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Vocabulary Repeated in Reading Section

No. Word Meaning

1 pursue follow, track
2 pursuit hunt, chase, search
3 response reaction, answer
4 anecdote personal amusing story
5 encounter meet, meeting
6 mediation intervention in a dispute in order to resolve it
7 meditation reflection, thought
8 precision exactness
9 consider think through
10 consideration thought
11 earnestness seriousness
12 propose suggest
13 proposal suggestion
14 inappropriate unsuitable
15 underestimate undervalue
16 undermine weaken, demoralize
17 underrate undervalue
18 undervalue underrate
19 underscore underline, highlight, emphasize
20 emphasize stress, highlight
21 stress highlight
22 highlight stress
23 reinforce strengthen, support, emphasize
24 strengthen support
25 imposition burden, annoyance
26 disapprove condemn, criticize
27 reject discard, leave, refuse
28 renounce reject, abandon, leave
29 affection love, fondness
30 objectivity impartiality, detachment
31 subjectivity bias
32 disparagement mocking, criticism
33 criticize Disapprove, deride
34 scold reprimand, rebuke, blame, criticize
35 decry criticize
36 denounce criticize

Repeated Reading Vocabulary Mr. Ahmed Khalifa

37 deprecate criticize
38 genuine real, honest
39 controversial debatable
40 weighty important, heavy
41 momentous important, significant, historic
42 pressing irresistible, necessary
43 mysterious vague, secretive
44 provocative challenging, stimulating, provoking
45 monopoly control, domination
46 friendliness kindliness
47 candor frankness, honesty
48 solidarity unity, harmony
49 advance move forward in a purposeful way; progress
50 conducive beneficial, encouraging
51 symbolic representative, suggestive
52 severity harshness, strictness
53 feasibility practicality, possibility
54 regularity consistency
55 anxiety nervousness, worry, apprehension
56 conflicted disagreed, opposed
57 ambivalent undecided, uncertain, hesitant
58 apprehensive anxious, worried
59 supportive helpful
60 unprecedented unparalleled, exceptional, never thought of it before
61 unreasonable irrational, illogical
62 insincere dishonest
63 substantiate validate, prove with evidence, corroborate
64 counteract respond
65 convey carry, transfer, express
66 motive reason, cause, purpose
67 conclusion deduction, inference
68 monetary financial, economic
69 opposition disagreement
70 intension aim, purpose
71 urgency importance, top priority
72 anticipate expect, predict
73 potential possible
74 viability practicality, feasibility
75 hold believe

Repeated Reading Vocabulary Mr. Ahmed Khalifa

76 maintain believe
77 contend claim, maintain, believe
78 withstand endure, resist
79 endure bear, tolerate, suffer
80 tolerate stand, bear, endure
81 inconsistent not staying the same throughout, differing from
82 attain reach, achieve, get
83 likely probable, possible
84 reminisce recall, recollect, remember
85 recollection remembrance
86 evoke bring to mind, awaken, induce
87 reflect think deeply or carefully about
88 reveal disclose, tell
89 optimism hopefulness
90 malicious hateful, spiteful, wicked
91 scorn disrespect, contempt, ridicule
92 indignation anger, annoyance, resentment
93 jealousy the state of being jealous, envy
94 superiority supremacy, advantage
95 inferiority lowliness, humbleness
96 perceptive sensitive, insightful
97 rival opponent, enemy
98 mentor guide
99 dreary dull, boring, monotonous
100 treacherous unfaithful, disloyal
101 reluctant unwilling, hesitant
102 counterargument an argument put forward to oppose an idea
103 allude suggest, refer
104 nostalgic sentimental, longing, regretful
105 overact exaggerate, overplay
106 utter adj.) complete, total, absolute
107 lament complain, express regret or disappointment, shed tears for
108 demonstrate reveal, indicate, prove, validate
109 impersonate mimic, imitate
110 outspoken frank, honest
111 tactful insightful, thoughtful, having or showing skill
112 foreshadow predict
113 deception dishonesty, the act of deceiving
114 insight perception, awareness

Repeated Reading Vocabulary Mr. Ahmed Khalifa

115 hostile aggressive, unfriendly
116 retention the continued possession, use, or control of something
117 outwardly externally, superficially
118 acknowledge accept, concede, admit
119 advocate support
120 mimic imitate
121 credit praise, acclaim
122 discredit disgrace, dishonor
123 attribute trait, characteristic
124 endow provide, give, award, supply
125 bestow give, grant
126 indulge allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of, pamper, spoil
127 acquisition gaining
128 evolutionary relating to the gradual development of something
129 ancestors forefathers
130 predecessors forefathers
131 undertake begin, accept
132 contribute to participate in
133 alternation the repeated occurrence of two things in turn
134 portray depict, represent
135 yield v.) give way to arguments; produce or provide a product
136 entail involve, require
137 sanity reason, rationality
138 intellect intelligence
139 validate confirm, authenticate, corroborate
140 dispute disagree
141 refute disprove, prove to be wrong or false
142 assume suppose
143 assumption a thing that is accepted as true without proof
144 unfounded unsupported, groundless
145 put forth to state or offer an idea
146 disdain scorn, disregard, contempt
147 empirical practical, experimental
148 expose uncover, show, display
149 exposure the state of having no protection from something harmful
150 absurd silly, ridiculous
151 inevitable unavoidable, unescapable
152 curiosity a strong desire to know or learn something, inquisitiveness
153 census survey, poll

Repeated Reading Vocabulary Mr. Ahmed Khalifa

154 consensus agreement
155 obscure unclear, vague, ambiguous
156 deflate devalue, decrease
157 revenue income, profit, proceeds
158 prosperity richness, wealth, affluence
159 inhabit live, occupy
160 inhibit prevent, impede, hinder, deter, discourage
161 stem from originate from, come from, derive from
162 concept idea, thought
163 hypothesis theory, suggestion
164 brief short, transitory, momentary
165 brevity shortness
166 prominence importance, fame, eminence
167 petty trivial, minor
168 inadequate insufficient, scarce
169 elaborate (on) develop in further details
170 dismay disappointment, panic
171 sympathy compassion, understanding, kindness
172 lessen reduce, diminish
173 sustainable supportable (sustainable economic growth)
174 cognitive mental
175 speculate (on) guess, hypothesize
176 imply suggest
177 suggest propose, recommend
178 infer conclude, deduce, surmise
179 conclude come to an end; infer
180 flatter praise, compliment
181 boast show off, brag
182 notify inform, advise
183 indifference lack of interest, concern, or sympathy
184 apathy lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern
185 cite to quote
186 advocate support, supporter
187 bolster support
188 scrutinize examine, analyze
189 superficial existing or occurring at or on the surface
190 obsolete outdated
191 depleted exhausted, tired
192 relevant closely connected, pertinent, applicable

Repeated Reading Vocabulary Mr. Ahmed Khalifa

193 irrelevant unrelated
194 assert declare, state, emphasize
195 notion idea, view
196 resign quit;
197 resignation leaving; acceptance, submission
198 skepticism cynicism, doubt
199 skeptical cynical, doubtful
200 justification explanation
201 foreshadow predict, foretell
202 glamour charm, allure, fascination
203 menacing alarming, frightening
204 preoccupied thoughtful, anxious, worried
205 inferior low-grade
206 superior greater, loftier
207 overlook fail to notice; have a view from above
208 eccentric odd, strange, bizarre
209 distinctive unique, different
210 cast doubt on to be suspicious about
211 elevate raise, uplift
212 abate decrease, decline, recede
213 oppress tyrannize, repress, ill-treat
214 compatible with well-matched
215 persuasive convincing
216 pervasive spreading widely, prevalent
217 prevail prove more powerful or superior
218 prevalence the condition of being prevalent, widely spread
219 further v.) promote
220 popularize make popular
221 address v.) give a talk; deal with
222 render provide, give, supply
223 interpret explain, explicate
224 interpretation explanation
225 depiction representation, portrayal
226 representation depiction, illustration
227 account for give an explanation for
228 dearth lack, shortage, scarcity
229 suffrage the right to vote in political elections

Repeated Reading Vocabulary Mr. Ahmed Khalifa

Critical Reading - Commonly Used Tone Words
absurd silly, ridiculous
ambivalent undecided, having mixed emotions, unsure
amused entertained, finding humor, expressed by a smile or laugh
angry enraged, very mad, incensed, threatening or menacing
apathetic lacking concern, showing little or no interest, indifferent
arrogant haughty, acting with false superiority
bitter resentful, having strong animosity or rancor
cheerful jovial, happy, in good spirits
comic humorous, funny
compassionate sympathetic, having feeling for others, showing pity, empathy
complex complicated, having many varying characteristics
condescending patronizing, demeaning, belittling
critical disapproving
cruel causing suffering, causing pain
cynical scornful of the motives or virtues of others, bitterly mocking
depressed dejected, sad, unhappy, troubled
detached uninvolved, having no interest or feelings, objective
distressed upset
earnest sincere, showing deep feeling, seriousness
formal accepting rules, stiff, using textbook style, factual
gentle considerate, kind, mild, soft
hard unfeeling, hard-hearted, unyielding
incredulous doubtful, disbelieving, skeptical
indignant angry, angered by something unjust, mean, unworthy
intense deeply felt, concentrated
intimate Personal, close, deeply associated
ironic wry, sardonic, an unexpected opposite meaning in words or events

1 Critical Reading Commonly Used Tone Words Mr. Ahmed A. Khalifa

irreverent lacking respect, lacking reverence
joyous extremely happy
loving affectionate, compassionate, showing intense deep feeling
malicious spiteful, desiring to harm others or see others suffer
mocking ridiculing, imitating
nostalgic yearning or longing for the past, homesick, wistful
objective factual, uninfluenced by emotion or personal prejudice
optimistic positive, believing in positive outcomes
outspoken frank, candid, spoken without reserve
pathetic pitiful, useless, wretched
pessimistic tending to take the worst possible view of a situation
playful fun-filled, full of good spirits, humorous, jesting
reticent reserved, restrained
reverent respectful, showing deep respect and esteem
righteous morally just, morally right, guiltless
satiric ridiculing or attacking by means of irony or caustic wit (bitter humor)
sentimental emotional, showing special feelings for (possibly romantic)
serious earnest, not funny
straightforward direct, frank, honest
sympathetic understanding, concerned, considerate
tragic disastrous, calamitous
uneasy lacking security, lacking comfort
vindictive revengeful, spiteful, bitter, unforgiving

2 Critical Reading Commonly Used Tone Words Mr. Ahmed A. Khalifa

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