Grammar 7

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Grammar Unit 7

will 4 Look at the pictures. What are they going to do?

1 Write predictions and questions.

rain tomorrow 
It will rain tomorrow.
1 she / win / singing competition 
1 2
2 I / be famous in the future?
3 people / speak English everywhere / by 2100 
4 he / find / new job soon  3 4
______________________________________ 1 They’re going to learn Italian.
5 we / have / Maths test this term? 2 ___________________________ the computer.
______________________________________ 3 _____________________________________ .
6 Ben and Rose / start / going out  4 _____________________________ for his dog.
Future tenses
2 Complete the sentences with ’ll / won’t and the
5 Choose the best option.
This box is very heavy.
bite cut fall get sunburned like wake wear
A I’ll help you!
He shouldn’t climb that old tree. He’ll fall. B I’m going to help you!
1 Don't lie in the sun for too long. You _________ 1 There isn’t a cloud in the sky. Obviously, …
_________ . A it isn’t going to rain.
2 That curry’s too spicy! She _______ _______ it! B it won’t rain.
3 No! Don’t pick up that broken glass! You 2 I’m excited about the trip! This time tomorrow …
_________ _________ your hand! A I’ll be getting ready to leave.
4 No, thanks – not that coat, Mum. You know that I B I’m going to get ready to leave.
_________ _________ it. But this jacket’s nice. 3 Are you and Laura busy tomorrow?
Can we buy it, please? A Yes, we’ll study.
5 Can’t they talk more quietly? They _________ B Yes, we’re going to study.
_________ the baby! 4 Tim has lost his voice! What about the concert?
A I know! I’ll ask Ross.
be going to B I know! I’m going to ask Ross!
5 Maria’s sister has plans to go abroad next year.
3 Correct the underlined mistakes in the A She’ll travel around Europe.
B She’s going to travel around Europe.
What you going to do this afternoon?
What are you going to do this afternoon? Indefinite pronouns
1 Sylvia isn’t going catch her bus. 6 Complete the words with some-, any-, no- or
______________________________________ every-.
2 They not going to play football. There’s nothing in the fridge. Let’s go shopping!
______________________________________ 1 The school is empty. Where is ____one?
3 Anna going to be a doctor. 2 There’s ____one on the phone for you.
______________________________________ 3 Yes, I bought ____thing on the list. I’ve got it all.
4 We’re going visit our grandparents. 4 It’s a secret. I don’t want ____one to know.
______________________________________ 5 There’s ____ one at home. Where are they all?
5 The referee going to give a penalty? 6 I can’t do ____thing right! He always shouts at
______________________________________ me!
7 I’ve never met ____one as clever as Simon.

ocabulary Unit 7
orts qualities Social
S netw

1 Complete
C the
e words. 4 Choose th
he correct op
To be a go ood gymnastt you need ex xcellent Tom sh hared / displlayed a really funny video the
coordinatio on. other da ay. Did you ssee it?
1 Yoga givess you better flex_______ ____y. 1 I downlo oaded that nnew social neetworking app.
2 What shou uld I do if I wa
ant to impr__ _________e e The tecchnology’s reeally cutting--edge /
my health and fitness? ? uploaded.
3 She loves to comp___ ________e allthough she 2 Have yo ou browsed / uploaded all your holid day
doesn’t alwways win. photos yet? I want tto see them!
4 Connor wa ants to be___ ________t DanD at tenniss 3 Did youu see Vicky’ss latest profille picture /
because D Dan’s won the eir last three
e games. status update? Shee sounds a bit b depressed d.
5 This exerccise increase es your musc cle stre_____
_h. 4 I don’t think you shoould post / ta
ap that comm ment.
6 Some peo ople have a higher
h resis___________e e It’s not very nice.
to infection
ns than otherrs. 5 Dad’s got
g a beard inn Mum’s stattus update /
7 I love watcching gymnastics, but my y brothers profile picture. It w
was taken two o years ago!
laugh if thee gymnasts lose their ball________e!
8 If he scorees with this penalty, they’ll t________ _e -iing form as
a a subjecct
the lead.
5 Complete the email w
with the word
usehold jo
obs finding out getting up setting up working

2 Complete
C the
e list of jobs
s with nouns

Hi Tessa,
cut the grrass
Sorry I havven’t written ffor ages. I’ve
e been so bu usy!
1 change the s_______ ____s
Setting up a band is diffficult! Well, it’s
i going rea ally
2 do the w_ __________
well, but it’s hard work.. (1) _______ _______ at
3 vacuum tthe c___________t
9 a.m. in thhe holidays iss strange forr me, but we
4 wash the e d________
need to pra actise! We’ree also preparring a social
5 clean thee w___________p
media web bpage at the moment. (2)) __________ _____
6 empty the e b________
how to starrt was easy bbecause Lotttie’s brother has
7 set the t_
done one before,
b so wee asked him,, but we all have
different ideas, so (3) ____________ ___ on it takees a
long time. But don’t woorry. We aren n’t going to argue!
3 Read
R the sen
ntences. Write the corre
ect jobs from
he list above
e. See you so oon,
1 We do the ese two jobs outside.
cut the gra
ass, _______ __________
2 We usuallyy use machin nes for thesee two jobs:
P for
f travel
_________ __________ _ , ________ ___________ _
estions 1–5 to answers A–E.
6 Match que
3 We only do o this job in the
t bedroom m.
_________ __________ _ 1 Would youy like a winndow or an aisle
a seat? E
4 We do thiss job in the kitchen. Peop ple sometimees 2 Do you have any haand luggage? ? __
wear rubbe er gloves! 3 Has any yone interferred with yourr bags? __
_________ __________ _ 4 How oftten do the traains go to thee airport? __
5 We do thiss job in the rooom where we w eat. 5 Is the flight on time?? __
_________ __________ _ A No, definitely not.
6 We do thiss job over a surface
s to remove B Every hour,
h on the hhour.
bacteria. C Just thiss small bag.
_________ __________ _ D Yes, it is. You’ll be bboarding soo
E I like loo
oking out! Onne by the win
ndow, please


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