Odoo Instructions

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Title: Semestral Project for Accounting Systems - Integrated Business Solution using Odoo

Objective: To create an integrated business solution that streamlines Accounting and Invoicing, Sales,
Purchase, and Inventory processes for a fictional small to medium-sized enterprise using the Odoo

Overview: In this semestral project, students will work in group to design and implement a
comprehensive accounting system using the Odoo platform. The project will require students to create a
business scenario, define the company's structure, and develop a complete accounting system that
integrates various business functions like Accounting and Invoicing, Sales, Purchase, and Inventory


Business Scenario and Company Structure:

a. Create a fictional small to medium-sized enterprise (SME).

b. Define the company's business model, products, and/or services offered.

c. Define the organizational structure, including departments, management hierarchy, and employee

d. Develop a brief history and background of the company, including its mission and vision statements.

Setting up Odoo:

a. Install and configure the Odoo platform for your fictional company.

b. Set up the necessary Odoo applications, including Accounting, Invoicing, Sales, Purchase, and

Accounting and Invoicing:

a. Create a Chart of Accounts that includes all relevant accounts for your company, such as assets,
liabilities, equity, revenue, and expenses.

b. Configure Odoo's invoicing module to match your company's invoicing requirements, including invoice
templates, payment terms, and taxes.

c. Set up the accounting period and fiscal year for your company in Odoo.

d. Record various accounting transactions, such as sales, purchases, and expenses, using Odoo's
accounting module.

a. Configure Odoo's Sales module, including product catalog, pricelists, and customer profiles.

b. Set up sales order workflows, including approval processes, quotations, and order confirmations.

c. Create sales reports using Odoo's reporting and analytics tools.


a. Configure Odoo's Purchase module, including supplier profiles, purchase order templates, and
procurement rules.

b. Set up purchase order workflows, including approval processes, request for quotations, and order

c. Create purchase reports using Odoo's reporting and analytics tools.


a. Configure Odoo's Inventory module, including product categories, warehouses, and locations.

b. Set up inventory management workflows, such as receiving, internal transfers, and delivery orders.

c. Monitor inventory levels and create inventory reports using Odoo's reporting and analytics tools.


a. Integrate the different modules (Accounting and Invoicing, Sales, Purchase, and Inventory) to ensure
seamless data flow between them.

b. Develop an end-to-end business process flow that demonstrates how transactions are handled from
sales to inventory to accounting.

c. Document the integrated system, including user manuals and training materials.

Presentation and Submission:

a. Prepare a detailed project report that covers all aspects of the integrated business solution, including
the business scenario, system design, implementation, and integration.

b. Deliver a presentation to the class, showcasing the system's functionality, benefits, and overall

c. Submit all project files, including Odoo configuration, sample data, and documentation.
Grading Criteria:

Business Scenario and Company Structure (10%)

Odoo Configuration and Setup (10%)

Accounting and Invoicing Implementation (15%)

Sales Implementation (15%)

Purchase Implementation (15%)

Inventory Implementation (15%)

7.Integration (10%)

Presentation, Project Report, and Documentation (10%)

Total: 100%

Note: The project will be evaluated based on the following aspects:

The level of detail and accuracy in setting up the Odoo platform and its applications.

The effectiveness and efficiency of the integrated solution in addressing the business scenario.

The quality and completeness of the project report, documentation, and presentation.

The ability of the group to demonstrate their understanding of the accounting principles and concepts
applied throughout the project.


Odoo Official Documentation: https://www.odoo.com/documentation

Odoo Accounting Essentials: https://www.odoo.com/slides/accounting-5

Odoo Sales, Purchase, and Inventory Management: https://www.odoo.com/slides/sales-purchase-


Good luck with your semestral project! Remember to collaborate effectively within your group, seek help
when needed, and manage your time efficiently to ensure a successful and timely completion of the

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