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End of year test

1 Choose a name for each category from the words below. Then choose one word in each
group which doesn't fit the category.
education relationships describing buildings appearance

newspapers food accidents and first aid

0 attic, chimney, stage describing buildings

1 wages, swelling, plaster, sprain ___________

2 bald, plump, wealthy, freckles ___________

3 coursework, editor, subjects ___________

4 savoury, leather, bowl, grated ___________

5 reviews, concussion, cartoons ___________

6 sculptures, get on, keep in touch ___________

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs below.

pick appreciate beat nag earn set see ignore


0 I think you should try to ignore all distractions and get back to work.

1 I'm sure they'll __________ all the other teams and win the competition.

2 To be successful, you need to __________ yourself very clear goals.

3 How did she __________ her living in Paris?

4 We all __________ a lot of energy.

5 I hate it when my parents __________ me to tidy up my room all the time.

6 We really __________ your help. I don't think we could do it without you.

7 I can't __________ the point of inviting them.

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8 My mum is going to __________ me at 3 p.m.

3 Replace the underlined words.

0 We live on the tenth storey of a large apartment block. floor

1 My boyfriend's very guilty. He doesn't like it when I go out with my friends. __________

2 Please empty your jeans' handles before putting them into the washing machine.

3 I think the concert was brilliant and the backing conductors did a great job. __________

4 All the planes from Gatwick airport were cancelled by many hours. __________

5 He's very ambitious - he always tells other people what they should do. __________

4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

0 I don’t enjoy (not enjoy) being alone.

1 She told me she _______________ (not want) to go on holiday.

2 I ______________ (go out) with Peter for ages.

3 If Robert _____________ (ask) you to join us, would you have come?

4 I'll ask Liz to call you back as soon as she _____________ (get) home.

5 Our luggage _____________ (lose) on the flight from Paris last week.

6 What's wrong, Tom? You _____________ (be) very depressed recently.

7 When you _____________ (call) me last night, I _____________ (write) an email.

5 Choose the best word a, b or c.

0 I'd like ___ learn more insects.

a to learn b learning c learn

1 I wish I ___ so many things to do this week.

a didn't have b wouldn't have c don't have

2 ___ my parents came to visit me on Sunday.

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a Both b Every c All

3 It___be Paul over there. He went on holiday.

a could b must c can't

4 We ___ for London in the morning.

a leave b ’re leaving c 'll leave

5 If you don't want to, you ___ eat it.

a aren't allowed to b mustn't c don't have to

6 Our new teacher isn't ___ strict as the old one.

a as b less c much

7 I'm looking for the person ___ phoned me.

a whose b which c that

8 Computer technology ___ very fast nowadays.

a will change b is changing c changes

6 Find a mistake in three of the sentences below.

0 I hate swimming. correct

00 Before graduating I have worked in a shop.

1 Sleeping is my favourite activity on Sundays.

2 I cut my hair at the hairdresser's every month.

3 I wouldn't ask for a pay rise if I were you.

4 When I got home yesterday, the children have already gone to bed.

5 She asked me why did I think about moving.

6 I used to swim twice a week when I was eight.

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Science fiction and Science

1 Many people think that science fiction stories are just fun. They are stories that are set in
different worlds, where people live different lives and things exist that don't yet exist today.
However, science-fiction authors have written about things that have come true. So what
things have writers dreamed up that are now part of our lives?

2 This is one area where many inventions have occurred. In 1865, nearly a hundred years
before humans first landed on the moon in 1969, Jules Verne wrote From the Earth to the
Moon. In his book he described how people in space weighed less than on Earth. The
spaceship in his book was similar to Apollo 11, the first spaceship to land on the moon - it
was cylindrical, about the same size and had a crew of three men. Verne's spaceship also had
to land in water when it returned to Earth!

3 In 2001, millionaire Dennis Tito paid $20 million to become the first space tourist, but the
idea is not new. In 1962, Arthur C. Clarke's A Fall of Moondust told the story of some rich
tourists who were trapped on the moon.

4 These inventions were written about long before they were invented. 'Robot' comes from the
Czech word robota, but it became popular as a result of a play written by Karel Capek in
1920. Twenty years later, Isaac Asimov started writing I, Robot. In these stories, the robots
have special 'positronic' brains that mean they can think and feel emotions. They can talk,
serve meals and explore other planets - all things robots today can do. Robot pets have also
featured in science-fiction - the most famous example is probably Philip K. Dick's novel Do
Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? The main character wants to buy an electric sheep for his
garden so that his neighbours will be jealous. However, the first real robot pet, the Sony Aibo
robot dog, wasn't invented until the 1990s.

5 Some people believe that if writers hadn't imagined all these things, scientists wouldn't have
invented them. Will the things people are writing about now also come true in the future?
We'll have to wait and see!

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7 Read the text about and match the headings a–e with the paragraphs 1–5.
a Tourism in space ___

b Entertainment or the future of science? ___

c Robots and robot pets ___

d What about the future? ___

e Space and space travel ___

8 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 How long before the first moon landing did Verne write about space travel?


2 How much did it cost Tito to travel in space?


3 When did Asimov start writing I, Robot?


4 What does the main character in Dick's book want to buy?


5 When did scientists invent the first robot pet?

9 Complete the dialogues with one word in each gap.

1 A: Could you pass me the paper?

B: __________, no problem.

2 A: Do you ________ going to see a concert?

B: Yes, who's playing?

3 A: What's the ________ ? You don't look happy.

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B: No, I failed my exams.

4 A: Would you ________ moving your bag?

B: Of course, I'll move it now.

5 A: I think Manchester United are great!

B: What do you ________ ? I don't understand.

6 A: How did you become ________ in taekwondo?

B: I saw a TV programme about it.

7 A: ________ me. How do I get to the museum?

B: Turn left at the traffic lights. You'll see it.

8 A: Why do you think reality TV is so bad?

B: Well, ________, it shows bad behaviour. Also, these shows don’t need writers.

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