/8 m, 1/3 3 m Ans

5. Ans: B) The centre of mass moves with a constant velocity, i.e., moves uniformly in a straight line like a free

6. Ans: B) May lie within, outside on the surface of the body Ans
7. Ans: D) The axis of rotation ANS
8. Ans: D) Does not shift ANS
9. Ans: A) 1:1 Ans

10. Ans: B) at the top of the sphere Ans


1. Ans: Ideally a rigid body is a body with a perfectly definite and unchanging shape. The distances between all
pairs of particles of such a body do not change.

2. Ans: Its motion down the plane is such that all the particles of the body are moving together, i.e. they have
the same velocity at any instant of time.

3. Ans: every particle of the body moves in a circle, which lies in a plane perpendicular to the axis and has its
centre on the axis

4. Ans: Point where all the mass of the body is supposed to concentrate.

5. Ans: it depends upon the mass distribution.

6. Ans: Rate of change of angular velocity is define as angular acceleration

145 | P a g e
7. Ans: A vector product of two vectors a and b is a vector c such that
(i) magnitude of c = IcI = ab sinθ where a and b are magnitudes of a and b and θ is the angle between the two
vectors. (ii) c is perpendicular to the plane containing a and b.
8. Ans: It State that he total momentum of a system of particles is equal to the product of the total mass of the
system and the velocity of its centre of mass.

9. Ans: [Mo Lo T-2]

10. Ans: Angular momentum, L = r x P


1. Ans: Let us consider a system of n particles with masses m 1 , m2 , respectively and velocities v 1 ,v2 ,
,....... vn respectively. The particles may be interacting and have external forces acting on them. The
linear momentum of the first particle is m1 v1 , of the second particle is m2 v2 and so on.

Total momentum P = p1+p2+p3

Suppose now, that the sum of external forces acting on a system of particles is zero.

Then =0

Or P = Constant.

2. Ans:

3. Ans: Consider a particle moving with uniform circular motion in anticlock wise direction with centre O and
radius r the particle cover an arc of length △s in time △t moving from A to B.
Hence the angular displacement is

146 | P a g e
4. Ans: The lamina (∆LMN) may be subdivided into narrow strips each parallel to the base (MN) as shown
in Fig.

By symmetry each strip has its centre of mass at its midpoint. If we join the midpoint of all the strips we
get the median LP. The centre of mass of the triangle as a whole therefore, has to lie on the median LP.
Similarly, we can argue that it lies on the median MQ and NR. This means the centre of mass lies on the
point of concurrence of the medians, i.e. on the centroid G of the triangle.

5. Ans:

Choosing the X and Y axes as shown in Fig. we have the coordinates of the vertices of the L-shaped
lamina as given in the figure. We can think of the L-shape to consist of three squares each of length 1m.
The mass of each square is 1kg, since the lamina is uniform. The centres of mass C 1 , C2 and C3 of the
squares are, by symmetry, their geometric centres and have coordinates (1/2,1/2), (3/2,1/2), (1/2,3/2)

147 | P a g e
respectively. We take the masses of the squares to be concentrated at these points. The centre of mass
of the whole L shape (X, Y) is the centre of mass of these mass points.

Hence the CM is at (5/6m,5/6m)

6. Ans:- Total momentum=(18 kgm/sec)i

velocity of Center of mass=(3 m/s)i.
Mass of one object A=4 kg
Velocity of this object A =(1.5 m/s)i
let m be the mass B
And v be the velocity

Now we know total momentum =Total mass × velocity of center of mass

(18 kgm/sec)i=(m+4)(3 m/s)i.
or m=2 kg

Now Vcm=(m1v1+m2v2)/(m1+m2)
3i=(4X1.5i + 2v)/6
or 18i=6i+2v
v=6i m/sec

7. Ans:- Net momentum before explosion zero

Since momentum is conserved in explosion
Net momentum after collision is zero

Momentum of first part after explosion=2i

Momentum of second part after explosion=3j

So momentum of third part after explosion=-(2i+3j) as net momentum is zero

Now Net change is momentum of this part =-(2i+3j)
Now we know that
Average force X time =Net change in momentum
Average force=-(2i+3j) 103

8. Ans:-

148 | P a g e
9. Ans:

∑miΔri=0--- (1)
Let L be the displacement of block relative to ground
Then Man displacement with respect to ground=L+x
Now applying equation (1)
Or, L= M+m

10. Ans: We know that

Now total force on the system
So Momentum at time t

Assignment No : 2
Very short answer questions
1. How does the ballet dancer take the advantage of the principle of conservation of angular momentum?
2. The moment of inertia of two rotating bodies P and Q are IP and IQ (IP>IQ ) and their angular momenta are equal.
Which one has a greater kinetic energy?
3. If no torque is acting on a body, will its angular velocity remain constant?
4. If the earth were to shrink suddenly, what would happen to the length of the day?
5. Why there are two propellers in a helicopter?
6. Two solid spheres of the same mass are made of metals of different densities. Which of them has larger
moment of inertia about its diameter?
7. Why are we not able to rotate a wheel by pulling or pushing along its radius?
8. A planet revolves around a massive star in a highly elliptical orbit. Is the angular momentum constant over the
entire orbit?
9. The angular velocity of the earth around the sun increases, when it comes closer to the sun. Why?
10. If angular momentum is conserved in a system whose moment of inertia is decreased, will its rotational kinetic
energy be conserved?

1.. A solid cylinder rolls up the incline plane reaches some height and then roll down without slipping through
out this section. The direction of the frictional force acting on the cylinder are
a. Up the incline while ascending and down the incline while descending
b.Up the incline while ascending and descending
c. down the incline while ascending and up the incline while descending
d.down the incline while ascending and descending .

149 | P a g e
2. A cylinder of Mass M and radius R rolls down a incline plane of inclination θ.Find the linear acceleration of
the cylinder
a. (2/3)gsinθ
c gsinθ
d none of these
3. Angular momentum of the particle rotating with a central force is constant due to
a. constant force
b. constant linear momentum
c. constant torque
d. zero torque.
4. A particle performing uniform circular motion has angular momentum L. If its angular frequency is doubled
and kinetic energy is halving d, then the angular momentum becomes
a. L/4
b. 2L
c. 4L
5. A solid sphere is rotating in free space. If the radius of the sphere is increased keeping mass same, which
one of the following will not be affected?
a. Moment of inertia
b. Angular momentum
c. Angular velocity
d. Rotational kinetic energy.
6. An inclined plane makes an angle 300 with the horizontal. A sphere rolling down this inclined plane has a
linear acceleration of
a. 5g/14
b. 2g/3
c. g/3
d. 5g/7
7. Planetary motion in the solar system describes
a. conservation of kinetic energy.
b. conservation of linear momentum.
c. conservation of angular momentum.
d.none of these.
8. If the earth is treated as a sphere of radius R and mass M having period of rotation T, then its angular
momentum about its axis of rotation is
a. 4𝜋MR2/2T
b. 2𝜋MR2/5T
c. MR2T/𝜋
d. MR2T/4𝜋
9. If a solid sphere of mass 1kg and radius 0.1m rolls without slipping at a uniform velocity of 1m/s along a
straight line on a horizontal floor, the kinetic energy is
a. 7/5J b.2/5 J c. 7/10J d. 1J
10. A body is projected from the ground with some angle to the horizontal. What happens to the angular
momentum about the initial posiyion in this motion?
150 | P a g e
b. increases
c. remains same
d. first increases and then decreases
Short answer questions
1. If no external torque acts on a body, will its angular velocity remain conserved?
2. Which component of linear momentum do not contribute to angular momentum?
3. A projectile acquires angular momentum about the point of projection during its flight. Does it violate the
conservation of angular momentum?
4. Why spokes are provided in a bicycle wheel?
5. The speed of a whirl wind in a tornado is alarmingly high. Why?
6. If earth contracts to half its radius, what would be the length of the day?
7. If angular momentum is conserved in a system whose moment of inertia is decreased, will its rotational
kinetic energy be conserved?
8. If ice on the polar caps of the earth melts, how will it affect the duration of the day?
9. During rolling, the force of friction acts in the same direction as the direction of motion of the centre of mass
of the body. State with reason is it true or false:
10. A wheel moving down a perfectly frictionless inclined plane will undergo slipping (not rolling)motion. State
with reason is it true or false.

Answers of very short answer questions.

1. When the ballet dancer stretches out his hands and legs, his moment of inertia increases and the angular
speed decreases. When he folds his hands and legs near his body, the moment of inertia decreases and his
angular speed increases.
2. Kinetic energy of body Q is greater than P.
3. Angular velocity remains constant, so long as its moment of inertia of the body remains constant.
4. When the earth suddenly shrinks, the moment of inertia decreases due to the decrease in radius R. To
conserve angular momentum the time period decreases. So, the lengt5h of the day decreases.
5. If there were only one propeller in the helicopter then, due to conservation of angular momentum the helicopter
itself would have turned in the opposite direction.
6. The sphere of smaller density will have larger size and it will have larger moment of inertia.
7. This is because the radial component of the applied force cannot produce torque.
8. Yes
9. When the earth comes closer to the sun, the moment of inertia about the axis through the sun decreases. To
conserve angular momentum, the angular velocity of the earth increases.
10. Kinetic energy is inversely proportional to the moment of inertia. When moment of inertia decreases, the
rotational kinetic energy increases. Hence rotational kinetic energy is not conserved.

Answers of Multiple-choice questions.

1. b
2. b
3. d

151 | P a g e
4. a
5. b
6. a
7. c
8. a
9. c

10. b
Answers of short answers questions
1. No. angular velocity is not conserved but angular momentum is conserved.
2. A momentum.
3. If no external force acts on it, the projectile will not acquire angular momentum. During its flight, the
projectile is acted upon by the force of gravity and acquires angular momentum.
4. To connect the rim of the wheel to the axle, the mass of the wheel gets concentrated at its rim. This
increases the moment of inertia and ensures uniform speed.
5. In a whirl wind, the air from nearby region gets concentrated in a small space thereby decreasing the value
of moment of inertia considerably. Since angular momentum is constant, due to decrease in moment of
inertia, the angular speed becomes quite high.
6. The moment of inertia I=2/5MR2 of the earth about its own axis will become one fourth and so its angular
velocity will become four times. So the time period will reduce to one fourth, i.e,6 hours.
7. Since angular momentum is a constant, as moment of inertia decreases, the rotational kinetic energy
increases. Hence rotational kinetic energy is not conserved.
8. If ice at polar caps of the earth melts, the moment of inertia of the earth increases. To conserve angular
momentum angular velocity decreases and time period increases and thereby duration of the day is
9. True. When a body rolls, the force of friction acts in the same direction as the direction of motion of the
centre of mass of the body.
10. True. On a perfectly frictionless inclined plane, there is no tangential force of friction. So, the wheel cannot
roll. It will simply slip under the effect of its own weight.

7 SAVITA RUHELA (motion in a vertical circle…collisions in one and two dimensions.)

1) A man X goes to the top of a building by a vertical spiral staircase. Another man Y of the same mass goes to
the top of the same building by a slanting ladder. Which of the two does more work against gravity and why?
2) P and Q are two identical masses at rest suspended by an inextensible string passing over a smooth frictionless
pulley. Mass P is given a downward push with a speed v as shown in Fig. It collides elastically with the floor and
rebounds immediately. What happens immediately after a collision?

152 | P a g e
8 MINU SINGH (Centre of mass of a two-particle system…...and rotational motions )
1) A small sphere of radius R is held against the inner surface of a large sphere of radius 6R. The masses of large
and small spheres are 4M and M respectively. This arrangement is placed on a horizontal table. There is no
friction between any surfaces of contact. The small sphere is now released. Find the co-ordinates of the center
of the large sphere when the smaller sphere reaches the other extreme position.

2) A particle is projected at time t=0 from a point P on the

ground with speed 𝑣𝑜 at an angle of 450 to the horizontal.
Find the magnitude of angular momentum of the particle
about P at time = .

9 PRASHANT C KULKARNI (Moment of inertia...inertia for simple geometrical objects)

1) What is the difference between point corresponding to radius of gyration and Centre of Mass of the body?
2) Do planets, while revolving about the sun change their orbital plane keeping angular speed unchanged?

153 | P a g e

154 | P a g e
155 | P a g e

 Theory of planetary motion

 Kepler’s Law of planetary motion

156 | P a g e
 Newtons Law of gravitation

 Deduction of Newtons Law of gravitation from Kepler’s law

 Importance and characteristic of gravitational force

 Universal gravitational constant

 Gravity acceleration due to gravity

 Relationship between g and G

 Variation of acceleration dur to gravity dur to different factors

 Gravitational field

 Intensity of gravitational field

 Gravitational potential energy

 Relationship between gravitational potential and gravitational field

1.Gravitational force-

5.Variation in 'g' due to Rotation of earth

2.Acceleration due to gravity (g)

6.Gravitational field Intensity

3.Variation in 'g' with height

Where F=Gravitational force

4.Variation in 'g' with depth 7.Gravitational Potential

157 | P a g e

8.Work done against gravity

9.Escape velocity

10.Escape energy

11.Kepler's 2nd law

12.Kepler's 3rd law


158 | P a g e

Table I. Analogies between gravitational and electrical forces.

159 | P a g e

Table II. Analogies between gravitational and electrical field

160 | P a g e


 Kepler’s law of planetry motion

161 | P a g e
(a) Kepler‘s first law (law of orbit): Every planet revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit with the sun
is situated at one focus of the ellipse.
(b) Kepler‘s second law (law of area): The radius vector drawn from the sun to a planet sweeps out
equal areas in equal intervals of time, i.e., the areal velocity of the planet around the sun is constant.
(c) Kepler‘s third law (law of period): The square of the time period of revolution of a planet around the
sun is directly proportional to the cube of semi-major axis of the elliptical orbit of the planet around the
 Gravitation is the name given to the force of attraction acting between any two bodies of the
 Newton’s law of gravitation: It states that gravitational force of attraction acting between two-
point mass bodies of the universe is directly proportional to the product of their masses and is
inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, i.e , where G is
the universal gravitational constant.
 Gravitational constant (G): It is equal to the force of attraction acting between two bodies
each of unit mass, whose centres are placed unit distance apart. Value of G is constant
throughout the universe. It is a scalar quantity. The dimensional formula .
In SI unit, the value of G = .
 Gravity: It is the force of attraction exerted by earth towards its centre on a body lying on or
near the surface of earth. Gravity is the measure of weight of the body. The weight of a body of
mass m=mass X acceleration due to gravity=mg. The unit of weight of a body will be the same
as those of force.
 Acceleration due to gravity (g): It is defined as the acceleration set up in a body while falling
freely under the effect of gravity alone. It is vector quantity. The value of g changes with height,
depth, rotation of earth the value of g is zero at the centre of the earth. The value of g on the
surface of earth is . The acceleration due to gravity (g) is related with gravitational

constant (G) by the relation, where M and R are the mass and radius of the earth.
 Gravitational potential: The gravitational potential at a point in a gravitational field is defined
as the amount of work done in bringing a body of unit mass from infinity to that point without
acceleration. Gravitational potential at a point

 t
Gravitational intensity (I) is related to gravitational potential (V) at a point by the relation,
 Gravitational potential energy of a body, at a point in the gravitational field of another body
is defined as the amount of work done in bringing the given body from infinity to that point
without acceleration.
Gravitational potential energy U=gravitational potential

X mass of body =

162 | P a g e
1) Newtons Law of gravitation

a) Gravitational force (F) between two bodies is directly propotional to product of masses
and inversely proportional to square of the distance between them.

2) Acceleration due to gravity

a) For a body falling freely under gravity, the acceleration in the body is called acceleration
due to gravity.

3) relation between g and G , where G=gravitational constant ,m= mass of earth,r= radius of

4) Variation of accelration due to gravity

(a) Due to altitude(h) .The value of g goes on decreasing with height.

(b) Due to depth (d) . The value of g decreases with depth.

(c) Due to rotation of earth

5) Gravitational Constant

a) G is the universal gravitational constant with a value of

6) Characteristics of gravitational force

a) It is always attractive

b) It is independent of the medium.

c) It is a conservative and central force.

d) It holds good over a wide range of distance.

7) Keplers Laws of planetary motion

a) Law of orbits: Every planet revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit and the sun is
situated at one of its foci.

b) Law of areas: The areal velocity of the planet around the sun is constant .ie , dA/ dt =
a constant

c) Law of period: The square of the period of revolution of a planet is directly proportional
to the cube of semi major axis of the elliptical orbit.

8) Gravitational Potential Energy

163 | P a g e
a) Work done in bringing the given body from infinity to a point in the gravitational felid.
U= - GMm/r.

9) Gravitational potential

10) Work done in bringing a unit mass from infinity to a point in the gravitational felid. V= -GM/r

11) Escape speed

a) Escape speed is the minimum speed with which a mass should be projected from the
Earth’s surface in order to escape Earth’s gravitation field
b) Why there is no atmosphere at the surface of Moon?

c) Definition

d) The minimum velocity with which a body must be projected up so enable it to just
overcome the gravitational pull, is known as escape velocity.

e) Derivation and expressions

f) In terms of mass and radius of planet

g) In terms of acceleration due to gravity

h) In terms of density of planet

12) Important tips

(a) Escape vevocity does not depends upon the mass of the planet

b) Escape velocity is equal to the square root of the orbital velocity of Satellite.

c) Escape velocity for Earth surface is 11.2 km/s.

d) Escape velocity for Moon surface is 2.38 km/s.


1. What is its value of gravitational constant G in SI?
2. How g and G are related to each other?
3. Discuss the Variation of ‗g‘ with the shape of the earth.
4. A body weighs 90 kg on the surface of the earth. How much will it weight on the surface of the
mars; whose mass is 1/9 and radius 1/2 of that of the earth?
5. How far away from the surface of the earth does the acceleration due to gravity become 4% of
its value on the surface of the earth? Radius of earth 6400 km.
6. According to Newton‘s law of gravitation, the apple and the earth experience equal and
opposite force due to gravitation. But it is the apple that falls towards the earth and not vice–
versa. Why?

164 | P a g e
7. Find the height over the earth's surface at which the weight of a body becomes half of its value
at the surface.
8. Find the acceleration due to gravity in a mine of depth 640 m if the value at the surface is 9.800
m/s2. The radius of the earth is 6400 km.
9. At what rate should the earth rotate so that the apparent g at the equator becomes zero?
10. A tunnel is dug along a diameter of the earth. Find the force on a particle of mass m placed in
the tunnel at a distance x from the center.
11. State and explain Kepler‘s laws of planetary motion.
12. State Newton‘s law of gravitation.
13. Discuss the Variation of ‗g‘ with the altitude.
14. Discuss the Variation of ‗g‘ with the depth.
15. Four particles having masses m, 2 m, 3 m and 4 m are placed at the four corners of a square of
edge a. Find the gravitational force acting on a particle of mass m placed at the center.
16. Three equal masses mare placed at the three corners of an equilateral triangle of side a. Find
the force exerted by this system on another particle of mass m placed at the mid - point of a
17. Three uniform spheres each having a mass M and radius a are kept in such a way that each
touches the other two. Find the magnitude of the gravitational force on any of the spheres due
to the other two.
18. Three particles of mass m each are placed at the three comers of an equilateral triangle of side
a. Find the work which should be done on this system to increase the sides of the triangle to
19. Three particles A, B and C, each of mass m, are placed in a line with AB= BC = d. Find the
gravitational force on a fourth particle P of same mass, placed at a distance d from the particle
B on the perpendicular bisector of the line AC.
20. Three particles each having a mass of 100 gm are placed on the vertices of an equilateral
triangle of side 20 cm. The work done in increasing the side of this triangle to 40 cm is :
21. The ratio of acceleration due to gravity at a depth h below the surface of earth and at a height h
above the surface of earth for h << radius of earth :
(a)is constant(b) increases linearly with h
(c) increases parabolically with h (d) decreases.
22. A planet has a mass of eight times the mass of earth and density is also equal to eight times
the average density of the earth. If ge the acceleration due to earth‘s gravity on its surface, then
acceleration due to gravity on planet‘s surface will be :
(a) 2 g (b) 4 g (c) 8 g (d) 16 g.
23. The work done in slowly lifting a body from earth‘s surface to a height R (radius of earth) is
equal to two times the work done in lifting the same body from earth‘s surface to a height h.
Here h is equal to :
(a) R/4 (b) R/3 (c) R/6 (d) R/2.
24. Three uniform spheres of mass M and radius R each are kept in such a way that each touches
the other two. The magnitude of the gravitational force on any of the spheres due to the other
two is :
2 2 2
3 GM 2
(a) 3 GM2 (b) 3 GM2 (c) 3 GM
(d) .
4 R 2 R R 2 R2

165 | P a g e
25. If the radius of the earth were increased by a factor of 2 keeping the mass constant by what
factor would its density have to be changed to keep g the same:
(a) 1/8 (b) 4 (c) 1/2 (d) 1/4.
26. Rate of change of weight near the earth‘s surface varies with height (h) as :
(a) h (b) h0 (c) h-1 (d) h1/2.
27. Two air bubbles in water:
(a) attract each other (b) repel each other
(c) do not exert any force on each other
(d) may attract or repel depending upon the distance between them.
28. A satellite of mass m moves along an elliptical path around the earth. The areal velocity of the
satellite is proportional to:
(a) m (b) m-1 (c) m0 (d) m1/2.
29. The angular momentum (L) of earth revolving round the sun is proportional to r n . where r is the
obital radius of the earth. The value of n is (assume the orbit to be circular)
1 1
(a) (b) 1 (c)  (d) 2.
2 2
30. A planet is moving in an elliptical path around the sun as shown in figure. Speed of planet in
positions P and q are v1 and v2 respectively with SP = r1 and SQ = r2, then v1/v2is equal to :

r1 r2  r1 
(a) (b) (c) constant (d)   .
r2 r1  r2 

1. 6.67 X 10-11Nm2/kg
2. g=GM/R2
3. g α 1/R2 so g is grater at poles and small at equator
4. 40 Kg
5. 16 Km
6. Since mass of apple is very less than mass of Earth
7. R( 2 − 1)
8. 9.799 m/s2
9. 𝜔 = 𝑅
10. mg(1- x/R)


166 | P a g e
11. Kepler’s law of planetary motion:-Kepler’s first law :- ―All the planets revolve around
the sun in nearly elliptical orbits with sun as its one of the focus‖. Kepler’s second law:-
out by
the line
and the
sun is
equal in equal in equal interval of time ―.
i.e. Areal velocity of all planets is constant.
Kepler’s third law:-―The Square of time period of each planet is directly proportional to cube of
the radius of orbit of planet.‖ T r 2 3

12. Statement: -―The gravitation force of attraction between any two bodies is directly proportional
to product of their masses and inversely proportional to square of distance between them‖.
Gravitational force is central force it acts along the line joining the centers of two bodies. Work done by
gravitational force is independent of path and only depends on initial and final position. i.e. It is
conservative force.
Consider two bodies of masses m1& m2 placed at distance r then the gravitational force of attraction
between them
F  m1 m2 - - - - (1) A
 
12 21
1 m1 m2
F  - - - - (2) Combining eq1 & 2
m1 m2 m1 m2
F  Hence F  G
r2 r2
13. Variation of ‘g’ with altitude (height):-If Earth to be spherical shape of radius ‗R‘ and mass
‗M‘. Acceleration due to gravity at point Q on the earth surface g  -- -- -- -- --
-- (1)
The acceleration due to gravity at ‗P‘ at a height ‗h‘ above the earth‘s surface is
g/  - - - - (2) Dividing eq2 by 1
R  h 2
G M / R  h 
g/ g/ GM R2
 or  
g GM / R 2 g R  h
gR 2
g/  - - - - - - (3)
R  h

R2  h 
g  g
 g 1  2 
 R 
 h 
R 2 1  2 
 R 

167 | P a g e
h h
g/  g [ 1  2  higher power of ]
Special case: If h<<R so higher power of h/R can be neglected.
 h
g /  g  1  2  i.e. g‫< ׀‬g i.e. as we go above the earth value of g goes on decreasing.
 R
Absolute decrease in g, g  g  g   & Percentage decrease in g,
g 2h
 100%   100%
g R
14. Variation of ‘g’ with depth: → If we consider mass and radius of earth is ‗M‘ and ‗R‘ then
acceleration due to gravity at point ‗A‘ on surface of earth is g  -- -- --
-- -- (1)
M M 3M 4
Density of earth d    Hence M   R 3 d
V 4 4 R 3
 R3
Putting the value in eq. (1)
G 4 4
g  2   R3 d => g   G R d --------------- (2)
R 3 3
Consider a point ‗B‘ inside the earth at a depth ‗h‘ below the surface of earth. Its distance from
centre of the earth is (R-h). A body at point ‗B‘ experience gravitation force due to the portion of
the earth whose radius is (R-h). While the outer shell of the thickness ‗h‘, will not exert any
force on the body at ‗B‘. Hence acceleration due to gravity at ‗B‘ is ‗g‫ ‘׀‬is only due to the sphere
of radius (R-h).
g /   G ( R  h ) d ----------------- (3) Dividing eq (3) by (2)
 G (R  h ) d
g/ 3

g 4
 GRd g/ (R  h )
3 OR  
g R
R h
g/  g   
R R
 h
g /  g 1   Hence ‗g‘ decreases with increase of depth.
 R
At center of earth h = R Hence g‫ = ׀‬g  0 = 0.
dg gp
Absolute decrease in g, g  g  g   , Percentage decrease in g,
g d
 100%   100% ge
g R Re

Rate of decrease of gravity outside the earth ( if h  R ) is double to that of inside

the earth.
𝐺𝑚 2
15. 4 2 𝑎2

168 | P a g e
4𝐺𝑚 2
16. 3𝑎 2
3𝐺𝑚 2
17. 4𝑎 2
3𝐺𝑚 2
18. 2𝑎
19. 1.7Gm2/d2
20. 5x10-12J

21. b
22. c
23. b
24. a
25. c
26. b
27. a
28. c
29. a
30. b

1. If g be the acceleration due to gravity at the earth surface, then what will be the increase in
potential energy if object of mass m is raised by its radius R?
(a) mgR/2
(b) 2 mgR
(c) mgR
(d) mgR/4
2. A particle falls towards earth from infinity. Its velocity on reaching the earth would be :-
(a) Infinity
(b) √2gR
(c) 2√gR
(d) Zero
3. The velocity with which a projectile must be fired so that it escapes earth‘s gravitational field
(escape velocity) does not depend on:-
(a) Mass of the earth
(b) Mass of the projectile
(c) Radius of orbit
(d) Universal gravitational constant G
4. The escape velocity for a body projected vertically upwards from the surface of earth is 11
km/s. If the body is projected at an angle 45° with the vertical, the escape velocity will be:-
169 | P a g e
(a) 22 km/s
(b) 11 km/s
(c) 11√2 km/s
(d) 11/√2 km/s
5. Escape velocity from a planet is ve. If its mass is increased to 8 times and its radius is
increased to 2 times, then the new escape velocity would be:-
(a) ve
(b) √2 ve
(c) 2ve
(d) 2√2 ve
6. Choose the correct statement from the following. Weightlessness of an astronaut moving in a
satellite is a situation of_______________
(a) Zero
(b) No gravity
(c) Zero mass
(d) Free fall
7. If the earth loses its gravity, then for a body:-
(a) Weight becomes zero, but not the mass
(b) Mass becomes zero, but not weight
(c) Neither mass nor weight is zero
(d) Both mass and weight are zero
8. Geostationary satellite
(a) Falls with g towards the earth
(b) Has period of 24 h
(c) Has equatorial orbit
(d) All of the above
9. Assertion :- Astronauts in a satellite moving around the earth are in a weightless condition.
Reason:- The satellite and its contents are falling freely at the same rate.
10. Assertion:- There is no atmosphere on moon.
Reason:- The value of escape velocity required on moon is very less and the average thermal
velocity of gas molecules is more than it.
Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)
1. An elephant and an ant are to be projected out of earth into space. Do we need different
velocities to do so?
2. Why are space rockets usually launched from west to east in the equatorial plane?
3. Two identical geostationary satellites are moving with equal speeds in the same orbit but their
sense of rotation brings them on a collision course. What will happen to the debris?
4. When a body is brought closer to the earth what happens to its gravitational potential energy?
5. Why is gravitational potential energy negative?
6. Why does hydrogen escape from the earth‘s atmosphere more readily than oxygen?
7. What will be the kinetic energy needed to project a body of mass m from the earth‘s surface
(radius R) to infinity?
8. Two artificial satellites are revolving around the earth, one closer to its surface and other away
from it. Which has larger speed?
9. Write two conditions for the existence of atmosphere on a planet?

170 | P a g e
10. What is the work done in bringing a body from infinity to the surface of earth?

Short Answer Type Questions (2 Marks)

1. When a satellite moves to a lower orbit in the atmosphere of the earth, it becomes hot. This
indicates that there is some dissipation in its mechanical energy. But the satellite spirals down
towards the earth with an increasing speed, why?
2. What are the conditions under which a rocket fired from the earth becomes a satellite of the
earth and orbits in a circle?
3. A particle is projected upward from the surface of the earth (radius R) with a KE equal to half
the minimum value needed for it to escape? To which height does it rise above the earth
4. A person sitting in a satellite feels weightlessness but a person standing on moon has weight
the moon is also a satellite of the earth give reason.
5. A geostationary satellite orbits the earth at a height of nearly 36,000 km from the surface of
earth. What is the potential due to earth‘s gravity at the site of the satellite? Mass of the earth =
6 x 1024 kg and radius = 6400 km
6. What would happen if the force of gravity were to disappear suddenly?
7. What is the minimum energy required to launch a satellite of mass m from the surface of a
planet of mass M and radius R in a circular orbit at an altitude of 2R?
8. A satellite is moving with a constant speed v in a circular orbit about the earth. An object of
mass m is projected from the satellite such that it just escapes from the gravitational pull of the
earth. At the time of its ejection, find the kinetic energy of the object.
9. A satellite is revolving around the earth with a KE E. Find the minimum addition of KE needed
to make it escape from its orbit?
10. Calculate the additional KE to be provided to a satellite of mass m revolving around a planet of
mass M to transfer it from a circular orbit of radius R 1 to another of radius R2 (R2> R1).

2nd Spell of Inservice Course for PGT (Physics)

Online by ZIET Mumbai
Assignment:- 2 [Answers to the Question Bank]
MCQs (Answers
1. (a)
2. (b)
3. (a)
4. (b)
5. (c)
6. (d)
7. (a)
8. (d)
9. Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
10. Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

Very Short Answer Type (Answers)

1. No, as the escape velocity v = √2gR, does not depend upon mass of the projected body.

171 | P a g e
2. Due to rotation of earth in this direction, when a rocket is launched from west to east, this
velocity is added to the launching velocity.
3. The collision is inelastic. They stick together. mv + (-mv) = (m+m) V or V = 0. KE of the debris
in the orbit will be zero. Due to gravity either it falls on earth surface and in the course of
journey it may get burnt up.
4. The gravitational potential energy decreases.
5. As it arises due to gravitational force which is attractive, so it is negative.
6. This is because the rms speed of hydrogen molecules is four times that of oxygen molecules.
7. Reqd KE = ½ m x (escape velocity)2 = ´ m (√2gR)2 = mgR
8. Orbital speed of a satellite is α 1/√R+h , so smaller the height h, larger is the orbital speed.
9. Low surface temperature of the planet so low thermal velocity of gas molecules. High
gravitational force of the planet.
10. GMm/r

Short Answer Type (Answers)

1. For a satellite: -
TE = - KE, E = -K, so when the satellite enters the atmosphere of earth, it dissipates its
mechanical energy which is negative against atmospheric friction. The TE becomes more
negative so KE increases and hence the speed. But the orbital velocity can increase only if its
height becomes smaller. Thus, the satellite moves to a lower orbit with an increased speed.
Thus, due to atmospheric friction satellite spirals down towards the earth with increasing speed
and ultimately burns out in the lower dense atmosphere.
2. (i) It should be given sufficient vertical velocity so that it reaches a height at which it is
supposed to revolve around the earth.
(ii) At this height the rocket must be given a horizontal orbital velocity √GM/R+h
(iii) air resistance should be negligible at the height of its orbit.
3. For the particle to escape K.E = P.E
½ mve2 = GMm/R
But supplied KE = ½ x ½ mve2 = GMm/2R
If it rises to height h, then
¼ mve2 = GMm/R+h
GMm/2R = GMm/R+h
4. A person sitting on the artificial satellite has gravitational attraction on him due to the earth
providing the necessary centripetal force the net force on him is zero that is the reason of his
feeling the weightlessness but for the person standing on the moon the gravitational attraction
acting on him due to the moon is left unbalanced which is responsible for his weight on the
5. V = -GM/R+h = - 6.67 x 10-11 x 6 x 1024/4.24 x 107
= -9.43 x 106 J/kg
6. (i) All bodies will lose weight.
(ii) We would be thrown away from the earth to the centrifugal force.
(iii) Eating drinking and fact all operations would become impossible.
(iv) Motion of satellites around the planets in the motion of planets around the sun would
7. TE on earth‘s surface Ei = U = - GMm/R
TE in an orbit of radius 3R Ef = -GMm/2 x 3R
Required Energy = Ef – Ei = 5 GMm/6R
8. ve = √2 vo
ve = √2 v

172 | P a g e
so at the time of ejection the KE will be: -
K = ½ mve2 = ´ m (√2 v) 2 = mv2
9. Initial KE = ½ mvo2 = ½ GMm/r
Total KE needed for escaping = ½ mv e2 = = ½ m x 2GM/r = 2E
Additional KE needed = 2E – E = E
10. Required KE = final TE – initial TE
-GMm/2R2 – (-GMm/2R1)
= ½ GMm (1/R1 – 1/R2)

Challenging questions

3) . Different points in the earth are at slightly different distances from the sun and hence
experience different forces due to gravitation. For a rigid body, we know that if various forces
act at various points in it, the resultant motion is as if a net force acts on the CM (centre of
mass) causing translation and a net torque at the CM causing rotation around an axis through
the CM. For the earth-sun system (approximating the earth as a uniform density sphere)
(a) the torque is zero
(b) the torque causes the earth to spin
(c) the rigid body result is not applicable since the earth is not even approximately a
rigid body
(d) the torque causes the earth to move around the sun
4) Is it possible for a body to have inertia but no weight?

5) Show that if speed of a satellite moving near a planet in circular orbit is increased by 41.4%
then it will escape.
6) An artificial satellite is revolving around the earth at a height 100 km from the Earth's surface. If
a packet is released from the satellite, what will happen to it? Will it reach the earth?

173 | P a g e

Elasticity- The property of a body by which it tends to regain its original shape and size after removal
of external applied force.
*Note – There is no perfectly elastic or plastic body in nature
Graph for the variation of potential energy vs intermolecular separation-*

174 | P a g e
𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝐹
Stress = 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 or ; SI unit -Nm-2 or Pa(Pascal)

Types of stress: 1. Longitudinal or linear stress (force along the length)

2. Volumetric stress (force applied normally to a body)
3. Shear stress (force applied tangentially on one face of a rigid body with
opposite fixed face)
𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛
STRESS: : such as length, volume, deformation (No unit or dimension as a pure
𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛
Types of Strain: 1. Longitudinal strain ( 𝑙 )
2. Volumetric strain ( )

175 | P a g e
3. Shear strain ø= ( )

HOOKE’S LAW- Provided the strain is small, stress is proportional to strain; stress α strain or 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 =
E; Where E= constant or modulus of elasticity
𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 ;
1. Young‘s modulus of elasticity- Y= 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 = 𝐴
𝛥𝑙 ; SI Unit- Nm-2 or Pa(Pascal)
𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 ( )
𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝐹/𝐴
2. Bulk modulus of elasticity—B= 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐 = −𝛥𝑉/𝑉 ; SI Unit- Nm-2 or Pa(Pascal)
Reciprocal of Bulk Modulus(B) is called compressibility (K); i.e K= 𝐵
𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝐹/𝐴
3. Modulus of Rigidity ƞ= = ;
𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 ø

𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝛥𝐷/𝐷

POISSON’S RATIO -𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 = - 𝛥𝑙 /𝑙 ;

Graphical variation of stress strain for a steel wire

ELASTIC AFTER EFFECT -The phenomenon of the temporary delay in regaining the original
configuration by an elastic body after the removal of the deforming forces is called elastic after effect.

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ELASTIC FATIGUE- The property of an elastic body by virtue of which its nature becomes less elastic
under the action of repeated alternating deforming forces is called elastic fatigue.
Elastic Potential energy per unit volume of a stretched wire= 2x stress x strain

Note-: Young‘s and Shear modulus is involved in solids only.

Bulk‘s modulus is involved in solids, liquids and gases.

1) (Stress Strain Curve)

a) Mechanical properties
b) Physical properties
c) Chemical Properties
d) Dimensional Properties
2) Length
3) Cross section Area
4) Shear
5) Volumetric
6) Mechanical properties
a) Strength
b) stiffness
c) elasticity
d) Plasticity
e) Ductility
f) Brittleness
g) hardness
7) Longitudinal Strain=Change in length/Original Length
8) Lateral Strain=Change in Radius / Original Radius
9) Angle of deformation
10) Volumetric strain= Change in volume /original volume
11) Youngs Modulus=Normal stress/Longitudinal strain
12) Bulk Modulus =Normal stress /volumetric strain
13) Modulus of rigidity= Tangential stress /angle shifted
14) Longitudinal Strain=Change in length/Original Length
15) Lateral Strain=Change in Radius / Original Radius
16) Angle of deformation
17) Volumetric strain= Change in volume /original volume
18) Youngs Modulus=Normal stress/Longitudinal strain
19) Bulk Modulus =Normal stress /volumetric strain
20) Modulus of rigidity= Tangential stress /angle shifted
a) Definitions of
i) Intermolecular force
ii) Forces of cohesion & adhesion

177 | P a g e
iii) Sphere of influence
iv) Molecular range
v) Surface film
b) Concept of surface tension
i) Force per unit length
ii) S=F/l
iii) SI unit is N/m
c) Drops & Bubbles
i) Shape is spherical so as to possess min. energy
22) (see: Behaves as stretched membrane)
i) Inside pressure is more that outside
ii) Heavy drops tend to flattened
b) Illustrations
i) A bug floats on water
ii) Water surface supports needle
iii) Oil spreads on cold water
iv) Hairs of brush cling together when taken out of water
c) Capillarity
i) Rise/fall of a liquid in a capillary tube
(1) Convex meniscus, liquid falls
(2) Concave meniscus, liquid rises
ii) Illustrations
(1) Tip of nib is split for ink to rise
(2) Blotting paper soaks ink
(3) Oil rises between the threads of a wick
(4) Towels are used for drying our skin
iii) Ascent formula
d) Factors affecting surface tension
i) Temperature
ii) Contamination
iii) Nature of solute
e) Nature & Shape of surface of a liquid
i) Behaves as stretched membrane
ii) Shape is spherical
iii) Minimum surface area
f) Surface energy
i) WD in increasing the area /unit area
ii) Numerically equal to surface tension


1. What is more elastic: water or air?
2. Write copper, steel, rubber and glass in the increasing order of their elasticity.

178 | P a g e
3. What is the value of Young‘s modulus for a perfectly rigid body?
4. How do elastic moduli change with temperature?
5. Which of the three elastic moduli is possible in all the three states of matter?
6. Why do spring balance show wrong reading after have been used for a long time?
7. Will you prefer steel or copper to manufacture a spring?
8. Is stress a vector quantity?
9. Why the bridges are declared unsafe after long use?
10. Graphite consists of planes of carbon atoms. Between atoms in the planes there are only very
weak forces. What kind of elastic properties do you expect from graphite?


1. A load of 2kg produces an extension of 1mm in a wire 3m in length and 1mm in diameter.
Calculate Young‘s modulus of elasticity of wire.
2. A steel wire of length 4.7m and cross section 3.0x10 -5m2 stretches by same amount as a
copper wire of length 3.5m and cross section 4.0 x 10 -5m2 under a given load. What is the ratio
of the Young‘s modulus of steel to that of copper?
3. Two wires of same length and material but different radii are suspended from a rigid support.
Both carry the same load at the lower end. Will in the two wires:
(a) Stress (b) strain be same or different?
4. Read each of the following two statements carefully and state with reason if it is true or false.
(a) The Young‘s modulus of rubber is greater than that of steel.
(b) The stretching of a coil is determined by its shear modulus.
5. Define Young‘s modulus and Shear modulus of elasticity.
6. Stress and pressure are both force per unit area. How do you differentiate between them?
7. A metallic wire is suspended by attaching a weight to it . I f α is the longitudinal strain and y is
the young‘s modulus of elasticity, show that the elastic potential energy per unit volume is given
by (1/2)yα2.
8. What type is elasticity is involved in the following cases?
(a) A gas (b) A book with a tangential force applied uniformly to its upper face and the lower face
remaining stationary on the table.
9. A cable is shortened to half its original length (a) How does this affect its elongation under a
given load ?
(b) How does this affect the maximum the maximum load it can support without exceeding its
elastic limit?
10. Prove that elastic energy density is ½ x strain x stress.


1. A mild steel wire of length 2L and cross sectional area A is stretched, well within elastic limit ,
horizontally between two pillars,

179 | P a g e
A mass is suspended from the midpoint of the wire. Strain in the wire is:
(a) X2/2L2 (b) x/L (C) X2/L (D) X2/2L
2. The maximum load a wire can withstand without breaking, when its reduced to half of its
original length, will
(a) Be double (b) be half (c) be four times (d) remain same
3. The temperature of a wire is doubled. The Young‘s modulus of elasticity will:
(a) Also, double (b) become four times (c) remain same (d) decrease
4. A spring is stretched by applying a load to its free end. The strain produced in the spring is:
(a) Volumetric (b) shear (c) longitudinal and shear (d) longitudinal
5. A rigid bar of mass M is supported symmetrically by three wires each of length l. Those at each
end are of copper and the middle one is of iron. The ratio of their diameter, if each is to have
the same tension, is equal to :
6. For an ideal liquid:
(a) The bulk modulus is infinite
(b) The bulk modulus is zero
(c) The shear modulus is infinite
(d) The shear modulus is zero
7. The length of a metal wire is l when the tension is F and xl when the tension is yF . Then the
natural length of the wire is
(a) (x-y) l/x-1 (b) (y-x) l/y-1 (c) (x-y) l/x+1 (d) (y-x)l/y+1
8. Two wires A and B of same material have radii in the ratio 2:1 and lengths in the ratio 4:1. The
ratio of the normal forces required to produce the same change in the lengths of these two
wires is
(a) 1:1 (b) 2:1 (c) 1:2 (d) 1:4
9. The effect of temperature on the value of modulus of elasticity for various substances in
(a) It increases with increases in temperature
(b) Remains constant
(c) Decreases with rise in temperature
(d) Sometimes increase and sometimes decrease

10. To what depth must a rubber ball be taken in deep sea so that its volume is decreased by 0.1%
(the bulk modulus of rubber is 9.8x10 8N/m2 and the density of sea water is 103kg/m3.)
(a) 100m (b) 10m (c) 1000m (d ) 10000m

180 | P a g e
1. Bulk modulus for water is more than for air (as air can easily be compressed and water is almost
2. Rubber, glass, copper and steel.
3. The value of Young‘s modulus for a perfect rigid body is infinite.
4. All the elastic moduli decrease with temperature.
5. Bulk modulus (B)
6. When spring balances have been used for a long time, they develop elastic fatigue in them. The
springs of such balances will take time to recover their original configurations. Thus, the reading
shown by such balances will be wrong.
7. To manufacture a spring, we prefer steel to copper as steel more elastic than copper.
8. No
9. On account of long use, a bridge develops elastic fatigue and there appears a permanent
change in its structure. This permanent change may sometimes exceed elastic limit and the bridge
10. Since between the atoms in different planes, the attractive forces are weak, it is easier to
produce a large shearing strain ( by moving one plane of atoms over the other ) with the application
of a small tangential stress. Obviously, such material possesses small modulus of rigidity.


1. Y =FL/AΔL = 7.5X1010 N/m2
Further, as both the wires stretch by same amount, ΔLS=ΔLC
YS/YC = 1.8
3. (a) Stress = force / area, = F/πr2, where r is the radius of the wire. Obviously, stress will be
different for different radii.
(b) We know that Y= stress / strain. Further being of the same material, Y is the same for the
two wires . Since strain is different for different wires, stress will also be different.
4. (a) False. For a given stress, the strain in rubber is more than that in steel. Since Young‘s
modulus of elasticity is inversely proportional to strain , its value is less in case of rubber as
compared to that in case of steel.
(c) Stretching of a coil changes its shape which is determined by its shear modulus.
5. Young‘s modulus: The ratio of longitudinal stress to the longitudinal strain is called young‘s
Shear modulus: The ratio of shear stress to the shear strain is called shear modulus.

181 | P a g e
6. Stress is the internal restoring force per unit area set up in a body under the effect of an applied
deforming force. Pressure is the external force per unit area.
Stress will come in to play when a body undergoes some changes in its dimensions under the
effect of deforming force. Due to pressure, the body may change its dimensions.
7. Elastic potential energy per unit volume,
U =1/2 stress x strain
Y=stress/longitudinal strain
Stress = Y x longitudinal strain =Y α
U = 1/2 Y α X α = 1/2 yα2
8. In case (a) bulk modulus of elasticity is involved as a gas possess only volume.
In case (b) modulus of rigidity is involved as there is a change in the shape of the book.
9. (a) As we know that y =FL/A ΔL, when the original length L of the cable becomes L/2 ,ΔL also
become half since the load F is fixed. Thus the elongation is half of the former value.
(b) As F =YAΔL/L ,there is no change in the value of the maximum load F as ΔL/L remains
constant even on shortening the cable to half its original length (Y and A are the same for
any length of the cable.
10. The strain energy stored per unit volume of the body is called the energy density.
We calculate total work done in increasing the length of the wire from 0 to l
W= 1/2 ( YA l/L)l
If extension in the wire is denoted by ΔL instead of l,
W= 1/2 FΔL
This work done stored as elastic potential U in the volume V of the wire, U=W
U = 1/2 FΔL= 1/2 stretching force x extension
Now volume of wire V =AL
1/2( F/A) (ΔL/L) = 1/2 (STRESS X STRAIN )


1. (a) x2/2L
2. (d) remain same
3. (d) decrease
4. ( c) longitudinal and shear
6. (a) bulk modulus is infinite, (d) bulk modulus is zero
7. (b) (y-x)l/y-1
8. (a) 1:1
9. ( c) decrease with rise in temperature
10. (a) 100

182 | P a g e
Challenging questions.

1) A steel ring of radius r and cross-sectional area A is fitted into a wooden disc of radius R(R>r).
If young‘s modulus be Y, find the force with which the steel ring is expanded.
2) Which is more elastic water or air? Why?

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Fluid Pressure
The thrust exerted by a liquid (at rest) per unit area of the surface in contact with the liquid is called

[Thrust: The total force exerted by a liquid on any surface in contact with it]

When a liquid is in equilibrium, the force acting on its surface is perpendicular everywhere. The
pressure is the same at the same horizontal level. [Fcosθ = 0 as there is no horizontal force but as F
cannot be zero cosθ must be 0 i.e. θ = 90]

The pressure at any point in the liquid depends on the depth (h) below the surface, density of liquid and
acceleration due to gravity

Pascal's Law

In an enclosed fluid, if an increased pressure is produced in any part of the fluid, then this change of
pressure is transmitted undiminished to all other parts of the fluid.

189 | P a g e
2.1 Application of Pascal's Law
Hydraulic Lift: Small force is applied to support and lift heavy weights. The arrangement is used to
multiply the force.

Effect of Gravity (on fluid pressure)

190 | P a g e
The weight of the liquid (density ρ) in the cylinder of height h will be
Mg = volume x density x g
or Mg = ahρg (vertically downwards)

Let pressure at A = P1 and pressure at B = P2

Force on upper cylinder face, F1 = P1a (vertically downwards)

Force on lower cylinder face, F2 = P2a (vertically upwards)

Since the imaginary cylinder is in equlibrium, the net force must be zero,
(F1 + Mg) - F2 = 0
or (P1a + ahρg) - P2a = 0
or P2 - P1 = hρg (provided liquid is incompressible)

If point A lies at the surface and B at the depth h below it, then pressure exerted by the column of the
liquid of height h is
P = hρg
and the net pressure exerted at point B is
P = Pa + hρg, where Pa is the atmospheric pressure

191 | P a g e
Atmospheric Pressure
The pressure exerted by the earth's atmosphere.
● Approximate value is 1.013 x 105 Nm-2
● It is maximum at the surface and decreases as we move up from the surface of the earth
● Gauge pressure = Actual pressure - Atmospheric pressure

Torricelli Experiment
The experiment uses a simple barometer to measure the pressure of air, filling it with mercury up until
75% of the tube. Any air bubbles in the tube must be removed by inverting several times. After that,
clean mercury is filled once again until the tube is completely full. The barometer is then placed inverted
on the dish full of mercury. This causes the mercury in the tube to fall down until the difference between
mercury on the surface and in the tube is about 760 mm. Even when the tube is shaken or tilted, the
difference between the surface and in the tube is not affected due to the influence of atmospheric

192 | P a g e
 Tendency of the fluids due to which it opposes the relative motion between its different layers
during motion is called Viscosity.
 Viscosity is also called the internal friction the internal friction force depends upon the area of
Contact of layers whereas the frictional force in case of solids is independent of the area of
contact of surfaces.
 Viscous force acting tangentially between the two layers is given by

F = n A dv/dx

n = Coefficient of Viscosity
A = area of contact of layers.
dv/dx = velocity gradient
The Coefficient of viscosity may be defined as equal to the tangential viscous force per unit area
required to maintain unit velocity gradient
SI unit of n : Pascal-sec (Pa-s)

 Viscosity of liquids decreases with the increase in temperature, whereas the Viscosity of gases
 Viscosity of liquids generally increases with increase in pressure but the viscosity of water
decreases, whereas Viscosity gases remains unchanged.
 The knowledge of Viscosity and its Variation with temperature helps us to select a suitable
lubricant for a given machine.

193 | P a g e
 The knowledge of viscosity helped Millikan in determining charge on an electron.


According to stoke's law the viscous force acting on a small spherical body of radius 'r' moving through
a Viscous medium is given by

Stoke's law is used in determination of electronic charge with the help of Millikan's experiment.

The maximum Constant velocity acquired by the body while falling freely in a viscous medium is called
terminal velocity. It is given by,

If a non-viscous liquid flows in streamline through a tube of varying cross section then according to
continuity equation.
a v = constant

A liquid may possess three types of energy
1) Pressure energy
2) Potential energy
3) Kinetic energy

It states that if an ideal liquid flows in streamline through a tube, then the sum of pressure energy,
potential energy and kinetic energy per unit mass remains constant.

194 | P a g e
Bernoulli‘s theorem is an outcome of the principle of conservation of energy.
Other forms of Bernoulli‘s theorem –

The flow of liquid in which it moves in layers is called a laminar flow.
when the liquid moves with a velocity greater than its critical velocity then the flow of liquid is called
turbulent flow.

Laminar Turbulent
It is that velocity of flow of liquid upto which its flow is streamlined and above which its flow becomes
It is a pure number which determines the nature of flow of liquid through a pipe.
If NR<1000 flow will be streamline
NR>2000 flow will be turbulent.
200>NR>1000 flow will be unsteady.
NR = Inertial force per unit area / Viscous force per unit area
 If the liquid is flowing through a horizontal tube then, h=0
p+1/2 pv2 = constant
 An atomizer or sprayer works on the principle of Bernoulli‘s theorem.

195 | P a g e
 According to Bernoulli‘s theorem where the velocity of air is more pressure will be less,
therefore roofs are blown off during storm.
 When a spinning ball is thrown, it deviates from its usual path in flight. This is called
Magnus effect. This can be explained using Bernoulli‘s theorem.

Atomiser Blowing of roof

Magnus effect
VSA Questions – 1 mark each.
1. Why can a liquid easily change its shape, why a solid cannot?
2. To empty a tin containing a liquid, two holes are made. Why?
3. When air is blown in between two Tennis balls suspended from thread such that they do not touch
each other, the ball comes nearer to each other, instead of moving away. Why?
4. The blood pressure at feet is more than the blood pressure at the head. Give reason.
5. Two plastic balls one is small and another is big in radius, when released at a same depth inside
water. Which ball will come out first on surface of water?
6. Two Stream lines flow never intersect one another. Why?
7. Water flows out throughout a non uniform pipe at a rate of 3.0 cm 3/s. find the velocity of water at a
point in the pipe where its diameter is 0.5 cm.
8. Calculate the excess pressure across a Soap bubble of diameter 1 mm. The surface tension of the
Soap solution is 1.5 Nm-1.
9. Why does the roof of a hut get lifted up in hurricane?
10. A balloon filled with Helium does not rise indefinitely in space. Why?
VSA Questions – 2 marks each.
196 | P a g e
1. What is Venturimeter? On which principle it is based.
2. Write two points of differences between Stream line and Turbulent flow of liquid.
3. What is Pressure energy?
4. State Bernoulli‘s theorem.
5. State Equation of continuity?
6. Railway tracks are laid on large sized wooden, iron or wooden/ cemented sleepers Why?
7. It is advised not to stand near a running train. Why?
8. Ice floats in water with about nine-tenths of its volume submerged. What is the fractional volume
submerged for an iceberg floating on a water lake of a planet (hypothetical) whose gravity is ten times
that of the earth?
9. A cylindrical jar of cross-sectional area 0.01m2 is filled with water to a height of 50 cm. It carries a
piston of negligible mass. Calculate the pressure at the bottom of the jar when a mass of kg is placed
on the piston.
10. Prove that Pressure at a point in a liquid is equal to the pressure energy per unit volume of liquid.
MCQ – 1 mark each
1. An ice cube is floating in a beaker filled with water up to the brim. When ice melts, the water will
(a) Come below the brim
(b) Over flow
(c) Not over flow
(d) First come down and then rise to the brim
2. The velocity of efflux through an orifice does not depend upon
(a) Acceleration due to gravity
(b) Height of liquid level in the vessel
c) Density of the liquid
(d) Viscosity of liquid
3. Sudden fall of pressure at a place indicates
a) Storm
b) Clam
c) Rain
d) Normal weather
4. A block is floating in a tray full of water. If the system falls freely, the upward thrust on the block will

197 | P a g e
a) Same as before
b) More than before
c) Zero
d) Less than before
5. A person is carrying a bucket full of water in one hand and a fish in other hand. If he puts fish in the
bucket, the load carried by him will
a) Not change
b) Be more
c) Be less
d) Depend on the mass of the fish.
6. A fine hole is made at the bottom of a cylinder having height 50cm. The maximum speed in ms -1 with
which water can flow out of the hole is
a) √10
b) 10
c) 2
d) 3√10
7. Water flows through a horizontal pipe of radius 1cm at a speed of 8 cm s -1. The speed of flow of
water under similar conditions, if the radius of the pipe is doubled will be
a) 4 cm s-1
b) 3 cm s-1
c) 2 cm s-1
d) 5 cm s-1
8. A piece of wood is taken deep inside a long column of water and released. It will move up
a) With a constant upward acceleration
b) With a decreasing upward acceleration
c) With a retardation
d) With a uniform velocity
9. A Rajdhani express train goes past away side station platform at high speed. A person standing at
the edge of the platform tends to be
a) Attracted to the train
b) Repelled from the train
c) Unaffected by the outgoing train

198 | P a g e
d) Attracted if train speed past with sub- sonic speed
10. Bernoulli‘s equation includes as a special case of
a) Archimedes‘ Principle
b) Pascal‘s law
c) Torricelli‘s law
d) Hooke‘s law
XXX ---- XXX
B. K. Das
K.V. EC RLY Samastipur

Question bank
1. Which of the following processes will be least affected by the viscosity of water?
(a) Water flowing through a pipe
(b) Air bubble rising up through water
(c) A wide, shallow sheet of water flowing on a flat surface
(d) Water flowing out through a hole in the side of a tank
2. Raindrops of different radii are falling through air. The terminal velocity of a drop of radius r will be
proportional to
(a) r³ (b) r²
(c) r (d) 1/r
3. A vertical glass capillary tube, open at both ends, contains some water. Which of the following
shapes may be taken by the water in the tube?

4. When a capillary tube is dipped in a liquid, the liquid rises to a height h in the tube. The free liquid
surface inside the tube is hemispherical in shape. The tube is now pushed down so that the height of
the tube outside the liquid is less than h.
(a) The liquid will come out of the tube like in a small fountain.
(b) The liquid will ooze out of the tube slowly.
(c) The liquid will fill the tube but not come out of its upper end.

199 | P a g e
(d) The free liquid surface inside the tube will not be hemispherical.
5. Which of the following phenomena does not involve the viscosity of air at all?
(a) A meteorite burns up on entering the earth‘s atmosphere.
(b) Raindrops falling from a great height reach the ground with a relatively small velocity.
(c) A ball spinning through air can move sideways.
(d) In air flowing through a tube of variable cross section, the pressure becomes different at different
6. When an air bubble rises from the bottom of a deep lake to a point just below the water surface, the
pressure of air inside the bubble
(a) is greater than the pressure outside it
(b) is less than the pressure outside it
(c) increases as the bubble moves up
(d) decreases as the bubble moves up
7. Speckle ball of radius R are falling in a viscous fluid of viscosity η with a velocity v. The retarding
force acting on the spherical ball is
(a) directly proportional to R but universally proportional to v
(b) directly proportional to both radius R and velocity v.
(c) inversely proportional to both radius R and velocity v.
(d) inversely proportional to R but directly proportional to velocity v.
8. Gift shop bubbles of different radii are connected by a tube
(a) air flows from bigger bubble to the the smaller bubble till the size becomes equal
(b) air flows from bigger bubble to the smaller bubble till the size are interchanged
(c) air flows from smaller bubble to the bigger
(d) there is no flow of hair
9. Two capillaries of jengths l and 2l and of radii R and 2R respectively are connected in series. The net
rate of flow of liquid through will ( Given, rate of flow through single capillary , X = π PR⁴ / 8 η l.
(a) 8/9 X. (b) 9/8 X
( c) 5/7 X (d) 7/5 X
10. The rate of flow of water in a capillary tube of length l and radius r is V. The rate of flow in another
capillary tube of length 2l and radius 2r for same pressure difference would be
(a) 16 V (b) 9V
(c) 8 V (d) 2V
* Short answer type questions

200 | P a g e
11. Why does Mercury collect itself into drop when placed on a clean glass plate?
12. Why ends of a glass tube become rounded on heating?
13. How does soap help us to remove dirt better in washing clothes?
14. The clothes are better cleaned with hot water than with cold water, why?
15. Why does ploughing of fields help in preservation of moisture in the soil?
16. A tiny liquid drop is spherical but a large drop has oval shape, why?
17. Teflon is coated on the surface of non sticking pens. Why?
18. Define surface tension. Give its SI unit.
19. How does surface tension change with temperature?
20. What is capillarity?
* Short answer type questions (2 marks)
21. Write two factors affecting viscosity. Which one is more viscous; pure water or saline water?
22. The excess pressure inside soap bubble is thrice the excess pressure inside a second soap bubble.
What is the ratio between the volume of first and second bubble?
23. If 500 erg work is done in blowing a soap bubble to a radius r, what additional work is required to
be done to blow it to a radius equal to 3r?
24. Two soap bubbles in vaccum having radii 3 cm and 4 cm respectively coalesce under isothermal
conditions to form a single bubble. What is the radius of the new bubble?
25. A rain drop of radius 0.3 mm pass through air with terminal velocity of 1 m/ s. The viscosity of air is
18 x 10–5 poise. Find the viscous force on the rain drop.
26. An iron ball of radius 0.3 cm falls through a column of oil of density 0.94 g/ cm³. It is found to attend
a terminal velocity of of 0.5 cm/ s. Determine the viscosity of of the oil. Given density of iron is 7.8 g/
27. Calculate the height to which water will rise in a capillary tube of 1.5 mm diameter. Surface tension
of water is7.4 x 10 -3 N/m.
28. If a capillary tube is immersed first in cold water and then in hot water, the height of capillary is
smaller in the second case. Why?
29. A square metal plate of 10 cm side moves parallel to another plate with a velocity of 10 cm/s, both
the plates emerge in water. If the viscous force is 200 dyne and viscosity of water is 0.01 poise, what is
their distance apart?
30. Eight drops of water of radius 1 mm each, falling down with terminal velocity of 5 cm /s, coalesce to
form a bigger drop. Find the terminal velocity of the bigger drop.


201 | P a g e
1. d 2. b. 3. d 4.c,d 5.d. 6.a ,d. 7. b. 8. c. 9. a 10. c
* Answer of short answer type questions
11. The adhesive force between mercury and glass molecules is less than cohesive force between
mercury molecules. So instead of sticking to glass mercury collect itself into drops.
12. When glass is heated, it melts to a liquid. The surface of this liquid tends to have a minimum area.
Now, for a given volume, the area of the surface of a sphere is minimum. This is why the use of glass
tube become rounded on heating.
13. With the addition of soap, the surface tension of water decreases. The decrease in surface tension
results in greater wetting and hence washing power.
14. Surface tension decreases with the increase of temperature. Lesser the surface tension more
wetting and hence the washing power of water.
15. This is done to break the tiny capillaries through which water can rise and finally evaporate. Hence
ploughing of field help the soil to retain the moisture.
16. In the case of tiny drop, the force of surface tension is large compared to its weight, so the drop has
spherical shape. A large drop has over shape because the force of gravity (weight ) exceeds the force
of surface tension.
17. When the surface of a pan is coated with teflon, the angle of contact between the pan and the oil
used for the flying purpose becomes obtuse. Thus the frying pan becomes non sticking.
18. The property of a liquid by virtue of which its free surface at rest behaves like a stretched
membrane and tends to have the minimum surface area is called surface tension. It's SI unit is N/m.
19. The surface tension of a liquid decreases with rise in temperature.
20. The phenomenon of rise or fall of a liquid in a capillary tube with respect to the surroundings is
called capillarity.
* Answer of Short answer type questions (2 marks)
21. The viscosity of a liquid depends on the nature of the substance and it's temperature. Soil in water
is more viscous than pure water.
22. Given, P1 = 3 P2
4 T/r1 = 4 T/ r2
Or r2 = 3 r1
V1/V2 = 4/3πr1³/4/3 πr2³ = (r1/r2)³ = (1/3)³ = 1/27
23. W = T X 2 x 4π r².................. (i)
Additional work required to increase the radius from r to 3r
W' = T x Increase in surface area
= T x 2 x 4 π [(3r)² - r² ] = T x 8π x 8 r² .......... (ii)

202 | P a g e
Dividing equation (ii) and (i), we get
W'/ W = 8
Hence, W‘ = 8 x 500 = 4000 erg.
24. Surface energy of first bubble = Surface Tension x Surface area
= 2T x 4 π r1 ² and that of the second bubble = 8 T π r 2²
If r be the radius of coalesced, then surface energy of coalesced bubble = 8 T π r ²
From conservation of energy.
8 T π r² = 8 T π r1² + 8 T π r 2 ²
r² =3²+4²
Hence, r = 5 cm.
25. According to stocks law the force of viscosity on raindrop is
F = 6 π η r v = 6 x 3.14 x 18 x 10–5 x 0.03 x 100 dyne
1.018 x 10 - 2 dyne.
26. Terminal velocity, v = 2 r² (ρ - σ) g/ 9 η
η. = 2 r² (ρ - σ ) g/ 9 v
= 2 x 0.09 x 6.86 x 980 / 9 x 0.5 = 268.9 poise.
27. Since, h = 2 T cos 0 / ρ g r
= 2x 7.4 x 10 –³/ 0. 75 x 10–³ x 10 ³ x 9.8
h = 0.002014 m = 0.2014 cm
28. The height up to which liquid rises in a capillary tube is given by
h = 2 T cos θ / ρ g r
The surface tension, T of hot water is less than that of the cold water. Moreover, capillary tube expense
in hot water so it's radius r increases. So capillary rise h is smaller in hot water than in cold water.
29. Here, area A = 10 X10 = 100 cm², η = 0.01 poise, F = 200 dyne and dv = 10 cm/s
Since, F = η A dv/ dx
dx = η A dv/ F = 0.01 x 100 x 10/ 200 = 0.05 cm
30. Since the volume of the liquid remains constant , so
8x 4π r³/3 = 4π R³/3
Since, terminal velocity, v = 2 r² ( ρ - σ ) g/ 9 η
When drops coalesce then terminal velocity v' = 2 R² ( ρ - σ ) g/ 9 η

203 | P a g e
v' / v = R²/ r² = ( 2r )²/ r² = 4
So, v' = 4 v = 4 x 5 = 20 cm / s
VSA – 1mark each.
1. Due to the force of cohesion in liquid is very less than that in solid.
2. If there is one hole in Tin, the liquid will not come out. It is due to the reason that as liquid comes out;
the pressure inside the tin becomes less than the outside atmospheric pressure. But when two holes
are made in Tin, from one-hole air goes in and from another hole liquid comes out smoothly.
3. Due to Bernoulli‘s principle, when air is blown in between two balls, the air goes out with high velocity
and so the pressure between balls will become low while the outside pressure is high, due to pressure
difference the balls comes nearer.
4. The pressure of liquid varies with height of liquid column. So at feet the pressure is more than at
5. The bigger ball will come first on surface as Upthrust on it is more than the smaller ball.
6. Since in stream line flow at a particular point all liquid molecules have same velocity. So, they do not
7. From equation of continuity, av = constant
π (0.25)2v =3
v = 15.3cm/s
8. Excess pressure is P = 4T/R = 4x 1.5/ (0.5x10 -3) = 12000 Nm-2
9. In hurricane the velocity of air above roof is high so their pressure is low, but the pressure inside the
hut is high and the roof is blown off.
10. The density of air goes on decreasing as we go above the earth surface. So, after rising to a height,
the density of Helium and air are equal and floatation condition is achieved. So, it does not rise
VSA – 2 marks each.
1. Venturi meter is a device used to measure the rate of flow of a liquid through a pipe. It is based on
the principle of Bernoulli‘s theorem.
2. (a) Two Stream lines never intersect one another, while Turbulent lines may intersect.
(b) In streamline motion, at a certain point all particles have their same velocity but in Turbulent flow
particles have different velocities.
3. The energy possess in a liquid due to its pressure is called Pressure energy.
4. It states that the sum of K.E, P.E and Pressure energy of liquid per unit mass flowing in Stream line
through a pipe is always remain constant.
5. It states that the in-Stream line flow of liquid through a pipe, the product of area of cross section and
velocity of flow is a const. i.e., av = constant.

204 | P a g e
6. So that the Pressure exerted by train on earth should be disturbed over the large area and reduce
the Force.
7. Due to motion of train, the velocity of air between the person and the train is high, so there the
pressure is low, while the outside air has high pressure and the person get pushed towards the train
and may meet with an accident.
8. Since the fractional volume submerged is independent of the value of g. so it remains same
9. Force acting at bottom = hρgA + mg
= 0.5 x 9.8 x 1000 x0.01 +5 x 9.8 = 98 N
Now, P = F / A = 98 / 0.01 = 9800 Nm-2
10. Derivation of Pressure energy = PV
So Pressure energy per unit volume = PV / V = P
MCQ – 1 mark each
1. c
2. c
3. a
4. c
5. a
6. a
7. c
8. b
9. a
10. c
Challenging questions

1) What will be the change in the potential energy of a body raised in water by a height ‗h‘?
2) A piece of ice floats in liquid in a beaker. What happens to the level of the liquid in beaker when
the ice melts completely?

3) Three capillaries of lengths l, 2l and l/2 are connected in series. Their radii are r, r/2 and r/3
respectively. If streamline flow is maintained and the pressure difference across the first
capillary tube is P1, find the pressure difference across the second and third capillary tube.
4) A rectangular tank is filled to the brim with water. When a hole at its bottom is unplugged, the
tank is emptied in time T. In what time, the tank half filled with water will be emptied out?

205 | P a g e
5) A small hollow sphere which has a small hole in it is immersed in water to a depth of 20cm
before any water penetrates into it. If the surface tension of water is 70dyne/cm, find the radius
of the hole?
6) Consider two bubbles of different sizes formed at two ends of a tube as shown in figure.
When a valve is opened, which of the two bubbles grow at the cost of other?


206 | P a g e
207 | P a g e
208 | P a g e
 Gist of the chapter

HEAT TRANSFER is the transfer of energy from hotter body to cooler body
There are three modes of heat transfer
 In this mode of heat transfer, the heat energy is transferred from one part of
solid to another part at a lower temperature.
 Conduction of heat is better in some materials called good conductors such as

Amount of heat flowing from hot face to cold face Q = KA(T1-T2)t
Where K = coefficient of thermal conductivity
Unit of K = W m-1 K -1
Dimensional formula of K = [M L T-3 K-1]
I. In winters a brass knob appears colder than a wooden knob.
II. Woolen clothes keep us warm.
III. A new quilt is warmer than an old one.
IV. Cooking utensils are provided with wooden handles.
V. The double walled houses of ice made by Eskimos are warm from inside.
VI. A hot liquid remains hot and cold liquid remains cold in thermos flask.


 Is the transfer of heat energy by the actual movement of material particles from a
region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature?
 Takes place in liquid and gases
 Phenomena based on convection

I. Land and Sea Breezes

II. Formation of trade winds
III. Ventilation
IV. Monsoons
V. Regulation of temperature in the human body

209 | P a g e

 The energy emitted by a body in the form of radiation by virtue of its temperature is
called thermal radiation. This energy is emitted by all bodies above absolute zero.
 Is transfer of energy through space like sun’s energy comes to earth and heat
reaches us directly from a fireplace
 It is in the form of waves called electromagnetic waves.
 It does not require any material medium or physical contact
 It is reflected by shiny surfaces and is absorbed by dark surfaces

 Important Laws


At any given temperature and for radiation of same wavelenght λ, the ratio of emissive
power to the absorptive power of a body is constant and is equal to the emissive power of a
perfectly black body.

eλ/ aλ =Eλ

The total amount of heat energy radiated per second per unit area of a perfect black body is
directly proportional to the fourth power of absolute temperature of the surface of the body.
E = σT4


The rate of loss of heat is proportional to the difference of temperature between the body and its


λm T = b Eλ
where λm = wavelength corresponding to max E for given T
T = Temperature λm FOR T4 λm FOR T1

b = Wien’s constant λ

Heat- It is the measure of the random kinetic energy of the constituent particles of the system. It is a
form of the energy which gives the sensation of warmth.

210 | P a g e
It is the condition which determines the direction of flow of heat. It gives the degree of
hotness or oldness of the body. It gives the amount of heat contained in the body on mathematical
Thermal Equilibrium
When two bodies at different temperatures are kept in contact with each other then heat
flows from the body at higher temperature to the body at lower temperature as well as it flows from the
body at lower temperature to the body at higher temperature. The rate of flow of heat from hotter to
colder body is greater than the rate of flow of heat from colder to hotter body due to which there is net
flow of heat from hotter to colder body. Thus, colder body on receiving net heat goes on increasing its
temperature and the hotter body on losing its temperature goes on decreasing its temperature. This
process continues until both the bodies acquire the same common temperature and there is no net flow
of heat in any direction. This condition is known as thermal equilibrium.
Note: Thermal equilibrium between the bodies in contact does not implies that there is no flow of heat
between the bodies but it implies that the rate of flow of heat from first body to second is equal the rate
of flow of heat from second body to first and there is no net flow of heat in any direction.
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
It states that if the two bodies A and B are separately in thermal equilibrium with the third body C then
the bodies A and B must also be in thermal equilibrium with each other.


Proof C

If bodies A and C are in equilibrium then TA = Tc and if the bodies B and C are in equilibrium then TB =
Tc. Obviously TA = TB and hence bodies A and B are also in thermal equilibrium.
It is a device fitted with temperature scale and is used to measure the amount of heat contained in the
body on the mathematical scale.
Designing of Thermometer
For designing of thermometer some thermometric property of substance is chosen which
varies linearly in accordance with the temperature. Now two easily available states of temperature are
considered. The state at lower temperature (generally melting point of ice known as ice point) is
considered as the lower fixed point and the state at higher temperature (generally boiling point of water
at normal atmospheric pressure known as steam point) is considered as upper fixed point. The
magnitude of thermometric at upper fixed point and lower fixed point are provided different numerical
values and the difference between the UFP and LFP is divided into equal number of divisions and each
division is known as one degree.

211 | P a g e
Note : Thermometric property of a substance is any property that varies linearly in accordance with the
temperature eg. Length of mercury column in a capillary tube, electrical resistance of a platinum wire,
pressure of a constant volume of gas etc.
Celsius or Centigrade Scale
In this scale lower fixed point has been provided numerical value 0 and upper fixed point
has been provided numerical value 100 and the difference from lower to upper fixed point is divided into
100 equal parts and each part is known as one-degree Celcius or one degree Centigrade (1 oC)
Farenheit Scale
In this scale lower fixed point has been provided numerical value 32 and upper fixed point
has been provided numerical value 212 and the difference from lower to upper fixed point is divided into
180 equal parts and each part is known as one-degreeFahrenheit (1oF)
Reaumer Scale
In this scale lower fixed point has been provided numerical value 0 and upper fixed point
has been provided numerical value 80 and the difference from lower to upper fixed point is divided into
80 equal parts and each part is known as one-degree Reaumer (1oR)

Relation betweenCentigrade Scale, Farenheit Scale and Reaumer Scale

100 212


80 172
100 Divisions 180 Divisions 80 Divisions
Eachdivision corresponds to Eachdivision corresponds to 132 Eachdivision corresponds to
1oC 1o F 1oR 40
v40 v v
72 20


0 32

Centigrade Scale a temperature whose Farenheit

Consider Scale
magnitude on Centigrade, Farenheit andReaumer
scale is C, F and R respectively. Since 100 divisions on Celcius scale, 180 divisions on Farenheit scale
and 80 divisions on Reaumer scale are equal therefore
1 division on Celcius scale = 1/100 of the difference of thermometric property from LFP to UFP
1 division on Farenheit scale = 1/180 of the difference of thermometric property from LFP to UFP

212 | P a g e
1 division on Reaumer scale = 1/80 of the difference of thermometric property from LFP to UFP
Also value of lower fixed point on Centigrade, Farenheit and Reaumer scale is 0, 32 and 0 respectively.
Obviously for any common temperature

(C – 0)x 1 = (F – 32) x 1 = (R– 0) x 1 .

100 180 80

C = F – 32 = R
59 4

Absolute Scale of Temperature

A 373.16 100 C
S 353.16 N
U 333.16 60
E 313.16 v 40 D
293.16 20 S
L 273.16 0

-273.16 -200 -100 0 100 200 300


Note : Pressure of all the gases approaches to zero when temperature becomes -273.16oC
At -273.16oC pressure applied by all the gases becomes zero, in this condition gas molecules stops
moving due to which the volume occupied by them also approaches to zero. Hence -273.16oC is a
temperature at which gas neither applies any pressure nor it occupies any volume. It is the condition of
absolute zero for the gases and hence this temperature is considered as absolute zero.
Kelvin suggested a scale of temperature whose zero coincides with the absolute zero and
whose temperature difference between two consecutive readings is same as that of the Celcius scale.
This scale of temperature is known as absolute scale of temperature or Kelvin scale of temperature.
Hence temperature t on celcius scale is equal to the temperature T = t + 273.16 on the absolute scale.
Since absolute scale of temperature is a hypothetical scale and it had not been designed
as the other scales by choosing a UFP and LFP and giving them certain numerical values and dividing
the interval from LFP to UFP into equal number of parts hence one division on the absolute scale is not
considered as degree Kelvin (oK)

213 | P a g e
Note 1 : Kelvin (K) is S.I. or M.K.S. unit of temperature and degree Celcius ( oC) is C.G.S. unit of
Note 2 : Any particular temperature does not have the same value on absolute scale (T) and Celcius
scale (t) but temperature difference of one unit on absolute scale (∆T) is equal to the temperature
difference of one unit on Celcius scale (∆t).i.e 1K ≠ 1 oC but ∆1K = ∆1oC.
Relation of Celcius Scale of Temperature With Thermometric Property
Consider any thermometric property X which varies linearly with the temperature t
according to the relation

X = at + b
Let the values of the given thermometric property X at 0oC, 100 oC and unknown temperature t oC be
Xo, X100 and Xt respectively. Therefore

Xo = a0 + b
or, Xo = b

X100 = a100 + b
and Xt = at + b

now, X100 - X0 = a100

and Xt - X0 = at
therefore Xt - X0= at .
X100 - X0 a100
t = Xt - X0 x 100oC
X100 - X0

Case-1: In mercury thermometer thermometric property is the length of mercury column in the capillary
tube, therefore

t = lt - l0 x 100oC
l100 - l0

Case-2: In platinum resistance thermometer thermometric property is the electrical resistance of the
given platinum wire, therefore

t = Rt - R0 x 100oC
R100 - R0

Case-3: In constant volume gas thermometer thermometric property is the pressure of the given volume
of gas, therefore

t = Pt - P0 x 100oC
P100 - P0

Thermal Expansion

214 | P a g e
Almost every substance in every state expands on heating and the expansion based on heating is
known as thermal expansion.
Expansion in Solids
Depending upon their original dimension, expansion in solids is of three different types: linear
expansion, superficial or areal expansion and volumetric or cubical expansion.
Linear Expansion
It takes place in linear solids having their length more prominent as compared to other
dimensions eg. String, rod, chain, rope etc.
Change in length of the body due to change in temperature is
i) directly proportional to initial length of the body
∆l  l
ii) directly proportional to the change in temperature
∆l  ∆t
Combining both the proportionalities
∆l  l∆t
or, ∆l = l∆t where  is a constant known as
thermal coefficient of linear expansion

Note: Thermal coefficient of linear expansion is defined as the change in length per unit original length
per unit change in temperature ( = ∆l/l∆t)

Putting ∆l = l‘ – l in above expression

l' - l = l∆t

or, l' = l+l∆t

or, l' = l(1 + ∆t)

Superficial or Areal Expansion

It takes place in laminar solids having their area more prominent as compared to other
dimensions eg. sheet, thin slab etc.
Change in area of the body due to change in temperature is
i) directly proportional to initial area of the body
∆A  l
ii) directly proportional to the change in temperature
215 | P a g e
∆A  ∆t
Combining both the proportionalities
∆A  A∆t
or, ∆A = A∆t where  is a constant known as thermal
coefficient of areal or superficial expansion

Note: Thermal coefficient of areal or superficial expansion is defined as the change in area per unit
original area per unit change in temperature ( = ∆A/A∆t)

Putting ∆A = A‘ – A in above expression

A' - A = A∆t

or, A' = A+A∆t

or, A' = A(1 + ∆t)

Volumetric or Cubical Expansion
It takes place in volumetric solids eg. cube, cuboid, cylinder etc.
Change in volume of the body due to change in temperature is
i) directly proportional to initial volume of the body
∆V  l
ii) directly proportional to the change in temperature
∆V  ∆t
Combining both the proportionalities
∆V  V∆t
where  is a constant known as thermal
or, ∆V = V∆t
coefficient of cubical or volumetric expansion
Note: Thermal coefficient of cubical or volumetric expansion is defined as the change in volume per unit
original volume per unit change in temperature ( = ∆V/V∆t)

Putting ∆V = V‘ – V in above expression

V' - V = V∆t

or, V' = V+V∆t

or, V' = V(1 + ∆t)

Relation Between ,  and 

Relation Between  and 

216 | P a g e b

l l’
Consider a rectangular sheet of length l, breadth b and area A =lb on increasing its
temperature by ∆t its length becomes l', breadth becomes b' and area becomes A' = l'b'. If coefficient of
areal or superficial expansion is  then,

A' = A(1 + ∆t)

or, l'b' = lb(1 + ∆t)
but l' = l(1 + ∆t) and b' = b(1 + ∆t) therefore
l(1 + ∆t) b(1 + ∆t) = lb(1 + ∆t)

or, (1 + ∆t)2 = (1 + ∆t)

or, 1 + 2∆t2+ 2∆t = 1 + ∆t
or, 2∆t = ∆t Since magnitude of thermal coefficient of
linear expansion  is very small hence the
or, 2 =  term containing its square may be neglected

Relation Between  and 

l b'

h h'

Consider a solid cuboid of length l, breadth b and height h having volume V =lbh. on
increasing its temperature by ∆t its length becomes l', breadth becomes b' and height becomes h' due
to which its volume becomes V' =l'b'h'. If coefficient of volumetric or cubical expansion is  then,

V' = V(1 + ∆t)

or, l'b'h' = lbh(1 + ∆t)
but l' = l(1 + ∆t), b' = b(1 + ∆t) and h' = h(1 + ∆t) therefore
l(1 + ∆t)b(1 + ∆t)h(1 + ∆t)= lbh(1 + ∆t)

or, (1 + ∆t)3 = (1 + ∆t)

or, 1 + 3∆t+ 32∆t2+ 3∆t3 = 1 + ∆t
since magnitude of thermal coefficient of linear
expansion  is very small hence the term
217 | P a g e containing its square and cube may be neglected
or, 3∆t = ∆t

or, 3 = 

From above  = = 
2 3

Expansion of Liquids
Liquid do not possess any shape of their own they acquire the shape of the container in which they are
placed. Expansion in liquid depends upon the expansion of the vessel in which liquid is contained.
Hence for liquid, real value of coefficient of volumetric expansion is different from their apparent value
of coefficient of volumetric expansion which is actually observed. Real expansion in liquid is the sum of
the apparent expansion observed in the liquid and the expansion of the vessel. Hence real value of
coefficient of volumetric expansion is the sum of the coefficient of volumetric expansion of vessel and
the apparent value of coefficient of volumetric expansion of liquid.

Final Liquid Level

Apparent Liquid Expansion
Initial Liquid Level Real Liquid Expansion
Vessel Expansion
Fallen Liquid Level Due
to Expansion of Vessel

 r =  a + v

Note: If there is a small hole in a thick plate then on heating the plate hole also expands with the plate
and coefficient of expansion of hole is same as that of the material of plate.

The branch of science dealing with the transfer of heat between two bodies as the
result of temperature difference or due to phase change etc.
The energy transferred between two bodies or between adjacent parts of the same body due to
temperature difference is called heat.
Principle of Calorimetry

218 | P a g e
It states that the total heat given by the hot body is equal to the total heat received by the
cold body.
Mechanical Equivalent of Heat
Temperature of a body may be increased by directly heating it or by doing some
mechanical work on it. Once the temperature of body increases, there is no way to find out the process
which had been carried out to bring about the change in temperature. Similarly state of the body may
be changed (solid to liquid or liquid to gaseous) by directly heating the body or by doing some
mechanical work on it. Once the state of the body changes, there is no way to find out the process
which had been carried out to bring about the change. Thus we find that heat and mechanical work are
equivalent to each other or in other words mechanical work is proportional to heat
or, W = JQ
where J is a proportionality constant known as mechanical equivalent of heat and its value
is 4.18 Joule/Calorie.
Specific Heat
Amount of heat given to a body to increase its temperature is
i) directly proportional to the mass of the body

ii) directly proportional to the increase in temperature
Combining both the proportionalities


or, Q =mc∆t

where c is a constant known as the specific heat of the material of the body and its unit is J/kg/ oC or

From above if m = 1 and ∆t = 1, then Q = c. Hence,

Specific heat of the material of the body is the amount of heat given to the unit mass of the body to
increase its temperature by unity.

Note : Specific is intrinsic property of the material of the body.

Molar Specific Heat

Amount of heat given to a body to increase its temperature is

i) directly proportional to the number of moles of the body

219 | P a g e

ii) directly proportional to the increase in temperature


Combining both the proportionalities


or, Q = nC∆t

where C is a constant known as the molar specific heat of the material of the body and its unit is
J/mole/oC or Jmole-1oC-1.

From above if n = 1 and ∆t = 1, then Q = C. Hence,

Molarspecific heat of the material of the body is the amount of heat given to the unit mole of the body to
increase its temperature by unity.

Relation between Specific Heat and Molar Specific Heat

Consider a body of mass m, if specific heat of the material of the body is c then amount of
heat given to the body to increase its temperature by ∆t is
Q =mc∆t …………..(i)
Now if molecular weight of the material of the body is M o then number of moles in mass m of the body
is n = m/Mo. Hence heat required to increase the temperature of n moles of the body by ∆t is
Q =nC∆t
or, Q =mC∆t …………..(ii)
From equations (i) and (ii)
mc∆t = mC∆t
or, c=C

or, C = Mo c

Heat Capacity
Amount of heat given to a body of any mass to increase its temperature by unity is known as heat
capacity. Putting ∆t = 1 in Q = mc∆t or Q = nC∆t we have
H.C. = mc = nC

Latent Heat
220 | P a g e
Amount of heat given to the body to change its state from solid to liquid or liquid to gas at
constant temperature is directly proportional to the mass of the body
or, Q = mL
where L is a constant known as latent heat of the material of the body. If m =1, Q = L. Hence,
Latent heat of material of the body is defined as the amount of heat given to unit mass of the body to
change its state at constant temperature.
Types of Latent Heat

Depending upon four different types of state change latent heat is also of four types :

1. Latent heat of melting (when state changes from solid to liquid):

It is defined as the amount of heat given to unit mass of the body to change its state
from solid to liquid at constant temperature (melting point). It is represented by L m.

2. Latent heat of vaporization (when state changes from liquid to gas):

It is defined as the amount of heat given to unit mass of the body to change its state
from liquid to gas at constant temperature (boiling point). It is represented by L v.

3. Latent heat of fusion (when state changes from liquid to solid):

It is defined as the amount of heat withdrawn from unit mass of the body to change its
state from liquid to solid at constant temperature (freezing point). It is represented by L f.

4. Latent heat of condensation (when state changes from gas to liquid):

It is defined as the amount of heat withdrawn from unit mass of the body to change its
state from gas to liquid at constant temperature (condensation point). It is represented by L c.

Water Equivalent

Water equivalent of any body is defined as the mass of water which absorbs or rejects same amount of
heat as is done by the body for same rise or fall in temperature. In other words water equivalent of any
body is the amount of water having same heat capacity as that of the body. If water equivalent of mass
m of the body is mw and specific heat of body and water is c and c w respectively then,

mwcw∆t = mc∆t

or, (Heat capacity of water = Heat capacity of body)cwmw = mc

or, mw = mc

Question- Find the amount of heat required to convert m mass of ice at -10oC into steam at 110oC?

221 | P a g e
Ice Q1=mci∆t Ice
at -10oC at 0oC
Answer- ci = specific heat of ice
∆t=10oC cw= specific heat of water
cs = specific heat of steam
Lmo= latent heat of melting of ice into water
∆t=100 C
Lv = latent heat of vaporization
∆t=10oC of water into ice

Total heat given to convert m mass of ice at -10oC into steam at 110oC is
Q = Q1 + Q 2 + Q3 + Q 4 + Q5
Q = mci∆t + mLm + mcw∆t + mLv + mcs∆t

222 | P a g e

Is transfer of heat energy from one part of solid to another part at a lower temperature

Is better in some materials called good conductors such as metals



In winters a brass knob appears colder than a wooden knob

Woolen clothes keep us warm

A new quilt is warmer than an old one

Cooking utensils are provided with wooden handles

The double walled houses of ice made by Eskimos are warm from inside

A hot liquid remains hot and cold liquid remains cold in thermos flask


Is the transfer of heat energy by the actual movement of material particles from a region of
higher temperature to a region of lower temperature?

takes place in liquid and gases

phenomena based on convection

Land and Sea Breezes

Formation of trade winds



To regulate temperature in the human body

The energy emitted by a body in the form of radiation by virtue of its temperature is called thermal
radiation. This energy is emitted by all bodies above absolute zero.


Is transfer of energy through space

like sun' energy comes to earth
heat reaches us directly from a fireplace

223 | P a g e
a cup of hot tea become cold after sometime

is in the form of waves called electromagnetic waves.

does not require

movement of particles
physical contact
is reflected by shiny surfaces
is absorbed by dark surfaces









Question Bank
SECTION A (one mark each)
1) Name the device by which a system is made to undergo a cyclic process in which heat is
converted into work.
2) What is the the working substance of a Diesel engine?
3) Diagrammatically represent the basic feature of a heat engine.
4) Define efficiency of a heat engine.
5) Write the expression for the coefficient of performance of a refrigerator.
6) Can the value of coefficient of performance be less than one?
7) First law of thermodynamics is same as principle of conservation of energy. Do you
8) Is it correct to say the spontaneous process of nature are irreversible?
9) What are the two main causes of irreversibility?

224 | P a g e
10) When a thermodynamic process can be said to be reversible?
Section -B(two marks each)
1) List the basic steps the working substance undergoes in a refrigerator.
2) What is a quasi- static process?
3) Differentiate between irreversible and reversible process.
4) State Kelvin-Planck statement of thermodynamics. Why can‘t we covert complete heat into
5) What is a Carnot engine? Does it really exist?
6) What is the maximum possible efficiency of a heat engine?
7) What cycle of processes should be adopted to achieve maximum efficiency?
8) Draw P-V curve for Carnot cycle for a heat engine with an ideal gas as working substance.
9) What are the four steps of a Carnot‘s heat engine?
10) State Carnot‘s theorem.
Section - C (Multiple choice questions)
1) A process of application of breaks in a vehicle is a
a) reversible process b) an irreversible process
c) a quasi-static process d) none of these
2) A process is reversible when
a) all the points through the path are at thermodynamic equilibrium
b) it undergoes quasi static process
c) it undergoes in absence of any dissipating effect
d) all the above.
3) The change in entropy is zero when the process takes place
a) isothermal process b) Iso-Choric process
c) isobaric process d) none of the above
4) During a process there is no change in entropy of the system, then it is a
a) adiabatic process b) constant entropy process
c) constant internal energy process d) None of the above
5) During an irreversible process, there is
a) decrease in entropy b) increase in entropy

225 | P a g e
c) no change in entropy d) none of the above.
6) A Carnot‘s cycle is a
a ) experimentally verified cycle b) real cycle
c) ideal cycle d) none of the above
7) The P-V curve of a Carnot cycle is a
a) triangle b) square c) rectangle d) rhombus

8) The order of process in a Carnot‘s cycle is

a) isothermal- isentropic- isothermal- isentropic
b) isentropic- isothermal- isothermal -isentropic
c) isothermal- isothermal- isentropic-isentropic
d) none of the above.
9) An engine operating between reservoirs, maintained at temperature 27° C and
-123°C is-
a) 50 % b) 2.4% % c) 75% d) 0.4%
10) The door of a domestic refrigerator is kept open, while the switch is on. The room will
a) gets heated. b) gets neither heated nor cooled
c) gets cooled d) both A & C are correct.


1A) The device by which a system is made to undergo a cyclic process in which heat is
converted into work is Heat Engine.
2A) The working substance of a Diesel engine is the vapours of diesel and air.
3A) Diagrammatic representation of the basic feature of a heat engine.

226 | P a g e
4A) η= W/Q1 gives efficiency of a heat engine.
5A) The expression for the coefficient of performance of a refrigerator is
α = Q2/W
6A) No the value of coefficient of performance can‘t be less than one.
7A) Yes, First law of thermodynamics is same as principle of conservation of energy.
8A) No, it Is not correct to say the spontaneous process of nature are irreversible.
9A) The two main causes of irreversibility:
a) The process should not have dissipative effect and not be quasi- static.
10A) A thermodynamic process can be said to be reversible when we can bring the system and the
surroundings to their initial states with no other effects anywhere.
Section –B (two marks each)
1A) The basic steps of the working substance that undergoes in a refrigerator are:
a) Sudden expansion of gas from high to low pressure.
b) Absorption by the cold fluid of it from the region to be cooled into its vapours
c) Heating up of the vapour due to external work done on the system.
d) Release of heat by the vapour to the surroundings, thus cycle is completed.

2A) A quasi static process is a process that takes place so slowly that it always remains in thermal and
mechanical equilibrium with its surroundings.
3A) Reversible process: A process that can be brought back to its initial states after completing a
cycle and doing some external work.
Irreversible process: It is a process that cannot be brought back to its initial states after completing
the cycle.
4A) Kelvin-Planck statement of thermodynamics: ―No process is possible whose sole result is the
absorption of heat from a reservoir and the complete conversion of heat into work.‖
We cannot covert complete heat into work because there will be some loss of energy to the
surroundings in the form of heat, sound etc.
5A) Carnot engine: It is an ideal engine operating between two temperatures to be reversible in nature.

227 | P a g e
A Carnot engine doesn‘t exist.
6A) The maximum possible efficiency of a heat engine is 100%, but it is practically impossible.
7A) To achieve maximum efficiency the following processes should be adopted :
a) Isothermal expansion of the gas.
b) Adiabatic expansion of the gas.
c) Isothermal compression of the gas.
d) Adiabatic compression of the gas.



9) The four steps of a Carnot‘s heat engine are:

Isothermal expansion of the gas taking its states from step 1 to step 2.
Adiabatic expansion of the gas from step 2 to step 3.
Isothermal compression of the gas taking its states from step 3 to step 4.
Adiabatic compression of the gas from step 4 to step 1.
10A) The Carnot’s theorem states that ―A heat engine working between two given temperatures T1
and T2 of hot and cold reservoirs respectively, cannot have more efficiency that that of Carnot engine
and the efficiency of the Carnot engine is independent of the nature of the substance.‖
1) b
2) d
3) d
4) d
5) b
6) c
7) b
8) a

228 | P a g e
9) a
10) a


1- What are the units of α, β and γ?
2- What is normal temperature of human body?
3- What is the temperature at which Celsius and Fahrenheit scales give the same reading?
4- What is the specific heat of water in the SI units?
5- Which substance has the highest specific heat?
6- How are the three coefficients of expansion related to each other?
7- Pendulum clocks generally run fast in winter and slow in summer why?
8- The temperature of a gas is increased by 10 0c. What is the corresponding change on the
Kelvin Scale?
9- Why a small gap is left between the iron rails of railway tracks?
10- What is the value of 0 degree F on the Kelvin scale?


1- Give some points of difference between heat and temperature.
2- Give four reasons why is mercury used in thermometers.
3- Explain why a beaker filled with water at 4 0C over flows if the temperature is decreased or
4- Why is water used as an effective coolant?
5- At what temperatures in Fahrenheit scale equal to twice of Celsius scale reading?
6- When 10g of coal is burnt, it raises the temperature of 2 liters of water from 20 0C to 55 0C.
Calculate the heat of combustion of fuel.
7- What is meant by coefficient of linear expansion and coefficient of cubical expansion?
8- Give some merits of gas thermometers over those of mercury thermometers?
9- Explain the terms specific heat and heat Capacity.
10- What is meant by anomalous expansion of water?


1- A Pendulum clock shows correct time at certain temperature. At a higher temperature the
(a) Loses time (b) gains time

(c) Neither gains nor loses time (d) firstly gains then loser.
2- Thermal stress does not depend upon
(a) Nature of the material
(b) Coefficient of linear expansion
(c) Young‘s modulus

229 | P a g e
(d) Length of the road

3- The density of a substance at 0 0C is 10g/cc, and at 100 0C, its density is 9.7 g/cc. The
coefficient of linear expansion of the substance is
(a) 10-4 0C-1 (b) 10-2 0C-1 (c) 10-3 0C-1 (d) 10-5 0C-1

4- Thermometry is the branch of heat dealing with measurement of:

(a) heat (b) temperature
(c) specific heats of bodies (d) thermal expansion of bodies
5- Two bodies will be in thermal equilibrium if they have same
(a) Temperature (b) heat

(c) specific heats (d) thermal conductivity

6- A thermometer when put in a water bath of 27 0C reads 300. The scale of thermometer is in
(a) Fahrenheit (b) Kelvin

(c) Reaumur (d) None of the above

7- A temperature of 50 0F is equivalent to ;
(a) 40 0C (b) 50 0R

(c) 283 0K (d) none of these

8- A Ring shaped piece of metal is heated. If the metal expands, hole will
(a) expand
(b) contract
(c) expand or contract depending on the width of ring
(d) expand or contract on the coefficient of expansion

9- Coefficient of superficial expansion deals with the cases of expansion in

(a) one dimension (b) two dimension

(c) three dimension (d) none of these

10- Which of the following is the correct relation between
(a) β = α (b) α = 2β

(b) 1/α =2/β (d) α x β =2

230 | P a g e
1- Water falls from a height of 210 m. Assuming whole of energy due to fall is converted into
heat the rise in temperature of water would be (J = 4.3 Joule/cal)
(a) 42°C (b) 49°C (c) 0.49°C (d) 4.9°C

2- According to First law of Thermodynamics:

(a) Total potential energy of a system during a process remains constant
(b) Total energy of a system remains constant
(c) Work-done of a system is equal to the heat transferred to the system
(d) Work done is equal to change in mean kinetic energy.

3- In an adiabatic process, the quantity which remains constant is:

(a) Volume
(b) Temperature
(c) Pressure
(d) Total heat of the system

4- The measurement of a thermodynamic property known as temperature is based on:

(a) Zeroth law of Thermodynamics
(b) First law of Thermodynamics
(c) Second law of Thermodynamics
(d) None of these

5- A thermally insulated container is divided into two parts by a screen. In one part the
pressure and temperature are P and T for an ideal gas filled. In the second part it is
vacuum. If now a small hole is created in the screen, then the temperature of the gas will
(a) Decrease (b) Increase (c) Remain same (d) None of these

6- Heat capacity of a substance is infinite. It means ___________

a) Heat is given out
b) Heat is taken out
c) No change in temperature
d) Heat is first given out and then taken out

7- An engine has been designed to work between source and sink at temperatures 1770C
and 270C respectively. If the energy input is 3600 J, the work done by the engine is

(a) 1400 J (b) 1200 J (c) 1100 J (d) 1300 J

8- When an ideal gas is compressed isothermally, then

(a) Work done on the gas is positive.
(b) Change in internal energy is negative.
(c) Change in internal energy is zero.
(d) Work done on the gas is zero

9- What is the S.I. unit of heat?

231 | P a g e
(a) Kelvin (b) Celsius (c) Joule (d) Calorie

10- Internal energy of ideal energy is the function of

(a) Pressure (b) Temperature (c) Volume (d) None of these


1- Why does the gas get heated on compression? Which thermodynamic variable is defined by
Zeroth law of thermodynamics?
2- Air pressure in a car increases during driving. Explain Why?
3- Why is the conversion of heat into work not possible without a sink at lower temperature?
4- Which Thermo dynamical variable is defined by the first law of thermodynamics? What is the
amount of work done in the Cyclic process?
5- Out of the parameters- temperature, pressure, work and volume, which parameter does not
Characterize the thermodynamics state of matter? What is the nature of P-V diagram for
isobaric and isochoric process?
6- Work-done in case of isothermal process is given by?
7- Which device converts continuously heat energy into mechanical energy in a cyclic process.
8- Boiling of water at 100 0C is an _____________ process?
9- What is the unit of Heat energy?
10- Two systems are in thermal equilibrium with each other, if they have the same __________?
1- If hot air rises, why is it cooler at the top of mountain than near the sea level?
2- In an effort to cool a kitchen during summer, the refrigerator door is left open and the kitchen
door and windows are closed. Will it make the room cooler?
3- A slab of ice at 273K and at atmospheric pressure melt. (a) What is the nature of work done on
the ice water system by the atmosphere? (b)What happen to the internal energy of the ice-
Water system?
4- Is internal energy of a gas function of pressure? Comment.
5- Why gas has two principal specific heats?
6- What is the nature of P-V diagram for isobaric and isochoric process?
7- In a Carnot engine, temperature of the sink is increased. What will happen to its efficiency?
8- Calculate the fall in temperature when a gas initially at 720C is expanded suddenly to eight
times its original volume. Given γ= 5/3.
9- Can the whole of work be converted into heat? In a Carnot engine, temperature of the sink is
increased. What will happen to its efficiency?
10- What happen to the internal energy of a gas during (i) isothermal expansion (ii) adiabatic

232 | P a g e
1- (c) 0.49°C
2- (b) Total energy of a system remains constant
3- (d) Total heat of the system
4- (a) Zeroth law of Thermodynamics
5- (c) Remain same
6- c) No change in temperature
7- (b) 1200 J
8- (c) Change in internal energy is zero.
9- (c) Joule
10- (b) Temperature


1- Because the work done in compressing the gas increases the internal energy of the gas.
2- During driving as a result of the friction between the tyre and road, the temperature of
The tyre and the air inside it increases. Since volume of the tyre does not change, due to
increase in temperature, pressure of the increases (due to pressure law).

3- For converting heat energy into work continuously, a part of the heat energy absorbed from the
source has to be rejected. The heat energy can be rejected only if there is a body
whose temperature is less than that of the source. This body at lower temperature is called
4- Internal energy. It is numerically equal to the area of the cyclic process.
5- Work. The P-V diagram for an isobaric process is a straight line parallel to the volume axis
while that For an isochoric process is a straight line parallel to pressure axis.
6- RT loge(Vf/Vi)
7- Heat Engine
8- Isobaric
9- Calorie
10- Temperature
1- Since atmospheric pressure decreases with height, pressure at the top of the mountain is
lesser. When the hot air rises up, itsuffer adiabatic expansion at the top of the mountain. For an
adiabatic change, first law of thermodynamics may be express as

233 | P a g e
dU + dW =0 (dQ = 0)
dW = -dU
Therefore work done by the air in rising up (dW =+ve ) result in decrease in the internal
Energy of the air (dU = -ve) and hence a fall in the temperature.
2- The refrigerator draws some heat from the air in front of it. The compressor has to do some
Mechanical work to draw heat from the air at lower temperature. The heat drawn from the air
together with the work done by the compressor in drawing it, is rejected by the refrigerator with
the help of the radiator provided at the back to the air. IT follows that in each cycle, the amount
of heat rejected to the air at the back of the refrigerator will be greater than that is drawn from
the air in front of it. Therefore, temperature of the room will increase and make hotter.
3- (a) The volume of the ice decreases on melting. Hence the work done by the atmosphere on
the ice – water system is positive in nature.
(b) Since heat is absorbed by the ice during melting, the internal energy of the ice- water
system increase.

4- The internal energy of an ideal gas depends only on the temperature of the gas while that of a
real gas depends on the temperature and volume which in turn is dependent on temperature
and pressure.
5- When gases are heated there is a appreciable change in volume unlike solids and liquids. So,
energy is required for expansion and we have two specific heat, one at constant pressure and
the other at constant volume.
6- The P-V diagram for an isobaric process is a straight line parallel to the volume axis while that
for an isochoric process is a straight line parallel to pressure axis.
7- The efficiency of heat engine ƞ=1-(T2/T1)

The efficiency will be100% or1, ifT2 =0 K

Since the temperature of 0Kcannotbereached, a heat engine cannot have 100% efficiency.

8- Let V1 = x cc V2 =8x cc
T1 =273+72 =345 K ¥ = 5/3 , T2 = ?
Using the relation T1 V1¥-1 = T2 V2¥-1
Therefore T2 = T1 (V1/V2)¥-1
Taking log of both sides, we get
Log T2 = log 345 – 2/3 log 8
=2.5378 – 2/3(0.9031)
= 2.5378 -0.6020 = 1.9358
Or T2 =86.26 K

234 | P a g e
Therefore, the fall in temperature = 345 -86.26 258.74 K
9- Yes, Through friction. On increasing the temperature of the sink (T2), the efficiency of the
Carnot engine will decrease.
10- In isothermal expansion, temperature remains constant. Therefore, internal energy which is a
function of temperature will remain constant.
(ii) for adiabatic change dQ = 0 and hence first law of thermodynamics becomes
0 = dU + dW dW = - dU
During expansion, work is done by the gas i.e. dW is positive. Hence, dU must be negative.
Thus, in an adiabatic expansion, the internal energy of the system will decrease.

1- The SI units of α, β and γ are 0C-1 or K-1. . all have same units.
2- Normal temperature of a human body is 98.4 0F or 37 0C.
3- -40 0C = -40 0F
4- 4186 J kg-1 k-1
5- Water.
6- Relation between three coefficients of expansion is
α/1 = β/2 = γ/3
7- The time period of a simple Pendulum is directly proportional to snakeroot of the length of
pendulum i. e.

T =2pi(l/g)^1/2

T is directly proportional to (l) ^1/2

𝑇= i.e. 𝑇 = 𝑙𝑇𝑇𝑡ℎ𝑑𝑗

In winter, l decreases with fall in temperature, so ‗T‘ decreases and clocks run fast.
In summer ‗l‘ increases and with the increases in temperature, so ‗T‘ increases and clock runs
8- 10 k

235 | P a g e
9- If no gap is left between the iron rails, the rails may bend due to expansion in summer and the
train may get derailed.
10- 0 0F = 255.23 k


(2 MARK)
1- (I)
 Heat is form of energy which produces is us the sensation of hotness or coldness.
 Temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body.

 Heat is a cause, when some heat is supplied to a body, its temperature increases.
 Temperature is an effect.
 Heat is measured in K cal, cal or joule.
 Temperatures is measured in 0C, 0F or K.
2- Four reasons are-
(i) Mercury has a uniform coefficient of expansion over a wide range of temperature.
(ii) It does not stick to the walls of the glass tube.
(iii) Mercury is non-volatile.
(iv) It is good conductor of heat and so attains the temperature of the hot body quickly.
3- It is because of the anomalous expansion of water. Water has a maximum density at 4 0C.
Therefore, water expands whether it is heated above 4 0C or cooled below 4 0C.
4- The specific heat of water is very high when it runs over hot parts of on engine or machinery, it
absorbs a large amount of heat. This helps in maintaining the temperature of the engine low.
5- TF = 9/5 TC+32 and TF = 2TC
Therefore, 2TC = 9/5 TC + 32

or TC = 160 0C and TF = 320 0F

6- Heat produced,
Q = mc ΔT
= mc x change in temperature
= 2x103 x1x (55-20)
= 7x104 cal

Heat of combustion = Q/M =7x10^4

236 | P a g e
= 7000 cal/g

7- (i) Coefficient of linear expansion: The coefficient of linear expansion of the material of a
solid rod is defined as the increase in length per unit original length per degree rise in its
(ii) Coefficient of Cubical expansion: The coefficient of cubical expansion of a substance is
defined as the increase in volume per unit original volume per degree rise in the temperature.
8- Some merits of gas thermometers are-
(i) A gas Thermometer is more sensitive than a mercury thermometer.
(ii) The working of a gas thermometer is independent of the nature of the gas used
(iii) A gas thermometer can measure very low and very high temperature.

9- (i) Specific heat: The specific heat of a substance may be defined as the amount of heat
required to raise the temperature of unit mass of the substance through one degree. It depends
on the nature of the substance and its temperature.
(ii) Heat Capacity :The heat capacity of a body is defined as the amount of heat required to
raise its temperature through one degree.
10- Almost all liquids expand on being heated but water behaves in a peculiar manner. When water
at 0 0C is heated, its volume decreases and therefore, its density increases, until its
temperature reaches 4 0C. Above 4 0C the volume increases, and therefore the density
decreases. Thus, water at 4 0C has the , maximum density.


1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (c)

Challenging questions
7) What mass of steam at 100°C must be mixed with 150 g of ice at 0°C, in a thermally insulated
container, to produce liquid water at 50°C. Ans. 0.033 kg.
8) The specific heat of water is 4180 J/kg Co. How much the heat capacity of 2kg water? Ans. C =
8360 J/Co

9) A sphere, a cube and a thin circular plate, all made of same material and having the same
mass are initially heated to 200 degree Celsius. which of these objects will cool fastest and
which one slowest when left in the air at room temperature? Give reason.
10) At what common temperature would a block of wood and a block of metal feel equally cold or
equally hot, when touched?

237 | P a g e
11) Can we say hot iron heavier than cold iron?
12) What are the challenges in making heat shields in aerospace technology


238 | P a g e
239 | P a g e

240 | P a g e
241 | P a g e
242 | P a g e

Irreversible process cannot be undone by exactly reversing the change to the system

All spontaneous process are irreversible

All real process are irreversible

243 | P a g e
Difference between Reversible and Irreversible Process-

244 | P a g e
245 | P a g e
246 | P a g e
a) Restricts First Law
2) Entropy of an isolated system will increase over time
3) No 100 % efficiency
a) CLASSIUS STATEMENT- It is impossible for any engine working in a cyclic process to produce
no effect other than the transfer of heat from a cooler body to a hotter body.
b) KELVIN PLANCK STATEMENT- It is impossible for any engine working in a cyclic process to
draw heat from a single reservoir and convert it into work.
a) A reversible process is defined as a process that can be reversed without leaving any trace on
either system or surroundings
b) This is possible if the net of heat and net work exchange between the system and the
surroundings is zero for the combined process (original and reversed)
247 | P a g e
a) Irreversible process cannot be undone by exactly reversing the change to the system
b) All spontaneous process are irreversible
c) All real process are irreversible
Question Bank
SECTION A (one mark each)
1) Name the device by which a system is made to undergo a cyclic process in which heat is
converted into work.
2) What is the the working substance of a Diesel engine?
3) Diagrammatically represent the basic feature of a heat engine.
4) Define efficiency of a heat engine.
5) Write the expression for the coefficient of performance of a refrigerator.
6) Can the value of coefficient of performance be less than one?
7) First law of thermodynamics is same as principle of conservation of energy. Do you
8) Is it correct to say the spontaneous processes of nature are irreversible?
9) What are the two main causes of irreversibility?
10) When a thermodynamic process can be said to be reversible?
Section –B ( two marks each)
1) List the basic steps the working substance undergoes in a refrigerator.
2) What is a quasi- static process?
3) Differentiate between irreversible and reversible process.
4) State Kelvin-Planck statement of thermodynamics. Why can‘t we covert complete heat into
5) What is a Carnot engine? Does it really exist?
6) What is the maximum possible efficiency of a heat engine?
7) What cycle of processes should be adopted to achieve maximum efficiency?
8) Draw P-V curve for Carnot cycle for a heat engine with an ideal gas as working substance.
9) What are the four steps of a Carnot‘s heat engine?
10) State Carnot‘s theorem.
Section - C (Multiple choice questions)

248 | P a g e
1) A process of application of breaks in a vehicle is a
a) reversible process b) an irreversible process
c) a quasi static process d) none of these
2) A process is reversible when
a) all the points through the path are at thermodynamic equilibrium
b) it undergoes quasi static process
c) it undergoes in absence of any dissipating effect
d) all the above.
3) The change in entropy is zero when the process takes place
a)isothermal process b) Iso-Choric process
c) isobaric process d) none of the above
4) During a process there is no change in entropy of the system, then it is a
a) adiabatic process b) constant entropy process
c) constant internal energy process d) None of the above
5) During an irreversible process, there is
a) decrease in entropy b) increase in entropy
c) no change in entropy d) none of the above.
6) A Carnot‘s cycle is a
a ) experimentally verified cycle b) real cycle
c) ideal cycle d) none of the above
7) The P-V curve of a Carnot cycle is a
a) triangle b) square c) rectangle d) rhombus
8) The order of process in a Carnot‘s cycle is
a) isothermal- isentropic- isothermal- isentropic
b) isentropic- isothermal- isothermal -isentropic
c) isothermal- isothermal- isentropic-isentropic
d) none of the above.
9) An engine operating between reservoirs, maintained at temperature 27° C and
-123°C is-
a) 50 % b) 2.4% % c) 75% d) 0.4%

249 | P a g e
10) The door of a domestic refrigerator is kept open, while the switch is on. The room will
a) gets heated. b) gets neither heated nor cooled
c) gets cooled d) both A & C are correct.

1A) The device by which a system is made to undergo a cyclic process in which heat is
converted into work is Heat Engine.
2A) The working substance of a Diesel engine is the vapours of diesel and air.
3A) Diagrammatic representation of the basic feature of a heat engine.
4A) η= W/Q1 gives efficiency of a heat engine.
5A) The expression for the coefficient of performance of a refrigerator is
α = Q2/W
6A) No the value of coefficient of performance can‘t be less than one.
7A) Yes, First law of thermodynamics is same as principle of conservation of energy.
8A) No, it Is not correct to say the spontaneous process of nature are irreversible.
9A) The two main causes of irreversibility:
a) The process should not have dissipative effect and not be quasi- static.
10A) A thermodynamic process can be said to be reversible when we can bring the system and
the surroundings to their initial states with no other effects anywhere.
Section –B (two marks each)
1A) The basic steps of the working substance that undergoes in a refrigerator are:
a) Sudden expansion of gas from high to low pressure.
b) Absorption by the cold fluid of it from the region to be cooled into its vapours
c) Heating up of the vapour due to external work done on the system.
d) Release of heat by the vapour to the surroundings, thus cycle is completed.

250 | P a g e
2A) A quasi static process is a process that takes place so slowly that it always remains in thermal and
mechanical equilibrium with its surroundings.
3A) Reversible process: A process that can be brought back to its initial states after completing a
cycle and doing some external work.
Irreversible process: It is a process that cannot be brought back to its initial states after completing
the cycle.
4A) Kelvin-Planck statement of thermodynamics: ―No process is possible whose sole result is the
absorption of heat from a reservoir and the complete conversion of heat into work.‖
We cannot covert complete heat into work because there will be some loss of energy to the
surroundings in the form of heat, sound etc.
5A) Carnot engine: It is an ideal engine operating between two temperatures to be reversible in nature.
A Carnot engine doesn‘t exist.
6A) The maximum possible efficiency of a heat engine is 100%, but it is practically impossible.
7A) To achieve maximum efficiency the following processes should be adopted:
a) Isothermal expansion of the gas.
b) Adiabatic expansion of the gas.
c) Isothermal compression of the gas.
d) Adiabatic compression of the gas.

9) The fosters of a Carnot‘s heat engine are:

251 | P a g e
Isothermal expansion of the gas taking its states from step 1 to step 2.
Adiabatic expansion of the gas from step 2 to step 3.
Isothermal compression of the gas taking its states from step 3 to step 4.
Adiabatic compression of the gas from step 4 to step 1.
10A) The Carnot’s theorem states that ―A heat engine working between two given temperatures T1
and T2 of hot and cold reservoirs respectively, cannot have more efficiency that that of Carnot engine
and the efficiency of the Carnot engine is independent of the nature of the substance.‖
1) b
2) d
3) d
4) d
5) b
6) c
7) b
8) a
9) a
10) a
1. A mixture of n1 moles of monoatomic gas and n2 moles of diatomic gas has Cp/Cv = γ = 1.5. then
a) n1 = n2
b) 2n1 = n2
c) n1= = 2 n2
d) 2n1 = 3 n2
2. The temperature at which rms velocity of a hydrogen molecule is equal to that of an oxygen molecule
47o C is
a) 3K
b) -73K
c) 20K
d) 80K
3. The eq. of state for 5g of oxygen at a pressure P, temperature T, when occupy a volume V will be
a) PV = 5RT
b) PV = 5/2 RT
c) PV = 5/16 RT
d) PV = 5/32 RT
4. Absolute zero is considered at which
a) gas becomes liquid
b) Molecular energy is zero
c) random motion of molecule occurs
d) all molecular motion ceases
5. A polyatomic gas with n degrees of freedom has a mean energy per molecule given by
a) nkT/N
b) nkT/2N
c) nkT/2
d) 3nkT/2
6. The equation of state corresponding to 8g of O2 is
a) PV = RT

252 | P a g e
b) PV = 8RT
c) PV = RT / 2
d) PV = RT / 4
7. At absolute zero of temperature
a) the molecular energy is minimum and not zero
b) all the molecules come to rest and have zero energy
c) P.E. is zero
d) molecules travel faster
8. The average K.E. of gas molecule is

a) proportional to pressure of gas

b) inversely proportional to volume of gas
c) inversely proportional to absolute temperature of gas
d) proportional to the absolute temperature of gas
9. A gas behaves as an ideal gas a
a) low pressure and high temperature
b) low pressure and low temperature
c) high pressure and low temperature
d) high pressure and high temperature
10. An ideal gas is heated from 27o C to 627o C at constant pressure. If initial volume was 4m2, then
final Volume of gas will be
a) 12 m3 b) 6 m3 c) 4 m3 d) 2 m3
11. Define mean free path of a gas molecule.
12. What do you mean by Brownian motion?
13. Why lighter gas diffuses easily than a heavier gas?
14. Why the molecular motion of the molecules ceases at zero Kelvin?
15. A gas enclosed in a container is heated up. What is effect on the pressure of the gas?
16. What is the effect of the pressure of a gas if it is compressed at constant temperature?
17. Two different gases A and B are in close in two vessels at pressure P1 and P2 respectively .if
temperature of both the gases is same what will be the ratio of the average kinetic energy of the
molecules of gases A and B?
18. The ratio of specific heat capacity at constant pressure to the specific heat capacity at constant
volume of a Diatomic gas decreases with the increase in temperature explain why?
19. Root mean square (rms) velocities of gas molecules are comparable to those of a rifle bullets, yet a
gas takes several seconds to diffuse room explain why?
20. If the force of attraction between the molecules suddenly disappeared, will there be any change in
the pressure inside a gas container?
21. There are N molecules of a gas in a container. If the number of molecules is increased to 2N, what
will be,
(i) Pressure of the gas,
(ii) Total energy of the gas and
(iii) R.M.S. of the gas?

22. A gaseous mixture consists of 16g of helium and 16g of oxygen. Find the ratio CP / CV of the
23. Calculate the internal energy of 1g of oxygen at N.T.P.
24. The volume of vessel A is twice the volume of another vessel B ,and both of them are filled with the
same gas .If the gas in A is at twice the temperature and twice the pressure in

253 | P a g e
composition to the gas in B , what is the ratio of the gas molecules in A and B ?
25. Cooking gas container is kept in lorry moving with uniform speed. What will be the effect on
temperature of the gas molecule?
26. When a gas filled in a closed vessel is heated through 1°c, its pressure increases by 0.4 %. What is
the initial temperature of the gas.
27. When a gas is heated, its temperature increases. Explain it on the basis of kinetic theory of gases.
28. When an automobile travels for a long distance the air pressure in the tyres increases slightly.
29. State four factors on which Brownian motion depends.
30. The total translational kinetic energy of the molecules of a gas having volume V and pressure P is
500 J. what will be the total translational kinetic energy of the molecules of the same gas occupying the
same volume V but exerting a pressure 2P?
1. (a)
2. (c)
3. (b)
4. (d)
5. (c)
6. (d)
7. (b)
8. (d)
9. (a)
10. (a)
11. It is a defined as an average distance travelled by a gas between two successive collisions.
12. The random or zigzag motion of small particles suspended in a fluid is called Brownian motion.
13. The rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of the density of a gas.
Since, light a gas has low density than that of a heavier gas, therefore light gas diffuse easily than
heavier gas.
14. We know, kinetic energy of a molecule is proportional to the absolute temperature.
i.e. ½ mv2 proportional T
At T =0
½ mv2 =0 since ½ m not equal 0 therefore, v=0
Thus molecular motion ceases at zero Kelvin.
15. According to kinetic theory of gases, the pressure of a gas is proportional to the absolute
temperature of a gas provided the volume is constant. Thus, the pressure of a gas increases when it is
heated up.
16. According to Boyle‘s law pressure is inversely proportional to volume at constant temperature
.Thus, when the gas is compressed (i.e., volume decreases), the pressure of the gas increases.
17. Average kinetic energy of a molecule of a gas=3/2 KBT. That is, average K.E of a molecule of a gas
depends only e on its temperature but independent of the pressure. Since, temperature of both the
gases is same, so the average kinetic energy of the molecules of both the gases will be same.
18. We know, y=Cp/Cu =1+ 2/f where f is a degree of freedom of a diatomic gas. The degree of
freedom of a diatomic gas increases with the increase in y decreases with increase in
19. Gas molecules collide with one another more frequently. Therefore, molecules along a random and
long path to go from one point to another. Hence, gas takes very long time to go from one corner to
another corner of the room.

254 | P a g e
20. In the absence of the force of attraction between the molecules of the gas comedy molecules of a
gas will hit the walls of the container harder. Hence, the pressure exerted by the gas will increase
21. P=1 mn v2 /3 =1 mN v2/ 3 V [n=N/V]
(i) As P directly proportional to N, so the pressure of the gas is doubled when the number of molecules
increased from N to 2N.
(ii) Average K.E. per molecule, 1 mv2/ 2 = 3 KBT/ 2

Total energy of N molecules =1 mNv2/2 =3 KB NT /2

When the number of molecules is increased from N to 2N, total energy of the gas is doubled, though
the average K.E. per molecule remains same.

(iii) The R.M.S. speed remains same because it depends only upon temperature.

22. Number of moles of helium = 16/4 = 4

Number of moles of oxygen = 16/32 = 1/2
For the monoatomic helium gas, degrees of the freedom f =3, so
CV =f/2 R = 3R/2
For the diatomic oxygen gas, f = 5, so
CV =f/2 R = 5R/2
CV (mixture) = nCV + n‘ C‘V / n + n‘
= 4 x 3/2 R + 1/2 x 5/2 R/ 4 + ½
= 29R/18
(Mixture) = CP / CV =1 + R / CV (mixture)
= 1 + R / 29R/18 = 1 + 18/29 =47/29 = 1.62.
23. Oxygen is a diatomic gas.
Therefore, Energy associated with 1 mole of oxygen,
U = 5RT/2
Hence internal energy of 1g of oxygen,
u = U/M = 1/32 x 5RT/2
= 5 x8.31 x 273 /64 = 177.2 J.
24. As PV = nRT
Therefore, nB = PV/RT and nA = 2P.2V /R.2T =2 PV/RT and nA : nB = 2 : 1.
25. As the lorry is moving with a uniform speed, there will be no change in the translational motion or
K.E. of the gas molecules. Hence the temperature of the gas will remain same. __
26. P‘= P + 0.4/100 P, T‘=T+1
By Gay Lussac‘s law , P/T = [P +0.4/100 P]/T+1
On solving, T = 250 K .
27. When a gas is heated, the root mean square velocity of its molecules increases. As V rms oe √T,
so the temperature of the gas increases.
28. Due to the friction between the tires and the road the tyres get heated. The temperature of the air
inside the tires increase. Consequently, the air pressure in the tyres increases slightly.
29. Factors affecting the Brownian motion. The Brownian motion increases
• With the decrease in size of the suspended particles.
• With the increase in temperature of the fluid.
• With the decrease in density of the fluid.
• With the decrease in viscosity of the fluid.

30. If E is the translational kinetic energy per unit volume


255 | P a g e
P=2/3E. Or. E=3P/2
Total translational kinetic energy of the volume V is
EV=3PV/2 =500J
When pressure becomes 2P, total translational kinetic energy
=2 x 500=1000J
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Q1.A particle starts S.H.M. from the mean position. Its amplitude is A and time period is T. At the time
when its speed is half of the maximum speed, its displacement y is
(a) A/2 (b) A/
(c) A /2 (d) 2A/
Q2. Which of the following equations does not represent a simple harmonic motion.
(a) y = asinωt (b) y = acosωt
(c) y = asinωt + bcosωt (d) y = atanωt
Q3. The restoring force of SHM is maximum when particle
(a) Displacement is maximum
(b) Is half way between the mean and extreme position
(c) Crosses mean position
(d) Is at rest
Q4. A particle is moving in a circle with uniform speed. Its motion is
(a) Periodic and simple harmonic
(b)Periodic but not simple harmonic
(c) A periodic
(d) None of the above
Q5. The velocity of a particle in simple harmonic motion at displacement y from mean position is
(a) ω√ (b) ω√
(c) ωy (d) ω2√
Q6. The maximum velocity and maximum acceleration of a body moving in a simple harmonic oscillator
are 2 m/s and 4 m/s2. Then angular velocity will be
(a) 3 rad/sec (b)0.5 rad/sec
(c) 1 rad/sec (d) 2 rad/sec
Q7 . A body executing simple harmonic motion has a maximum acceleration equal to 24 m/s2 and
maximum velocity equal to16 m/s. The amplitude of simple harmonic motion is
(a) 32/3 meters (b)3/32 meters
c) 1024/9 meters (d) 64/9 meters
Q8. The acceleration of a particle performing S.H.M. is 12 cm/s2 at a distance of 3 cm from the mean
position. Its time period is
(a) 0.5 s (b) 1.0 s
(c) 2.0 s (d) 3.14 s
Q9. The displacement x ( in meters)of a particle performing simple harmonic motion is related to time t (
in second) as x = 0.05 cos( 4πt + π/4). The frequency of motion will be
(a) 0.5 Hz (b) 1.0 Hz
(c) 1.5 Hz (d) 2.0 Hz
Q10. Acceleration of a particle executing SHM, at its mean position is

256 | P a g e
(a) Infinity (b) Varies
(c) Maximum (d) Zero
Q1. Is spring constant a dimensional or non-dimensional constant?
Q2. Write the values of amplitude and angular frequency for the following simple harmonic motion.
Y = 0.2 sin(99t + 0.36)
Q3. What is basic condition for the motion of a particle to be SHM?
Q4. When are the displacement and velocity in same direction in SHM?
Q5. When are the velocity and acceleration in the same direction in SHM?
Q6. What is the phase relationship between particle displacement, velocity and acceleration in SHM?
Q7. What is phase difference between the displacement and acceleration of a particle executing SHM?
Q8. Will a pendulum clock loss or gain time when taken to the top of a mountain?
Q9. How would the time period of a spring mass system change, when it is made to oscillate
horizontally, and then vertically?
Q10.What will be the change in time period of a loaded spring, when taken to moon?
SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS ( 2 marks questions)
Q1 Justify the following statements:
(i) The motion of an artificial satellite around the earth cannot be taken as SHM
(ii) The time period of simple pendulum will get doubled if its length is increased four times
Q2. The amplitude of a simple harmonic oscillator is doubled. How does this affect
(i) Maximum velocity (ii) maximum acceleration
Q3. The length of simple pendulum executing SHM is increased by 21%. What is the percentage
increases in the time period of the pendulum of increased length?
Q4 A body oscillate with SHM according to equation:
X(t) =5cos (2πt +5/4)
Where t is in sec and x is in meter. Calculate
(i)Displacement at t =0
(ii) Time period
Q5 Show that if a particle is moving in SHM, its velocity at a distance of its amplitude from central
position is half its velocity in central position
Q6.A particle executing linear SHM has a maximum velocity of 40 cm/s and maximum acceleration of
50 cm/s2. Find the amplitude and the period of oscillation
Q7. A simple harmonic motion is described by y = rsinωt. What is the value of displacement y at which
speed of body executing SHM is half of the maximum speed?
Q8.All trigonometric functions are periodic, but only sine or cosine functions are used to define SHM
Q9. The relation between the acceleration and displacement x of a particle executing SHM is
a = -(p/q)y; where p and q are constants. What will be the time period T of the particle?
Q10. A body oscillate with SHM according to the equation
X = ( 5.0 m) cos ( 2π rad/s) t + π/4
At t = 1.5 s, calculate (i) displacement (ii) speed
Q1. (c) A /2
Q2. (d) y = atanωt
Q3. (a) Displacement is maximum
Q4. (b)Periodic but not simple harmonic
Q5. (b) ω√
Q6. (d) 2 rad/sec
Q7. c) 1024/9 meters
Q8. d) 3.14 s

257 | P a g e
Q9. (d) 2.0 Hz
Q10. (d) Zero
Q1. Spring constant K= F/x = MLT-2/L = ML0T-2
Hence, Spring constant is dimensional constant
Q2. Amplitude a = 0.2 m,
Angular frequency ω = 99 rad/s
Q3. If the restoring force acting on it is directly proportional to displacement from the mean position i.e.
F = -kx
Q4. When particle moves from mean position to extreme position
Q5. When particle moves from extreme position to mean position
Q6. In SHM, the particle velocity leads the displacement in phase by π/2 rad and acceleration leads the
velocity in phase by π/2 rad
Q7. 180 or π radian
. Q8. On the top of the mountain, the values of g is less than that on the surface of the earth. The
decrease in the value of g increases the time period of the pendulum on the top of the mountain. So
pendulum clock loses time
Q9. Time period will remain same for both cases
Q10. Time period of loaded spring is
T= 2π√
As T is independent of g, it will not be affected when the loaded spring is taken to the moon
Q1.(i) The motion of an artificial satellite around the earth is periodic as it repeats after a regular interval
of time. But it cannot be taken as SHM because is not a to and fro motion about mean position
(ii) Time period of simple pendulum
T = 2π√ i.e T α
Clearly, if length is increased four times, the time period gets doubled
Q2. (i) vmax = ωA
When amplitude is doubled, maximum velocity is also doubled
amax = ω2A
When amplitude is doubled, the maximum acceleration is also doubled
Q3. Time period, T = 2π√
i.e. T α l1/2
The % increase in time period is X 100 = x x100
= x 21%
Q4. (i) Given, X(t) =5cos (2πt +5/4)
We know, , X(t) =Acos(ωt +υ0)
Displacement at t =0
X(0) =5cosπ/4 = 5 x = m
(ii) clearly, ω = 2π
2π/T =2π
So, Time period, T = 1 sec
Q5, Here, y = A
So, v = ω √ = ω √
=1/2 ωA = ´ VMAX
Q6. Maximum velocity, vmax = ω A = 40 cm/s
Maximum aceleration, amax = ω2 A = 50 cm/s2
So, amax/ vmax = ω2 A/ ω A= 50/40

258 | P a g e
ω = 5/4 rad/s
Amplitude, A = Vmax/ω= 40 x 4/5 = 32 cm
Period of oscillation, T = 2π/ω = 2x3.14x4/5 = 5.03 s
Q7. Given, V = ½ vmax
ω√ = ´ x rω
Q8. Sine or cosine functions are used to describe SHM because sine and cosine functions can take the
values between -1 and +1 only
Q9. a = - (p/q) y = - ω2 y
So, T = 2π/ω = 2π/√ = 2π √
Q10. Here, ω = 2π rad/s
T = 2π/ω = 1 s, t = 1.5 s
(i) Displacement,
X = 5.0 cos ( 2π x 1.5 + π/4 )
= 5.0 cos ( 3π + π/4) = - 5.0 cos π/4
= - 5.0 x 0.707 = - 3.535 m
(ii) Velocity,
V = dx/dt = d/dt (5.0 cos (2πt + π/4)
= - 5.0 x 2π sin( 2πt + π/4)
= - 5.0 x 2 π sin ( 2π x 1.5 + π/4)
= 5.0 x 2 π sin π/4
= 5.0 x 2 x 3.14 x 0.707
= 22.22 m/s
Online 2nd spell in service course
For PGT Physics
From Dated-1/12/2020 to 10/12/2020
Multiple choice questions
1. A particle executes SHM with a frequency f. The frequency with which it‘s KE oscillates is
(A) f/2 (B) f (C) 2f (D) 4f
2. The work done by the string of a simple pendulum during one complete oscillation is equal to ; (A)
total energy of the pendulum
(B) KE of the pendulum
(C) PE of the pendulum
(D) Zero
3.A loaded vertical spring executes S.H.M. with a time period of 4sec.The difference between the
kinetic energy and potential energy of this system varies with a period of ;
(A)T (B)T/ (C)2T (D) T
4. One end of a light spiral spring is attached to a hook on the ceiling. A mass m kg hung on the spring
stretches it by 10 cm. The mass is pulled down a little and released. The period oscillation of the
system in seconds is (take g = 10 ms–2)
(A) 2πm/5
(B) πm/5
(C) π/5
(D) 5π
5. You know that the period of oscillation T of a mass m attached to a light spring of force constant k is
given byT =2π√(m/k)The period of oscillation of such a spring-mass system is found to be 2 s. If the
period becomes 3 s when the mass is increased by 2 kg, what is the value of m?
(A) 0.8 kg
(B) 1 kg
(C) 1.2 kg

259 | P a g e
(D) 1.6 kg
6. A girl is swinging on a swing in the sitting position. If she stands up, the the period of the swing will
(A) Remain unchanged
(B) Increase
(C) Decrease
(D) Become unpredictable
7. Two simple pendulums of time periods 2.0 s and 2.1s are made to vibrate simultaneously. They are
in phase initially. After how may vibrations, they will be again in the same phase?
(A) 21 (B)25 (C) 30 (D) 35
8. In case of a forced vibration, the resonance peak becomes very sharp when the
(A) Damping force is small (B) Restoring force is small
(C) Applied periodic force is small (D) Quality factor is small
9. During the phenomenon of resonance
(A) The amplitude of oscillation becomes large
(B) The frequency of oscillation becomes large
(C) The time period of oscillation becomes large
(D) all of these
10.A lightly damped oscillator with a frequency ν is set in motion by a harmonic driving force of
frequency ν‘.When ν‘ ˂ν, then response of the oscillator is controlled by ,
(A) Spring constant (B) inertia of the mass
(C) Oscillator frequency (D) damping coefficient
1. When is the potential energy and kinetic energy of a harmonic oscillator maximum?
2. On what factors does the energy of a harmonic oscillator depend?
3. The potential energy of a particle in SHM varies periodically. If ν is the frequency of oscillation of the
particle, then what is the frequency of variation of potential energy?
4. Two identical springs of force constant k each are connected in series. What will be the equivalent
spring constant?
5. What will be the change in time period of a loaded spring, when taken to moon?
6. What will be the time period of a simple pendulum at the centre of the earth?
7. What will be the effect on the time period, if the amplitude of a simple pendulum increases?
8. A pendulum clock is thrown out of an aeroplane .How will it behave during its free fall in air?
9. A passing aeroplane sometimes causes the rattling of the windows of a house. Why?
10. In damping oscillation, why does the oscillation decrease exponentially?
1. The amplitude of a simple harmonic oscillator is doubled. How does this affect (i) periodic
time,(ii)maximum velocity ,(iii)maximum acceleration and (iv)maximum energy?
2. A particle executing SHM of amplitude A. At what displacement from the mean position, is the energy
half kinetic and half potential?
3.A particle executes simple harmonic motion of amplitude A.(i) At what distance from the mean
position is its kinetic energy equal to its potential energy?(ii)At what points is its speed half the
maximum speed?
4. What is simple harmonic motion? Show that motion executed by the bob of the pendulum is S.H.M.
Derive an expression for its time period?
5. Show that the horizontal oscillations of a massless loaded spring are simple harmonic. Deduce an
expression for its time period.
6. A 5 kg collar is attached to a spring of spring constant 500 N m–1. It slides without friction over a
horizontal rod. The collar is displaced from its equilibrium position by 10.0 cm and released. Calculate
(a) the period of oscillation, (b) the maximum speed and (c) maximum acceleration of the collar.

260 | P a g e
7. What is the ratio between the potential energy and the total energy of a particle executing S.H.M.,
when its displacement is half of its amplitude?
8. What fraction of the total energy is kinetic when the displacement of simple harmonic oscillator is half
of its amplitude?
9. What will be the period of oscillation, if the length of a second‘s pendulum is halved?
10. A spring having with a spring constant 1200 N m–1 is mounted on a horizontal table as shown in
Figure. A mass of 3 kg is attached to the free end of the spring. The mass is then pulled sideways to a
distance of 2.0 cm and released.
Determine (i) the frequency of oscillations, (ii) maximum acceleration of the mass, and (iii) the
maximum speed of the mass.
Multiple choice questions
1 .(C) , 2. (D) , 3.(D) , 4.(C), 5(D), 6.(C) , 7(A), 8.(A), 9.(A), 10.(A)
1. Potential energy will be maximum at extreme position and kinetic energy will be maximum at mean
2. The energy of a harmonic oscillator depends on its (i)mass (ii)frequency and (iii)amplitude
4.ks =√ =k/2
5. Time period of a loaded spring T =2π√
As T is independent of g, hence no effect on it when taken to the moon.
6. At the centre of the earth, g=0, so T =2π√ = ∞(infinity)
7. The time period of the simple pendulum will remain the same, because time period is independent of
its amplitude.
8. During its free fall in air , the pendulum clock is in a state of weightlessness i.e., g=0.Hence
T =2π√ = ∞(infinity), The pendulum clock will not oscillate at all.
9. When the frequency of the sound waves from the engine of an aeroplane matches with the natural
frequency of a window, resonance takes place which causes the rattling of window.
10. In damping oscillation decrease in the energy results in a decrease in amplitude of oscillation.
1. (i) T =2π√ , hence T will not change on changing the amplitude.
(ii) vmax =ωA, Maximum velocity will be doubled.
(iii) amax = ω2A , The maximum acceleration is also doubled.
(iv) E = 2π2mν2A2 i.e., E α A2
The energy of oscillator becomes four times.
2.As Ek = Ep
mω2(A2 – y2) = mω2 y2
OR y =
3.(i) Ep = ky2 , Ek = k(A2 - y2)
As Ek = Ep
k(A2 – y2 ) = ky2
OR y =
(ii) v = vmax
Ek = mv2 = m( vmax )2 =1/4 (Ek)max
But Ek = k(A2 - y2) ,
put y=0, (Ek)max = kA2
on solving we get y =
4. Simple Harmonic Motion or SHM
• It is a special case of oscillation along with straight line between the two extreme points (the path of
SHM is a constraint).

261 | P a g e
• Path of the object needs to be a straight line.
• There will be a restoring force directed towards equilibrium position (or) mean position.
• Mean position in Simple harmonic motion is a stable equilibrium.

Time Period of Simple Pendulum

A point mass m suspended from the end of a light inextensible string whose upper end is fixed to a rigid
support. The mass displaced from its mean position.
Displace the bob to one side by a small distance and let it go. It will execute a to and fro motion. The
forces acting on the bob are the force T, tension in the string and the gravitational force Fg (= m g), as
shown in Fig. The string makes an angle θ with the vertical. We resolve the force Fg into a radial
component Fg cos θ and a tangential component Fg sin θ. The radial component is cancelled by the
tension, since there is no motion along the length of the string. The tangential component produces a
restoring torque about the pendulum‘s pivot point.
This torque always acts opposite to the displacement of the bob so as to bring it back towards its
central location.
The restoring torque τ is given by, τ = –L (Fg sinθ )
where the negative sign indicates that the torque acts to reduce θ, and L is the length of the moment
arm of the force Fg sin θ about the pivot point.
For rotational motion we have, τ = I α where I is the pendulum‘s rotational inertia about the pivot point
and α is its angular acceleration about that point.
Hence we have, –L (Fg sin θ ) = I α
Substituting the magnitude of Fg , i.e. mg, we have, –L m g sin θ = I α
α = - sin θ
if θ is small sinθ = θ
Hence α = - x θ -------- (i)
i.e. acceleration α α - θ
Hence motion will be simple harmonic.
For simple harmonic motion α = - ω2 θ ----- (ii)
Comparing (i) and (ii) we get
and time period T = √
but I = mL2 hence T = √
This is formula for time period of simple pendulum.
5. Horizontal oscillations of a body on a spring: -
The block of mass m is placed on a frictionless horizontal surface. If the block is pulled on one side and
is released, it then executes a to and fro motion about a mean position.
If the displacement of the block from its mean position is x, at any time then the restoring force F acting
on the block is, F (x) = –k x ----- (i)
The constant of proportionality, k, is called the spring constant.
As force is proportional to displacement and act towards mean position, hence motion is SHM.
ω = √ and time period T = T = √
6. (a) The period of oscillation as given by
T = √ = √ = 0.63 s
(b) The velocity of the collar executing SHM is given by, v(t) = –Aω sin (ωt + υ)
The maximum speed is given by, vm = Aω
= 0.1 ×√ = 0.1 ×√ = 1 m s–1
and it occurs at x = 0
(c) The acceleration of the collar at the displacement x (t) from the equilibrium is given by,
a (t) = –ω2 x(t) = - – x(t)
Therefore, the maximum acceleration is, amax = ω2 A = = 10m/s

262 | P a g e
and it occurs at the extremities.
7. =
8. =
When y =a/2 , then a2 – y2 =3a2/4
= =3/4 =3:4
9. From T = √
T2 α l2
= or = Or T2 = s
10.k=1200N/m, m =3.0kg ,A =2.0cm =0.02m
(i) Frequency of oscillation of mass ν = √ = √ =3.2s-1
(ii)Angular frequency ω =√ =√ =20s-1
Maximum acceleration of the mass = ω2A =(20)2x0.02 =8.0ms-2
(iii)Maximum speed of the mass =ω A =20x0.02 =0.40ms-1
Assignment no. :-2
Waves up to Laplace correction
10 MCQ Questions:
Q1. The phenomena of sound propagation in air is
(a) Isothermal process
(b) Adiabatic process
(c) Isobaric process
(d) Isochoric process

Q2. The speed of sound in air is affected by the change in

(a) Amplitude
(b) Wavelength
(c) Frequency
(d) Temperature

Q3. The temperature at which speed of sound in air become double of its value at 27 degree celsius is
(a) 54 degree Celsius
(b) 327 degree celsius
(c) 927 degree celsius
(d) 1000 degree celsius

Q4. Transverse wave can be polarised but longitudinal wave can not be polarized. Which of the
following can not be polarized.
(a) Light
(b) U-V light
(c) Radio waves
(d) Sound waves

Q5. Which one of the following statements is true

(a) Both light waves and sound waves are longitudinal
(b) Both light and sound waves can travel in vacuum
(c) Both light and sound waves are transverse

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(d) Sound waves in air are longitudinal while the light waves are transverse

Q6. The angle between particle velocity and wave velocity in a transverse wave is
(a) 0
(b) Pie/4
(c) Pie/2
(d) Pie

Q7. Water waves are

(a) Longitudinal wave
(b) Transverse wave
(c) Neither longitudinal nor transverse waves
(d) Combination of longitudinal and transverse

Q8. Mechanical transverse wave can propagate only in that medium which has rigidity or elasticity of
shape.Mechanical transverse wave can travel
(a) In solids,liquids and gases
(b) In solids,liquids
(c) In solids and on the surfaces on liquids
(d) In solids and gases

Q9. Wave is a disturbance which travels through a material medium due to the repeated periodic
motion of the particles of the medium about their mean positions.In a wave motion,what is transferred
from one place to another place in the medium
(a) Matter
(b) Momentum
(c) Energy
(d) Both

Q10. The velocity of sound is v at 273K. The temperature at which it is 2v is

(a) 1.414 X 273 K
(b) 2 X 273 K
(c) 8 X 273 K
(d) 4 X 273K

Answer of MCQS
1. (b)
2. (d)
3. (c)
4. (d)
5. (d)
6. (c)
8. (c)
9. (c)
10. (d)

Q1. What do mechanical waves transfer:energy, information or none

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Q2. What are matter waves?
Q3. Among solids, liquids and gas, in which type of media, longitudinal waves can be transmitted?
Q4. When a wire of sonometer is plucked, what is the nature of the waves in (I) the string (ii) in air?
Q5. What is the minimum distance between two points in a wave having a phase difference 2pie?
Q6. What is the phase difference between two nearest crests?
Q7. A harmonic wave travelling in a medium has a period T and wave length lambda.How lambda and
T related?
Q8. A harmonic wave travelling in a medium has a period T and wave length lambda. How far does the
wave travel in the time T?
Q9. What is the increase in the speed of sound in air when the temperature of air rises by 1 degree
Q10. If the tension of a stretched wire is increased to 4 times,how does the wave speed change?
SAQ (2marks)
Q1. Derive a relation between wave velocity, frequency and wavelength.
Q2. Write Newton‘s formula for the speed of sound in air. What was wrong with this formula? What
correction was made by Laplace in this formula.
Q3. Discuss the effect of the temperature and density on the velocity of sound in air.
Q4. What is the effect of (I) frequency (ii) amplitude, on the speed of sound in air?
Q5. What is wave motion? Derive the equation of a harmonic wave.
Q6. What are stationary waves? State the necessary condition for the formation of stationary waves.
Q7. Write any three characteristics of stationary waves.
Q8. State the laws of vibrations of stretched strings.
Q9. Give any three differences between progressive waves and stationary waves.
Q10. Write Newton-Laplace equation for the speed of sound in air. Name two factors which affect the
speed of sound in air.
VSA answer
1. Energy and information.
2. Matter waves are the waves associated with moving electrons,protons,neutrons and other
fundamental particles, and even atoms and molecules.
3. In all three type of media I.e, solids,liquids and gases.
4. The waves produced in the string are transverse and that in the air are longitudinal.
5. One wavelength.
6. The phase difference between two nearest crests is 2pie rad.
7. By definition, the wave will travel lambda in time T.
8. The speed of sound increases by 0.61 m/s for every 1 degree rise in temperature of the air.

9. Minimum frequency v = 1/2L root under T/m

10. As v is directly proportional to the root under T, the wave speed becomes double of the original
SAQ (2 marks)
1.The relationship of the speed of sound, its frequency, and wavelength is the same as for all waves:
vw = fλ, where vw is the speed of sound, f is its frequency, and λ is its wavelength
2. Newton‘s formula v =√(p/p)

Laplace corrected formula v =√(yr/p)

Laplace's correction to Newton's formula was that isothermal conditions were to prevail when sounds
travels through air,Newton has applied Boyle's law to the changes in pressure and volume
3 The speed of sound depends on both the elasticity and density of the medium. When the elasticity
increases and density decreases of a medium, sound is allowed to travel faster. Higher temperatures

265 | P a g e
lower the density of a medium, which puts less resistance on the sound waves and allows the sound to
travel faster.
4.(1) The greater the density of a medium, the slower the speed of sound. This observation is
analogous to the fact that the frequency of a simple harmonic motion is inversely proportional to the
mass of the oscillating object. The speed of sound in air is low, because air is compressible.
(2) The amplitude of a wave does not affect the speed at which the wave travels.

5. y = a sin (ωt – ∅). Where, ∅ is the phase difference between O and P. This is the equation of a one-
dimensional simple harmonic progressive wave travelling along the positive x-axis in terms of the period
of the wave. This is an expression for a simple harmonic progressive wave in terms of frequency of a
6. Standing wave, also called stationary wave, combination of two waves moving in opposite directions,
each having the same amplitude and frequency. The phenomenon is the result of interference; that is,
when waves are superimposed, their energies are either added together or cancelled out.

7. (i) in stationary waves, the disturbance does not advance forward. The conditions of crest and trough
merely appear and disappear in fixed position to be followed by opposite condition after every half time
period. (ii) The distance between two successive nodes or antinodes is equal to half the wavelength.
(iii) The amplitude varies gradually from zero at the nodes to the maximum at the antinodes

8.The length of length: The fundamental frequency is inversely proportional to the resonating length, L
of the string. ...
(ii)The law of tension: The fundamental frequency is directly proportional to the square root of the
stretching force or tension.
9.1) Progressive waves are the ones by which all the wave disturbances are carried on further and
propelled or transferred forward.
1) Stationary waves are the ones by which all the wave disturbances are not carried on further and
propelled or transferred forward.
2) In Progressive waves the energies are equally and efficiently transferred along the travelling waves.
Every particle are transferring some kind of energy to a next further particle on the same path, basically
most of the energies are lost because of which there's no energy acquired by it.
2) In Stationary or standing waves there's no absolute transfer of any significant amount of energies
which are not transferred along a path of the wave. Particles in stationery waves are giving and
contributing in energy submission and also acquire some of the energy back because of which the net
transferring of energies between the particles in a specific period as nullified.
3) Phases of the progressive waves of the particles in these waves are varying in a continuous manner
and have changing values between them.
3) Phases of the Stationary or standing waves of the particles in these waves are not changing and
always same to the contrary opposite when placed between the consecutively running sets of nodes
(Between two nodes of particles).
4) Progressive waves have no particles which show they're having a rest phase or a permanent rest
phase in a medium (particle medium).
4) Stationary waves have significant number of particles of the medium to show that there having a rest
phase or a permanent rest phase at the nodes of those particles.
5) Amplitudes of Progressive waves are totally and completely different particles are neutral and are
having same values.
5) Amplitudes of Stationary or Standing waves of the particles in between those two consecutively sets
of nodes in between them and antinodes provided are having different values and vary much more

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6) All of the particles in Progressive waves containing it don't specially cross their given mean positions
in a simultaneous manner.
6) All of the particles in Stationary waves containing it frequently and steadily cross their given mean
positions in a simultaneous manner.
7) In Progressive waves the particles don't show any attainment of a displacement provided in a
maximum amount in a simulation‘s manner.
7) In Stationary waves the particles are showing and exhibiting the attainments of various
displacements in a maximum amount in a simultaneous manner.
8) Maximum velocities achieved by Progressive waves are indeed same or similar for all the given
particles when they're showing a passing of those given mean positions.
8) Maximum velocities achieved by Stationary waves of those particles when they're crossing their
given mean positions are in a continuity of increasement for those particles between those "nodes" and
of course the consecutively set "antinodes" further which it's showing a significant decrease after it
corresponds and reaches the second or usually the next nearest node.
9) Progressive waves have crest and troughs in their waves that're moving into a forward direction.
9) Stationary waves have crest and troughs in their waves that're appearing and disappearing in same
positions or regions that is, not moving forward in a same direction.
10. v = √γRT/Vρ = √γRT/M
Two main factors affect the speed of sound: the material that makes up the medium—such as air or
water—and the temperature. If we know the medium and the temperature, however, we can predict the
speed of sound.
In-Service Course for PGT Physics 2020
Multiple Choice Question
1. In a Stationary wave
(a) Particle at all antinodes vibrate in the same phase
(b) Particles at all nodes vibrate in the same phase
(c) All particles between neighboring nodes vibrate in the same phase.
(d) All particles between neighboring antinodes vibrate in the same phase.
2. A whistle producing sound waves of frequencies 9500 Hz and above is approaching a stationary
person with speed v m/s. The velocity of sound in air is 300 m/s. If the person can hear frequencies
upto a maximum of 10000 Hz, the maximum value of v up to which he can hear the whistle is
(a) 15 m/s (b) 30 m/s (c) 15√2 m/s (d) 15/√2 m/s
3. A transverse wave propagating along x-axis is represented by

Y(x,t) = 0.8 Sin ( 0.5 Π x - 4Πt –Π/4 )

where x is in meter and t is in second. The speed of the wave is
(a) 4Π m/s (b) 0.5 Π m/s (c) Π/4 m/s (d) 8 m/s
4. Two sound wave with wavelength 5 m and 5.5 m respectively, each propagate in a gs with velocity
330 m/s. We expect the following number of beats per second:
(a) 12 (b) 0 (c) 1 (d) 6
5. The displacement of a particle executing periodic motion is given by

Y= 4 Cos2(t/2) Sin(1000t)
This expression may be considered to be a result of superposition of
(a) Two wave (b) Three wave (c) Four wave (d) five wave
6. An observer moves towards a stationary source of sound, with a velocity one-fifth of the velocity of
sound. What is the percentage increase in the apparent frequency?
(a) 5% (b) 20% (c) zero (d) 0.5%

267 | P a g e
7. The equation of a simple harmonic wave is given by y=6 Sin 2Π (2t – 0.1x), where x and y are in mm
and t is in second. The phase difference between two particles 2 mm apart at any instant is
(a) 18 (b) 36 (c) 54 (d) 72
8. Three sound wave of equal amplitudes have frequencies (v-1), v , (v+1). They superpose to give
beats. The number of beats produced per second will be:
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1
9. The driver of a car travelling with speed 30 m/s towards a hill sounds a horn of frequency 600 Hz. If
the velocity of sound in air is 330m/s, the frequency of reflected sound as heard by driver is

(a) 550 Hz (b) 5505 Hz (c) 720 Hz (d) 500 Hz

10. A vehicle with a horn of frequency n is moving with a velocity of 30 m/s in a direction perpendicular
to the straight line joining the observer and the vehicle. The observer receives the sound to have a
frequency n+n1. Then (if the sound velocity in air is 300m/s)
(a) n1 = 10 n (b) n1=0 (c) n1= 0.1 (d) n1 = -0.1n

1.c 2.a 3.d 4.d 5.b 6.b 7.d 8.c 9.c 10.b
Very Short Answer Questions
1. Two sound sources produce 12 beats in 4s. By how much do their frequencies differ?
2. Is it possible to have interference between the waves produced by two violins?
3. What is the effect of pressure on the velocity of sound waves?
4. What is the distinguishing feature between a sound and its echo?
5. Why bells are made of metal and not wood?
6. The diameter of a stretched wire is halved. What would be the effect on the wave speed?
7. The frequency of the first overtone of a closed organ pipe is the same as that of the first overtone of
an open pipe. What is the ratio between their lengths?
8. Why a stationary wave is so named?
9. Two identical sound wave pass through at a point with a phase difference of 180. Whether the
interference at that point will be constructive or destructive?
10. Why is it not possible to have interference between the waves produced by two violins?

Solutions of Very Short Answer Type Question

1. Number of beats per second = 12/4=3
2. No
3. There is no effect.
4. Loudness
5. This is because wood has high damping
6. It would be doubled.
7. 3:4
8. A stationary wave is so named because there is no net propagation of energy.
9. Destructive
10. This is because the sounds produced will not have a constant phase relationship.

Short Answer Questions – Each Question Carries 2 Marks

Q1. What is the longest wavelength possible when the air column in a closed pipe of length 20 cm
Q2. What is the longest wavelength that can produce a stationary wave in an open tube of length
Q3. When are the tones called harmonics?
Q4. Mention one condition when Doppler effect in Sound is not applicable.

268 | P a g e
Q5. What will be the effect on the frequency of the sonometer wire if the load stretching the sonometer
wire is immersed in water?

Q6. The weight suspended from a sonometer wire is increased by a factor of 4. Will the frequency of
the wire be increased exactly by a factor of 2? Justify your answer.
Q7. Why the bells of colleges and temples are of large size?
Q8. An organ pipe is in resonance with a tuning fork. If air of the organ pipe is replaced by hydrogen,
then how should the length of the pipe be changed for resonance?
Q9. An organ pipe is in resonance with a tuning fork. If pressure of air in the pipe is increased by a
factor of 1.3, then how should the length be changed for resonance?
Q10. Can you notice Doppler effect if both the listener and the source of sound are moving with the
same velocity in the same direction?
Solutions of Short Answer type Question
1. For longest wavelength, we need to consider the fundamental mode of vibration.

λ/4 =20 cm
λ = 80 cm
2. For longest wavelength, we shall consider the fundamental note

λ/2 = 10cm
λ = 20 cm
3. The tones are called harmonics if the frequencies of the fundamental tone and other overtones
produced by a source of sound are in harmonic series.
4. The Doppler effect in sound is not valid when the velocity of the source or listener exceeds the
velocity of sound.
5. Due to the up thrust experienced by the load, the effective weight shall decrease. The tension shall
decrease. So, the frequency shall decrease.
6. No. There will a slight increase in the length of the wire. So, the frequency shall become slightly less
than double.
7. Larger the area of the source of sound, more is the energy transmitted into the medium.
Consequently, the intensity of sound is more and loud sound is heard.
8. The velocity of sound shall increase. The frequency shall increase. In order to lower the frequency,
the length of the pipe shall have to be increased.
9. The velocity of sound is independent of pressure. So, there is no change in frequency. Thus, there is
no need to change the length of the pipe.
10. No, this is because there is no relative motion between the source of sound and listener.

(First law of thermodynamics……..adiabatic processes.)

1) Why mechanical energy can be completely converted into heat energy but the whole of the
heat energy cannot be converted into mechanical energy?
2) Does the mass of a body change when it is heated or cooled?

20 PANKAJ PANT (Second law of thermodynamics……. irreversible processes)

3) Assertion - Reversible system are difficult to find in the real world.
Reason - Most processes are dissipative in nature
4) Is mass defect Converted into energy obeys second law of thermodynamics?

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Kinetic Theory of Gases

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273 | P a g e
1) Equation of an ideal gas PV= nRT
a) Boyes law P*1/V
b) Charles Law VαT
c) Avogaderos Law
d) Equal number of Molecules under identical condition of PVT
2) Avogaderos number helps in determining
a) Number of Molecules
b) Atomic weight of Gas
c) Molecules weight of gas
d) Number of Moles
e) No of Moles
3) Ghrahams Law the rate of defusion of gases is inversely proportion to there densities r1=√1/d
4) Kinetic Interpertaion of Temprature K.E. = 3 KT /2
5) Maxwell Distribution of Speed of Particle DnV=4πNa3e-bv2v2dv=n0dv
6) Average speed Vav=V1+V2+……..+Vn/n Vav=√8PV/Πm
7) RMS speed Vrms=√3PV/M=√ V12+V22+……..+Vn2/n
8) Most probable speedVmp=√2k T/m =√2RT /M=√2PV/M
9) Gay Lussacs Law PαT
10) Pressure exerted by an ideal gas P=MCXC/3V
11) Degree of Freedom
a) For mono Atomic Gas F=3
i) Energy U=3/2R , Cp=5/2R , Cv=3/2R, Cp/Cv=1.67
b) For diatomic gas F=5
i) U=7/2RT , Cv=7/2R ,Cp=9/2R Cp/Cv=1.28
c) For Poly atomic Gas F=3N-k Energy = E=FRT/2 Cv =FR/2 Cp=(f/2+1) R Cp/Cv=1+2/f
i) For Triatomic GasFor non-linear molecules E=3RT Cv=3R Cp=4R Cp/Cv=1.33 For linear
molecules E=7RT/2 Cv 7R/2 Cp 9R/2 Cp/Cv =1.28
d) F=6 for Nonlinear Molecules
i) U=3RT, Cv=3R, Cp=4R, Cp/Cv=1.33
e) F=7 for Linear Molecules
i) Energy of Molecules according to Law of Equipartition of Energy Cv=7/2R , Cp =9/2 R ,

QUESTION BANK 13.1 - 13.7


1. A mixture of n1 moles of monoatomic gas and n2 moles of diatomic gas has Cp/Cv = γ = 1.5. then
a) n1 = n2
b) 2n1 = n2
c) n1= = 2 n2

274 | P a g e
d) 2n1 = 3 n2
2. The temperature at which rms velocity of a hydrogen molecule is equal to that of an oxygen molecule
47o C is
a) 3K
b) -73K
c) 20K
d) 80K
3. The eq. of state for 5g of oxygen at a pressure P, temperature T, when occupy a volume V will be
a) PV = 5RT
b) PV = 5/2 RT
c) PV = 5/16 RT
d) PV = 5/32 RT
4. Absolute zero is considered at which
a) gas becomes liquid
b) Molecular energy is zero
c) random motion of molecule occurs
d) all molecular motion ceases
5. A polyatomic gas with n degrees of freedom has a mean energy per molecule given by
a) nkT/N
b) nkT/2N
c) nkT/2
d) 3nkT/2
6. The equation of state corresponding to 8g of O 2 is
a) PV = RT
b) PV = 8RT
c) PV = RT / 2
d) PV = RT / 4
7. At absolute zero of temperature
a) the molecular energy is minimum and not zero
b) all the molecules come to rest and have zero energy

275 | P a g e
c) P.E. is zero
d) molecules travel faster
8. The average K.E. of gas molecule is
a) proportional to pressure of gas
b) inversely proportional to volume of gas
c) inversely proportional to absolute temperature of gas
d) proportional to the absolute temperature of gas
9. A gas behaves as an ideal gas a
a) low pressure and high temperature
b) low pressure and low temperature
c) high pressure and low temperature
d) high pressure and high temperature
10. An ideal gas is heated from 27o C to 627o C at constant pressure. If initial volume was 4m2, then
final Volume of gas will be
a) 12 m3
b) 6 m3
c) 4 m3
d) 2 m3


11. Define mean free path of a gas molecule.

12. What do you mean by Brownian motion?
13. Why lighter gas diffuses easily than a heavier gas?
14. Why the molecular motion of the molecules ceases at zero Kelvin?
15. A gas enclosed in a container is heated up. What is effect on the pressure of the gas?
16. What is the effect of the pressure of a gas if it is compressed at constant temperature?
17. Two different gases A and B are in close in two vessels at pressure P1 and P2 respectively .if
temperature of both the gases is same what will be the ratio of the average kinetic energy of the
molecules of gases A and B?

276 | P a g e
18.The ratio of specific heat capacity at constant pressure to the specific heat capacity at constant
volume of a Diatomic gas decreases with the increase in temperature explain why?
19. Root mean square (rms) velocities of gas molecules are comparable to those of a rifle bullets, yet a
gas takes several seconds to diffuse room explain why?
20. If the force of attraction between the molecules suddenly disappeared, will there be any change in
the pressure inside a gas container?


21.There are N molecules of a gas in a container. If the number of molecules is increased to 2N, what
will be,
(i) Pressure of the gas,
(ii) Total energy of the gas and
(iii) R.M.S. of the gas?
22. A gaseous mixture consists of 16g of helium and 16g of oxygen. Find the ratio C P / CV of the
23. Calculate the internal energy of 1g of oxygen at N.T.P.
24.The volume of vessel A is twice the volume of another vessel B, and both of them are filled with the
same gas .If the gas in A is at twice the temperature and twice the pressure in composition to the gas in
B , what is the ratio of the gas molecules in A and B ?

25. Cooking gas container is kept in lorry moving with uniform speed. What will be the effect on
temperature of the gas molecule?
26. When a gas filled in a closed vessel is heated through 1°c, its pressure increases by 0.4 %. What is
the initial temperature of the gas.
27. When a gas is heated, its temperature increases. Explain it on the basis of kinetic theory of gases.
28. When an automobile travels for a long distance the air pressure in the tyres increases slightly.
29. State four factors on which Brownian motion depends.
30. The total translational kinetic energy of the molecules of a gas having volume V and pressure P is
500 J. what will be the total translational kinetic energy of the molecules of the same gas occupying the
same volume V but exerting a pressure 2P?



1. (a)

277 | P a g e
2. (c)
3. (b)
4. (d)
5. (c)
6. (d)
7. (b)
8. (d)
9. (a)
10. (a)


11. It is a defined as an average distance travelled by a gas b etween two successive


12. The random or zigzag motion of small particles suspended in a fluid is called Brownian motion.
13. The rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of the density of a gas.
Since, light a gas has low density than that of a heavier gas, therefore light gas diffuses easily than
heavier gas.
14.We know, kinetic energy of a molecule is proportional to the absolute temperature.
i.e. ½ mv2 proportional T
At T =0
½ mv2 =0 since ½ m not equal 0 therefore, v=0
Thus molecular motion ceases at zero Kelvin.
15. According to kinetic theory of gases, the pressure of a gas is proportional to the absolute
temperature of a gas provided the volume is constant. Thus, the pressure of a gas increases when it is
heated up.
16. According to Boyle‘s law pressure is inversely proportional to volume at constant temperature.
Thus, when the gas is compressed (i.e., volume decreases), the pressure of the gas increases.
17.Average kinetic energy of a molecule of a gas=3/2 K BT. That is, average K.E of a molecule of a gas
depends only e on its temperature but independent of the pressure. Since, temperature of both the
gases is same , so the average kinetic energy of the molecules of both the gases will be same.
18. We know ,y=Cp/Cu =1+ 2/f where f is a degree of freedom of a diatomic gas .The degree of
freedom of a diatomic gas increases with the increase in temperature . soy decreases with increase in

278 | P a g e
19.Gas molecules collide with one another more frequently. Therefore, molecules along a random and
long path to go from one point to another. Hence, gas takes very long time to go from one corner to
another corner of the room.
20. In the absence of the force of attraction between the molecules of the gas comedy molecules of a
gas will hit the walls of the container harder. Hence, the pressure exerted by the gas will increase


21. P=1 mn v2 /3=1 mN v2/ 3 V [n=N/V]

(i) As P directly proportional to N, so the pressure of the gas is doubled when the number of
molecules increased from N to 2N.
(ii) Average K.E. per molecule, 1 mv2/ 2 = 3 KBT/ 2
Total energy of N molecules =1 mNv 2/2=3 KB NT /2
When the number of molecules is increased from N to 2N, total energy of the gas is
doubled, though the average K.E. per molecule remains same.
(iii) The R.M.S. speed remains same because it depends only upon temperature.
22. Number of moles of helium = 16/4 = 4
Number of moles of oxygen = 16/32 = 1/2
For the monoatomic helium gas, degrees of the freedom f =3, so
CV =f/2 R = 3R/2
For the diatomic oxygen gas, f = 5, so
CV =f/2 R = 5R/2
CV (mixture ) = nCV + n‘ C‘V / n + n‘
= 4 x 3/2 R + 1/2 x 5/2 R/ 4 + ½
= 29R/18
(Mixture) = CP/ CV =1 + R / CV (mixture)
= 1 + R / 29R/18 = 1 + 18/29 =47/29 = 1.62.
23. Oxygen is a diatomic gas.
Therefore, Energy associated with 1 mole of oxygen,
U = 5RT/2
Hence internal energy of 1g of oxygen,
u = U/M = 1/32 x 5RT/2
= 5 x8.31 x 273 /64 = 177.2 J.
24. As PV = nRT

279 | P a g e
Therefore, nB =PV/RT and nA = 2P.2V /R.2T =2 PV/RT and nA : nB = 2 : 1.
25. As the lorry is moving with a uniform speed, there will be no change in the translational motion or
K.E. of the gas molecules. Hence the temperature of the gas will remain same. __
26. P‘= P + 0.4/100 P, T‘=T+1
By Gay Lussac‘s law, P/T = [P +0.4/100 P]/T+1
On solving, T = 250 K .
27. When a gas is heated, the root mean square velocity of its molecules increases. As V rms œ √T, so
the temperature of the gas increases .
28. Due to the friction between the tires and the road the tyres get heated. The temperature of the air
inside the tires increase. Consequently, the air pressure in the tyres increases slightly.
29. Factors affecting the Brownian motion. The Brownian motion increases
 With the decrease in size of the suspended particles.
 With the increase in temperature of the fluid.
 With the decrease in density of the fluid.
 With the decrease in viscosity of the fluid.
30. If E is the translational kinetic energy per unit volume
P=2/3E. Or. E=3P/2
Total translational kinetic energy of the volume V is
EV=3PV/2 =500J
When pressure becomes 2P, total translational kinetic energy
=2 x 500=1000J

Challenging questions
1) Two vessels A and B of the same volume are filled with the same gas at same temperature.
The pressure of the gas in vessel B is twice the pressure of the gas in pressure of the gas in A.
What is the ratio of the number of molecules in B and A?
2) A flask contains argon and chlorine in ratio of 2:1 by mass.The temperature of the mixture is
270C.Obtain the ratio of(i) average kinetic energy per molecule,and
(ii) root mean square speed (Vrms) of the molecules of the two

280 | P a g e

281 | P a g e
282 | P a g e
283 | P a g e
284 | P a g e
285 | P a g e
286 | P a g e
1) Definition
a) A particle is said to execute S.H.M.if it moves to and fro about a mean position under the action
of restoring force which is directly proportional to the displacement of the particle from mean
2) graph and important equations in S.H.M.
3) Examples
a) Oscillations of a loaded spring.
b) Vibrations of a tuning fork.

287 | P a g e
c) Vibrations of the balance wheel of a watch.
d) Oscillations of a freely suspended magnet in a uniform magnetic field.
4) Important features
a) The motion of the particle is periodic.
b) Restoring force acting on the particle is proportional to its displacement from the mean position.
c) The force acting on the particle always opposes the increase in its displacement.
d) displacement
e) velocity in SHM
f) Acceleration
5) Periodic Motion
a) Phenomena which repeat after regular intervals of time
b) Examples
c) Rotation of Earth about its axis
d) Revolution of Earth around the Sun
e) Phases of moon repeat after 28 days
f) Motion of Pendulum
g) v) Vibration of atoms and molecules
h) Oscillations of constituents of edium through which a vave probagates
i) Heart beats
j) Characteristics
6) Time Period
7) Frequency
8) Relation T=1/Frequency
9) Displacement variable
10) Physical quantity varies with time
a) Examples
i) velocity
ii) acceleration
iii) Voltage
iv) Current
v) angle
vi) Position
11) Oscillatory Motion
12) Simple Harmonic Motion
a) Restoring Force Proportional to displacement in opposite direction
13) Examples
a) Simple Pendulum
b) Mass attached to free end of vertical spring
c) Mass attached to horizontal spring Condition
d) To and fro motion about mean position

14) Energy in SHM

a) Potetial Energy
b) Kinetic Energy
15) Application
a) Simple Pendulum
16) Expression for Time Period
17) Give Rise to Vibrations
18) Free Vibration
19) Forced Vibration

288 | P a g e
20) Damped Vibration
21) Resonance
22) Periodic Motion
23) Time Period
a) Time taken by particle excecuting SHM to complete one oscillation
24) Frequency
a) Number of complete oscillations performed by particle executing SHM in one second
25) Displacement
a) The distance of the particle executing SHM from its mean position at an instant

Q1.A particle starts S.H.M. from the mean position. Its amplitude is A and time period is T. At the time
when its speed is half of the maximum speed, its displacement y is

(a) A/2 (b) A/ 2

(c) A 3/2 (d) 2A/ 3

Q2. Which of the following equations does not represent a simple harmonic motion.
(a) y = asinωt (b) y = acosωt
(c) y = asinωt + bcosωt (d) y = atanωt
Q3.The restoring force of SHM is maximum when particle
(a) Displacement is maximum
(b) Is half way between the mean and extreme position
(c) Crosses mean position
(d) Is at rest
Q4. A particle is moving in a circle with uniform speed. Its motion is
(a) Periodic and simple harmonic
(b)Periodic but not simple harmonic
(c) A periodic
(d) None of the above
Q5. The velocity of a particle in simple harmonic motion at displacement y from mean position is

(a) ω 𝑎2 + 𝑦 2 (b) ω 𝑎2 − 𝑦 2

(c) ωy (d) ω2 𝑎2 − 𝑦 2
Q6. The maximum velocity and maximum acceleration of a body moving in a simple harmonic oscillator
are 2 m/s and 4 m/s2. Then angular velocity will be
(a) 3 rad/sec (b)0.5 rad/sec

289 | P a g e
(c) 1 rad/sec (d) 2 rad/sec
Q7 . A body executing simple harmonic motion has a maximum acceleration equal to 24 m/s 2 and
maximum velocity equal to16 m/s. The amplitude of simple harmonic motion is
(a) 32/3 meters (b)3/32 meters
c) 1024/9 meters (d) 64/9 meters
Q8. The acceleration of a particle performing S.H.M. is 12 cm/s 2 at a distance of 3 cm from the mean
position. Its time period is
(a) 0.5 s (b) 1.0 s
(c) 2.0 s (d) 3.14 s
Q9. The displacement x ( in meters)of a particle performing simple harmonic motion is related to time t (
in second) as x = 0.05 cos( 4πt + π/4). The frequency of motion will be
(a) 0.5 Hz (b) 1.0 Hz
(c) 1.5 Hz (d) 2.0 Hz
Q10. Acceleration of a particle executing SHM , at its mean position is
(a) Infinity (b) Varies
(c) Maximum (d) Zero


Q1. Is spring constant a dimensional or non-dimensional constant?
Q2. Write the values of amplitude and angular frequency for the following simple harmonic motion.
Y = 0.2 sin(99t + 0.36)
Q3. What is basic condition for the motion of a particle to be SHM?
Q4. When are the displacement and velocity in same direction in SHM?
Q5. When are the velocity and acceleration in the same direction in SHM?
Q6. What is the phase relationship between particle displacement, velocity and acceleration in SHM?
Q7. What is phase difference between the displacement and acceleration of a particle executing SHM?
Q8. Will a pendulum clock loss or gain time when taken to the top of a mountain?
Q9. How would the time period of a spring mass system change, when it is made to oscillate
horizontally, and then vertically?
Q10.What will be the change in time period of a loaded spring, when taken to moon?

290 | P a g e
Q1 Justify the following statements:
(i) The motion of an artificial satellite around the earth cannot be taken as SHM
(ii) The time period of simple pendulum will get doubled if its length is increased four times
Q2. The amplitude of a simple harmonic oscillator is doubled. How does this affect
(i) Maximum velocity (ii) maximum acceleration
Q3. The length of simple pendulum executing SHM is increased by 21%. What is the percentage
increases in the time period of the pendulum of increased length?
Q4 A body oscillate with SHM according to equation:
X(t) =5cos(2πt +5/4)
Where t is in sec and x is in meter. Calculate
(i)Displacement at t =0
(ii) Time period

Q5 Show that if a particle is moving in SHM, its velocity at a distance 3/2 of its amplitude from
central position is half its velocity in central position
Q6.A particle executing linear SHM has a maximum velocity of 40 cm/s and maximum acceleration of
50 cm/s2. Find the amplitude and the period of oscillation
Q7. A simple harmonic motion is described by y = rsinωt. What is the value of displacement y at which
speed of body executing SHM is half of the maximum speed?
Q8. All trigonometric functions are periodic, but only sine or cosine functions are used to define SHM
Q9. The relation between the acceleration and displacement x of a particle executing SHM is
a = -(p/q)y; where p and q are constants. What will be the time period T of the particle?
Q10. A body oscillate with SHM according to the equation
X = ( 5.0 m) cos ( 2π rad/s) t + π/4
At t = 1.5 s, calculate (i) displacement (ii) speed


Q1. (c) A 3/2

Q2. (d) y = atanωt

291 | P a g e
Q3. (a) Displacement is maximum
Q4. (b)Periodic but not simple harmonic

Q5. (b) ω 𝑎2 − 𝑦 2

Q6. (d) 2 rad/sec

Q7. c) 1024/9 meters
Q8. d) 3.14 s
Q9. (d) 2.0 Hz
Q10. (d) Zero


Q1. Spring constant K= F/x = MLT-2/L = ML0T-2
Hence, Spring constant is dimensional constant
Q2. Amplitude a = 0.2 m,
Angular frequency ω = 99 rad/s
Q3. If the restoring force acting on it is directly proportional to displacement from the mean position
i.e. F = -kx
Q4. When particle moves from mean position to extreme position
Q5. When particle moves from extreme position to mean position
Q6. In SHM, the particle velocity leads the displacement in phase by π/2 rad and acceleration leads the
velocity in phase by π/2 rad
Q7. 180° or π radian
. Q8. On the top of the mountain, the values of g is less than that on the surface of the earth. The
decrease in the value of g increases the time period of the pendulum on the top of the mountain. So
pendulum clock loses time
Q9. Time period will remain same for both cases
Q10. Time period of loaded spring is

T= 2π 𝑚/𝑘

As T is independent of g, it will not be affected when the loaded spring is taken to themoon


292 | P a g e
Q1.(i) The motion of an artificial satellite around the earth is periodic as it repeats after a regular
interval of time. But it cannot be taken as SHM because is not a to and fro motion about mean position
(ii) Time period of simple pendulum

T = 2π 𝑙/𝑔 i.e T α 𝑙

Clearly, if length is increased four times, the time period gets doubled
Q2. (i)
vmax = ωA
When amplitude is doubled, maximum velocity is also doubled
amax = ω2A
When amplitude is doubled, the maximum acceleration is also doubled

Q3. Time period, T = 2π 𝑙/𝑔

i.e. T α l1/2
The % increase in time period is
∆T 1 ∆l
X 100 = x x100
𝑇 2 𝑙
=2 x 21%

Q4. (i) Given , X(t) =5cos(2πt +5/4)
We know, , X(t) =Acos(ωt +υ0)
Displacement at t =0
1 5
X(0) =5cosπ/4 = 5 x = m
2 2

(ii) clearly, ω = 2π
2π/T =2π
So, Time period, T = 1 sec
Q5, Here, y = ( 2 ) A

So, v = ω 𝜔 2 − 𝑦 2 = ω 𝐴2 − (4)𝐴2

=1/2 ωA = ´ VMAX
Q6. Maximum velocity, vmax = ω A = 40 cm/s
Maximum aceleration, amax = ω2 A = 50 cm/s2

293 | P a g e
So, amax/ vmax = ω2 A/ ω A= 50/40
ω = 5/4 rad/s
Amplitude, A = Vmax/ω= 40 x 4/5 = 32 cm
Period of oscillation, T = 2π/ω = 2x3.14x4/5 = 5.03 s
Q7. Given, V = ½ vmax

ω 𝑟 2 − 𝑦 2 = ´ x rω
y= xr

Q8. Sine or cosine functions are used to describe SHM because sine and cosine functions can take the
values between -1 and +1 only
Q9. a = - (p/q) y = - ω2 y

So, T = 2π/ω = 2π/ 𝑝/𝑞 = 2π 𝑝/𝑞

Q10. Here, ω = 2π rad/s

T = 2π/ω = 1 s, t = 1.5 s
(i) Displacement,
X = 5.0 cos ( 2π x 1.5 + π/4 )
= 5.0 cos ( 3π + π/4) = - 5.0 cos π/4
= - 5.0 x 0.707 = - 3.535 m
(ii) Velocity,
V = dx/dt = d/dt ( 5.0 cos ( 2πt + π/4)
= - 5.0 x 2π sin( 2πt + π/4)
= - 5.0 x 2 π sin ( 2π x 1.5 + π/4)
= 5.0 x 2 π sin π/4
= 5.0 x 2 x 3.14 x 0.707
= 22.22 m/s

QUESTION BANK 14.7 - 14.10

Multiple choice questions
1.A particle executes SHM with a frequency f. The frequency with which it’s KE oscillates is
(A) f/2 (B) f (C) 2f (D) 4f
2.The work done by the string of a simple pendulum during one complete oscillation is equal to
(A) total energy of the pendulum

294 | P a g e
(B) KE of the pendulum
(C) PE of the pendulum
(D) Zero
3.A loaded vertical spring executes S.H.M. with a time period of 4sec.The difference between the
kinetic energy and potential energy of this system varies with a period of ;
(A)T (B)T/ 𝟐 (C)2T (D) 𝟐 T
4.One end of a light spiral spring is attached to a hook on the ceiling. A mass m kg hung on the
spring stretches it by 10 cm. The mass is pulled down a little and released. The period
oscillation of the system in seconds is (take g = 10 ms–2)
(A) 2πm/5
(B) πm/5
(C) π/5
(D) 5π
5. You know that the period of oscillation T of a mass m attached to a light spring of force
constant k is given byT =2π√(m/k)The period of oscillation of such a spring-mass system is
found to be 2 s. If the period becomes 3 s when the mass is increased by 2 kg, what is the value
of m?
(A) 0.8 kg
(B) 1 kg
(C) 1.2 kg
(D) 1.6 kg
6. A girl is swinging on a swing in the sitting position. If she stands up, the the period of the
swing will
(A) Remain unchanged
(B) Increase
(C) Decrease
(D) Become unpredictable
7. Two simple pendulums of time periods 2.0 s and 2.1s are made to vibrate simultaneously.
They are in phase initially. After how may vibrations, they will be again in the same phase?
(A) 21 (B)25 (C) 30 (D)
8. In case of a forced vibration, the resonance peak becomes very sharp when the
(A) Damping force is small (B) Restoring force is small
(C) Applied periodic force is small (D) Quality factor is small
9. During the phenomenon of resonance
(A) The amplitude of oscillation becomes large
(B) The frequency of oscillation becomes large
(C) The time period of oscillation becomes large
(D) all of these
10.A lightly damped oscillator with a frequency ν is set in motion by a harmonic driving force of
frequency ν’.When ν’ ˂ν, then response of the oscillator is controlled by ,
(A) Spring constant (B) inertia of the mass
(C) Oscillator frequency (D) damping coefficient
1. When is the potential energy and kinetic energy of a harmonic oscillator maximum?
2. On what factors does the energy of a harmonic oscillator depend?
3. The potential energy of a particle in SHM varies periodically. If ν is the frequency of oscillation
of the particle, then what is the frequency of variation of potential energy?

295 | P a g e
4. Two identical springs of force constant k each are connected in series. What will be the
equivalent spring constant?
5. What will be the change in time period of a loaded spring, when taken to moon?
6. What will be the time period of a simple pendulum at the centre of the earth?
7. What will be the effect on the time period, if the amplitude of a simple pendulum increases?
8. A pendulum clock is thrown out of an aeroplane. How will it behave during its free fall in air?
9. A passing aeroplane sometimes causes the rattling of the windows of a house. Why?
10.In damping oscillation, why does the oscillation decrease exponentially?


1. The amplitude of a simple harmonic oscillator is doubled. How does this affect (i) periodic
time, (ii)maximum velocity, (iii)maximum acceleration and (iv)maximum energy?
2. A particle executing SHM of amplitude A. At what displacement from the mean position, is the
energy half kinetic and half potential?
3.A particle executes simple harmonic motion of amplitude A.(i) At what distance from the mean
position is its kinetic energy equal to its potential energy? (ii)At what points is its speed half the
maximum speed?
4. What is simple harmonic motion? Show that motion executed by the bob of the pendulum is
S.H.M. Derive an expression for its time period?
5. Show that the horizontal oscillations of a massless loaded spring are simple harmonic.
Deduce an expression for its time period.
6. A 5 kg collar is attached to a spring of spring constant 500 N m–1. It slides without friction
over a horizontal rod. The collar is displaced from its equilibrium position by 10.0 cm and
released. Calculate (a) the period of oscillation, (b) the maximum speed and (c) maximum
acceleration of the collar.
7. What is the ratio between the potential energy and the total energy of a particle executing
S.H.M., when its displacement is half of its amplitude?
8. What fraction of the total energy is kinetic when the displacement of simple harmonic
oscillator is half of its amplitude?
9. What will be the period of oscillation, if the length of a second’s pendulum is halved?
10.A spring having with a spring constant 1200 N m–1 is mounted on a horizontal table as shown
in Figure. A mass of 3 kg is attached to the free end of the spring. The mass is then pulled
sideways to a distance of 2.0 cm and released.

Determine (i) the frequency of oscillations, (ii) maximum acceleration of the mass, and (iii) the
maximum speed of the mass.


Multiple choice questions
296 | P a g e
1 .(C) , 2. (D) , 3.(D) , 4.(C), 5(D), 6.(C) , 7(A), 8.(A), 9.(A), 10.(A)
1. Potential energy will be maximum at extreme position and kinetic energy will be maximum at
mean position.
2. The energy of a harmonic oscillator depends on its (i)mass (ii)frequency and (iii)amplitude
𝒌𝟏𝒙 𝒌𝟐
4.ks = =k/2
𝒌𝟏 + 𝒌𝟐

5. Time period of a loaded spring T =2π 𝒌
As T is independent of g, hence no effect on it when taken to the moon.
6. At the centre of the earth, g=0, so T =2π = ∞(infinity)
7. The time period of the simple pendulum will remain the same, because time period is
independent of its amplitude.
8. During its free fall in air , the pendulum clock is in a state of weightlessness i.e., g=0.Hence
T =2π = ∞(infinity), The pendulum clock will not oscillate at all.
9. When the frequency of the sound waves from the engine of an aeroplane matches with the
natural frequency of a window, resonance takes place which causes the rattling of window.
10. In damping oscillation decrease in the energy results in a decrease in amplitude of


1. (i) T =2π , hence T will not change on changing the amplitude.

(ii) vmax =ωA, Maximum velocity will be doubled.

(iii) amax = ω2A , The maximum acceleration is also doubled.
(iv) E = 2π2mν2A2 i.e., E α A2
The energy of oscillator becomes four times.
2.As Ek = Ep
𝟏 𝟏
∴ mω2(A2 – y2 ) =𝟐 mω2 y2

OR y =± 𝟐

𝟏 𝟏
3.(i) Ep= 𝟐 ky2 , Ek = k(A2 - y2)

As Ek = Ep
𝟏 𝟏
∴ 𝟐k(A2 – y2 ) =𝟐 ky2

297 | P a g e
OR y =± 𝟐

(ii) v =𝟐 vmax
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
Ek = 𝟐 mv2 = 𝟐m(𝟐 vmax )2 =1/4 (Ek)max
But Ek =𝟐k(A2 - y2) ,
put y=0, (Ek)max = 𝟐 kA2

on solving we get y =± 𝟐

4.Simple Harmonic Motion or SHM

 It is a special case of oscillation along with straight line between the two extreme points
(the path of SHM is a constraint).
 Path of the object needs to be a straight line.
 There will be a restoring force directed towards equilibrium position (or) mean position.
 Mean position in Simple harmonic motion is a stable equilibrium.

Time Period of Simple Pendulum

A point mass m suspended from the end of a light inextensible string whose upper end is fixed
to a rigid support. The mass displaced from its mean position.

Displace the bob to one side by a small distance and let it go .It will executes a to and fro
motion. The forces acting on the bob are the force T, tension in the string and the gravitational
force Fg (= m g), as shown in Fig. The string makes an angle θ with the vertical. We resolve the
force Fg into a radial component Fg cos θ and a tangential component Fg sin θ. The radial
component is cancelled by the tension, since there is no motion along the length of the string.
The tangential component produces a restoring torque about the pendulum’s pivot point.
This torque always acts opposite to the displacement of the bob so as to bring it back towards
its central location.
The restoring torque τ is given by, τ = –L (Fg sinθ )
where the negative sign indicates that the torque acts to reduce θ, and L is the length of the
moment arm of the force Fg sin θ about the pivot point.

298 | P a g e
For rotational motion we have, τ = I α where I is the pendulum’s rotational inertia about the pivot
point and α is its angular acceleration about that point.
Hence we have, –L (Fg sin θ ) = I α
Substituting the magnitude of Fg , i.e. mg, we have, –L m g sin θ = I α
α=- sin θ
if θ is small sinθ = θ
Hence α = - x θ -------- (i)
i.e. acceleration α α - θ
Hence motion will be simple harmonic.
For simple harmonic motion α = - ω2 θ ----- (ii)
Comparing (i) and (ii) we get
ω= 𝑰
and time period T = 𝟐𝝅 𝒎𝒈𝑳

but I = mL2 hence T =𝟐𝝅 𝒈
This is formula for time period of simple pendulum.
5. Horizontal oscillations of a body on a spring: -
The block of mass m is placed on a frictionless horizontal surface. If the block is pulled on one
side and is released, it then executes a to and fro motion about a mean position.

If the displacement of the block from its mean position is x, at any time then the restoring force
F acting on the block is, F (x) = –k x ----- (i)
The constant of proportionality, k, is called the spring constant.
As force is proportional to displacement and act towards mean position, hence motion is SHM.
𝒌 𝒎
ω= and time period T = T =𝟐𝝅
𝒎 𝒌
6. (a) The period of oscillation as given by
𝒎 𝟓
T =𝟐𝝅 = 𝟐𝒙𝟑. 𝟏𝟒 = 0.63 s
𝒌 𝟓𝟎𝟎
(b) The velocity of the collar executing SHM is given by, v(t) = –Aω sin (ωt + υ)
The maximum speed is given by, vm = Aω
𝒌 𝟓𝟎𝟎
= 0.1 × = 0.1 × = 1 m s–1
𝒎 𝟓
and it occurs at x = 0
(c) The acceleration of the collar at the displacement x (t) from the equilibrium is given by,
a (t) = –ω2 x(t) = - –𝒎 x(t)
Therefore, the maximum acceleration is, amax = ω2 A = 𝒙𝟎. 𝟏 = 10m/s

299 | P a g e
and it occurs at the extremities.
𝑷𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒚 𝒎𝝎𝟐 𝒚𝟐
7. = 𝟐𝟏
𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒚 𝒎𝝎𝟐 𝒂𝟐
𝒚𝟐 (𝒂/𝟐)𝟐 𝟏
= 𝒂𝟐 = =1:4
𝒂𝟐 𝟒
𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒚 𝒎𝝎 (𝒂𝟐− 𝒚𝟐 )
8. = 𝟐
𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒚 𝒎𝝎𝟐 𝒂𝟐
When y =a/2 , then a2 – y2 =3a2/4
= 𝟒
=3/4 =3:4
9. From T =𝟐𝝅 𝒈
T2 α l2
𝒍𝟏 𝑻𝟐 𝒍 𝟐𝒙𝟐
= 𝑻𝟏𝟐 or 𝒍/𝟐 = Or T2= 2 s
𝒍𝟐 𝟐 𝑻𝟐𝟐
10.k=1200N/m , m =3.0kg ,A =2.0cm =0.02m

1 𝑘 1 1200
(i) Frequency of oscillation of mass ν =2𝜋 =2𝑥3.14 =3.2s-1
𝑚 3.0

𝑘 1200
(ii)Angular frequency ω = = =20s-1
𝑚 3.0

Maximum acceleration of the mass = ω2A =(20)2x0.02 =8.0ms-2

(iii)Maximum speed of the mass =ω A =20x0.02 =0.40ms -1
Challenging questions

3) What is the unit of Phase?

4) A particle executes SHM of amplitude ‗A‘. At what distance from the mean position

Its KE=PE?

5) All trigonometric functions are periodic but only sine or cosine functions are used to define
simple harmonic motion why?
6) the pendulum clock loose the time when taken to the top of a mountain justify.

7) Why do tuning forks have two prongs?

8) Find the displacement of a simple harmonic oscillator at which its PE is half of the maximum
energy of the oscillator.

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Wave Propagation

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Wave is a flow or transfer of energy in the form of oscillation through a medium – space or mass.

Amplitude , A
Wavelength , ʎ
Period , T
Frequency , f
Intensity , I
Speed , v

Types of Waves
Mechanical wave
A mechanical wave is a wave that is an oscillation of matter and is responsible for the transfer of
energy through a medium.

Transverse Wave
A transverse wave is a moving wave whose oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of the wave
or path of propagation. For example: Waves formed on water surface


Longitudinal Wave
In this type of wave, the movement of the particle are parallel to the motion of the energy i.e. the
displacement of the medium is in the same direction to which the wave is moving. Example – Sound
Waves, Pressure Waves.

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Progressive Waves
A progressive wave is defined as the onward transmission of the vibratory motion of a body in an
elastic medium from one particle to the successive particle.

Electromagnetic wave
waves that are created as a result of vibrations between an electric field and a magnetic field. For
example Light waves, X-rays, micro waves

Matter wave
Wave associated with moving particles.e.g Electron, proton. Also called De-Broglie Wave
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Longitudinal stationary waves Stationary waves Have same amplitude frequency travel with same
speed along same
line in opposite direction
transverse stationary waves
Interference of waves May have may not same amplitude frequency travel with same
speed along same line in same direction
Used to find unknown frequency Two sound waves of nearly same frequency amplitude travel in
Principle of superposition of waves
same direction
Used to tune musical instruments Subtopic
Alternate variation in the intensity of sound with time at particular position Applications of beats

 Wave Motion: A disturbance from an equilibrium condition that propagates from one region to

 Mechanical Waves/Elastic Waves: Require a medium for propagation. E.g- Sound waves,
waves on surface of water.

 Electromagnetic Waves: Do not require any medium for propagation. E.g- Microwaves, X-

 Matter Waves: Waves associated with particles such as electron, protons.

 Characteristics of Wave Motion:

1. The particles of the medium vibrate about their mean position.
2. Energy and momentum are transferred from one point to another without any actual
transfer of the particles of the medium.
3. A regular phase difference between the particles of the medium.
4. The velocity with which wave travels is different from the velocity of the particles with
which they vibrate about their mean.
5. The velocity of the particle is maximum at the mean position and zeroes at the
extreme position.
6. For a given medium the velocity of the wave motion remains constant,

 Terms to define Wave motion:

Amplitude (A):Maximum displacement of any particle of the medium from its equilibrium position.

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Wavelength (λ): distance between two consecutive particles of the medium which are in the same

Period (T): Time taken by any particle of the medium to complete one vibration during a period (T).

Frequency (f): Number of vibrations made per second by any particles of the medium (f = 1/T).

Intensity(I):speed Power delivered per unit area

Speed(v):at which peaks (or troughs) move.

Phase(Φ): All points on a wave which are in the same state of vibration are called to be in same phase.

 Longitudinal Waves: Particles of the medium oscillate along the direction of propagation e.g
sound waves, compressional waves in a spring.

 Compression:Region in a longitudinal (sound) wave where the particles are closest together.

 Rarefaction:Region in a longitudinal (sound) wave where the particles are furthest apart.

 Transverse Waves: Particles of the medium oscillate at right angle to the direction of
propagation. E.g waves in a stretched string.

 Crest: Elevation or the hump, point on transverse wave where the displacement of the medium
is maximum.

 Trough: Depression or hollow, point on transverse wave where the displacement of the
medium is least.

 Speed of Transverse Waves: 𝜼/𝝆

 Speed of Longitudinal Wave : 𝑬/𝝆

 Standing Waves: Do not travel and remain confined between the medium.

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 Progressive Wave:Which travels continuously in a medium in the same direction without the
change in its amplitude

 Progressive Wave Equation(the displacement of a sinusoidal wave traveling in the x-

direction (positive):
y = a sin(kx – ωt + υ)
a : amplitude of the wave,
k: angular wave number ,
ω: angular frequency.
υ : phase constant.

 Newton’s Formula for Speed of sound in a Gas:

Newton assumed propagation of sound in gas takes place under isothermal condition:
v = 𝑷/𝝆

 Laplace’s Correction for Speed of sound in a Gas:

Propagation takes place under adiabatic conditions:

v = 𝜰𝑷/𝝆

 Effect of external factors on the velocity of sound waves:

1. Pressure :No effect of change of pressure at constant temperature.

2. Density: Inversely proportional to the square root of the density of the gas.

3. Temperature: Velocity of sound increases by 0.61 m/s for every one degree centigrade rise of
temperature.This is called Temperature Coefficient of velocity of sound.

4. Humidity: Sound travels faster in moist air than in dry air.

5. Wind: If wind blows in direction of the sound, the velocity of the sound is increased or if the
wind blows in opposite direction, velocity is decreased.

 Application of Waves:
Waves have applications in almost every field of everyday life:
1. Radio waves are used for communications and radar
2. Sound waves, the principal example of which is hearing
3. Microwaves are used to cook your food.
4. X-Rays are widely used in medical diagnosis

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5. Infrared waves are used in remote controls and are emitted from all warm objects, allowing
them to be used to create heat-sensitive cameras

Waves up to Laplace correction
10 MCQ Questions:

Q1. The phenomena of sound propagation in air is

(a) Isothermal process
(b) Adiabatic process
(c) Isobaric process
(d) Isochoric process
Q2. The speed of sound in air is affected by the change in
(a) Amplitude
(b) Wavelength
(c) Frequency
(d) Temperature
Q3. The temperature at which speed of sound in air become double of its value at 27-degree celsius is
(a) 54 degree Celsius
(b) 327 degree celsius
(c) 927 degree celsius
(d) 1000 degree celsius
Q4. Transverse wave can be polarised but longitudinal wave cannot be polarized. Which of the
following cannot be polarized?
(a) Light
(b) U-V light
(c) Radio waves
(d) Sound waves
Q5. Which one of the following statements is true?
(a) Both light waves and sound waves are longitudinal
(b) Both light and sound waves can travel in vacuum
(c) Both light and sound waves are transverse
(d) Sound waves in air are longitudinal while the light waves are transverse
Q6. The angle between particle velocity and wave velocity in a transverse wave is
(a) 0
(b) Pie/4
(c) Pie/2
(d) Pie
Q7. Water waves are
(a) Longitudinal wave
(b) Transverse wave
(c) Neither longitudinal nor transverse waves

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(d) Combination of longitudinal and transverse
Q8. Mechanical transverse wave can propagate only in that medium which has rigidity or elasticity of
shape.Mechanical transverse wave can travel
(a) In solids,liquids and gases
(b) In solids,liquids
(c) In solids and on the surfaces on liquids
(d) In solids and gases
Q9. Wave is a disturbance which travels through a material medium due to the repeated periodic
motion of the particles of the medium about their mean positions. In a wave motion, what is transferred
from one place to another place in the medium
(a) Matter
(b) Momentum
(c) Energy
(d) Both
Q10. The velocity of sound is v at 273K. The temperature at which it is 2v is
(a) 1.414 X 273 K
(b) 2 X 273 K
(c) 8 X 273 K
(d) 4 X 273K

Answer of MCQS
1. (b)
2. (d)
3. (c)
4. (d)
5. (d)
6. (c)
8. (c)
9. (c)
10. (d)

Q1. What do mechanical waves transfer:energy, information or none
Q2. What are matter waves?
Q3. Among solids, liquids and gas, in which type of media, longitudinal waves can be transmitted ?
Q4. When a wire of sonometer is plucked, what is the nature of the waves in (I) the string (ii) in air?

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Q5. What is the minimum distance between two points in a wave having a phase difference 2pie?
Q6. What is the phase difference between two nearest crests?
Q7. A harmonic wave travelling in a medium has a period T and wave length lambda. How lambda and
T related?
Q8. A harmonic wave travelling in a medium has a period T and wave length lambda. How far does the
wave travel in the time T?
Q9. What is the increase in the speed of sound in air when the temperature of air rises by 1 degree
Q10. If the tension of a stretched wire is increased to 4 times,how does the wave speed change?
SAQ (2marks)
Q1. Derive a relation between wave velocity, frequency and wavelength.
Q2. Write Newton‘s formula for the speed of sound in air. What was wrong with this formula? What
correction was made by Laplace in this formula.
Q3. Discuss the effect of the temperature and density on the velocity of sound in air.
Q4. What is the effect of (I) frequency (ii) amplitude, on the speed of sound in air?
Q5. What is wave motion? Derive the equation of a harmonic wave.
Q6. What are stationary waves? State the necessary condition for the formation of stationary waves.
Q7. Write any three characteristics of stationary waves.
Q8. State the laws of vibrations of stretched strings.
Q9. Give any three differences between progressive waves and stationary waves.
Q10. Write Newton-Laplace equation for the speed of sound in air. Name two factors which affect the
speed of sound in air.

VSA answer

1. Energy and information.

2. Matter waves are the waves associated with moving electrons,protons, neutrons and other
fundamental particles, and even atoms and molecules.
3. In all three type of media I.e, solids, liquids and gases.
4. The waves produced in the string are transverse and that in the air are longitudinal.
5. One wavelength.
6. The phase difference between two nearest crests is 2pie rad.
7. By definition, the wave will travel lambda in time T.
8. The speed of sound increases by 0.61 m/s for every 1 degree rise in temperature of the air.
9. Minimum frequency v = 1/2L root under T/m

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10 . As v is directly proportional to the root under T, the wave speed becomes double of the original

SAQ(2 marks)
1.The relationship of the speed of sound, its frequency, and wavelength is the same as for all waves:
vw = fλ, where vw is the speed of sound, f is its frequency, and λ is its wavelength

2. Newton‘s formula v =√(p/p)

Laplace corrected formula v =√(yr/p)
Laplace's correction to Newton's formula was that isothermal conditions were to prevail when sounds
travels through air, Newton has applied Boyle's law to the changes in pressure and volume
3 The speed of sound depends on both the elasticity and density of the medium. When the elasticity
increases and density decreases of a medium, sound is allowed to travel faster. Higher temperatures
lower the density of a medium, which puts less resistance on the sound waves and allows the sound to
travel faster.
4 .(1) The greater the density of a medium, the slower the speed of sound. This observation is
analogous to the fact that the frequency of a simple harmonic motion is inversely proportional to the
mass of the oscillating object. The speed of sound in air is low, because air is compressible.
(2) The amplitude of a wave does not affect the speed at which the wave travels.

5. y = a sin (ωt – ∅). Where, ∅ is the phase difference between O and P. This is the equation of
a one-dimensional simple harmonic progressive wave travelling along the positive x-axis in terms of
the period of the wave. This is an expression for a simple harmonic progressive wave in terms of
frequency of a wave.
6. Standing wave, also called stationary wave, combination of two waves moving in opposite
directions, each having the same amplitude and frequency. The phenomenon is the result of
interference; that is, when waves are superimposed, their energies are either added together or
cancelled out.

7. (i) in stationary waves, the disturbance does not advance forward. The conditions of crest and
trough merely appear and disappear in fixed position to be followed by opposite condition after every
half time period. (ii) The distance between two successive nodes or antinodes is equal to half the
wavelength. (iii) The amplitude varies gradually from zero at the nodes to the maximum at the
8.The length of length: The fundamental frequency is inversely proportional to the resonating length, L
of the string. ...
(ii)The law of tension: The fundamental frequency is directly proportional to the square root of
the stretching force or tension.

9.1) Progressive waves are the ones by which all the wave disturbances are carried on further and
propelled or transferred forward.

311 | P a g e
1) Stationary waves are the ones by which all the wave disturbances are not carried on further and
propelled or transferred forward.

2) In Progressive waves the energies are equally and efficiently transferred along the travelling
waves. Every particle are transferring some kind of energy to a next further particle on the same path,
basically most of the energies are lost because of which there's no energy acquired by it.

2) In Stationary or standing waves there's no absolute transfer of any significant amount of energies
which are not transferred along a path of the wave. Particles in stationery waves are giving and
contributing in energy submission and also acquire some of the energy back because of which the net
transferring of energies between the particles in a specific period as nullified.

3) Phases of the progressive waves of the particles in these waves are varying in a continuous
manner and have changing values between them.

3) Phases of the Stationary or standing waves of the particles in these waves are not changing and
always same to the contrary opposite when placed between the consecutively running sets of nodes
(Between two nodes of particles).

4) Progressive waves have no particles which show they're having a rest phase or a permanent rest
phase in a medium (particle medium).

4) Stationary waves have significant number of particles of the medium to show that there having a
rest phase or a permanent rest phase at the nodes of those particles.

5) Amplitudes of Progressive waves are totally and completely different particles are neutral and are
having same values.

5) Amplitudes of Stationary or Standing waves of the particles in between those two consecutively
sets of nodes in between them and antinodes provided are having different values and vary much
more progressively.

6) All of the particles in Progressive waves containing it don't especially cross their given mean
positions in a simultaneous manner.

6) All of the particles in Stationary waves containing it frequently and steadily cross their given mean
positions in a simultaneous manner.

7) In Progressive waves the particles don't show any attainment of a displacement provided in a
maximum amount in a simulation‘s manner.

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7) In Stationary waves the particles are showing and exhibiting the attainments of various
displacements in a maximum amount in a simultaneous manner.

8) Maximum velocities achieved by Progressive waves are indeed same or similar for all the given
particles when they're showing a passing of those given mean positions.

8) Maximum velocities achieved by Stationary waves of those particles when they're crossing their
given mean positions are in a continuity of increasement for those particles between those "nodes"
and of course the consecutively set "antinodes" further which it's showing a significant decrease after
it corresponds and reaches the second or usually the next nearest node.

9) Progressive waves have crest and troughs in their waves that're moving into a forward direction.

9) Stationary waves have crest and troughs in their waves that're appearing and disappearing in
same positions or regions that is , not moving forward in a same direction.
10. v = √γRT/Vρ = √γRT/M
Two main factors affect the speed of sound: the material that makes up the medium—such as air or
water—and the temperature. If we know the medium and the temperature, however, we can predict the
speed of sound.
Multiple Choice Question
1. In a Stationary wave
(a) Particle at all antinodes vibrate in the same phase
(b) Particles at all nodes vibrate in the same phase
(c) All particles between neighboring nodes vibrate in the same phase.
(d) All particles between neighboring antinodes vibrate in the same phase.
2. A whistle producing sound waves of frequencies 9500 Hz and above is approaching a
stationary person with speed v m/s. The velocity of sound in air is 300 m/s. If the person can
hear frequencies upto a maximum of 10000 Hz, the maximum value of v upto which he can
hear the whistle is
(a) 15 m/s (b) 30 m/s (c) 15√2 m/s (d) 15/√2 m/s
3. A transverse wave propagating along x-axis is represented by
Y(x,t) = 0.8 Sin ( 0.5 Π x - 4Πt –Π/4 )
where x is in meter and t is in second. The speed of the wave is
(a) 4Π m/s (b) 0.5 Π m/s (c) Π/4 m/s (d) 8 m/s
4. Two sound waves with wavelength 5 m and 5.5 m respectively, each propagate in a gs with
velocity 330 m/s. We expect the following number of beats per second:
(a) 12 (b) 0 (c) 1 (d) 6
5. The displacement of a particle executing periodic motion is given by
Y= 4 Cos2(t/2) Sin(1000t)
This expression may be considered to be a result of superposition of
(a) Two wave (b) Three wave (c) Four wave (d) five wave

313 | P a g e
6. An observer moves towards a stationary source of sound, with a velocity one-fifth of the
velocity of sound. What is the percentage increase in the apparent frequency?
(a) 5% (b) 20% (c) zero (d) 0.5%
7. The equation of a simple harmonic wave is given by y=6 Sin 2Π (2t – 0.1x), where x and y are
in mm and t is in second. The phase difference between two particles 2 mm apart at any instant
(a) 18 (b) 36 (c) 54 (d) 72
8. Three sound wave of equal amplitudes have frequencies (v-1), v , (v+1). They superpose to
give beats. The number of beats produced per second will be:
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1
9. The driver of a car travelling with speed 30 m/s towards a hill sounds a horn of frequency 600
Hz. If the velocity of sound in air is 330m/s, the frequency of reflected sound as heard by driver
(a) 550 Hz (b) 5505 Hz (c) 720 Hz (d) 500 Hz
10. A vehicle with a horn of frequency n is moving with a velocity of 30 m/s in a direction
perpendicular to the straight line joining the observer and the vehicle. The observer receives
the sound to have a frequency n+n 1. Then (if the sound velocity in air is 300m/s)
(a) n1 = 10 n (b) n1=0 (c) n1= 0.1 (d) n1 = -0.1n

1.c 2.a 3.d 4.d 5.b 6.b 7.d 8.c 9.c 10.b
Very Short Answer Questions

1. Two sound sources produce 12 beats in 4s. By how much do their frequencies differ?
2. Is it possible to have interference between the waves produced by two violins?
3. What is the effect of pressure on the velocity of sound waves?
4. What is the distinguishing feature between a sound and its echo?
5. Why bells are made of metal and not wood?
6. The diameter of a stretched wire is halved. What would be the effect on the wave speed?
7. The frequency of the first overtone of a closed organ pipe is the same as that of the first
overtone of an open pipe. What is the ratio between their lengths?
8. Why a stationary wave is so named?
9. Two identical sound wave pass through at a point with a phase difference of 180. Whether
the interference at that point will be constructive or destructive?
10. Why is it not possible to have interference between the waves produced by two violins?

Solutions of Very Short Answer type Question

1. Number of beats per second = 12/4=3
2. No
3. There is no effect.
4. Loudness
5. This is because wood has high damping

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6. It would be doubled.
7. 3:4
8. A stationary wave is so named because there is no net propagation of energy.
9. Destructive
10. This is because the sounds produced will not have a constant phase relationship.

Short Answer Questions – Each Question Carries 2 Marks

Q1. What is the longest wavelength possible when the air column in a closed pipe of length 20
cm vibrates?
Q2. What is the longest wavelength that can produce a stationary wave in an open tube of
length 10cm?
Q3. When are the tones called harmonics?
Q4. Mention one condition when Doppler effect in Sound is not applicable.
Q5. What will be the effect on the frequency of the sonometer wire if the load stretching the
sonometer wire is immersed in water?
Q6. The weight suspended from a sonometer wire is increased by a factor of 4. Will the
frequency of the wire be increased exactly by a factor of 2? Justify your answer.
Q7. Why the bells of colleges and temples are of large size?
Q8. An organ pipe is in resonance with a tuning fork. If air of the organ pipe is replaced by
hydrogen, then how should the length of the pipe be changed for resonance?
Q9. An organ pipe is in resonance with a tuning fork. If pressure of air in the pipe is increased
by a factor of 1.3, then how should the length be changed for resonance?
Q10. Can you notice Doppler effect if both the listener and the source of sound are moving with
the same velocity in the same direction?

Solutions of Short Answer type Question

1. For longest wavelength, we need to consider the fundamental mode of vibration.
λ/4 =20 cm
λ = 80 cm
2. For longest wavelength, we shall consider the fundamental note
λ/2 = 10cm
λ = 20 cm
3. The tones are called harmonics if the frequencies of the fundamental tone and other overtones
produced by a source of sound are in harmonic series.
4. The Doppler effect in sound is not valid when the velocity of the source or listener exceeds the
velocity of sound.
5. Due to the upthrust experienced by the load, the effective weight shall decrease. The tension
shall decrease. So, the frequency shall decrease.
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6. No. There will a slight increase in the length of the wire. So, the frequency shall become slightly
less than double.
7. Larger the area of the source of sound, more is the energy transmitted into the medium.
Consequently, the intensity of sound is more and loud sound is heard.
8. The velocity of sound shall increase. The frequency shall increase. In order to lower the
frequency, the length of the pipe shall have to be increased.
9. The velocity of sound is independent of pressure. So, there is no change in frequency. Thus,
there is no need to change the length of the pipe.
10. No, this is because there is no relative motion between the source of sound and listener.

Challenging questions
1) What is Sound Lens?
2) Which type of hearing device will be required on the surface of moon for talking to each other
and why?

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