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Appendix 1 - KPIs Matrix - Month of Nov / 2021

Total Number
Low KPIs Standard KPIs Critical KPIs Max Available Score Actual Weighted Score Actual Weighted Score %
of KPIs
1. Management Services 32 4 15 13 73 67 92%
2. Environment, Health and Safety 29 1 8 20 77 72 94%
3. Civil & Fabric Maintenance 22 5 13 4 43 31 72%
4. Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing Maintenance 25 0 15 10 60 48 80%
5. Cleaning, Waste Management & Pest Control Services 34 2 19 13 79 65 82%
6. Landscaping 12 1 8 3 26 23 88%
Total 154 13 78 63 358 306 85%



‫ الشؤون الخاصة قصر الحوية‬/ ‫نائب كبير المهندسين‬ ‫شركة سمامة للتشغيل واالدارة بقصر الحوية‬

‫مشرف قصر الحوية بالطائف‬

‫ سعود بن سعد النفيعي‬/‫م‬

1. Management Services

SLA Key Activities Performance Criteria Ref Key Performance Indicator Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

(High: x3 - Medium Max Actual Actual

The contractor shall: To ensure that: The KPI is measured by the fact that: x2 - Low x1) Service Target Actual Weighting Available weighted weighted
Score score score %

100% of the required meetings are Monthly meeting agenda and Pass - 1
MS 01 attended High minutes. Management attendance Fail - 0 1 3 3 3 100%
The information related to the facility
1. Attend the Client's meetings and
management activities is provided in the
provide the relevant information
agreed format
The Contractor has issued the minutes Pass - 1
MS 02 Medium Monthly meeting agenda and minutes 1 2 2 2 100%
two days after the meeting is held Fail - 0

The policies and procedures are kept under

All instructions given by the Client's Pass - 1
review in deliberation with the Client's MS 03 High Compliance and monthly performance 0 3 3 0 0%
Representative are fully adhered to. Fail - 0

2. Develop, apply, review and

regularly update the policies and The policies and procedures are integrated The policies and procedures are
procedures that include all the Team compliance and monthly report Pass - 1
into the palace management policies and MS 04 integrated into the royal palace Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
points related to the facility updates on which Policies reviewed Fail - 0
operation management policies and operation
maintenance services

The policies and procedures are The policies and procedures are
Staff awareness, communication, Pass - 1
communicated with and made available for all MS 05 communicated and made available for Low 1 1 1 1 100%
training Fail - 0
the staff all the staff

Monthly Report highlights, requests to

Pre-agreement is made with the Client's
Employer Representative or Employer,
The administrative organizational structure is Representative on any change in the Pass - 1
MS 06 High revised issue to Employer 1 3 3 3 100%
maintained organizational structure and the Fail - 0
Representative or Employer as
resources plan
3. Prepare, review and update the
operation plan and secure all
resources to maintain the public
and private areas in the palace. Monthly Report highlights, requests to
A detailed human resources plan that includes The resource plan and the blueprints
Employer Representative or Employer,
the number of employees, the working hours, issued for the Client's Representative Pass - 1
MS 07 Medium revised issue to Employer 1 2 2 2 100%
the shifts and the work descriptions is are updated within 7 days after the Fail - 0
Representative or Employer as
maintained. approval of changes

Well-trained quality management Pass - 1

MS 08 employees are present Medium Training Records Fail - 0 1 2 2 2 100%
The maintenance services are offered
4. Quality and high standards are
according to the recognized quality assurance
observed in carrying out the work
Audit and internal rearrangement are Pass - 1
MS 09 conducted every six months Medium Bi-Annual Audit Report Fail - 0 1 2 2 2 100%

The monthly reports are prepared in

Pass - 1
MS 10 such standard format as agreed on the High Monthly Report 1 3 3 3 100%
Fail - 0
monthly submission date
The annual operation reports are prepared
and presented by the Contractor to the RPA
according to the Client's management

Monthly reports are produced in a soft

Monthly Report and Monthly Meeting Pass - 1
MS 11 copy and an approved hard copy within Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
agenda and minutes Fail - 0
5 days from the end of every month
5.Coordinate and manage the
administrative information
Serco in Confidence
1. Management Services

SLA Key Activities Performance Criteria Ref Key Performance Indicator Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

(High: x3 - Medium Max Actual Actual

The contractor shall: To ensure that: The KPI is measured by the fact that: x2 - Low x1) Service Target Actual Weighting Available weighted weighted
Score score score %
5.Coordinate and manage the
administrative information

Detailed reports are prepared within the Monthly Report and Monthly Meeting
On-demand reports are issued by the Pass - 1
timeframe and submitted by the Contractor to MS 12 Medium agenda and minutes. Requested 1 2 2 2 100%
Contractor as scheduled Fail - 0
the Client reports

The Contractor and its subordinates

All the information obtained by the Contractor Contractor's Code of Conduct and Pass - 1
MS 13 shall keep information confidentiality High 1 3 3 3 100%
from the Client is kept confidential think Privacy Training completed Fail - 0
according to confidentiality agreement

Enough number of the skillful, qualified and

Output service and statutory
experienced employees are available at all
The Contractor fails to provide service standards met. Apply penalties in Pass - 1
times to fulfill the Contractor's obligations and MS 14 High 0 3 3 0 0%
for the lack of workforce event of staff absence as per the Fail - 0
comply with the Contract and the Completed
signed contract
Service Level

The employee skills, qualifications and

The administrative employees of the Output service and statutory
experience record shall be updated on Pass - 1
Contractor are available at all times in the site MS 15 Medium standards met plus training records 1 2 2 2 100%
monthly basis and shall be accessible by Fail - 0
according to the agreed working hours available on site
the RPA

All the workforce have the necessary

The employee instructions to be agreed upon skills and training to carry out the tasks Pass - 1
MS 16 Low Written approvals logged 1 1 1 1 100%
6. Manage human resources with the Client are managed and providing tools and equipment to Fail - 0
provide the appropriate service

The resource tables which are fully agreed Pre-agreement is made with the Client's Output service and statutory
upon for employee management are adhered Representative on appointing all standards met plus resource Pass - 1
to and that small changes may be introduced MS 17 employees or changing the Medium schedules updated and agreed with Fail - 0 1 2 2 2 100%
in relation to the operation employees administration Employer Representative or Employer

All the Contractor's employees at the

Output service and statutory
site wear good uniforms that have been
standards met plus training records
agreed upon and are suitable for their
available on site with schedule of Pass - 1
MS 18 work with visible identification badges Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
equipment available and tool box Fail - 0
on their uniforms and minimal
training is conducted at least twice a
complaints against their appearance and

Any training for the employees is defined and Training identified and implemented
applied to the program which includes but not The employee training plan shall define with records such as training matrix Pass - 1
limited to the requirements of the employee MS19 the training needs and dates High kept on rolling annual basis post Fail - 0 1 3 3 3 100%
role and responsibility . induction

7. Manage employee training and Serco in Confidence

1. Management Services

SLA Key Activities Performance Criteria Ref Key Performance Indicator Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

(High: x3 - Medium Max Actual Actual

The contractor shall: To ensure that: The KPI is measured by the fact that: x2 - Low x1) Service Target Actual Weighting Available weighted weighted
Score score score %
7. Manage employee training and
The training is consistent with the legislative
regulations .
Training identified and implemented
The employee training record shall be Pass - 1
MS 20 Low with records kept on rolling annual 1 1 1 1 100%
updated on monthly basis Fail - 0
basis post induction
The employees are aware of the safety and
security requirements

The subcontractors and suppliers affiliated to

100% of the operation documents are Supplier Agreements signed and Pass - 1
the Client shall provide sufficient and constant MS 21 High 1 3 3 3 100%
checked and audited audited with Subcontractors Fail - 0
services at a competitive price.

Any service provided by the Contractor,

Supplier Agreements implemented Pass - 1
MS 22 Subcontractors or Suppliers has not High 1 3 3 3 100%
and audited with Subcontractors Fail - 0
violated any financial provisions
The invoices of the Contractor's services are
accurate and presented on a timely basis
Contractor's and Employer
100% of the Contractor's invoices have Pass - 1
MS 23 Medium Representative or Employer financial 1 2 2 2 100%
been timely received Fail - 0
and accounting procedures followed

8. Manage the financial operations

to meet the Client's requirements There are no services offered without a local No invoices have been presented Pass - 1
purchase order according to the applicable MS 24 High 1 3 3 3 100%
without a local purchase order Fail - 0

The Additional Works pricing has been

timely Pass - 1
MS 25 Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
provided at the request of Client's Fail - 0
No services or purchases have been provided Representative
without obtaining a prior approval in writing
from the Client

No services /purchases have been

Pass - 1
MS 26 provided without obtaining a prior High 1 3 3 3 100%
Fail - 0
written approval from the Client

Proposed variations are clearly defined to There is a prior approval in writing from
9. Identify the proposed variation Variation documentation filed with Pass - 1
agreed process with the Client's MS 27 the Client's Representative before Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
of the service notes in Monthly Report Fail - 0
Representative implementation

The audit regulating the service provider

Subcontractor list agreed at Contract
list has been conducted and the Pass - 1
MS 28 Medium signing with authorised documented 1 2 2 2 100%
Contractor has notified the Client of the Fail - 0
changes highlighted in Monthly report
10. Submit a list of subcontractors changes in advance
and specialized service providers to The agreed list of subcontractors and service
the Client's Representative as providers has been kept

Serco in Confidence
1. Management Services

SLA Key Activities Performance Criteria Ref Key Performance Indicator Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

(High: x3 - Medium Max Actual Actual

The contractor
10. Submit a listshall:
of subcontractors To ensure that: The KPI is measured by the fact that: x2 - Low x1) Service Target Actual Weighting Available weighted weighted
and specialized service providers to The agreed list of subcontractors and service Score score score %
the Client's Representative as providers has been kept
The service provider is not changed
Pass - 1
MS 29 without a prior approval in writing from High Subcontractor list on site 1 3 3 3 100%
Fail - 0
the Client's Representative

The contingency plans may be updated if

The emergency plan has been issued
Documented issue advice, and Pass - 1
MS 30 and presented by the service High 1 3 3 3 100%
operational copy available to all staff Fail - 0
Plans are tested annually as a minimum or
11. Develop and maintain an with a change of circumstances
emergency, disaster recovery plan
and contingency for all managed
Regular liaison with local emergency services, The times of the emergency and disaster
with familiarization visits, and site drills recovery plans and emergency cases
Pass - 1
M31 within the past 12 months have been Medium Drill reports to be submitted 1 2 2 2 100%
Fail - 0
determined and made accessible at all
Backup copies of all data shall be maintained times
off site

The team offers full cooperation with all

12. Ensure that the Contractor's
initiatives such as cost saving, operational
team cooperates with the Client's
efficiency and any improvements of the As and when applicable Contractor Pass - 1
initiatives and objectives and the M 32 There is no violation of this condition Low 1 1 1 1 100%
implementation or takes part in programs such will comply Fail - 0
changes introduced thereto from
as awareness campaigns and energy-efficiency
time to time


EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE 95 - 100% Potential reward if overall FM contract performs (one team approach)

GOOD PERFORMANCE 80 - 94% Full fee obtained


First month in this range - official performance warning issued/ correction plan shall be provided, Second month in this range - 0.5% lost of yearly contract
only*, Third month in this range - 1.0% lost*, Fourth month onwards - 3% Lost* option to terminate the contract

First month in this range - 1% lost of yearly contract* + official performance warning issued/ correction plan shall be provided, Second month in this range -
1.5% lost*, Third month in this range - 3% Lost*, Fourth month onwards - 5% Lost* option to terminate the contract

* Of the Total price in the month invoice

Note: All Critical Items weightage is 2 & Non Critical weightage is 1.

Serco in Confidence
2. Environment, Health & Safety

SLA Key Activities Performance Level Ref Key Performance Indicator Impact Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

Max Actual Actual

The contractor shall: To ensure: And will be measured by: Service Target Actual Weighting Target score Available weighted weighted
Score score score %

ISO14001 to be achieved 9 months

The environmental impacts are minimized and The environment management system
post contract start date and Pass - 1
a stable environment is provided wherever EHS 01 has been documented and put into High 1 3 3 3 100%
maintained during contract period. Fail - 0
possible. effect
Documentation available at site

All the environmental arrangements Follow Employer procurement

The materials, equipment and consumables
inside and around the building are made process, monthly report to highlight Pass - 1
should be environment-friendly as much as EHS 02 Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
1. Create, manage and enforce a possible including the written policies and initiatives, follow ISO 14001standards Fail - 0
sustainable, environmentally procedures and procedures on site
conscious operation

Environment awareness is promoted and

Follow Employer procurement
process, monthly report to highlight
3- 60% of the materials and consumables
initiatives, follow ISO 14001standards
• Environment-friendly initiative are are environment-friendly and labeled Pass - 1
EHS03 Medium and procedures on site. Implement 1 2 2 2 100%
consistently launched and applied with an approved international or local Fail - 0
Estidama building requirements and
install items in line with Estidama
• The Client's environment management
objectives are achieved

The risk management strategy has been

Strategy document issue, review and
provided, reviewed, updated and agreed Pass - 1
EHS 04 High agree with Employer Representative 1 3 3 3 100%
upon with the Client's Representative Fail - 0
or Employer every 6 months
twice a year

Risk management procedures in place which High KPIs: The risk assessment strategy
Pass - 1
enhance the sense of safety and security at EHS 05 has been provided and reviewed once a High On site risk assessments files 1 3 3 3 100%
Fail -0
2. Provide risk management the site, mitigate risks of non-delivery of year
strategy services, and mitigate risks to the work of the
Employer, and all persons present in the
Risk assessment report findings and
The actions taken as a result of risk actions issued to Employer
Pass - 1
EHS 06 assessment have been prioritized and Medium Representative or Employer and 1 2 2 2 100%
Fail - 0
referred to the Client's Representative. followed up in Monthly report to close

Meter reading is documented and Monthly meter read documentation Pass - 1

EHS 07 High 1 3 3 3 100%
analyzed on a monthly basis and monthly report Fail -0

Annual Energy Audit report and Pass - 1

EHS 08 Energy is audited on an annual basis Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
findings Fail -0

The used facilities shall be monitored and

3. Provide management and The energy management plan is available
measured to promote energy efficiency
energy conservation plan at the site and contributes to the
through effective management and control Energy Management Plan issues year Pass - 1
EHS 09 application of the energy conservation High 1 3 3 3 100%
one and updated as required Fail -0
initiatives and the objectives and tasks
listed in the Client's strategic policies

The monthly energy management

Monthly Report and monthly Pass - 1
EHS 10 process shall be included in the monthly High 1 3 3 3 100%
meetings Fail -0

Serco in Confidence
2. Environment, Health & Safety

SLA Key Activities Performance Level Ref Key Performance Indicator Impact Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

Max Actual Actual

The contractor shall: To ensure: And will be measured by: Service Target Actual Weighting Target score Available weighted weighted
Score score score %

The roles, responsibilities, obligations, training

requirements, business safety systems, health
The standards, procedures, tables, H&S Policies and operating standards
and safety meetings, traffic on the site, the Pass - 1
EHS 11 records and documents that contain the High implemented and reviewed ongoing. 1 3 3 3 100%
accident and emergency procedures, the Fail -0
health and safety files are fully kept Documents available at site
systems and processes of health and safety
policy execution are specified

H&S Policies and call out procedures

implemented and reviewed ongoing.
The employees are trained on summon Training records are updated and Pass - 1
EHS 12 High Monthly HSE inspections. Quality 1 3 3 3 100%
procedures accessible Fail -0
inspected by Employer Representative
or Employer

The events have been recorded and the repair The employee can retrieve these Pass - 1
EHS 13 Medium Training records 1 2 2 2 100%
plan has been agreed upon procedures Fail -0

H&S Policies, accident/incident

All the work systems and work system permits The health and safety environment is reports, emergency and call out Pass - 1
EHS 14 Low 1 1 1 1 100%
are in place and valid audited on annual basis procedures implemented and Fail -0
reviewed ongoing

All the events and emergencies are updated All the audit and risk assessment
Annual H&S Audit report by Pass - 1
and all the team members understand well EHS 15 procedures are completed as agreed High 1 3 3 3 100%
4. Provide, manage and enforce their roles and responsibilities accredited HSE assessor Fail -0
with the Client's Representative
a health and safety plan

The health and safety meetings are held on a

Actions and close out documents
monthly basis, the meeting procedures are Work permit requirements are fully Pass - 1
EHS 16 High signed off with Employer 1 3 3 3 100%
recorded and the Client's representative is complied with Fail -0
Representative or Employer

Permit to Work system in place and

The inspection is carried out through a tour taken by the Client's All related laws and regulations are fully Pass - 1
EHS 17 High complied with Employer 1 3 3 3 100%
Representative and the team of the facility maintenance contractor observed Fail -0
Representative or Employer

The health and safety meetings have

been held on a monthly basis and the
CAFM schedules covering Statutory Pass - 1
EHS 18 annual procedures and reviews are Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
Tasks planned and performed Fail -0
presented within one month from the

Monthly meeting schedule with

No accidents occur as a result of using
minutes with Employer Pass - 1
EHS 19 unsafe equipment or machinery or any Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
Representative or Employer. Actions Fail -0
structures or finishing of the building.
are implemented on agreed time

Leadership Tour notes, actions and

close out documents. HSE inspection
The inspection has been registered via Pass - 1
EHS 20 High finding reports and actions are 1 3 3 3 100%
the official Fail -0
available along with implementation
plan and progress summary

The work method description and risk Subcontractor agreements provide

Pass - 1
EHS 21 assessment requirements are fully High monthly reports and risk 1 3 3 3 100%
Fail -0
observed assessment/MS documents

Serco in Confidence
5. Provide and manage the
health and safety system of the The work method and risk assessment are
2. Environment, Health & Safety

SLA Key Activities Performance Level Ref Key Performance Indicator Impact Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

Max Actual Actual

The contractor shall: To ensure: And will be measured by: Service Target Actual Weighting Target score Available weighted weighted
Score score score %

On site filing system. Equipment are

5. Provide and manage the Pass - 1
EHS 22 Updated records are kept at all times High tagged with copies of RA fixed on 1 3 3 3 100%
health and safety system of the The work method and risk assessment are Fail -0
each equipment
Subcontractor and the Client's applied and observed

Health and safety procedures and plan of

each subcontractor and other
Subcontractor agreements have back Pass - 1
EHS 23 stakeholders are consistent with the plan Medium 0 2 2 0 0%
to back elements for audit purposes Fail -0
and procedures adopted by the Client
and the Contractor

There are no major incidents recorded

for any employee, visitor, customer,
client, resident, public user or other
beneficiary of the building as a result of
unsafe machines, practices, equipment, Pass - 1
Control and limit any incidents and accidents EHS 24 High Hazardous Substance Register 1 3 3 3 100%
constructions or arrangements that may Fail -0
be avoided if the Contractor,
Subcontractors or their authorized
representatives exert reasonable efforts
to that effect.
6. Maintain accident-free

All safety signs at the site, whether

temporary or permanent, are displayed, Pass - 1
Prevent harm, injury or distress to all EHS 25 High COSSH Register 1 3 3 3 100%
placed in the right place and clearly Fail -0
visible at all times

Procedures and policies in place with

All the employees have received the
Provide a safe working system ensuring due ongoing inspections. Checklists and Pass - 1
EHS 26 personal protective equipment that fits High 1 3 3 3 100%
diligence is carried out written procedures are available at Fail -0
the tasks assigned to them

First Aid items checklist with

The areas that contain no first aid kit are Pass - 1
EHS 27 High inspections weekly and topped up 1 3 3 3 100%
examined Fail -0
after incidents

First Aid items checklist with

The areas that show regular replacement Pass - 1
7. Distribute and maintain first EHS 28 High inspections weekly and topped up 1 3 3 3 100%
Enough stock of safe materials is maintained of the materials are examined Fail -0
aid kits and eye wash kits and after incidents
and stored at the right place

The first aid and eye wash kits are visibly

Schedule of positions linked to Pass - 1
EHS 29 present and stored in containers that High 0 3 3 0 0%
inspection checklist Fail -0
provide good protection against damage.


EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE 95 - 100% Potential reward if overall FM contract performs (one team approach)

GOOD PERFORMANCE 80 - 94% Full fee obtained


First month in this range - official performance warning issued/ correction plan shall be provided, Second month in this range - 0.5% lost of yearly contract
only*, Third month in this range - 1.0% lost*, Fourth month onwards - 3% Lost* option to terminate the contract

Serco in Confidence
2. Environment, Health & Safety

SLA Key Activities Performance Level Ref Key Performance Indicator Impact Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

Max Actual Actual

The contractor shall: To ensure: And will be measured by: Service Target Actual Weighting Target score Available weighted weighted
Score score score %

First month in this range - 1% lost of yearly contract* + official performance warning issued/ correction plan shall be provided, Second month in this range
- 1.5% lost*, Third month in this range - 3% Lost*, Fourth month onwards - 5% Lost* option to terminate the contract

* Of the Total price in the month invoice

Note: All Critical Items weightage is 2 & Non Critical weightage is 1.

Serco in Confidence
3. Civil Work Maintenance

SLA Key Activities Performance Level Ref Key Performance Indicator Impact Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

Max Actual Actual

Service Target
The contractor shall: To ensure: And will be measured by: Actual Weighting Target score Available weighted weighted
Score score score %

• A good planned preventive maintenance

program is developed and managed for the
site and all the planned preventive The planned preventive maintenance
Monthly Helpdesk Report including Pass - 1
maintenance processes are completed for all CF 01 program has been updated and is High 1 3 3 3 100%
response time Fail -0
the building equipment, infrastructure and site available at all times
services as per the schedule within the
Contract period

The structural maintenance records have

No glitches occurred as a result of failure to been updated at the electronic Monthly Helpdesk Report including Pass - 1
CF 02 Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
inspect the equipment or monitor the status maintenance management or facility response time Fail -0
management system

95% of the planned preventive

maintenance activities were completed
according to the program with exception
1. Provide, manage and conduct No failure occurs as a result of no or low level to the activities related to the health and Monthly Helpdesk Report including Pass - 1
the planned preventive CF 03 Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
maintenance or a maintenance-caused event safety requirements or the legal response time Fail -0
maintenance requirements which should be
completed by 100% unless otherwise
agreed with the Client

The maintenance activities are

The maintenance processes are within the Pass - 1
CF 04 completed at the preceding month Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
standard operating procedures Fail -0
according to the abovementioned KPIs

The independent audits and the

equipment maintenance showed that Pass - 1
CF 05 Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
the processes are within the operation Fail -0

• The corrective maintenance response has

been timely made according to the following 100% of the corrective maintenance calls Helpdesk Report & inspection reports Pass - 1
CF 06 High 0 3 3 0 0%
classifications: The quick interaction at the are completed submitted monthly Fail -0
time of the request

• In case of failure of the main connection The maintenance team is present for
2. Manage and implement the network, the main services have continued 100% of emergency maintenance calls Pass - 1
corrective actions CF 07 Medium Monthly Helpdesk Report 1 2 2 2 100%
including but not limited to the safety and and repair is carried out according to the Fail -0
security system and computer systems agreed goals

Serco in Confidence
3. Civil Work Maintenance

SLA Key Activities Performance Level Ref Key Performance Indicator Impact Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

2. Manage and implement the

corrective actions Max Actual Actual
Service Target
The contractor shall: To ensure: And will be measured by: Actual Weighting Target score Available weighted weighted
Score score score %

The maintenance team is present for

• The repair times during the working hours 100% of routine maintenance calls and Pass - 1
CF 08 Medium Monthly Helpdesk Report 1 2 2 2 100%
have been as set out in the Contract repair is carried out according to the Fail -0
agreed goals

The technical records are updated, the

auditable assets are registered and the Pass - 1
CF 09 Medium Incident Reports 1 2 2 2 100%
records are available at all times for the Fail -0
• All the records that include the completed Client's Representative
works including but not limited to the
drawings, records, asset registration and
3. Provide maintenance records
certificates and the planned preventive
maintenance are available according to the
Client's requirements

The electronic maintenance system and

Pass - 1
CF 10 the building record are available and Low 1 1 1 1 100%
Fail -0
updated as may be necessary

User comments show their satisfaction

Pass - 1
CF 11 with the response time and the service Low Monthly Helpdesk Report 1 1 1 1 100%
Fail -0

An engineer is available to respond to all the

maintenance requests on 24/7 basis
Minor maintenance works are carried Pass - 1
CF 12 High Daily inspection sheets 1 3 3 3 100%
out within the daily working hours Fail -0

4. Provide a team to execute the

maintenance of the civil and All the walls, floors, ceiling, partitions,
structural works wood, stairs and elevators are free of any PPM schedules onsite and available Pass - 1
CF 13 Medium 0 2 2 0 0%
defects such as holes, scratches or any for inspection Fail -0
traces of fungi or humidity marks
• Amend the structure maintenance and
lighting decoration items to reach a reasonable
level within the specified schedule
Agreed baseline condition with agreed
The Client's Representative noticed that
completion tasks before next visit. Pass - 1
CF 14 the minor and major defects continue to Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
Register of task timelines available on Fail -0
appear during his/her visit to the site
site. Report on response time

The Contractor has regularly conducted

Monthly Helpdesk Report & audit Pass - 1
CF 15 inspection and made the records Low 1 1 1 1 100%
inspection report Fail -0
available at all times
• The pavement has no cracks of more than 5
5. Repair and restore the
mm deep, depressions between 20-75 mm and
pavement as may be necessary
The Client's Representative noticed that
Monthly Helpdesk Report & audit Pass - 1
CF 16 the minor and major defects continue to Medium 0 2 2 0 0%
inspection report Fail -0
appear during his/her visit

Serco in Confidence
3. Civil Work Maintenance

SLA Key Activities Performance Level Ref Key Performance Indicator Impact Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

Max Actual Actual

Service Target
The contractor shall: To ensure: And will be measured by: Actual Weighting Target score Available weighted weighted
Score score score %

The Contractor has regularly conducted

Monthly Helpdesk Report & audit Pass - 1
CF 17 inspection and made the records Low 1 1 1 1 100%
inspection report Fail -0
available at all times
6. Restructure the base course and
• Free of holes and dips
remove stains
The Client's Representative noticed
Monthly Helpdesk Report & audit Pass - 1
CF 18 progress in the remedy of the minor and Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
inspection report Fail -0
major defects during his/her visit

The Contractor has regularly conducted

Monthly Helpdesk Report & audit Pass - 1
CF 19 inspection and made the records Low 1 1 1 1 100%
inspection report Fail -0
available at all times
(4) Replace damaged pavement No damaged stones are found in the
stones as may be necessary pavement
The Client's Representative noticed
continued progress in the remedy of the Monthly Helpdesk Report & audit Pass - 1
CF 20 Medium 0 2 2 0 0%
minor and major defects during his/her inspection report Fail -0

There are records showing that weekly

• All the roads, corridors and landscape are Monthly Helpdesk Report & audit Pass - 1
CF 21 inspections were conducted by the High 0 3 3 0 0%
safe, secure and free of any damage inspection report Fail -0
(5) Maintain the plants and the
external landscape

• All the non-plant landscape features are All the places are clean and cleaned after Monthly Helpdesk Report & audit Pass - 1
CF 22 Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
neatly maintained and are free of damage each maintenance visit inspection report Fail -0


EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE 95 - 100% Potential reward if overall FM contract performs (one team approach)

GOOD PERFORMANCE 80 - 94% Full fee obtained


First month in this range - official performance warning issued/ correction plan shall be provided, Second month in this range - 0.5% lost of yearly
contract only*, Third month in this range - 1.0% lost*, Fourth month onwards - 3% Lost* option to terminate the contract

First month in this range - 1% lost of yearly contract* + official performance warning issued/ correction plan shall be provided, Second month in this
range - 1.5% lost*, Third month in this range - 3% Lost*, Fourth month onwards - 5% Lost* option to terminate the contract

* Of the Total price in the month invoice

Note: All Critical Items weightage is 2 & Non Critical weightage is 1.

Serco in Confidence
4. Mechanical, Electrical &
Plumbing Maintenance

SLA Key Activities Performance Level Ref Key Performance Indicator Critical Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

Max Actual Actual

The contractor shall: To ensure: And will be measured by: Service Target Actual Weighting Target score Available weighted weighted
Score score score %

100% available- 3
The planned preventive maintenance
No glitches occurred as a result of failure to 90-99% - 2
MEP 01 program has been updated and is High Helpdesk PPM report 1 3 3 3 100%
inspect the equipment or monitor the status 89-80% - 1
available at all times
<80% - 0

95% of PPM activity is completed to

program, except for maintenance
relating to health and safety or legislative 95 - 100% - 3
No failure occurs as a result of no or low level requirements, which must be 100% Helpdesk PPM report, HSE inspection 90-94% - 2
MEP 02 High 1 3 3 3 100%
maintenance complete to program unless there are report, Monthly report 85-90% - 1
exceptional circumstances as agreed <85% - 0
with the Facilities Manager .All statutory
PPM's to be additionally audited

1. Provide, manage and

undertake planned preventative
maintenance (PPM) operations
The maintenance activities should be
• The maintenance processes are within the MEP 03 completed at the preceding month Medium Helpdesk PPM report and monthly Yes - 3 1 2 2 2 100%
standard operating procedures . report No - 0
according to the abovementioned KPIs

The structural maintenance records have

• A good planned preventive maintenance
program has been prepared and updated for MEP 04 been updated and logged into the High Helpdesk PPM report and on site 0 Breaches - 3 1 3 3 3 100%
electronic maintenance management or records 1 Breach - 0
the site
facility management system

The examinations showed that the

Pass - 1
MEP 05 works are within the standard operating Medium External Report 0 2 2 0 0%
Fail -0

• The corrective maintenance response has 100% of the corrective and emergency
been timely made according to the following maintenance cases were responded to, Monthly Helpdesk Report and Pass - 1
MEP 06 High 0 3 3 0 0%
classifications: The quick interaction at the executed and repaired according to the response time Fail -0
time of the request set targets

The maintenance team is present for

100% of emergency and corrective Monthly Helpdesk Report and Pass - 1
• Recording the events in the call center MEP 07 High 1 3 3 3 100%
maintenance calls according to the response time Fail -0
agreed goals

2. Manage and undertake

reactive operations
• In case of failure of the main connection
The maintenance team is present for
network, the main services have continued Monthly Helpdesk Report and Pass - 1
MEP 08 100% of routine maintenance calls Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
including but not limited to the safety and response time Fail -0
according to the agreed goals
security system and high computer systems.

• The repair is made during the working hours

If the maintenance takes more time than
scheduled, the facility maintenance
Pass - 1
MEP 09 contractor shall submit a weekly report Medium Weekly updates 1 2 2 2 100%
Fail -0
to the Client about the maintenance

The regular maintenance record has Pass - 1

MEP 10 Medium Lifecycle reporting 1 2 2 2 100%
been updated and is available at all times Fail -0
3. Provide, manage and execute
the preventive maintenance
schedule which includes replacing • The regular maintenance record is annually
and listing some main parts in the updated and involves the expectations for Serco in Confidence
preventive maintenance plan and asset replacement over three years
estimating the expected prices for
4. Mechanical, Electrical &
Plumbing Maintenance

SLA Key Activities Performance Level Ref Key Performance Indicator Critical Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

Max Actual Actual

The contractor shall: To ensure: And will be measured by: Service Target Actual Weighting Target score Available weighted weighted
Score score score %
3. Provide, manage and execute
the preventive maintenance
schedule which includes replacing • The regular maintenance record is annually 95% completion of the FMR except for
and listing some main parts in the updated and involves the expectations for those items relating to health and safety
preventive maintenance plan and asset replacement over three years or legislative requirements which must
estimating the expected prices for MEP 11 be 100% complete unless there are Medium Lifecycle reporting and depreciation Pass - 1 1 2 2 2 100%
report Fail -0
them. exceptional circumstances agreed upon
by the Employer Representative or

Assumes that all circuit trace diagrams

The legal check records must be are present. If not, an agreed plan is
Pass - 1
MEP 12 updated and made available to the Client High implemented. Audit via checklist and 1 3 3 3 100%
Fail -0
at all times included in site documents register.
• All the legal check schedules and the All systems PPM records available
4. Perform the legal check
certificates of all machinery and buildings are
according to the legal requirements

The legal check program is maintained Pass - 1

MEP 13
and is open for review
Medium Monthly Helpdesk Report
Fail -0
0 2 2 0 0%

5. Offer technical equipment check • The program is available for all the machines MEP 14 100% of the program is delivered Medium Monthly Helpdesk Report Pass - 1 1 2 2 2 100%
program and equipment Fail -0

Written schemes are available for all

appropriate plant and equipment (where

6. Develop and manage water 100% compliance with the requirements

• No spillage of chemicals or contaminated Pass - 1
treatment and wastewater MEP 15 of the Saudi Civil Defense Authority and High Documented accordingly and agreed 1 3 3 3 100%
water Fail -0
management program the local Saudi laws

• No unsanitary accident occurred

Monthly Contract and Helpdesk

MEP 16 The auditable asset record has been Medium Report. Estidama and energy Pass - 1 1 2 2 2 100%
updated and made available at the site Fail -0
management report

7. Provide maintenance records • Current records are available and up-to-date

The electronic maintenance system and
Pass - 1
MEP 17 the building record are available and Medium Weekly Helpdesk Report 1 2 2 2 100%
Fail -0
updated as may be necessary

MEP 18 Power supplies are 100% operational High Fixed Asset Register Pass - 1 0 3 3 0 0%
Fail -0
8. Maintain any power supplies The power supply is in good operating
which work in emergency condition and is safe and regularly tested
Fixed Asset Register with updated 'as
The Client is immediately notified if the Pass - 1
MEP 19 Medium builds', held on electronic database. 1 2 2 2 100%
supply fails Fail -0
And update building logbook

Serco in Confidence
4. Mechanical, Electrical &
Plumbing Maintenance

SLA Key Activities Performance Level Ref Key Performance Indicator Critical Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

Max Actual Actual

The contractor shall: To ensure: And will be measured by: Service Target Actual Weighting Target score Available weighted weighted
Score score score %

9. Manage the cooling and The cooling and ventilation system has been There is evidence that at least 95% of the Helpdesk Report & inspection reports Pass - 1
MEP 20 Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
ventilation system at the building maintained and is in good operating condition maintenance work has been carried out submitted monthly Fail -0

The time taken to respond to and solve

• The person in charge is timely present upon Pass - 1
MEP 21 the problem is recorded in the monthly High Monthly Helpdesk Report 1 3 3 3 100%
any alarm or failure Fail -0

The opinion of the Client' Representative Helpdesk & inspection reports

10. Manage building HVAC • The repaired items have been determined Pass - 1
MEP 22 is sought about the response time and Medium submitted monthly as well as PPM 1 2 2 2 100%
systems and the maintenance has take reasonable time Fail -0
the offered service and maintenance records

The response and execution have been Pass - 1

MEP 23 High Monthly Helpdesk Report 1 3 3 3 100%
within the normal working hours Fail -0

Meet contractual requirements and

11. Provide the necessary spare • The work is not suspended for the lack of MEP 24 No suspension is reported for the lack of Medium via CAFM response times and Pass - 1 0 2 2 0 0%
parts for building operation spare parts spare parts or consumables highlight numbered of closed calls at Fail -0
agreed response time

Technical Library updated on site,

12. Develop, manage and The materials and the related data sheet are The references and the technical Pass - 1
MEP 25 Medium incl. COSHH / MSDS and RA/MS are 1 2 2 2 100%
maintain a technical library available, accessible and up-to-date manuals are accessible at all times Fail -0
fixed on systems and equipment


EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE 95 - 100% Potential reward if overall FM contract performs (one team approach)

GOOD PERFORMANCE 80 - 94% Full fee obtained


First month in this range - official performance warning issued/ correction plan shall be provided, Second month in this range - 0.5% lost of yearly
contract only*, Third month in this range - 1.0% lost*, Fourth month onwards - 3% Lost* option to terminate the contract

UNACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE <74% First month in this range - 1% lost of yearly contract* + official performance warning issued/ correction plan shall be provided, Second month in this
range - 1.5% lost*, Third month in this range - 3% Lost*, Fourth month onwards - 5% Lost* option to terminate the contract

* Of the MEP price in the month invoice

Note: All Critical Items weightage is 2 & Non Critical weightage is 1.

Serco in Confidence
5. Cleaning and Waste
Management & Pest Control

SLA Key Activities Performance Level Ref Key Performance Indicator Critical Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

Max Actual Actual

Service Target
The contractor shall: To ensure: And will be measured by: Actual Weighting Target score Available weighted weighted
Score score score %

• The surrounding environment is clean and The standard operation instructions of

SOP's submitted 1 month from signing Pass - 1
free of dirt and insects showing the best level CW 01 cleaning have been completed and High 1 3 3 3 100%
the contract Fail -0
of care submitted to the Client

1. Provide cleaning services at the

building and the external spaces Agreed format and periodic
• There is a proof of the application of the There are questionnaires to indicate and Pass - 1
according to the highest standards routine procedures of the planned cleaning CW 02 High mechanism for soliciting feedback & 1 3 3 3 100%
record the site workers Fail -0
required by the Client reporting (periodic reports)

Points are checked to ensure compliance Joint inspections, using checklists and Pass - 1
CW 03 Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
with the performance level reporting audits monthly Fail -0

The sanitary places such as water closets,

bathrooms, wash rooms and the kitchen are The sanitary places are checked to Daily inspections linked to CAFM tasks
Pass - 1
cleaned using the appropriate detergents and CW 04 ensure fulfillment of the sanitary High and schedules as well as inspection 0 3 3 0 0%
Fail -0
frequency to achieve the highest levels of requirements checklists and PPM
clean appearance and prevent dirtiness

Daily inspections linked to CAFM PPM

Consumables and facilities are available with There is a proof of implementation of the Pass - 1
CW 05 High tasks and schedules, incl. in monthly 1 3 3 3 100%
the required quality regular cleaning system Fail -0

Daily cleaning as per agree periodic

The trash can at the water closets are emptied The sanitary facilities shall appear always
schedule with Employer Pass - 1
and regularly changed and the consumables CW 06 free of any spill or traces of excrements, Medium 0 2 2 0 0%
Representative or Employer and no. of Fail -0
are always available dirt or trash.
service requests

2. Provide effective and good Daily cleaning as per agree periodic

cleaning services for a sanitary The trash baskets and cans are not filled Pass - 1
CW 07 Medium schedule with Employer 0 2 2 0 0%
place to overflowing Fail -0
Representative or Employer

Sanitary areas smell nice and look good Agreed use of 'freshener' agents and Pass - 1
CW 08 Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
and tidy consumable management Fail -0

WC trash cans are emptied on regular

Pass - 1
CW 09 basis and are placed at healthy Medium Cleaning Schedules 1 2 2 2 100%
Fail -0

10- Consumables such as hand towels,

tissues, soap, etc. should be always
Pass - 1
CW 10 available and should meet such quality Medium Prior agreement of consumables 0 2 2 0 0%
Fail -0
standard as agreed upon with the Client
at all times

Serco in Confidence
5. Cleaning and Waste
Management & Pest Control

SLA Key Activities Performance Level Ref Key Performance Indicator Critical Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

Max Actual Actual

Service Target
The contractor shall: To ensure: And will be measured by: Actual Weighting Target score Available weighted weighted
Score score score %

95% of work orders of the control center

Monthly Helpdesk Report and no. Pass - 1
CW 11 or the Client's Representative receive High 1 3 3 3 100%
service requests and closeout Fail -0
3. Provide interactive cleaning The response to spills or fragmentation is given
service for spills and accidents as early as possible
Reports are produced for all these orders
indicating that the response happened Monthly Helpdesk Report and no. Pass - 1
CW 12 Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
within 15 minutes from the issuance of service requests and closeout Fail -0
the work order.

Prior agreement of consumables and

The consumables are supplied at the quality 100% of the consumables have been Pass - 1
CW 13 High minimum quantities of consumables 0 3 3 0 0%
standard agreed with the Client supplied in sufficient quantity Fail -0
and daily checklist

Continuous staff engagement and

Cleaning materials are accessible by the No materials are excessively used or do Pass - 1
CW 14 High education to ensure effective 1 3 3 3 100%
workers to perform cleaning services not serve the purpose Fail -0
consumable use, plus tool box training

4. Provide cleaning consumables

and other materials The cleaning materials and consumables are
No materials that are ill-suited to the Continuous staff engagement and
environment-friendly according to the Pass - 1
CW 15 purpose are used in any cleaning Medium education to ensure effective 1 2 2 2 100%
internationally and locally recognized Fail -0
activities consumable use

Prior agreement of consumables.

80% of the supplied cleaning materials Pass - 1
CW 16 Medium COSHH, MSDS and inventory 1 2 2 2 100%
and consumables are friendly Fail -0
management. Monthly report

The services are 100% compliant with

Monthly Helpdesk Report and no. Pass - 1
CW 17 the requirements as the windows shall High 1 3 3 3 100%
service requests and closeout Fail -0
be cleaned at least 4 times per year
5- Provide cleaning services for all
The windows are appropriately clean to
internal windows and the exterior
provide clear visibility all the time
All the window panels are cleaned using
specific techniques to avoid leaving any Monthly Helpdesk Report and no. Pass - 1
CW 18 Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
traces or scratches on the glass and the service requests and closeout Fail -0
surrounding parts

Prior agreement of consumables and

Pass - 1
CW 19 The site has been regularly inspected Medium minimum quantities of consumables 1 2 2 2 100%
Fail -0
and daily checklist

There are reports and proofs which show Continuous staff engagement and
Pass - 1
CW 20 that external areas have undergone High education to ensure effective 1 3 3 3 100%
Fail -0
regular and frequent inspection consumable use, plus tool box training
The routine cleaning is conducted to give all
6. Provide cleaning consumables
the external and public areas a tidy
and other materials
No major complaint has been received Continuous staff engagement and
Pass - 1
CW 21 from the building users concerning the Medium education to ensure effective 1 2 2 2 100%
Fail -0
external cleaning of the building consumable use

Serco in Confidence
5. Cleaning and Waste
Management & Pest Control
The routine cleaning is conducted to give all
6. Provide cleaning consumables
the external and public areasLevel
a tidy
and otherSLA Key Activities
materials Performance Ref Key Performance Indicator Critical Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

Max Actual Actual

Service Target
The contractor shall: To ensure: And will be measured by: Actual Weighting Target score Available weighted weighted
Score score score %

Prior agreement of consumables.

No accidents are recorded as a result of Pass - 1
CW 22 Medium COSHH, MSDS and inventory 1 2 2 2 100%
low hygiene level at the external areas Fail -0
management. Monthly report

7. Secure maintenance for all

Prior agreement of consumables and
cleaning equipment according to The equipment is 100% consistent with Pass - 1
All the equipment is checked and maintained CW 23 Low minimum quantities of consumables 1 1 1 1 100%
the requirements of the local the inspection table Fail -0
and daily checklist

Prior agreement of consumables and

The area is inspected to ensure that the Pass - 1
CW 24 Medium minimum quantities of consumables 0 2 2 0 0%
waste collectors are present Fail -0
and daily checklist
All the waste has been stacked at the waste
disposal facility specified by the Contractor
25 All the trash cans are frequently
Continuous staff engagement and
emptied and the trash has been Pass - 1
8. Provide waste disposal services CW 25 High education to ensure effective 1 3 3 3 100%
transferred to the waste disposal facility Fail -0
consumable use, plus tool box training
as per the schedule

The trash cans are regularly cleaned and the 26- All the waste collection rooms have Continuous staff engagement and
Pass - 1
waste collection point is free of any trash or CW 26 been kept clean and free of any bad High education to ensure effective 1 3 3 3 100%
Fail -0
pests odors or pests consumable use

The site has been inspected and regular Prior agreement of consumables and
Pass - 1
CW 27 pest control activities are conducted at Medium minimum quantities of consumables 1 2 2 2 100%
Fail -0
the site and daily checklist
Frequent pest control services are offered to
9. Provide pest control services
keep pests out of the place
28 The guide indicates that the Continuous staff engagement and
Pass - 1
CW 28 Contractor has conducted regular and High education to ensure effective 1 3 3 3 100%
Fail -0
frequent inspection of the site consumable use, plus tool box training

The number of the insects spotted

around the month has been analyzed Prior agreement of consumables and
Pass - 1
CW 29 along with any increase or decrease in High minimum quantities of consumables 1 3 3 3 100%
Fail -0
size and the increase of the activities in and daily checklist
All the equipment used to provide pest the site.
control services are safe and used according to
the manufacturer's instructions
All the pest control records have been
kept including the inspection and Pass - 1
CW 30 Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
treatment visits to be available for Fail -0
examination and regular renewal

The site inspection showed that there Continuous staff engagement and
Pass - 1
CW 31 are no bad odors as a result of any Medium education to ensure effective 1 2 2 2 100%
Fail -0
locked up or uncontrolled insects consumable use, plus tool box training
All records related to pest or insect reporting
10. Provide cleaning, waste are kept
management and pest control

Serco in Confidence
5. Cleaning and Waste
Management & Pest Control

SLA Key Activities Performance Level Ref Key Performance Indicator Critical Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

Max Actual Actual

Service Target
The contractor shall: To ensure: And will be measured by: Actual Weighting Target score Available weighted weighted
Score score score %
All records related to pest or insect reporting
10. Provide cleaning, waste are kept
management and pest control
services There is no insecticide improperly stored
Pass - 1
CW 32 or labeled or spilt out from the insect Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
Fail -0
trapping device

There are no broken or open insect

Continuous staff engagement and
trapping devices and that these devices Pass - 1
CW 33 Low education to ensure effective 1 1 1 1 100%
are compatible with the safety Fail -0
consumable use
regulations and the related laws

All the actions prescribed by the Client's pest

control consultant are followed
The recommendations issued by the
Client's pest control consultant within Prior agreement of consumables.
Pass - 1
CW 34 the Contractor's scope of work are Medium COSHH, MSDS and inventory 1 2 2 2 100%
Fail -0
treated with the necessary speed and management. Monthly report


EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE 95 - 100% Potential reward if overall FM contract performs (one team approach)

GOOD PERFORMANCE 80 - 94% Full fee obtained


First month in this range - official performance warning issued/ correction plan shall be provided, Second month in this range - 0.5% lost of yearly
contract only*, Third month in this range - 1.0% lost*, Fourth month onwards - 3% Lost* option to terminate the contract

First month in this range - 1% lost of yearly contract* + official performance warning issued/ correction plan shall be provided, Second month in this
range - 1.5% lost*, Third month in this range - 3% Lost*, Fourth month onwards - 5% Lost* option to terminate the contract

* Of the Cleaning price in the month invoice

Note: All Critical Items weightage is 2 & Non Critical weightage is 1.

Serco in Confidence
6. Landscaping Services

SLA Key Activities Performance Level Ref Key Performance Indicator Impact Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

Service Target Max Available Actual
The contractor shall: To ensure: And will be measured by: Actual Weighting weighted
(3) Score weighted score
score %
• All the landscape areas and plants are Routine inspections linked to CAFM Pass - 1
maintained to be neat and waste-free LS 01 All the areas are clean and waste-free High tasks and schedules and PPM Fail -0 1 3 3 3 100%

1- Maintain all the external plant-

based and non-plant landscape The landscaping area has never been
Pass - 1
• The plant landscape is neatly preserved PC 02 untidy and the plants have never grown High Records available on site 1 3 3 3 100%
Fail -0
too much or have been untidy

2- Remove all the litter from the

No plants are dead and dead plants are Pass - 1
plantation area and the internal LS 03 No agricultural waste exists at the site Medium Records available on site 1 2 2 2 100%
removed from the site Fail -0
and external landscape

Records of all reported pest sightings are The Client's Representative conducts Pass - 1
maintained LS 04 visual examination on daily basis Medium Records available on site Fail -0 1 2 2 2 100%

Plants are pruned, trimmed and cut in such a

way that promotes healthy growth and
Daily inspections linked to CAFM tasks
Pass - 1
The chances of damage in case of storms or LS 05 A written weekly report is prepared Medium and schedules, with monthly 1 2 2 2 100%
Fail -0
windy weather reporting.

Fire risks

3- Conserve the trees, shrubs and

the hedge Obstruction of the roads, pathways, car parks
and street lighting

Ensures that plants are free from dead

Daily inspections linked to CAFM tasks
Any piece of evidence indicates that the Pass - 1
LS 06 Medium and schedules, with monthly 1 2 2 2 100%
Contractor fails in execution of works Fail -0

Plants are litter-free

Plants are free from diseases and pests

The grass area looks consistent and flawless

The Client's Representative conducts Daily inspections linked to CAFM tasks
Pass - 1
LS 07 visual examination on daily basis bi Medium and schedules, with monthly 1 2 2 2 100%
Fail -0
Municipality Regulations. reporting.
Edges are trimmed

4- Maintain grass area

No mice and rodents are found
Daily inspections linked to CAFM tasks
A weekly report is prepared swiftly and Pass - 1
LS 08 Medium and schedules, with monthly 1 2 2 2 100%
accurately Fail -0
The area is free of dropped leaves, weeds,
litter and animal droppings

Serco in Confidence
6. Landscaping Services

4- Maintain grass area

SLA Key Activities Performance Level Ref Key Performance Indicator Impact Monitor & Measurement Reporting Performance Scoring

Service Target Max Available Actual
The contractor shall: To ensure: And will be measured by: Actual Weighting weighted
(3) Score weighted score
score %

The area divisions are of equal length ranging 9- Any findings that indicate a failure Pass - 1
between 25-50 mm LS 09 should be presented Low Fail -0 0 1 1 0 0%

The flower beds should contain a variety of The Client's Representative conducts Pass - 1
plants to add an aesthetic touch LS 10 visual examination on daily basis High Fail -0 1 3 3 3 100%

5- Flower beds The flower beds are free of the dropped Pass - 1
LS 11 A written weekly report is prepared Medium 0 2 2 0 0%
leaves, weeds and litter Fail -0

Any findings that indicate a failure should Pass - 1

The flower beds are free of diseases and pests LS 12 Medium 1 2 2 2 100%
be presented Fail -0

Project Total 26 23 88%

EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE 95 - 100% Potential reward if overall FM contract performs (one team approach)

GOOD PERFORMANCE 80 - 94% Full fee obtained

First month in this range - official performance warning issued/ correction plan shall be provided, Second month in this range - 0.5% lost of yearly contract
only*, Third month in this range - 1.0% lost*, Fourth month onwards - 3% Lost* option to terminate the contract
First month in this range - 1% lost of yearly contract* + official performance warning issued/ correction plan shall be provided, Second month in this range -
1.5% lost*, Third month in this range - 3% Lost*, Fourth month onwards - 5% Lost* option to terminate the contract

Note: High impact items weigh 3, Medium 2 & Low weightage is 1.

Serco in Confidence
Yes 2 0 0 0 0
No 1 1 1 2 1
2 3 2
3 3

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