004NamaNLtrs Batch8 19410601

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'New ·Y iars, Jul
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i VQL. _ V:II NO. IX

SUH.MER 1. 9 4 1
SPECLAL _EXBLBITIONS: The summer -months wifl -offer a-
1 varJety ~f tempo~ary exhibit~ons jn the centr.al loan gal~
letles. --

' BUTLER .ART INSTITUTE EX:-!JBITI(JN: - S.ince 1936' the New

Yea--r~s _Show,-at the Butler Art Institute of --Youngstown, Ohio,
I ha.s ~been an annual a;nd important -event. It attracts artists -
within ·a distance · of one hundred miles of tt~t city and has
increa.seci ~s,o in _general ~:icellence that this year · it is be- -
ing circulated- throughout th~ museums of the country. The
selecticrn .of- the g~ou:i;i,-fb'r 1941 wa,s _' made - by ~he c:irtists
1 Doris Lee, Gran~ \food ; and liohson Pittman, which shou],d ""
' promise an interesting cross section -of the painting of
, ea.s!ern_O~fo-. T"he C~V'.'3--Ses _ wil~
Loan Gallery for the ~inonth o"f June.
hung in the ·cen tr·a.. 1 ~e
- _
: - PHO?;~BXC :·SOGIETi OF ~AERICA: Fifth Ann~a1 -~e
J Traveling
Salon of the I?hotographic vSo-ciety ()f _America,- con-
.sists this ,year of 104 prints froll} .the-,-sinvit~t-ion e:xnfbi-
j tH_fa - sbo~ a.t, tl:i~ N'~w York World's- ;Fair o { .194o. _Tiiese
cover -a great variety of subject- matter and will be in-_
: stalied in· the cer;itral and south loq,n galleries for. j;he·
' . •
1 month of· July. , _ • -, _ / ---
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"' EXIHBI'TiON cOF 'LACES; It is seve~al yea;~ s-i.nce~ the .
f-ine laces in the permit1,ent collectio:q haye- b!:)en on e :m-ib-
i-t.ion arrd· c( sp-eciaJ/ :-showing is betng 'arranged for the north
loan ~llery ;- This wil) open in /-June anrl .con_tinue t~rough
the summer . ••• Varfou:s· types of' laces from Italy, England, ,
,France, -· a:qd Ilelgiu.~ wil1l be incl~ded. Perbaps ,t ·he rno·st
1beautifuL-singl_e pi,ece f§ the ~Flemish Flounce_of Point . -
1d 1 Angleterre a Br,:ides made : for.- th~ Austrian :Emperor Charles

VI and :his b~i:de; ·E-4.izab,eth; Ch~istina,' •i-n t~e early 18th

- .century: _ ·rt r iS ,over-·fi ve f~et lon'g and tlie ae~ign/ s-hows I ••
- t~~crown-:9.f the emperor and the o.~der _o-f--'t h~/Gqlden' Fleecie
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with the ,initials _o f Charles and his . empress repeated
in the border. It is outstanding as an g:xa.mple of bob-
"' bin or -p il}.ow lace. Several fine piece_s.- of lace -have
been _presented to the ~ollection recently, and they will
als_o .,be shown~

, " CONTEMPORARY· DRAWINGS: For the month of Au-gust, the

cou th, l~an gallery will be install~d with a group of 29th
century \ f'rawings_ and water colours fro m tne perna.nent col-
- 1ection ,:- a.ug mentea by loans. These will include works by
/ bot1:.1,-rEir;ropetm and_American artists .
~ . , - - • •\.,-

• - DECOP~'I'IVE ARTS-: The general interest in the decor-

at1 ve , ar:ts, furniture, t _extiles. silver , . china, never
wanes-~' The central loan galleryr- will
I' -
- - -
for .

the m011t1L of _August .with COIIIJ2dsite groups from this fas-

- ci:n,ating field. Many: of the objects have been presented
to \hf Gall e ry whfc!i wfll ~add to the interest which this '
special _exhioi tion will arouse.
.. - - '· J
✓ KNO_W YOTJR G,lui;I:,ERY: {}allery_ News issue will hav~ I·
"" •
-------- ----- -Each ,
one shor ~"p9-r:.agr;¥-ph dcv_oted .tQ some object in ,-the permfi.n-
ent~coLlect i on: whi~h is not only r~presentative of the r~
type., "' b,;t: j_ s especially ra:z:e. This month the :Back of a
Cbas 1 U,J.-e c,nf the 'West wall oi_ t h e _ne;y' Euro.pean Sculpture-
Galle r,;Lji~s o--b ~en- cpo'.sen_. For~rly ·_in the famous Figdor
ana Von Nemes co1Jections ,,_ it -i's an -a'lmost unique ex-
~.afD:Ple"'of·...a":is:lat e 9-0thic velv_e t brocade in which many col-
ours :a.re introduced . ,- Usi.i:all y in this ·e.arJ.y period, not
- more than (v;-~. tones are $~en, ;Abut her.e five c-o-lours' -
black, b-1.._ue, 'te,~ - gf:'e
'{ •
?,nd,- wni_te are used. The syrn-
metrical an_d precj ~e de-sign is esp.ecialJ,y_beaut\ f1J.l · and
charac ier:ks ti<?,::,_9~ '},t n.e _ye I"iod _: It:-consists o.f _a row, of-
addore ed de e r ,,}n ,a :pres_er.ve, /:tlhder· a formalised ·,t :ree, _
al,te:r-:g.a ting With ~ -row. ~C:f..:;,:fcmn.Hiins -burstt~g i:µto buds -'
and a l-a:r~~ pome &ra'i.1a.,,,t e~whi ch, \s
f'JJ t:hked DY, confronted
peac.ocks . .,.,. Exge,rts/ hav,e~,pronourrc.e.d it. op,e-, of the finest ·_
e a tiy- velvets - in t bi §!" country. " ' ~· .. -..r":,
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CERAHICS GALLERY: So many :tieaues ts have been received
asking that the opening group of the superb Burnap Collec-
tion of English Pottery remain on, v.iew during thE; summer,
that it has be en -decided no.t to start the historic survey
of the collection until the fall. The virile and striking
examples of Slipware, the delicate and fragile Salt Glaze,
the Astbury and Ralph WoodFigurines that rival porcelains
in their refinement, the classic Wedgwood, and the smart
and rr1odern appearing, Agate iiare 11¥3-;£ be seen until September
when the installation wil~ -b~ changed.

PRINT GALLERIES: A comprehcnsi ve survey \ of prints

from the permanent collection will be hung .in \!ie Print
Rooms for the su..rnrner. This will include exa:rap1.es by German·~
Italian, Erench, Dutch, and Spanish artists and such men
as Schongauer, Holbein, Durer, Cranach, Grun, Mantegna,
Pollaiuolo-, Mocetto, .Tiepolo, Duvet, Gournmnt, Nanteuil,
Rembrandt, Van Leyden, Van _Dyke, and Goya will be repre-
sented by characteristic sheets.

t ated OLD MASTER DBAWiiiGS: Gallery 14 .has been redecor, .- •

and for the su,~ner will be installed with a group of
Drawings from the p<>rma.nent ,c-ollection. These will in-
clude examples. by Bandi:nellf, Perugino, • Piazzetta, Tiepolo,,
_,,. St~en, Rowlands_on, Van Dyck, Dumonstiet_, Lorre.in, Geri- "·
/ caul t, and Ingres. • •

SDr.falER CLASSE.3 TOR CHILDmr: Enrollment for the sum-

mer classes tor ?children will be on Saturday, June 7th,
at 10 A. l~i. -. Any c]lild'.' over seven years of age is eligible
for tliese class·es which Will begin on- Thursday, Jun~ 12 _,
and continue each Tuesday;- Thursday, 1an'1 Saturday -morning
from ,10 un:tir 1:2, thr.ough July ·,26th-. .. The_-;Jqll()wing classes
will be offered: _

' Drawing l ..: age _i3 and over

" -~ II •- 11 lland ( 12
r - l~

11 III :... .II,~;- g and 10 \' ·- - i'A

II - IV 2 ,, If ,c 7 8;!ld "8-- .. -
7 to 9
12 and- over
10 and over
12 and- over·
12 and over-

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VV:illiam Rockhill Nelson Qallefy of Art .fi'
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