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2018 International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (ICAST)

Decision Support System

for Choosing Daycare in Surabaya City
Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Kholid Fathoni Ira Prasetyaningrum Choirunnisa Lutfi Hariyati
Departmen Multimedia Creative Department of Informatics and Department of Informatics and
Technology Computer Engineering Computer Engineering
Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Politeknik Elektronika Negeri
Surabaya (PENS) Surabaya (PENS) Surabaya (PENS),

Abstract--Economic problems led to changes in women's out during working hours. Daycare is an organized effort
roles where women are choosing to work, so they cannot to take care of children outside their home for a few
always be with the children and tend to choose child care in hours in a day when the care of the elderly are less able
daycare when they are working as a solution. The routines to be implemented in full. In this case, the notion of
make them lack any information about daycares especially daycare is only as a complement to the care of the
profiles and locations. So parents need an information
elderly and not as a substitute for the care of parent[1].
system that can provide information about daycare and
advise the decision. The purpose of this research is to From the problem above, it would require applications
provide a system that gives information of each daycare that can help parents find and choose daycare. So that we
and daycare recommendations, so that it can be used by have to create a system that provides information and
parents. In this research, decision-making system was recommendations of daycares.
conducted using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), This observation is done for making system that
which is a multi-criteria decision-making method. A contain information about daycare and daycare
recommendation is made by user’s rank. The conclusion of recommendation, so it can be used by parents.
this research is that the system is able to provide
information and recommendations about daycare and able
to meet the needs of parents.
II. Literature Review
A. Android
Keywords: Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Android is one of the world's popular mobile
Analytical Hierarchy Process, Daycare operating systems, powering billions of devices ranging
from phones to watches, tablets, TVs, and more. It is an
open source, Linux-based software stack created for a
I. Introduction wide array of devices and form factors. The major
Human needs are evolving currently, from primary, components of the Android platform are: Linux kernel,
secondary, and tertiary and they can be different between hardware abstraction layer (HAL), Android Runtime
one human with another. Urban human needs become (ART), Native C/C++ Libraries, Java API Framework
more numerous and widespread than in rural areas to and System Apps [2].
fulfill the necessary causing a change in the role of
women. Women who used only to deal with the B. Google Maps API
domestic area (house), is now exploring the outdoors Google Maps API is a function of programming
profession. Even the few women has a dual function, functions provided by Google maps Google maps that
namely as housewives and working women. Women can be integrated into the Web or application being
work out of the house to earn extra though the husband made[3].
is the main breadwinner. Being a working woman means Google maps API itself provides functions very much,
choosing to be a multi-role woman, as mother to child, here are the divisions:
as a wife and as a worker. - Google Maps Javascript API v3
The Parent that is busy in work, make them not able to - Google Maps API Webservice
spend their time with children, so parents now prefer to - Google Place API
put their children at daycare.
According to the United Nations (1990) daycare is C. Analytical Hierarcy Process
means of child care daycare in groups, usually carried

978-1-5386-7548-9/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 544

Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was developed used in the exchange of data between client and server.
by Thomas L. Saaty in the 1970s. This method is one of There are two formats: XML and JSON[5].
multiple criteria decision-making model that can help the
human frame in which the factors of logic, experience or E. Related Works
knowledge, emotions and sense of optimized into a Research from Ahmad Ikbal; Department of
systematic process. Basically, AHP is a method used to Informatics, Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute
solve complex problems and are not structured into of Surabaya, 2013. With the title "Site Selection Method
groups, to organize the group into a hierarchy, and then Using Billboards with AHP-GIS in Probolinggo City
enter a numerical value as a substitute for human Android-Based”.[6]
perception in making relative comparisons. With a This research is about determining and addressing
synthesis of it will be determined which elements should the location of the installation of billboards that uses
have the highest priority. AHP as a decision-making system. This study aims to
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) as Decision provide complete and accurate information to the user
According Badiru (1995), AHP is a practical approach to for the installation of billboards, decision-support
solving complex decision problems which include strategic site selection and billboards can determine the
alternative comparision. AHP also allow the decision- amount of tax on the price of each place the installation
making presents a hierarchical relationship between of billboards. Trials are conducted by the Revenue as
actors, attributes, characteristics or alternatives in the much as 5 times. The test results of this application has
environmental decision-making. With special concluded that the program's success rate is above 50%.
characteristics, its hierarchy, complex unstructured Research from Raisa Hakim; Department of
problem is solved in group. Informatics, Faculty of Industrial Technology, National
Benefits of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP): Development University "Veteran", 2013. Under the
The benefits of the use of AHP, among others, namely; heading "Decision Support Systems election Nurseries
a. Integrating intuition of thought, feeling and sensing in Using multiple methods attribute Decision making -
analyzing the decision-making TOPSIS."[7]
b. Take into account the consistency and assessments This research is the same discussion, but the method
that have been done in comparing factors - factors to is different. This study’s background are the confusion in
assess the validity of the decision selecting daycare by parents who work outside the home
c. Ease of measurement in element because the ernomous number of daycares. This research
d. Allows planning ahead. aims to design a program decision support system that
One of the benefits that distinguish the decision- can be used by parents to determine and choose the
making model is the existence of absolute consistency daycare liking, applying TOPSIS method as a decision
requirement. It is based because the human decision- support system for the selection of daycare and to
making is partly based logic and partly based on compare the results of the election daycares using
intuition. methods TOPSIS and election results manually (without
using TOPSIS method), and presents information related
D. Web Service to daycare. There are five criterias (conditions of
Web Service offers many advantages especially daycare, fees, amenities, caregiver ratio, playgroup) and
high interoperability and the use that can be accessed 6 alternate daycare in Sidoarjo area used in calculating
anytime and anywhere during our machines are this decision support system.
connected by a network of one of the Internet[4]. From the analysis of questionnaires that are
Web Service based on web standards and xml. Web conducted against some parents, it is found that 80% of
Service can help: respondents stated that the program enough to help
− Intermediary integration platform along the virtual choosing a daycare compared with choosing a daycare
machine execution. manually and 66% of respondents stated that the system
− The integration between Web and OO middleware. has been built to produce daycares in accordance with
− Integration of workflow isolated and sevice-service user criteria.
(Web Services Flow Language - WSFL). Another research are from Abdullah Azam and Sri
− Exchange of data in different applications (X- Indrawati from Industrial Engineering, Universitas Islam
Schema, XSLT ++) Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, “Development of
− (Future: standardization of context information decision support system for employee selection using
between web services and clients - servicing Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System”. The decision
horizontal integration). support system is required for the employee selection
Using a web service, we can build applications process using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system
albeit in different platforms. The data format that is often (ANFIS). The data used to build the system is the

historical data of employee selection process in children 4. User provides a review to daycare.
day care. The data shows the characteristic of job 5. Admin saw a review that the user entered.
applicant that qualified and not qualified. From that data, From the context buffer diagram developed into
the system can perform a learning process and give the DFD level 1 which contains a more complete
right decision. The system is able to provide the right process as in Figure 3 below:
decision with an error of 0,00016249 [8].

III. System Design

At the research there are two different systems, so as to
use the web service to connect. Web service is used for
centralized data. Two different systems are web based
server side and client side based android. Below is a
working draft of this system:

Figure 3 DFD level 1

IV. Implementation

Figure 1 System Design

A. Recommendation Menu
On the web, there are administrators who can add, This recommendation menu is the main menu
edit, and delete daycare. Admin can also verify the of the application of information systems and
addition of child care through the website. The results recommendations of this daycare. Within this menu
add, edit, delete, or verify the addition of new child care the user is required to rank the criteria, where small
places by the user will then be saved to the database. numbers into consideration over a larger number, so
On Android devices, users can access the that the sequence number of important input into
information and use the features and review nothing more important than to be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and
recommendations. Access to information, reviews and then 7.
counting recommendation made by sending a request to
the web server. Web server will receive and retrieve the
requested data and then sends it back to the user. Once
the data is received, then the android device will present
the data or the results of the calculation.

A. Data Flow Diagram

Analysis of data flow diagram starts from the context
diagram. Diagram context of the system being built is
shown in Figure 2.
Daycare Criterias
Daycare Reviews Daycare Information Admin
User 1
Choosing Daycare

Recommendation Reviews

Figure 2 DFD level 0

Here is an explanation of the data flow diagram above

level 0:
1. Admin to manage the data daycare.
2. User sort / give ranking to the existing criteria. Figure 4 Recommendation Menu
3. The system will automatically calculate and give the
result of the user input. B. Result of recommendation interface

See the results of this recommendation is to see This display will give detailed information
the results of the calculation of the recommendations about the selected child care centers. Name
in the recommendation menu. This view shows a list daycare, manager, no. phone, address, cost,
of daycare being recommended by calculating AHP. facilities and others.
When the daycare's name is clicked, it will go into
the detail of daycare concerned.

Figure 7 Interface Daycare Details

E. AHP Implementation
AHP counting begins when the user has input a
ranking for each criterion.
Figure 5 Result of Recommendation Menu Table 1 User Ranking
Distance : 1
C. Review Menu Budget : 2
On the menu review, the user will see a list of Maks hour : 3
daycare, when clicked it will lead to detailed information, Activity variation : 4
in the middle there is a choice see review list and add a Ratio of nanny : 5
review. To add a user review are required to login first. Cleanliness : 6
Security : 7
By inserting as above, then each alternative
daycare will have a value of AHP, AHP from the
input to the process, then the first thing to do is to
convert the value input from the user, can be seen in
the table below:
Table 2 Conversion Input Values
(Rank) Input Important
value Value
1 9
2 7
3 6
4 4
5 3
6 2
7 1
Total 32
Figure 6 Review Menu By adjusting the above table, the importance of
the amount of their total value is 32.
D. Interface Daycare Details

Next is to determine the value of local priorities 14 TPAIT Al-Uswah 0.595182629
for each input by dividing the value of the interest rate 15 TPA Harapan Aisyiyah 0.595151477
to the total amount of importance. The results are in
16 TPA Lasiyam 0.595133694
the table below:
17 TPA AL-Hikmah 0.593765824
Table 3 Local Priority In Every Input Value 18 TPA Permata Bangsa 0.593765824
(Rank) Input Important Value of Local
19 Sayang Daycare 0.54048794
value Value Priority
1 9 0.28125 20 TPA Al-Wahyu 0.380758994
2 7 0.21875
3 6 0.1875 F. User Experience
4 4 0.125 The trial of this system was carried out by direct
5 3 0.09375 testing of several targets, namely parents, both fathers and
6 2 0.0625 mothers aged 25-35 years or parents who had children
7 1 0.03125 under 4 years old, with 12 respondents.
Total 32 1 Regarding usability, the majority of respondents
around 67% stated that this system was easy to use. 25%
of respondents said it was quite easy while 8% of
After a local priority value is found, then look respondents said it was very easy. This is shown in Figure
for the value of AHP by finding alternative priority 8.
value of the data that is multiplied with local
priorities. To get the priority value of the data can use
the alternative way is to normalize the data by
dividing that value by the total value. Furthermore
impose N = 1-n for the search criteria are of little
value, namely the distance, costs and the ratio of the
number of caregiver / child.
Once normalized, then to get the priority value
of each alternative, the system will multiply every
value that is owned alternative to the value of local
priorities. AHP obtained from the calculation of the
amount of the priority value of each alternative. In this
way, the result will be like:
Table 4 AHP Value For Every Alternative Figure 8 Users Experience in Usability
No Daycare AHP Scores
1 Masha Day Care 0.614593166 As for how this system helps parents, the results of
2 TPAIT Noer Hidjaijjah 0.614472909 the trial to the user are described as follows. The majority
of respondents around 50% stated that this application
3 Jasmine Moslem Day Care 0.611789999 helps parents. Whereas 33% of respondents stated that
4 TPA Darussalam 0.595273639 this application was quite helpful to parents, and 17% of
respondents said this system was very helpful for parents.
5 TPA An-Naja 0.59526256
This is shown in figure 9.
6 TPA Islam Gayatri 0.595259063
7 TPA Shafira 0.595257748
8 TPA Safinda 0.595256519
9 TPA Rumah Ceria 0.595247473
10 TPA Al-Kamil 0.595232248
11 TPA Annur 0.595228351
12 TPA Cahaya Tazkia 0.595194441
13 TPA Angels n 1 0.595185501

[7] Research from Raisa Hakim; Department of
Informatics, Faculty of Industrial Technology,
National Development University "Veteran", 2013.
Under the heading "Decision Support Systems
election Nurseries Using multiple methods attribute
Decision making – TOPSIS”
[8] Azam A, Indrawati S. Development of decision
support system for employee selection using
Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System, MATEC
Web of Conferences 154, 01077 (2018), ICET4SD

Figure 9 Users Experience in Helping Parents

V. Conclusion
The application of the AHP method helps this
system to determine the best daycare sequence in
Surabaya. The AHP parameters used include: distance,
budget, max hour, activity variation, ratio of nanny,
cleanliness and security. Parents can determine their own
priorities for each of these factors to get the best daycare
according to the needs of parents.
Test results to the user generate conclusions:
1. This system is easy to use by parents
2. This system helps parents to choose the best daycare
according to the needs of each parent.

Acknowledgments This research has been supported by

DIKTI (Directorate General of Higher Education,
Indonesia) under contract number

[1] Patmonodewo, DR. Soemiati. 2003.Pendidikan Anak
Sekolah. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta
[2] Accessed on 21:31,
November 28, 2017
[3] Pengantar Google Map Api. (2015). Candra Lab.
Accessed on 21:28, November 28, 2017, from
[4] Overview of Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP).
(2015). Hari Santoso. Accessed on 21:28, November
28, 2017, from http://hari-cio-
[5] Pengenalan Json Untuk Layanan Android. (2016).
Ridwan, SST. Accessed on 5.10, Juni 1, 2017 from
[6] Research from Ahmad Ikbal; Department of
Informatics, Electronic Engineering Polytechnic
Institute of Surabaya, 2013. With the title "Site
Selection Method Using Billboards with AHP-GIS
in Kota Probolinggo Android-Based


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