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Specimen / Template of Letter of Acceptance / Permission Letter

Name of Industry
Logo of Industry Phone No.
Email id and Website
Registration No.

Ref. No. _________________ Dated _________________


Head, Industrial Liaison & Training Cell (ILTC)

Department of Technology
The University of Lahore
1-Km Defense Road Campus, Lahore
Ph No.: 042-35963421-30 Ext.

Letter of Acceptance
Regarding Industrial Training / Internship for Fall 2023

Dear Sir,
I am writing this letter in response to application(s) from the following student(s) regarding
subject matter.

Sr. # Student Name Registration No. Degree Name


I am pleased to inform you that above mentioned student(s) is(are) accepted to join our
organization as Trainee Engineer or Trainee Engineering Technologist for the period of at least 12 to
14 weeks starting from ___________ to ___________ under the Trainer, Engineer or Engineering
Technologist Mr. (Name, Designation, Cell No., Email Id.) at the Industry_______________________.

(Terms and Conditions may be added here (if any))

I am looking forward to strengthen the Academia-Industrial Linkage.


Sign and Stamp of Company

(Name of Manager HR / Admin)

Ph. No.
Cell No.
Email Id.

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