Outlook Task 2 Srijit Verma (B-78)

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Digital Audit Report


Sims Pune

1.Prepare a digital audit report of any of the Raheja Group Companies and its competitors and perform a detailed
analysis of the same.

A digital audit will give you the knowledge you need to enhance online story, presence, credibility and accessibility,
and to build meaningful engagements. ... A digital audit is something that will help you generate leads, increase
credibility, and solve issue you didn't even know were stopping you from success.
Newspaper and magazine publishers all over the globe are attempting to adjust to the difficulties and possibilities
posed by digital disruption and economic developments. Consumer demand for their core news and information
offering is strong – but with competition from a plethora of other sources, many of which are available online for free,
their historic position at the center of customers' lives is under danger.

Because of which all the publisher of magazines and newspaper finding it difficult to face the current scenario , as in
what it takes to maintain a stand and reputation of the brand and customer base in the digital evolving world and
social media driven generation. And what strategies they should incorporate to sustain the customer base and attract
new audience to their content or service. What will be their business's best revenue mix between paid and advertising-
supported models in the future?

I have chosen comparison of digital audit report between Outlook india and India Today magazine and will be providing
with some brief insights of there stats and comparison between both in several aspects.

It is easy to deduce that India today's site has a high performance rating when compared to Outlook India, and that
India today's organic search results are astoundingly high. These characteristics suggest that India Today magazines'
on-page SEO is better than Outlook India, which has to improve in a few areas.

Traffic Insights

If we look for Traffic analytics for

Outlook and Indiatoday then it is
very clearly visible that Indiatoday
is leading in every single aspects ,
though outlook has shown a better
growth from the previous quarter
still if we look for the visits , unique
visitors or even Pages/visit , india
today is leading even after showing
a negative growth in some
attributes. Above given stats is
extracted from SemRush. When we
check on Supple then we get to know that ,Outlook's global traffic rank is 7330 points, down 153 points from the
previous month. It's reasonable to assume that traffic to the Outlook India website is dwindling. Outlook's best traffic
rank in India is 662, indicating that it is lagging behind other websites.

Outlook India IndiaToday

The site of India Today Magazine, on the other hand, has a Global traffic rank of 1843, which is 587 points higher than
the previous month's performance. In comparison to the perspective India publications, India now is in a good
situation. India now has the top traffic rating of 86 in the Indian area, indicating its traffic creation potential and
When we checked for Organic search and Domain overview , Then we get to know that the authority score , organic
search Traffic and other attributes of India Today is way higher than Outlook and even the site audit indicates that the
site health of India Today is way much better than of Outlook India.

Lets diplay some stats of the same.

Now As we see there is huge

difference in various attributes
of Outlook and India Today,
Though Outlook is growing as
comapred to its previous
quarter Stats but still it is way
behind Indiatoday as there is a
huge gap in Organic Search
Traffic in both because
IndiaToday is more searched
and opted by the users
because of the Brand value it
has got.

And even there is a negative

growth as of now In Outlook
in the Organic search trffic of (2.81 M) , which is not a good sign for the company.

If we go in detail in Organic Reseacrh in both

of them when we see Outlook is lagging a lot
in various attributes as of now , traffic has
been decreased and whereas in Indiatoday
there has been a postivie Growth in traffic.

Traffic cost is way high in case of indiatoday

comapred to outlook where in there is a
negative growth.

There is a deacresing trend in Outlook Keyword trend as

there is negative growth of 3.66% and where has there has
been a postive growth in keyword trend in case of
Indiatoday of 4.21%.

SEO factors that influence site visibility

on search engine :The home page's trust
level indicates whether or not the page is
trustworthy. If it's less than or equal to
0.50, this page is likely to be of poor
quality, if not outright spam. According to
the research, Outlook India's page has a
trust score of 1.25, putting it in the good
trust category.

The number of sites indexed by Google is likewise high, implying a strong chance of a high SERP rank. The backlinks
pointing to Outlook's site are likewise

bolstering the site's authority. Despite

the presence of several indicators that
indicate strong search engine visibility,
there is still a problem with the site's text


Keyword Trend Analysis.

The usage of keywords in essential page regions, such as the title tag, description tag, and body, is not acceptable and
requires quick
adjustment. Outlook has
a moderate domain trust
flow, and the site has
reliable backlinks.
Because there are so
many domains referring
to the site, it's safe to
assume that it has a lot of
clout in the sector. In
contrast to Outlook India,
India Today main page
nowadays has a lesser
level of trust than
Outlook India, but it is
still reliable. The number of pages indexed by Google is also large, indicating that indexing is effective. Because the
link equity of the domains pointing towards India Today's website is large, it has a higher citation flow than Outlook.

When we talk about Site Health in present day senario , then by the above stats we can see that India Today is at much
better positions than Outlook as there are less number of Issue and Warnings

After Semrush when we look for some more inghits on Supple , then further information came into the picture.

India Today
Outlook IndiaToday

Both organizations' website pages load too slowly on mobile devices, implying that the site is not mobile-friendly.
Since a result, the site code must be improved, as users may become frustrated by the sluggish and choppy site or
applications. Both firms have strong desktop speed rankings, while India Toady may need some time to catch up.

When comparing the two sites, it's clear that the majority of the technical difficulties, such as page not found, server
difficulties, broken pictures, broken anchors, page access, response time, and so on, are small and don't require any
attention. Although numerous broken links can be found on India's current website, the response time is also
exceedingly poor.

To address the issue of unpredictable and sluggish navigation, India must now focus its efforts on making its website
more user-friendly.Low-quality (toxic) backlinks can harm your site's rankings, causing search engines to prohibit your
pages, not rank particular keywords, or even eliminate your site from search results.

Back links of both the sites are under decent condition.


Overall we can say that though India today is leading in many attributes from Outlook but Outlook is on the growth
and India is an outright competitor of India today on digital front.

In reality, Outlook India's website is better optimized and Google-friendly. Despite the fact that India Today has a
higher overall authority score and organic search traffic than Outlook India, Outlook India is proven to be the most
efficient in offering a user-friendly experience to its clients.

And As we all know that India Today is a bigger brand because of its media and broad casting sections and it has a got
a single site for all its analysis so it is very obvious that it will have more numbers in every attributes and will extract
more traffic but if we neglect all other section except the magazine and publishing or magazine distribution section
then outlook india is performing well than india today in digital presence , but branding of India Today is much better
than Outlook India.

2. Where do you think Raheja Group Company is leading its competitors and where in which aspects does it need

Outlook Group outperforms its competition in a variety of areas, some of which are included below:

Website Interface and Home page:

Outlook magazine's homepage is fresh and user

friendly, and it conveys a feeling of the reader's
personality. Readers want to see more pages like
this throughout the website because it appeals to
their creative cognitive senses and encourages them
to return. Other sections, such as the promotional
plan page and the loyalty program page, are cleverly
designed to attract visitors to the website.Even
recently Outlook has modified its subscription page
and made it more attractive and user friendly.
And when we say promotional plan page or the loyalty program ,then outlook started various initiative to maintain its
stand in the market and to ignite a sense of reliability in the mind of users.

Campaign like Outlook Poshan 2.0 (# ReachEachChild), Outlook Krishi are some of the examples.

Usability and compatibility of the website

The Outlook Group website is more user-friendly and compatible. The pages on the website load quicker than those
of its competitors, promoting and providing a user-friendly platform for scrolling through the website's many sections.
The website of India Today, on the other hand, takes a long time to load, causing users to become angry and abandon
the page.

Multiple Product Offerings

To keep clients interested in the items, the Outlook group provides them distinctive and diverse offers and items. This
is done to maintain loyal consumers for long-term benefits and to attract new consumers by providing them with a
range of options. Every firm has its own distinct items that
appeal to a specific segment of the population, therefore
anytime a consumer wants a wide range of options, Outlook

Outlook always
update its discount
offers of subscription
packages to give
better user experience
and to enhance employee acquisition.

Optomized Search Engine Optimization

Although the traffic of Outlook Group is lower than that of India Today, the website of Outlook Group is in good health
on most metrics, with a high authority score and reliable backlinks from reputable sources. Furthermore, the number
of broken links is relatively low, and the number of indexed pages on Google is large. Local SEO and paid search are
done in such a way that they compliment one another, resulting in more visitors.

Improvements that Outlook India is should implement

Presence on social media

When it comes to social media presence and techniques, there is little to compare the outlook group with India today.
India today has spent a long time developing its internet footprint and has now reached a significant milestone. There
are comprehensive and result-oriented digital marketing straggles. Outlook, on the other hand, does not have much
of a digital presence, although it has just begun to make efforts to get a foothold in the digital realm. For Example if
we consider Instagram of Outlook India and Indai Today.

As I have gone through social media sites of Outlook and India Today and found some insight regarding the
engagement and improvement of the Social media promotion and marketing strategy.

When we talk about Instagram then here we can see that India today is leading way ahead from outlook as there
followers are into million , reason being there image is good in the market because of the brand name they have as
they have there own broadcasting channel .
But here we can see they are using every single
feature of instagram for the engagement
weather it’s the reels , igtv , filterns and stories
and more frequently updating post and stories
than outlook.

Outlook is not using the updated features on

instagram where as even when you look for the
content , you will find more relevant and updated
content on India today page , for eg :The recent
post as of now when I am looking is 6 minutes
back on india today and on outlook it is 4 hours
ago. As a result, one of the areas that may be
improved is social media.


For a long time, India's outstanding branding, achieved via both digital and conventional tactics, has reaped dividends.
Instead of selling through discounts and low-cost programs, India now offers its brand, which has made a name for
itself in the magazine industry. And As outlook mostly focus of selling the magazine because of which Outlook ranks
low on the branding scale, and in order to compete in the digital realm, it must improve its digital marketing and
branding initiatives.

Organic search and traffic

When you're up against rivals and industry leaders like India Today, it's sometimes necessary to push harder for better
results, even if your site is optimized. According to the digital audit study, India now produces more visits to its website.

One of the reasons for this may be because they supply their readers with better and more relevant material and in
addition to that India Today is bigger brand because of its subsidaries and the braodcasting sector it is into already.

SERP Features

In compared to its competitors, Outlook Group does not make effective use of SERP features , reason being India
Today is more trsutable brand by other sites because of its brand image various webistes put it into internal links in
numerous article and news because of which it ranks above in Seo tracker. The organic SERP results are determined
by the domain authority and quality backlinks. As a result, in order to improve its digital footprint, Outlook must obtain
backlinks from reputable websites in order to get a high domain authority score.

3. If you were the digital marketers what steps would you take to reap higher dividends.

As there is no hard and fast rule of how to apply the digital marketing concept to boost the brand image or positioning
of the company , so I would be jotting down some major aspects which should be considered while making digital
marketing plans for an enterprise to reap higher dividends.
Brand positioning

We first recommend solidifying the brand-positioning. If refinement is needed, this should happen first so the
statement can serve as a beacon for your entire marketing strategy.

Optimization based on SEO

Websites must be more than simply pleasing to the eye and providing useful information. This are the basic conditions
that entice a customer to buy. However, it is critical to focus on optimization in compliance with SEO guidance in order
to attract traffic. The aim of website optimization is to make improvements to make them more compatible with
search engine algorithms like Google's. As a result, your search engine scores will rise, and your websites will surface
at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). The user's imagination will be piqued as a result of the increased
popularity. We're more likely to visit places that appear on the first page of a Google search, particularly those near
the top.

Website redevelopment

We believe the website must serve as the center of all marketing efforts. The Outlook india site is in need of updating
from a design perspective, lacking copywriting that lends itself to a strong brand voice and search engine optimization,
and is missing key calls-to-action. A rebuild of the framework that also allows for content to be updated on a regular
basis and accommodates blog content will act as a shell for a site that can grow and evolve. The brand look and feel
created in this website redevelopment project (as well as the brand voice) will be extended to all additional marketing
materials. This is an important first step in building a professional and consistent brand image.

Define target audience

You must first consider the target demographic in order to maximize sales from digital marketing. They have distinct
habits and preferences that can guide the whole digital strategy and behavior. The first steps in achieving this
understanding are to conduct surveys, collect evidence, and think about your desires.

Content and blogging strategy

Our competitive research shows a gap in question 4 that Outlook needs to perform better in Branding and social media
marketing(Instagram) as a result of which it needs to have good content and blogging strategy compared to its

Find out where the audience's attention is drawn.

You should find out which channels the target prefers until you have more information about them. The importance
of this is that it allows people to communicate across these networks. The most common are Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, and email. Via polls, you will learn which of these platforms your audience likes for getting information,
following brands, and communicating. You'll learn how to focus your digital marketing activities with the best results.
Knowing that the target demographic spends their time allows you to use more focused strategies.

Refine email marketing approach

I recommend documenting a specific process for adding contacts to your email database and maintaining segmented
lists for each of your three primary target audiences.. Moving forward, we recommend pre-scheduled monthly emails
to each target audience, made up of teasers that link to full articles and pages in your blog, products and services and
other sections of your website.

CTA’s insights

CTAs are unquestionably successful when it comes to producing conversions. It's tough to increase sales with digital
ads without clear calls to action. You'll need a list of effect phrases to draw attention to the proposed solutions. These
CTAs should be not only written in a manner that encourages intervention, but also emphasized or, in other words,
appealing. As a consequence, these phrases are often used on colorful buttons. The fact that they stand out from the
rest of the page's interface is all that matters.
Successful CTAs will generate a high CTR and,
as a result, further conversions.

LinkedIn strategy, training and participation

LinkedIn is an absolute must for Outlook.

Many new doors can be opened if
management buys in and employees are
trained accordingly. I recommend a written
strategy and one-hour training session to
implement the strategy among the sales team
members (and ideally full staff). As Linkedin connects more professionals and one place so it would generate more
opportunity areas for Outlook.

Content Marketing strategy

Developing a Content Marketing strategy with the help of Digital Marketing is a smart way to increase revenue. Blog
posts have a lot of potential for increasing user engagement, pushing traffic to a website, and increasing user interest.
You'll need to produce high-quality content to do that! Users are involved in posts that aren't too common in nature.So
its about how to be Unique and best at the same time.

Twitter strategy and participation

In addition to LinkedIn, I recommend developing a Twitter presence and committing to participation. Twitter serves
as a place to not only make new connections with industry organizations and companies, but also as a vehicle for
promoting the content being developed on your blog and elsewhere on your website.

Conditional marketing strategies should be understood and described.

Brands are constantly concerned with customers who visit web pages, choose sizes and specifications, but then
abandon their purchases. The idea is simple: if they've taken all of these moves, they've entered the decision-making
stage. Remarketing is a communications strategy that reminds consumers of past sales. For this reason, banners with
the remaining deals are put in the Google Display network. If a buyer is about to make a transaction, this initiative will
serve like a bottom-of-the-funnel strategy. Remarketing can be done through email marketing, which sends the
product link to the customer, in addition to banner advertising on websites. Bonuses, such as discounts or free delivery,
can help close the deal in certain cases.

Measurement and refinement

Marketing is cyclical. Strategy is written, tactics are executed, performance is evaluated and strategy/tactics are
refined. I would recommend quarterly reviews analyzing data from email reports, Google analytics and social media
performance that will allow for constant refinement. Measuring is essential for deciding what changes can be made.
Any business must adopt radically sustainable tactics in order to maximize sales through Digital Marketing.

4.To what level does companies use social media marketing ? Does it have a optimized social medial marketing

Now let us compare the stats for Facebook , linkedin and youtube for Outlook and Indiatoday with respect to their
previous quarter stats. Fow now we have used Semrush Software.

Now as the data indicates that compared to march and april of 2021 to right now(second quarter of 2021) ,there has
been decrease in the activities engagement on social media though there is increase in engagement of +80,440 , which
is a good sign for the company.
Even if we compare for
the activity for both
Outlook and India today ,
then also Outlook is
performing well and
there is negative growth
in case of indiaToday of

Which means comapred

to Indiatoday , Outllook
india performing well in
case of Facebook and

For the same time frame

comparison if we look for
the engagement , then
both the companies
performing well , but as
India today is have a edge
because of its subsidaries
therefore its engagment
frowth is higher than
Outlook india.

Now When we look for Audience engagement than Outlook is performing better as there has been no such growth in
Audience of India Today but
Outlook has manage to get a
Positive Edge here by
making a positive growth of

Now This was with current

scenario , now we will compare the

stats with previous year for both
the companies .

If we compare the stats of social

media of 2021 first quarter and
last quarter of 2020 , then Outlook
is performing well by having a
positive growth in activity and
engagement both.
Comparing both Outlook and India
Today for the same period (of
2021 first quarter and last quarter
of 2020).

India Today having more social

media presense have a higher
number of audience but there is
no such growth or change in both
the companies audience
engagement form the last quarter 2020 to first quarter of 2021.

In case of Activity both

the companies are
performing well and
having a postive
growth and change ,
where in Outlook is
performing much
better and having a
higher growth of

Even if we look at the

engagement than also
Outlook is performing well
than India Today and there
is a huge gap between the
Growth percentage , as
Outlook is having 2,052.3%
growth , where as India
Today is having only a
growth of 404.66%.

Instagram Analysis

As I have gone through social media sites of Outlook and India Today and found
some insight regarding the engagement and improvement of the Social media
promotion and marketing strategy.

When we talk about Instagram then here we can see that India today is leading way
ahead from outlook as there followers are into million , reason being there image
is good in the market because of the brand name they have as they have there own
broadcasting channel .

But here we can see they are using every single feature of instagram for the
engagement weather it’s the reels , igtv , stories and more frequently updating
post and stories than outlook.
Outlook is not using the updated features on instagram where as even when you look
for the content , you will find more relevant and updated content on India today page
, for eg :The recent post as of now when I am looking is 6 minutes back on india today
and on outlook it is 4 hours ago.

Where as Outlook is more focused about the interviews and famous celebrity driven
stuff compared to India today which is giving more focus on the current updates of
Covid Cases and Vaccination and other current stuff.

Thus Outlook needs to be more updated and proactive with the instagram page to
drive more healthy enegement on there post and comment section.

Now when we talk about linkedin , Here we can see though the number of followers
is more on India Today page than on outlook gourp , but Outlook is driving more
engagement as it is posting relevant content on Linkeding and even posting events
where as India Today is Lagging on that part.

Suggestion: The key for brands is to focus on selecting

the right influencers , post and tracking the
performance of campaigns. Brands need to choose an
appropriate mix of influencers , post , stories based on
the aim of the campaign – maximizing brand visibility
versus conversion to sales. They should take time to
verify the authenticity of its selected influencers , post ,
content and Stories by studying their profiles and
previous posts and doing a complete research on the
authenticity of the information. Through this
verification, they can ensure that the likes and
comments are coming from genuine followers. Brands
also need to focus on metrics beyond likes and
comments. Other key metrics to evaluate campaign
effectiveness include sentiment analysis of comments
and tracking sales at the level of an individual influencer
and post.


• When we look at the conclusion then it is very evident from the data above than even after having less social
media presense than India Today , Outlook is performing way better than India today , weather you comapre
2021 first quarter to its second quarter or to first quarter of 2021 to last quarter of as the matter of fact even
if you compare the first quarter to 2021 to first quarter of 2020.
• Outlook is performing well in case of Facebook , linkedin , youtube but lagging a bit in case of Instagram , and
in there we need a bit improvement in Instagram engagement of Outlook and put more focus on using
different strategies to get a higher engaggement on Instagram by improving conent and using all the features.
Outlook has over a million Facebook fans and utilizes the platform to actively advertise the software. On the
other hand, India now has over 10 million followers on its official page, which is ten times that of Outlook.
However, the point of distinction is not the number of followers, but the innovative postings and relevant
videos on topics that people are interested in. Aside from publishing content, India Today Group advertises its
monthly issue on Facebook using a visually appealing video description. Recent events such as Newswiz Fest
and Covid 2.0 are just a few examples.
• Outlook Group is notable for having many official pages for the many publications it produces, allowing it to
profit on distinct sections and keep track on their behavior.
• On closely watching, it can be observed that most of the content that Outlook posts on Instagram is not aligned
according to the Instagram users. In other words to optimize the Social media marketing outlook is required
to post creative and relevant content on its social media pages. Moreover, the growth figures show that
Outlook is on the right track as far as new followers are concerned but to be an outright competitor of India
Today group it has to make certain adjustments and improvements in its strategies.
• Despite the importance of "following" and other metrics, they are not the "be all and end all" of social media
success. You must demonstrate to your audience that you are not a robot. Integrate personality into your
postings through humour and emotions so that your audience can connect with your business.

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