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English Task

The Legend of the Crying Stone

Made By :
M. Raffa Alrizki Islami
The Legend of the Crying Stone
(Legenda Batu Menangis)

Once upon a time, on a hill far from the Countryside. There lived a poor widow
with her daughter. Her son from the widow was very beautiful, she was always
proud of the beauty she had. However, her beauty is not the same as the nature
that she has. She is very lazy and never helps his mother. Besides being lazy, she is
also very spoiled. Everything she wants must be obeyed. Without thinking about
their poor condition, and mothers who have to work hard even though they are
often sick. Every time her mother takes her to the fields, she always refuses.

One day, her mother took her daughter shopping to the market. The market
distance from their house is very far, to get to the market they have to walk and
make their daughter tired. However, her daughter walked ahead of his mother
and was wearing very nice clothes. Everyone who saw her was immediately
fascinated and admired her beauty, while her mother walked behind carrying a
shopping basket, dressed very dirty like a maid. Because the location of their
house is far from the community, no one knows about their life. Finally, they
entered the village, all eyes were fixed on the beauty of the widow's daughter.
Many young men came up to her and looked at her face. However, the villagers
were very curious as to who the old woman behind it was. “Hey, pretty girl! Who
is the old woman behind you? Is she your mother?” asked a young man,'' Of
course not, she's just a maid!'' She answered sarcastically.
Along the way every time they meet the villagers, they always ask the same thing.
However, she kept on replying that her mother was her maid. Her own mother
was treated as a maid. At first, the mother was still able to restrain herself, every
time she heard an answer from her own biological daughter. However, hearing
repeatedly and the answer really hurt her heart, suddenly the mother stopped,
and sat on the side of the road, shedding tears. “Mom, why stop in the middle of
the road? Come on, let's continue our journey.'' Asked her daughter, surprised.
Several times she asked. However, her mother did not answer at all. The mother
even raised her hands up and prayed. Seeing the strange things her mother was
doing, the daughter was confused. ''Mother what are you doing now!'' snapped
her daughter. The mother still did not answer, and continued her prayer to punish
her own daughter. ''O Lord, forgive this weak servant, forgive the servant who
cannot educate his own daughter, so that she becomes a rebellious child. Punish
this disobedient child.'' The mother's prayer.

Suddenly, the sky became overcast and dark, lightning started to flash and it
started to rain. Gradually, her body turned to stone. Her feet began to turn to
stone and had already reached halfway. The girl cried begging for forgiveness
from her mother. She felt scared. ''Mother, help me. What happened to my leg?
mother, forgive me. I promise I will be a good child, Mother!” shouted her
daughter in fear.
The girl kept crying and begging. However, it was all too late. The punishment
cannot be avoided. Her whole body slowly turned to stone. The rebellious girl just
cried and cried regretting her actions. Before his head turned to stone, the
mother still saw his tears coming out. Everyone who was there witnessed the
event. The girl's entire body turned to stone.

Even if it's turned into stone. However, seeing her eyes still shed tears like she
was crying. Therefore, the community calls it the Crying Stone. The Crying Stone
still exists today.

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