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Chapter 2


This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies local or foreign taken

from some books, journals, published thesis and dissertation, and from the internet.

Infectious diseases are the most suffered by people in developing countries. One

of the causes of infectious diseases is bacteria. Bacteria are microorganisms that

cannot be seen with ordinary eyes, but can only be seen with the aid of a microscope.

Bacteria that often cause infections in humans include Staphylococcus

aureus and Escherichia coli. Staphylococcus aureus infection can hemolysis the blood

and plasma, and can cause difficult treatment problems. Bacteria that cause respiratory

and gastrointestinal infections are Escherichia coli (Febriani, 2019).

Snake plant

Sansevieria trifasciata, or snake plant, is a native of tropical western Africa. It is an

evergreen perennial with no stems that, given the right care, can live for many years.

Although plant foliage on indoor plants is frequently smaller (to 2' tall), it can grow up to

4' tall in its natural habitat. Deep green with light gray-green stripes, the leaves are

upright, meaty, and fashioned like swords. A thick rhizome gives rise to a rosette of

stiffly rising leaves. On mature plants, tiny, fragrant, greenish-white flowers appear in

the spring, followed by orange berries. On indoor plants, flowers and fruit are not

frequently seen (Sansevieria Trifasciata - Plant Finder, n.d.)

A popular ornamental is Sansevieria trifasciata. a plant with anti-inflammatory

evidence in the Philippines, characteristics that are thrombolytic, antipyretic, analgesic,

and anti-diabetic. (Lontoc, 2018). The Sansevieria trifasciata is a common indoor

plant that is indigenous to Asia and Africa. It can be identified by its sword-shaped,

evergreen leaves that grow vertically and appear nearly artificial foliage (Healthline,

2018). The plant has therapeutic qualities and is crucial in the development of cutting-

edge medications used in medicine. The roots and leaves of S. trifasciata contains

many secondary metabolites such as saponins that efficacious as a cough remedy to

treat sprains, injuries hit, venomous snake bites, ulcers, cough, inflammation of the

respiratory tract and hair growth (Dewatisari, 2015)

Benefits of Sansevieria trifasciata

Snake plants not only provide some ambiance but also have a lot of health advantages,

such as: (Healthline, 2022)

Filter indoor air, even at night

Snake plants, like other domestic succulents, assist in air filtration. This specific

plant is special because it is one of the few living things that can change carbon dioxide

(CO2) into oxygen at night. Due to its ability to maintain a healthy airflow, this

characteristic makes it the perfect plant for bedroom décor.

Remove toxic pollutants

The removal of harmful air pollutants is another property of snake plants. Snake

plants can absorb cancer-causing chemicals in minute amounts, such as: CO2,

benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, trichloroethylene, and toluene.

Snake plants may provide a powerful barrier against allergies brought on by

airborne pollutants thanks to their capacity to absorb and eliminate these toxins.

Mental health booster

The premise that plants play a good function is well established, according to

research from 2018, even though the advantages of indoor plants on mental health still

deserve additional scientific study. Due, to its therapeutic properties, horticultural

therapy is even used in the treatment of mental illnesses. A low-cost, low-risk option to

enhance the settings in companies, schools, and healthcare institutions is by adding

indoor plants.

Low maintenance and easy to care for

There are several reasons why snake plants are popular indoor plants. One is

how simple it is to maintain.

According to botanist Halina Shamshur from NatureID, potted Sansevieria plants

are widespread across all continents. They are frequently planted on windowsills in

homes, apartments, and various public buildings since they are very low maintenance.

Shamshur claims that snake plants can withstand both shade and intense

sunlight, as well as being submerged underwater, drafts, and dry air. They also hardly

ever get infested and don't need to be repotted frequently.

Effective against allergies

Snake plants can aid in reducing the impact of airborne allergens like dust and

dander by releasing oxygen and adding moisture to the air. This is unquestionably

advantageous because low indoor air quality has been associated with a variety of

health problems, including allergies and asthma.

Relieves minor physical ailments

Shamshur mentions a number of additional advantages of snake plants that,

while not supported by science, are generally acknowledged among botanists.

For instance, snake plants are said to:

- heal skin wounds and burns

- reduce inflammation

- support standard blood pressure

- help strengthen the immune system

- help flush out parasites

- relieve headaches
Antimicrobial properties of Sansevieria trifasciata

According to the study's findings, Sansevieria trifasciata, displayed antibacterial

properties against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. This is caused

by the active ingredients found in the Sansevieria trifasciata plant. Saponins, phenols,

and flavonoids are the active components found in leaf extract that may prevent the

growth of bacteria. Furthermore, The profile of chemical compounds by thin layer

chromatography method showed that the compounds contained in the Sansevieria

trifasciata leaves were polifenol, steroids and alkaloids. The antibacterial activity show

that n-hexane extract does not provide inhibitory activity, but aethyl acetate extract of

Sansevieria trifasciata leaves inhibited the growth of E. coli and S. aureus (Febriani, 2019)

Plants contain a particular class of glycoside called saponin. Saponins resemble

foam in their properties (Yang, 2021). An aromatic ring is immediately joined to a -OH

group to form the molecule known as phenol. The greatest class of phenol compounds

found in nature are the flavonoid compounds. Phenol compounds are widely distributed

in nature and serve as industrial intermediates for a variety of goods, including

adhesives and antiseptics. The aforementioned substances have antibacterial, anti-

inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties. (Ezzat, 2021)

Types of Wounds

An injury to biological tissue, such as the skin, mucous membranes, or organ

tissues, is referred to as a wound. To prevent the spread of infection and additional

harm, it is crucial to ensure that wounds are cleaned and properly dressed after a
variety of types of trauma. The CDC has produced classification definitions that are

divided into four categories of wound statuses: (Herman, Bordoni, 2022)

Clean wounds are those classified as class 1. They are mostly closed,

uninfected, and have no irritation. If these wounds need to be drained, a closed draining

procedure is required. Additionally, the respiratory, alimentary, vaginal, or urinary tracts

are not affected by these wounds.

Wounds classified as class 2 are thought to be clean-contaminated. These

wounds are not abnormally contaminated. Class 2 wounds include the urinary, vaginal,

digestive, or respiratory systems. These wounds, nonetheless, entered these tracts

under regulated circumstances.

Wounds classified as class 3 are regarded as polluted. These are brand-new,

open wounds that can develop as a result of sterile method abuse or gastrointestinal

tract leakage. Additionally, class 3 wounds are those that result in acute inflammation or

don't have purulent inflammation.

Class 4 wounds are regarded as having a filthy infection. These wounds

generally come from traumatic injuries that weren't appropriately treated. Class 4

wounds exhibit devitalized tissue, and they typically arise from bacteria in the surgical

field or ruptured viscera.

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