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Kandidatgruppe ENG1007 – 2 - E

Kandidatnummer: 969DJA-V

Del 2 - Videreformidling
Oppgave: 23
Hi My friend

How are you? I hope you are doing great.

Today, I overheard two of my teachers' discussion. I wanted to share it with you. Because it
piqued my interest. The discussion was about Sherman Alexie and his book “The Toughest
Indian in the World”. They both agree that he is a good writer. The part that interests me is
that Alexie is Na ve American. I think it is important for Na ve Americans to make their
voices heard more in America. Of course, it should be taken into considera on that there are
not enough different voices in this regard. But it is sad that Sherman was accused of
harassment. I hope this is just a false statement. Otherwise, he will lose all his efforts and
Since you live in the US, I was curious about your opinion of this book and about Na ve
Americans. Do you think they really have a problem with not being able to hear Na ve
Americans? Also, does this book reflect their culture or is it just an exaggera on? I would be
glad if you share your experience and opinion on these issues with me.
Best Regards

Del 3 – Samhandling
oppgave: 24
In a plain words, I have no experience with this situation. Such experiences are interesting to
me. Actually, I like different experiences, but when it comes to a stranger, I'm a little
hesitant. I'm a supporter of not being biased. Jane, if you're totally against having a strange
person in your home, be sure to discuss it with your parents. But if you are saying, you can
give a chance, maybe this will be a new opportunity for you.
Actually, I totally agree with neither Edward nor Elinor. If the visiting student can adapt to
your home rules, that's a great idea. But if he can't adapt, you can have an unbearable
week. As a result, your family should respect your posi on. If you don’t want to socialize
with someone you do not know, this is entirely your choice. Your family cannot force you to
do this. It can only make recommendations. Student exchange is a good program. A good
opportunity for cultures to learn about each other However, I believe that the family
members who will host it should completely agree on this issue.
Del 4 - Skriftlig produksjon

oppgave: 25
Task 4b

Management style of English-speaking countries

Of course, the management style, culture and social condi ons of English-speaking countries
are different. Because America is a country of immigrants, it hosts many cultures in the
world at the same me. For example, the Bri sh are prescrip ve (norma ve), but it's hard to
say for America. Australians, on the other hand, have their own dis nct culture. It is possible
to mul ply these examples. Australians have their own slang words , they have a da ng
culture. For example, Tipping is not common in Australia but it is very common in the USA.
English-speaking countries are facing today.
First of all, They have serious losses of their own language and culture. It's a difficult issue to
tackle and I don't think they can handle it.
Culture and iden ty of English-speaking countries
Culture and iden ty are the unwri en rules of the society you belong to. Even if no one
forces us to do this, we follow the requirements of the culture we belong to. And we are
being happy about that.
Most of the English-speaking countries were once Bri sh colonies. However, their cultures
differ according to their social environments. Because not all people in those lands are
Bri sh. Not even the majority. The living condi ons of the country you live in have a great
influence on your culture.

Mul cultural and diversity

English-speaking countries received serious immigra on over me. And it s ll con nues to
receive immigra on. This brought the mul culturalism there. People take their culture with
them to the countries they migrate to. If you are a minority, you may lose this over me.
However, if there is someone else like you, you try to live your culture together. You even
pass it on to your children. Naturally, many cultures emerge in a country. Those who learn to
live with this are lucky than others. Or we can also say they are advantageous.

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