CA 2 TH 2. Test 2

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Lưu ý:

- Số lần nghe: 3 lần cho mỗi phần nghe

- Thời gian đọc trước câu hỏi từng phần nghe: 1 phút

- Thời gian dừng giữa các lần nghe: 30 giây

- Thời gian làm bài 1: 7 phút sau khi nghe xong

- Thời gian làm bài 2: 3 phút sau khi nghe xong

Task 1: Listen to the first news report and answer the following questions (6 points):

1. What are Bristish people concerned about in the upcoming cold season?


2. What was Russia’s energy sanction towards European countries following the conflict
with Ukraine in late February?


3. Why do people in Britain have to pay such a high price for oil and gas?

Task 2: Listen to the second news report and fill in each blank (4 points):

Officials at the World Health Organization (WHO) (1) ……………………………. for

dealing with pandemics. The U.N. health agency's 194 member countries have (2)
……………………………. of May 2024 for a legal agreement. A new agreement is a top
goal for WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. He called it a” (3)
……………………………. that we will not go back to the old cycle of panic.” at the U.N.
agency's yearly meeting. The agreement seeks to improve the (4) …………………………….
against new viruses. The effort follows the worldwide spread of COVID-19, which is blamed
for killing (5) …………………………….. The WHO already has rules known as the
International Health Regulations, passed in 2005. The rules explain countries' responsibilities
when diseases and other public health events (6) …………………………….. WHO
members approved the rules after the SARS outbreak in 2002 to 2003. These rules are still
considered good enough for (7) ……………………………., like Ebola, but not for a
pandemic. The rules are also being reconsidered after COVID-19. Member nations have
agreed that the new agreement should have legal force (8) ……………………………..

*Lưu ý khi chấm bài:
1. Đối với bài 1: 2đ/câu
- Câu trả lời phải đảm bảo đủ ý và đúng ngữ pháp. Tùy vào mức độ sai ngữ pháp
và cách dùng từ, GV trừ điểm sao cho hợp lý. Trường hợp SV paraphrase nhưng
vẫn đúng ý với bài nghe, câu trả lời vẫn được ghi nhận.
- Đối với lỗi sai: cứ 3 lỗi sai chính tả, trừ 0,5đ.
2. Đối với bài 2: 0,5đ/câu
- Câu trả lời phải đảm bảo đúng ngữ pháp (hình thức của từ - word form)
- Đối với lỗi sai: cứ 2 lỗi sai chính tả trong 1 câu, trừ 0,25đ


Task 1: Listen to the first news report and answer the following questions (6 points)

1. What are Bristish people concerned about in the upcoming cold season?

They concerned that the price will be higher and they may not be able to pay for
their gas and electricity this winter.

2. What was Russia’s energy sanction towards European countries following the conflict
with Ukraine in late February?

Russia limited the amount of natural gas it sent to European countries that needed
it to power factories, produce electricity and keep homes warm.

3. Why do people in Britain have to pay such a high price for oil and gas?
Because Britain does not produce much gas or have a good way to store it. As a
result, they must purchase gas often in a market where prices are high.


The government organization that controls the cost of energy in Great Britain recently
increased what is known as a price cap. The price cap is the highest amount that gas suppliers
can charge for a unit of energy. The new, higher cost has people concerned that they may not
be able to pay for their gas and electricity this winter. Some might pay as much as $4,188 for
energy next year. Earlier this year, the price cap was at $2,320. Oil and gas prices around the
world have been increasing since 2021 as economies started up again after the coronavirus
pandemic. More business activities required more fuel. Then, Russia invaded Ukraine in late
February, creating a new energy crisis. Russia limited the amount of natural gas it sent to
European countries that needed it to power factories, produce electricity and keep homes
warm. Some energy companies are charging more because they are worried that Russia might
completely stop sending gas to European countries. And in Britain, prices are up because the
country does not produce much gas or have a good way to store it. As a result, Britain must
purchase gas often in a market where prices are high.

Task 2: Listen to the second news report and fill in each blank (4 points)

1. are negotiating new rules

2. set a target date
3. generational commitment
4. world's defenses
5. nearly 7 million people
6. threaten to cross borders
7. local epidemics
8. like a treaty does


Officials at the World Health Organization (WHO) are negotiating new rules for dealing with
pandemics. The U.N. health agency's 194 member countries have set a target date of May
2024 for a legal agreement. A new agreement is a top goal for WHO chief Tedros Adhanom
Ghebreyesus. He called it a "generational commitment that we will not go back to the
old cycle of panic" at the U.N. agency's yearly meeting. The agreement seeks to improve the
world's defenses against new viruses. The effort follows the worldwide spread of COVID-19,
which is blamed for killing nearly 7 million people. The WHO already has rules known as the
International Health Regulations, passed in 2005. The rules explain countries' responsibilities
when diseases and other public health events threaten to cross borders. WHO members
approved the rules after the SARS outbreak in 2002 to 2003. These rules are still considered
good enough for local epidemics, like Ebola, but not for a pandemic. The rules are also being
reconsidered after COVID-19. Member nations have agreed that the new agreement should
have legal force like a treaty does.

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