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Name : Farissa Nayla Azkiya

Major : Health Analyst

Study Program : Bachelor of Applied Science in Medical Laboratory Technology

Lecturer : Hj. Evi Risa Mariana, AMK S.Pd., M.Pd.

Assignment : Article about Health

The Good Effects of Quality Sleep on Mental Health and Cognitive Performance

Getting good sleep is like giving a treat to our minds and brains. Let's talk about how sleeping
well can make us feel better and think sharper.

When we sleep well, our minds feel happier. Imagine sleep as a reset button for our feelings. If
we don't sleep enough, we might feel sad, worried, or even angry more often. That's because
sleep helps our brains balance our emotions. It's like magic for our moods!

And guess what? Sleep is also like food for our thinking power. When we sleep, our brains are
super busy sorting out all the things we learned during the day. This helps us remember things
better. Ever wondered why after a good night's sleep, math problems seem easier? That's because
our brains are rested and ready to tackle challenges.

Here's the secret: having a regular sleep schedule is like a superhero move. It means sleeping and
waking up at the same time every day. This helps our bodies get used to a routine and makes our
sleep even better. Creating a comfy sleeping place with a dark and quiet room is like creating a
cozy nest for a good night's sleep.

But be careful with gadgets before bedtime. The light from screens can make our brains think it's
still daytime, and that can make falling asleep harder.

So, what's the bottom line? Sleeping well isn't just for resting our bodies; it's like a power-up for
our minds too! When we get enough sleep and have a good sleep schedule, we feel happier and
think smarter. It's like a secret potion for our mental and thinking health!

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