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Practicing Dialogues With Personal Information

Andi: Hello, how are you?

Indra: I'm great. Thank you. How about you?

Andi: I'm doing well.

Andi: What's your surname (last name, family name)?

Indra: My surname (last name, family name) is Sumitro

Andi: What's your first name?

Indra: My first name is Indra. And, what's your name?

Andi: I'm Andi. Where are you from?

Indra: I'm from...[place]. And you?

Andi: I'm from ....

Andi: What's your job? (or, What do you do for a living?)

Indra: I'm a.... [occupation]. What about you?

Andi: I'm ....

Andi: What's your address?

Indra: My address is...[state address]

Andi: What is your telephone number?

Indra: My number is...[state phone number]

Andi: How old are you?

Indra: I am...[state age]

Andi: nice to meet you.

Indra: nice to meet you, too.

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