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Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research

Department of Medical Microbiology
Laboratory :Blood Culture Lab Sample :Blood Culture-PL
CR No : 202304006076
Patient Name : Divakar Kumar Age/Sex : 21 Yr/M
Dept-Unit : Internal Medicine-Unit 1 Req. Date : 15/08/2023
Ward/OPD : OPD Clinician :
Test : BACTEC Culture Lab Sample No. : 18125
Diagnosis :

Culture Report
Culture shows -
Organism Non Fermenter
Species -
Culture result Subsequent report to follow
Remark -

Entered By: Sudesh Rana(Sr. Lab.Technician)

This is computer generated report. Signature not required
Result Modified By: Sudesh Rana(Sr. Lab.Technician)()

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