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सं.सं या/Ref.

No /आवेदन सं या/Application No/ 107/CHE/2015 िदनांक/Date of Dispatch/Email: 11/06/2019

सेवा मे,/To
KHURANA & KHURANA, Advocates and IP Attorneys E-13, UPSIDC, Site-IV, Behind-Grand Venice, Kasna
Road, Greater Noida 201310, UP, National Capital Region, India.
Email :

िवषय: एक व अिधिनयम, 1970 क धारा 12 व 13 तथा एक व िनयम, 2003 के अधीन परी ण रपोट
Subject: Examination report under sections 12 & 13 of the Patents Act, 1970 and the Patents Rules, 2003.
1. उपयु आवेदन के संदभ मे परी ण रपोट ( अथात, एक व िनयम, 2003 (यथा संशोिधत) के िनयम 24-ख(3) म िविनिद आपि य का
पथम कथन ) इसके साथ संल न है यह रपोट परी ण हे तु अनुरोध िदनांक 22/04/2016 के उ र मे जारी क गयी है परी ण रपोट का
उ र दािखल करने क अंितम ितिथ (अथात, इस रपोट म लगाई गयी सभी आव यकताओं के अनुपालन क अविध) आवेदक को आपि य का
पथम कथन जारी होने क ितिथ से छः माह है
Please find enclosed herewith an Examination Report ( i.e. a first statement of objections as specified in Rule
24-B(3) of The Patents Rules, 2003 (as amended) ) in respect of above-mentioned application. This report is
issued with reference to a request for examination dated 22/04/2016.The last date for filing a response to the
Examination Report (i.e. a period to comply with all the requirements raised in this examination report) is six
months from the date on which the first statement of objections is issued to the Applicant.

2. यिद रपोट के अंतगत लगाई गयी आव यकताओं का अनुपालन एक व िनयम, 2003 (यथा संशोिधत) के िनयम 24 ख(5) म िविनिद
अविध के भीतर अंदर अनुपालन नह िकया गया तो एक व अिधिनयम 1970 क धारा 21(1) के अधीन वतमान आवेदन को प र य माना
The instant application shall be deemed to have been abandoned under Section 21(1) of The Patents Act, 1970,
unless all the requirements raised in this report are complied with in the period as specified in Rule 24-B (5) of
The Patents Rules, 2003 (as amended).

3. आपका यान एक व िनयम, 2003 के िनयम 24 ख(6) के पावधान क ओर भी आमंितत िकया जाता है
Your attention is also invited to the provisions of Rule 24-B (6) of the Patents Rules 2003.

4. आपको सलाह दी जाती है िक शीघ िनपटान हे तु अपना उ र शीघ प तुत कर

You are advised to file the reply at the earliest for early disposal.

Ajeet Kumar
िनयंतक पेट ट/ Controller of Patents
संल न/Enclosed: अपरो अनुसार/As above

िट पणी: यह इले टोिनक प से उ प न रपोट है

NOTE: This is an electronically generated report.
सभी पताचार िनयंतक एक व को उपरोि लिखत पते पर भे जा जाये
All communications should be sent to the Controller of Patents at the above mentioned address.

परी ण रपोट /Examination Report

आवेदन सं या /Application Number 107/CHE/2015
दािखल करने क ितिथ /Date of Filing 06/01/2015
पूिव ा िदनांक /Date of Priority --
पीसीटी अंतरा ीय आवेदन क सं या व िदनांक / PCT International Application No. &
LPG Equipment Research
आवेदक /Applicant
परी ण हे तु अनुरोध क सं या व िदनांक /Request for Examination No. & Date R20164012147 22/04/2016
पकाशन क ितिथ /Date of Publication 26/08/2016
इस परी ण रपोट के चार भाग ह, अथात रपोट का सारांश, िव तृत तकनीक रपोट, औपचा रक आव यकताएँ तथा रकॉड मे द तावेज़ /
This examination report consists of four parts, namely summary of the report, detailed
technical report, formal requirements and documents on record.

भाग -1: रपोट का सारांश

क. सं.
अिधिनयम के तहत आव यकताओं पर िव तृत िट पिणयां
/Sl. दाव क सं या /Claim Numbers िट पणी /Remarks
/Requirements under the Act
दावे /Claims: हाँ /Yes
धारा 2(1)(ञ) के तहत आिव कारी कदम / Inventive step
दावे /Claims: 1-9 नह /No
1. आिव कार /Invention u/s
2(1)(j) औ ोिगक उपयोिगता /Industrial दावे /Claims: 1-9 हाँ /Yes
Applicability दावे /Claims: नह /No
धारा 3 के अधीन पेटट-अयो यता (यिद हाँ, खंड 3(क-त) /Non- दावे /Claims: हाँ /Yes
2. patentability u/s 3
(if yes, specify section3(a-p)) दावे /Claims: 1-9 नह /No
दावे /Claims: हाँ /Yes
3. धारा 4 के अधीन पेटट-अयो यता /Non-patentability u/s 4
दावे /Claims: 1-9 नह /No
धारा 10 (5) के अधीन आिव कार क एकलता /Unity of invention दावे /Claims: 1-9 हाँ /Yes
u/s 10 (5) दावे /Claims: नह /No
धारा 10(4) के अधीन पकटन क द ता (हाँ/नह िनिद
5. कर)/Sufficiency of disclosure u/s 10 (4) Yes
(Specify Yes/No)
सह-लंिबत / िवदेशी आवेदन (न ) हे तु आव यक संदभ (हाँ/नह िनिद
कर) /Reference to co-pending/foreign application(s)
6. No
(Specify Yes/No)
प ता/ संि ता /Clarity / दावे /Claims: हाँ /Yes
Conciseness दावे /Claims: 1-9 नह /No
दावे /Claims: हाँ /Yes
[धारा 10(5) व 10(4) (ग)] प रभािषकता /Definitive दावे /Claims: 1-9 नह /No
7. के अधीन दावे /Claims
[u/s 10(5) & 10(4) (c)] िववरण ारा समिथत /Supported by दावे /Claims: 1-9 हाँ /Yes
description दावे /Claims: नह /No
दावे /Claims: 1-9 हाँ /Yes
ेत /Scope
दावे /Claims: नह /No

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भाग –II िव तृत तकनीक रपोट


क. उ रत द तावेज क सूची /A.List of documents cited:

(क) पेटट सािह य / (a). Patent Literature :

उ रत द तावेज़ का
पासंिगक िववरण (पृ व
उ रत द तावेज़ के
क. सं. पकाशन अनु छे द सं या) / अिभकिथत आिव कार के
द तावेज़ का िववरण /Details पासंिगक दावे /
/ ितिथ(िदन/माह/वष) / Relevant description दावे /Claims of
of documents Relevant claims of Publication date (page and alleged invention
cited document
paragraph no.) of
cited document
Reference:Fig.-1 &
1 D1:US5388615A 14/02/1995

2 D2:US20130146166A1 13/06/2013

3 D3:US7556171B2 07/07/2009

(ख) गैर-पेटट सािह य /(b).Non-patent literature

कोई द तावेज़ उ ृत नह है /No Document Cited

ख. अिधिनयम के तहत आव यकताओं पर िव तृत िट पिणयां /B. Detailed observations on the requirements under the

(1).आिव कारी कदम / INVENTIVE STEP:

(I) ऊपर उ रत द तावेज़(ज ) के संदभ D1:US5388615A,D2:US20130146166A1 & D3:US7556171B2 मे प अ यापन(न )
को यान मे रखते हए, िन निलिखत कारण से दावा(व ) (1-9) मे आिव कारी कदम क कमी है
Claim(s) (1-9) lack(s) inventive step, being obvious in view of teaching (s) of cited document(s) above under
reference D1:US5388615A,D2:US20130146166A1 & D3:US7556171B2 for the following reasons:
In view of the documents D1-D3: the present alleged invention does not falls under section 2(1) (ja) of The
Patents Act, 1970 (as amended) and a person skilled in the art will be motivated by the above cited documents to
conclude alleged invention.
D1 discloses a sealing means and sealing valve which is comprised from a first housing portion 11 and a second
housing portion 12. A seal 13, made from rubber-elastic material for example silicone elastomere PU, PVC, TPE
(thermoplastic elastomers), or from a fluoroelastomere, for example FPM, is arranged between the first and the
second housing portion 11, 12.
D2 discloses an auto shut off device which includes a restrictive flow orifice (RFO) disc designed to restrict and
isolate gas flow. The RFO disc is designed to flex in response to a specific pressure drop that develops as a
result of a system failure. When the failure occurs, the RFO disc flexes into a sealed position which blocks the
discharge flow path.
D3 discloses a tank, including: a pair of adjacent members which are provided adjacently to each other; a seal
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member which has elasticity and seals the adjacent portions of the pair of adjacent members; and a high-
hardness part which is provided at least one of the pair of adjacent members at the adjacent portions of the pair
of adjacent members, and has a hardness higher than that of the at least one of the pair of adjacent members

(II) इस आवेदन का दावा (के दावे) सह-लंिबत आवेदन सं या के दावे के पर पर िवरोध मे है

Claim(s)of the instant application conflict(s) with claim(s) of co-pending application no.


(4). प ता एवं संि ता /CLARITY AND CONCISENESS:

(I) दावा(वे) 1-9 के संबंध मे प प से परीभािषत नह ह.
Claim(s) 1-9 are not clearly worded in respect of:
Drafting of claims is not proper because of which the nature & scope of the alleged invention can not be clearly
ascertained. The statement of claims should therefore be revised & all essential features of the invention should
be brought in claim 1 while subsidiary features of the invention may be claimed in dependent claims.

(5).प रभािषकता /DEFINITIVENESS:

(I) दावा(वे)1-9 िन निलिखत कारण से आिव कार को पया प से परीभािषत नह करता(ते) ह
Claim(s) 1-9 do not sufficiently define the invention for the reasons as follows:
1.The phrase "of claim" in the dependent claims should be replace by “as claimed in claim”.
2.The subsequent claims should elaborate the features of principal claim after the phrase “as claimed in claim

(6).अ य आव यकताएँ /OTHERS REQUIREMENTS:

Claims 1 and 6 and claims 8-9 are essentially duplicates of one another or else are so close in content that they
both cover the same thing,despite a slight difference in wording.It is improper to have two claims which contains
the same limitations,in the same application as one claims would be substantially duplicate of the other claims.

भाग – III: औपचा रक आव यकताएँ /PART-III: FORMAL REQUIREMENTS

आपि यां /Objections िट पणी /Remarks

1.Title of the invention as given in abstract,form-2,description is not identical with
Other Deficiencies
Form-1.Clarification is required.

Power of Attorney
A fresh power of authority or an attested copy of the GPA (clearly indicating the
(Whether GPA, SPA,
patent application number filed in this office, in which the original GPA has been
Stamped, requisite fee
filed), should be submitted immediately.

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Details regarding application for Patents which may be filed outside India from time to
time for the same or substantially the same invention should be furnished within Six
Statement & Under
months from the date of filing of the said application under clause (b) of sub section
Taking (Form 3 Details)
(1) of section 8 and rule 12(1) of Indian Patent Act, hence a petition is desired for the

भाग-IV: रकॉड मे द तावेज़ /PART-IV: DOCUMENTS ON RECORD

िन निलिखत द तावेज़ के आधार पर यह परी ण रपोट तैयार क गयी है

The examination report has been prepared based on the following documents:

कायसूची ितिथ / कायसूची सं या /Docket

पिवि सं या िववरण /Entry Number Description
Docket Date Number
1-New Application For Patent With Provisional /Complete
06 Jan 2015 505
10 Jul 2015 22243 OTHERS(NON CASH)
10 Jul 2015 22243 OTHERS(NON CASH)
2-Complete After Provisional Specification - Form 2 Check For No.
04 Jan 2016 186
OF Pages & Claims
28(i)-Request For Examination After 18 months Publication - Form
22 Apr 2016 13852

िनयंतक का नाम /Name of the Controller: Ajeet Kumar

िनयंतक थान /Controller Location: Kolkata

िट पणी: परी ण रपोट का उ र दािखल करने क अंितम ितिथ / Note: Last date for filing response to the Examination Report:

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