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Background of the study

Sales management practices are a critical component of business

operations, involving the planning, organization, direction, and control of a

business sales activities. Their purpose is to coordinate the efforts of the

sales team to achieve the organization’s sales goals and objectives. Green et

al (2020). Effective sales management encompasses various aspects,

including sales strategy, Salesforce training, customer relationship

management, and performance metrics

A successful and sustainable business depends on one thing: sales. If

a business isn’t improving their sales performance, they can’t grow. Sales

management practices must be adopted to improve sales which drive into

improving sales performance and to improve business Jones (2021).

Recent research has shown that sales management practices are

crucial for the success of businesses, specifically large corporations. These

practices often include sales strategy, sales forecasting, customer

relationship management, and sales team development. In large businesses,

sales management is considered the backbone of achieving higher sales,

with dedicated teams and resources.

However, limited research exists on how sales management practices

impact the sales performance of Small and Medium sized Enterprises. The

specific ways in which tailored sales management practices affect the sales

performance of these smaller businesses are not well understood.

Furthermore, it’s unclear whether strategies used by larger companies can

be effectively adopted by Small and Medium sized Enterprises in Población,

Quezon, Bukidnon.

The relationship between sales management and sales performance in

Small and Medium sized Enterprises remains vague, making it difficult for

them to determine which sales management practices are most effective for

their unique circumstances. Small and medium sized enterprises are vital to

the economy, and their success often depends on effective sales

management practices.

Understanding the relationship between sales management and sales

performance in Small and medium sized enterprises in Quezon, Bukidnon is

essential. By doing so, valuable insights and guidance can be provided to

help them thrive in the market. This study aims to bridge the knowledge gap

and offer practical recommendations for small and medium sized enterprises

to improve their sales performance through effective sales management

practices, ultimately contributing to their success and sustainability, and

benefiting the broader economy of Quezon, Bukidnon.

Scope and delimitation

The main objective of this study is to provide information about

significance of sales management practices to sales performance of Small

and medium sized enterprises in Población, Quezon, Bukidnon over a period

of 2 months in first semester of school year 2023-2024.

The study will focus on small and medium sized enterprises; their sales

management practices use to improve sales performance with a population

of 126 and 110 respondents. The respondents exclusively comprise

owners/manager of small and medium-sized enterprises from specific

geographic area. Other stakeholders, such as employees or customers, are

excluded to maintain a clear perspective on the significance of sales

management practices from the owner’s standpoint. Respondents are given

questionnaire to answer.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to investigate the importance of sales management

practices in improving the sales performance of small and medium sized

enterprises in Población, Quezon, Bukidnon. This research is prompted by

the need to address the challenges faced by small and medium sized

enterprises in achieving their sales targets and growing their businesses in

today’s competitive market landscape. The findings of the study have the

potential to offer valuable insights that can assist small and medium sized

enterprises in enhancing their sales management strategies and ultimately

increasing their sales performance.

Specifically, the study seeks to address the following research questions:

1. What are sales management practices commonly employed by small

and medium sized enterprises in to sales improvement in terms of;

a. Sales strategy

b. Sales force Training

c. Sales Forecasting

d. Customer relationship management

e. Performance metric

2. What is the extent of improve sales performance to

small and medium sized enterprises?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the sales management

practices and the sales performance of small and medium sized


These research questions are pivotal to this study as they provide a

framework for understanding the sales management practices utilized by

small and medium sized enterprises in assessing their impact on sales

performance, and exploring the factors that influence their effectiveness. By

gaining insights into these aspects, this research aims to provide actionable

recommendations for small and medium sized enterprises in Quezon,

Bukidnon. The findings may have broader implications that can be applied

to similar contexts in the business world.

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to investigate the sales management practices

employed by small enterprises, evaluate their impact on sales performance,

and recommend /strategies for improving business growth and performance

among these small businesses.

1. To identify the sales management practices commonly utilized by

small and medium sized enterprises to stimulate sales performance

improvement and foster business growth.

2. To determine the extent of improve in sales performance to small and

medium size enterprises resulting from specific sales management

practices, including sales strategy, sales force training, sales

forecasting, customer relationship management and performance


3. To determine, through statistical analysis, whether there exists a

significant and measurable relationship between the adoption of

effective sales management practices and the sales performance of

small and medium sized enterprises.

Significance of the Study

This study bears significant importance as it investigates the critical

nexus between sales management practices and the sales performance of

small and medium sized enterprises. By focusing on the specific context of

small and medium sized enterprises, this research aims to uncover the

nuanced strategies employed by these enterprises and how these strategies

influence their sales performance. The insights generated from this study

can be instrumental in empowering small and medium sized enterprises

owners to refine their sales management approaches, thereby enhancing

their economic viability.

To small and medium sized enterprises Owners -small and medium

sized enterprises owners will benefit significantly from the findings. They will

gain insights into sales management practices that can directly influence

their sales performance and overall business success. Implementing the

recommendations derived from this research can help these enterprises

adapt and thrive in competitive market environments, leading to improved

sales performance

To Local Communities -This research has the potential to positively

impact local communities by fostering the growth, sustainability and

innovation of small and medium sized enterprises. As these businesses

prosper, they contribute to the local economy, create jobs, and enhance the

overall quality of life in the community.

To Policymakers and Government Agencies – The study offers insights

that can inform policy development and support mechanisms for small and

medium sized enterprises. Policymakers and government agencies can use

the findings to design initiatives that encourage the adoption of effective

sales management practices among small and medium sized enterprises,

contributing to economic development, increased employment opportunities,

and the overall well-being of local communities.

To Students- Students stand to gain valuable insights into the

dynamics of sales management and its direct correlation with business

performance. This knowledge is not only beneficial for academic purposes

but also equips students with real-world insights that can be applied in

their future careers as managers or entrepreneurs.

To Future Researchers- This study serves as a foundational reference

for future researchers in the fields of business, economics, and marketing.

Researchers can build upon this study to explore sales management

practices and their impact on profitability in diverse small business

contexts. This research paves the way for generating deeper insights and

knowledge in these domains, contributing to the broader understanding of

effective sales management.

Definition of terms

The readers of the study were also expected to be aware of several

terminologies and words used by the researcher that might have been

foreign to them in order to fully comprehend the significance of Sales

Management Practices to sales performance of small enterprises. The

research would have failed to accomplish its aim if the readers did not

understand what it was all about.

Small and Medium sized Enterprises. A business with a legal document and

have tangible products. It’s Divide into three categories, The Medium, Small

and Micro Enterprises.

Medium Enterprises. Business with more than 50 employees but less than


Small Enterprise. Business with fewer than 50 and greater 10 employees.

Micro Enterprises. Business with 1 to 9 employees

Sales Management Practices. These encompass the strategies, processes,

and activities that a business employs to effectively oversee and enhance its

sales operations. It includes various aspects such as planning, organizing,

directing, and controlling sales activities within the organization.

Sales Performance. Sales performance refers to the measurable outcomes

and results achieved by a business in terms of its sales activities.

Sales Strategy. Sales strategy is a well-defined plan that outlines how a

company intends to achieve its sales objectives.

Sales Force Training. Sales force training refers to the process of equipping

sales personnel with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to be

effective and efficient in their roles.

Sales Forecasting. Sales forecasting involves the estimation and prediction

of future sales volumes based on historical data, market trends, and various

internal and external factors.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM). CRM is a comprehensive

approach to managing and nurturing relationships with customers. It

involves the use of technology, processes, and strategies to understand,

attract, and retain customers while providing personalized services.

Performance Metrics. Used to track progress, identify reason of

improvement, and make informed decisions about sales.

Chapter 2

Theoretical framework

This chapter outlines the theoretical framework that underpins the

study, examining the relationship between sales management practices and

their impact on the sales performance of small and medium-sized

enterprises (SMEs) in Quezon Bukidnon.

In this study we apply the Sales Management Theory and Practices

proposed by Green et al. This theory is like a toolkit divided into five main

parts: sales strategy, sales force training, sales forecasting, customer

relationship management, and performance metrics. Imagine it as a guide

that helps businesses figure out how to sell better.

Green et al. tell us that businesses have unique strengths and

abilities (they call them resources and capabilities), and these are like secret

weapons for getting ahead. This theory becomes our glasses to look closely

at how specific ways of managing sales (like planning strategies, training the

sales team, predicting sales, managing customer relationships, and

measuring performance) act as these special tools that help businesses do

better than others.

For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), these tools can be

the game-changer. They help SMEs compete better. It’s like having a secret

recipe that makes your pizza taste better than the pizza next door. In this

study, we’re using this theory to see how SMEs in Poblacion Quezon

Bukidnon can use these sales management practices as special resources to

improve how they sell things.

Five sales management practices. Sales Strategy: Think of this as a

game plan. How businesses decide what to sell, how to sell effectively, and

how to reach their goals. Sales Force Training: Imagine this as training your

team like superheroes. Equip them with skills to understand customers, the

market, and ultimately, sell better. Sales Forecasting: It’s like predicting the

future for sales. Knowing what customers will want helps businesses plan

better and make smarter decisions. Customer Relationship Management:

This is about building and keeping good relationships with customers. It’s

like making friends – happy customers keep coming back. Performance

Metrics: Think of this as keeping score. How do you know you’re winning?

Performance metrics help businesses measure success

This Sales Management Theory and Practices is our guide. By

understanding how these sales practices are like hidden resources, we can

see how SMEs can do even better in Poblacion Quezon Bukidnon. It’s about

giving them the tools to stand out, compete, and thrive in their sales game.

Review of Related Literature

Review of related literature is an indispensable component of the

research, as it serves to illuminate the current state of knowledge in the

specific domain of sales management practices and their impact on small

and medium sized enterprises’ sales performance. This is crucial in

providing the researcher with up-to-date insights and an understanding of

the key variables being investigated.

Sales Management Practices

A successful and sustainable business depends on one thing: sales. If

a business isn’t selling their products or services, it doesn’t matter how

“great” or “different” they are. This includes proper utilization of sales

management practices. Without connecting with people who actually want

to purchase what they’re offering; the business is never going to get off the

ground Jones (2021).

Additionally, Jenson and Patel (2018) state that the influence of Sales

Management Practices on the sales performance of small and medium-sized

enterprises. They found that well-structured sales strategies, comprehensive

sales force training, and efficient customer relationship management

positively impact sales outcomes. Sales managers oversee the team that

communicates directly with your prospects and customers on a daily basis

and Do’s plan for sales so, if a sales manager helps 10 reps sell 20% more,

they’ve essentially just “created” two new salespeople. This guide will cover

the sales management process, along with sales force training and Customer

relationship management, to help your teams become high-impact players

for the business and it must employ Sales strategy, Sales forecasting, and

identifying performance metrics.

This guide will cover the sales management process, along with sales

force training and Customer relationship management, to help your teams

become high-impact players for the business and it must employ Sales

strategy, Sales forecasting and identifying performance metrics.

Sales Force Training

Salesforce Training Allows manager to their team. Effective sales

training should be viewed and designed to draw sales performance.

Johnson and White (2018), the authors articulate a compelling

perspective on the profound significance of sales force training in the realm

of enhancing sales performance. Their study stands as a testament to the

critical role that well-documented sales force training plays in shaping the

effectiveness of sales teams. Johnson and White delve into the intricate

details of ongoing training programs, shedding light on their impact on sales

teams and the subsequent correlation between training frequency and sales

effectiveness. The research not only underscores the importance of sales

force training but also positions it as a dynamic variable that directly

influences the outcomes and performance metrics of sales teams. By

establishing a positive correlation between the frequency of training

interventions and heightened sales effectiveness, Johnson and White’s

findings contribute invaluable insights to the discourse on sales

management strategies, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive and well-

documented approach to training for sustainable improvements in sales


Additionally, Green et al. (2020) emphasized the role of sales force

training in equipping teams with the skills and knowledge necessary for

customer engagement and market comprehension, ultimately contributing

to improved sales performance.

Furthermore, Smith and Brown (2021) conducted a comprehensive

study on the long-term effects of sales force training. They highlighted that

sales professional who received consistent and well-structured training over

an extended period demonstrated higher sales performance. This underlines

the enduring positive influence of continuous training efforts on sales


The study by Román (2021). Focuses on the impact of sales training

on the sales force in small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). The

findings reveal that investing in sales training is beneficial for improving

sales performance. However, simply increasing training investment doesn’t

necessarily lead to more customer-oriented selling. Instead, the study

suggests that specific training methods and content are more effective in

achieving higher levels of salespeople performance and customer-oriented

selling. In summary, the study underscores the importance of tailored sales

training for SMEs, as it can enhance sales performance and customer

orientation. It highlights that a strategic approach to training methods and

content is crucial, and customer-oriented selling is linked to improved sales

force performance. The findings offer valuable insights for managerial

decision-making and suggest areas for future research.

Lastly, Tan and Newman (2021), highlights the importance of

evaluating sales force training programs in retail organizations. It

emphasizes that despite substantial investments in training, many retail

organizations fail to assess the effectiveness of these programs, hindering

their ability to make improvements. The article suggests using Kirkpatrick’s

Four-Level Training Evaluation Model to examine training effectiveness

across different levels, including reaction, learning, behaviour change, and

organizational outcomes. The goal is to enhance sales force productivity

through accountable training efforts.

Sales strategy

A strong sales strategy plan creates the foundation for a cohesive and

successful sales organization.

According to Smith and Jones (2019), a comprehensive exploration

unfolded, emphasizing the pivotal role of an effective sales strategy that

intricately aligns with overall business objectives. Their study delved into

the multifaceted layers of what constitutes a well-structured sales strategy,

shedding light on the nuanced elements essential for success. Beyond a

mere blueprint, an effective sales strategy, as per Smith and Jones, involves

a meticulous process of clear objective setting. This includes not only

defining organizational goals but also aligning them strategically with the

broader business mission. Moreover, their research highlighted the integral

role of market segmentation, demonstrating that understanding and

categorizing target audiences are fundamental components of a successful

sales strategy. Additionally, the development of a tailored value proposition

emerged as a key aspect, showcasing the need for businesses to articulate

and communicate unique value propositions that resonate specifically with

their target customers. Smith and Jones’ study, therefore, goes beyond

emphasizing the importance of a sales strategy; it provides a nuanced

understanding of the intricacies involved in crafting a truly effective and

aligned approach.

Similarly, in the dynamic landscape of sales management, Brown et

al. (2021) contributed noteworthy insights by exploring the adaptability of

sales strategies to changing market conditions. Their research unfolded a

narrative of strategic resilience, revealing that businesses showcasing

flexibility in their sales strategies tended to outperform competitors,

particularly when faced with shifting market dynamics. Brown et al.’s

findings underscored the strategic significance of adapting sales approaches,

especially during economic downturns. The research emphasized that a one-

size-fits-all sales strategy might prove inadequate in navigating the

complexities of fluctuating economic landscapes. Instead, businesses that

demonstrated a proactive approach to adjust their sales strategies in

response to changing market conditions showcased a competitive advantage.

Brown et al.’s study, therefore, not only highlights the importance of

strategic flexibility but also positions it as a critical determinant of success

in the contemporary business environment. This research provides valuable

insights for businesses seeking to not only survive but thrive amidst

evolving market challenges.

In the book analysed by Oakley et al. (2021), it was revealed that

salespeople and buyers perceive reciprocity differently. Salespeople tend to

be more socially oriented, emphasizing gratitude, while buyers lean towards

economic considerations and are more attuned to indebtedness. This

highlights the complex interplay of perspectives in sales strategy and


Helmi et al. (2019) investigated the direct and indirect impact of

business sales strategy on sales performance and salesperson selling

performance. They revealed that each dimension of sales strategy has a

unique influence. Segmentation directly impacts salesperson selling

performance, while prioritization and selling models affect salesperson

performance indirectly through their influence on customer orientation and

value-based selling. These findings have practical implications for the

effective implementation of sales strategy in business markets.

Sales Forecasting

Accurate sales forecasting is identified as a critical component of sales

management that stand as the backbone in improving sales performance.

In the comprehensive study conducted by Anderson and Miller (2018), the

critical role of precise sales forecasting in optimizing resource allocation for

businesses was brought to the forefront. Their research underscored that

organizations utilizing advanced forecasting techniques consistently make

more informed decisions, leading to a substantial improvement in overall

Sales Performance. By leveraging sophisticated forecasting methodologies,

these businesses gain a competitive edge, enabling them to allocate

resources strategically based on accurate predictions of market demand and

sales trends. This emphasis on precision in sales forecasting aligns with the

contemporary need for data-driven decision-making in the dynamic

landscape of business operations.

Furthermore, Stone et al. (2022) delved into the transformative impact

of data-driven forecasting on sales performance, providing insights into how

companies employing predictive analytics outperform their competitors.

Their research illuminated the strategic advantage gained by organizations

that harness the power of data to anticipate market trends and customer

demand effectively. In an era where information is a key currency, the ability

to make decisions grounded in data-driven forecasts positions businesses

for success. Stone et al.’s findings highlight the importance of embracing

predictive analytics as a cornerstone in the sales strategy, enabling

companies to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market landscape. This

emphasis on data-driven forecasting reflects a paradigm shift in how

businesses approach sales optimization, emphasizing adaptability and

proactive decision-making.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer relationship management is a well-recognized factor

influencing sales performance.

In the study of Jones and Smith (2017), a comprehensive exploration

of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) revealed its integral role in

fostering enduring customer loyalty. The research delved into various facets

of CRM, emphasizing its multifaceted impact on building sustained

relationships with customers. Their findings illuminated the significance of

personalized interactions, wherein businesses that adeptly tailored their

engagement strategies experienced heightened customer loyalty. Moreover,

efficient data management emerged as a crucial component, enabling

organizations to understand and respond to customer needs effectively. The

study underscored the transformative power of customer-centric strategies,

demonstrating that businesses emphasizing a holistic approach to CRM

were more likely to enhance customer relationships, leading to long-term

loyalty. This research contributes valuable insights into the nuanced

dynamics of CRM and its potential to shape the customer experience over

extended periods.

Similarly, the comprehensive study conducted by Clark and Lewis

(2019) further substantiated the pivotal role of Customer Relationship

Management (CRM) in the realm of long-term customer relationships. Their

examination focused on the strategic utilization of CRM practices to not only

build but also sustain customer loyalty, resulting in increased repeat

business. The research delved into the intricate interplay of CRM

components, highlighting how businesses that strategically implement CRM

initiatives experience a tangible impact on customer loyalty metrics. Clark

and Lewis emphasized the dynamic nature of CRM, showcasing its potential

as a catalyst for fostering enduring relationships that transcend individual

transactions. The study contributes to the evolving discourse on CRM by

shedding light on its sustained influence on customer behaviour and the

consequential benefits of increased customer loyalty and repeat business.

This research is particularly pertinent in the contemporary business

landscape, where establishing and maintaining long-term customer

relationships is increasingly recognized as a strategic imperative for

organizational success.

Brown and Davis (2020) conducted an in-depth exploration into the

multifaceted effectiveness of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in

the context of Business-to-Business (B2B) relationships. Their research

delved beyond the surface, revealing that successful CRM implementation

goes beyond mere data management; it plays a pivotal role in fostering more

fruitful collaborations between businesses. By strategically harnessing CRM

systems, organizations experienced enhanced communication efficiency,

streamlined operational processes, and the strengthening of partnerships.

This holistic approach to CRM not only facilitated smoother interactions but

also contributed significantly to the overall performance of businesses

engaged in B2B relationships. The study underscores the transformative

potential of CRM in reshaping the dynamics of collaborative ventures,

shedding light on its instrumental role in achieving sustainable success in

the B2B landscape.

On the other hand, the study by Williams and Wilson (2021), the

spotlight is on the effectiveness of personalized communication and targeted

marketing strategies in retaining online customers and, consequently,

improving sales performance. The researchers highlighted the profound

impact of CRM implementation in the realm of e-commerce, demonstrating

how it empowers businesses to build lasting relationships in the digital

realm. By leveraging CRM tools, e-commerce establishments can tailor their

communication and marketing efforts to individual customer preferences,

fostering a sense of connection and loyalty. This personalized approach not

only enhances customer retention but also plays a pivotal role in optimizing

sales performance in the competitive and dynamic landscape of online

business. Williams and Wilson’s research contributes valuable insights into

the strategic utilization of CRM in e-commerce, offering practical

implications for businesses aiming to thrive in the digital marketplace.

Lastly, Lee et al. (2022) undertook an insightful exploration into the

role of CRM in improving service quality and customer satisfaction. Their

research delves into the nuanced ways in which CRM systems empower

service providers to tailor their offerings precisely to individual customer

preferences. By integrating CRM functionalities, businesses can create

highly personalized service experiences that resonate with customers,

leading to heightened loyalty and positive business outcomes. The study not

only emphasizes the significance of CRM in elevating service quality but also

sheds light on its broader impact on customer satisfaction. Lee et al.’s

research stands as a testament to the transformative potential of CRM in

shaping the service landscape and fostering enduring customer

relationships, contributing valuable knowledge to the evolving field of

customer-centric business practices.

Performance Metrics

Performance metrics are essential for evaluating the effectiveness of

sales management practices.

Johnson and Brown (2019) explored the long-term benefits of

incorporating historical data into sales forecasting. Their research

highlighted that companies that leverage historical data for forecasting

achieve a competitive edge by gaining insights into sales patterns and

customer behaviour. This historical perspective contributes to more

accurate sales forecasts and better-informed strategic decisions.

In the insightful research conducted by Davis et al. (2021), a thorough

investigation was undertaken to understand the impact of team goal

orientation on performance within the context of a business simulation. This

study represents a nuanced exploration that goes beyond individual

performance metrics and delves into the dynamics of team goal orientation.

By integrating insights from goal orientation and generative learning

literature, Davis et al.’s research seeks to unravel the complexities of how

different goal orientations influence both objective and subjective

performance metrics. The examination of objective metrics, such as sales

growth, and subjective metrics, such as team effectiveness, offers a

comprehensive view of the interconnectedness between team dynamics and

overarching performance outcomes. Davis et al.’s study contributes

significantly to the understanding of team dynamics in the context of goal

orientation, providing valuable insights for businesses seeking to optimize

team performance in dynamic and complex business environments.

In the study conducted by Taylor and Harris (2021), a spotlight is cast

on the crucial role of performance metrics in assessing sales efforts and

guiding data-driven decision-making. Their research not only recognizes the

importance of performance metrics but also establishes a significant

correlation between their effective utilization and increased sales

performance. This study delves into the practical implications of

incorporating performance metrics as a cornerstone of sales management

strategies. The positive correlation identified by Taylor and Harris

underscores the transformative potential of performance metrics in

providing actionable insights, enabling businesses to make informed

decisions, and identifying specific areas for improvement. In essence, their

findings advocate for a strategic embrace of data-driven approaches in sales

management, aligning with the contemporary emphasis on leveraging

metrics for enhanced business outcomes.

In the latest exploration by Goran (2022), a comprehensive

examination unfolds, shedding light on how drivers impact performance

differentially in both family and non-family business settings. This study

stands at the intersection of organizational dynamics and performance

optimization, offering valuable insights for companies to effectively direct

their strategic efforts. Goran’s research provides a nuanced understanding

of the diverse factors influencing performance, recognizing that the impact of

drivers can vary significantly based on the organizational context. By

highlighting these distinctions, the study offers actionable insights for

businesses to tailor their strategic approaches, enhancing overall

performance outcomes. Goran’s findings contribute to the evolving discourse

on performance management, providing a roadmap for businesses to

navigate the intricacies of family and non-family business environments


Sales Performance

Sales performance is a critical aspect of business success. Smith and

Johnson (2017) emphasized that sales professionals play a vital role in

achieving revenue targets and sustaining business growth. Their research

indicated that high-performing sales teams are more likely to meet and

exceed sales goals, contributing to overall company success.

In a study conducted by Brown and Miller (2019), the impact of sales

leadership on sales performance was explored. Their research revealed that

effective sales leadership is instrumental in motivating sales teams and

enhancing their performance. Leaders who provide clear guidance and

support foster a positive environment that encourages higher sales


Customer relationship management (CRM) practices are also closely

tied to sales performance. Williams and Davis (2020) found that companies

that effectively manage their customer relationships tend to experience

higher sales performance. A well-implemented CRM system enables sales

teams to understand customer needs, enhance communication, and

ultimately drive sales growth.

Furthermore, the role of digital technologies in modern sales

performance was investigated by Anderson and White (2021). Their study

highlighted the transformative effects of digital tools on sales strategies.

With the advent of digital sales platforms, businesses can reach wider

audiences, personalize their approaches, and optimize the sales process,

leading to improved performance.

The Relationship between Sales Management Practices and Sales


The effectiveness of sales management practices in influencing sales

performance has been the subject of extensive research. Several studies

have shed light on the pivotal role of sales management practices in

determining the success of sales teams and organizations.

Smith and Johnson (2017) conducted a comprehensive analysis of the

impact of sales management practices on sales performance. Their findings

indicated a strong positive correlation between the adoption of strategic

sales management practices and enhanced sales performance. They

emphasized that aligning sales strategies with overall business goals and

implementing efficient sales management practices can significantly boost

sales results.

In a study by Brown et al. (2019), the importance of sales force

training within the realm of sales management practices was examined.

Their research underlined the significance of equipping sales teams with the

necessary skills and knowledge. They found that companies investing in

ongoing sales force training programs experienced improved sales

performance. This highlights the direct link between sales force training as a

management practice and sales success.

Moreover, Anderson and White (2020) explored the role of data-driven

sales forecasting in the context of sales management. Their research

demonstrated that businesses employing advanced forecasting techniques

consistently made more informed decisions, leading to optimized resource

allocation. This emphasizes the criticality of incorporating data-driven

forecasting as a management practice to enhance sales performance.

In a different perspective, Green et al. (20202) focused on the

adaptability of sales strategies as a sales management practice. They

emphasized the role of adapting sales strategies to changing market

conditions, particularly during economic downturns. Their findings

highlighted the importance of strategic flexibility in sales management for

sustaining sales performance.

The relationship between sales management practices and sales

performance is a topic of critical importance. Research consistently

demonstrates that strategic sales management practices, including sales

force training, data-driven forecasting, CRM, and adaptive sales strategies,

play a significant role in enhancing sales performance. These findings

underscore the need for businesses to invest in and effectively implement

these practices to achieve and maintain successful sales outcomes.

Conceptual framework

Sales Management Practices has a positive impact on the Sales

Performance of Small Enterprises. There are big positive effects of managing

sales well therefore, it should be an act that the business owner that matter

and should commit. Green et al (2020).

This study investigated whether sales Management Practices had a

substantial impact on the sales performance of small enterprises or

presumed that there was another factor positively affecting the small

enterprises growth of sales.

Sales Management Practices serve as the independent variable. These

practices encompass various components such as Sales Strategy, Sales

Force Training, Sales Forecasting, Customer Relationship Management, and

Performance Metrics. Each of these components is categorized as an

independent variable because they represent distinct factors that can vary

independently of each other and influence the dependent variable, which is

Small Enterprises Sales Performance.

Sales Strategy, for instance, is an independent variable as it can be

tailored differently by businesses and may impact their sales performance.

Sales Force Training varies independently and can affect the competence

and effectiveness of the sales team. Sales Forecasting, as an independent

variable, can be implemented differently by enterprises, impacting their

ability to predict and meet sales targets. Customer Relationship

Management and Performance Metrics are also independent variables as

they can be managed and designed uniquely by each enterprise, influencing

their sales performance.

This conceptual framework allows researcher to explore and analyze

how these independent variables, representing Sales Management Practices,

influence and have a significant impact on the dependent variable, Small

Enterprises Sales Performance, providing valuable insights into the

dynamics of sales management in small enterprises.

Research Paradigm

Independent Variable: Dependent Variable:

Sales Management Practices

• Sales strategy

• Sales force Training

Sales Performance
• Sales Forecasting

• Customer relationship


• Performance metrics

The Research Paradigm showed the independent variable and

dependent variable that was visualized by the researchers using a schematic

paradigm. It showed the direct variable that was affecting and had a

significant impact on the dependent variable, which was the Small

Enterprises Sales Performance.



This chapter presented the discussion on the research methodology of

the study, which established the sales management practices and sales

performance of small and medium sized enterprises in Poblacion, Quezon,

Bukidnon. It discussed the research design, sampling method, research

locale, respondents, data gathering procedure and statistical treatment of


Research Design

The study used correlational research design to investigate the

relationships between various sales management practices and sales

performance within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Data were

collected on key variables, including Sales Strategy, Sales Force Training,

Sales Forecasting, Customer Relationship Management, Performance

Metrics, and Sales Performance. The correlational design allowed for the

examination of the degree and direction of associations between these

variables without intervening or manipulating them. This approach

facilitated a comprehensive understanding of the potential connections

among different aspects of sales management practices t, providing insights

into the patterns of correlation with sales performance of SMEs.

The purpose of this study was to better understand the sales

management practices to sales performance of small and medium sized

enterprises. A questionnaire was used to gather the data, which was then

subjected to analysis and interpretation.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted at Poblacion, Quezon, Bukidnon. The

respondents will be given a questionnaire to answer at their own business

structure. These respondents will be answered the questionnaire on how

their business relate to questions. The researchers chose the place of

implementation because it will give them the needed information for

business owners specifically small and medium sized enterprises owners

who struggle promoting sales management practices. The study will be

conducted in the first semester of the academic year 2023, during the

month of November to January.


The research respondents for our study, titled “Significance of Sales

Management Practices to Sales Performance of Small and Medium sized

Enterprises,” are comprised of small and medium sized enterprises owners

age range from 26 to 65 who’s operating in the vibrant community of

Poblacion, Quezon, Bukidnon. These small and medium sized enterprises

owners are divided into three sections. The medium enterprises owners, the

small enterprises owners and the micro enterprises owners. These small and

medium sized enterprises owners form a diverse group of individuals who

are actively engaged in a wide range of businesses within the locality of

Poblacion, Quezon, Bukidnon, serves as a microcosm of the broader small

business landscape, offering a rich and varied pool of participants.

Sampling Method

For the study on the Significance of Sales Management Practices to

Sales Performance of Small and Medium-sized enterprises in Poblacion

Quezon, Bukidnon, we adopted a Simple Random Sampling approach.

To identify our sample, we created a comprehensive list of all small

and medium-sized enterprises operating in the area which are 126

enterprises in total. From this list, we randomly selected 110 respondents,

ensuring that each eligible enterprise had an equal chance of being

included. This method aimed to provide an unbiased representation of

businesses in Poblacion Quezon, Bukidnon, enhancing the generalizability

of our findings to the broader population of interest.

Research population and sample

Enterprises Population Respondents

Medium 11 8


Small Enterprises 46 40

Micro Enterprises 69 62

Total: 126 110

Research Instrument

The researcher utilized a survey questionnaire instrument to gather

data needed. Researchers will create a questionnaire that will be

distributed to the respondents. The survey instrument composed with

two parts, the part 1 which is dedicated to sales management practices

employed by small and medium sized enterprises. The part II consisted of

statement about extent of significance of sales management practices to

sales performance, designed to elicit immediate responses from the

respondents without pressure.

The researchers created a survey-questionnaires, this way the

respondents will be able to express their thoughts without being

pressured. The researcher used a Likert scale survey questionnaire

Questionnaire with the optional response ranging from (5) always to

(1) never and the other one ranging from (5) strongly agree to (1) Strongly


These survey questionnaires were be distributed personally to small

and medium sized enterprises owners in Poblacion, Quezon, Bukidnon

for the researchers to determine the relationship between sales

management practices and sales performance.

Table 1.: Sales Management Practices employed by small and medium

sized enterprises

Rating scale Descriptive equivalent method

4 Always

3 Frequently

2 Sometimes

1 Never

Table 2: Extent impact of sales management practices to sales

performance of small and medium sized enterprises

Rating Scale Descriptive equivalent method

4 Strongly agree

3 Agree

2 Strongly disagree

1 Disagree

Data Gathering Procedure

In order to conduct the study, a letter of request for permission to

conduct the research had to be submitted to the Barangay Captain of

Poblacion, Quezon, Bukidnon, Onjun Trania. Once approved, the

researchers personally distributed the research questionnaire to all

respondents who were the small and medium sized enterprises owners at

Poblacion, Quezon, Bukidnon. For the respondents, they received a letter

of permission which was signed according to their own will.

The researchers then developed and finalized the research

questionnaire to be distributed. A questionnaire was used to collect data

and was given to each participant. The questionnaire was composed of

only one close-ended question. The first part of the questionnaire

answered the first hypothesis, which investigated what is the most used

sales management practices of small and medium sized enterprises, and

the second part of the questionnaire focused on the significance of sales

management practices; sales strategy, sales force training, sales

forecasting, customer relationship management and performance metrics

to sales performance of small and medium sized enterprises in Poblacion,

Quezon, Bukidnon. The researchers visited each small and medium sized

enterprises to collect the necessary data.

To more effectively illustrate the significance of sales management

practices to sales performance of small and medium sized enterprises in

Poblacion, Quezon, Bukidnon, the collected data was subjected to

analysis and interpretation to gain valid conclusions. Tables and charts

were plotted based on the results and were created to visualize the


Statistical treatment of data

To analyze the data of the study, the researcher used the following

statistical tools to give accurate result of the study:

Mean - The mean (average) was calculated for each variable of

interest, including Sales Strategy, Sales Force Training, Sales

Forecasting, Customer Relationship Management, Performance Metrics,

and Sales Performance. The mean provides a central measure of the

distribution, allowing us to gain insights into the typical values of these

variables within the sample, offering a clear understanding of the central

tendency of the data.

Standard deviation -The standard deviation (SD) was the for each

variable to assess the dispersion or variability of data. SD quantifies the

extent to which data points deviate from the mean, aiding in the

understanding of the spread of data and the identification of potential

outliers. This measure is crucial in assessing the overall variability in the


Pearson r - The Pearson correlation coefficient also known as Pearson

r was employed to assess the strength and direction of linear

relationships between variables within the study, such as sale

management practices and sales performance. The resulting coefficient

provides a quantitative measure if the variables are correlate to each

other, with positive values indicating a positive correlation, negative

values indicating a negative correlation, and the magnitude reflecting the

strength of the relationship.

By using these statistical measures, we aimed to gain a

comprehensive understanding of the central variability and the

distribution of data concerning Sales Management Practices and Sales

Performance in small enterprises. These measures assist researcher in

identifying patterns and making meaningful comparisons among the

variables in the study, contributing to the overall analysis of research


Chapter 4


This chapter present the findings of the study, its analysis and

interpretation of data gathered.

Table 1.1: Sales management practices employed by SMEs in terms of

Sales Strategy.

Constructs Mean SD Verbal Descriptions

1. Implemented promotional 3.27 0.95 Always observed
discount (ex. Buy one take one)
2. introduced loyalty programs 2.27 0.99 Often observed
3. Utilized online advertising for 1.98 0.84 Sometimes observed
product promotion
4. Conducted flash sales event 2.52 0.90 Often observed
5. Offered bundled product deals 2.57 0.98 Often observed
Overall 2.57 0.93 Often observed

The table shows the mean and standard deviation (SD) for each sales

strategy, as well as a verbal description of how often each strategy is used.

"Implemented promotional discounts" is the most common sales strategy

used by Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs), with a mean score of

3.03. This means that most SMEs rely heavily on promotional discounts to

boost sales.

"Offered bundled product deals" and "Conducted flash sales events"

are also commonly used strategies, with mean scores of 2.86 and 2.51,

respectively. These findings implicate that SMEs recognize the value of

offering deals and creating excitement to attract customers. "Introduced

loyalty programs" is also a relatively common strategy, with a mean score of

2.51. This indicates that SMEs understand the importance of retaining

customers and encouraging repeat business.

Finally, "Utilized online advertising for product promotion" is the least

common strategy, with a mean score of 1.93. This means that while some

SMEs use online advertising to promote their products, it is not as widely

used as other strategies.

This implies that SMEs use a variety of sales strategies to boost sales

and attract customers. This study supported by Green et al. (2020) that

sales strategy specifically promotional discount is the most common by


Table 1.2: Sales management practices employed by SMEs in terms of

Sales force training.

Constructs Mean SD Verbal Descriptions

1. Conducted regular product 2.56 0.99 Often observed
knowledge sessions.
2. Implemented skill improve 2.46 0.84 Sometimes observed

3. Provided ongoing sales technique 2.16 0.66 Sometimes observed
4. Offered mentorship programs for 2.57 0.80 Often observed
new sales team members.
5. utilized simulated sales scenarios 1.59 0.98 Never observed
for training
Overall 2.27 0.85 Sometimes

This table present the data related to sales management practices;

Sales force training among businesses.

The mean score of "Offered mentorship programs for new sales team

members” are 2.57 this means that the majority of respondents agree that

mentorship programs can help new employees adapt quickly and learn from

experienced colleagues. While the mean score for “Conducted regular

product knowledge sessions” is 2.56 which agreed by the respondents

indicates a moderate level of effectiveness in achieving this goal. This

suggests that the business prioritizes equipping its sales team with in-depth

knowledge of their products or services. Also, the statement “Implemented

skill improvement” With a mean score of 2.46, the impact of these efforts

seems to be moderately effective by offering training and development

opportunities, the business is investing in the growth of its sales team.

Similarly, the mean score for the statement “Provided ongoing sales

technique training” with the mean score of 2.16 indicates that Ongoing

training and coaching can significantly enhance the sales team’s skills and


However, the mean score for the statement “Utilized simulated sales

scenarios for training” is 1.59 this means that business did not simulate

sales scenarios for training. Indicating that this practice is not significant to


This implies that the businesses have implemented several initiatives

aimed at improving the sales team’s performance. This is supported by

Johnson and White (2018), the authors articulate a compelling perspective

on the profound significance of sales force training in the realm of

enhancing sales performance.

Table 1.3: Sales management practices employed by SMEs in terms of

Sales forecasting.

Constructs Mean SD Verbal Descriptions

1. Utilized historical data for 3.49 0.67 Often observed
demand prediction.
2. Integrated market trend into 2.78 0.85 Often observed
3. Collaborated with industry 1.58 0.77 Never observed
experts for insights.
4. Implemented advanced data for 2.13 0.88 Sometimes observed
accurate prediction.
5. conducted regular reviews and 2.85 0.94 Often observed
adjustments based on real-time
sales data.
Overall 2.57 0.82 Often observed

This table represents the sales management practices; sales

forecasting among businesses.

The most common practice is using historical data for demand

prediction, which is often observed with the mean score of 3.49. This means

that most SMEs rely on past sales data to forecast future sales leads to its


The statement “conducting regular reviews and adjustments based on

real-time sales data” with the mean score of 2.85 is an often observe

practice. This indicates that by monitoring actual sales data, SMEs can

identify any trends or changes that may not have been captured in the

historical data. “Integrating market trends into forecasting” is also a

common practice with the mean score of 2.78. This means that SMEs

consider factors such as economic conditions, competitor activity, and new

product launches when making their forecasts.

Next the “Implementing advanced data analytics for accurate

prediction” is less common (2.13), and it is sometimes observed. This

suggests that SMEs are not taking full advantage of the data that is

available to them Lastly, “Collaborating with industry experts for insights” is

not common with the mean score of 1.58, and it is never observed. This

suggests that SMEs are not making full use of the expertise that is available

to them.

This implies t that SMEs are using a variety of sales forecasting

practices. This is supported by Anderson and Miller (2018) that by making

better use of available data and expertise, SMEs can improve the accuracy

of their forecasts and make better business decisions.

Table 1.4: Sales management practices employed by SMEs in terms of

Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Constructs Mean SD Verbal Descriptions

1. Implemented personalized 3.61 0.61 Always observed
customer engagement strategies.
2. Utilized CRM software for 1.62 0.89 Never observed
effective customer communication
3. Conducted customer satisfaction 2.19 0.80 Sometimes observed
surveys for feedback
4. Established dedicated customer 1.60 0.97 Never observed
support channels
5. Fostered long-term relationships 3.16 0.84 Often observed
through loyalty programs.
Overall 2.44 0.82 Sometimes

This table present data related to the sales management practices;

Customer relationship management among businesses.

The mean score for the statement “Implemented personalized

customer engagement strategies’ is 3.61 indicating that the majority of

respondents agree that personalized customer engagement strategies is a

factor that contributes to improvement of sales performance.

“Fostering long-term relationships through loyalty programs” is

another notable strength, with a score of 3.16, showcasing a strong focus on

customer retention to improve sales performance.

The statement "Conducted customer satisfaction surveys for feedback”

with the mean score of 2.19, reflect a moderate effort to gather insights,

while recognizing the value of customer feedbacks which is one of indicator

that leads to sales improvement. However, SMEs face a challenge in fully

leveraging “Utilized CRM software for effective customer communication” for

effective customer communication with the mean score of 1.62.

The lowest-scoring aspect is the establishment of dedicated customer

support channels with the mean score of 1.60, indicating a need for

improvement in creating accessible and specialized channels for customer


SMEs prioritize CRM practices, excelling in personalized engagement

and loyalty programs, yet there’s room for enhancement, especially in

optimizing CRM software for communication and establishing dedicated

customer support channels. This is slightly supported by Jones and Smith

(2017) that focused on strategic utilization of CRM practices not only build

but also sustain customer loyalty.

Table 1.5. Sales management practices employed by SMEs in terms of

Performance Metrics.

Constructs Mean SD Verbal Descriptions

1. Watched how each sales team 2.19 0.93 Sometimes observed
member did their job
2. Checked important performance 1.37 0.71 Never observed
numbers often
3. used sales dashboards to see 1.28 0.78 Never observed
progress right away.
4. Analyzed Key Performance 1.13 0.45 Never observed
Indicators (KPIs)
5. Made reward programs based on 1.77 0.61 Sometimes observed
how well they work.
Overall 1.55 0.70 Never observed

The table present data related to sales management practices;

performance metrics among businesses, the SMEs. The mean score of the

statement of “Watched how each sales team member did their job.” Is 2.19.

This means that on average, SMEs owners/ Manager spend some of their

time observing their team members’ work.

The statement “Made reward programs based on how well they work”

with the mean score of 1.77. indicates that business owners use reward

sometime for employee’s motivation.

On the other hand, statement “Checked important performance

numbers often.”,” Used sales dashboards to see progress right away.” And

“Talked with team members about how they are doing.” Has the mean score

of 1.37, 1.28, 1.13 respectively. This means business owners/manager did

not spend time for checking important performance, using sales dashboard

and talk with team members about how they are doing.

Overall, the tables overall mean score is 1.77 which has a verbal

description of never observe. This suggest that performance metrics is not

that valuable to SMEs owners/ managers to Improve sales performance.

This opposed by Davis et al. (2021), their study highlights the importance of

performance metrics on improving business.

Table 2. Extent of improve sales performance of business.

Constructs Mean SD Verbal Descriptions

1. Improve sales performance 3.37 Strongly agree
boosts revenue and growth to our
business. 0.53
2. Improve sales performance helps Strongly agree
our business reach, attract, and 3.37
retain customers, leading to more
sales 0.55
3. Improve sales performance 3.07 0.70 Agree

empowers our business to sell
more effectively.
4. Improve sales performance 3.13 0.60 Agree
builds customer loyalty and repeat
business, increasing sales and
reducing customer acquisition
costs to our business.
5. Improve sales performance our 2.94 0.66 Agree
business connects with more
6. Improve sales performance 3.14 0.86 Agree
attracts higher-value customers,
boosting sales success of our
7. Improve sales performance 2.66 0.76 Agree
builds credibility, trust, and
attracts new customers, enhancing
sales and long-term growth to our
8. Sales performance provides 0.73 Agree
valuable insights for improvement
to our enterprise. 2.56
9. Sales Performance guides 2.33 0.77 Disagree
informed decisions, prioritizing
sales efforts and resource
allocation for growth of our
10. Improve sales performance 2.42 0.74 Disagree
opens new customer segments to
our business
Overall 2.88 0.69 Agree

This table presents data related to the importance of sales

performance for improving performance and growth among enterprises

targeting Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) among the


Respondents strongly agree that improve sales performance help

businesses make more money and grow with mean score of 3.37. This

means they really believe that effective selling is a big boost for Small and

Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The enthusiasm continues with the idea

that improve sales performance help businesses find, attract, and keep

customers, leading to even more sale has also a mean score of 3.37.

As we go a bit lower in the agreement scale, with a mean score of 3.14,

respondents think that improve sales performance not only bring in

customers but also attract those who are likely to spend more money,

making the business more successful. Right behind that, with a mean score

of 3.13, respondents agree that improve sales performance builds loyalty

with customers, making them come back for more, and this helps

businesses spend less on getting new customers. Still in the agreement

zone, though a bit less enthusiastic, is the idea that improve sales

performance help businesses sell things more effectively with mean score of

3.07. It’s like saying good sales performance make the whole selling process

work better.

As we move down the scale, we see a bit less strong agreement.

Respondents think sales performance helps businesses connect with more

customers with the mean score of 2.94. Also, there’s agreement that good

sales build trust and attract new customers with mean score of 2.66 this

means that respondents agree that good sales performance, help business

connect with more customers, build trust and attract new customers.

Towards the bottom of the list, there’s still agreement that sales

performance gives businesses useful information to get better with mean

score of 2.56. On the other hand, respondents disagree that Sales

performance guides informed decisions, prioritizing sales efforts and

resource allocation for growth of businesses with the mean score of 2.33.

Finally, respondents also disagree that Improve sales performance opens

new customer segments to the businesses with the mean score of 2.42.

Respondents generally think improve sales performance are effective

for the growth of the SMEs. This is supported by Brown et al. (2019) that

sales performance is crucial for the success of businesses.

Table 3. The Relationship of Sales Management Practices to Sales

Performance of Small and Medium sized Enterprises.


Sales Sales
management performance

Sales Pearso 1 .442

manage n
ment correl
practice ation
s Sig.(2- <.001

N 110 110

Sales Pearso .442

Perform n

ance correlation
Sig.(2-tailed) <.001

N 110 110

Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The data represents the correlations between two variables, Sales

Management Practices and Sales Performance. The Pearson correlation

coefficient for both variables is 0.442, which is positive and statistically

significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed). This means that there is a moderate

positive correlation between Sales Management Practices and Sales

Performance. In other words, as the value of Sales Management Practices

increases, the value of Sales Performance also tends to increase, and vice


The strength of the relationship is moderate, meaning that changes in

one variable are associated with noticeable changes in the other, but not

necessarily proportional changes. Since the coefficient is positive, it

indicates that a positive change in sales management practices is associated

with a positive change in sales performance. In other words, better sales

management practices tend to lead to better sales performance.

The p-value is 0.01 implies that the observed correlation is unlikely to

be due to chance and is likely to represent a genuine relationship between

the two variables.

Chapter 5


Summary of Findings

This study explores the relationship between Sales Management

Practices and The Sales Performance of Small and Medium sized Enterprises

(SMEs). And examining the significance of effective sales management

practices to sales performance of SMEs in Quezon, Bukidnon.

1. Sales management practices commonly employed by small and medium

sized enterprises to improve sales performance.

A. Sales Strategies: SMEs often rely on promotional discounts,

bundled product deals, and flash sales events to boost sales. While

online advertising and loyalty programs are used by some, they are

less common.

B. Sales Force Training: Companies prioritize equipping their sales

teams with product knowledge and offering skill development

opportunities. However, there is room for improvement in ongoing

sales technique training.

C.Sales Forecasting: Historical sales data, real-time data, and market

trends are commonly used for forecasting. Establishing dedicated

customer support channels is an area for improvement.

D.Customer Relationship Management: Personalized engagement

strategies and loyalty programs are strengths, while dedicated

customer support channels need enhancement.

E. Performance Metrics: Sales managers spend little time on one-on-

one performance conversations with their team members. This study

also found out that performance metrics is not that valuable to SMEs

owners/ managers to Improve sales performance

2. Extent of Improve Sales Performance to SMEs: Respondents strongly

agree that improved sales performance boosts revenue, attracts customers,

and builds customer loyalty. They are less convinced that it opens new

customer segments or guides informed decisions.

3.The relationship between sales management practices to sales

performance of small and medium sized enterprises: There is a moderate

positive correlation between sales management practices and sales

performance, meaning better practices lead to better performance

Overall, this highlights areas for improvement in sales force training,

customer relationship management, and performance metrics. By

addressing these areas and leveraging the positive correlation between sales

practices and performance, SMEs in Quezon, Bukidnon can achieve

significant growth and success.


From the data gathered, the most commonly employed practice is

Sales Strategy; Implemented promotional discount. This suggest that the

majority of SMEs utilize a variety of strategies to improve sales performance

and it reveals that this practice is the specific practice stands

Out significantly effective in boosting sales performance than others Green

et al (2020). When it comes to predicting future sales, SMEs are starting to

use data more often, which is a good step. Looking at past sales numbers

helps them guess how well they’ll do in the future that leads to sales

improvement. On the Sales force training side, SMEs do offer some

programs for their sales teams sometimes, especially to keep them up-to-

date on the latest product knowledge. This is could help to boost sales.

Building strong relationships with customers is another area where SMEs

could do better in sales. Using customer relationship management (CRM)

systems and talking directly to customers more often can make a big

difference in how much money they bring in. But, Performance Metrics;

keeping track of how their sales team is doing is an area which where most

SMEs need to focus more.

Improved sales performance is a game-changer for Small and Medium

Enterprises (SMEs). Respondents overwhelmingly agree that effective selling

is a financial booster rocket, propelling businesses towards growth and

profit. Not only does it attract and retain customers who spend more, but it

also fosters lasting loyalty, reducing the need for expensive customer

acquisition tactics. However, while agreement weakens when it comes to

aspects like tapping new markets and making strategic decisions based on

sales data, the core message remains clear – strong sales are a fundamental

driver of SME success. Therefore, embracing improved sales performance

not only fuels growth through customer loyalty and increased spending, but

also lays the foundation for future strategic expansion. For SMEs seeking to

thrive, the path forward is evident: prioritize sales excellence without

neglecting its integration into broader business plans. By mastering both,

these dynamic enterprises can unlock the full potential of improved sales

performance, securing a bright future in the market.

Lastly, based on the analysis of the correlation between sales

management practices and sales performance, a significant relationship

does exist for SMEs. The Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.442,

statistically significant at the 0.01 level, indicates a moderate positive

association. This translates to a noticeable improvement in sales

performance as sales management practices become more effective. The

positive coefficient further clarifies that better practices lead to better

results, and the low p-value signifies this relationship is unlikely to be

random. Therefore, SMEs that invest in optimizing their sales management

practices can expect to see a tangible boost in their sales performance.


Proper management of sales practices

Proper management of sales practices is the lifeblood of any SME,

propelling growth and solidifying customer loyalty. But navigating the

simple order of tactics and strategies can be daunting. SMEs owners must

prioritize managing of sales practices in a unique way to keep enterprise in

good health in terms of sales.

In connection of property management of sales practices, small and medium

enterprises must:

1. Prioritize Data Intelligence:

Embrace Data-Informed Forecasting. Leverage historical data, real-

time insights, and market trends to create accurate and adaptable sales

forecasts. This empowers SMEs owners to anticipate demand, optimize

inventory, and allocate resources with precision. Use Metrics as Guiding

Lights. Regularly monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) like sales

revenue, conversion rates, and customer satisfaction. Translate these

insights into actionable plans for improvement. Refine your strategy, go on

processes, and constantly strive for optimization.

2.Build a High-Performing Sales Team:

Equip your team with the latest tools and knowledge. Prioritize regular

product knowledge sessions and ongoing sales technique training to ensure

they navigate customer encounters with confidence and adapt to evolving

market dynamics.

3.Forge Strong Customer Relationships:

Personalization is Key: Utilize CRM software to personalize

engagement strategies and tailor your offerings to individual customer

needs. Remember, small gestures of recognition can go a long way in

building trust and loyalty. Then, Proactive Customer Support: Establish

dedicated customer support channels, whether phone lines, live chat, or

social media, to proactively address concerns and foster trust. Don’t

underestimate the power of a listening ear and prompt resolution in forging

lasting relationships. And Don’t Just Sell, Build Loyalty: Move beyond

transactional interactions. Implement loyalty programs and incentivize

repeat business. Cultivate genuine connections with your customers and

demonstrate consistent value beyond just the initial sale.

4.Diversify Your Sales strategy:

While promotional discounts can offer a temporary boost, relying

solely on them can weaken your long-term strategy. Explore a variety of

ways: bundle product deals, ignite excitement with flash sales, or introduce

loyalty programs to incentivize repeat business. And Leverage Technology.

Embrace digital tools and online platforms to expand your reach and

enhance customer engagement. Utilize social media to showcase your brand,

build communities, and foster direct customer interactions.

By implementing these your enterprise can transform your sales practices

from a mess into a well-charted practices towards sustainable growth and

customer loyalty. Remember, proper management of sales practices is an

ongoing journey, not a destination. Embrace continuous learning, adapt to

market dynamics, and prioritize customer relationships to navigate the sales

labyrinth with confidence and emerge victorious.


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Dear Respondents,
We, the researchers, are conducting and are asking your permission
to respond this study for us to be able to understand the Significance of
Sales Management Practices to Sales Performance of Small and Medium sized
Enterprises in Quezon, Bukidnon.
Kindly note that you are not obliged to agree or response in the said
research, and if so, you are also not in need to finish the questions if in any
instances you may find them misleading, sensitive, and biased.
Thank you!
Enterprise name (Optional): __________________________
Direct: Put a check on the column that corresponds to your answer.
Section 1: What are the common Sales Management Practices you
employed in your business?
1-Never 2- Sometimes 3. Often 4- Always
Sales Management Practices Employed by Small 4 3 2 1
and Medium sized Enterprises.
A. Our enterprise employed Sales strategy 4 3 2 1
1. Implemented promotional discounts.
2. Introduced loyalty programs.
3. Utilized online advertising for product promotion
4. Conducted flash sales events.
5. Offered bundled product deals.
B. Our enterprise employed Sales force training 4 3 2 1
1. Conducted regular product knowledge sessions.
2. Implemented skill improve workshops.
3. Provided ongoing sales technique training.
4. Offered mentor-ship programs for new sales team
5. Utilized simulated sales scenarios for training.
C. Our enterprise employed Sales forecasting
1. Utilized historical data for demand prediction.
2. Integrated market trend analysis into forecasting
3. Collaborated with industry experts for insights.
4. Implemented advanced data for accurate predictions.
5. Conducted regular reviews and adjustments based on
real-time sales data.

D Our enterprise employed Customer relationship 4 3 2 1
. management
1. Implemented personalized customer engagement
2. Utilized CRM software for effective customer
3. Conducted customer satisfaction surveys for feedback.
4. Established dedicated customer support channels.
5. Fostered long-term relationships through loyalty
E. Our enterprise employed performance metrics 4 3 2 1
1. Watched how each sales team member did their job.
2. Analyzed Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
3. Utilized sales dashboards for real-time
4. Conducted performance reviews with feedback
5. Made reward programs based on how well they work.

2: What is the extent of improvement sales performance of your business?

4 – Strongly Agree 3 – Agree 2 – Disagree 1- Strongly
Sales Performance to Small and Medium sized 4 3 2 1
1. Sales performance boosts revenue and growth to our
2. Sales performance helps our enterprise reach, attract,
and retain customers, leading to more sales.
3. Sales performance empowers our enterprise to sell
more effectively.
4. Sales performance builds customer loyalty and repeat
business, increasing sales and reducing customer
acquisition costs to our enterprise.
5. Sales performance helps our enterprise connect with
more customers.
6. Sales performance attracts higher-value customers,
boosting sales success of our enterprise.
7. Sales performance builds credibility, trust, and
attracts new customers, enhancing sales and long-
term growth to our enterprise.
8. Sales performance provides valuable insights for
improvement to our enterprise.
9. Sales performance guides informed decisions,
prioritizing sales efforts and resource allocation for
growth of our enterprise.
10. Sales performance opens new customer segments to
our enterprise.




Dear Mayor Lorenzo:


With outmost respect, the undersigned researchers are asking for your

permission to conduct the study entitled “Significance of Small and Medium

sized Enterprises” .

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject: Inquiries,

Investigations, and Immersions, the study will be conducted within Quezon,

Bukidnon and will be distributed to the selected Small and Medium sized

Enterprises Owners. Rest assured that this survey is completely voluntary

alongside with the consent given to the owners. The names of our

respondents are highly confidential and will not be published in any of the

research output.

To assist you in reaching a decision, the researchers have attached to this


a.) A copy of consent to SMEs owners

b.) A copy of the research questionnaires which the researchers intend in

using for their research.

Your approval to conduct this study is greatly appreciated. Thank you for

your interest and assistance with this research.

Very truly yours,







Noted by:


Research Adviser

Approved by:

Poling Lorenzo

Mayor of Quezon

Curriculum Vitae

Name Ara Charina M. Alavanza
Date of Birth September 22,2004
Place of Birth P-2 Dumalama, Quezon, Bukidnon
Civil Status Single
Father Servicto J. Alavanza
Mother Tomasa P. Alavanza
Home Address P-2 Dumalama, Quezon, Bukidnon


Elementary Don Antonio O. Florindo Sr. Elementary School

Merangeran, Quezon, Bukidnon
Lower Secondary Quezon Bukidnon Comprehensive NHS
Mibando, Quezon, Bukidnon
S.Y. 2021- 2022
Upper Secondary Quezon Bukidnon Comprehensive NHS
Mibando, Quezon, Bukidnon


Name Jasmin M. Armenton
Date of Birth December 05, 2005
Place of Birth Maramag Provincial Hospital Bukidnon
Civil Status Single
Father Rufino N. Armenton
Mother Adela M. Mondero
Home Address P-15, San Jose, Quezon Bukidnon


Elementary Zubiri Village Elementary School

San Jose, Quezon Bukidnon
S.Y. 2017-2018
Lower Secondary Quezon Bukidnon Comprehensive NHS
Mibando, Quezon, Bukidnon
S.Y. 2021- 2022
Upper Secondary Quezon Bukidnon Comprehensive NHS
Mibando, Quezon, Bukidnon


Name Kier Phillip Bracero
Date of Birth August 8, 2006
Place of Birth St. Claire Hospital
Quezon, Bukidnon
Civil Status Single
Father Florencio C. Tagupa
Mother Redelyn B. Tagupa
Home Address P-4 Mibantang, Quezon, Bukidnon


Elementary Mibantang Elemetary School

Mibantang, Quezon, Bukidnon
Lower Secondary Quezon Bukidnon Comprehensive NHS
Mibando, Quezon, Bukidnon
S.Y. 2021- 2022
Upper Secondary Quezon Bukidnon Comprehensive NHS
Mibando, Quezon, Bukidnon


Name Daniel Yhanzie R. Magtulis
Date of Birth June 7, 2005
Place of Birth Maramag Bukidnon
Civil Status Single
Father Renie Yhanzy M. Magtulis
Mother Mayvele R. Magtulis
Home Address Purok Tala Sa Umaga Salawagan Quezon Bukidnon



Lower Secondary Quezon Bukidnon Comprehensive NHS

Mibando, Quezon, Bukidnon
S.Y. 2021- 2022
Upper Secondary Quezon Bukidnon Comprehensive NHS
Mibando, Quezon, Bukidnon


Name Romelyn C. Panilagan

Date of Birth July 9, 2006
Place of Birth Maramag Provincial Hospital Bukidnon
Civil Status Single
Father Roger E. Panilagan
Mother Emelia C. Panilagan
Home Address Purok-1 Magsaysay, Quezon, Bukidnon


Elementary Salaysay Elementary School

Magsaysay, Quezon, Bukidnon
S.Y. 2027-2018
Lower Secondary Quezon Bukidnon Comprehensive NHS
Mibando, Quezon, Bukidnon
S.Y. 2021- 2022
Upper Secondary Quezon Bukidnon Comprehensive NHS
Mibando, Quezon, Bukidnon


Name Vincent C. Tapuyao

Date of Birth December 18, 2005
Place of Birth Sto.Rosario, Kitaotao, Bukidnon
Civil Status Single
Father Gale L. Tapuyao
Mother Nenialyn D. Comcom
Home Address Balangay 9, Poblacion, Quezon, Bukidnon


Elementary Sto. Rosario Elementary School

Lower Secondary Quezon Bukidnon Comprehensive NHS

Mibando, Quezon, Bukidnon
S.Y. 2021- 2022
Upper Secondary Quezon Bukidnon Comprehensive NHS
Mibando, Quezon, Bukidnon


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