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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree
in English Language Education

Blasius Banu Suryaleksana
Student Number: 191214030




To my (late) father and mother,

They are the biggest reason for me to stay intense and persistent.



First, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my almighty God Jesus

Christ. I thank Him because His remarkable blessings and opportunities have

encouraged me to learn many things in this beautiful life. I am also thankful for

the challenges given to me, which indirectly sharpen me to become a strong, rigid,

and unyielding personality.

Second, I thank my beloved campus Sanata Dharma University. It is an

excellent place to study, dig into my potential, and have as many experiences as

possible. Additionally, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to spend time with

compassionate lecturers and supportive friends during my tenure as they have

profoundly enriched my life over the past four years.

Third, I desire to express my deep gratitude to my late father Martinus

Suharjo and my beloved mother Katarina Kristiyani, who have been my great

spirit to undergo my studies and given me endless love for me. Moreover, I am

also so grateful to have my two siblings Maria Gishella Ajeng Puspitasari and

Marcellinus Estu Priya Kurniadi as well as my brother in law Andreas Ertinus

Indrajat, who have supported and always been by my side in any situation. My

gratitudes continue to my 'second' parents Albertus Yuono and Bernadetha

Hadiyani, who never tire of helping me wherever and whenever I am. I also thank

my two splendid cousins Sebastianus Wisnu Wardhana and Kresentia Ayu

Kusuma Wardhani, who have been a great place to seek happiness.

Fourth, I thank Veronica Triprihatmini, M.Hum., M.A., as my thesis

advisor since the research proposal class. Her patience and guidance encouraged

me to think critically and learn independently to show my best in this research.



Moreover, I would like to deliver my special thanks to Dr. Yulius Sunardi, SCJ,

M.S. Ph.D., as the validator who has given valuable time to help me in the field of

psychology so that I can present my thesis on the right track. My deep gratitude

also goes to my academic advisor Rina Astuti Purnamaningwulan, M.Hum, who

has given me much advice and guided me through my studies at Sanata Dharma

University. Not only that, I express my big thanks to my friends on campus,

especially The Money Makers members: Tata, Vita Keren, Vina, Benny, Aryo,

and Teddy, as well as my best friend Rico, who have given me so many

unforgettable memories and experiences during studying at the campus.

Fifth, I would like to thank my special one Marta Lucitania Wicahya, for

being a person I love. I thank her since she is always energized by listening to my

stories and is always ready to give me any suggestions to make my thesis better.

She also always encourages me to focus on reaching my goals bravely and

reminds me that all things will be well. I hope she and I always be together to

make more great memories in the future.

Ultimately, I thank everyone who consistently helps and prays for me to

finish my study and thesis. I cannot mention those people individually, but I will

never forget their kindness and affection. Hopefully, may God bless us in a good

and happy condition.



Suryaleksana, Blasius Banu. (2023). An Analysis of Antagonist’s Personality

Development in Alex Kurtzman’s The Amazing Spider-Man Movie Script. English
Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts
Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Yogyakarta: Sanata
Dharma University.

This research focuses on the personality development of the antagonist in

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie. The development of the antagonist is
exceedingly unpredictable since he transforms himself from an ordinary person to
a villain. Therefore, this research is intended to analyze his personality
development and investigate the factors which affect it.
This research formulates two research questions. The first question is:
How is the antagonist's personality developed in The Amazing Spider-Man 2
movie script? The second question is: What factors influence the antagonist's
personality development in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie script?
The psychological approach is applied since this research intends to
analyze the personality development of a character. The primary source of this
research is The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie script. The other sources are
relevant literature and psychology writings in books, journals, Etc. There are three
theories to answer the research questions: theory of character, characterization,
and personality development.
This research finds that the antagonist in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 story
experiences incredible personality development. His personality is developed
from being an inferior, loving, and gentle person to a superior, rancorous, and
brutal person. Moreover, the change in his self-concept, role, and physique are the
factors of his personality development. The result of this research can be a source
of literature for teachers to discover why their students have a terrible attitude. On
the other hand, it is also expected to enhance students' knowledge in critically
understanding a character's development in a story.

Keywords: Electro, personality development, The Amazing Spider-Man 2



Suryaleksana, Blasius Banu. (2023). An Analysis of Antagonist’s Personality

Development in Alex Kurtzman’s The Amazing Spider-Man Movie Script.
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni,
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata

Penelitian ini berfokus pada perkembangan kepribadian tokoh antagonis

dalam film The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Perkembangan antagonis sangat tidak
dapat diprediksi karena ia mengubah dirinya dari orang biasa menjadi penjahat.
Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis perkembangan
kepribadiannya dan menyelidiki faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya.
Penelitian ini merumuskan dua pertanyaan penelitian. Pertanyaan
pertama adalah: Bagaimana perkembangan kepribadian antagonis dalam naskah
film The Amazing Spider-Man 2? Pertanyaan kedua adalah: Faktor apa saja yang
mempengaruhi perkembangan kepribadian tokoh antagonis dalam naskah film
The Amazing Spider-Man 2?
Pendekatan psikologis diterapkan karena penelitian ini bermaksud
menganalisis perkembangan kepribadian seorang tokoh. Sumber utama penelitian
ini adalah naskah film The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Sumber lainnya adalah
literatur dan tulisan psikologi yang relevan di buku, jurnal, dan sejenisnya. Ada
tiga teori untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian: teori karakter, karakterisasi,
dan pengembangan kepribadian.
Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa antagonis The Amazing Spider-Man 2
mengalami perkembangan kepribadian yang luar biasa. Kepribadiannya
berkembang dari orang yang rendah, penyayang, dan lembut menjadi orang yang
superior, pendendam, dan brutal. Selain itu, perubahan konsep diri, peran, dan
fisiknya merupakan faktor perkembangan kepribadiannya. Hasil penelitian ini
dapat menjadi sumber literasi untuk mengetahui mengapa siswa mereka memiliki
sikap buruk. Di sisi lain, juga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa
dalam memahami secara kritis perkembangan tokoh dalam sebuah cerita.

Kata kunci: Electro, personality development, The Amazing Spider-Man 2



TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL PAGES .............................................................................................. ii
STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY ...................................................... iv
LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN .............................................................v
DEDICATION PAGE ............................................................................................ vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................. vii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... ix
ABSTRAK .................................................................................................................x
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... xi
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................1
A. Research Background.....................................................................1
B. Research Questions ........................................................................4
CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .......................................5
A. Review of Related Theories ...........................................................5
1. Theory of Character and Character Development..........................5
2. Theory of Personality Development...............................................9
B. Review of Related Studies ...........................................................12
C. Theoretical Framework ................................................................15
CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY .......................................................................16
A. Object of the Research .................................................................16
B. Approach of the Research ............................................................17
CHAPTER IV. ANALYSIS ...................................................................................17
A. The Character Development of Electro in The Amazing Spider-
Man 2 ...........................................................................................17
1. The Portrayal of Max Dillon (Before Experiencing a Tremendous
Electric Shock Accident)..............................................................21
2. The Portrayal of Electro (After Experiencing a Tremendous
Shock Accident) ...........................................................................28
B. The Factors that Influence The Personality Development of
Electro in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 .........................................37
1. Electro’s Change in Self-Concept ................................................38



2. Electro’s Change in Role .............................................................39

3. Electro’s Change of Physique ......................................................40
A. Conclusions ..................................................................................42
B. Implications ..................................................................................43
C. Recommendations ........................................................................44
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................45
APPENDIX. The Synopsis of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Movie ........................47



This chapter presents the introduction parts of this research. There are two

parts in this section. The first section is research background and the second one is

research questions.

A. Research Background

Literature is one of the most meaningful fields in language learning.

According to Moody (1962), "literature springs from inborn human love of telling

a story, of arranging words in pleasing patterns of expressing in words some

special aspect of human experience" (p.26). In other words, the literary work

includes valuable things from the deepest of human hearts that can be important to

everyone. As time passes, the literary work evolves and adjusts with the era. In

this respect, there are plenty of forms of literary work, such as novels, short

stories, poetry, prose, comics, drama, Etc.

In this modern era, literary work transforms into a creation that can be

enjoyed as a moving picture called a movie. A movie is a work that tries to deliver

a message by using motion pictures, camera technology utilization, color, and

sound (Azhari & Rahayu, 2023). Indeed, the things that can interest people in

watching a movie are the characters. Abrams and Harpham (2014) insist that

characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work whom the

reader interprets as processing particular moral, intellectual, and emotional


qualities by interferences from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of

saying it (the dialogue) and from what they do (the action) (p.23). It can be

interpreted that characters in a movie script are made to manifest the personality

owned by human beings that are shown fictionally. Besides, in its establishment,

characters have to go through some steps so that the performance will be

outstanding, meaningful, and able to entertain the viewers.

This research is based on a movie script by Alex Kurtzman, The Amazing

Spider-Man 2. This research uses this movie as the object because it uniquely and

unpredictably constructs its antagonist, Electro. In other words, what makes this

movie different from others is that this movie script-writer tells the complete story

of how an ordinary person becomes the story's central villain. In the movie script

of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, the character Electro (actually named Max Dillon)

initially is only an ordinary and straightforward man who works as an electrician

at OSCORP and loves Spider-Man a lot since Spider-Man has saved him from a

brutal accident in New York City. One day, an accident at OSCORP makes him

become an electric man and a strong villain of Spider-Man with an arrogant and

brutal personality. Based on that portrayal, this research aims to investigate the

personality development of Electro as the antagonist character since there are

several reasons or things why he becomes an antagonist. In other words, there is

something massive that develops a character's personality in a movie (Setyawan,


Moreover, the antagonist character becomes the object of this research

because it is one of the crucial roles in a story to deliver a meaningful message.

Specifically, like a spice in a dish, the antagonist character is one of the essential

roles which completes a story to be a work that can be enjoyed by the audience

well and comfortably. In this case, the antagonist is one of the story's strengths,

which leads the story to raise the conflict as the booster of the storyline to the

climax (Santosa & Wahyuningtyas, 2010, p.7).

As mentioned earlier, the portrayal of Electro in this movie script is

exceedingly unique and unpredictable. In its movie script, the antagonist

character's personality development cannot be seen directly from the beginning

and can be seen as more striking than the protagonist. In this case, it consists of

many actions or movements where the transformation or development of that

antagonist character's personality from an ordinary man who lives a simple life to

a villain who can use his power to do anything he wants negatively makes this

movie script interesting. Roberts and Henry (1987) declare that "every single

moment, action, interaction, speech, and also a conflict that was experienced by a

character, can give impact to the plot of a story or the character" (p. 119).

By adapting The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie script, this research can

be a reference for understanding the antagonist’s personality development more

deeply. Furthermore, this research can also be a source of information in finding

out the factors that influence the antagonist’s personality development, which is

rarely discovered in other research.


B. Research Questions

Based on the background above, this research raises two research

questions that are investigated in this research.

1. How is the antagonist’s personality developed in The Amazing Spider-

Man 2 movie script?

2. What are the factors that influence the personality development of the

antagonist in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie script?




This chapter consists of some reviews of related studies, theories, and

concepts which propose to support this research in reaching the goals of the

research objective. In this respect, three major parts are included: a review of

related theories, a review of related studies, and a theoretical framework.

A. Review of Related Theories

In this section, two relevant theories are utilized to answer the research

questions of this research. The first relevant for this research is the theory of

antagonist character and character development. It elaborates on the type of the

character and how it is described in the story. The second one is the theory of

personality development which leads this research to reveal the personality

changes of Electro/Max Dillon in the story.

1. Theory of Character and Character Development

Since this study proposes to dig out the personality development of such a

character, the theory of character and character development are the two elements

needed in this research. The theory of character consists of the type of character in

the story. On the other hand, the characterization theory is about how the character

is described in a story.


a. Theory of Character

The theory of character and characterization must be utilized in the whole

discussion in this research since it proposes to dig and find out how Electro is

described in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie script deeply. Generally, when

people learn a story, the characters are the key to understanding the story well and

properly (Reich, 2017, p. 39). In other words, characters are the soul of a story,

and they should be played by an appropriate actor so that the movie script will be

able to realize the message or the value in a good way.

Abrams and Harpham (2009) suggest that “characters are the persons

represented in a dramatic or narrative work, whom the reader interprets as

possessing particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by interferences

from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it-the dialogue-and

from what they do-the action” (p.23). Similarly, characters are the figures of the

story which propose to animate the story as much as possible while enclosing

some specific human personality. In this case, characters have several types that

must be noted. Robert and Henry (1987) declare that:

There are two types of characters: round and flat characters. A round character is
usually a significant character continually developing or changing, and a round
character is dynamic. The other type of character is a flat character that takes a
big part in a story. However, its traits and role are not necessary. (p. 120)

In other words, characters have roles with different purposes in a story. On

the other hand, in terms of nature, characters are divided into two parts:

protagonist and antagonist. The protagonist is an important role or the primary

character in a story which usually plays as a good person and has a good purpose

(Abrams and Harpham, 2009, p.14). An antagonist is a character who proposes to


try to disturb or ruin every good purpose (being a wrong person) in a story

(Abrams and Harpham, 2009, p.14).

In addition, in terms of embodiment, animals, and humans are usually the

embodiment of characters in a story. Both animals and humans are human

symbols; however, most authors choose humans as the characters of a story since

humans can develop characters with various aspects (Santosa & Wahyuningtyas,

2010, p.7).

b. Theory of Characterization or Character Development

Since the development of Electro as the antagonist in this movie script is

unique and unpredictable, the theory of character development must be utilized

throughout the discussion in this research to dig out how Electro is developed

clearly. In this respect, in its definition, character development is the changing

process of a character which is influenced by its situation and can be found in its

characteristics, behavior, traits, and thoughts in a story (Arp & Johnson, 2006;

Forster, 1980). Therefore, it needs some particular things to make the characters

animate the story. In other words, the dramatist must invest some particular

attributes in the character so that it has its characteristic in the story. Reaske

(1984) asserts that there are six methods for developing a character:

1) The Appearance of The Character

The character's appearance in a story makes it easy for most people to

identify what kinds of characters are since it is visible directly, whether young or

old, a meticulous or sloppy person, Etc (Reaske, 1984, p. 44).


2) Asides and Soliloquies

A character can be developed by using short aside or long soliloquies. In

this case, most people tend to understand what type of the character is when he or

she is speaking about his or her thoughts and feelings solely. For instance, a

villain will be known when he/she explains the wrong intentions or hope in the

story (p. 44).

3) Dialogue Between Characters

People can learn how the character's personality is established by paying

attention to the conversation between the character and another character. In other

words, the dialogue becomes the center of attention where the people can judge

the character in the story (Reaske, 1984, p. 45).

4) Hidden Narration

The dialogue in the story occasionally cannot make people identify what

kind of the character is. However, the hidden narration of one character to another

character can help people understand how the character is portrayed (Reaske,

1984, p. 46).

5) Language

Recognizing the characters can be done by paying attention to their way of

speaking, expression, and words. The language uttered by a character can lead

people to know who they are in the story. For instance, a rude person in the story

can be known when s/he expresses swearing and impolite words (Reaske, 1984, p.


6) Character in Action

The gestures or actions of the characters are essential in a play

performance. The gestures or actions applied by the characters in every scene in a

story can make people understand how the characters are developed (Reaske,

1984, p. 48).

2. Theory of Personality Development

Since this research desires to dig out how the antagonist character’s

personality is developed by applying the psychological approach, the theory of

personality development is needed so that this research can reveal the factors that

can influence Electro to be an antagonist in such a way in The Amazing Spider-

Man 2 movie script. In dealing with the theory of personality development, this

research utilizes the Hurlock theory, which is elaborated in two parts: the

definition of personality development and personality change by conditions.

a. The Definition of Personality Development

In definition, Hurlock (1976) in her book entitled Personality

Development declares that:

Personality derives from the Latin persona, "mask." Among the Greeks, Actors
used masks to hide their identity on stage. This dramatic technique was later
adopted by the Romans, to whom persona denoted "as one appears to others," not
as the one is (p. 6).

Specifically, a character's personality is a medium to shape the character in such a

way that helps the audience recognize who she or he is in the story excitingly.

Therefore, that unique characteristic is the way of differentiating one character

from another other character. Personality also can be meant as a set of entities

embedded and run dynamically in human psychology that forms humans'



characters, proceedings, and mind wherever and whenever they are (Kernberg,

2016). Another way of saying, personality can change or not be steady since

several things can affect it, both from internal and external factors.

b. Personality Change by Conditions

Hurlock (1976) also adds that some conditions influence someone's

changes of personality: the changes of physical change, environment, role, self-

concept, strong motivation, social pressures, significant people, and


1) Change in the Physique

The change in physique is a gradual and inevitable change in humans'

lives. Hurlock considers that the physique changes are related to injuries,

glandular disturbances, illness, and maturation (1976). From that change, people

will have a new version of themselves which happens along with the occasions

experienced them from year to year uniquely. Therefore, ready or not, each person

will experience the changes in their body that can be their tags of who they are in

today's world (Hurlock, 1976, p.124).

2) Change in the Environment

The environment is one of the things that can affect someone's changes

and occur in every stage of human life: childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. In

other words, where a person lives can influence his/her personality development

or self-change (Hurlock, 1976, p. 125).

3) Change in Significant People

Hurlock (1976, p. 126) claims, "When the significant people in an

individual's life change, and when he tries to adapt his pattern of behavior and his


attitudes, beliefs, values, and aspirations to their changes in his personality is

inevitable." By understanding that concept, significant people can be essential in

shaping someone's characteristics.

4) Change in Social Pressures

The change in social pressures is like an indirect demand for someone to

be accepted in certain circumstances or environments. It directly encourages

someone to adapt, which proposes to be able to socialize with a specific society in

a particular place. Consequently, it can be concluded that social pressures

gradually influence a person's characteristics (Hurlock, 1976, p. 126).

5) Change in Roles

The term role in this point refers to a position or status which can

influence the person’s personality development. Hurlock, in her book, asserts that

some components give rise to role changes: age, affiliation with the group, and the

condition of the economy. In this case, when the change of person results in a

better status, the person’s self-concept will also change to be a better version.

More simply, when the role of someone in life is changed, it directly affects the

change of their nature or attitude. Nonetheless, on the other hand, someone’s

personality can be damaged by role changes if he/she is unprepared or forced to

face it, even blocked from experiencing it by someone (Hurlock, 1976. p. 127).

6) Strong Motivation

In this life, people must be motivated to reach something they desire. In

this respect, it affects their personality since people are motivated to transform

their nature to rectify their relationship with others. For instance, a young man

must be diligent in learning, practice often, and compete with his classmates to


gain a good score on his exam. By doing that, he desires to show others that he is

intelligent and can get a good score (Hurlock, 1976, p. 127).

7) Change in Self-Concept

Self-concept changes are the transformation of someone’s personality

which needs strong willingness and takes a long time since there must be any

challenges or obstacles in actualizing it, such as other’s emotional, intellectual,

and environmental. In undergoing this change, someone needs to know

himself/herself deeply to understand what they want or desire in life without any

influence, even persecution from anyone (Hurlock, 1976, p. 128).

8) Use of Psychotherapy

According to Hurlock (1976), “psychotherapy is based on the assumption

that a poorly adjusted person can make better adjustments if he is helped to

develop a more favorable self-concept.” In other words, by obtaining others’ help,

someone can shape his/her characteristics (Hurlock, 1976, p. 129).

B. Review of Related Studies

This research utilizes four studies as references. The first research is a

thesis by Nasution entitled Violated Maxim in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Movie.

It has three research objectives: describing the violation of the maxim used in The

Amazing Spider-Man 2, deriving the dominant violation of the maxim used in The

Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie, and reasoning for the type of maxim dominantly

violated in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie. In this research, Nasution and

Ginting use Grice’s Cooperative Principles, divided into four types (utterances

violated the maxim of relation, quantity, quality, and manner) to analyze the


violated maxim utterances by the main character. In this research, a total of 51

utterances violated of maxim found by the author in The Amazing Spider-Man

2 movie: 20 (39.2%) utterances violated of maxim relation, 16 (31.5%) goes to a

maxim of quantity, 8 (15.6%) for the maxim of quality, and 7 (13.7%) for the

maxim of manner. The similarity between Priyandani’s research and this research

is focusing on the same object: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie. However, this

research proposes to reveal the character development of the antagonist character

(Electro), which is different from Priyandani’s research which desires to disclose

the violated maxim by the main character, Peter Parker, in The Amazing Spider-

Man 2 movie.

The second research is a thesis by Samuel and Simatupang

entitled Language Attitudes and Application in the Movie The Amazing Spider-

man: Sociolinguistics Studies. Two research objectives are to be dug out:

analyzing the types of language attitudes in The Amazing Spider-man and

analyzing the meaning type from the source from the official movie script. Samuel

and Simatupang conduct this research using descriptive analysis and Perloff’s

(2003) theory. Both of the writers find that two types of languages arise in The

Amazing Spider-Man movie: attitudes of Vernacular and attitudes of Standard

English. For the meaning of each attitude, the writers of this research

define Attitudes of Vernacular as a language or dialect native to a region or

country rather than a literary, cultured, or foreign language or being a nonstandard

language or dialect of a place, region, or country. At the same time, Standard

English is defined as the English used by educated people with relatively high

social status. The differences between this undergraduate thesis with Samuel and


Simatupang’s research are the object of the study (The Amazing Spider-man) and

the focus of the study (languages attitudes and their application in the movie).

The third research is by Dhaneswara, entitled The Aspects of Heroism

Reflected in Spider-man 2 Movie. This research proposes to dig out and show

Peter Parker's nature of heroism in Spider-Man 2 movie. The writer applies a

library study and a sociological approach to collecting the data, supported by Dr.

Andrew Bernstein's theory of heroism. For the findings, Dhaneswara finds that

Peter Parker has several symbols of heroism: prowess, moral greatness, action in

facing his opponent, and triumph in at least a spiritual or physical form. Besides,

the indication of him as a hero in Spider-Man 2 movies are activities, dialogues,

and scenes. The differences between this research and Dhaneswara's research are

the object of study (Spider-Man 2 movie) and the focus of the study (the aspects

of the heroism of Peter Parker as the main character).

The fourth research is from Anissa, entitled Personality Development of

Maleficent as Seen in Elizabeth Rudnick's Maleficent. There are two research

objectives in her research: knowing Maleficent's description in the novel as well

as understanding the personality changes experienced by Maleficent depicted in

the novel. Anissa, in this research, applies the psychological approach where she

uses Hurlock's theory as the base of her analysis. Her research findings are that

Maleficent is a depressed, bad-tempered, impatient, wicked, and spiteful fairy.

Moreover, the personality changes that Maleficent experiences after she meets

Princess Aurora are caring and loving, regretful, brave, and strong. In comparison,

the factors that affect Maleficent's personality development are changes in

significant people, changes in self-concept, changes in roles, and strong



motivation. The differences between Anissa's research and this research are the

object of the research, where Anissa's research concerns the Maleficent Novel

written by Elizabeth Rudnick. In contrast, this research uses Alex Kurtzman's The

Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie script, which focuses on the personality

development of Electro (the antagonist character).

C. Theoretical Framework

After collecting and understanding all the theories elaborated in the

previous point, it is easier for this research to dig out and find the development of

the antagonist character’s personality (Electro) in The Amazing Spider-Man 2

movie script. The theories utilized in this research are the theory of character,

character development, and personality development.

The first theory is the theory of characters and characterization or

character development. It used to dig out and describe what kind of character

Electro before and after his development of personality is from Abram and

Harpham (2009), Santosa and Wahyuningtyas (2010), Robert and Jacob (1987) as

well as theories Reaske (1984). The second theory is the theory of personality

development. This theory is utilized to investigate what factors of personality

changes are experienced by Electro. The theory is from Hurlock (1976).




This chapter contains two sections, the first is the object of study, and the

second is the approach of the study. The object of the study elaborates on the

general information of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie script, such as the

story's background, director, writer, and so on. On the other hand, the approach of

the study presents an approach utilized as the method in analyzing the

development character of Electro, the antagonist character of The Amazing Spider-

Man 2 movie script.

A. Object of the Research

The object of this research is The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie script. It

was written by Alex Kurtzman in 2012 and had a seventy-three-page. This movie

script has been chosen as the object of this research since the story has an

antagonist character who undergoes a unique and unpredictable personality

development from the beginning. In this respect, Alex Kurtzman, as the movie

script writer, develops the antagonist from an ordinary man to a strong villain and

becomes the powerful opponent of Spider-Man. In terms of a movie, The Amazing

Spider-Man 2 is an American superhero movie that first aired on April 18, 2014,

in Mexico and on May 2, 2014, in the United States. This film also stars Andrew

Garfield as Peter Parker, Jamie Foxx as Max Dillon/Electro, Emma Stone as

Gwen Stacy, Dane DeHaan as Harry Osborn/Green Goblin, Etc. This second

sequel of The Amazing Spider-Man impressively has achieved several



achievements, including Top Box Office Films in the ASCAP Film and

Television Music Awards 2015 and Favorite Movie Actress (Emma Stone) in the

Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards 2015, and also been nominated in the other

awards. Besides, this film also earned $709 million during its broadcast in

cinemas worldwide.

B. Approach of the Research

An approach is needed in this research since this research wants to analyze

the literary work. In this respect, the approach used in this research is

psychological. According to Rohrberger and Woods (1971), "psychological

approach itself is an approach used in discussing the complexity of thought,

behavior, and actions" (p.13). Using it for literary work is a way of criticism that

views the psychological angle (Semi, 2013, p.14).

On the other hand, Hardjana (1994) claims that a psychology approach is

an approach that considers psychological aspects and concerns the human mind

through characterizations in a literary work (as cited in Astuti, Mujiyanto, and

Rohmadi, 2016, p. 3). In other words, applying the psychological approach in

analyzing a literary work can help people reveal the characters' behavior and

motivation which arises in it (Utama, 2004 as cited in Dinata, 2011, p. 2).

Therefore it is suitable if this research intends to utilize the psychological

approach since it proposes to reveal and analyze Electro's personality

development supported by the theory of character and characterization by Abrams

and Harpham (2009), Robert and Henry (1987), and Reaske (1984); as well as


discuss the factors that influence Electro experiencing the personality

development with the theory of personality development by Hurlock (1976).

This research applies to the library study since all data are from the movie

script supported by supporting books and articles. According to Purwono (n.d),

"library study is all the efforts that the researcher makes for gathering relevant

information with the topic or problems that will, or that will be or are being

studied" (p.1). In this respect, library study is done by reading, analyzing, and

note-taking all the literature or reading materials by the topic, then theoretically

filtering and pouring into a framework (Kartono, 1998, p. 24).

Based on Purwono and Kartono's descriptions related to the library study,

this research manages in four steps. The first step is rereading and reviewing the

character Electro in the story. In this respect, it has to read the movie script of The

Amazing Spider-Man 2 by Alex Kurtzman. By doing it, this study can identify the

development of Electro in the story and the personality changes he experiences.

The second step is gathering the data or evidence from the movie script. This

study also tries to find relevant and suitable theories to support the data or

evidence well and adequately. In this case, the theory used in this research is the

theory of character and characterization and the theory of personality

development. The third step is analyzing by categorizing it using the theories used

as the base of answering the research questions. The fourth step is validating the

analysis by consulting the results with an expert in the psychology field. Since this

research utilizes a psychological approach, it becomes necessary to ensure it is

done correctly by asking for validation from the psychology expert. The fifth step

is revising the analysis of the result. The last step is formulating the conclusion of


the research. The conclusion in this research is created based on the answer to the

two research questions.




This chapter presents the result of the study by applying the approach

explained in Chapter III (methodology). This chapter discusses two parts, which

propose answering the two research questions in Chapter I. The first part presents

the personality development of Electro in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie

script. On the other hand, the second part explains the factors that influence the

personality development of Electro. In answering those research questions, this

research utilizes the script of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 by Alex Kurtzman as the

data source.

A. The Character Development of Electro in The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Referring to Abrams and Harpham's (2009) description of the character in

terms of nature, the character Electro is an antagonist since in The Amazing

Spider-Man 2 movie; it plays a role as the opposition of Spider-Man (Peter

Parker) who is the hero (protagonist) in the story.

Moreover, based on the theory of Robert and Henry (1987), which is

related to the types of characters, Electro is a round character because a developed

character in the story, and it raises the nature and behavior that cannot be

estimated easily. The development or changes that happen with Electro in the

story is his personality which is affected by the events, experiences, and even the

conflicts he encounters throughout the story. It can be indicated by how Electro,



previously known as Max Dillon, is an ordinary electrician in OSCORP and then

becomes Electro, the villain with electric power.

Therefore, in this subtopic, this research breaks Electro's personality

development in the story. In this respect, this subtopic divides into two sections.

This subtopic is broken down into two sections because the development or the

change of Electro's character happens when there is an accident that Electro

experiences. The first section discusses the portrayal of Max Dillon before being

Electro or antagonist, and the second section is the portrayal of Electro, who

becomes the villain in the story. This research utilizes the theory of

characterization by Reaske (1984). This theory is used since it is in line with the

aim of this research which proposes to explore character development in play

form. Based on the analysis using Reaske's theory, this research finds three ways

to develop Electro in the story: asides and soliloquies, dialogue between

characters, and character in action.

1. The Portrayal of Max Dillon (Before Experiencing a Tremendous

Electric Shock Accident)

In this section, this research tries to break down the portrayal of Max

Dillon in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie. Max Dillon is a character who is

known as a character before being Electro (the antagonist). Consequently, this

research mentions Electro as Max Dillon, making it straightforward to read this

section. In its proof, this research provides several pieces of monologue and

dialogue, which are contained in the script of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie

by Alex Kurtzman, as evidence.



a. Inferior

Being inferior is one thing that portrays Max Dillon in the story. By

definition, being inferior makes someone feel alone and worthless (Zheng, Baskin,

& Peng, 2018). In the early part of the story, Max Dillon is portrayed as an

ordinary person who works as an electrician at OSCORP. In this case, he seems

like someone who quickly carries out some stuff. Suddenly, all the stuff in his

hands falls and becomes messy on the streets. Initially, he asks for help from

someone around him, but no one wants to help him gather his stuff. Spider-Man,

who realizes Max’s condition, directly moves to help and secure him from the

wildness of the robber who drives the truck brutally.

Spider-Man : Whoo... Okay. Okay. There you go. You okay? You all
Max Dillon : You're Spider-Man.
Spider-Man : Costume gives it away? These look pretty important,
Max Dillon : Max? How do you know my name?
Spider-Man : It's written on your badge.
Max Dillon : I'm nobody.
(Kurtzman, 2014:5)

The dialogue becomes the center of attention where the people can judge the

character in the story (Reaske, 1984). Based on the dialogue above, Max seems

surprised that Spider-Man has helped him. However, he feels he does not deserve

it since he is a nobody, in his opinion. That thought can arise since no one wants

to help, even care for him in trouble. Max’s words in the above dialogue describe

that he feels he is only an ordinary person without pride. Being inferior also can

be found when he helps Gwen Stacy use an elevator.

Gwen Stacy : Thank you, you’re a real gentleman. Most people would
have just let those close.
Max Dillon : Most people don’t notice other people.
(Kurtzman, 2014:17)


The dialogue above indicates that Max indirectly reveals his feelings to

Gwen Stacy. In this case, he wants to be respected like people in general, but

eventually, the people do not notice his existence.

Another proof that Max is inferior is when he feels that no one cares about

his birthday. In this case, it happens when Mr. Smythe asks him to stay at

OSCORP to fix the electricity flow problem. He feels that everyone has left and

does not care about his birthday.

Mr. Smythe : Whoa. Dillon. You stay here.

Max Dillon : What?
Mr. Smythe : There's a current flow problem in the lab. Why don't you
take a look?
(The elevator has come. Mr. Smythe and everyone go into the elevator.)
Max Dillon : It's my birthday. Everybody else is leaving. Why do I
have to stay?
Mr. Smythe : Because you're special.
Max Dillon : Smythe! I mean, Mr. Smythe.
Max Dillon : Happy birthday.
(Everyone leaves Max alone by using the elevator. Max seems so
(Kurtzman, 2014:21)

Looking at the dialogue above, Max seems sad since he feels everyone

does not care about him on his birthday, including Mr. Smythe. Even though Mr.

Smythe wishes him a happy birthday, it is only chit-chat and leaves Max alone. It

is not a good way of saying happy birthday and certainly annoys Max.

Furthermore, it does not stop there. The movie shows that he feels ostracized

when trying to fix the electrical flow problem.

Max Dillon : At least somebody's partying.

Max Dillon : I'm so sick that I can't get to my birthday after all I
put together for this company. Designed the grid…
(Kurtzman, 2014:21)


The monologue above shows that he feels that not only all employees at

OSCORP but also the OSCORP (as a company) do not appreciate him, even

wishing him a happy birthday sincerely. He hopes his birthday will be a particular

day, but he is treated arbitrarily. He is the person who has done an essential thing

for OSCORP, which is designing the electrical grid which supports the whole

city’s electricity power.

Thus, by collecting and elaborating on all the evidence above, it can be

concluded that Max Dillon is an ostracized person or someone whose presence is

never noticed by most people. Even though he has done significant work for the

whole city, everyone still does not consider him an important person.

b. Loving

This part explains that Max Dillon loves about things related to Spider-

Man so much. According to the Titus and Scrofani (2012), “love is a sensation, a

concept, and an expression that frequently denotes different things to a particular

individual.” As said before, Spider-Man has saved Max Dillon from a brutal

accident. Starting from that moment, he becomes a big fan of Spider-Man since he

not only saves his life but Spider-Man also changes Max’s mind. In this respect,

Spider-Man makes him think he is crucial, and he has to be grateful for what he

has. In this respect, it proves that one day, Max designs his room with everything

related to Spider-Man, such as photos, posters, newspaper clippings, puppets,

spider webs, Etc. In that situation, he imagines happily celebrating his birthday

with Spider-Man in his apartment. He also does not care about Spider-man’s

destructive issues by the press since he knows how amazing Spider-Man is. He

even thinks the press should call Spider-Man ‘The Amazing Spider-Man .’ In this


case, he proves that with his asides and soliloquies below. In other words, his love

or admiration for Spider-Man from his thoughts and feelings solely (Reaske,


(The scene shows the Spider-Man decoration in Max’s apartment)

Max Dillon : Whoa. Well, look who's here. Spidey. How was your
morning? Aces, Max, aces. I've been out saving the world.
All the crime-fighting you've been doing, and all of a
sudden, you take time out to come visit little old me. Max.
It's amazing to... But of course you would. Why wouldn't
you visit me? We're best friends. What are you doing?
You made me a cake? People don't get a chance to see
these small, kind things that you do for people. I know
what they say about you in the press but it doesn't
matter to me. I know the real you. Because you're
amazing. Wow. That's what the press needs. They
should call you The Amazing Spider-Man.
(Kurtzman, 2014:14-15)

The other evidence that Max loves about Spider-Man is when he comes

late to OSCORP. Max Dillon’s lateness certainly annoys Mr. Smythe since Max

Dillon has to be responsible for his work at OSCORP. However, Max Dillon

prides himself on designing the power grids that city dwellers use. Hearing Max

Dillon’s statement, Mr. Smythe is more annoyed and says something that makes

Max Dillon directly react to it brutally.

Mr. Smythe : Dillon. You're late.

Max Dillon : Doggone trains are so slow, sir.
Mr. Smythe : Don't you realize Oscorp is now responsible for the entire
city's energy supply?
Max Dillon : I submitted a lot of designs for the power grid and they used
a lot of them, and I noticed that, and those power grids were
designed by me.
Mr. Smythe : You designed them? Sure you did. And I'm Spider-Man.
(Suddenly, Max lifts Mr. Smythe’s collar and threatens him brutally.)
Max Dillon : You're no Spider-Man! He's a Leo, you're a Sagittarius!
You besmirch him again, I'm gonna rip your well-
groomed head off!


(It turns out it is just Max’s imagination, and the supervisor requires Max
to return to work)
Mr. Smythe : Now, get to work!
(Kurtzman, 2014:17)

In that dialogue, it shows that Max Dillon can memorize something related to

Spider-Man perfectly in terms of Spider-Man’s zodiac. He also does not accept if

there is someone (especially Mr. Smythe) who claims to be Spider-man randomly

and will not hesitate to beat Mr. Smythe up if he does the same thing in the future.

Even though it is only in his imagination, it directly indicates enough that Max is

a big fan of Spider-Man.

Other than that, there is evidence that Max Dillon greatly admires Spider-

Man. He says how cool Spider-Man acts to save himself and needs him as a

friend. It can be seen in the dialogue between Max and Gwen when they use the


Max Dillon : Hanging out near the blaze. It must be cool, huh? To
have the whole world look at you like that? You know,
Spider-Man saved my life one time. Out of all the
people in the whole city, he saved me. He said he needed
Gwen Stacy : That must be a good feeling.
(Kurtzman, 2014:18)

Seeing that dialogue shows Max Dillon is amazed when he sees Spider-

Man on TV. He believes being Spider-man is astonishing since everyone can see

his heroic action. Even though the time when he meets Spider-man is short, he can

proudly describe to Gwen that he is so grateful to have been saved by Spider-Man

from the accident and the people who ignore him.

Therefore, by having these three pieces of evidence, it can be concluded

that Max Dillon loves about Spider-Man, even whenever he is. He can describe


how charming Spider-man is and is grateful to have known Him in a good


c. Gentle

In the story, Max Dillon is initially gentle. Gentleness itself can be shown

by someone when he does something carefully and sincerely both for his/herself

and others (Pyszkowska, 2020). Furthermore, the gestures or actions applied by

the characters in every scene in a story can make people understand how the

characters are developed (Reaske, 1984). Therefore, Electro’s gentleness be

comprehended with his action below.

Gwen Stacy : Can you hold that, please?

(Max tries to open the lift door, which starts to close.)
Max Dillon : I got it
(Max succeeds in opening the lift door, which starts to close.)
Gwen Stacy : Thank you, you're a real gentleman. Most people
would have just let those close.
(Kurtzman, 2014:17)

As portrayed in the dialogue and portrayal above, Gwen asks Max to help

use the lift. Swiftly, Max directly tries to open the lift door, and luckily, Max and

Gwen can go up the lift together. Then, Gwen thanks and compliments Max on

what he does for her. Understanding the portrayal above considers Max's excellent

attitude toward helping the person around him.

A person with a gentle attitude also can be indicated by his/her awareness

and activeness in caring for something ideally (Schoeman, 1987). In The Amazing

Spider-Man 2 movie, Max Dillon is also a responsible person. The responsibility

of Max Dillon can be seen when an electrical flow problem occurs at OSCORP.

Since he works as an electrician at OSCORP and he designs the electricity system,

he is asked by Mr. Smythe to fix it before he goes home. Even though Max


initially complains about Mr. Smythe's orders, he finally stays and tries to fix the

problem at the center of electricity. When he arrives there and realizes where the

problem is, Max calls his friend to help him. However, his friend has left, and he

finally does it alone.

Max Dillon : I know. Just a little indigestion.

(Max tries to call Gilbert to help him.)
Max Dillon : Gilbert? It's Max. Can we shut down power on Sector 32,
Gilbert : Forget it. I'm out the door.
Max Dillon : What do you mean? I'm up here. It's dangerous.
Gilbert : Sorry, Max.
Max Dillon : Hello?
(Gilbert ends the call)
Max Dillon : Fine. I'll do it myself.
(Kurtzman, 2014:21)

Based on the dialogue and portrayal above, it shows that even though his

friend refuses to help him, Max still wants to fix the problem alone. It is

dangerous for Max since the significant electric current can sting and cause

serious injury.

2. The Portrayal of Electro (After Experiencing a Tremendous Shock


In this section, this research will discuss the portrayal of Electro, who has

experienced a massive electric shock accident. Electro itself is the transformation

of Max Dillon, which leads him to undergo several changes, including his

physique and character.

After experiencing a massive electric shock accident, Max Dillon has

encountered some significant changes. His body is changed to flow with great

electricity that is difficult to control, and he wants to be called Electro. In having

that condition, he encounters some events which gradually change his thoughts


and personality. Since the character is called Electro after experiencing significant

changes, this research mentions the character as Electro so the reader can

understand this research. Like the previous section, this research also provides

several pieces of monologue and dialogue, which are contained in the script of

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie by Alex Kurtzman as evidence.

a. Superior

Electro becomes a superior character due to being inferior when he is

known as Max Dillon. Feeling superior is a condition when someone feels

himself/herself has higher status or quality than others (Bogart, Benotsch, &

Pavlovic, 2004). After having superpowers, Electro feels that he is higher in terms

of strength than the others. Being ostracized and disrespected by most people in

the past also encourages him to be a superior person who can do whatever he

wants. That nature develops when Dr. Kafka wants to research him. Initially, the

process of it runs smoothly. However, it turns out to be gripping since Dr. Kafka

angers Electro.

Electro : You wanna know how powerful I am?

Dr. Kafka : Yes!
Electro : Well, so do I.
Dr. Kafka : Ooh!
(Electro groans in pain loudly.)
Electro : I'm dying to know, doc. But you better make damn
sure you kill me this time. Because if you don't, I'm
gonna kill the light. So everyone in this city is gonna
know how it feels to live in my world. A world without
power. A world without mercy. A world without Spider-
(Kurtzman, 2014:43)

The dialogue above reveals that Electro has a hatred for what he has

experienced, even with Spider-Man. By paying attention to that his way of



speaking, Electro wants Dr. Kafka to know that he can do anything with his

superpower. He also desires to make everyone suffer like him in the past.

His superior attitude also indicates when Harry Osborn tries to free him

from prison. In this case, Electro reveals his deep grudge against Spider-Man. He

seems to regret having considered Spider-Man as his friend.

Electro : Give me one reason. Why I should trust you?

Harry Osborn : Because I need you!
Electro : You need me?
Harry Osborn : Yes. I need you. You are my only chance that I have at
Electro : You need me?
Harry Osborn : Yes. I need you. I need you. Please! Please! Please! I
know what it's like to be thrown away! Please, Max! I
need you! I need you!
Electro : You wanna be my friend?
Harry Osborn : I thought we were already friends.
Electro : I had a friend once. It didn't work out.
Harry Osborn : Yeah. Me too.
Electro : Then let's go catch a spider.
(Kurtzman, 2014:55)

Based on the dialogue above, Harry Osborn asks Electro to help him since

he knows that Electro is powerful. Electro is angry with someone whom he

considers a ‘friend.’ The term ‘friend’ actually refers to Spider-Man. The reason

why Electro considers Spider-man as his friend is that he thinks that Spider-Man

had saved him from an accident previously when he was still known as Max

Dillon. However, that friendship ends because Electro thinks Spider-Man has

betrayed him. Therefore, after being released from prison, he deals with Harry

Osborn to avenge his revenge on Spider-Man.

Electro’s superiority continues before he fights against Spider-man in the

middle of the city. Some sentences indicate how spiteful Electro is to everyone,

including Spider-Man.


Electro : You're too late, Spider-Man. I designed this power grid.

Now I'm gonna take back what is rightfully mine. I will
control everything. And I will be like a god to them.
(Kurtzman, 2014:61)

Electro in his monologue above expresses that Electro wants to show

Spider-Man that he can do an extraordinary thing like God in trying to defeat

Spider-Man. That monologue also signifies that he has taken over the city's

electrical grid that he set before (when he is Max Dillon). The reason why he does

it is because he thinks that grids are entirely his. It also indicates that he wants

everyone's electricity power to depend on him. He does it because he proposes to

take revenge on those people who never notice or ostracize him.

b. Rancorous

After having experienced some significant changes, Electro also becomes

a rancorous person. A rancorous person is someone who shows hateful feelings

and intends to hurt others due to being offended (Poggi and D’Errico, 2018). In

this case, Electro's hate goes to Spider-Man, who has hurt him.

As is known previously, when he is known as Max Dillon; he is a Spider-

Man enthusiast who loves Spider-Man a lot since Spider-Man has saved him from

a massive accident. Nonetheless, when he appears as Electro, his deep love for

Spider-Man vanishes and turns into a fire of hatred.

At the beginning of his appearance, Electro becomes the center of attention

of many people as he takes the city’s electricity and becomes the target of the

police. Initially, he feels surprised to be like that because he thinks everyone can

finally see and realize his appearance. Nevertheless, that feeling instantly

disappears along with the appearance of Spider-Man.



Electro : I just wanted everyone to see me.

(A police leader talks on the walkie-talkie.)
Police Leader : He makes a move, take that shot.
Spider-Man : How about you come with me? We'll go talk. Away from
all these people, okay?
Electro : Yeah, yes.
(A policeman shot Electro.)
Spider-Man : No! No! Stop!
(Electro counterattacks the police blindly with his electricity power.)
Spider-Man : Max!
(All people are yelling. Spider-Man tries to rescue a police officer from the
building's ruins. All people are chanting because of it.)
All people : Spidey, Spidey, Spidey!
(The crowd is booing and shouting indistinctly to Electro.)
A kid : Electro dummy!
A man : Get outta here you freak!
Electro : Shut up!
(Electro thinks that Spider-Man is selfish since everyone seems to be
cheering Spider-Man loudly.)
Electro : You're so selfish.
Spider-Man : Stay with me, Max.
Electro : You set me up.
Spider-Man : No, I didn't set you up.
Electro : You lied to me!
Spider-Man : No, I'm trying to help you
(Kurtzman, 2014:33)

Based on the dialogue above reveals that Electro becomes jealous of

Spider-Man. That happens because Electro thinks Spider-Man has stolen his show

or people's attention. In other words, his feelings change from surprised to angry

as he learns that despite his incredible strength, he feels Spider-Man is still the star

in people's eyes. He becomes jealous and thinks that Spider-Man is selfish, setting

him up to be the public enemy. At that moment, it indirectly changes his point of

view about Spider-Man, or he becomes a Spider-Man hater.

c. Brutal

Sanchez (2020) states, “Brutality overflows the concept of violence with

intuitions of excessive force, harm, ruin, and devastation perpetrated against

others.” In his portrayal, Electro becomes brutal, which is different from his


personality previously, known as a gentle person. As is said before, Electro has

transformed to be someone who has superpowers. In this respect, he can control

his superpowers perfectly to attack everyone who wants to ruin his plan, including


His brutality starts with his first presence in the middle of the city.

Initially, he comes to the city and unloads the center’s electricity grid to add his

energy. It certainly makes some people scared, and there are some police trying to

secure him. However, the police’s efforts make him angry since he feels innocent.

Then, he brutally attacks the police and makes the situation around it tense.

The Police : On the ground now!

Electro : Don't do that. Please! It's not my fault!
(The police are shouting indistinctly.)
Electro : I said stop!
(Electro attacks all the police with his electricity power, making them
bounce away.)
(Kurtzman, 2014:31)

The dialogue and portrayal above show that Electro does not accept that

the police accuse him since he thinks he does not make any mistakes. At that

moment, he looks like he does not hesitate to directly attack all the police who

accuse him of being guilty.

His second brutality can be seen in his action when Spider-Man comes to

see what has happened with the police and Electro. At that moment, Spider-Man

tries to communicate with Electro to calm him down. However, that plan fails

because of the police's carelessness, making Electro more brutal. It shows in the

dialogue and portrayal below.

Electro : I just… I just wanted everyone to see me.

(A police leader talks on a walkie-talkie.)
Police Officer : He makes a move, take that shot.


Spider-Man : How about you come with me? We'll go talk. Away from
all these people, okay?
Electro : Yeah, yes.
(A policeman shoots Electro.)
Spider-Man : No! No! Stop!
(Electro counterattacks the police blindly with his electricity power.)
(Kurtzman, 2014:33)

Based on the portrayal above, Electro wants to show everyone that he can

utilize his power brutally and blindly against anyone who interferes with him. He

does not care about everyone there, even with Spider-Man, who is the person that

he admires.

The third proof that Electro is brutal is when Harry Osborn rescues him at

Ravencroft Institute. In this case, Electro kills all security with his electricity

power and places Dr. Kafka (who tries to research him) in prison to replace him.

Electro does that because he wants to avenge Dr. Kafka, who has underestimated

and tortured him arbitrarily.

Harry Osborn : Max, we don't have much time!

Securities : Go! Go, go! Go!
Electro : Give me one reason. Why I should trust you?
Harry Osborn : Because I need you!
Electro : You need me?
Harry Osborn : Yes. I need you. You are my only chance that I have at
Electro : You need me?
Harry Osborn : Yes. I need you. I need you. Please! Please! Please! I
know what it's like to be thrown away! Please, Max! I need
you! I need you!
(Max yells and tries to release himself by utilizing his power. Finally, he
can free himself—Electro's electricity power stains all the securities,
including Dr. Kafka. Surprisingly, Dr. Kafka is still alive and tries to
run away. However, Electro realizes that and directly stings Dr. Kafka
with tremendous electrical power.)
Dr. Kafka : No!
(Dr. Kafka screams so hard since Electro tortures him greatly.)
(Kurtzman, 2014:55)


Electro’s brutality continues to the fourth evidence when he helps Harry

Osborn to get a specific spider blood at OSCORP. In that plan, Electro kills the

officer that proposes to meet Donald Menken, who knows where the spider blood

is. Not only that, but he also stings Donald Menken, who does not want to show

where the spider blood is.

Security : We have to move, now.

Donald Menken : Why? What's happened?
(Electro kills the security quickly and enters the office to meet Donald
Harry Osborn : Remember me? Oh, my, Oh, my.
(Electro stings Donald Menken's working table until it flies apart.)
Harry Osborn : How the tables have turned. I know it's hard to
admit, but how spectacular a move is this? Am I
right? Right as rain. Okay, so, Fairy Godmother, it
is time to grant me a wish. I want in to Special...
Donald Menken : How dare you come back in here? You recalcitrant,
unworthy, defective, urchin freaks.
(Electro stings Donald Menken with great electricity power until he
falls instantly.)
Harry Osborn : Oh, God, I'm sorry. That's just not the answer we
were looking for.
(Kurtzman, 2014:56)

As revealed before, Electro does not hesitate to attack the people who try

to hinder his plans, including all the securities. Harry Osborn also describes that

Electro's superpowers are spectacular and can destroy anyone. Moreover, the

dialogue above shows Electro does not like Daniel Menken, who humiliates Harry

Osborn, since it hinders and thwarts his plan. Then, Electro directly attacks the

security and Donald Menken to speed up his plan to help Harry Osborn to get the

spider's blood.

Another evidence that Electro is brutal is when he tries to catch Spider-

Man's attention to fight with him. He brutally and gradually seizes all of New

York's electricity so that he can have extreme power. By doing that, he



successfully attracts Spider-Man's attention, and he has also interfered with all the

activities happening in some places, such as on a plane, highway, and in


(Suddenly, the electricity around New York City is down.)

Spider-Man : What the hell is that?

Gwen Stacy : Is that Max? He must have cut the power to the whole
(Kurtzman, 2014:59)

The situation at the airplane:

Pilot :New York Approach. This is Pan National 273 on
approach. How do you hear? Approach, do you copy?
Co-Pilot : Radio's working. It's not us.
Pilot :Tower, we're experiencing some kind of electrical
disturbance. Instruments are going haywire. Radar is
down. We're flying blind out here. Do you hear, copy?
(Kurtzman, 2014:59)

The situation on the highway.

(Many people are screaming. A police officer speaks loudly by using a
Police Officer : Do not panic. Everyone, please return to your vehicles.
Go back to your cars. Remain calm. Do not panic.
Everyone return to your vehicles.
(Kurtzman, 2014:59-60)

The situation at the hospital.

(Doctor and Aunt May are doing intensive care on a patient in the
Doctor : I need a respirator right now.
Aunt May :They're battery-operated.I'll get it. Hang on. Okay.
(Kurtzman, 2014:61)

Based on the situation in the city, Electro's brutal action certainly can

disturb the people's activity in the city since all the electricity is down. That

situation also makes the situation scary, which can be seen in some places. The

first place is on the airplane. The pilot, who flies a plane, also loses his connection

with the airport, which can endanger all the lives of the passengers on board. The

second is on the highway. The people on the highway the police officer's


monologue, describe that all people seem so panicked and do not know what they

should do besides running around to protect themselves. The last place is at the

hospital. The dialogue between the doctor and Aunt May indicates that Aunt May

has to operate the respirator, which uses batteries to help the patient to breathe


B. The Factors that Influence The Personality Development of Electro in

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

In this last part of the analysis, this research explains the factors

influencing Electro’s personality development in The Amazing Spider-Man

2 movie. As explained previously, this research utilizes the theory of personality

development from Hurlock (1976) to analyze what kind of changes encourage

Electro to be a character in such a way. This theory looks at personality

development, which discusses all the aspects that influence someone’s

characteristic renewal. In this case, it is certainly suitable to use in this research

where it proposes to investigate what factors influence Electro’s personality

development in such a way. For this reason, the personality development theory

by Hurlock is utilized in this research so that the basics of this research are

accountable. Based on the analysis from the last part, which is the development of

the character Electro, this research reveals that three factors affect Electro’s

personality development. They are a change of self-concept, a change of role, and

a change of physique.


1. Electro’s Change in Self-Concept

The first factor which affects Electro’s personality development is a

change of self-concept. Self-Concept change is someone’s whole perception

regarding his/her weakness and strength, abilities, and the like (Hurlock, 1976).

Besides, when it is changed, it encourages someone to have a new perspective due

to what he/she has just experienced that affects his/her abilities, intellectuals, Etc

(Hurlock, 1976). It aligns with Electro’s self-concept in The Amazing Spider-Man

2 story. His self-concept has changed from inferior to superior due to what he has

experienced and felt.

Starting from when he is known as Max Dillon, he becomes inferior since

there are some terrible threats from many people. He feels he has no appreciation

and is not noticed by others. At the same time, he has done an important job for

the whole city at OSCORP: designing the electricity grid that all New York

citizens can enjoy. As a result of those nasty threats, he certainly thinks he is a

nobody and worthless. In essence, he is so frustrated with his condition and feels

so clueless to make others at least consider his existence.

Then, when Max Dillon becomes Electro, his self-concept changes from

inferior to superior. The electricity superpowers in his body certainly pull him to a

mindset where he considers everything trivial and can be conquered easily. In

other words, Electro can do anything with his superpowers and thinks no one can

stop him. He is even brave to challenge Spider-Man, who has incredible spider

power. His bad experiences in the past also encourage him to feel superior since

he wants to make all people suffer like him. In essence, there will be no mercy for

the people who have hurt him in the past.



2. Electro’s Change in Role

Role change is the second factor that influences Electro's personality

development. The role term refers to a position or status that can influence a

person's personality development (Hurlock, 1976). More simply, when the role of

someone in life is changed, it directly affects the change of their nature or attitude

(Hurlock, 1976). This statement is undoubtedly the same as the role of Electro in

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 story. As described previously, he is determined to

love Spider-Man a lot or be a Spider-Man enthusiast. However, he turns out to be

a hater of Spider-Man after undergoing bad experiences.

At the story's beginning, Spider-Man is influential to Max Dillon. He has

saved Max from the massive accident and considers Max one of the most

influential people to him. Electro undoubtedly heard a remarkable statement since

he knows that everyone has ostracized him. For those reasons, Max Dillon is so

loving about Spider-Man. However, he transforms into a Spider-Man hater after

becoming Electro. Becoming a man with a superpower surprises him since

everyone finally notices his existence. His presence becomes a spotlight for all

people because he has created chaos in the middle of the city. Shortly after, all the

attention turns to Spider-Man, who initially wants to help Electro.

Nevertheless, that attention cannot be accepted by Electro. Electro thinks

that Spider-man's presence has stolen his 'show' in the middle of the city, making

him angry. After that, the fight between Spider-man and him is inevitable. He

considers Spider-Man as his enemy, which has to be destroyed.



3. Electro’s Change of Physique

The third factor that can be seen that influences Electro's personality is the

change in his physique. Physical changes may affect someone's personality from

maturation, illness, injuries, and so on (Hurlock, 1976). In this respect, it happens

with Electro, who undergoes nasty injuries. The injuries that make him not only

seem so different but also change his personality.

As it is portrayed in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie, Electro is initially

known as Max Dillon in the early part of the story. He lives as a simple citizen

who works as an electrician and is known as a gentle guy who voluntarily wants

to help the people, set the city's electricity grid, and obey Mr. Smythe's command.

Nevertheless, behind the goodness that he has, he feels ostracized since no one

notices his existence. In other words, he feels that all the efforts that he has made

are so futile because he feels that people ostracize him.

After having experienced an accident, he is changed drastically to be

someone who chis annot be known easily. At the beginning of his appearance as

Electro, his body becomes blue and is flowed with super electricity power.

Initially, he does not know what is happening to him. Nonetheless, when he

knows that everyone can realize his existence by having that power, he becomes

brutal and spiteful.

As described previously, his brutalities are shown when he attacks all the

police who want to secure him at the beginning of his presence as Electro. He also

takes over the whole city's electricity power which causes several chaotic

situations in some places, such as on airplanes, highways, and hospitals. That

thing certainly can harm most people and create an agitated situation. His


electricity takeover also indicates how he becomes a spiteful person. In this

respect, he wants to show that the changes in his physique, which give him

superpower, can make the people feel that their life depends on him, who has been

humiliated and rejected by them. In other words, the changes in his physique are

used as a medium of improvement; he can do anything to make the people regret

it since they have ostracized him.




This chapter presents three significant parts. The first part is a conclusions

consisting of a summary of the research analysis previously. The second part is

implications recommendations which cover several further actions that may be

useful for future researchers interested in discussing a movie's research.

A. Conclusions

Based on the analysis, some findings can be brought out to answer the two

research questions. The first research question is how Electro developed in The

Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie script. After gathering and discussing the data, this

research finds that Electro is an antagonist character who develops unpredictably.

In addition, Electro is an antagonist and central character, which certainly takes an

important role.

Electro is known initially as Max Dillon, who is exposed as inferior,

loving, and gentle. The feeling of being ostracized directly makes him think he is

a nobody and worthless. He also loves Spider-Man a lot. In this case, his

admiration for Spider-Man runs so deep inside his mind, which makes him so

enthusiastic and grateful to have ever known Spider-Man. Furthermore, his

gentleness can be seen when he sincerely helps others and is responsible for doing

his work alone.

Then, when Max Dillon becomes Electro, his initial personality is

transformed totally. In this case, his personality is developed to be superior,



rancorous, and brutal. Electro’s superiority arises from electricity superpowers

that make him think stronger than the others. Then, he becomes a rancorous

person, where his admiration for Spider-man vanishes and becomes a deep hatred.

Lastly, he becomes brutal since he has enormous electricity power, which can be

used to attack anyone.

After analyzing the personality development of Electro, this research

investigates the factors that influence Electro's personality development. The first

factor is the change in self-concept. That factor leads to his personality being

inferior to superior. The second factor is the change in roles. Spider-Man's

betrayal changes him from being a Spider-Man enthusiast to a hater, affecting

Electro's personality from loving to rancorous. The third is the changes in

physique. The changes in Electro's physique lead to his personality changing from

being gentle to brutal.

B. Implications

This research certainly has some implications, particularly in the field of

education. For the teacher, the result of this research can be a reference for

making learning material to understand a character. At the same time, since this

research uses a psychological approach, it can be a source of literature for teachers

to determine why their students have a terrible attitude. Then for the students, the

research results are expected to enhance students' knowledge in understanding the

development of a character in a story while watching a movie. In other words, it

can encourage the students indirectly to think critically about what happens with

the character rather than only enjoying the story. Moreover, students also can


catch this research as a reference for their learning, primarily related to the

literature field.

C. Recommendations

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has been researched; it gives many lessons to

people, especially the development of its antagonist character. Throughout that

topic, Alex Kurtzman, the movie script's writer, directly opens people's minds to

the fact that unhappiness in life may lead someone to be an antagonist. In essence,

this research reveals that this movie is entertaining and gives people insights into

the development of human nature.

This research certainly could be better. Therefore, several further actions

can be taken to utilize this research properly and correctly. First, this research

proposes to discuss personality development using a psychological approach

in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie. Therefore, it is expected that future

researchers will be able to use that approach to analyze another topic related to the

same movie. For instance, future researchers can use psychological approaches to

research the psychological problems undergone by Electro. Second, the findings

of this research are expected to help future researchers as a valuable reference that

can be used properly. Third, this research can be arranged well and supported by

some references such as journals, articles, and theses. Nevertheless, it is intended

for future researchers to find books specifying personality development in

physique since it is challenging to find them in electronic form.



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The Synopsis of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Movie

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie is a continuation of The Amazing

Spider-Man movie aired in 2011. Like sequels in general, this movie serves as the

extension of its first version, where it tells the story after the death of Gwen’s

father, Captain George Stacy (Denis Leary). After Captain George knows who the

person behind the Spider-Man mask is, Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield), he

instructs Peter to stay away from his daughter, Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone), for her

life safety. Then, Peter grants Captain George’s wish and directly breaks his

relationship with Gwen after graduating from high school.

Nevertheless, without being denied, the strength of love between Peter and

Gwen makes them fall in love again. In contrast, Captain Geoge’s last message is

still remembered in Peter’s mind, which makes him in a dilemma. In the middle of

that situation, Peter faces a significant problem: the emergence of Electro (Jammie

Foxx). Electro is initially known as Max Dillon and is a worker at OSCORP

company. He is always ostracized by everyone whenever and wherever he is. One

day, when he tries to fix the electricity problem at OSCORP, he experiences a bad

accident that stuns him with a significant electric current. After that, Max

becomes a person who can absorb electricity from anywhere. Slowly after it, he

has superpowers that can be utilized to attack everyone. He also becomes violent

and wants to take revenge on everyone who has ostracized him in the past.

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