Practical Paper I.P Set-A & Set-B 2023-24

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TIME: 1:00 Hour M: MARKS: 30

Q-1 Program using Pandas- [5 Marks]

Write a program in Python Pandas to create the following DataFrame ‘Country’ from a
Cname Cname Billamt Tran_date
0 Shruti Ahmedabad 9500 2010-10-01
1 Tushar Baroda 5300 2010-01-04
2 Jay Surat 4550 2009-03-01
3 Sameer Ahmedabad 4000 2009-04-01
4 Mayank Surat 8500 2008-08-05
5 Meena Baroda 4300 2008-08-06
6 Dhairya Ahmedabad 3000 2009-10-10
Perform the following operations on the above DataFrame:
(a) Display the DataFrame.
(b) Add a new column named discount which is 10% of their bill amount.
(c) Add a row with row index 7 as Rohan, Bharuch, 6000, 2011-04-01.
Q-2 Program using Matplotlib- [3 Marks]
Plot a bar chart on the above DataFrame depicting the customer name on x-axis and their corresponding
bill amount on y-axis, with appropriate graph title, x-axis title, y-axis title and color.

Q-3 Write commands in SQL for (a) to (g). [7 Marks]

Eid EName Post Salary Dt_join

101 Anil Manager 65000 2018-03-02
102 Akshay Clerk 33000 2018-05-01
103 Ajay Manager 75000 2018-09-15
104 Varun Analyst 66000 2018-04-11
105 Siddharth Developer 60000 2018-10-12
106 Rajesh Clerk 35000 2018-06-12
a) Count and display employees post wise.
b) Display 3 characters from 2nd place from the column ename.
c) Display last 2 characters of post column.
d) Display ename in lower letters.
e) Display most senior employee.
f) Display first 4 characters of post which Enmae contains 5 letters only.
g) Display Ename and date of join in the descending order of salary.

Q-4 Practical File [5 Marks]

Q-5 Project File [5 Marks]
Q-6 Viva Voce [5 Marks]

(Internal Examiner Signature) (External Examiner No. & Signature)

TIME: 1:00 Hour MAX: MARKS: 30

Q-1 Program using Pandas- [5 Marks]

Write a program in Python Pandas to create the following DataFrame Batsman from a
B_No Name Score1 Score2
1 Virat Kohli 90 80
2 Rohit Sharma 80 75
3 M.S.Dhoni 70 97
4 Yuvraj Singh 65 60
Perform the following operations on the above DataFrame:
(a) Display the DataFrame.
(b) Add both the scores of a batsman and assign to column ‘Total’.
(c) Display the highest score in both Score1 and Score2 of the DataFrame.

Q-2 Program using Matplotlib- [3 Marks]

A list namely temp contains average temperatures for seven days of last week. Write a program to plot
a Bar chart, showing the temperature changed in last seven days.

Q-3 Write commands in SQL for (a) to (g). [7 Marks]

Table : Store

StoreId Name Location City NoOfEmp DateOpen SalesAmt

S101 Planet Fashion Bandra Mumbai 7 2015-10-16 40000
S102 Vogue Karol Bagh Delhi 8 2015-07-14 120000
S103 Trends Powai Mumbai 10 2015-06-24 30000
S104 Super Fashion Thane Mumbai 11 2015-02-06 45000
S105 Annabelle South Extn. Delhi 8 2015-04-09 60000
S106 Ragav Defence Colony Delhi 5 2015-03-01 20000
(a) To display names of stores along with Sales Amount of those stores that have ‘fashion’ anywhere in
their store names.
(b) To display names of the cities and the total amount of sales on the basis of city.
(c) To display the date of opening of the oldest date.
(d) To display names of stores along with location of those stores that situated in Delhi.
(e) To display city and the number of stores located in that city, only if number of stores is more than 2.
(f) To display storied, city and sales amount of those stores that have sales amount in the range 50000 to
(g) Display the six characters from Store Name starting from third character.

Q-4 Practical File [5 Marks]

Q-5 Project File [5 Marks]
Q-6 Viva Voce [5 Marks]

(Internal Examiner Signature) (External Examiner No. & Signature)

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