Escarmosa Nielvilyn G. Feasibility Study Beaming Beginnings Preschool

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B y : N i e l v i l y n G. E s c a r m o s a


This paper primarily focused on the “Feasibility Study of Beaming Beginnings
Preschool” which is one of our family’s dreams. While working on this project, we found
out that it needs a lot of resources, financial and manpower. Preparation of documents
needed by the government to open a new preschool added to the dilemma as well. But
it is our dream to build a preschool that will mold a child holistically, so we will start
small and slow and we consider any small step a progress.

Education is considered to be a wealth in the Philippines. Every Filipinos in all walks of
life wishes to have a good education. With the K-12 Curriculum, a child should enter
Kindergarten before one could be admitted in Grade 1. Since public schools can’t
afford to cater to all children aged 5 years old, there are a lot of private schools
offering Kindergarten.
Beaming Beginnings Preschool is one of them who wished to provide good education
to Filipinos. This feasibility study is to assess the different aspects a new school needs,
uncover its weaknesses and strengths.

Philosophy: We at Beaming Beginnings Preschool believe children learn best when
they are actively engaged in their education. Our educational philosophy is based on
the notion that children learn best through real-life scenarios, imaginative play, and
social interactions. We support their natural curiosity and provide an exciting
environment where learning develops. We combine these engaging educational
opportunities with a solid grounding in reading, writing, and math to enable each child
to shine as they begin their educational path.
Vision: Beaming Beginnings Preschool will be the leader in early childhood education
producing independent, active, and well-rounded graduates who are eager to embark
on the opportunities and challenges of the future.
Mission: Beaming Beginnings Preschool aims to provide learners a holistic and
engaging educational experience that integrates play, exploration, and academic skills.
We are committed to illuminating the path to a future filled with promise and potential
for all our learners."
Core Values
1. Honesty: Being truthful and trustworthy in one's actions and words.
2. Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
3. Adaptability: Being flexible and open to change.
4. Resilience: The capacity to bounce back from adversity and challenges.
5. Trustworthiness: Being reliable and deserving of trust.

Logo: A child at the center of a guiding hand

The symbol is a hand who guides

The children in their journey with
different colors that represent a
teacher’s traits such as:
purple – nobility, green – vitality,
orange – creativity, red – passion and
blue – confidence

The symbol at the middle of the hand

is the child, being he/she is the center
and focus of our school. The color is
yellow which means a happy, warm
and curious child.
Our target clients are the children of Jalajala Rizal. It is a small town in Rizal with 11
barangays. There are existing public schools that caters Kindergarten but not in all
barangays. In the barangay where we will put up our school, it has 2 private schools
which caters Kindergarten. But we will offer a different approach in kindergarten that
will set us apart from the existing schools. The proposed location of the school can reach
other barangays too.


A checklist of documents and other requirements of the Government to put up schools
are in place to avoid delays. Proper documentation and organization of all the
documents should be established.

Initial start up to build a school with 2 spacious rooms, an office, laboratories and
other facilities is estimated to be 1.5 million pesos. The land already exists, so the
estimated amount is solely for construction. Other expenses such as the furniture
particularly for the classrooms and other school supplies are another set of expenses
estimated to be in 500, 000 pesos. An estimated 1 million pesos is allotted for the
salaries of teachers and staff and other operating expenses.
Return of investment is expected after 2 to 3 years after the opening of the school.

The curriculum will include learning through real life – scenarios, imaginative play
and social interactions. It will not only develop them cognitively but holistically. They will
have fun while learning all the concepts. Technology will be integrated in their learning
to keep them abreast, updated and ahead of the curve on the latest developments in
technology. With this a strong internet provider will be used in the school premises.
Computer Laboratory, Science Laboratory, Culinary Laboratory and Beaming
Beginnings Garden are the facilities inside the school that will cater different activities.
The school will hire 2 administrative staff, 1 teacher, 2 assistant teacher, 1 IT staff, 1
guard, 1 maintenance at the beginning of the school year who will manage 4 Kinder
sections with 2 sessions, 8:00 am to 11:00 am and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. It will only hire
one teacher since the owner of the school will be one of the teachers and will also be
the Directress of Beaming Beginnings Preschool.

The school will utilize enterprise-grade routers and firewalls to manage network
traffic and enhance security. It will also install multiple access points to ensure
comprehensive and reliable Wi-Fi coverage throughout the school. There will be a
centralized storage for documents, resources, and backups. Classrooms, laboratories
and office will be equipped with modern and capable desktops or laptops. Interactive
whiteboards and projectors will also be installed in classrooms, laboratories and offices
for presentations. A Learning Management System (LMS) will also be implemented for a
comprehensive course content, communication and assessments; thus, the school is
considering to provide students with tablets that are for educational purposes and for
tools like Microsoft Office, Google Workspace which they can use for documentation or

Potential risks or challenges that may impact the success of the school are budget
overruns, which may post a risk in exceeding or lacking the allocated budget for the
construction of the different facilities, acquiring advanced technology, equipment and
other operational expenses. Another risk in the financial aspect is a decrease in the
student enrollment that could impact school’s revenue thus affecting the school’s financial
Another risk seen is with the regulation and compliance in opening a new school.
Failure to comply with the documents needed would mean delaying the construction of
the school.
Failure to find and hire competent staff would post a risk too. The school may face
legal challenges too related to contracts and employment status.
Competition among existing schools will post a risk in getting more students to enroll.
There may be resistance from the local community too. The difference in interests
among stakeholders such as parents, teachers and other local community may pose
challenges to project implementation.
The school’s reliance to technology could post a risk by exposing it to cyberattacks,
data breaches and privacy issues.
Ensuring a healthy and safe learning environment involves risks too if the school can’t
avoid accidents.

Developing a project timeline for a new school involves planning and organizing
various tasks.
The Planning Phase is from the 1st month up to the 6th month. The first 2 months are to
clearly outline the goals and objectives in putting up a school, forming a project team
that will handle the operation in building a new school and securing the fund for this
The next 3 to 6 months are for creating a detailed philosophy, mission, vision, core
values, curriculum and financial projections. Seeking regulatory permits and
collaborating with the architects and engineers to design the physical layout and
facilities of the school are among the tasks on the 3rd month to 6th month.
In the 7th month to 12th month, it is the Pre-Construction Phase. During these months,
hiring competent contractors that will ensure the quality and safety standards in building
a school takes place. And since construction will begin in a few months, it is necessary at
this stage to refine the budget for construction. At this stage too, creating a marketing
plan to promote the school and hiring of key staff members will begin.
The next 13th to 18th month will be the Construction Phase, building the new school
begins with regularly monitoring of the progress of the construction and addressing
issues at once. The planning and implementing of IT infrastructure like the networks,
computer and software will also begin and at the same time canvassing or purchasing
of school equipment will take place.
Now, come the Pre-Opening Phase on the 19th month to the 24th month where the
construction is finished meeting the safety and quality standards. Executing the
marketing plan to attract more enrollees, training of teachers and staff on their
onboarding, and organizing an opening ceremony that will introduce the school to the
community will begin.
And finally, the next few months starting on the 25th month onwards will be the
Opening and Operation Phase where school finally and officially opens and welcomes
students, staff and parents. Regularly monitoring the school operations, assessing and
addressing the different challenges ahead, continually improving the quality of
education the school offers, updating its approaches suited to every learner at this
phase starts and continues to live to the school’s vision.

After a careful study of the various factors related to the building and opening of Beaming
Beginnings Preschool, it holds a strong potential for a success. The study comprehensively
includes every aspect it thinks needed like the financial aspects, regulatory compliance,
market demand, operational requirements, technical aspect and risks analysis and others.
From each aspect, it outweighs the good rather than the risks.
Although the study seems promising, it is still important to remain proactive and vigilant in
addressing challenges that may arise through out the school year and every school year

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