p24 Sit Back

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Again, here are the steps of S.I.T. B.A.C.K.

(During the newborn class, each step only lasted about

giving your little one a chance to put herself to sleep more


S. Stop… wait, watch, observe.

(Give this step about 5-8 minutes.) Listen carefully and

puts himself back to sleep?

Increase The Sound on the Sound
Machine (1-2 minutes) This triggers that sleepy cue
you’ve been working on and may calm baby right back

T. Touch Baby’s Chest (2 minutes) Put your

take deep breaths. Relax. Close your eyes. Breathe.

B. Binky (2 minutes)
offer it now. You can hold it in place for a few seconds.

A. Add in Rocking of Baby’s Body

(2 minutes) Gently rock baby’s body from side to side.
Allow baby’s head to gently bobble back and forth as you Please Note:
rock him. If you are actively attempting S.I.T. B.A.C.K. for 30-45
minutes and your baby is not calming down, please offer
C. Cuddle (Until baby calms OR 2 minutes AND a feeding or do whatever you might need to do to help
your baby back to sleep. In the morning, evaluate your
baby meets the requirements for the K step) Pick up
your baby. Bounce or rock her gently. When she calms baby’s daytime calorie consumption and daytime sleep.
down, put her down. If she starts to cry again, pick back up
where you left off. daytime sleep?

K. K… It’s Time to Feed... Maybe (Look at

the “feedings” section on page 25 to learn about holding If you are a parent who usually takes care of baby’s
your baby to her “best baseline.”)
the support and help of your partner for following the steps
Please do not skip steps or rush through them. It can
be so tempting to take the short cut on the road to calming who can smell a nursing mama’s milk or who knows that
your baby down because it seems to get you back to sleep when daddy comes, he gets a bottle.

have a baby who can sleep more independently. Skipping

steps teaches your baby that the short-cut intervention
with your help is the only way he will be able to sleep. We
want to teach your little one how to navigate the falling
back to sleep process on his own.


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