Rokeach Value Survey Edited

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A Comfortable Life __9___

a prosperous life

Equality __15___
brotherhood and equal opportunity for all

An Exciting Life __14___

a stimulating, active life

Family Security ___10__

taking care of loved ones

Freedom __3___
independence and free choice

Health __4___
physical and mental well-being

Inner Harmony __2___

freedom from inner conflict

Mature Love _7____

sexual and spiritual intimacy

National Security __16___ Terminal Values

protection from attack

Pleasure __1___
an enjoyable, leisurely life

Salvation __17___
saved; eternal life

Self-Respect ___6__

A Sense of Accomplishment __11___

a lasting contribution

Social Recognition __12___

respect and admiration

True Friendship _8____

close companionship

Wisdom ___5__
a mature understanding of life

A World at Peace __13___

a world free of war and conflict

A World of Beauty ___18__

beauty of nature and the arts

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Ambitious __6___
hardworking and aspiring

Broad-minded ___7__

Capable __13___
competent; effective

Clean __18___
neat and tidy

Courageous __8___
standing up for your beliefs

Forgiving __16___
willing to pardon others

Helpful ___12__
working for the welfare of others

Honest ___2__
sincere and truthful

Imaginative ___17__ Instrumental Values

daring and creative

Independent __14___
self-reliant; self-sufficient

Intellectual ___9__
intelligent and reflective

Logical ___11__
consistent; rational

Loving __1___
affectionate and tender

Loyal ___3__
faithful to friends or the group

Obedient __5___
dutiful; respectful

Polite __4___
courteous and well-mannered

Responsible __15___
dependable and reliable

Self-controlled __10___
restrained; self-disciplined

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