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NAME: __________________ DATE: ______________


1. Define chromatography.

_________________________________________________________________________________ [1]
2. Chromatography can be used to identify amino acids from a sample protein. The diagram shows
a chromatogram obtained when three samples of amino acids were analyzed .The paper was
sprayed with ninhydrin.

a) Why is the origin line drawn in pencil?

_______________________________________________________________________________ [1]
b) Which amino acids could possibly be the same?
_______________________________________________________________________________ [1]
c) Which amino acid sample contains more than one amino acid?
Sample ________________________________________________________________________ [1]
Explanation ____________________________________________________________________ [1]
c) Suggest why it is necessary to spray this chromatogram with a locating agent?
_______________________________________________________________________________ [1]
d) Define Rf and calculate the Rf values of sample A,B,C and D.
_______________________________________________________________________________ [4]

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