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Electric Potential
Chapter 24

Prof. Woei-Luen Chen (陳偉倫)

University of Taipei, ElectroPhysics
1. Electric Potential and Potential Difference
2. Potential Difference in a Uniform Electric Field
3. Electric Potential and Potential Energy Due to Point Charges
4. Obtaining the Value of the Electric Field from the Electric Potential
5. Electric Potential Due to Continuous Charge Distributions
6. Electric Potential Due to a Charged Conductor
7. Applications of Electrostatics

© Woei-Luen Chen General Physics Ch24 Electric Potential 2

R0.1 Work Done by External Force

W ≡ F Dl cos q
 The displacement is that

of the point of
application of the force.
 A force does no work on
the object if the force
does not move through a Dl

W  W ext    F dl 


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R0.2 Work Done by a Spring (能量在彈簧和方塊間交換)
Fs  kxi

Spring force

Fs  0


x = -xmax→0 彈簧所做的功
Ws   Fs  d l

 kxi    dxi 
1 2
 kx  dx 
 kxmax
 xmax 2
彈簧做正功: 彈簧釋能

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R0.3 Spring Block Collision (外力做功 → 位能 → 動能)

Wext   Fext  d l

 kxi    dxi 
 xmax 1 2
  kx  dx  kxmax
kxi F Fext
0 2
s 外力做正功


B A Ws   Fs  d l

 kxi    dxi 
 xmax 1 2
  
 kx dx   kxmax
0 2
彈簧做負功: 彈簧儲能=+0.5kxmax2

1 2
彈簧獲得的 U   Fs  d l  kxmax
能量(位能) 2
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R0.3 Spring Block Collision (能量在彈簧和方塊間交換一次)

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1. Electric Potential and Potential Difference
電位 電位差

Electric Potential Energy (電位能)

Fs 電場的力
+  Fext
1 2
+ Fext U   Fs  d l  kxmax


Fs  , Fs  U

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Electric Potential Energy

As this work is done by the field, the potential energy of the

charge-field system is changed by
DU   q0 E  d l
For a finite displacement of the charge from A to B , the
change in potential energy of the system is
DU  q0  E  d l

Because the force is conservative, the line integral does not

depend on the path taken by the charge.

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Electric Potential (電位:每單位電荷的能量)

The potential is a scalar quantity.

 Since energy is a scalar
As a charged particle moves in an electric field, it will
experience a change in potential.

DU  q0  E  d l
AB 
DU  q0   E  d l  q0 DV
AB  DV    E  d l

We often take the value of the potential to be zero at some

convenient point in the field. (零電位點、參考點)
Electric potential is a scalar characteristic of an electric field,
independent of any charges that may be placed in the field.

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Electric Potential

DV    E  d l
q0 AB

Units: 1 V ≡ 1 J/C (伏特:移動1C所需要的能量(焦耳))

 V is a volt. (伏特)
 It takes one joule of work to move a 1-coulomb charge
through a potential difference of 1 volt.
In addition, 1 N/C = 1 V/m
 This indicates we can interpret the electric field as a measure
of the rate of change of the electric potential with respect to
position. (可透過電位對位置的改變率來計算電場)

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Another unit of energy that is commonly used in atomic and
nuclear physics is the electron-volt.
One electron-volt is defined as the energy a charge-field
system gains or loses when a charge of magnitude e (an
electron or a proton) is moved through a potential difference
of 1 volt.
 1 eV = 1.60×10–19 C‧V = 1.60×10–19 J
 (移動1個基本電荷所需要的能量(焦耳))

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Quick Quiz 1
In Figure 25.1, two points A and B are located within a region in which there is
an electric field. (i) How would you describe the potential difference ΔV = VB –
VA? (a) It is positive. (b) It is negative. (c) It is zero. (ii) A negative charge is
placed at A and then moved to B. How would you describe the change in
potential energy of the charge–field system for this process? Choose from the
same possibilities.
(i) DV  
Edl  0
a.數學上,E與dl (B>A) 同方向 → ΔV<0
未反抗電場的力,可獲得負的位能→ ΔV<0

or DV  0  DV  DU  0  DU  0
q0  0
Answer: (i) (b) (ii) (a)
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2. Potential Difference in a Uniform Field

The equations for electric potential between two points A

and B can be simplified if the electric field is uniform:
VB  VA  DV    E  d l   E  d   Ed

The displacement points from A to B and is parallel to the

field lines.
The negative sign (ΔV<0) indicates that the electric potential
at point B is lower than at point A.
 Electric field lines always point in the direction of decreasing
electric potential. 電場的方向就是:

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Example 1 製造均勻的電場

將1C之正電荷由負極移動至正極,需要12 J

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Example 2
A proton is released from rest at point A in a uniform electric field that
has a magnitude of 8.0 × 104 V/m (Fig. 25.6). The proton under-goes a
displacement of magnitude d = 0.50 m to point in the direction of B .
Find the speed of the proton after completing the displacement.
DV  VB  VA    E  d l      Ej   dyj   Ed
Solution: AB d

K f  K i   U f  U i   0
DK  DU  0
 1
2 mv 2  0   eDV  0

2eDV 2e( Ed ) 2eEd

v  
m m m
2(1.6 1019 C)(8.0 104 V)(0.50m) O
1.67 1027 kg
 2.8 106 m/s
© Woei-Luen Chen General Physics Ch24 Electric Potential 15
3. Electric Potential and Potential Energy Due to
Point Charges
An isolated positive point charge
produces a field directed radially dl
The potential difference between
points A and B will be

VB  VA  DV    E  d l

k q 
    e2 r    dr 

 r 
ke q ke q
 
rB rA

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Electric Potential with Multiple Charges
The electric potential due to several point charges is the
sum of the potentials due to each individual charge.
 This is another example of the superposition principle.
 The sum is the algebraic sum
V  ke 
i ri

 V = 0 at r = ∞
Electric Potential of a Dipole
 The steep slope between the
charges represents the strong
electric field in this region.

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Potential Energy of Multiple Charges

The potential energy of the system is

DU  q2 DV U  ke
If the two charges are the same sign, U is positive and work
must be done to bring the charges together.
If the two charges have opposite signs, U is negative and work
is done to keep the charges apart.
© Woei-Luen Chen General Physics Ch24 Electric Potential 18
U with Multiple Charges, final

If there are more than two

charges, then find U for each
pair of charges and add them.
For three charges:
 q1q2 q1q3 q2 q3 
U  ke    
 12
r r13 r23 

 The result is independent

of the order of the charges.

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Example 3
As shown in Figure 25.10a, a charge ql = 2.00 mC is located at the origin
and a charge q2 = –6.00 mC is located at (0, 3.00) m.
(A) Find the total electric potential due to these charges at the point P,
whose coordinates are (4.00, 0) m.

 q1 q2 
V p  ke   
 r1 r2 
 2.00 106 C 6.00 106 C 
V p  (8.988 10 N  m /C ) 
9 2 2
 
 4.00 m 5.00 m 
 6.29 103 V

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Example 3
(B) Find the change in potential energy of the system of two charges plus
a third charge q3 = 3.00 mC as the latter charge moves from infinity to
point P (Fig. 25.10b) .

U f  q3V p
DU  U f  U i  q3V p  0  (3.00 10 6 C)(6.29 103 V)
  1.89 10 2 J

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4. Obtaining the Value of the Electric Field from
the Electric Potential
Assume, to start, that the field has only an x component.

DV    E  d l Ex  
AB dx

Similar statements would apply to the y and z components.

V  x, y, z  V  x, y, z  V  x, y , z 
Ex   Ey   Ez  
x y z

Equipotential surfaces ( 等 位 面 ) must always be

perpendicular to the electric field lines passing through them.
DV    E  d l  0 as E  dl

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Equipotential surfaces

V   Ex Er  
dV dr
Ex   E
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Example 4
An electric dipole consists of two charges of equal magnitude and
opposite sign separated by a distance 2a as shown in Figure 25.13.
The dipole is along the x axis P and is centered at the origin.
(A) Calculate the electric potential at point P on the y axis.

(B) Calculate the electric potential at point R on the positive x axis.


qi  q q 
V p  ke   ke   0
i ri  a y
2 2 2
 2 
 a y 

qi  q q  2ke qa
VR  ke   ke    2
i ri  xa xa x  a2

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Example 4
(C) Calculate V and Ex at a point on the x axis far from the dipole.

2ke qa 2ke qa
VR  lim( 2 )   2 ( x  a )
x  a x a 2
dV d  2k qa 
Ex       e2 
dx dx  x 
d  1  4ke qa
 2ke qa  2    3 ( x  a )
dx  x  x

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5. Electric Potential Due to Continuous Charge
Method 1: The charge distribution is
 Consider a small charge element dq
 Treat it as a point charge.
 The potential at some point due to
this charge element is
dq dq
dV  ke V  ke 
r r

This value for V uses the reference of V = 0 when P is

infinitely far away from the charge distributions.

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Method 2: Electric field is Given

DV    E  d l
 If the charge distribution has sufficient symmetry, first find
the field from Gauss’ Law and then find the potential
difference between any two points, A
 Choose V = 0 at some convenient point d l = dr  r 

VB  VA  DV    E  d l

ke Q
r  dr  r 
  2
 r
ke Q


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Example 5
(A) Find an expression for the electric potential at a point P
located on the perpendicular central axis of a uniformly
charged ring of radius a and total charge Q.

dq dq
V  ke  ke  2
r a  x2
ke keQ
V  dq 
a x
2 2
a2  x2

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Example 5
(B) Find an expression for the magnitude of the electric field at
point P.

dV d 2
Ex     keQ (a  x 2 ) 1/ 2
dx dx
=  keQ   12  (a 2  x 2 ) 3/ 2 (2 x)
ke x
Ex  2 Q
(a  x )
2 3/ 2

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Example 6
A uniformly charged disk has radius R and surface charge density σ.
(A) Find the electric potential at a point P along the
perpendicular central axis of the disk.
dq   dA   (2rdr )  2rdr
ke dq ke 2rdr
dV  2 
r x 2
r 2  x2
1 / 2
R 2rdr R
V  ke   ke  (r  x ) 2rdr
2 2
r x
2 2 0

V  2ke [( R 2  x 2 )1/ 2  x]

(B) Find the x component of the electric field at a point P

along the perpendicular central axis of the disk.
dV x
Solution: Ex    2ke [1  2 ]
dx (R  x )
2 1/ 2

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Example 7
A rod of length ℓ, located along the x axis has a total charge Q and a
uniform linear charge density l. Find the electric potential at a point
P located on the y axis a distance a from the origin (Fig. 25.l6).
dq l dx
dV  ke  ke
r a2  x2
l dx
V   ke
a2  x2
dx Q
V  ke l  ke ln( x  a 2  x 2 )
a2  x2 0

V  ke [ln(  a 2  2
)  ln a]

Q   a2  2 
 ke ln  
 a 
 
© Woei-Luen Chen General Physics Ch24 Electric Potential 31
6. Electric Potential Due to a Charged Conductor

Consider two points on the surface

of the charged conductor as shown.
E is always perpendicular to the
displacement d l .
Therefore, E  d l  0
Therefore, the potential difference
between A and B is also zero.

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V Due to a Charged Conductor, cont.
V is constant everywhere on the surface of a charged
conductor in equilibrium.
 ΔV = 0 between any two points on the surface

The surface of any charged conductor in electrostatic

equilibrium is an equipotential surface.
 Every point on the surface of a charge conductor in

equilibrium is at the same electric potential.

 Because the electric field is zero inside the conductor, we

conclude that the electric potential is constant

everywhere inside the conductor and equal to the value
at the surface.

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Irregularly Shaped Objects
The charge density is high where
the radius of curvature is small.
 And low where the radius of
curvature is large
The electric field is large near the
convex points having small radii of
curvature and reaches very high
values at sharp points.

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Example 8
Two spherical conductors of radii rl and r2 are separated by a distance
much greater than the radius of either sphere. The spheres are
connected by a conducting wire as shown in Figure 25.19. The charges
on the spheres in equilibrium are ql and q2, respectively, and they are
uniformly charged. Find the ratio of the magnitudes of the electric
fields at the surfaces of the spheres.
q1 q
V  ke  ke 2
r1 r2
q1 r1
 (1) 
q2 r2
q q2 E1 q1 r2 2
E1  ke 12 and E2  ke 2  
r1 r2 E2 q2 r12
E1 r1 r2 2 r2
 (2)  2

E2 r2 r1 r1
© Woei-Luen Chen General Physics Ch24 Electric Potential 35
Cavity in a Conductor

Assume an irregularly shaped

cavity is inside a conductor.
Assume no charges are inside
the cavity.
The electric field inside the
conductor must be zero.

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Cavity in a Conductor, cont

The electric field inside does not depend on the charge

distribution on the outside surface of the conductor.
For all paths between A and B,

VB  VA  DV    E  d l = 0

A cavity surrounded by conducting walls is a field-free region as

long as no charges are inside the cavity.

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Corona Discharge
If the electric field near a conductor is sufficiently strong,
electrons resulting from random ionizations of air molecules
near the conductor accelerate away from their parent molecules.
These electrons can ionize additional molecules near the
This creates more free electrons.
The corona discharge is the glow that results from the
recombination of these free electrons with the ionized air
The ionization and corona discharge are most likely to occur
near very sharp points.

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7. Applications of Electrostatics
(1) Van de Graaff Generator
Charge is delivered continuously to a high-
potential electrode by means of a moving
belt of insulating material.
The high-voltage electrode is a hollow
metal dome mounted on an insulated
Large potentials can be developed by
repeated trips of the belt.
Protons accelerated through such large
potentials receive enough energy to initiate
nuclear reactions.

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(2) Electrostatic Precipitator

An application of electrical
discharge in gases is the
electrostatic precipitator.
It removes particulate matter
from combustible gases.
The air to be cleaned enters
the duct and moves near the

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Electrostatic Precipitator

As the electrons and negative

ions created by the discharge
are accelerated toward the
outer wall by the electric field,
the dirt particles become
Most of the dirt particles are
negatively charged and are
drawn to the walls by the
electric field.

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Electrostatic Precipitator

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HW: Problem 7
Three positive charges are located at the corners of an equilateral triangle
as in Figure P25.15. Find an expression for the electric potential at the
center of the triangle.

V  ke 
i ri

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HW: Problem 24
An electric field in a region of space is parallel to the x axis. The electric
potential varies with position as shown in Figure P25.38. Graph the x
component of the electric field versus position in this region of space.

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HW: Problem 40
Why is the following situation impossible? You set up an apparatus in your
laboratory as follows. The x axis is the symmetry axis of a stationary,
uniformly charged ring of radius R = 0.500 m and charge Q = 50.0 μC (Fig.
P25.64). You place a particle with charge Q = 50.0 μC and mass m = 0.100
kg at the center of the ring and arrange for it to be constrained to move
only along the x axis. When it is displaced slightly, the particle is repelled
by the ring and accelerates along the x axis. The particle moves faster than
you expected and strikes the opposite wall of your laboratory at 40.0 m/s.
x0 k Q k Q
DU  QV  Q  e   e
 R  R

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HW: Problem 41
The thin, uniformly charged rod shown in Figure P25.67 has a
linear charge density λ. Find an expression for the electric
potential at P.

a L
l dx
V  ke 
a x2  b2

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HW: Problem 49
A disk of radius R (Fig. P25.73) has a nonuniform surface charge density
σ = Cr, where C is a constant and r is measured from the center of the
disk to a point on the surface of the disk. Find (by direct integration)
the electric potential at P.

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HW: Problem 51
A uniformly charged cylindrical shell with no end caps has total charge
Q, radius R, and length h. Determine the electric potential at a point a
distance d from the right end of the cylinder as shown in Figure P25.75.
Suggestion: Use the result of Example 25.5 by treating the cylinder as a
collection of ring charges. (b) What If? Use the result of Example 25.6 to
solve the same problem for a solid cylinder.
Solution: ke  Qdx / h  d h
(a) dV 
x R
2 2
V 

(b) Disk

d h

Qdx V dV
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HW: Problem A
Given two particles with 2.00-μC charges as shown in Figure P25.19 and a
particle with charge q = 1.28 × 1018 C at the origin, (a) what is the net force
exerted by the two 2.00-μC charges on the charge q? (b) What is the
electric field at the origin due to the two 2.00-μC particles? (c) What is the
electric potential at the origin due to the two 2.00-μC particles?

F 0 F  qE
qi q
V  ke   2ke
i ri r DV    E  d l

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HW: Problem B
A uniformly charged insulating rod of length 14.0 cm is bent into the shape
of a semicircle as shown in Figure P25.44. The rod has a total charge of
−7.50 μC. Find the electric potential at O, the center of the semicircle.

dq Q
V   dV  ke   ke
r R

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HW: Problem C
As shown in Figure P25.76, two large, parallel, vertical conducting plates
separated by distance d are charged so that their potentials are +V0 and −V0. A
small conducting ball of mass m and radius R (where R << d) hangs midway
between the plates. The thread of length L supporting the ball is a conducting
wire connected to ground, so the potential of the ball is fixed at V = 0. The ball
hangs straight down in stable equilibrium when V0 is sufficiently small. Show
that the equilibrium of the ball is unstable if V0 exceeds the critical value
[ked2mg/(4RL)]1/2. Suggestion: Consider the forces on the ball when it is
displaced a distance x << L.
V   V0  2V0
E 0 
Solution: ke q d d
Vb  0

DV   Ex   x

© Woei-Luen Chen General Physics Ch24 Electric Potential 51

Electric Field

dq dq dx
dEx  ke cos q  ke 2 cos q
r 2
a  x2
x x
cos q   2 Shell:
r (a  x 2 )1/2 dq   dA   (2 rdr )  2 rdr ke x Qdx ˆ
dE  i
dEx  ke 2
dq 
2  2
x 
2 1/2 
 2 e 2 3/2 dq
a  x  (a  x )  (a  x )
dEx 
ke x
(r  x 2 )3/2
(2 rdr ) x 2
R 
2 32

R 2rdr
ke x kx Ex  ke x  2
Ex   dq  2 e 2 3/2  dq 0 ( r  x 2 )3/2
(a  x )
2 2 3/2
(a  x ) R
kx  ke x  (r 2  x 2 ) 3/2 d (r 2 )
E  2 e 2 3/2 Q 0
 Qdx   x ˆ
(a  x ) 2 1/2 R dE  2 ke  2 
1 2 2 1/2 
 (r  x )
   R   (R  x ) 
 ke x  
 1/ 2 0
 x 
 2 ke 1  2 2 1/2 
 (R  x ) 

© Woei-Luen Chen General Physics Ch24 Electric Potential 52

Electric Potential

dq dq dq   dA   (2rdr )  2rdr
V  ke  ke  2 Shell:
r a  x2 k dq k 2rdr ke  Qdx / h 
dV  2e 2  e 2 dV 
ke keQ r x r  x2 x2  R2
V  dq  1 / 2
a x
2 2
a2  x2 V  ke 
R 2rdr R
  e 
 
2 2
k ( r x ) 2rdr
r 2  x2 0

dV d V  2ke [( R 2  x 2 )1/ 2  x] Solid:

Ex     keQ (a 2  x 2 ) 1/ 2

 
dx dx  Qdx 
=  keQ   2  (a  x 2 ) 3/ 2 (2 x)
1 2 dV x dV  2 ke  2 
x2  R2  x
Ex    2ke [1  2 ]  R h
ke x dx ( R  x 2 )1/ 2
Ex  Q
(a  x 2 )3/ 2

© Woei-Luen Chen General Physics Ch24 Electric Potential 53

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