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Cognitive Musicology, University of Amsterdam

Research proposal

Title: Melodies and Harmonies Shaping Intertemporal Decisions.

Names & Student numbers:

Rashal Buijze 13334247

Elias Groot 13963821
Jari Kamps 13074415
Bart Remmelzwaal 13957228

Research question: What effects do music-induced emotions have on intertemporal

decision making across multiple timestamps?

We want to improve the study we have looked at with our 5-minute movie presentation; for
example regarding the timestamps used in the article of Linshu Zhou, Yufang Yang & Shu Li.
In their study only two timestamps were used and only ‘sad’ and ‘happy’ piano music was
used. We are curious about intertemporal decision making in different time stamps (now, one
month, one year and ten years from now for example) and we want to use different kinds of
music. E.g; A couple of broad sub-research questions that might be of importance:

- How do different musical genres influence the formation and making of intertemporal
- How do multiple varied timestamps affect this emotion-induced and making of
intertemporal decisions that are influenced by music-induced emotion?

Word counts

Max 2000 words, excluding refs, planning section and captions for tables and figures. Suggested
word counts for each section below is a guideline, not restrictions.

The intended duration of the project (4 weeks / 4 months / Other: please specify)
Cognitive Musicology, University of Amsterdam

Research proposal

Introduction (500 – 800 words)

Describe the problem/topic of interest. Use 5-10 existing literature (can always be more but use
effectively), explaining what we know and don’t know about the topic. Also give a convincing
motivation of why the topic has to be studied.

Proposed methods (500 - 1000 words)

Explain how you propose to answer your research question(s). Try to motivate why this particular
method is the best way to address it.

· Experimental studies: give a full design of your experiment (target participants, stimuli
characteristics, conditions, tasks, what & how you will measure and analyze)

Expected outcomes, possible interpretations (300-500 words)

What do you expect to find, how will the outcomes be interpreted?

· Experimental studies: create a figure or table to visualize your expected outcomes.

· Review studies (option): if possible, create a figure to map core concepts / ideas.

Action plans (e.g., Gantt chart)

Make a breakdown of work packages in a form of table / bullet point list / Gantt chart or alike.

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