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SWK 103

Different Social Issues


Name: Ivy Jasleen S. Lerona

Grade and section:BSSW 1A

Professor: Jay Mark P. Chico


Do you know who is experiencing poverty? When an individual or

community lacks a sustainable livelihood, When a person is in poverty, their level

of employment-based income is too low to cover even their most basic necessities,

and a lack of income has an impact on people's access to education, malnutrition,

in short, those poor people.

Poverty is a social problem in our country, which is the Philippines.

Regardless of how poverty is defined, it is clear that it is a problem that needs to be

addressed by everyone. Many Filipinos suffering from it didn't know how and

when to survive in their situation. And because poverty affects the community,

many people struggle to survive; many people die as a result of poverty, and the

country's economic rate falls. Furthermore, many people die because of poverty

because they don’t have access to proper meals and medical care that they need to

achieve a healthy body and avoid diseases.

We can’t totally resolve the poverty in our country but we can lessen it by

the help of the government give free jobs opportunity, by giving scholarships to

pursue the dream of every students.

Health Care Issue

In our lives, health is important to take care of and pay attention to. We need

to keep our bodies healthy, but no matter how careful we are, we cannot avoid

getting an illness that causes us to go to the hospital to treat it. And nowadays, the

number of sick people continues to increase, which causes a lack of equipment,

medicine in the hospital that cause a health care issue.

Healthcare in the Philippines suffers from a shortage of human medical

resources, especially doctors. This makes the system run slower and less


Due to this pandemic, one of the social issues that needs to be addressed

quickly in the Philippines is health care. Because of the virus that is spreading

around the world, a lot of people are infected with the virus that needs to be taken

to the hospital to prevent the disease. Due to the continuous increase in cases of

those infected with the virus, most hospitals are full with no bed vacancies. The

health care issue is having an effect on the lives of people in society due to the lack

of medical equipment to cure diseases. A lot of people died because the disease is

not immediately treated for the reason of the lack of doctors and equipment in rural

areas and poorer provinces.

Unemployment and Underemployment

In our country, which is the Philippines, unemployment is one of the social

problems that we experience in our society. It affects the lifestyle of the people

contained in it, especially this pandemic. Because of the lock down that we

experienced last year, a lot of people lost their jobs and also those people lack

education, and because of that, they are struggling to find a job because, nowadays,

companies are looking for graduates with college degrees. And also the

underemployment, where those people don’t match their skills or abilities in their

work. Nowadays, a lot of people have experience like those degree holders or

graduated in their chosen courses, but in reality right now, because of the hardships

of life and because of being practical, they apply to jobs that don’t match their

courses because they need to work to earn money.

Additionally, unemployment and underemployment can result in debt and

poverty in our government if we cannot address it. We know that we can't resolve

this right away but we can reduce it like the government implementing free
education, Hiring some individuals to have a job and reduce the standard of

companies and establishments.

Street Children

Some children are homeless with their families and work on the streets to

support them. Others have run away from their homes to escape psychological,

physical or sexual abuse. Furthermore, They may be displaced due to poverty.

Street children are one group of people in our community that needs the

attention of everyone to help them and also to give them care and hope in their life.

Young people who live and work on the streets are known as "street kids". At

stations, dumps, and in hidden behind bridges . On the streets, where they live in

hardship and danger and have no access to food, safe drinking water, or proper

medical care, these children struggle and face risk. As they get older, they could

frequently become a danger to others by engaging in street crime like robbing other

people's businesses since they lack a guardian to provide them with guidance.

Government or the DSWD can help the street children by doing counselling

and give a path to their life like they can be taken to the shelter to give a proper

care or by giving them a free education.


Crime is a bad kind of human action that needs to be reduced in our country

because if we can prevent it, it will affect our society because many people will

become victims. Additionally because of the continuous threat by those with bad

intentions, the Filipino people are concerned for their own protection when it

comes to crimes committed here in the society. Furthermore if crime cases

continue increases it possible many people be imprisoned and die.

Many people are facing difficulties as a result of the pandemic. A lot of

people are also committing crimes to survive in life because it is their choice to do

so. A lot of people have also lost their jobs, so they have no choice but to do it

because it is their way to earn money . We can resolve it quickly, but we can lessen

it with the help of the government. They need to implement rules and regulations

and offer free counseling to those who suspect and are victims of the crime.
Graft and Corruption

One of the biggest issues facing the world especially here in our country

which is Philippines we experienced it may years ago and until now people keep

doing it particularly in politics, has always been corruption. Graft and corruption:

This type of behavior is seen in government leaders who steal government funds

for personal gain. And because of that, it affects our country because it continues

to suffer because what should be in the government or the rights of the people are

not given because of the corruption committed by the leaders in the public sectors.

Furthermore, corruption is causing poverty in our country. Additionally,

corruption makes society more unequal, reduces fairness and political efficiency,

and makes people more vulnerable.

Even though we Filipinos are aware that our leaders are acting improperly,

corruption in our nation continues, causing the nation to suffer and accrue debt

despite our knowledge. In fact, it is difficult to prove because there is not enough

evidence. Although we are unable to stop it, we may unite together so that we can

speak up for our rights.

Drug Dependency

Drugs are substances that are used, drunk, or addicted to by people that

cause bad effects on the human body. It affects people's thinking and, because of

this, they do bad things that should be addressed, like killing people or being a

criminal. In our country, which is the Philippines, continues to increase the number

of drug users and pushers, so the government needs to address it. In the Duterte

administration, he made a policy that every drug addict will be imprisoned and

killed. But in reality, even though they have a policy that makes it possible to die a

drug addict, many innocent people are dying because of misconceptions and it is

causing war or trouble in other places.

We can’t totally resolve it but we can minimize it. Like as a Filipino citizen,

we need to be responsible in our decisions and actions in life and those people

using the drugs continuously need counseling from professionals and also more

policy from the government on how to address or stop the increase in cases.
Rapid Population Growth

One of the social realities that we have faced in our country, the Philippines,

is the rapid population growth that has resulted in an overpopulation. Our society is

affected by this because of the continuously increasing Filipino population in our

country. Due to overpopulation, our society suffers from poverty. Because of the

rapid population growth, people don't have work, so a lot of people don't have

money to buy food, drink, and proper medical care for themselves. In addition,

overpopulation can also lead to pollution that negatively impacts the environment.

Rapid population growth is hard to address nowadays because there are so

many teenagers getting pregnant earlier So we need to slow the rapid population

growth and address it. We need to advocate for every Filipino to be responsible

and they need to be assessed by a guidance counselor or social worker to have a

family plan to prevent the continuously increasing population.

Environmental degradation

Environmental degradation is the one issue that we are facing in the world

that we need to address because if we don’t, it is possible that our world will be

continuously destroyed. It is also that environmental degradation is the cause of the

climate change that is destroying our environment. Additionally, it's also why we

have environmental degradation. It's also because of the humans that live here on


Today's society needs to be based on the environment to provide us with the

food, clothing, and shelter we need to live comfortably. We had to cut down many

trees in order to build homes and living spaces. This will result in deforestation,

which will further affect the environment. Although pollution can happen on land,

in the water, or in the air, it also has an effect on environmental degradation. The

many factories and businesses that release pollutants into the air, water, and land

harm these natural resources. Some of these chemicals are harmful to us and may

eventually have a negative impact on our health. We damage the environment by

poisoning the soil when we throw garbage items like plastic and other chemicals.

In our society there is nothing new about discrimination because we have all

experienced it. Discrimination is an issue that we experience in our lives,

especially in the community it must be need to stopped because it is an unjust act

to the fellow people, just like the poor and the rich, because when you are poor,

you are treated unequally.Additionaly it affect the fellowship of people in society

because the voice of others is not respected and listened to the higher people.

Because of the pandemic, many people are experiencing inequality or

discrimination, particularly in hospitals, because if you're poor and don't have

money, they don't entertain you and it's not equal to other people who disrespect

you and deny you your rights.

Discrimination is not deserved by anyone, so we need to be responsible for

our words and actions. We need to practice equality for everyone, even if you are

rich or poor. We need to advocate for each other to address it and give everyone

the rights they are entitled to.

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