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Chapter I


This chapter presents the overview of the entire study which includes background

and rationale, statement of the problem, theoretical and conceptual frameworks,

significance of the study, scope and delimitations of the study, and definition of terms.

Background and Rationale of the Study

The massive efforts made in a short time to respond to the shocks to education

systems due to pandemic remind us that change is possible. Teachers and School

Administrators should seize the opportunity to find new ways to address the learning

crisis and bring about a set of solutions previously considered difficult or impossible to

implement. The challenges of the pandemic in terms of addressing learning losses and

preventing dropouts, expand the definition of the right to education, adopting new

methods of instructional delivery without losing focus in the attainment of learning

competencies for students in the levels to able to succeed in making school children

learn, teaching readiness become a major concern.

Teachers’ readiness is the ability to transcend all obstacles and barriers in the

pursuit of effective instruction. Preparedness to move out of the 'comfort zone' by taking

the demands of teaching in the new normal. Teacher’s readiness is not only accounted for

as having a direct bearing on preparedness to attain learning outcomes. The first step

towards educational reforms that are vociferously being articulated is to acknowledge the

importance of this crucial factor to complete the learning circle. As stated by Ajitha


The degree of teacher’s commitment is one of the most important aspects of the

performance and quality of teaching. Commitment is defined here as the degree of

positive, affective bond between the teachers and the school. It does not refer to a passive

type of loyalty where teachers stay with their jobs, but are not really involved in the

school or their work. Rather, it reflects the degree of internal motivation, enthusiasm, and

job satisfaction teachers derive from teaching and the degree of efficacy and effectiveness

they achieve in their jobs (Mwesiga, 2018).

In the Philippines, Department of Education (DepEd) has structured the Learning

Continuity Plan (LCP) in ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of learners, teachers,

and personnel in time of COVID-19 while finding ways for education to continue amidst

the crisis. This framework is composed of different important pillars to include new

teaching and learning modalities where teachers’ readiness and commitment are required.

A series of webinars were conducted providing volumes of printed materials that may be

used by teachers and schools.

In this new normal set-up, E-learning readiness is referred to as the mental and

physical preparation of an organization for e-teaching experience or action. Implementing

e-learning readiness assessment helps a school to design e-teaching strategies and

effectively achieve its information communication technology goals. E-readiness is

recognized as one of the most significant aspects for the success of implementing e-

learning programs in higher education (Rohayani, 2015). The e-readiness score can

reveal “a learning institution’s strengths and weaknesses in technology acquisition and

training to inform policy decisions, to position the institution technologically in the

competitive global market, and to apply limited resources wisely across institutional

boundaries”. One of the reasons that e-learning often fails is that “teachers try to carry

over predominant styles of the classroom to the new media, rather than developing new

pedagogies that would maximize the use of new technology” (Ncube, Dube & Ngulube,

2014, p.359).

Another important factor in success in teaching is commitment, this is important

for teachers because it reflects a personal interpretation of work experience as absorbing

and meaningful. It is a significant factor in efforts to improve school outcomes, especially

student academic achievement. There are four “matters” commonly associated with

teacher commitment: profession, student learning and the community. Professional

commitment is the feeling of dedication among the individuals of a group towards their

profession. Commitment to student learning includes teacher dedication to helping

students learn regardless of their academic difficulties or social background. A

commitment to the community includes creating a symbolic relation between the school

and community (Hussen, 2016).

Recognizing the importance of readiness and commitment of teachers for their

work and profession amidst this pandemic, the researcher deems it necessary to gather

data to find out the extent and degrees of these components of effective teaching exist.

Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to determine the degree of readiness and level of

commitment in the new normal of school teachers in the intermediate level in the Schools

Division of Roxas City.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:


1. What is the degree of readiness of intermediate teachers as a whole and in terms

of knowledge of teaching modality and technical skills?

2. What is the level of commitment of intermediate teachers as a whole and in terms

of professional and organizational commitment?

3. Is there a significant difference in the degree of readiness of intermediate teachers

when they are grouped according to gender, age, civil status, and years of

teaching experience?

4. Is there a significant difference in the commitment of intermediate teachers when

they are grouped according to gender, age, civil status, and years of teaching


5. Is there a significant relationship between the degree of readiness and the level of

commitment among intermediate teachers?


1. There are no significant differences in the degree of readiness of intermediate

teachers in the schools division of Roxas City when they are grouped according to

gender, age, civil status, and years of teaching experience.

2. There are no significant differences in the commitment of intermediate teachers in

the schools division of Roxas City when they are grouped according to gender,

age, civil status, and years of teaching experience.

3. There is no significant relationship between the degree of readiness and the level

of commitment among intermediate teachers in the schools division of Roxas


Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored on Bandura’s self-efficacy theory (Bandura, 1977).

According to him, self-efficacy pertains to a sense of control over one's environment and

behavior. It stresses that teachers with a strong locus-of-control are more likely to

maintain a higher sense of self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977). This means they are more likely

to put forth more effort in order to change behavior, commit to challenges, and he

persistent despite obstacles that may undermine their jobs.

The theories are appropriate to the present study because they recognize teachers

as distinct individuals with boundless capabilities manifested in an array of readiness and

commitment to teaching, teachers who are equipped to assess students once they return to

school in a new normal. As the ultimate implementers of education in the new normal,

these teaching readiness and commitment of teachers would address that instructional

changes in the new normal ensures the success of learning continuity plan. A person

must possess the necessary knowledge and skills, as well as the motivation and

perception, required for successful exhibition of the required behavior under difficult


This framework developed on measures the levels of commitment and readiness

that include the emotional attachment of the teachers to their students. A level

commitment that teachers enjoy their relationship with the organization their students and

are likely to stay. Teachers uphold on their job beside of the challenges in adapting the

new trends of teaching in the new normal (Grimsley & Allison, 2015).

Conceptual Framework

In the present study demographic characteristics are assumed to influence the

level of readiness and the degree of commitment of intermediate school teachers. It


presents the correlates of the readiness and commitment of elementary school teachers in

the intermediate level. This readiness should be reflective of the preparation level to

support continuity of learning and adapt to new teaching methodologies that support

teachers’ commitment to students’ holistic development. Even in contexts with adequate

infrastructure and connectivity, readiness in teaching may contain knowledge of teaching

modality, and technical skills. Thus, teachers’ commitment among school teachers in the

intermediate level defines feedback on their professional commitment and organizational


The schematic diagram of the study is shown in Figure 1.


VARIABLES Teaching Readiness

 Knowledge of teaching
 Technical skills

Socio-Demographic Profile

 Gender
 Age
 Civil status, and;
 Years of teaching
experience Commitment

 Professional
 Organizational

Figure 1: The schematic diagram showing the

framework of the study.


The diagram shows the relationship of the independent and dependent variables.

The independent variables is composed of the socio-demographic profile of the

respondents which included gender, age, civil status, and years of teaching experience.

Dependent variables are composed of the correlates of the degree of readiness and level

of commitment among elementary school teachers in intermediate level.

The degree of teaching readiness and level of commitment differ according to the

socio-demographic profile of the respondents, where as commitment of the respondents is

dependent on their teaching readiness.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study was limited to the randomly selected public elementary school teachers

in the intermediate level in the Roxas City Division. This is a descriptive-correlation

study utilizing survey method. This study focused only on the readiness of and

commitment of elementary school teachers in intermediate level in the new normal.

The research by content will be limited to the scope and delivery of teaching

readiness and commitment in the new normal. Geographically, the research will be

limited to the public elementary school teachers in intermediate level in the Roxas City


Frequency count, percentage, and mean as descriptive statistical tools were

utilized for data analyses. Moreover, the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), t-test and

Pearson r were used as inferential statistical tools to determine significance differences

and relationship. A two-tailed test was used at .05 alpha level of significance for all

inferential analysis.

Significance of the Study

From the onset of the New Normal due to COVID 19 pandemic, teachers are

immediately tasked with implementing distance learning modalities. There is insufficient

training, resources, and lack the most basic ICT skills to facilitate quality distance


This research is needed to provide insights and understanding of the teaching

readiness and commitment of elementary school teachers by eliciting views of

possibilities, capabilities and challenges of the respondents. Among those who will

benefit from results of the study include the following:

DepEd officials. Results of the study will provide feedback in addressing

challenges in the basic education through the Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) in ensuring

the readiness and commitment of teachers in the time of COVID-19.

Principals. Results of the study will provide feedback to principals on the

teaching readiness and commitment of their teachers.

Teachers. This study will enrich teaching readiness and commitment among

elementary school teachers and will aid them in advancing a more effective teaching and

learning in the new normal environment. They will be retooled as to the needed

preparations in the Learning Continuity Plan of DepEd in effect to the implementation of

distance learning modalities.

Future researchers. Engaging in research is the best way to explore the issues

facing teaching readiness and commitment in the New Normal of Filipino teachers. The

future researchers can benefit from the results of the present study through the

information gathered. This will present potential information grounded on several


practical effort made to promote distance learning practices and can even lead some

teachers to leave their jobs , thus their commitment.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarity and precision, important terms were used in this study.

The terms were defined conceptually and operationally:

Commitment. Commitment is a key factor that influences teachers’ work and

student performance in schools. Commitment is teachers’ psychological attachment to the

teaching profession (Mart, 2013).

In this study, teachers commitment refers to the commitment of teachers in the

New Normal situation measured through their commitment to their students, school,

teaching works, and profession.

Knowledge of teaching modalities. Knowledge of teachers on instructional

practice used to improve student engagement. It involves providing diverse presentations

and experiences of the content so that students use different senses and different skills

during a single lesson. Often teaching modalities addresses different learning styles.

Thus, teachers using teaching modalities may use visuals, music, objects, experiences,

collaborative work, poetry, writing, and/or other modes to teach content. (Kathy, 2016).

In this study, knowledge of teaching modalities of teachers refers to their

knowledge to learning delivery in the new normal that mix of online distance learning,

modular distance learning and TV/Radio-based instruction.

Organizational commitment. Organizational commitment is defined as

someone’s biased and effective commitment to the goals and values of an organization.

This type of commitment requires an individual to play his/her role solely for the well-

being of the organization, in relation with its goals and values (Gökyer, 2018).

In this study, organizational commitment refers to the commitment of teachers to

the goals and values of their school; work collaboratively and cooperatively with other

teachers in the school to seek ways to promote school and teaching profession in the new


New normal. New Normal refers to a new way of living and going about our

lives, work and interactions with other people.

In this study, new normal refers to a new way of living, work and interactions

with other people because of Covid 19 pandemic.

Professional commitment. Professional commitment is an attitude that someone

has toward their job. It’s their point of view and their active participation in the

profession (Cox, 2017).

In this study, professional commitment refers to teachers’ dedication to their job

in the new normal wherein they take their work home with them, not just physically, but

emotionally as well.

Readiness. Teaching Readiness refers to as the teachers’ powerful weapon in the

combat of teaching and the process of orchestrating readiness to teach (Mercader, 2016).

In this study, teaching readiness refers to the teaching strategy, communications

skills, time management, and technical skills of teachers in the new normal.

Technical skills. Technical skills are sets of abilities or knowledge used to

perform practical tasks in the areas of mechanics, science, and mathematics and

information technology. It also refer to the ability to perform tasks that require the use of

certain tools, whether tangible or intangible, and the technology required to master their

intended uses in a variety of scenarios (Investopedia, 2020).

In this study, technical skills refer to the set of abilities or knowledge of teachers

in information technology in providing diverse presentations through multiple learning

modalities in the new normal.

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