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This story pirouette around two main characters

Joe, our main character, as an aspiring artist. When Joe was six years old, his first painting
was hung at the drug store. Now, at age 20, he is headed to New York to study art. Delia is a
talented pianist. She’s from the South, and her family gathers up the money to send her to art
school in the North. Joe And Delia was very much in love with one another. The theme of
original characters role is that They also love their art and as such pretend to each other that
they are working for individuals who wish to utilise their art. Joe with his painting and Delia
with her piano playing. Joe and Delia are connected by their love for their art. They are
prepared to keep the other one happy by lying so as not to upset them.

In our storyline it has been narrated about two same characters but their roles in our story
are quite like chalk and cheese. Their adoration and suspicion were irreconcilable.

The male protagonist Joe Larrabee He is sketched as a very humble, loving and considerate
character. he was striving hard to maintain the flow of money. He was inherently a saver,
preferring to hunt bargains. He coveted to avoid wasting finances on their vocation. He was
struggling to safe finances for their future and offspring.

Then we are introduced to the female leading character, Delia, who was a skilful pianist
from a village in the south. Delia was Enthusiast she loves her passion with all one's
heart. She was very egocentric wanted to jump into her career ASAP and was avaricious
to whom her career was everything.

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