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Witter Theological College

Vankhosung: Wokha, Nagaland

Annual Games and Sports 2022-2023

Date: 9th and 10th February 2023

Opening Ceremony
Leader: Miss. Tsungu. Sports Asst. Secretary
Special Guest: Dr. O. James Kithan, Vice Principal WTC

1. Opening Prayer: Mrs. Nsungbeni N. Ngullie, Asst. Proff. WTC

2. Welcome Addres: Mr. Zubenthung Erui, Sports Convener WTC
3. Significance of the house: (3 Minutes each)
4. Special Song: BD IV
5. Time for Special Guest:
6. Oath Taking: Mr. Subenthung Kikon, Sports Secretary
7. Closing Prayer: Mr. Tumben Odyuo, Asst. Proff. WTC
8. Declaration of Annual Games and Sports by the Special Guest

Sports Officials: Mr. Kiluma Kikon, Mr. Khyolamo Murry, Miss. Lumrila together with the
sports Committee
Sound System InchargeL Mr. Lamnyah

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