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SC Valve (Self Closing Valve for LPG Cylinders)

DPR (Domestic Pressure Regulator use for LPG Cylinders)

Existing DPR in market PSU’s (BPC, HPC & IOC) having only 2mm Joint Packing (0-Ring) is used. So, the
only 2mm of SC Valve is in contact with DPR Joint Packing & the rest 4mm of SC valve remained untouched
or with metallic contact which tends to leakage in the O-Ring of SC valve is damaged or missed.

Purposed/Idea:- Existing Cavity in Current DPR in PSU’s (BPC, HPC & IOC) can be filled to increase area &
the Joint Packing (O-Ring) will be replaced with the New Design Joint Packing (T-Ring) which fixed properly
& metallic contact between DPR & SC become packed with the packing.

The surface contact between DPR (Domestic Pressure Regulator) joint packing (O-Ring) & SC (Self
Closing Valve) is 2mm which tends to leak if the O-Ring in SC valve is damaged.

But with the new Joint Packing Design for DPR increases the contact surface are with the SC valve
from 3 times i.e 6mm & this Joint packing design seal the SC valve around except the working rod of
the DPR.


11mm 6mm mm

4mm 6mm



Top View of Joint Packing (T-ring) Side View of Joint Packing (T-ring)



Cross Section of Joint Packing (T-ring)

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