Turtle Mem

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Crochet Turtle memory game pattern

Pattern by: Shari Duckett


Supplies needed:
-4mm crochet hook
-3.5mm crochet hook(used for mamas head)
-yarn needle
-weight 4 green yarn- less than 7 oz
-weight 4 tan yarn- less than 7 oz
-scraps of 10 different colors (for the matches)
-yarn needle
-(2) 12mm safety eyes

Abbreviations and stitches used:

Dc- double crochet
Sc- single crochet
Ss- slip stitch
Mc- magic circle
Dc inc- double crochet increase
Tr-treble crochet
Hdc- half double crochet
St- stitch
FLO- front loop only
Sc dec- single crochet decrease

This pattern will be exactly the same for each baby turtle made, I make 10
matches so 20 Turtles in total but you can make as many as you can fit in
your shell!
*NOTE* the starting chain at the beginning of each round does NOT count
as a stitch.
Baby bottom: (make 2 of each color)
-using your 4mm hook
NOTE: don't worry about hiding yarn tails they will be hidden inside the turtle
Round 1: with your match color- start a magic circle and chain 2. (chain 2
will NOT count as a stitch) 12 dc into a magic circle. Ss to top of first dc.
Chain 1 and cut yarn (12)
Round 2: In tan- Join to any st on the previous round. Chain 2 and dc inc
into the same st and each st around. Ss to first dc. (24)
Round 3: this will form the head and legs of the baby-
[this whole round is worked into the FLO.]
chain 2. Dc and Tr into the same St as Ss.
Tr and Dc into the next st. Chain 2 and ss into the same st.
Ss into the next 2 st.
(ss, ch1,2hdc,ch1,ss) into the next st.
Ss into the next 5 st.
(ss, ch1,2hdc,ch1,ss) into the next st.
ss into the next 4 st.
(ss, ch1,2hdc,ch1,ss) into the next st.
ss into the next 5 st.
(ss,ch1,2hdc,ch1,ss) into the next st.
ss into the next 2 st. Cut yarn and fasten off. Bring the yarn tail to the other

Baby shell:
*note- it will begin to form into a bowl shape.
Round 1: In green- starting with a MC ch1 and sc6 into the ring. ss in 1st st,
ch 1 (6)
Round 2: hdc inc in all,ss to 1st st, ch 1(12)
Round 3: (hdc, hdc inc)x6 ss to 1st st, ch1 (18)
Round 4: (hdc 2,hdc inc)x6 ss to 1st st, ch 1(24)
-For the no sew version chain 1 and line up with the shell bottom (make sure the
right side is facing outward), begin to work through both the shell loops and the
FLO of the shell bottom. [This will be the exposed stitches from when we work in
the FLO of the 3rd round of the bottom] SC all the way around pausing toward
the end to stuff with polyfil and then join and sew in tail.
-If you prefer you can cut the yarn, leaving a 12 inch tail and use a needle and
work through both loops of the shell and the front loop only as well and work all
the way around pausing before the end to stuff with polyfil. This method works
well for when you want to make all the pieces ahead of time.

Now we will begin the mama turtle starting with her bottom shell.
*ch2 does not count as dc. Always start the round by working into the same
st as ss.
Ss to the beginning ch after each round.

Bottom of mama turtles shell:

Round 1: In tan- Starting with a MC, ch2 and dc 12 into the ring. Ss to the
top of the first dc. (12)
Round 2: ch2, dc inc x 12. (24)
Round 3: ch2 (dc,dc inc)x12 (36)
Round 4: ch2 (dc2,dc inc)x12 ( 48)
Round 5: ch2 (dc3,dc inc)x12 (60)
Round 6: ch2 (dc4, dc inc)x12 (72)
Round 7: ch2 (dc5,dc inc)x12 (84)
Round 8: ch2 (dc6,dc inc)x12 (96)
Ss to top of first dc and do not cut yarn. You will immediately move onto
making the tail.

To create tail:
Row 1: Ch 1 and sc 4. Ch 1 turn. (4)
Row 2: Sc 4 across. Ch 1 turn. (4)
Row 3: Sc dec x2. Ch 1 turn. (2)
Row 4: Sc 2. Ch 1 turn. (2)
Row 5: Sc dec (1)
Chain 1 and cut off yarn and leave an 8 inch tail. This will be where we
secure the button later on.

To make the first leg of the mama turtle count over 9 st from the left of the tail.
To make the second leg count over 16 st from the left the first leg.
To make the third leg count over to the right 14 st from the right of the tail.To
make the 4th leg count over 21 st to the right of the third leg (see photo on next

* Make sure that before you start

joining the legs that wrong side is
facing up. End result does not
become affected by this, but it
ends up looking much cleaner.
Turtle legs: All 4 legs worked in the BLO for row 1 (see above for placement)
With your tan yarn-
Row 1: Join yarn ch1 sc in same st, sc 5. Ch1 turn.(6)
Row 2-4: Ch1 sc 6 across. Ch1 turn. (6)
Row 5: Sc dec, sc2, sc dec Ch1 turn. (4)
Row 6: (Sc dec) x2 ch 1 to secure yarn and cut off (2) Weave in yarn tails & cut ends.
*When you are finished there with be 15 st unworked between the front and the back leg. & there will be 8
st unworked between the back legs and the tail.

Mama’s head: (make 2 pieces)

With your 3.5mm hook-
In tan, Ch 9.
Row 1: starting in 2ch from hook, Sc 8 across. Ch1 turn. (8)
Row 2 & 3: Sc 8. Ch 1 turn. (8)
Row 4: Sc INC, Sc 6, Sc INC. Ch 1 turn. (10)
Row 5: Sc INC, Sc 8, Sc INC. Ch 1 turn. (12)
Row 6-9: Sc 12 Ch 1 turn. (12)
Row 10: Sc DEC, Sc 8, SC DEC. Ch 1 turn. (10)
Row 11: Sc 10. Ch 1 turn. (10)
Row 12: Sc DEC, sc 6, Sc DEC. Ch 1 turn. (8)
Row 13: Sc DEC, sc 4, Sc DEC Ch 1 turn. (6)
Ch 1, Cut yarn and weave in the tails.

On the second piece insert safety eyes between

rows 9 & 10, 4 st apart.
Put the piece with the eyes on top of the other,
and join yarn at the turtle's neck on the right. (see

To join pieces:(you will have to make up where the

stitches go, just make sure your hook is going
through both pieces. If stitches aren't adding up,
just use your best judgement.) Sc 3, SC INC, (Sc
2,SC INC)x3, SC 4 across the top of the head, (Sc
INC, Sc 2)x3, ScINC, sc3 back down the other
side of the neck. Leave a long tail to sew the head to the bottom shell. Stuff
head with polyfil.

Find the middle of the front legs (there should be 7 unworked stitches on either
side. Grab your needle and using the tail from the head, sew the head to the BLO
of the middle 8 stitches. BE SURE- that you go through both loops of the
pieces of the head AND the BLO of the shell. Weave in ends and cut yarn.

Top of mama’s shell:

*ch2 does not count as dc. Always start the round by working into the same st as
Ss to the beginning ch after each round.

Using your 4mm hook.

Round 1: In green- Starting with a MC, ch2 and dc 12 into the ring. Ss to the top
of the first dc. (12)
Round 2: ch2, dc inc x 12. (24)
Round 3: ch2 (dc,dc inc)x12 (36)
Round 4: ch2 (dc2,dc inc)x12 ( 48)
Round 5: ch2 (dc3,dc inc)x12 (60)
Round 6: ch2 (dc2,dc inc,dc2)x12 (72)
Round 7: ch2 (dc5,dc inc)x12 (84)
Round 8: ch2 (dc6,dc inc)x12 (96)
Round 9: ch2 and dc 96 around. (96)
*OPTIONAL ROUND 10- if you make more
matches you'll want you turtle to have more
storage space so go around another time with 96
dc. (96)
Chain 1 but DO NOT cut yarn. We are going to join
to the bottom shell by working into the front loops
that are left exposed.

Place the top shell onto the bottom shell. Starting in the
first st of the right back leg, join yarn. (see photo)

Working through both loops of the shell and the FLO, sc x

76. All the way until you get to the last exposed stitch of the
4th leg. (there will be 20 unworked stitches, this is where the babies will be stored.) cut yarn and
sew in the tail.

Lastly, you will need to sew the button to the tail, using the yarn tail that was left. The
button will go through whatever DC falls above it as the hole. Hide tail, and cut yarn.

Your Turtle memory game is finished!

This pattern was written by StitchedByShari. Please do not replicate or

redistribute this pattern. You are welcome to sell products made from this
pattern but please credit me as the designer.
I would love to see your designs. Please tag me on
Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok. @Stitched_by_shari

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