New Format - Animation

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New Format Proposal:


Alechandre António
301 Rietlandpark,
Amsterdam, DW 1019

What is this format about?

Infographics in video format are an ideal choice for e-learning due to their ability to visually
engage learners and efficiently communicate complex information. They enhance
comprehension, cater to different learning styles, and improve information retention.
Their attention-grabbing nature, facilitation of skimming, and encouragement of active
learning make them invaluable tools for creating engaging and effective e-learning content.

Strengths of this format:

● Visual Engagement: Infographics combine visuals and text, making complex
information more visually engaging and easier to understand. This helps learners
grasp concepts faster and retain information better.

● Efficient Communication: They distill complex ideas into concise, easy-to-digest

visual elements. This efficiency is particularly valuable for e-learning, where time
and attention spans may be limited.

● Enhanced Retention: Research shows that people tend to remember visual

information better than text alone. Infographics leverage this cognitive advantage,
aiding in long-term retention of the material.

● Multimodal Learning: Different people have different learning styles. Infographics

cater to both visual and verbal learners, making them versatile and inclusive tools
for conveying information.

● Improved Comprehension: By using visuals like charts, graphs, and icons,

infographics can illustrate relationships, trends, and concepts more effectively than
plain text, leading to better comprehension.

● Simplified Complex Information: Complicated data or processes can be simplified

and made more accessible through infographics. This is particularly beneficial for
subjects that may be challenging to convey through traditional text.

● Mobile-Friendly: Infographics are generally well-suited for mobile devices. In an

e-learning context, this ensures accessibility across a wide range of devices, making
learning more convenient for learners.

● Attention-Grabbing: Infographics can capture and hold a learner's attention due to

their visually appealing nature. This is crucial in e-learning, where maintaining
engagement can be a significant challenge.

● Facilitates Skimming and Scanning: Learners can quickly scan an infographic to

get an overview of the content. This is especially helpful when reviewing material or
trying to find specific information within a video.

● Encourages Active Learning: Infographics often prompt viewers to actively engage

with the content by interpreting visuals, comparing information, or making
connections. This interactive element can enhance the learning experience.

● Enhances Storytelling: When used effectively, infographics can help create a

narrative or storyline within a video, guiding learners through a structured learning

● Shareability: Infographics are easily shareable, which can be beneficial in an

e-learning context. Learners can easily save or send infographics to review later or
share with others.

What tools/softwares can we use and what is the investment needed?

Adobe After Effects:

Adobe After Effects stands out for e-learning due to its unparalleled ability to create
captivating motion graphics and visual effects. With a user-friendly interface and seamless
integration with other Adobe tools, it streamlines production and ensures
professional-quality results. This makes After Effects an essential choice for crafting
engaging and effective e-learning content.

Investment needed
This software requires the most time and resources investment between all the softwares
that are proposed in this document. Depending heavily on the degree of proficiency that
the user has along with the degree of proficiency in animation itself. This all depends on
the quality desired for the end product.

● Endless Possibilities;
● Advanced keyframing and Animation Tools;
● Compatible directly with any Adobe product;
● Professional grade content;
○ If done with time;
● Inhouse talent that knows the software + animation;
● Not limited to a premade set of characters/artstyle;

● Steep learning curve;
● Possible but a visible lack of character animation tools;
● Resource Intensive;
● Much more time consuming;
● Heavier post-production;
● Dependant on very-talented personnel;


Adobe Animate:
Adobe Animate is a compelling choice for e-learning content creation. It specializes in
vector-based animation, making it perfect for interactive elements and character
animations. Its intuitive interface and timeline-based animation system simplify the
production process, allowing for the creation of engaging and visually appealing content.
This makes it an excellent tool for developing interactive e-learning materials that can be
seamlessly integrated into web-based platforms. In comparison to After Effects, Animate is
particularly strong in creating interactive animations, making it a valuable asset for
e-learning developers looking to add interactivity to their content.

Investment needed
Adobe Animate demands a similar amount of investment than the previous option, Adobe
After Effects, and although more intuitive it still demands a degree of proficiency in
animation and a medium to advanced knowledge on the area.

● Vector-Based Animation: Scalable graphics suitable for various screen sizes
and devices;

● Puppet animation;

● Interactivity and Rich Media: It provides extensive tools for creating

interactive content, including buttons, hyperlinks, and complex interactions,
making it well-suited for web-based applications and games;

● Easier to work than After Effects;

● More intuitive for user;

● More limited options;
● Still has a big learning curve;
● Probably will need other softwares with it;
● Less potent tools and plugin support than Ae;
● Less flexibility


Adobe Character Animator:

Adobe Character Animator stands out for its real-time animation capabilities, making it
ideal for creating interactive, personality-driven e-learning content. In contrast, Adobe After
Effects excels in motion graphics and visual effects, while Adobe Animate is better suited
for vector-based animations and interactivity development. Character Animator is a go-to
choice when the focus is on bringing characters to life in a dynamic and engaging manner
for e-learning.

Investment needed
This software requires the most time and resources investment between all the softwares
that are proposed in this document. Depending heavily on the degree of proficiency that
the user has along with the degree of proficiency in animation itself. This all depends on
the quality desired for the end product.


● Real-Time Animation: Character Animator allows for real-time animation,

which means characters can be controlled through live motion capture or
manually through a webcam, providing a more interactive and dynamic
● Ease of Use: It offers an intuitive interface and user-friendly controls, making
it accessible even for those new to animation.
● Lip Syncing and Facial Expressions: The software excels in automatically
syncing character lip movements to spoken words and capturing facial
expressions, resulting in lifelike character animations.
● Live Character Interaction:It enables live character interaction with an
audience, which can be particularly engaging for educational or e-learning
● Integration with Adobe Products:Character Animator integrates seamlessly
with other Adobe Creative Cloud applications, allowing for smooth workflows
and easy collaboration.

Ultimately, Adobe Character Animator is a powerful tool for creating interactive and
engaging character animations, particularly suited for scenarios where real-time

interaction and facial expressions are essential. However, users should be aware of
its limitations, especially in terms of artistic flexibility and rigging complexity.


● Character Rigging Complexity: Creating character rigs can be complex,

especially for those unfamiliar with the process. This might require some
time and practice to master.
● Limited Artistic Flexibility: While it provides a range of pre-built characters
and templates, creating entirely unique characters can be more challenging
compared to other animation software.
● Performance Resource Demands: Real-time animation can be
resource-intensive, requiring a powerful computer with a capable webcam
for smooth operation.
● Limited to 2D Animation: Character Animator primarily focuses on 2D
animation, so it may not be the best choice for projects that require 3D
animation capabilities.
● Price Considerations: It's a subscription-based service, which may be a
factor to consider for those on a budget.


Vyond, while popular, has its limitations compared to Adobe Character Animator, After
Effects, and Animate. It primarily specializes in creating 2D animations with a predefined
set of characters and templates, which can lead to a lack of originality and flexibility. The
platform's animations tend to have a uniform look, potentially compromising the
uniqueness of your e-learning content. Furthermore, its interactivity features are
comparatively basic, making it less suitable for creating truly engaging and interactive
learning experiences. With that being said, it allows for a much faster way of generating

Investment needed
This software requires the most time and resources investment between all the softwares
that are proposed in this document. Depending heavily on the degree of proficiency that
the user has along with the degree of proficiency in animation itself. This all depends on
the quality desired for the end product.

● Fast;
○ A lot of premade options allow for more efficient workflows
○ Big diversity of elements to add on the video such as:
■ Facial expressions
■ Props
■ (...)
● Easy to grasp;

● Online Collaboration: Vyond offers collaborative features, allowing teams to

work together on projects in real-time, which can enhance productivity for
group projects.

● Animation is sluggish:
○ Requires more investment “post-Vyond”
● Characters available are bland (Not a lot of personality)
○ No option to add externally made and rigged characters;
● Needs polishing to achieve proper results;
○ Website recommends and gives tutorials for After Effects;
● Limited Interactivity: While it's possible to add basic interactivity, Vyond may
not offer the same level of advanced interactive features as other animation


What conclusions can be taken?

Based on the information provided, it's clear that each of the mentioned animation
tools—Adobe Character Animator, Adobe Animate, Adobe After Effects, and
Vyond—have their unique strengths and areas of specialization:

● Adobe Character Animator stands out for its real-time animation capabilities,
making it ideal for creating interactive, personality-driven content. It excels in
capturing facial expressions and live character interactions, making it a valuable
asset for engaging e-learning experiences.

● Adobe Animate is particularly strong in creating vector-based animations and

interactive content. It's well-suited for projects that require scalability across various
screen sizes and devices, making it a top choice for web-based applications and

● Adobe After Effects shines in motion graphics, visual effects, and animations. It's
widely used in professional video production and offers advanced keyframing and
animation tools, making it indispensable for creating dynamic visual elements.

● Vyond offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of pre-made templates,

making it a time-efficient choice for creating 2D animations. It's especially practical
for projects with tight deadlines or for users looking for a straightforward animation

When deciding which tool to use, it's essential to consider the specific requirements of the
project. For interactive character-driven content, Adobe Character Animator is the clear
choice. If vector-based animations or interactivity are paramount, Adobe Animate is the
go-to option. For motion graphics and visual effects, Adobe After Effects is the industry
standard. Vyond, on the other hand, is suitable for those seeking a quick and efficient
solution for 2D animations.

Ultimately, the best tool depends on the individual needs, skillset, and goals of the content
creator or production team. Additionally, it's worth considering factors like budget,

hardware capabilities, and the level of customization and interactivity required for the

Following this, and considering the investment required to integrate this format into our
e-learning toolkit, the most efficient approach is to maintain brevity and make this specific
content shorter. This not only keeps costs manageable but also enables us to concentrate
on delivering more concise and impactful concepts. However, given the complex nature of
our theme, taxation, I understand that condensing content can be a challenge. To address
this, a viable solution is to incorporate an infographic segment within a video lesson,
specifically when elucidating a particular concept or example necessitates a visual aid. This
ensures that the explanation remains clear and engaging for our learners.

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