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Chromosome definition: Chromosomes are thread-like structures in cells that carry genetic

information. They contain DNA and proteins, containing genes that determine an organism's traits.
Humans typically have 23 pairs of chromosomes (46), with one set inherited from each parent.

chromosomes are structures within cells that store and transmit genetic information. Here are
some key details:

1. *Structure:* Chromosomes consist of DNA molecules tightly coiled around histone proteins. This
coiling helps in organizing the genetic material efficiently.

2. *Genes:* Genes are segments of DNA on chromosomes that encode specific traits or functions.
Each chromosome contains numerous genes.

3. *Human Chromosomes:* Humans have 23 chromosomes, categorized into autosomes (non-sex

chromosomes) and sex chromosomes (X and Y). Females have two X chromosomes (XX), while
males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY).

Detailed diagram of chromosome

I can describe the basic components of a chromosome without providing an actual

diagram. Visualizing this description may help you understand the structural details:
1. *DNA Molecule:* The central component of a chromosome is the DNA molecule, a long,
double-helix structure. It carries the genetic instructions encoded in the sequence of nucleotide bases
(adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine).

2. *Histone Proteins:* DNA wraps around histone proteins, forming nucleosomes. These protein
complexes help organize and package the DNA efficiently. Nucleosomes resemble beads on a string,
with DNA coiling around each histone core.

3. *Chromatid:* Each chromosome consists of two identical chromatids, joined by a centromere.

These chromatids are exact copies produced during DNA replication before cell division.

4. *Centromere:* The centromere is a specialized region where the two chromatids are tightly
connected. It plays a crucial role in ensuring the proper distribution of chromosomes during cell

5. *Telomeres:* Located at the ends of each chromatid, telomeres are protective caps made of
repetitive DNA sequences. They safeguard the integrity of the chromosome and prevent degradation
during cell division. (PS: label added when chromosome diagram is made in chart paper)

Remember, this description simplifies the complexity of chromosome structure, which involves
intricate folding and coiling to fit within the cell's nucleus.

When a person's cells have an abnormal number or structure of chromosomes, it can
cause a set of particular symptoms known as a chromosomal syndrome. Chromosomes
are structures in the nucleus of cells that carry genetic information. Most humans have
46 chromosomes in 23 pairs. However, any deviation from this normal count or
structure can lead to various genetic disorders, which are called chromosomal

Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21):

● Cause: Presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21, resulting in a total of
three copies.
● Characteristics: Intellectual disability, distinctive facial features, and an
increased risk of certain health issues, such as heart defects and respiratory
Turner Syndrome:
● Cause: Monosomy X, where females have only one X chromosome instead of
the usual two (45,X).
● Characteristics: Short stature, webbed neck, infertility, and some learning

Klinefelter Syndrome:

● Cause: A male has an extra X chromosome (XXY) or additional copies of the

X chromosome.
● Characteristics: Male hypogonadism (underdeveloped testes), gynecomastia
(enlarged breasts), and infertility.

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