Vilas Gandre - Taththasttu Einsteinogram Energy Report - 2023-24

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Einsteinogram Energy


Vilas Gandre

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Numerology Report

1. Introduction

2. Birth Data

3. Birth Day & Analysis

4. Life Pattern Grid

5. Universal Support Number

6. Numerology Yogas

7. Challenging Number

Nameology Report

1. Name Analysis

2. Name LPG Report

3. First Name Alphabet

Future Trends

1. Monthly Report

2. Personal Days Report

3. Bonus Year

4. 4 Ashrams

5. Life Challenges

6. Ambition Number

7. Personality Number

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Suggestion Report


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Your Numerology Report

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Welcome to Your Personal Numero Platform!

Namaskar Vilas Ji! Thanks for giving me an opportunity to explore your potential via my
expertise in professional numerology. Shrug your shoulders up and get ready to decode your
personal numbers on your personal Numero platform. Vilas Ji Remember, this numerology
report of yours is based on a rare combination of Vedic Science & Numero Vibes - an
extraordinary elevation of Numerology. The motive of this report is to introduce you to your
potentials you were unaware of hitherto, rather than the plain predictions entail waiting &
watching for the predicted to occur. Allowing for these potentials you may make considerable
changes in your life, behaviour, conducts, and thoughts for improvement of course! Do you
know that each number has a treasure of information and facts if one reads thoroughly? Plenty
of free time is required to read the entire database. However, I have made the lengthy report
handy for you after picking up the verified, useful and somewhat watertight information merely.
Your report containing different sections and facts has been customized watchfully to deliver
the most accurate and helpful information to you and I really enjoyed it. You will certainly enjoy
knowing yourself in a new, exciting and interesting manner, but the only regret is I will miss
that shocking smile on your face you gonna have throughout reading the told & untold facts
about you. Yes, it’s gonna be complete fun! Numerology science is quite easy to understand
& apply and is rather accurate. The best thing about Numerology is, it tells you about what is
positive with you so could enhance and use it in life alongside it warns you about what is
negative with you so you could amend it to improve the way you are doing in life. This way,
Numerology provides you with the likelihood to modify the natural conditions in your favour. So,
I have tried my level best to provide you with a complete set of life-changing facts. In return, I
expect you to identify and use the suggestions sincerely that your personal Numero report is
trying to offer. Well, if you still have some sort of confusion or query concerning your Numero
report and given information or if you want some suggestions, feel free to contact me via the
given contact details. I will personally study your case and will try to come up with the best
possible way out to assist you with your life affairs. Good Luck!

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Birth name Vilas Gandre

Nickname Vilas

Nickname 2 Gandre

Date of Birth 11/3/1946

Gender Male

Universal Support Number 9

Origin Number 2

Master Number 7

Influencing Number 6&7

Ruling Planet Moon

Contributing Planet Ketu

Favourable Dates 6, 15, 24, 7, 16, & 25

Dates to Avoid 9, 18, & 27

Favourable Colours green, light blue, light yellow

Colours to Avoid Red

Favourable Stone pearl, cat_s eye, moon stone, jade

Wonder Letters U, V, W, O, & Z

Prediction Start December 2023

Prediction End November 2024

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4 Ashrams Cycle

First Cycle 0 To 29 years

Ruler Number 5

Second Cycle 30 To 39 years

Ruler Number 4

Third Cycle 40 To 49 years

Ruler Number 9

Fourth Cycle 50 To till the end time years

Ruler Number 5

Life Challenges

First Cycle 0-35 years appx

Challenge Number 1

Second Cycle 35-60 appx

Challenge Number 0

Third Cycle Whole life

Challenge Number 1

Fourth Cycle After 60

Challenge Number 1

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Analysis as per your Origin Number 2

You are majorly ruled by number 2, the planet of which is Moon - a feminine planet. It signifies
the human soul, mind & spirit. You have extreme behaviours because of the lunar effect of the
moon. You are sensitive, fearful, imaginative, intuitive, indecisive, deep thinker, daydreamer &
suspicious. People usually dismiss you as a weak & powerless person. You got the ability to
think out of the box but lack the implementation skills due to confusion. If you develop a
spiritual bent of mind, you will gain a lot of self-confidence & inner strength. Since the Moon
does not have the light of its own, you are also dependent on others. You are emotionally
demanding & prefer living in solitude. You submit to the will of others rather quickly. You really
need to control their mind, which is possible through meditation; this way, you will lead a happy

Your Numerological Personality

Your origin number is 2 and master number is 7.

You have an eye to foresee what lies ahead. Having a mystical mind, if you try & imbibe
spiritual discipline in life, you could become an occultist. You can also write on subjects related
to the occult. Due to your bent toward spirituality, you possess a lot of wisdom. You have
unflinching faith in God. Having a tender heart, you have sympathy for others. Your mind
doesn't seek material riches; still, you will have a comfortable life. You have problems adjusting
to people. Family life will be a little disoriented because you prefer being lonely to in a
company. A possible change in name number can put the family life on track. If the name
number is inappropriate with 2-7, you would not be able to earn material riches, marriage would
be delayed, or there would be no marriage, and you would get into unscrupulous activities
paving the way for your destruction. According to your Origin/Master conjunction, you are
recommended to wear a charged Tiger Eye Bracelet, change your name, and change your
signature. These remedies will remove all the negative effects, plus will give your luck a
required push.

Roles/Profession Best Suited to you

Arts, spirituality, drugs, chemicals, yoga, food items, and astrology or occult-related subjects.

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Diseases Prone to (it doesnt mean you'll have them for sure)
Cold, cough, watery eyes, throat problems, stomach-related issues, chest-related issues, liver
problems, gall-bladder issues, digestive system-related issues, kidney problems, diabetes, and
problems of addiction.

Your Relationships
You have a quarrelsome & suspicious nature which may disturb your married life.

Analysis as per your Birth Date :- 11th

Moon is the ruling planet of Number 2 that makes you imaginative and dreamy. You are
emotional and like to remain close to nature. You may spend hours gazing and appreciating
beautiful things such as the sea, flowers, scenery, and galaxy of the sky. Having moon as the
ruling planet, most of your approaches are emotional, not practical. Residing in your own
fantasy land, you reject being a part of society. You don’t enjoy the company of those who don’t
identify with your imaginary world. You are selfless and care for the feelings and desires of
others. This attribute makes you a good partner or teammate. You give a head start to plans
and projects prearranged by others. Well, this does not mean you are not original; it’s just that
you make own ways based on map intended by someone else. You are very good at identifying
and classifying things which make you able to work on the details with mind fixed on the
ultimate goal. You are organized and prefer to work in a disciplined manner.

Analysis as per month March

Musicians, artists and writers are born in this month. You possess the gentleman sort of
personality and appear as generous, liberal, and polite. However, your personality is not one of
a kind most of the times as you act as per the situation and personality exhibited by the person
next to you. You are highly intuitive and understanding. Your companions find you staunch;
however, being exceptionally easy-going may surround you with fickle friends. You like obeying
the rules and law. Being ambitious enough, you like to go into the details of every subject you
choose. You serve the responsibilities exceptionally well, thus, succeed in everything you
endeavour. Being both practical and spiritual, you show these sides as per the demand of time.
You remain concerned about the future and money matters.

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Life Pattern Grid (LPG)

4 99 2

3 5 7

8 111 6

Influence of Number 1 (3 Times)

You are either talkative, bright, active, participating, and assume life like a party you are born
to enjoy or reserved, introvert, and calm. You open up only with the people you are frank with.
You often favour writing to express yourself without any limitation and what & how.

Influence of Number 2 (1 Times)

Your intuition level is basic and not proper for the recent and highly competitive world. You
need a balanced lifestyle and sensitivity level. An imbalance may hurt the sensitive nature
easily due to which your insensible image will come out. Men with single one will catch this
more than women. Women have a de facto 2 on their birth chart provides them with highly
sensitive and varied nature. However, men with a single one are required to develop a balanced

Influence of Number 3 (1 Times)

Intellectual people born with the single 3 in the birth chart. Being naturally intelligent, you are
capable of serving society all through life yet if are maintained. You got an ever-alert mind
which is a great boon to secure success in education, profession, life and all endeavours. Such
an extraordinary mental alertness grounds the true understandings of life. A natural and high
self-confidence can be seen in you which makes you adjust easily in any task/situation and
achieve success.

Influence of Number 4 (1 Times)

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You are very active with a practical attitude towards life. You are organized in your work/life and
want everything in the right place. Unnecessary delays make you impatient & upset. You are
good at manipulating others. You are imaginative yet in a healthy way. Focusing more on
physical makes you materialistic. You have goals set and full-proof plans to achieve them.
Alongside, you are fond of music.

Influence of Number 6 (1 Times)

You will prove to be a good life partner and parent. You love to keep the loved ones closer yet
sometimes may get possessive and insecure. You are adorable, compassionate, and responsible
enough towards your family and life. Being creative, you hardly face loneliness. If you are a
male, you will be highly passionate; if you are a female, you will be fairly domestic.

Influence of Number 7 (1 Times)

You are spiritual but careless when it comes to love, health and money; thus, suffer. You need
to adopt healthy habits. Also, you are advised to learn from your mistakes.

Influence of Number 9 (2 Times)

You are highly intellectual & idealistic. Generally, you are down to earth and familiar with the
people of all communities. Having pretty good judgment, you come out as a good jury. Living
under a complex is your habit. You really enjoy learning. You favour the company of rich and
famous people.

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Positive Yogas
Yogas of Intellect
You are highly intelligent and possess a sound memory.
4 9 2
Being rather analytical, you are good at getting all ins
and outs. You are the owner of a keen mind and are
creative too. This drastic intellect helps you make instant 3 5 7
and correct judgements most of the times. Your
approach towards life is more practical than emotional.
8 1 6
You think over everything from a logical point of view
and are very good at solving even the most complicated
problem. However, you shall never stop learning. This
much level of intelligence makes you somewhat arrogant
being what you assume others down that would become
your weakness and trouble you at times.

Yogas of Action
You are puffed with energy, power, and zeal. You are
4 9 2
active both physically & mentally, but physical power is
in glut. It would not be wrong to state that you remain in
your sports shoes all the time and constantly move from 3 5 7
one point to another. You believe in doing not sitting with
a cup of tea and keep thinking. Wasting time is not in
8 1 6
your schedule once decided about something. Sitting in a
four-wall room frustrates you, and you love remaining
outdoor and chilling out. You always need something to
keep yourself busy.

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Missing Number - 5
Frequent changes seem certain in your life, better get accustomed to it. Sometimes the
circumstances will be contrary and not let the things happen as expected. You are afraid of
trying something new in life. Adventure, fun, and discovery are not your cup of tea; also, your
sex life will be insincere. You strongly need true experience of life in order to recognize your
role in society and getting aroused by things. Whenever you feel like a bit relaxed, the time
throws a sudden disaster and tells you to tie the laces again. Only a positive attitude may help
you cross the ocean, so better learn to traverse the blizzard and keep yourself excited for the
experiences life is giving. Dust off your hidden characteristics and start greeting the temporary
people in your life journey, and if you already have some, then you are on the right track.
Develop the ability to get by with the crazy circumstances; it will turn amusing than miserable.

Suggested Remedies -
Remedies for Body Balancing (Body):
1. Wear Green Emerald in Neck. 9 4 11
2. Wear Yantra engraved in Gold.
3. Wear Silica/Crystal on body always.
10 8 6
Vastu Remedy (Mind):
1. Place photo/Idol of lord Vishnu in the West.
5 12 7
2. Add Photo of Big mountains in South-west.
3. Add Money plant in the North.
Vedic Remedy (Soul):
Om Bum Budhaya Namah
1. Daily do Vishnu Sahastranam.
2. Give Green Pulses to Birds after soaking them
overnight in water.
3. Plant Triveni trees at any place.

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Missing Number - 8
Life is demanding, only the strong survive. Oops, you are not one of them. This is what “you”
think of yourself. Managing finance and business is just a puzzle game for you that you find
complicated to solve. You own ample resources but not the ability to make use of them.
Whatever you have is not gratifying. Sometimes the completion dupes you by disturbing you
physically or emotionally. However, you can overcome these issues by stop being sensitive and
identifying inner strength. In case any opportunity comes your way, just accept it and make the
most of it. Don’t be afraid if you fall through. Learn from the mistakes - use the experience
further - and ensure success. Surrounding yourself with number 8 people will make you think
upon the capabilities which you must have. People without Number 8 are not able to manage
finances. They are too careless at times in the financial or trust matters. They are desperate for
funds, but the end results are nil. Slowly they develop the habit of leaving works unfinished.
Motivation is the only way for them to succeed.

Suggested Remedies -
Remedies for Body Balancing (Body):
1. Wear Pendant of Blue Sapphire Stone. 4 9 2
2. Wear Saturn Yantra engraved in silver.
3. Keep Lapis Lazuli/Amethyst Stone with you.
3 5 7
Vastu Remedy (Mind):
1. Place Holy water in West direction of the house.
8 1 6
2. Place brass pot of Coins in the west.
3. Name your house as number 5.
Vedic Remedy (Soul) :
Om Pram Preem Proum Sah
1. Worship Lord Hanuman.
Shanaischaraya Namah
2. Give food to crows daily.
3. Fast on Saturday & don’t say “NO” in the

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Small Yogas
The Arrow of Detail & Deceit
You are detail-oriented and need details of even tasks
4 9 2
are done. Repetition of numbers makes you a
perfectionist in work, but you shall use this capability
wisely than annoying others as you don’t mind lying 3 5 7
sometimes to keep your words over.

8 1 6

The Arrow of Litigation

You are argumentative and have the capacity to argue
4 9 2
for long and forcefully. When you are involved, the
argument would be longer than usual and coming to a
conclusion would be impossible. Your cases require 3 5 7
external interference to come to a conclusion.

8 1 6

The Arrow of Peace of Mind

You are strong-headed, tolerant and mature. You are a
4 9 2
logical person but with a spiritual bend of mind. The faith
in almighty gets you the vigour to face any problem with
trust and keeping calm. As per you, anything happening 3 5 7
around, whether good or bad, is for good merely.

8 1 6

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The Arrow of Science

Mysteries fascinate you the most. You love to gather
4 9 2
information on the mysterious subjects like spirits and
space, etc. You are involved in hidden truths and
answers come to you automatically. Your interest would 3 5 7
emerge with your age, and you may completely devote
your life to it.
8 1 6

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Your Universal support number is 9

Direction – East

For Success & Prosperity – East

Placing plants in this area is advantageous from all sides. You may consider planting bamboos
and Ficus like tall trees here for success & growth. Plants in a group of three in this direction
arouse the energy and benefits.

Images or items depicting air in some manner here will stimulate the advantages. Having the
main gate in this area ensures the birth of extraordinary sons as well as immense prosperity.

Just a small step as mentioned may turn on this direction for you whence immense benefits are
likely to arrive!

For Growth – South

This direction enables your brain to think wisely and critically over growth plans. Favouring the
direction escalates the possibilities of success in endeavours you plan or preparation you make
for exams or projects. Team up with this direction by working in this direction, eating, and
planning. Enhance the area by adding ever-growing plants. Success is certain!

For Health – Southeast

To ensure good health, feed the area with small plants and water. Having your food sitting in or
facing this direction keeps you fit always also compounds the benefits of the food you have.
Sleeping pointing head in this direction ensures a quick recovery.

For Love – North

Prefer North direction as much as you can like eating while facing north or while performing
other routine chores. It will improve your love relationships. You may also place double fish

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symbols and/or an aquarium to add great affection in a love relationship. To enhance romance,
you shall add bubbling fountains here.

Directions to Avoid – Northeast | West | Southwest | Northwest

Northeast Side-effects –

Completely avoid North-east, not doing so may provoke legal issues, accidents and arguments.
Having a door in this direction may make you accused of most of the concerns.

West/Southwest Side-effects –

This is the direction whence misfortune, obstacles, legal issues, court cases and theft threat
may arrive. A threat of accidents and fire is also indicated. Having a front door in this direction
will cause separation; if it is in a house, the family may leave you - if it is in office, then
employees will frequently leave.

Northwest Side-effects –

You shall completely avoid this direction for anything good; else, you may end up losing
everything - be it prosperity and family. Having a front door in this direction could cause losing
children, close family members, and possibly the entire lineage. It may provoke poverty also.

Basic Tips to Team up With Your Lucky Direction –

Perform routine work sitting/facing the direction.

Face the direction while eating, working, planning, sitting or working.
Sleep pointing head towards the direction.
Manage to step into your home via a door faces the lucky direction.


Remedies for Body Balancing (Body):

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1. Wear Charged Carnelian Bracelet.
2. Wear Charged 3-Mukhi Rudraksha.
3. Wear Mars Yantra engraved in copper.
4. Keep Lapis Lazuli or Amethyst stone with you.

Vastu Remedy (Mind) :

1. Ignite red bulb in South-south-east
2. Hang a Panchmukhi Hanuman photo in the South.
3. Name your house as number 1.

Vedic Remedy (Soul) :

1. Worship Lord Shiva.
2. Donate red lentils on Tuesday in Mandir.
3. Fast on Tuesday & stay calm always.

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Further Recommendations

Dakshnavarti Sankh – duly charged as per your horoscope , Durga Sapthashami 3

yantra on Bhojpatra & Durga Mata photo duly charged , Black Tourmaline & Selenite
Grapes duly charged, Daily listen to auspicious Bhaktamar Stotra , Navkar Mantra,
Uvasaggaharam Stotra, OM , Gayatri , Mahamrutyanjay Mantra , Auspicious Mantra
, Positive Affirmations from , Taththasttu player & Mobile App

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Your Nameology Report

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Nameology Prediction Based On Your Name

Vilas Gandre
This name is good for material gains but poor for the personal image. You are prone to
addictions, like women & alcohol, etc. Your mind fails to resist sexual pleasures; in other words,
you are addicted to sex. You will have a disturbed family life; confusions & discord prevail on
the domestic front. Material prosperity isn’t a problem; you make a lot of money from various
sources. However, you spend a lot of money on vices. You have the knack for attractively
displaying your qualities. Though not liked by people, you still will have a social standing
owning to the wealth you amass. A compatible Name works well with the right signature!

Starting V Word
The letter encourages vibrant imagination, strong planning, and achievement. You can be rude
sometimes and got the valour to bring significant changes in own and others life.

Ending E Word
Your open and flexible nature makes you mature enough to complete the task on time.

Your Ist Name alphabet "V" means

You will occupy a position of high command such as manager and organizer, etc. and know how
to use the received power carefully. Being very hard-working, determined, and detail-oriented,
you heave a sigh of relief only after completing the project in hand. However, you don’t divert
your eyes from the details in the wake of completing the task. You may seem strong but always
want a sense of security. Being highly passionate and zealous makes you restless in case you
don’t get the opportunity and direction to channelize the augmented energy.

Strengths -


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Weakness -


Best Occupation for You –

Financial Planner
Lab Technician
Remedies - According to your initial Alphabet, you are recommended to wear a charged Rose
Quartz Spiral Pendant and make your Name & Signature compatible. These remedies will
remove all the negative effects and will let you make the most of this alphabet.

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Scope of your name

You are a master material who remains in the limelight all along. In terms of talents or would
say anything else, you are a step ahead of others. Being astute enough, you well know when to
control and show your abilities and talents to the world, which determines your success plus
recognition. Adventure runs with your blood. Being fuelled all the time, you are ever ready for
adventure, yet slow down your speed a bit. If dullness or nervousness surrounds you, overcome
it by outings, movie, horse-riding, favourite music or a simple walk.

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LPG based on your name - Vilas Gandre

Interpretations – Mental Plane
You are ever excited, curious and inquisitive, yet mentally disorganized. Following the same
routine bores you due to what frequent changes in life would happen. Stability is possible only
when you excel in a particular field; sales can be a good option for you. You believe in serving
others. Unusual and peculiar subjects fascinate you the most.

Interpretations – Physical Plane

You are a very emotional, touchy and empathetic person who is concerned for every second
person out there. Being so attached to everything emotionally, you have a problem throwing
out useless/old things. Fear of doing things wrong always remains with you, which makes you
unnecessarily derail-oriented for every matter, be it, looks, work, procedure, sensual affairs,
and so on. You prefer mental exercise more and are more inclined towards planning or making
strategies than the chores require physical strength.

Interpretations – Emotional Plane

You are big-mouthed and always seek for admiration and recognition from others. Activities in
which emotions are involved is what you always want, such as listening to nice music while
working. You may appear chaotic. Choosing a dress is like a chore for you, and when you finally
find something to wear, your room – which you leave messy – takes a sigh of relief.

Interpretations – Intuitive Plane

You have a strong intuition, which often hits like a flash of light. Do not lament if success comes
after a struggle as it was avoidable if you had listened to your inner voice. Do not follow this
mistake in the future and get a shape to your ideas.

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Nameology Prediction Based On Nickname -

You have chances of succeeding in the field of mass communication & politics. People listen to
you very attentively, and you keep the interest of listeners alive - You are always surrounded by
a lot of people. You career graph slopes upwards as your age grows. Throughout life, you garner
prosperity, luck, and support from others. You have speculative tendencies which will be
rewarded. You tend to get extremely confident & over-ambitious, which must be avoidable.
However, you are a calculative risk-taker. Care in love affairs is required! A compatible Name
works well with the right signature!

Starting V Word
The letter encourages vibrant imagination, strong planning, and achievement. You can be rude
sometimes and got the valour to bring significant changes in own and others life.

Ending S Word
You have your own way to start and finish things. You have some clever ideas to complete the
task ASAP.

Your Ist Name alphabet "V" means

You will occupy a position of high command such as manager and organizer, etc. and know how
to use the received power carefully. Being very hard-working, determined, and detail-oriented,
you heave a sigh of relief only after completing the project in hand. However, you don’t divert
your eyes from the details in the wake of completing the task. You may seem strong but always
want a sense of security. Being highly passionate and zealous makes you restless in case you
don’t get the opportunity and direction to channelize the augmented energy.

Strengths -

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Weakness -


Best Occupation for You –

Financial Planner
Lab Technician
Remedies - According to your initial Alphabet, you are recommended to wear a charged Rose
Quartz Spiral Pendant and make your Name & Signature compatible. These remedies will
remove all the negative effects and will let you make the most of this alphabet.

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Scope of your name

You are liberal, impatient, and investigative. You want to hear all the gossip or news before it
spread out in the air. Filled with energy, you are inspiring to others. Being vibrant and astute
enough, you could fill your friends with new hope and could get them out of the dark, which
makes you their first preference on a sad day. In the battle of your head and heart, your head
carries the day. You take yourself as a real explorer & adventurous, but to others, you may
seem reckless who acts without thinking. Well, you may not hesitate to follow deceitful ways to
fulfil your needs and dreams. You are suggested to have patience and earn anything by way of
genuine/lawful manners.

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LPG based on your name - Vilas

Interpretations – Mental Plane
You have a propensity to take consent from others while presenting or sharing any plan/idea.
You are quite detail-oriented and polymath, yet afraid of confronting the opposition. Other than
this, you are fond of nice music and collecting souvenirs & antiques.

Interpretations – Physical Plane

You can just dream of accomplishment because accomplishing it physically is not your cup of
tea or interest. You are quite hardworking when it comes to avoiding any work. Reasons for
avoiding work may be quite silly such as “I don’t want to get my hands dirty” or “I would get
tired by working so hard” and so. You are easily bored and detached in sexual relationships.

Interpretations – Emotional Plane

You wish to receive ample love doze from your partner. Also, feel a need for someone to share
the everyday experience with. Your mood is swayed by the circumstances or atmosphere
around. You tend to pick up the physical energies; hence, must pay attention to the physical
environment. Having a good music sense, you could try your luck in the music industry. You are
quite worrying! Once covered with the uneasiness or deviation, it is almost impossible to help
you get out of it until you want. Taking criticism is not easy for you, and this is something which
put you deep in disappointment. When losing temper, you become attacking!

Interpretations – Intuitive Plane

You have a strong intuition, which often hits like a flash of light. Do not lament if success comes
after a struggle as it was avoidable if you had listened to your inner voice. Do not follow this
mistake in the future and get a shape to your ideas.

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Nameology Prediction Based On Nickname -

You are calm & peaceful with a very powerful imagination. Being sympathetic, you would go to
any extent to help the needy. If you take the spiritual path, life will run very smoothly & will be
well-endowed. In short, you are a ‘divine soul’ sent to serve a particular purpose (of awakening
society). If you are selfish, you will put yourself & people around into trouble. Remember, your
name number isn’t materialistic, so success on the worldly front cannot be expected. You will
face delays & obstacles, but that can be passed by practicing meditation. For material gains,
change your name number. A compatible Name works well with the right signature!

Starting G Word
You possess self-reliance and are independent who likes to work alone. Being determined &
efficient in work, you put efforts & honesty in the task you have undertaken.

Ending E Word
Your open and flexible nature makes you mature enough to complete the task on time.

Your Ist Name alphabet "G" means

You are somewhat reserved and prime & proper to do anything. You prefer to sport about alone
than being in the company of others. However, you are a perfect worker to hire since you work
well with a sense of duty without expecting any rewards. It will not be wrong to state that you
are thorough in whatever you do. Sometimes, you may become stubborn and impatient with
others that may create problems in getting the best results. You often look inwards to learn
more about yourself.

Strengths -


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Full of energy
Highly intuitive
High imagination

Weakness -

Don’t listen to others ( self-righteousness)

Best Occupation for You -

Managing jobs
Remedies - According to your initial Alphabet, you are recommended to wear a charged
Amethyst Bracelet and make your Name & Signature compatible. These remedies will remove
all the negative effects and will let you make the most of this alphabet.

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Scope of your name

The home forms itself wherever you sit, and you love being at home. You are astute enough to
hold the domestic responsibilities that your host would love to invite you again. You have mind-
blowing suggestions and guidance to give that could change things for others. However, give
your suggestions only when you are asked for and to those who really groove on it. People like
you are the necessity of society and community. You may be a bit dramatic at times, but a
hilarious speaker, speech of whom could influence or echo in the ear of people are mile-away.
Well! It is crucially important that you choose your words wisely, lest the thrown ball may come
back on your face with added force.

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LPG based on your name - Gandre

Interpretations – Mental Plane
You may brag about yourself, achievements and plans. You are imaginative yet imagine in the
excess due to what your ideas are often considered as imaginary, impractical and sometimes
controversial. To hide or overcome this lowliness on a mental level, you try to prove yourself
even superior. You hesitate to do physical work.

Interpretations – Physical Plane

You are a very emotional, touchy and empathetic person who is concerned for every second
person out there. Being so attached to everything emotionally, you have a problem throwing
out useless/old things. Fear of doing things wrong always remains with you, which makes you
unnecessarily derail-oriented for every matter, be it, looks, work, procedure, sensual affairs,
and so on. You prefer mental exercise more and are more inclined towards planning or making
strategies than the chores require physical strength.

Interpretations – Emotional Plane

You are original in every manner, but periodically may be nervous, erratic or untrustworthy. You
are excellent at dealing with diverse people. Others see you as a superhero who could take up
multiple responsibilities at a time. The issue is, you want attention, but forget to return it. This
is perhaps you don’t trust own feelings. Sometimes you become selfish, passive or pampering
yourself. You are a competitive game player!

Interpretations – Intuitive Plane

You are intuitive but don’t trust it. To solve life problems, you believe in prayer, spiritualism,
meditation, and similar techniques.

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Ambition Number

Your inner desire is to hold the authority or higher position in an organization; you like to
order and direct. Why not? You are capable, calculating, and foreteller.
A balanced sort of personality you possess is an ultimate fusion of intelligence, efficiency,
and logics.
Your life goal is making more & more money and material power; you are a tactful &
successful businessman.
Alongside, you are kind, generous, and reliable.
For you, the opposition is a sign of victory which you find easy to draw.
You are suggested to be more co-operative and organized.

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Personality Number

Your first impression is wealthy, prosperous, and successful, even if your bottom dollar is at
You are very conscious of your looks and wear branded clothes merely.
You may like stitched clothes or rough material.
You take care of small details such as colour contrasting, matching and pairing, etc.

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Future Trends

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Prediction for the year 2023

Personal Year 3 : The year full of Creativity, Social Expansion, and New Beginnings!

This is the year of Jupiter, a symbol of intelligence, wisdom, devotion, opportunity, and

Life: This is going to be one of the blessed years ahead. The year will give you immense
success, gains, happiness, and a sense of project completion. This is the time to shine,
particularly if you are in the field of arts, creativity, and communication. Also, a favourable
time for childbirth and shifting the house.
Love: This is the favourable time to establish new friendships and relationships that will
support you in the future. The chances of meeting old friends and companions are higher.
However, you are suggested to avoid blind faith in anyone.
Career: This year, many growth opportunities will come across you in the guise of fruitful
business trips, promotion, change in job, and new ventures. Make most of the time, yet
avoid making hasty and impractical decisions. The time is favourable is for investing in share
market and real estate. Take care while signing any document; it may push you in legal
Money: The money will come to you with name, fame, and honour this constructive year.
However, avoid overspending for a secured future. Investment in real estate and share may
harvest good enough profits.

Things to Do:

Consider doing things you always wanted to do, take an interest in learning new talents and
Make sure your timetable has a column for playtime.
Find laughing moments in almost things/situations - celebrate occasions.
Think about family planning.
Do things you and others enjoy.
Make the most of the ocean of opportunities.

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Make pleasure in artwork, music, and shows.

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Prediction for the year 2024

Personal Year 4 : The year full of Hard Work, Stable Growth, Confusions, and Sudden Changes!

This is the year of Rahu - a symbol of wicked connections, confusions, cheating, recreation, and
sudden changes.

Life: This year may arrive as a big turning point in your life. This time comes after ten years
in one’s life. The period will provide a firm target for the future as well as an ability to
achieve the same. The year will bring frustration, delays, limitations, and hurdles, along with.
Sometimes the results will not be as per the efforts made. However, this is a good period to
know yourself, strengths, and weaknesses. Also, a good time to travel and walk on the
spiritual path.
Love: This is a favourable time for romance, love, marriage, relationships, and friendship.
Remain honest enough in your feelings and relationships. Try to overcome ego issues to
avoid separation and self-invited problems.
Career: Success will toll immense hard work, efforts and challenges. This is a favourable time
for trading and supplying.
Money: Saving should be your mantra this year. Being economical will work as back up for
the future. The time is favourable for shifting the house, investing in real estate,
construction, and renovation, etc. However, do not invest in the share market.
Things to Do:

Have patience while dealing with official paperwork; build a strong base for successful
Don’t play Hide & Seek with the situations - face them.
Cut down on unnecessary overheads – manage finance wisely.
Organize your personal and professional life - learn to adjust with the typical situations.
Do not overlook your health and rest time.

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December 2023
Personal Month 6

Positive: Love, marriage, romantic, artistic, social, loving, respective, concerned, and
Negative: Dislike to adjustable, unwilling, differences, selfish, and unstable.
Lucky Colours: Yellow, Mustard, Red, and Navy Blue.

Month of Responsibilities, Health, Harmony in family

Assume responsibilities graciously.

Improve conditions in the home, office, and, community.
Harmonize and adjust for the comfort and happiness of everybody.
Give advice freely but only when asked for it; do not issue orders.
Organize educational or community projects.
Be attentive of the welfare of your family or friends.
This is a good time to buy, build, or lease a home.
Avoid a negative tendency to argue.
This is a good time for the wedding.
Do something kind for others, looking out for their health, education, or pleasure.

Social Hints

Dress for comfort rather than style.

Wear artistic clothes with soft lines.
Buy new furnishings for your home.
Don’t be extreme.
This is a domestic Time.

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January 2024
Personal Month 5

Positive: Social, progress, promotions, adaptable, productive, versatile, freedom loving, and
Negative: Unfocused, detached, unpredictable, and unreliable. Projects or relationships
established at this time will be long-lasting. Similarly, the disputes occurred this time may
turn into court cases.
Lucky Colors: Pink, Blue, Red, and Turquoise.

The Month of Freedom, Expansion, New interests

Arouse the public's curiosity.

Act quickly in a novel way.
Radiate enthusiasm by promoting new ideas. It will be contagious and your customer will be
a willing listener.
This is an auspicious Time to deal with the opposite sex since you will be attracted to and by
them to-Time.
This is a good time to travel, buy or sell commodities.
Take a chance on anything new but follow your hunch.
Investigate and push the sale of new devices for increasing business.
Take an active part in athletics.

Social Hints

Be a leader of fashions.
Wear sports clothes.
Be a witty, sparkling conversationalist.

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February 2024
Personal Month 6

Positive: Love, marriage, romantic, artistic, social, loving, respective, concerned, and
Negative: Dislike to adjustable, unwilling, differences, selfish, and unstable.
Lucky Colours: Yellow, Mustard, Red, and Navy Blue.

Month of Responsibilities, Health, Harmony in family

Assume responsibilities graciously.

Improve conditions in the home, office, and, community.
Harmonize and adjust for the comfort and happiness of everybody.
Give advice freely but only when asked for it; do not issue orders.
Organize educational or community projects.
Be attentive of the welfare of your family or friends.
This is a good time to buy, build, or lease a home.
Avoid a negative tendency to argue.
This is a good time for the wedding.
Do something kind for others, looking out for their health, education, or pleasure.

Social Hints

Dress for comfort rather than style.

Wear artistic clothes with soft lines.
Buy new furnishings for your home.
Don’t be extreme.
This is a domestic Time.

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March 2024
Personal Month 7

Positive: Perfectionist, financial stability, intuitive, meditative, charming, and researcher. Mid
of the month is favourable.
Negative: Short-tempered, reserved, doubtful, and jealous. Avoid starting something new.
Lucky Colours: Violet, Magenta, Purple, and Turquoise.

Month of Perfection, Meditation, Analysis

Perfect everything you are doing.

Put on the finishing touches.
Spend part of the time alone - rest, relax, and concentrate.
Listen to your voice of intuition.
Do not enter into any partnerships on a 50-50 basis.
This is a good time to deal in antiques, jewellery, or perfumes.
This is a spiritual time and not propitious for material success.
Things will come to you if you sit still and wait, rather than going after them or pushing

Social Hints

Be reserved, refined and unapproachable.

Wear exclusive clothes exquisitely and distinctly designed of pastel colours.

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April 2024
Personal Month 8

Positive: Authoritative, promotions, investments, efficient, respectful, generous, good return

from conjectures, profit through real estate.
Negative: Loud, greedy, and fraudulent.
Lucky Colors: Blue, Tan, Gold, Beige, and Grey.

The Month of Vision, Good judgment, Power

Sign big contracts and create an atmosphere of the influential business executive.
This is an executive Time for business expansion and growth.
Deal with large corporations or financial institutions.
Use tact, diplomacy, and keen judgment in organizing and bringing definite plans to
Invest in standard securities.
Give the impression of wealth even though you are hard up.
Render service in a big way and you will reap a rich harvest.

Social Hints

Appear wealthy and influential.

Associate with prominent people.
Buy clothes that look expensive. Tailored clothes of rough materials and tweeds are

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May 2024
Personal Month 9

Positive: Sympathetic, broad-minded, isolated, new friends, pilgrimages, and forgiving.

Negative: Careless, permanent conflicts, impulsive, insensitive, aloof, and crime.
Lucky Colours: Green, White, Red, Olive, Gold, and Lavender.

The Month of Philanthropy, Brotherly Love, Service

Take an inventory of your possessions.

Clear up unfinished business and be ready to start with a clean slate tomorrow.
This is a good time to promote universal love and brotherhood.
Find something to love, appreciate, or commend in everyone.
If you wish to reap a rich harvest, you must first plant the seed of good.
Patch up your quarrels.
Assume the responsibility of any outstanding difficulties or misunderstandings.
This is an excellent time for starting on a long journey and enjoying broad contacts.

Social Hints

This is a love time.

Do a good deed, and your returns will be multiplied.
Be charming and lovable in manner.
Wear artistic clothes that are unusual but not extreme.

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June 2024
Personal Month 1 :

Positive: High energy level, willpower, new opportunities, new relationships, marriage, new
and productive ideas, transfers, freedom, action-oriented, multi-income sources, ambition,
and leadership.
Negative: Violent, argumentative, reckless, impatient, suffering, and distrustful.
Lucky Colors: Orange, Copper, Red, and Lilac.

The Month of Action, Creation

Begin something new.

Promote your original ideas, Act on your intuition.
This is a good time to ask for a favour.
Ask your employer for a rise.
Do something. Make that contemplated change.
Apply for that new position.
Sell yourself. Success depends on your own initiative.
Be independent, aggressive, and enthusiastic.
Make quick decisions.
Invent new methods for your home or office. Things begun now will progress rapidly.


Be distinctive and original in your clothes.

Wear stripes and plaids.

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July 2024
Personal Month 2

Positive: Friendly, romantic, cooperative, diplomatic, modest, research, tactful, and sensitive.
Negative: Moody, melodramatic, emotional imbalance, deceitful, health problems, and
Lucky Colors: Yellow, Gold, White, and Salmon.

Month of Receptivity, Harmony

Be a peace-maker.
Diplomacy and tact will do much to cement and harmonise friendships.
This is a good time to collect what is due to you.
Be sure to avoid any arguments as nothing will be gained through it.
Try to see the other mans point of view. This may pay big dividends.
Be willing to listen rather than talk, follow instead of taking the lead.
Be receptive, tolerant, and good-natured, radiating peace and harmony.
This is a good day to accumulate and analyze.

Social Hints

Be quiet, suave, and retiring.

Wear sombre colours. Yellow will elevate your spirits if you are in a depressing mood.

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August 2024
Personal Month 3

Positive: attractive, imaginative, performer, expressive, traveling, happy, inspiring, making

new friends, and meeting old friends.
Negative: Egotism, gossips, scattered energy, spendthrift, conjunction with the personal year
is 7 may affect positive traits.
Lucky Colors: Rose, Forest Green, Amber, and Wine Red

Month of Entertainment, Self-Expression

Entertain your friends or business associates.

Be lovely and happy and so make others joyful.
Exercise your sense of humour.
Express yourself creatively either in writing, acting, painting, or music.
Take things as they come and like it.
Avoid scattering your forces, Don't worry.
Visit the beauty parlour and become rejuvenated.
Buy new clothes and be seen in public in them.
Have fun. Play bridge, golf, dance, or attend Make play of your work.

Social Hints

Dress for comfort rather than style. Don't be ashamed of curves.

Wear lace, frills, and jewelry.
Dress in pleasing soft materials.

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September 2024
Personal Month 4

Positive: Hard-working, goal oriented, practical, methodical, and dependable.

Negative: Low energy level, pressurized, rigid, slow, and easily frustrated.
Lucky Colors: Grey, Blue, Green, Light Brown, and Turquoise.

Month of Practicality, Work, Building

Concentrate and organise your work.

Do everything systematically and economically according to schedule.
Be thrifty - start a bank account.
Devote the time to routine and detail work.
Clampdown on yourself.
Don’t start anything new.
Work well done will give you much satisfaction.
This is not an auspicious time to ask for favours or dealing with the opposite sex.

Social Hints

Be conservative, neat, and precise in your clothes.

Wear straight lines and dark colours.

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October 2024
Personal Month 5

Positive: Social, progress, promotions, adaptable, productive, versatile, freedom loving, and
Negative: Unfocused, detached, unpredictable, and unreliable. Projects or relationships
established at this time will be long-lasting. Similarly, the disputes occurred this time may
turn into court cases.
Lucky Colors: Pink, Blue, Red, and Turquoise.

The Month of Freedom, Expansion, New interests

Arouse the public's curiosity.

Act quickly in a novel way.
Radiate enthusiasm by promoting new ideas. It will be contagious and your customer will be
a willing listener.
This is an auspicious Time to deal with the opposite sex since you will be attracted to and by
them to-Time.
This is a good time to travel, buy or sell commodities.
Take a chance on anything new but follow your hunch.
Investigate and push the sale of new devices for increasing business.
Take an active part in athletics.

Social Hints

Be a leader of fashions.
Wear sports clothes.
Be a witty, sparkling conversationalist.

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November 2024
Personal Month 6

Positive: Love, marriage, romantic, artistic, social, loving, respective, concerned, and
Negative: Dislike to adjustable, unwilling, differences, selfish, and unstable.
Lucky Colours: Yellow, Mustard, Red, and Navy Blue.

Month of Responsibilities, Health, Harmony in family

Assume responsibilities graciously.

Improve conditions in the home, office, and, community.
Harmonize and adjust for the comfort and happiness of everybody.
Give advice freely but only when asked for it; do not issue orders.
Organize educational or community projects.
Be attentive of the welfare of your family or friends.
This is a good time to buy, build, or lease a home.
Avoid a negative tendency to argue.
This is a good time for the wedding.
Do something kind for others, looking out for their health, education, or pleasure.

Social Hints

Dress for comfort rather than style.

Wear artistic clothes with soft lines.
Buy new furnishings for your home.
Don’t be extreme.
This is a domestic Time.

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December 2023 January 2024 February 2024

1st Dec 7 1st Jan 6 1st Feb 7
2nd Dec 8 2nd Jan 7 2nd Feb 8
3rd Dec 9 3rd Jan 8 3rd Feb 9
4th Dec 1 4th Jan 9 4th Feb 1
5th Dec 2 5th Jan 1 5th Feb 2
6th Dec 3 6th Jan 2 6th Feb 3
7th Dec 4 7th Jan 3 7th Feb 4
8th Dec 5 8th Jan 4 8th Feb 5
9th Dec 6 9th Jan 5 9th Feb 6
10th Dec 7 10th Jan 6 10th Feb 7
11th Dec 8 11th Jan 7 11th Feb 8
12th Dec 9 12th Jan 8 12th Feb 9
13th Dec 1 13th Jan 9 13th Feb 1
14th Dec 2 14th Jan 1 14th Feb 2
15th Dec 3 15th Jan 2 15th Feb 3
16th Dec 4 16th Jan 3 16th Feb 4
17th Dec 5 17th Jan 4 17th Feb 5
18th Dec 6 18th Jan 5 18th Feb 6
19th Dec 7 19th Jan 6 19th Feb 7
20th Dec 8 20th Jan 7 20th Feb 8
21st Dec 9 21st Jan 8 21st Feb 9
22nd Dec 1 22nd Jan 9 22nd Feb 1
23rd Dec 2 23rd Jan 1 23rd Feb 2
24th Dec 3 24th Jan 2 24th Feb 3
25th Dec 4 25th Jan 3 25th Feb 4
26th Dec 5 26th Jan 4 26th Feb 5
27th Dec 6 27th Jan 5 27th Feb 6
28th Dec 7 28th Jan 6 28th Feb 7
29th Dec 8 29th Jan 7 29th Feb 8
30th Dec 9 30th Jan 8
31st Dec 1 31st Jan 9

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March 2024 April 2024 May 2024

1st Mar 8 1st Apr 9 1st May 1
2nd Mar 9 2nd Apr 1 2nd May 2
3rd Mar 1 3rd Apr 2 3rd May 3
4th Mar 2 4th Apr 3 4th May 4
5th Mar 3 5th Apr 4 5th May 5
6th Mar 4 6th Apr 5 6th May 6
7th Mar 5 7th Apr 6 7th May 7
8th Mar 6 8th Apr 7 8th May 8
9th Mar 7 9th Apr 8 9th May 9
10th Mar 8 10th Apr 9 10th May 1
11th Mar 9 11th Apr 1 11th May 2
12th Mar 1 12th Apr 2 12th May 3
13th Mar 2 13th Apr 3 13th May 4
14th Mar 3 14th Apr 4 14th May 5
15th Mar 4 15th Apr 5 15th May 6
16th Mar 5 16th Apr 6 16th May 7
17th Mar 6 17th Apr 7 17th May 8
18th Mar 7 18th Apr 8 18th May 9
19th Mar 8 19th Apr 9 19th May 1
20th Mar 9 20th Apr 1 20th May 2
21st Mar 1 21st Apr 2 21st May 3
22nd Mar 2 22nd Apr 3 22nd May 4
23rd Mar 3 23rd Apr 4 23rd May 5
24th Mar 4 24th Apr 5 24th May 6
25th Mar 5 25th Apr 6 25th May 7
26th Mar 6 26th Apr 7 26th May 8
27th Mar 7 27th Apr 8 27th May 9
28th Mar 8 28th Apr 9 28th May 1
29th Mar 9 29th Apr 1 29th May 2
30th Mar 1 30th Apr 2 30th May 3
31st Mar 2 31st May 4

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June 2024 July 2024 August 2024
1st Jun 2 1st Jul 3 1st Aug 4
2nd Jun 3 2nd Jul 4 2nd Aug 5
3rd Jun 4 3rd Jul 5 3rd Aug 6
4th Jun 5 4th Jul 6 4th Aug 7
5th Jun 6 5th Jul 7 5th Aug 8
6th Jun 7 6th Jul 8 6th Aug 9
7th Jun 8 7th Jul 9 7th Aug 1
8th Jun 9 8th Jul 1 8th Aug 2
9th Jun 1 9th Jul 2 9th Aug 3
10th Jun 2 10th Jul 3 10th Aug 4
11th Jun 3 11th Jul 4 11th Aug 5
12th Jun 4 12th Jul 5 12th Aug 6
13th Jun 5 13th Jul 6 13th Aug 7
14th Jun 6 14th Jul 7 14th Aug 8
15th Jun 7 15th Jul 8 15th Aug 9
16th Jun 8 16th Jul 9 16th Aug 1
17th Jun 9 17th Jul 1 17th Aug 2
18th Jun 1 18th Jul 2 18th Aug 3
19th Jun 2 19th Jul 3 19th Aug 4
20th Jun 3 20th Jul 4 20th Aug 5
21st Jun 4 21st Jul 5 21st Aug 6
22nd Jun 5 22nd Jul 6 22nd Aug 7
23rd Jun 6 23rd Jul 7 23rd Aug 8
24th Jun 7 24th Jul 8 24th Aug 9
25th Jun 8 25th Jul 9 25th Aug 1
26th Jun 9 26th Jul 1 26th Aug 2
27th Jun 1 27th Jul 2 27th Aug 3
28th Jun 2 28th Jul 3 28th Aug 4
29th Jun 3 29th Jul 4 29th Aug 5
30th Jun 4 30th Jul 5 30th Aug 6
31st Jul 6 31st Aug 7

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September 2024 October 2024 November 2024
1st Sep 5 1st Oct 6 1st Nov 7
2nd Sep 6 2nd Oct 7 2nd Nov 8
3rd Sep 7 3rd Oct 8 3rd Nov 9
4th Sep 8 4th Oct 9 4th Nov 1
5th Sep 9 5th Oct 1 5th Nov 2
6th Sep 1 6th Oct 2 6th Nov 3
7th Sep 2 7th Oct 3 7th Nov 4
8th Sep 3 8th Oct 4 8th Nov 5
9th Sep 4 9th Oct 5 9th Nov 6
10th Sep 5 10th Oct 6 10th Nov 7
11th Sep 6 11th Oct 7 11th Nov 8
12th Sep 7 12th Oct 8 12th Nov 9
13th Sep 8 13th Oct 9 13th Nov 1
14th Sep 9 14th Oct 1 14th Nov 2
15th Sep 1 15th Oct 2 15th Nov 3
16th Sep 2 16th Oct 3 16th Nov 4
17th Sep 3 17th Oct 4 17th Nov 5
18th Sep 4 18th Oct 5 18th Nov 6
19th Sep 5 19th Oct 6 19th Nov 7
20th Sep 6 20th Oct 7 20th Nov 8
21st Sep 7 21st Oct 8 21st Nov 9
22nd Sep 8 22nd Oct 9 22nd Nov 1
23rd Sep 9 23rd Oct 1 23rd Nov 2
24th Sep 1 24th Oct 2 24th Nov 3
25th Sep 2 25th Oct 3 25th Nov 4
26th Sep 3 26th Oct 4 26th Nov 5
27th Sep 4 27th Oct 5 27th Nov 6
28th Sep 5 28th Oct 6 28th Nov 7
29th Sep 6 29th Oct 7 29th Nov 8
30th Sep 7 30th Oct 8 30th Nov 9
31st Oct 9

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4 Ashrams or Game Changers of Life

First Ashram
First Ashram Period : 0 - 29 years

You would become social and somewhat restless. You may experience moves that push you to
change friends or schools. Finding constancy to set yourself up and make a suitable base for
later life is going to be tough. You are more ingenious than those of your age, but you can even
tend to get into more problems. Impetuosity and a desire for freedom would be prominent in
your nature throughout this period.

Second Ashram
Second Ashram Period : 30 - 39 years

Slow growth and financial crises are possible. Your progress will undoubtedly be directly related
to your skill to work with the opposition. However, hard work will certainly bring success.

Third Ashram
Third Ashram Period : 40 - 49 years

The result is similar to the second Ashram. An imbalanced emotional state is indicated.
Indulging in charitable activities and creativity may bring success. During this period, you could
better express dramatic & emotional humanitarian ideals and views. With this, you could win
compassion & tolerance in the world. You may have a common view of the entire world. You
prefer doing work for the welfare of mankind.

Fourth Ashram
Fourth Ashram Period : 50 To till the end time years

You must make wise decisions both in personal & professional life. Any wish to slow down or
retire is not possible to be pleased. Variety and change will continue to keep you busy and

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occupied. In case you are flexible, it can be a very exciting time of your whole life.

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Life Challenges

First Challenge Number - 1

First Challenge Cycle : 35 years appx

Obstacles may come from the third party. You are likely to face opposition from others or
perhaps interference from the side of others /relatives. You can’t help others with this but
yourself! If you target the fish eye merely, nothing can stop you. You shall move forward with
full zeal ignoring the rest yet not violently. Your inner core is creative that shall be reflected in
anything you do; however, to take it out, you have to convert the weakness into your potency
that is possible with a solid determination.

Second Challenge Number - 0

Second Challenge Cycle : 35-60 appx

The “0” challenge states no challenge at all between you and success! Having zero as the
challenge number is a crop of past life merits. This challenge number is described in two
manners: (i) challenge free journey to success (ii) No lessons to learn from the journey.
However, this challenge demands you to make the right choices in every respect of life that you
can manage effortlessly.

Third Challenge Number - 1

Third Challenge Cycle : Whole life

Obstacles may come from the third party. You are likely to face opposition from others or
perhaps interference from the side of others /relatives. You can’t help others with this but
yourself! If you target the fish eye merely, nothing can stop you. You shall move forward with
full zeal ignoring the rest yet not violently. Your inner core is creative that shall be reflected in
anything you do; however, to take it out, you have to convert the weakness into your potency
that is possible with a solid determination.

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Fourth Challenge Number - 1
Fourth Challenge Cycle : After 60

Obstacles may come from the third party. You are likely to face opposition from others or
perhaps interference from the side of others /relatives. You can’t help others with this but
yourself! If you target the fish eye merely, nothing can stop you. You shall move forward with
full zeal ignoring the rest yet not violently. Your inner core is creative that shall be reflected in
anything you do; however, to take it out, you have to convert the weakness into your potency
that is possible with a solid determination.

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Vilas Ji, I am glad to share your numerology report based upon the birth details you have
provided, however, this report does not acquaint with my personal point of view about you. All
the facts and suggestions are based on the received training and practical experience only. It is
for entertainment purpose only also to get some positive ideas to some extent. It is not
necessary that other similar websites or field rulers would have the same views, they may have
own point of views different than the content accessible here. I don’t proclaim the
numerological content available here as 100% accurate. Hence, I am not liable for any sort of
correct or incorrect use also analysis of the content by the member. Also, I hold the right to
change the design, content, conditions, and fee mentioned anytime without any prior
notification. The personal numerology report of one based on the provided birth details or by
any other means cannot be used as evidence, advice, program or treatment that a licensed
professional could provide better including the doctor, lawyer, financial advisor or psychiatrist,
etc. Any prescribed remedy, recommendation, and tangible articles made accessible by any
means or mode would be a rejoinder of the birth details or problem shared by the member. I
say, any prescribed remedy works if one performs it with complete faith not otherwise.
Sometimes, the result of the remedy is based upon the intent of one. I strictly warn the
members to perform any remedy or wear any such article with faith and for pure intentions
merely not out of any greed, fear or lust or any other negative feelings. Also, any remedy
prescribed by me entails some methods and procedures the members are expected to follow
duly for the desired result. I am not accountable for any negative result, functioning side-effect
or no result of the suggested remedies thus no claims & blames will be entertained in any case
as such.

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