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Appendix 1

Calculator skills

Basic keys
Key Use Key Use
Basic operations Enters negative
+ , − , × , ÷ (–) or +/–
Equals sign, gives Enters fractions
= or a b/c
the answer

. Decimal point ( ) Enters parentheses

Deletes previous Squares a number

entry x2

Retrieves previous ⎯ Finds the square root

answer of a number
Allows us to move Cubes a number
around the screen x3

Accesses other ⎯ Finds the cube root

MODE or SHIFT or 2ndF 3

operations of a number

1 Basic operations
Example 1 Performing a calculation

Question Calculator steps Answer

34 þ 6  16 34 + 6 − 16 = 24
7.4 3 9.1 7.4 × 9.1 = 67.34
234 4 1.5 234 ÷ 1.5 = 156
4569 4 (1.7 þ 4.3) 4569 ÷ ( 1.7 + 4.3 ) = 761.5

Example 2 Correcting a wrong entry

Calculating 34 þ 6  16
a Wrong entry: 34 + 8 To delete the 8 and correct this, enter 34 + 8
DEL 6 − 16 =
b Wrong entry: 34 + 6 + To correct this, press ← repeatedly to go back to
16 =
the second + , press DEL and then − , then
press =

510 9780170189538
Appendix 1
Calculator skills

Exercise 1 Basic operations

1 Calculate each expression.
a 362 3 14 b 26.3  11.8 c 810 4 18 d 5.3 3 1.08
e 51.1 4 14.6 f 19.3 þ 8.8  1.2 g 2.4 4 0.2 þ 11 h 5.6 3 (0.1 þ 0.2)
i (56  24) 4 (1.2  1) j 12.6 3 3.8  18.4
k (16.07 þ 9.02)  (38.3  5.126) l (24.8 þ 3.06 þ 9.4) 4 3

2 Bronte purchased a loaf of bread for $2.75, a packet of cornflakes for $4.55 and 3 kg of
tomatoes at $3.95 per kg.
a Find the total cost. b Find the change Bronte will receive from a $20 note.
3 Mark started the month with $1650 in his bank account. He made deposits of $380 and
$725.50 and withdrew $880. How much was left in Mark’s account?
4 An unloaded truck has a mass of 6550 kg. It is loaded with eight boxes, each weighing 124 kg.
What is the total mass of the truck and the boxes?
5 Salma needs to cut a 9.6 m length of rope into four equal pieces. Find the length of each piece.
6 Cameron mailed 25 Christmas cards to his friends. If the stamps were 45c each, how much did
he spend on stamps?
7 An orchard has 1288 trees arranged in 56 rows. How many trees are in each row?
8 A train takes 15 hours to travel 1128 km. What is its average speed in km/h?
9 Chloe bought 60 L of petrol at 142.9c per litre. How much did she pay for the petrol?
10 Wombat High School has the following numbers of students in each Year level. The whole
school is going on an excursion. If each bus can carry 55 people, how many buses will be

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12

122 128 123 131 117 94

11 The manager of a sports store bought 32 tennis racquets at $79.60 each and sold them at
$120.80 each.
a Find the profit made on each tennis racquet. b Find the total profit.
12 A batsman scored the following runs over five cricket innings. Find the batsman’s average score.
27 4 123 66 47

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Appendix 1
Calculator skills

2 Integers
Example 3

Question Calculator steps Answer

Casio Sharp
4 þ 9 (–) 4 + 9 = +/– 4 + 9 = 5
17 3 (2) 17 × (–) 2 = 17 × +/– 2 = 34
18 (3) 3 4 18 − (–) 3 × 4 = 18 − +/– 3 × 4 = 30

Exercise 2 Integers
1 Calculate each expression.
a 5 þ 12 b 6  3 c 3 3 4 d 16 4 (2)
e 12  (3) f 19 þ 4 g 25 3 (3) h 55 4 (11)
i 8  12 þ (1) j 3 þ 7  2  (5) k 6 3 (2) 3 8 l 18 4 (2) 3 5
m 3 3 7  4 n (3 þ 9) 3 4 o 80  (2) 3 8 p 12 3 (3) þ 50
q 64 4 (8) 3 2 r 27  (3) 3 (4) s 18 3 (5 þ 3) t 14  3 3 (8)

3 Powers and roots

Check with your teacher to locate the following keys: ⎯ ⎯
x2 x3 √

Example 4

Question Calculator steps Answer

16 16 x 2 = 256
11 11 x 3 = 1331
4 4 (or )5 = 1024
196 ⎯ 196 = 14
p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi √
4913 3 ⎯ 4913 = 17

512 9780170189538
Appendix 1
Calculator skills

Exercise 3 Powers and roots

1 Calculate each expression.
a 142 b 232 c 63 d 1.23 e (13)2 f (7)3
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
g 27 h 94 i 676 j 21 904 k 3 729 l 62 3 72

2 Evaluate each expression correct to one decimal place.

pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p
a 24 b 101 c 11 3 2 d 100

3 Calculate each expression.

pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
a 52  32 b 162  102 c 63 6 d 25 3 4

4 Fractions
Some calculators have two ways of entering fractions: MATH mode or LINE mode. MATH mode
allows you to enter the numerator and denominator into two blank spaces on the calculator’s
screen, while LINE mode makes the fraction key act like a vinculum (fraction bar). LINE mode is
used in the following examples. Ask your teacher if you need help with the MATH mode.

Example 5 Converting fractions

Question Calculator steps Answer

Casio Sharp
Simplify 20 16 20 = 16 a b/c 20 = 4
Change 1 34 to 1 3 4 =
b d
a ⇔ 1 a b/c 3 a b/c 4 =
c c 7
an improper
2ndF a b/c 4
fraction ( SHIFT S ⇔D )
Change 19
4 to
a mixed 19 4 = 19 a b/c 4 = 4 34
Change 34 to a 3 4 = S ⇔D or 3 a b/c 4 = a b/c or
decimal 0.75
3 ÷ 4 = 3 ÷ 4 =
Change 1.7 to 7
1.7 = 1.7 = a b/c 1 10
a fraction

S ⇔D is a key that converts between standard fractions and decimals.

9780170189538 513
Appendix 1
Calculator skills

Example 6 Operations with fractions

Question Calculator steps Answer

Casio Sharp
1þ1 1 2 + 1 3 = 1 a b/c 2 + 1 a b/c 3 = 5
2 3 6
52 5 7 − 2 3 = 5 a b/c 7 − 2 a b/c 3 = 1
7 3 21
332 3 5 × 2 7 = 3 a b/c 5 × 2 a b/c 7 = 6
5 7 35
442 4 5 ÷ 2 3 = 4 a b/c 5 ÷ 2 a b/c 3 = 1 15
5 3

Example 7 Mixed operations with fractions

Question Calculator steps Answer

( 13 + 7 ) ÷ ( 9 × 2 ) = 1.1111...
13 þ 7
( 13 + 7 ) (or a b/c ) ( 9 × 2 )
= 1 19

Exercise 4 Fractions
1 Simplify each fraction.
20 40 45 112 84 48
a b c d e f
32 85 72 126 100 192
2 Convert each mixed numeral into an improper fraction.
a 1 78 b 5 29 c 10 34

3 Convert each improper fraction into a mixed numeral.

a 20 b 44 c 18
9 5 8
4 Convert each fraction into a decimal.
a 1 b 4 c 7 d 9 e 34 f 5
2 5 8 25 200 9
5 Convert each decimal into a fraction in its simplest form.
a 0.35 b 2.04 c 0.001 d 0.365 e 1.06 f 0.325

514 9780170189538
Appendix 1
Calculator skills

6 Simplify each expression.

a 3þ1 b 4þ1 c 23 d 13 4 e 5 4 15
5 4 7 2 3 5 3 7 7 28
f 55 g 9 þ2 h 73 5 i 74 1 j 24 4 1 14
6 8 10 3 8 12 8 2
k 5 14 þ 1 25 l 9 78  1 13 m 5 14 3 2 37 n 4 23 4 2 o 846
3 9
p 10 16 3 1 10

7 Simplify each expression.

a 12  4 3 2 b 62 c 9p3 9  2ffi
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi d 20 4 2 þ 8
18 þ 14 100 4 4 þ 23 30  5 33934

8 Mr Lanouri is at his office for 712 hours each day. He takes 34 of an hour for lunch each day.
How long does he work:
a in one day? b in 5 days?

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