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Changes and Additions in the K-12 Education System

I. Introduction

a. The K-12 education system in the United States has undergone several

changes over the years.

b. From the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001 to the

introduction of new technologies in the classroom, several changes have

influenced students and teachers negatively.

c. Changes need to be made on the K-12 system to overcome the

challenges faced by the K-12 Learners and teachers in the United


II. Barriers Facing K-12 Learners

a. Under qualified and unprepared teachers

i. There are teachers who cannot teach basic literacy and math skills

and instead focus on teaching "rote learning" methods

ii. Students are forced to learn from teachers who are not up to par

and cannot provide them with the necessary skills to succeed in


b. Boredom among Teachers

i. The boredom experienced by teachers is a direct result of how our

educational system is structured.

ii. The current system promotes rote learning and reliance on

standardized tests instead of creativity and innovation.

c. Low pay and Staff Shortage

i. The average public school teacher salary has not kept pace with

inflation, falling 7 percent between 2000 and 2016.

ii. Cost of living has risen; the purchasing power of teachers’ pay has


iii. Inadequate staffing often leads to overcrowded classrooms,

creating a stressful learning environment.

d. Corruption in K-12 Leadership

i. The widespread misuse of public funds, for example, has

decreased the number of teachers, administrators, and support staff

in schools (Bryant, nd).

ii. Misuse of resources has caused schools to need more facilities and

equipment, which has led to decreased student achievement

(Bryant, nd).

e. Lack of Resources in the Classroom

i. Many classrooms are overcrowded, need more instructional

materials, and cannot provide one-on-one support for students.

ii. This lack of resources can create a barrier to learning, as students

need access to the materials and support they need to succeed.

III. Recommendations for Change

a. Increase teacher pay and benefits to attract more qualified and experienced

educators to the profession.

b. Require teacher candidates to complete rigorous teacher preparation

programs and pass standardized tests before becoming certified.

c. Encouraging teachers to create a more collaborative teaching environment

by allowing them to engage in more interdisciplinary approaches to


d. School districts should be required to provide competitive salaries and

benefits packages to attract and retain quality teachers.

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