Lloyd 1993

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A Potentially Realizable Quantum Computer right is in its excited state.

Some of the
off-diagonal terms make each of the logical
states of the array the sum of energy eigen-
Seth Lloyd states within a band: As long as this band-
width is smaller by several orders of magni-
Arrays of weakly coupled quantum systems might compute if subjected to a sequence of tude than the bandwidth of the rr pulse that
electromagnetic pulses of well-defined frequency and length. Such pulsed arrays are true effects the switching, so that the propaga-
quantum computers: Bits can be placed in superpositionsof 0 and 1, logical operations take tion time for excitons along the array is
place coherently, and dissipation is required only for error correction. Operated with much longer than the length of the rr pulse,
frequent error correction, such a system functions as a parallel digital computer. Operated then the effect of these off-diagonal terms
in a quantum-mechanically coherent manner, such a device functions as a general- can be ignored. Other off-diagonal terms
purpose quantum-mechanical micromanipulator, capable of both creating any desired introduce occasional errors in switching.
quantum state of the array and transforming that state in any desired way. If the resonant frequencies for all transi-
tions are different for different values of a
unit's neighbors, then the transitions can
be driven selectively: When a wr pulse with
Technological progress is beginning to Obermayer, Teich, and Mahler (14) to frequency wg1 is applied to the array, all the
make practical a question that was previous- induce a parallel logic in arrays of quantum B's with an A = 0 on the left andaC = 1
ly academic: What are the fundamental dots. Here, this method is used to give on the right will switch from 0 to 1 or from
physical limits on computation? Landauer's quantum-mechanically coherent computa- 1 to 0. If all transition frequencies are
result (1), that the only logical operations tion. Consider a one-dimensional array of different, these are the only units that will

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that necessarily require dissipation are irre- quantum-mechanical units (ABC ABC switch. Each unit that undergoes a transi-
versible ones, has led to designs for revers- ...): for example, a heteropolymer in tion coherently emits or absorbs a photon of
ible, dissipationless logic devices (2), to the which each unit possesses a long-lived ex- the given frequency: No dissipation takes
discovery that computation can be carried cited state. For each unit A, B, or C, call place in the switching process.
out with the use of reversible logic alone the ground state 0 and the excited state 1. Driving transitions selectively with res-
(3-4), and to proposals for computers in In the absence of any interaction between onant rr pulses induces a parallel logic on
which bits, the fundamental quanta of infor- the units, it is possible to drive transitions the states of the array: A particular resonant
mation, are registered by true quantum- between the ground state and the excited pulse updates the states of all units of a
mechanical quanta such as spins (5-10). Up state of units of a given type, B say, by given type as a function of the unit's previ-
to now, proposals for quantum-mechanical shining light on the array at the resonant ous state and the states of its neighbors. All
computers have relied on "designer Hamil- frequency w.B of the transition between the units of the given type with the same values
tonians," specially constructed to allow ground and excited states of B (15, 16). Let for themselves and their neighbors are up-
computation, which do not necessarily cor- the light be in the form of a ir pulse, so that dated in the same way. That is, applying a
respond to any physical system. This report, h` f KBeA%(t)dt = rr, where is the resonant pulse to the polymer effects the
in contrast, proposes a class of quantum induced dipole moment between the action of a cellular automaton rule on the
computers that might actually be buildable. ground state and the excited state, e is the states of units of the array (14, 17). The
The proposed computers are made of polarization vector for the light that drives effect of longer range interactions, such as
arrays of weakly coupled quantum systems. the transition, and %(t) is the magnitude of dipole-dipole coupling, is simply to extend
Computation is effected by subjecting the the pulse envelope at time t. The effect of the size of the neighborhood on which the
array to a sequence of electromagnetic puls- this pulse is to take each B that is in the cellular automaton rule depends (for such
es that induce transitions between locally ground state and put it in the excited state, systems to function as described, care must
defined quantum states. In one dimension, and to take each B in the excited state and be taken in their operation to ensure that
for example, the computer might consist of put it in the ground state-to flip the B bits. two interacting units of the same type are
localized electronic states in a polymer; in If A, B, and C have distinct resonant never flipped by the same pulse).
two dimensions, quantum dots in a semi- frequencies, then the A's and C's are unaf- Sequences of resonant pulses allow one
conductor; in three dimensions, nuclear fected by the pulse. to load information onto the array, to
spins in a crystal lattice. Operating at Lan- Now suppose that there are local inter- process it, and to unload results. There is
dauer's limit, with dissipation required only actions between the units of the array. In a one unit that can be controlled indepen-
for error correction, the systems detailed polymer, for example, the interactions dently: the unit on the end (14). Because it
here are true quantum computers as envi- could arise from overlap between electron has only one neighbor, this unit in general
sioned by Deutsch (6): Bits can be placed in wave functions from unit to unit, from van has a resonant frequency different from all
superpositions of 0 and 1, quantum uncer- der Waals forces, from changes in the local other units. As a result, by supplying rr
tainty can be used to generate random structure of the polymer, or from induced or pulses of the end unit's resonant frequency,
numbers, and states can be created that permanent multipole coupling. Almost any one can switch the unit from 0 to 1 on its
exhibit purely quantum-mechanical corre- local interaction will do: Consider first own and load arbitrary bits of information
lations (5-10). nearest-neighbor interactions given by arbi- onto the end of the array.
The idea of exploiting quantum effects trary (not "designer") interaction Hamilto- The sequence of Tr pulses with frequen-
to build molecular-level computers is not nians HAB' HBC, and HCA' The effect of cies o' 10Wo 1 O, 01, and w1l causes
new (11-13). The proposal detailed here the terms in the interaction Hamiltonians each A in the array (except the A on the
relies on the selective driving of resonances, that are diagonal in the logical states is to end) to exchange or swap the bit of infor-
a method used by Haddon and Stillinger shift the energy levels of each unit as a mation that it carries with the bit of infor-
(11) to induce logic in molecules and by function of the energy levels of its neigh- mation carried by the B on its right. Con-
Complex Systems Group T-1 3, and Center for Nonlin-
bors: The resonant frequency wB. for in- tinued swaps between different types of
ear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los stance, takes on a value w if the A on its units, interspersed with manipulations of
Alamos, NM 87545, lloyd@+13.lanl.gov. left is in its ground state and the C on its the end unit, allow one to load any se-
SCIENCE * VOL. 261 * 17 SEPTEMBER 1993 1569
quence of bits desired onto the A's and B's Fig. 1. Two wires. In (1), data is A B C A B C A B C A B C
in the array. For higher dimensional arrays, encoded in the A units in a sec- 1 xi 0 1 22 0 0 23 0 0 24 0 0
information can be loaded first onto corner tion, and all the B's and C's,
except for one unit, are set to 0.
2 0 21 1 X2 0 0 23 0 0 240 0
units, then moved along edges by swapping,
as above, then moved onto faces, and so Call the unit in which C = 1 the 3 0 0 22 0 0 3 0 0 4 1
control unit. In (2), the array has 4 0 0 0 Z2 0 0 23 0 0 X, 24 1
Information that has been loaded onto
been subjected to a series of
pulses that realizes a Fredkin
50 24 11 222 0 0 230 0 X1 0 0
the array can be processed by a variety of gate on each triple ABC. The only
6 °4
6 24 0 1 22 0 0 23 0 0 21 0 0 X,
0 0
schemes. For example, the sequence of 17 triple affected is the one in which the control unit sits: Here, the bit of data has been moved to the
pulses with frequencies woLA WA ' WB A B unit. In (3), the information in the BC units has been moved 3 triples to the right by the
and W4 causes each A in the interior of the information-swapping process given in the text. In (4), the operation of a Fredkin gate on all triples
array to swap the bit of information that it has swapped x1 with x4; all other triples are unchanged. In (5), the information in the BC units has
carries with the B on its right if and only if been moved back three triples to the left. In (6), the operation of a Fredkin gate on all triples has
the C in the triple ABC has the value 1. restored x4 to the A unit in the triple. The first three configurations show the action of the first wire,
That is, this sequence of pulses effects the moving x, adjacent to x4; the second three configurations show the action of the second wire,
moving x4 back to x1's old place. The set of pulses transporting the data is independent of the data
operation of a Fredkin gate on each triple being transported.
ABC, with C as the control bit (4). It is
well known that Fredkin gates can supply
the logical operations AND, OR, NOT, stein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations that give out
and FANOUT and so can be wired together extreme violation of Bell's inequalities (18,

to give any desired logic circuit. Unfortu- 19).

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Fig. 2. The architecture of the parallel comput-
nately, on the face of it, the array has no This example suggests, and an inductive er. Input and output take place at the processor
wires to move information about. proof shows (20), that the proper sequence on the end. Each parallel processor has the
Fortunately, the proper sequence of of pulses, applied at the proper times, puts same circuitry, realizing any desired logical
pulses allows the creation of a "wire," even the first N units in any desired quantum function. After each processor cycle, an arbi-
though the hardware of the device possesses state. A second sequence of pulses effects trary number of bits are exchanged with the
processors on the left and on the right. The
no physical wires (Fig. 1). Such wires allow any desired unitary transformation on those
two-dimensional version of the computer has
one to move into a single triple ABC any N units. The proposed device is not only a anpnalogous form.
three bits on which one desires to operate universal digital computer, but a general
with a Fredkin gate. Stringing together of purpose quantum-mechanical micromanipu-
these wires, together with operation of lator (it is instructive to compare this sort of bit may have to be read to make an accurate
Fredkin gates, allows one to create any micromanipulation with that performed by a determination of its value.
desired logic circuit. In addition, by format- scanning tunneling electron microscope). Error correction is a logically irreversible
ting data as in Fig. 1 and multiplying the The example given clearly shows that one process and requires dissipation if errors are
number of control units, one can make the can realize Deutsch's "quantum parallelism" not to accumulate (1). The sequence of 7r
array function as a parallel computer (Fig. by preparing the array in a superposition of pulses with frequencies Jo (12), (X1 (01),
2). Note that, except for the pulses that program states and then operating the array W1 (12), and ) (0 1) restores each B to the
actually load a bit onto the end unit, the as a digital computer (6). Of course, the state 0 if its neighbors are 0 and to 1 if its
sequences that move and process informa- number of steps over which coherent super- neighbors are 1 [wlB(12), for example, is
tion are independent of the data. positions of computational states can be the resonant frequency of the transition
The proposed device is capable of purely maintained is limited by interactions with between the states 1 and 2 of B, given that
quantum-mechanical information-process- the environment, which induce phase ran- B's neighbors are in the state 1 1; pulses that
ing capacities above and beyond the con- domization and decoherence. drive the transition to the short-lived state
ventional digital capacities already present- All the processes described so far are 2 need not have a precisely timed lengths,
ed. One of the most important of these logically reversible-the effect of a se- provided that they are long enough to drive
capacities is that bits can be placed in quence of ir pulses can be undone simply by the transition efficiently]. Swapping the
superpositions of 0 and 1 by the simple applying the same sequence in reverse or- information in the A's with the B's and
application of pulses at the proper resonant der-and dissipationless. If in addition to a repeating this restoration process, then
frequencies but at a length different from long-lived excited state, any of the units swapping the information in the B's with
that required to fully switch the bit. Such possesses an excited state that decays quick- the C's and repeating the restoration pro-
bits have a number of uses, including the ly to a long-lived state, this fast decay can cess yet again has the following effect: If a
generation of random numbers. If in load- be exploited to provide data readout and majority of the bits ABC are 0, ABC goes to
ing information onto the array, one applies error correction. For example, each unit 000; if a majority are 1, ABC goes to 1.
a rr/2 pulse of length 'r/(2xen) at the could have an additional excited state, 2, One can expand this simple error-cor-
resonant frequency wnofl, of the end unit that decays to the ground state, 0, in an recting process into a more powerful error-
instead of applying a ir pulse, the A unit on amount of time short compared with the correction routine by having each bit stored
the end will change to the state 1/<V2(I0) - time in between pulses. To read the value in 3M copies, having these perform major-
1)). A subroutine that calls this bit will get of a bit, one simply moves that bit to the ity voting in groups of three, as described
the value 0 or 1, each with probability 1/2. unit on the end and then applies a pulse above, permuting the copies amongst them-
A second rr pulse of frequency wB% applied that drives the transition between that selves by bit swapping, performing the vot-
at the proper time then puts the first two unit's first excited state, 1, and the short- ing by three again, and so on. This method
units in the state, 1/V2(100) - I11)), and a lived excited state, 2. If the bit reads 1, reduces the probability of error per bit per
third r pulse of frequency w- applied at the then the unit will emit a photon of distinc- cycle from 0(E) to 0(EM), and results in
proper time puts the first three units in the tive frequency. If the bit reads 0, no photon rapid, robust error correction that is fully
state 1/\/(1000) - j111)). This last state will be emitted. Because of low efficiencies compatible with the methods for computa-
contains purely quantum-mechanical Ein- of photon detection, several copies of the tion described above. For each wrong value
1570 SCIENCE * VOL. 261 * 17 SEPTEMBER 1993
I. "I'll"'.".",".''.".".".'."".'.,'.,'.,'.1.1.1l."."'.,.",."ll.""'.".'l
Ill . 11

corrected, a photon is emitted incoherently 16. W. H. Louisell, Quantum Statistical Properties of

Radiation (Wiley, New York, 1973).
19. J. P. Paz and G. Mahler, in preparation.
into the environment, destroying quantum 20. S. Lloyd, Programming Pulsed Quantum Comput-
17. S. Wolfram, Rev. Mod. Phys. 55, 601 (1983). ers, in preparation.
coherence for the unit from which it was 18. A. Einstein, B. Podolsky, N. Rosen, Phys. Rev. 47,
emitted. In contrast to the switching of bits 777 (1935). 19 April 1993; accepted 19 July 1993
with nr pulses, in which photons are emit-
ted and absorbed coherently, the correction
of errors with the use of fast decays is
inherently dissipative.
A UV-Sensitive Mutant of Arabidopsis Defective in
Arrays of pulsed, weakly coupled quan- the Repair of Pyrimidine-Pyrimidinone(6-4) Dimers
tum systems provide a potentially realiz-
able basis for quantum computation. The A. B. Britt,* J.AJ. Chen, D. Wykoff, D. Mitchell
basic unit in the array could be a quantum
dot, a nuclear spin, a localized electronic Plants are continually subjected to ultraviolet-B (UV-B) irradiation (290 to 320 nano-
state in a polymer, or any multistate quan- meters) as a component of sunlight, which induces a variety of types of damage to the
tum system that interacts locally with its plant DNA. Repair of the two major DNA photoproducts was analyzed in wild-type
neighbors and can be compelled to switch Arabidopsis thaliana and in a mutant derivative whose growth was sensitive to UV-B
between states with resonant pulses of radiation. In wild-type seedlings, repair of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers occurred more
light. Many variations on the scheme slowly in the dark than in the light; repair of this photoproduct was not affected in the
presented here exist: The arrays could be mutant. Repair, in the dark, of pyrimidine-pyrimidinone(6-4) dimers was defective in the
two- or three-dimensional, for example, or UV-sensitive mutant.
the switching process could take place

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through intermediate states with the use of
multiple pulses (14). The primary techni-
cal problems in the construction and op- The developmental strategy of plants dif- harvested them in bulk. The seeds resulting
eration of such a computer are the identi- fers from that of animals in a way that from the self-pollination of the Ml plants,
fication of man-made or natural systems enhances the beneficial effects of random termed the M2 population, carry EMS-
with appropriate long-lived localized mutagenesis and diminishes its harmful ef- induced mutations in either the heterozy-
states and the delivery of the proper se- fects (1, 2). Although progress has been gous or homozygous state. The M2 seeds
quence of accurate pulses. If they can be made in the genetics and biochemistry of were sown and self-pollinated, and the ma-
built, the devices will combine digital and repair in the single-cell green alga Chlamy- ture plants were harvested individually to
quantum analog capacities to allow the domonas (3), studies of DNA repair in yield M2 "families." Any M2 plant that is
creation and manipulation of complicated higher plants have been relatively limited homozygous for a mutation will produce,
many-bit quantum states and to probe the (4). Many early studies presented negative after self-pollination, a family of progeny in
limits set by the fundamental physics of results that led to the suggestion that DNA which every individual is homozygous for
computation. repair does not occur in plants. Both pho- that mutation. A sample of seeds from each
torepair and excision repair of UV-induced M2 family was tested for sensitivity to UV
REFERENCES AND NOTES photoproducts have been demonstrated in by analysis of root growth after exposure to
1. R. Landauer, IBM J. Res. Dev. 5, 183 (1961).
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2. K. K. Likharev, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 21, 311 (1982). plants (6). A cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer Approximately 20 seeds from each M2
3. C. H. Bennett, IBM J. Res. Dev. 17, 525 (1973); photolyase activity has been observed in family were placed on a nutritive agar plate
Int. J. Theor. Phys. 21, 905 (1982). Y. Lecerf, Arabidopsis thaliana (7). (9) and incubated at 220C under light
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6. D. Deutsch, Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A 400, 97 edge, no report of a mutant in any higher roots of the seedlings grew downward across
(1985); ibid. 425, 73 (1989).
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plant that is specifically defective in DNA the surface of the agar. After 3 days, half of
Phys. 16, 507 (1986); Int. J. Theor. Phys. 21, 467 repair, so we initiated a search for DNA each row of seedlings was exposed to 0.5
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Information, W. H. Zurek, Ed. (Sante Fe Institute experiments. This stock is derived from the any new growth (after UV-B irradiation)
Series, vol. 8, Addison Wesley, Redwood City, CA Landsberg erecta ecotype and is defective in was at right angles to the old growth.
1991), pp. 273-288.
11. F. L. Carter, Molecular Electronics (Dekker, New the production of UV-absorbing flavonoid Families made up of seedlings that contin-
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12. D. K. Ferry, J. R. Barker, C. Jacobini, Granular
the M1 or primary mutagenized population) plate but failed to grow on the irradiated
Nanoelectronics (Plenum, New York, 1991); K. E. by soaking them in 0.3% ethylmethane side were scored as UV-sensitive (Fig. lA).
Drexier, Nanosystems (Wiley, New York, 1992); sulfonate (EMS), then grew them to matu- Families that uniformly expressed a UV-
see also the now defunct J. Mol. Electron. rity, allowed them to self-pollinate, and sensitive phenotype were propagated and
13. J. J. Hopfield, J. N. Onuchic, D. N. Beratan, backcrossed to their progenitor.
Science 241, 817 (1988).
14. K. Obermayer, W. G. Teich, G. Mahler, Phys. Rev. A. B. Britt, J.-J. Chen, D. Wykoff, Section of Botany, Two UV-sensitive families were detect-
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Mahler, ibid., p. 81 11; W. G. Teich and G. Mahler, D. Mitchell, Department of Carcinogenesis, The Uni-
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15. L. Allen and J. H. Eberly, Optical Resonance and Center, Smithville, TX 78957. both of these isolates segregated as a single
Two-Level Atoms (Wiley, New York, 1975). *To whom correspondence should be addressed. recessive mutation located approximately
SCIENCE * VOL. 261 * 17 SEPTEMBER 1993 1571
A Potentially Realizable Quantum Computer
Seth Lloyd

Science, 261 (5128), • DOI: 10.1126/science.261.5128.1569

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