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Lesson 1:

Information Age(Computer Age) - 21st century historic period marked by rapid technological
advancements in communication and information technology.

* Transformed society making information easily accessible through computers and the internet, leading
to changes in how people work, learn, shop, and entertain themselves.

* This era brought about a time period in which people could access information and knowledge easily.
As in the field of literature, the renaissance influenced this age by creating the idea inventions that lead
to modern ones.

*Information age - referred to people

Four Periods of the Information Age

* Pre- Mechanical - 400 BC 1450 A.D

* Mechanical - 1450 - 1940

* Electro- Mechanical - 1840 - 1940

* Electronic/Information - 1940 Present

Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates - These entrepreneurs usher in personal computers and bringing
power to the masses.

Alexander Graham Bell - revolutionized communication with the invention of the telephone which
enabled real-time, long-distance conversations.

Blaise Pascal - French mathematician laid the groundwork for computing by inventing the first digital
calculator in the 17th century.

Internet - developed during 1970s. Used mainly by scientists to communicate with another scientist in
the past.

World Wide Web - In 1990s, It was developed mainly for commercial purpose. New service were created
to sell products.

Claude Shannon - Father of the Information Age. He is mathematical work laid in the foundations for the
digital revolution.


*Globalization - bringing the world closer together. Enables countries to share ideas and information
quickly and efficiently.

*Communication - It enabled face-to-face communication from different parts of the world.

*Cost Effectiveness - It led to the computerization of business processes, increases productivity, and
resulting more profits, better pay and improved working conditions.

*Creation of New Jobs - created various new Job opportunities, including computer programmers,
system analysis, hardware and software developers and web designers.


transformation of Education - making learning more accessible and interactive.

Integration into Daily Life - Impacting how people live, work, and play and changed the way people
perform tasks and access information.

Technological Innovation - They are driving forces behind the changes brought by IT. New Inventions and
developments continue to shape our society and economy.

Increased Power and Affordability. enhances their role as Information processing tools. This accessibility
has allowed a broader range of people to benefit from IT.

Lesson 2: Gene Therapy and Lesson 3: Biodiversity and Healthy Society

Heredity - Involves the transmission of traits from parents to offspring through asexual or sexual

The study of Heredity is Biology of Genetics

Gene Therapy - introduction, removal, change of genetic material, specifically DNA (deoxyribonucleic
Acid) or RNA (ribonucleic acid), in the person.

* They are investigational treatments meaning, their safety and long-term effects are still being
studied in clinical trials.

*Replace a non-working gene with a working copy.

Mutation - person is born with a gene that does not work properly.

* It doesn't allow the gene to give the right direction to the body. Gene mutations can cause

Drug gene - introduced the cell nucleus and there it will compensate for the defective function.

Genes - provide instructions for cells to make proteins. Carry information that determines your traits,
such as hair color. It is inherited from a person's mother or father.

DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid, material that makes up genes. It is inherited from a person's mother or

Gene Mutation - permanent change of DNA that differs from what is found in most people. It can cause
genes to stop working or to work incorrectly.

Proteins - molecules in the body that do most of the work in cells.

Vector - helps carry the gene into the cell during gene therapy. Usually, a virus that has been changed so
it does not cause infection.

Adeno-associated Virus (AAV) - used in gene therapy to carry genetic information into a cell. It is
changed so that it cannot make copies of itself.

Cells - basic building blocks of all living things

Different Types of Gene Therapy:

Gene replacement therapy - Also called gene transfer were a working copy of gene into the cell to do
the job that the missing or mutated gene could not do.

Gene Silencing - Gene that can stop genetic instructions in a cell from producing a protein that causes

Scientists can add new - Gene to cells using gene therapy to help treat complex diseases.

Gene editing - When scientists add, remove, or change the DNA of a specific cell or cells in the body to
correct an existing gene mutation.

Genetic Engineering - or genetic modification, the process of altering DNA.

Discrete - refers to the concept that genes are always located at some point or (locus) on chromosome.

Alleles - pairs of genes exerting parallel control over traits, and they come in two types. Dominant and

Common Genetic Disorder:

1. Down Syndrome - also known as trisomy 21. caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21, leading to
characteristic physical features, intellectual disabilities of varying degrees, and potential health issues.

2. Sickle Cell Disease - affects red blood cells, causing them to become misshapen and break down more
easily, leading to various health complications.

3.Phenylketonuria (PKU) - rare genetic disorder in which the body cannot properly metabolize an amino
acid called phenylalanine. It can be harmful to our brain.

4. Hemophilia - a deficiency in certain blood clotting factors which are proteins that help control
bleeding. It leads to prolonged bleeding after injuries or surgeries.

Cells - store and utilize coded Information encoded in DNA to produce the numerous proteins essential
for their functioning.

Chromes - cells hold thousands of these codes.

*DNA is responsible for creating at least one complete protein, which, in turn, contributes to the
expression of specific traits in the cell and the organisms.
*The particular sequence of nitrogenous based adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine (A, T, C, and G)
comprises a strand of DNA and provides the type of chemical code that is understood by the chemical
mechanisms of the cell.

*Only 61 of the 64 codons are used to specify which of the 20 amino acids is next to be added.

Genome - An organism's complete set of genetic instructions. Each contains all of the information
needed to build that organism and allow it to grow and develop.

*Our Genome is approximately 3 million base pairs long and is packaged into 23 pairs of chromosomes.

Genetic Code - set of instructions that direct the translation of DNA into 20 amino acids. It is made up of

Gene - A Gene is a sequence of DNA or RNA That codes for a molecule that has a function the
transmission of genes to an organism's offspring is the basis of the inheritance of Phenotypic traits.

DNA - a molecule composed of two chains which coil around each other to form a double Helix carrying
the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning of all known living organisms.



Lesson 4: Nano World

Nano(n) - unit prefix meaning one billionth. A primarily with a metric system, this prefix denotes a factor
of 10^-9 or 0.000000001.

Science - systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world.

Technology - application of scientific knowledge


Richard Feynman - His talk "Plenty of room on the Bottom" on Dec 29, 1959 made roadmap for
nanotechnology. He predicted technology will become much smaller and faster as time pass by.

*On his talk, he envisioned the potential of manipulating individual atom and molecules to
create new materials and devices.

Norio Taniguchi - Professor of Tokyo University of Science. The term "nano technology" describes
semiconductor processes such as thin film deposition and ion beam milling exhibiting deposition and ion
beam milling exhibiting characteristic control on the order of a nanometer.

* He predicted correctly that techniques would have evolved to a degree that dimensional
accuracies to better than 100 nm would be achievable.
Erick Drexler - Proposed the idea of building incredibly small machines and materials.

*Nanotechnology - known for his groundbreaking concept

*Engines of Creation - His influential book introduced this idea to the world.

Nanotechnology and Nanoscience got a boost in the early 1980's with two major developments: the
birth of cluster science and the invention of the Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM). These
developments led to the discovery of Fullerenes in 1985 and the structural assignment of carbon
nanotubes a few years later.

Scanning Tunneling Microscope - instrument for imaging surface at the atomic level developed in 1891
by Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohner at IBM Zurich Research Laboratory.

Gerd Binnig - A German physicist, renowned for groundbreaking work in nano technology. Received the
Nobel Price for their joint STM with Rohrer

Heinrich Rohrer - Swiss Physicist that also received half of the Nobel Prize for their joint STM.

Don M. Eigler - Associated with the IBM Almaden Research Center, noted for his achievements in

*He built his STM to visualize and experiment with individual molecules and atoms, he
discovered that it was possible to slide individual atoms across a surface using the tip of his STM. He
wrote the letters "IBM" with 35 xenon atoms, each positioned with atomic-scale precision.

Early Nanotechnology Application in 2000's

*Sunscreen and Cosmetics - Nanoparticles of materials like titanium dioxide and zinc oxide were used in
sunscreen and cosmetics to provide enhanced UV protection and improved texture in cosmetic products.

* Food Products - Nanoparticles of substances like titanium dioxide and zinc oxide were also used in
certain food products, mainly to improve their appearance and texture.

*Food Packaging: Silver nanoparticles were applied in food packaging materials to extend the shelf life of
food products by inhibiting microbial growth and providing antimicrobial properties.

*Carbon nanotubes - were utilized to create stain-resistant textiles, making clothing more resistant to
stains and easier to clean.

*Disinfectants: Silver nanoparticles found application in disinfectants and cleaning products due to their
antimicrobial properties.


*Medicine and Healthcare

-Drug Delivery, Cancer Treatment, Diagnostic Tools and Regenerative Medicine.

*Electronics and Computing

-Nanoelectronics: Development of smaller, more efficient electronic components, such as transistors,
memory devices, and sensors.


-Nanoelectronics: Development of smaller, more efficient electronic components, such as transistors,

memory devices, and sensors.

*Environmental Remediation

-Nanotechnology can be used to remove pollutants and contaminants from water and soil, offering
solutions for environmental cleanup.

* Food and Agriculture

-Nanotechnology can enhance food packaging, food safety, and the development of agricultural
products with improved properties.

* Water Purification

-Nanomaterials can be used in advanced filtration and purification systems to provide clean drinking

* Space Exploration

-Nanotechnology can be used in spacecraft construction and propulsion systems for space exploration
and travel.

* Consumer Products

-Nanotechnology is already present in many consumer products, such as electronics, cosmetics, and
clothing, and its applications in this sector are likely to expand further.


-The development of nanoscale devices and therapies for precise medical interventions and treatments.

*Environmental Monitoring

-Nano sensors can monitor and detect environmental parameters, helping in pollution control and
environmental protection.

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