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Aswin C. Cloud Technology Advisor | Microsoft Malaysia | a-aswinc@microsoft.


HTML 5 HTML 5 + IE9 HTML 5 + Windows Azure

Evolution of Web (1992)

Evolution of Web (1996)

Evolution of Web (1998)

Evolution of Web


Whats New?
a) <!DOCTYPE html>. b) APIs c) New Attributes d) New Elements e) Elements Changed, Absent f) Better Error Handling

Why HTML 5?
a) Widely supported b) Bundles of new features out of the box c) Familiarity

Windows and the web

1 billion Windows customers

What do customers think?


Sparkarts Experience

Claritys Experience

1 7

W3C HTML Working Group

Last Update: 13th June 2011



Web Apps


Geolocation ECMA

Microsoft Approach with HTML5

HTML5 in IE9
HTML5 New Markup Elements Canvas Audio Video Local Storage Cross-Window Messaging Text Selection APIs Parsing SVG in HTML CSS3 SVG Shapes Clipping, Masking, and Compositing Transforms Extensibility Gradients Interactivity Linking and Views Painting and Colors Paths Text Others

2D Transforms Border Radius Box-Shadow Fonts (WOFF) Media Queries Multiple Backgrounds Namespaces Opacity rgba(), hsl(), hsla() Selectors (IE8)

ECMA Script 5 (all but Strict Mode) Native JSON support (IE8) Performance API Geo-Location Data-uri (IE8) DOM L2, L3 Selectors API L2 AJAX Navigation

DOMParser and XMLSerializer ICC v2 and Color Profile ARIA

Hardware Acceleration

HTML5 in IE10 Platform Previews

CSS3 Grid CSS3 Flexbox CSS3 Gradient CSS3 Multi-Column ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode

IE10 Developer Preview is here!

HTML5 Labs
HTML5 IndexedDB HTML5 Web Sockets HTML5 File API HTML5 Media Capture API

Looking forward

Demo (Jump List)

HTML 5 + Windows Azure

What is the cloud?

An approach to computing thats about internet scale and connecting to a variety of devices and endpoints

Windows Azure Platform

Windows Azure Platform in Action Your Application

Service Package Code Azure SDK
Compute Emulator
10010100 01001000 11000010 01000100 10111000 10100110

Azure Portal Self-Service

Service Model 43 Web Servers

2 Regular Servers 2 Custom Servers Use My.vhd

Dev Storage

Windows Azure Platform

Web Instance Web 1 (your app) Web Instance 2 (your app) Instance Web 3 (your app) Instance
4 (your app)

Load Balancer

And Azure Takes Care of the Rest

1 (your app) 2 (your app) 1 (your app) 2 (your app)

Web Role

OS Install, Worker Licensing, Patching, and Maintenance Worker Role Instance Worker Win etc.) VMRole Networking (Load Balancer, Firewall, Srvr 2008 R2 Instance .NET 4 Instance VMRole Instance Elastic Scale Up and Down, Pay for Use VMRole 99.95% Compute SLA Win Srvr 2008 R2 VHD Whatever you install Azure Storage SQL Azure Faster Time to Market, Lower Costs, Less Risk Blobs, Tables, Queues

Win Srvr 2008 R2 IIS7, ASP.NET, .NET 4

Fabric Controller

Demo (HTML 5 on Windows Azure)

News: Demos: Technical samples: HTML5 Labs: Windows Azure Tools:

Thank you

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