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• © 1997 Nature Publishing Group http://www.nature.

..................................................................................................................................................................................................... BOOK REVIEW

Eight Weeks to and "observe one's breathing". Week two asked, as you might guess, to review your
expands upon these steps and includes accomplishments and look to the un-
Optimum Health switching to purified water, adding avoidable ninth week. There are no rec-
whole grains, soybean and carotene sup- ommendations for a celebratory drink or
A Proven Program for Taking Full plements to the diet, and participating in cigar, and the news fast requirement is
Advantage of Your Body's Natural a one-day news fast. ("I do not want you now an entire week. The truly converted
Healing Power to become unin- can proceed to the re-
formed about the mainder of the book;
by Andrew Weil state of the world," which addresses readers in
Alfred A. Knopf, New York
ISBN 0-679-44115-6, 1997


Production Manager, Nature Publishing
Wei! writes, "but I
note that paying at-
tention to news com-
monly results
anxiety, rage, and

states that probably
specific age groups or liv-
ing under particular cir-
cumstances (frequent
travelers or city dwellers,
for example). A modest
appendix lists resources
for the more obscure items
I had my own bout with good health a impede the healing OPTIMUM to which the author refers.
number of years ago, so I'm not entirely system." It sounds Although Weil devotes
unfamiliar with the basic concepts in
Eight Weeks to Optimum Health. I had be-
like a bit of unsup-
ported new-age theo-
HEALTH most of the book to gener-
ally agreed-upon steps to-
A Proven Proteriun ror T.&lur•c Full Advan1ace
come convinced that my body was out to rizing, but he does of 'rour Oody s N•tural Huhni Power ward improving health,
kill me. The signs were obvious - it was have a point.)
drawing up plans for my execution - Weeks three, four
ANDREW WElL , M.D. • I \ " J/
there are items that will
invigorate the skeptic.

and decisive action was called for. I and five see more However, the many en-
threw out everything in my kitchen that fruits and vegetables incorporated into thusiastic letters and anecdotal accounts
my stomach craved - processed foods, your diet, soy-based products substitut- scattered throughout detract signifi-
animal or otherwise - and hauled in as ing for meat, and garlic and ginger intro- cantly from the book. To wit, a woman
much fresh, preferably organic, produce duced in various applications. Recipes in with multiple sclerosis describes how a
as would fit. I dropped the chocolate, the the commentaries for each week are well- trip to a clinic specializing in natural
alcohol, the occasional smoking. I presented, the ingredients are common ayurveda (a practice that seeks to heal
bought running shoes and actually used to most stores and instructions are easy the mind and body together) reduces her
them, developing an enviable pair of to follow (while I've had ginger-carrot symptoms dramatically; another propo-
sculpted muscular legs and a toned soup before, in the context of the book nent walks out of a doctor's office after a
midriff. A memorable evening months the recipe is somehow new and awe-in- diagnosis of bone cancer and is alive six
later, out to dinner with friends, I or- spiring). In these three weeks you'll also years later to tell the success story of
dered a bottle of wine and prime rib and encounter breathing exercises, simple Weil's' advice . Too often Weil mentions
that was the end of my flirtation with yoga, a trip to a sauna and, as an option, a research but fails to cite it, and support is
good health. one-day fruit fast. (By this, Wei! means often lacking for what he claims to be
Dr. Weil's program to better health has that you should avoid everything but fruit, beneficial. These problems take the life
much to recommend it. The tolerable water, herbal tea and vitamin C. At the end out of his arguments, which in their
time frame combined with his common- of the eight weeks you can advance to an essence are sound and practical.
sense advice make the goals of each of optional one-day water-only fast.) That said, as I turned the pages, I mar-
his eight weeks seem completely achiev- The work in weeks six and seven (and veled at what Dr. Weil's routine must be.
able. For the first week he asks you (after now it is beginning to feel like work) in- I tried to piece together the time and ef-
more than a few lively testimonials to cludes further improvement in diet fort it would take him each day to get
the success of his program) to take some (cooked greens), exercise (a forty-minute through his dietary agenda, breathing
small steps: use olive oil instead of other walk five days a week) and mental state work, stretching, walking, forgiving and
oils in cooking, eat broccoli and fish, (he focuses on volunteering and forgiv- enrichment of his mental and spiritual
take vitamin C, walk ten minutes a day ing in week seven). In week eight, you are life. Overall, one can only be impressed.


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